import { performance } from 'perf_hooks'; import { t as takeCoverageInsideWorker, p as pLimit } from './chunk-integrations-coverage.99c020eb.mjs'; import { r as resetRunOnceCounter, i as index, v as vi } from './chunk-runtime-hooks.e4219ed5.mjs'; import { k as deepClone, l as getType, o as isNode, g as getWorkerState, R as RealDate, t as toArray, p as relativePath, q as isBrowser, h as isRunningInBenchmark, u as partitionSuiteChildren, v as shuffle, w as hasTests, x as hasFailed, y as createDefer, e as getFullName } from './chunk-mock-date.2917be60.mjs'; import { f as clearCollectorContext, h as defaultSuite, j as setHooks, k as getHooks, l as collectorContext, m as getFn, n as setState, G as GLOBAL_EXPECT, o as getState } from './chunk-runtime-chain.0ab05798.mjs'; import { r as rpc } from './chunk-runtime-rpc.00a890d2.mjs'; import util$1 from 'util'; import { util } from 'chai'; import { s as stringify } from './chunk-utils-source-map.2be5aa48.mjs'; import { e as environments } from './chunk-env-node.ceb43f1c.mjs'; import { a as safeClearTimeout, s as safeSetTimeout } from './chunk-utils-timers.b48455ed.mjs'; const OBJECT_PROTO = Object.getPrototypeOf({}); function getUnserializableMessage(err) { if (err instanceof Error) return `: ${err.message}`; if (typeof err === "string") return `: ${err}`; return ""; } function serializeError(val, seen = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap()) { if (!val || typeof val === "string") return val; if (typeof val === "function") return `Function<${}>`; if (typeof val !== "object") return val; if (val instanceof Promise || val.constructor && val.constructor.prototype === "AsyncFunction") return "Promise"; if (typeof Element !== "undefined" && val instanceof Element) return val.tagName; if (typeof val.asymmetricMatch === "function") return `${val.toString()} ${util$1.format(val.sample)}`; if (seen.has(val)) return seen.get(val); if (Array.isArray(val)) { const clone = new Array(val.length); seen.set(val, clone); val.forEach((e, i) => { try { clone[i] = serializeError(e, seen); } catch (err) { clone[i] = getUnserializableMessage(err); } }); return clone; } else { const clone = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); seen.set(val, clone); let obj = val; while (obj && obj !== OBJECT_PROTO) { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).forEach((key) => { if (key in clone) return; try { clone[key] = serializeError(obj[key], seen); } catch (err) { delete clone[key]; clone[key] = getUnserializableMessage(err); } }); obj = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj); } return clone; } } function normalizeErrorMessage(message) { return message.replace(/__vite_ssr_import_\d+__\./g, ""); } function processError(err) { if (!err || typeof err !== "object") return err; if (err.stack) err.stackStr = String(err.stack); if ( err.nameStr = String(; const clonedActual = deepClone(err.actual); const clonedExpected = deepClone(err.expected); const { replacedActual, replacedExpected } = replaceAsymmetricMatcher(clonedActual, clonedExpected); err.actual = replacedActual; err.expected = replacedExpected; if (typeof err.expected !== "string") err.expected = stringify(err.expected); if (typeof err.actual !== "string") err.actual = stringify(err.actual); try { if (typeof err.message === "string") err.message = normalizeErrorMessage(err.message); if (typeof err.cause === "object" && typeof err.cause.message === "string") err.cause.message = normalizeErrorMessage(err.cause.message); } catch { } try { return serializeError(err); } catch (e) { return serializeError(new Error(`Failed to fully serialize error: ${e == null ? void 0 : e.message} Inner error message: ${err == null ? void 0 : err.message}`)); } } function isAsymmetricMatcher(data) { const type = getType(data); return type === "Object" && typeof data.asymmetricMatch === "function"; } function isReplaceable(obj1, obj2) { const obj1Type = getType(obj1); const obj2Type = getType(obj2); return obj1Type === obj2Type && obj1Type === "Object"; } function replaceAsymmetricMatcher(actual, expected, actualReplaced = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), expectedReplaced = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap()) { if (!isReplaceable(actual, expected)) return { replacedActual: actual, replacedExpected: expected }; if (actualReplaced.has(actual) || expectedReplaced.has(expected)) return { replacedActual: actual, replacedExpected: expected }; actualReplaced.set(actual, true); expectedReplaced.set(expected, true); util.getOwnEnumerableProperties(expected).forEach((key) => { const expectedValue = expected[key]; const actualValue = actual[key]; if (isAsymmetricMatcher(expectedValue)) { if (expectedValue.asymmetricMatch(actualValue)) actual[key] = expectedValue; } else if (isAsymmetricMatcher(actualValue)) { if (actualValue.asymmetricMatch(expectedValue)) expected[key] = actualValue; } else if (isReplaceable(actualValue, expectedValue)) { const replaced = replaceAsymmetricMatcher( actualValue, expectedValue, actualReplaced, expectedReplaced ); actual[key] = replaced.replacedActual; expected[key] = replaced.replacedExpected; } }); return { replacedActual: actual, replacedExpected: expected }; } let globalSetup = false; async function setupGlobalEnv(config) { resetRunOnceCounter(); Object.defineProperty(globalThis, "__vitest_index__", { value: index, enumerable: false }); Error.stackTraceLimit = 100; setupDefines(config.defines); if (globalSetup) return; globalSetup = true; if (isNode) await setupConsoleLogSpy(); if (config.globals) (await import('./chunk-integrations-globals.d8c90af9.mjs')).registerApiGlobally(); } function setupDefines(defines) { for (const key in defines) globalThis[key] = defines[key]; } async function setupConsoleLogSpy() { const stdoutBuffer = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const stderrBuffer = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const timers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const unknownTestId = "__vitest__unknown_test__"; const { Writable } = await import('stream'); const { Console } = await import('console'); function schedule(taskId) { const timer = timers.get(taskId); const { stdoutTime, stderrTime } = timer; safeClearTimeout(timer.timer); timer.timer = safeSetTimeout(() => { if (stderrTime < stdoutTime) { sendStderr(taskId); sendStdout(taskId); } else { sendStdout(taskId); sendStderr(taskId); } }); } function sendStdout(taskId) { const buffer = stdoutBuffer.get(taskId); if (!buffer) return; const content = => String(i)).join(""); if (!content.trim()) return; const timer = timers.get(taskId); rpc().onUserConsoleLog({ type: "stdout", content, taskId, time: timer.stdoutTime ||, size: buffer.length }); stdoutBuffer.set(taskId, []); timer.stdoutTime = 0; } function sendStderr(taskId) { const buffer = stderrBuffer.get(taskId); if (!buffer) return; const content = => String(i)).join(""); if (!content.trim()) return; const timer = timers.get(taskId); rpc().onUserConsoleLog({ type: "stderr", content, taskId, time: timer.stderrTime ||, size: buffer.length }); stderrBuffer.set(taskId, []); timer.stderrTime = 0; } const stdout = new Writable({ write(data, encoding, callback) { var _a, _b; const id = ((_b = (_a = getWorkerState()) == null ? void 0 : _a.current) == null ? void 0 : ?? unknownTestId; let timer = timers.get(id); if (timer) { timer.stdoutTime = timer.stdoutTime ||; } else { timer = { stdoutTime:, stderrTime:, timer: 0 }; timers.set(id, timer); } let buffer = stdoutBuffer.get(id); if (!buffer) { buffer = []; stdoutBuffer.set(id, buffer); } buffer.push(data); schedule(id); callback(); } }); const stderr = new Writable({ write(data, encoding, callback) { var _a, _b; const id = ((_b = (_a = getWorkerState()) == null ? void 0 : _a.current) == null ? void 0 : ?? unknownTestId; let timer = timers.get(id); if (timer) { timer.stderrTime = timer.stderrTime ||; } else { timer = { stderrTime:, stdoutTime:, timer: 0 }; timers.set(id, timer); } let buffer = stderrBuffer.get(id); if (!buffer) { buffer = []; stderrBuffer.set(id, buffer); } buffer.push(data); schedule(id); callback(); } }); globalThis.console = new Console({ stdout, stderr, colorMode: true, groupIndentation: 2 }); } async function loadEnvironment(name) { const pkg = await import(`vitest-environment-${name}`); if (!pkg || !pkg.default || typeof pkg.default !== "object" || typeof pkg.default.setup !== "function") { throw new Error( `Environment "${name}" is not a valid environment. Package "vitest-environment-${name}" should have default export with "setup" method.` ); } return pkg.default; } async function withEnv(name, options, fn) { const config = environments[name] || await loadEnvironment(name); const env = await config.setup(globalThis, options); try { await fn(); } finally { await env.teardown(globalThis); } } async function runSetupFiles(config) { const files = toArray(config.setupFiles); await Promise.all( (fsPath) => { getWorkerState().moduleCache.delete(fsPath); await import(fsPath); }) ); } const now$1 =; function hash(str) { let hash2 = 0; if (str.length === 0) return `${hash2}`; for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { const char = str.charCodeAt(i); hash2 = (hash2 << 5) - hash2 + char; hash2 = hash2 & hash2; } return `${hash2}`; } async function collectTests(paths, config) { const files = []; const browserHashMap = getWorkerState().browserHashMap; async function importFromBrowser(filepath) { const match = filepath.match(/^(\w:\/)/); const hash2 = browserHashMap.get(filepath); if (match) return await import(`/@fs/${filepath.slice(match[1].length)}?v=${hash2}`); else return await import(`${filepath}?v=${hash2}`); } for (const filepath of paths) { const path = relativePath(config.root, filepath); const file = { id: hash(path), name: path, type: "suite", mode: "run", filepath, tasks: [] }; clearCollectorContext(); try { const setupStart = now$1(); await runSetupFiles(config); const collectStart = now$1(); file.setupDuration = collectStart - setupStart; if (config.browser && isBrowser) await importFromBrowser(filepath); else await import(filepath); const defaultTasks = await defaultSuite.collect(file); setHooks(file, getHooks(defaultTasks)); for (const c of [...defaultTasks.tasks, ...collectorContext.tasks]) { if (c.type === "test") { file.tasks.push(c); } else if (c.type === "benchmark") { file.tasks.push(c); } else if (c.type === "suite") { file.tasks.push(c); } else if (c.type === "collector") { const suite = await c.collect(file); if ( || suite.tasks.length) file.tasks.push(suite); } } file.collectDuration = now$1() - collectStart; } catch (e) { file.result = { state: "fail", error: processError(e) }; if (config.browser) console.error(e); } calculateHash(file); const hasOnlyTasks = someTasksAreOnly(file); interpretTaskModes(file, config.testNamePattern, hasOnlyTasks, false, config.allowOnly); files.push(file); } return files; } function interpretTaskModes(suite, namePattern, onlyMode, parentIsOnly, allowOnly) { const suiteIsOnly = parentIsOnly || suite.mode === "only"; suite.tasks.forEach((t) => { const includeTask = suiteIsOnly || t.mode === "only"; if (onlyMode) { if (t.type === "suite" && (includeTask || someTasksAreOnly(t))) { if (t.mode === "only") { checkAllowOnly(t, allowOnly); t.mode = "run"; } } else if (t.mode === "run" && !includeTask) { t.mode = "skip"; } else if (t.mode === "only") { checkAllowOnly(t, allowOnly); t.mode = "run"; } } if (t.type === "test") { if (namePattern && !getTaskFullName(t).match(namePattern)) t.mode = "skip"; } else if (t.type === "suite") { if (t.mode === "skip") skipAllTasks(t); else interpretTaskModes(t, namePattern, onlyMode, includeTask, allowOnly); } }); if (suite.mode === "run") { if (suite.tasks.length && suite.tasks.every((i) => i.mode !== "run")) suite.mode = "skip"; } } function getTaskFullName(task) { return `${task.suite ? `${getTaskFullName(task.suite)} ` : ""}${}`; } function someTasksAreOnly(suite) { return suite.tasks.some((t) => t.mode === "only" || t.type === "suite" && someTasksAreOnly(t)); } function skipAllTasks(suite) { suite.tasks.forEach((t) => { if (t.mode === "run") { t.mode = "skip"; if (t.type === "suite") skipAllTasks(t); } }); } function checkAllowOnly(task, allowOnly) { if (allowOnly) return; task.result = { state: "fail", error: processError(new Error("[Vitest] Unexpected .only modifier. Remove it or pass --allowOnly argument to bypass this error")) }; } function calculateHash(parent) { parent.tasks.forEach((t, idx) => { = `${}_${idx}`; if (t.type === "suite") calculateHash(t); }); } async function importTinybench() { if (!globalThis.EventTarget) await import('./vendor-index.0557b03a.mjs').then(function (n) { return n.i; }); return await import('tinybench'); } const now =; function updateSuiteHookState(suite, name, state) { var _a; if (!suite.result) suite.result = { state: "run" }; if (!((_a = suite.result) == null ? void 0 : _a.hooks)) suite.result.hooks = {}; const suiteHooks = suite.result.hooks; if (suiteHooks) { suiteHooks[name] = state; updateTask(suite); } } async function callSuiteHook(suite, currentTask, name, args) { const callbacks = []; if (name === "beforeEach" && suite.suite) { callbacks.push( ...await callSuiteHook(suite.suite, currentTask, name, args) ); } updateSuiteHookState(currentTask, name, "run"); callbacks.push( ...await Promise.all(getHooks(suite)[name].map((fn) => fn(...args))) ); updateSuiteHookState(currentTask, name, "pass"); if (name === "afterEach" && suite.suite) { callbacks.push( ...await callSuiteHook(suite.suite, currentTask, name, args) ); } return callbacks; } const packs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let updateTimer; let previousUpdate; function updateTask(task) { packs.set(, task.result); safeClearTimeout(updateTimer); updateTimer = safeSetTimeout(() => { previousUpdate = sendTasksUpdate(); }, 10); } async function sendTasksUpdate() { safeClearTimeout(updateTimer); await previousUpdate; if (packs.size) { const p = rpc().onTaskUpdate(Array.from(packs)); packs.clear(); return p; } } async function runTest(test) { var _a, _b; if (test.mode !== "run") { const { getSnapshotClient } = await import('./chunk-runtime-chain.0ab05798.mjs').then(function (n) { return n.q; }); getSnapshotClient().skipTestSnapshots(test); return; } if (((_a = test.result) == null ? void 0 : _a.state) === "fail") { updateTask(test); return; } const start = now(); test.result = { state: "run", startTime: start }; updateTask(test); clearModuleMocks(); if (isNode) { const { getSnapshotClient } = await import('./chunk-runtime-chain.0ab05798.mjs').then(function (n) { return n.q; }); await getSnapshotClient().setTest(test); } const workerState = getWorkerState(); workerState.current = test; const retry = test.retry || 1; for (let retryCount = 0; retryCount < retry; retryCount++) { let beforeEachCleanups = []; try { beforeEachCleanups = await callSuiteHook(test.suite, test, "beforeEach", [test.context, test.suite]); setState({ assertionCalls: 0, isExpectingAssertions: false, isExpectingAssertionsError: null, expectedAssertionsNumber: null, expectedAssertionsNumberErrorGen: null, testPath: (_b = test.suite.file) == null ? void 0 : _b.filepath, currentTestName: getFullName(test) }, globalThis[GLOBAL_EXPECT]); test.result.retryCount = retryCount; await getFn(test)(); const { assertionCalls, expectedAssertionsNumber, expectedAssertionsNumberErrorGen, isExpectingAssertions, isExpectingAssertionsError } = test.context._local ? test.context.expect.getState() : getState(globalThis[GLOBAL_EXPECT]); if (expectedAssertionsNumber !== null && assertionCalls !== expectedAssertionsNumber) throw expectedAssertionsNumberErrorGen(); if (isExpectingAssertions === true && assertionCalls === 0) throw isExpectingAssertionsError; test.result.state = "pass"; } catch (e) { test.result.state = "fail"; test.result.error = processError(e); } try { await callSuiteHook(test.suite, test, "afterEach", [test.context, test.suite]); await Promise.all( => i == null ? void 0 : i())); } catch (e) { test.result.state = "fail"; test.result.error = processError(e); } if (test.result.state === "pass") break; updateTask(test); } if (test.fails) { if (test.result.state === "pass") { test.result.state = "fail"; test.result.error = processError(new Error("Expect test to fail")); } else { test.result.state = "pass"; test.result.error = void 0; } } if (isBrowser && test.result.error) console.error(test.result.error.message, test.result.error.stackStr); if (isNode) { const { getSnapshotClient } = await import('./chunk-runtime-chain.0ab05798.mjs').then(function (n) { return n.q; }); getSnapshotClient().clearTest(); } test.result.duration = now() - start; if (workerState.config.logHeapUsage && isNode) test.result.heap = process.memoryUsage().heapUsed; workerState.current = void 0; updateTask(test); } function markTasksAsSkipped(suite) { suite.tasks.forEach((t) => { t.mode = "skip"; t.result = { ...t.result, state: "skip" }; updateTask(t); if (t.type === "suite") markTasksAsSkipped(t); }); } async function runSuite(suite) { var _a; if (((_a = suite.result) == null ? void 0 : _a.state) === "fail") { markTasksAsSkipped(suite); updateTask(suite); return; } const start = now(); suite.result = { state: "run", startTime: start }; updateTask(suite); const workerState = getWorkerState(); if (suite.mode === "skip") { suite.result.state = "skip"; } else if (suite.mode === "todo") { suite.result.state = "todo"; } else { try { const beforeAllCleanups = await callSuiteHook(suite, suite, "beforeAll", [suite]); if (isRunningInBenchmark()) { await runBenchmarkSuite(suite); } else { for (let tasksGroup of partitionSuiteChildren(suite)) { if (tasksGroup[0].concurrent === true) { const mutex = pLimit(workerState.config.maxConcurrency); await Promise.all( => mutex(() => runSuiteChild(c)))); } else { const { sequence } = workerState.config; if (sequence.shuffle || suite.shuffle) { const suites = tasksGroup.filter((group) => group.type === "suite"); const tests = tasksGroup.filter((group) => group.type === "test"); const groups = shuffle([suites, tests], sequence.seed); tasksGroup = groups.flatMap((group) => shuffle(group, sequence.seed)); } for (const c of tasksGroup) await runSuiteChild(c); } } } await callSuiteHook(suite, suite, "afterAll", [suite]); await Promise.all( => i == null ? void 0 : i())); } catch (e) { suite.result.state = "fail"; suite.result.error = processError(e); } } suite.result.duration = now() - start; if (workerState.config.logHeapUsage && isNode) suite.result.heap = process.memoryUsage().heapUsed; if (suite.mode === "run") { if (!hasTests(suite)) { suite.result.state = "fail"; if (!suite.result.error) suite.result.error = new Error(`No test found in suite ${}`); } else if (hasFailed(suite)) { suite.result.state = "fail"; } else { suite.result.state = "pass"; } } updateTask(suite); } function createBenchmarkResult(name) { return { name, rank: 0, rme: 0, samples: [] }; } async function runBenchmarkSuite(suite) { const { Task, Bench } = await importTinybench(); const start =; const benchmarkGroup = []; const benchmarkSuiteGroup = []; for (const task of suite.tasks) { if (task.mode !== "run") continue; if (task.type === "benchmark") benchmarkGroup.push(task); else if (task.type === "suite") benchmarkSuiteGroup.push(task); } if (benchmarkSuiteGroup.length) await Promise.all( => runBenchmarkSuite(subSuite))); if (benchmarkGroup.length) { const defer = createDefer(); const benchmarkMap = {}; suite.result = { state: "run", startTime: start, benchmark: createBenchmarkResult( }; updateTask(suite); benchmarkGroup.forEach((benchmark, idx) => { const benchmarkInstance = new Bench(benchmark.options); const benchmarkFn = getFn(benchmark); benchmark.result = { state: "run", startTime: start, benchmark: createBenchmarkResult( }; const id = idx.toString(); benchmarkMap[id] = benchmark; const task = new Task(benchmarkInstance, id, benchmarkFn); benchmark.task = task; updateTask(benchmark); }); benchmarkGroup.forEach((benchmark) => { benchmark.task.addEventListener("complete", (e) => { const task = e.task; const _benchmark = benchmarkMap[ || ""]; if (_benchmark) { const taskRes = task.result; const result = _benchmark.result.benchmark; Object.assign(result, taskRes); updateTask(_benchmark); } }); benchmark.task.addEventListener("error", (e) => { defer.reject(e); }); }); Promise.all( (benchmark) => { await benchmark.task.warmup(); return await new Promise((resolve) => safeSetTimeout(async () => { resolve(await; })); })).then((tasks) => { suite.result.duration = - start; suite.result.state = "pass"; tasks.sort((a, b) => a.result.mean - b.result.mean).forEach((cycle, idx) => { const benchmark = benchmarkMap[ || ""]; benchmark.result.state = "pass"; if (benchmark) { const result = benchmark.result.benchmark; result.rank = Number(idx) + 1; updateTask(benchmark); } }); updateTask(suite); defer.resolve(null); }); await defer; } } async function runSuiteChild(c) { if (c.type === "test") return runTest(c); else if (c.type === "suite") return runSuite(c); } async function runSuites(suites) { for (const suite of suites) await runSuite(suite); } async function runFiles(files, config) { var _a; for (const file of files) { if (!file.tasks.length && !config.passWithNoTests) { if (!((_a = file.result) == null ? void 0 : _a.error)) { file.result = { state: "fail", error: new Error(`No test suite found in file ${file.filepath}`) }; } } await runSuite(file); } } async function startTestsBrowser(paths, config) { if (isNode) { rpc().onPathsCollected(paths); } else { const files = await collectTests(paths, config); await rpc().onCollected(files); await runSuites(files); await sendTasksUpdate(); } } async function startTestsNode(paths, config) { const files = await collectTests(paths, config); rpc().onCollected(files); const { getSnapshotClient } = await import('./chunk-runtime-chain.0ab05798.mjs').then(function (n) { return n.q; }); getSnapshotClient().clear(); await runFiles(files, config); const coverage = await takeCoverageInsideWorker(config.coverage); rpc().onAfterSuiteRun({ coverage }); await getSnapshotClient().saveCurrent(); await sendTasksUpdate(); } async function startTests(paths, config) { if (config.browser) return startTestsBrowser(paths, config); else return startTestsNode(paths, config); } function clearModuleMocks() { const { clearMocks, mockReset, restoreMocks } = getWorkerState().config; if (restoreMocks) vi.restoreAllMocks(); else if (mockReset) vi.resetAllMocks(); else if (clearMocks) vi.clearAllMocks(); } export { setupGlobalEnv as a, startTests as s, withEnv as w };