import childProcess from 'child_process'; import path$3 from 'path'; import { c as commonjsGlobal } from './vendor-_commonjsHelpers.4da45ef5.mjs'; import fs$1 from 'fs'; import require$$0$1 from 'buffer'; import require$$0 from 'stream'; import util from 'util'; var crossSpawn = {exports: {}}; var windows; var hasRequiredWindows; function requireWindows () { if (hasRequiredWindows) return windows; hasRequiredWindows = 1; windows = isexe; isexe.sync = sync; var fs = fs$1; function checkPathExt (path, options) { var pathext = options.pathExt !== undefined ? options.pathExt : process.env.PATHEXT; if (!pathext) { return true } pathext = pathext.split(';'); if (pathext.indexOf('') !== -1) { return true } for (var i = 0; i < pathext.length; i++) { var p = pathext[i].toLowerCase(); if (p && path.substr(-p.length).toLowerCase() === p) { return true } } return false } function checkStat (stat, path, options) { if (!stat.isSymbolicLink() && !stat.isFile()) { return false } return checkPathExt(path, options) } function isexe (path, options, cb) { fs.stat(path, function (er, stat) { cb(er, er ? false : checkStat(stat, path, options)); }); } function sync (path, options) { return checkStat(fs.statSync(path), path, options) } return windows; } var mode; var hasRequiredMode; function requireMode () { if (hasRequiredMode) return mode; hasRequiredMode = 1; mode = isexe; isexe.sync = sync; var fs = fs$1; function isexe (path, options, cb) { fs.stat(path, function (er, stat) { cb(er, er ? false : checkStat(stat, options)); }); } function sync (path, options) { return checkStat(fs.statSync(path), options) } function checkStat (stat, options) { return stat.isFile() && checkMode(stat, options) } function checkMode (stat, options) { var mod = stat.mode; var uid = stat.uid; var gid = stat.gid; var myUid = options.uid !== undefined ? options.uid : process.getuid && process.getuid(); var myGid = options.gid !== undefined ? options.gid : process.getgid && process.getgid(); var u = parseInt('100', 8); var g = parseInt('010', 8); var o = parseInt('001', 8); var ug = u | g; var ret = (mod & o) || (mod & g) && gid === myGid || (mod & u) && uid === myUid || (mod & ug) && myUid === 0; return ret } return mode; } var core; if (process.platform === 'win32' || commonjsGlobal.TESTING_WINDOWS) { core = requireWindows(); } else { core = requireMode(); } var isexe_1 = isexe$1; isexe$1.sync = sync; function isexe$1 (path, options, cb) { if (typeof options === 'function') { cb = options; options = {}; } if (!cb) { if (typeof Promise !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('callback not provided') } return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { isexe$1(path, options || {}, function (er, is) { if (er) { reject(er); } else { resolve(is); } }); }) } core(path, options || {}, function (er, is) { // ignore EACCES because that just means we aren't allowed to run it if (er) { if (er.code === 'EACCES' || options && options.ignoreErrors) { er = null; is = false; } } cb(er, is); }); } function sync (path, options) { // my kingdom for a filtered catch try { return core.sync(path, options || {}) } catch (er) { if (options && options.ignoreErrors || er.code === 'EACCES') { return false } else { throw er } } } const isWindows = process.platform === 'win32' || process.env.OSTYPE === 'cygwin' || process.env.OSTYPE === 'msys'; const path$2 = path$3; const COLON = isWindows ? ';' : ':'; const isexe = isexe_1; const getNotFoundError = (cmd) => Object.assign(new Error(`not found: ${cmd}`), { code: 'ENOENT' }); const getPathInfo = (cmd, opt) => { const colon = opt.colon || COLON; // If it has a slash, then we don't bother searching the pathenv. // just check the file itself, and that's it. const pathEnv = cmd.match(/\//) || isWindows && cmd.match(/\\/) ? [''] : ( [ // windows always checks the cwd first ...(isWindows ? [process.cwd()] : []), ...(opt.path || process.env.PATH || /* istanbul ignore next: very unusual */ '').split(colon), ] ); const pathExtExe = isWindows ? opt.pathExt || process.env.PATHEXT || '.EXE;.CMD;.BAT;.COM' : ''; const pathExt = isWindows ? pathExtExe.split(colon) : ['']; if (isWindows) { if (cmd.indexOf('.') !== -1 && pathExt[0] !== '') pathExt.unshift(''); } return { pathEnv, pathExt, pathExtExe, } }; const which$1 = (cmd, opt, cb) => { if (typeof opt === 'function') { cb = opt; opt = {}; } if (!opt) opt = {}; const { pathEnv, pathExt, pathExtExe } = getPathInfo(cmd, opt); const found = []; const step = i => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (i === pathEnv.length) return opt.all && found.length ? resolve(found) : reject(getNotFoundError(cmd)) const ppRaw = pathEnv[i]; const pathPart = /^".*"$/.test(ppRaw) ? ppRaw.slice(1, -1) : ppRaw; const pCmd = path$2.join(pathPart, cmd); const p = !pathPart && /^\.[\\\/]/.test(cmd) ? cmd.slice(0, 2) + pCmd : pCmd; resolve(subStep(p, i, 0)); }); const subStep = (p, i, ii) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (ii === pathExt.length) return resolve(step(i + 1)) const ext = pathExt[ii]; isexe(p + ext, { pathExt: pathExtExe }, (er, is) => { if (!er && is) { if (opt.all) found.push(p + ext); else return resolve(p + ext) } return resolve(subStep(p, i, ii + 1)) }); }); return cb ? step(0).then(res => cb(null, res), cb) : step(0) }; const whichSync = (cmd, opt) => { opt = opt || {}; const { pathEnv, pathExt, pathExtExe } = getPathInfo(cmd, opt); const found = []; for (let i = 0; i < pathEnv.length; i ++) { const ppRaw = pathEnv[i]; const pathPart = /^".*"$/.test(ppRaw) ? ppRaw.slice(1, -1) : ppRaw; const pCmd = path$2.join(pathPart, cmd); const p = !pathPart && /^\.[\\\/]/.test(cmd) ? cmd.slice(0, 2) + pCmd : pCmd; for (let j = 0; j < pathExt.length; j ++) { const cur = p + pathExt[j]; try { const is = isexe.sync(cur, { pathExt: pathExtExe }); if (is) { if (opt.all) found.push(cur); else return cur } } catch (ex) {} } } if (opt.all && found.length) return found if (opt.nothrow) return null throw getNotFoundError(cmd) }; var which_1 = which$1; which$1.sync = whichSync; var pathKey$1 = {exports: {}}; const pathKey = (options = {}) => { const environment = options.env || process.env; const platform = options.platform || process.platform; if (platform !== 'win32') { return 'PATH'; } return Object.keys(environment).reverse().find(key => key.toUpperCase() === 'PATH') || 'Path'; }; pathKey$1.exports = pathKey; // TODO: Remove this for the next major release pathKey$1.exports.default = pathKey; const path$1 = path$3; const which = which_1; const getPathKey = pathKey$1.exports; function resolveCommandAttempt(parsed, withoutPathExt) { const env = parsed.options.env || process.env; const cwd = process.cwd(); const hasCustomCwd = parsed.options.cwd != null; // Worker threads do not have process.chdir() const shouldSwitchCwd = hasCustomCwd && process.chdir !== undefined && !process.chdir.disabled; // If a custom `cwd` was specified, we need to change the process cwd // because `which` will do stat calls but does not support a custom cwd if (shouldSwitchCwd) { try { process.chdir(parsed.options.cwd); } catch (err) { /* Empty */ } } let resolved; try { resolved = which.sync(parsed.command, { path: env[getPathKey({ env })], pathExt: withoutPathExt ? path$1.delimiter : undefined, }); } catch (e) { /* Empty */ } finally { if (shouldSwitchCwd) { process.chdir(cwd); } } // If we successfully resolved, ensure that an absolute path is returned // Note that when a custom `cwd` was used, we need to resolve to an absolute path based on it if (resolved) { resolved = path$1.resolve(hasCustomCwd ? parsed.options.cwd : '', resolved); } return resolved; } function resolveCommand$1(parsed) { return resolveCommandAttempt(parsed) || resolveCommandAttempt(parsed, true); } var resolveCommand_1 = resolveCommand$1; var _escape = {}; // See const metaCharsRegExp = /([()\][%!^"`<>&|;, *?])/g; function escapeCommand(arg) { // Escape meta chars arg = arg.replace(metaCharsRegExp, '^$1'); return arg; } function escapeArgument(arg, doubleEscapeMetaChars) { // Convert to string arg = `${arg}`; // Algorithm below is based on // Sequence of backslashes followed by a double quote: // double up all the backslashes and escape the double quote arg = arg.replace(/(\\*)"/g, '$1$1\\"'); // Sequence of backslashes followed by the end of the string // (which will become a double quote later): // double up all the backslashes arg = arg.replace(/(\\*)$/, '$1$1'); // All other backslashes occur literally // Quote the whole thing: arg = `"${arg}"`; // Escape meta chars arg = arg.replace(metaCharsRegExp, '^$1'); // Double escape meta chars if necessary if (doubleEscapeMetaChars) { arg = arg.replace(metaCharsRegExp, '^$1'); } return arg; } _escape.command = escapeCommand; _escape.argument = escapeArgument; var shebangRegex$1 = /^#!(.*)/; const shebangRegex = shebangRegex$1; var shebangCommand$1 = (string = '') => { const match = string.match(shebangRegex); if (!match) { return null; } const [path, argument] = match[0].replace(/#! ?/, '').split(' '); const binary = path.split('/').pop(); if (binary === 'env') { return argument; } return argument ? `${binary} ${argument}` : binary; }; const fs = fs$1; const shebangCommand = shebangCommand$1; function readShebang$1(command) { // Read the first 150 bytes from the file const size = 150; const buffer = Buffer.alloc(size); let fd; try { fd = fs.openSync(command, 'r'); fs.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, size, 0); fs.closeSync(fd); } catch (e) { /* Empty */ } // Attempt to extract shebang (null is returned if not a shebang) return shebangCommand(buffer.toString()); } var readShebang_1 = readShebang$1; const path = path$3; const resolveCommand = resolveCommand_1; const escape = _escape; const readShebang = readShebang_1; const isWin$1 = process.platform === 'win32'; const isExecutableRegExp = /\.(?:com|exe)$/i; const isCmdShimRegExp = /node_modules[\\/].bin[\\/][^\\/]+\.cmd$/i; function detectShebang(parsed) { parsed.file = resolveCommand(parsed); const shebang = parsed.file && readShebang(parsed.file); if (shebang) { parsed.args.unshift(parsed.file); parsed.command = shebang; return resolveCommand(parsed); } return parsed.file; } function parseNonShell(parsed) { if (!isWin$1) { return parsed; } // Detect & add support for shebangs const commandFile = detectShebang(parsed); // We don't need a shell if the command filename is an executable const needsShell = !isExecutableRegExp.test(commandFile); // If a shell is required, use cmd.exe and take care of escaping everything correctly // Note that `forceShell` is an hidden option used only in tests if (parsed.options.forceShell || needsShell) { // Need to double escape meta chars if the command is a cmd-shim located in `node_modules/.bin/` // The cmd-shim simply calls execute the package bin file with NodeJS, proxying any argument // Because the escape of metachars with ^ gets interpreted when the cmd.exe is first called, // we need to double escape them const needsDoubleEscapeMetaChars = isCmdShimRegExp.test(commandFile); // Normalize posix paths into OS compatible paths (e.g.: foo/bar -> foo\bar) // This is necessary otherwise it will always fail with ENOENT in those cases parsed.command = path.normalize(parsed.command); // Escape command & arguments parsed.command = escape.command(parsed.command); parsed.args = => escape.argument(arg, needsDoubleEscapeMetaChars)); const shellCommand = [parsed.command].concat(parsed.args).join(' '); parsed.args = ['/d', '/s', '/c', `"${shellCommand}"`]; parsed.command = process.env.comspec || 'cmd.exe'; parsed.options.windowsVerbatimArguments = true; // Tell node's spawn that the arguments are already escaped } return parsed; } function parse$1(command, args, options) { // Normalize arguments, similar to nodejs if (args && !Array.isArray(args)) { options = args; args = null; } args = args ? args.slice(0) : []; // Clone array to avoid changing the original options = Object.assign({}, options); // Clone object to avoid changing the original // Build our parsed object const parsed = { command, args, options, file: undefined, original: { command, args, }, }; // Delegate further parsing to shell or non-shell return ? parsed : parseNonShell(parsed); } var parse_1 = parse$1; const isWin = process.platform === 'win32'; function notFoundError(original, syscall) { return Object.assign(new Error(`${syscall} ${original.command} ENOENT`), { code: 'ENOENT', errno: 'ENOENT', syscall: `${syscall} ${original.command}`, path: original.command, spawnargs: original.args, }); } function hookChildProcess(cp, parsed) { if (!isWin) { return; } const originalEmit = cp.emit; cp.emit = function (name, arg1) { // If emitting "exit" event and exit code is 1, we need to check if // the command exists and emit an "error" instead // See if (name === 'exit') { const err = verifyENOENT(arg1, parsed); if (err) { return, 'error', err); } } return originalEmit.apply(cp, arguments); // eslint-disable-line prefer-rest-params }; } function verifyENOENT(status, parsed) { if (isWin && status === 1 && !parsed.file) { return notFoundError(parsed.original, 'spawn'); } return null; } function verifyENOENTSync(status, parsed) { if (isWin && status === 1 && !parsed.file) { return notFoundError(parsed.original, 'spawnSync'); } return null; } var enoent$1 = { hookChildProcess, verifyENOENT, verifyENOENTSync, notFoundError, }; const cp = childProcess; const parse = parse_1; const enoent = enoent$1; function spawn(command, args, options) { // Parse the arguments const parsed = parse(command, args, options); // Spawn the child process const spawned = cp.spawn(parsed.command, parsed.args, parsed.options); // Hook into child process "exit" event to emit an error if the command // does not exists, see: enoent.hookChildProcess(spawned, parsed); return spawned; } function spawnSync(command, args, options) { // Parse the arguments const parsed = parse(command, args, options); // Spawn the child process const result = cp.spawnSync(parsed.command, parsed.args, parsed.options); // Analyze if the command does not exist, see: result.error = result.error || enoent.verifyENOENTSync(result.status, parsed); return result; } crossSpawn.exports = spawn; crossSpawn.exports.spawn = spawn; crossSpawn.exports.sync = spawnSync; crossSpawn.exports._parse = parse; crossSpawn.exports._enoent = enoent; var getStream$1 = {exports: {}}; const {PassThrough: PassThroughStream} = require$$0; var bufferStream$1 = options => { options = {...options}; const {array} = options; let {encoding} = options; const isBuffer = encoding === 'buffer'; let objectMode = false; if (array) { objectMode = !(encoding || isBuffer); } else { encoding = encoding || 'utf8'; } if (isBuffer) { encoding = null; } const stream = new PassThroughStream({objectMode}); if (encoding) { stream.setEncoding(encoding); } let length = 0; const chunks = []; stream.on('data', chunk => { chunks.push(chunk); if (objectMode) { length = chunks.length; } else { length += chunk.length; } }); stream.getBufferedValue = () => { if (array) { return chunks; } return isBuffer ? Buffer.concat(chunks, length) : chunks.join(''); }; stream.getBufferedLength = () => length; return stream; }; const {constants: BufferConstants} = require$$0$1; const stream = require$$0; const {promisify} = util; const bufferStream = bufferStream$1; const streamPipelinePromisified = promisify(stream.pipeline); class MaxBufferError extends Error { constructor() { super('maxBuffer exceeded'); = 'MaxBufferError'; } } async function getStream(inputStream, options) { if (!inputStream) { throw new Error('Expected a stream'); } options = { maxBuffer: Infinity, ...options }; const {maxBuffer} = options; const stream = bufferStream(options); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const rejectPromise = error => { // Don't retrieve an oversized buffer. if (error && stream.getBufferedLength() <= BufferConstants.MAX_LENGTH) { error.bufferedData = stream.getBufferedValue(); } reject(error); }; (async () => { try { await streamPipelinePromisified(inputStream, stream); resolve(); } catch (error) { rejectPromise(error); } })(); stream.on('data', () => { if (stream.getBufferedLength() > maxBuffer) { rejectPromise(new MaxBufferError()); } }); }); return stream.getBufferedValue(); } getStream$1.exports = getStream; getStream$1.exports.buffer = (stream, options) => getStream(stream, {...options, encoding: 'buffer'}); getStream$1.exports.array = (stream, options) => getStream(stream, {...options, array: true}); getStream$1.exports.MaxBufferError = MaxBufferError; const { PassThrough } = require$$0; var mergeStream = function (/*streams...*/) { var sources = []; var output = new PassThrough({objectMode: true}); output.setMaxListeners(0); output.add = add; output.isEmpty = isEmpty; output.on('unpipe', remove);; return output function add (source) { if (Array.isArray(source)) { source.forEach(add); return this } sources.push(source); source.once('end', remove.bind(null, source)); source.once('error', output.emit.bind(output, 'error')); source.pipe(output, {end: false}); return this } function isEmpty () { return sources.length == 0; } function remove (source) { sources = sources.filter(function (it) { return it !== source }); if (!sources.length && output.readable) { output.end(); } } }; export { crossSpawn as c, getStream$1 as g, mergeStream as m, pathKey$1 as p };