this.workbox = this.workbox || {}; this.workbox.backgroundSync = (function (exports, WorkboxError_js, logger_js, assert_js, getFriendlyURL_js) { 'use strict'; function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign || function (target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i]; for (var key in source) { if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); } const instanceOfAny = (object, constructors) => constructors.some(c => object instanceof c); let idbProxyableTypes; let cursorAdvanceMethods; // This is a function to prevent it throwing up in node environments. function getIdbProxyableTypes() { return idbProxyableTypes || (idbProxyableTypes = [IDBDatabase, IDBObjectStore, IDBIndex, IDBCursor, IDBTransaction]); } // This is a function to prevent it throwing up in node environments. function getCursorAdvanceMethods() { return cursorAdvanceMethods || (cursorAdvanceMethods = [IDBCursor.prototype.advance, IDBCursor.prototype.continue, IDBCursor.prototype.continuePrimaryKey]); } const cursorRequestMap = new WeakMap(); const transactionDoneMap = new WeakMap(); const transactionStoreNamesMap = new WeakMap(); const transformCache = new WeakMap(); const reverseTransformCache = new WeakMap(); function promisifyRequest(request) { const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const unlisten = () => { request.removeEventListener('success', success); request.removeEventListener('error', error); }; const success = () => { resolve(wrap(request.result)); unlisten(); }; const error = () => { reject(request.error); unlisten(); }; request.addEventListener('success', success); request.addEventListener('error', error); }); promise.then(value => { // Since cursoring reuses the IDBRequest (*sigh*), we cache it for later retrieval // (see wrapFunction). if (value instanceof IDBCursor) { cursorRequestMap.set(value, request); } // Catching to avoid "Uncaught Promise exceptions" }).catch(() => {}); // This mapping exists in reverseTransformCache but doesn't doesn't exist in transformCache. This // is because we create many promises from a single IDBRequest. reverseTransformCache.set(promise, request); return promise; } function cacheDonePromiseForTransaction(tx) { // Early bail if we've already created a done promise for this transaction. if (transactionDoneMap.has(tx)) return; const done = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const unlisten = () => { tx.removeEventListener('complete', complete); tx.removeEventListener('error', error); tx.removeEventListener('abort', error); }; const complete = () => { resolve(); unlisten(); }; const error = () => { reject(tx.error || new DOMException('AbortError', 'AbortError')); unlisten(); }; tx.addEventListener('complete', complete); tx.addEventListener('error', error); tx.addEventListener('abort', error); }); // Cache it for later retrieval. transactionDoneMap.set(tx, done); } let idbProxyTraps = { get(target, prop, receiver) { if (target instanceof IDBTransaction) { // Special handling for transaction.done. if (prop === 'done') return transactionDoneMap.get(target); // Polyfill for objectStoreNames because of Edge. if (prop === 'objectStoreNames') { return target.objectStoreNames || transactionStoreNamesMap.get(target); } // Make return the only store in the transaction, or undefined if there are many. if (prop === 'store') { return receiver.objectStoreNames[1] ? undefined : receiver.objectStore(receiver.objectStoreNames[0]); } } // Else transform whatever we get back. return wrap(target[prop]); }, set(target, prop, value) { target[prop] = value; return true; }, has(target, prop) { if (target instanceof IDBTransaction && (prop === 'done' || prop === 'store')) { return true; } return prop in target; } }; function replaceTraps(callback) { idbProxyTraps = callback(idbProxyTraps); } function wrapFunction(func) { // Due to expected object equality (which is enforced by the caching in `wrap`), we // only create one new func per func. // Edge doesn't support objectStoreNames (booo), so we polyfill it here. if (func === IDBDatabase.prototype.transaction && !('objectStoreNames' in IDBTransaction.prototype)) { return function (storeNames, ...args) { const tx =, storeNames, ...args); transactionStoreNamesMap.set(tx, storeNames.sort ? storeNames.sort() : [storeNames]); return wrap(tx); }; } // Cursor methods are special, as the behaviour is a little more different to standard IDB. In // IDB, you advance the cursor and wait for a new 'success' on the IDBRequest that gave you the // cursor. It's kinda like a promise that can resolve with many values. That doesn't make sense // with real promises, so each advance methods returns a new promise for the cursor object, or // undefined if the end of the cursor has been reached. if (getCursorAdvanceMethods().includes(func)) { return function (...args) { // Calling the original function with the proxy as 'this' causes ILLEGAL INVOCATION, so we use // the original object. func.apply(unwrap(this), args); return wrap(cursorRequestMap.get(this)); }; } return function (...args) { // Calling the original function with the proxy as 'this' causes ILLEGAL INVOCATION, so we use // the original object. return wrap(func.apply(unwrap(this), args)); }; } function transformCachableValue(value) { if (typeof value === 'function') return wrapFunction(value); // This doesn't return, it just creates a 'done' promise for the transaction, // which is later returned for transaction.done (see idbObjectHandler). if (value instanceof IDBTransaction) cacheDonePromiseForTransaction(value); if (instanceOfAny(value, getIdbProxyableTypes())) return new Proxy(value, idbProxyTraps); // Return the same value back if we're not going to transform it. return value; } function wrap(value) { // We sometimes generate multiple promises from a single IDBRequest (eg when cursoring), because // IDB is weird and a single IDBRequest can yield many responses, so these can't be cached. if (value instanceof IDBRequest) return promisifyRequest(value); // If we've already transformed this value before, reuse the transformed value. // This is faster, but it also provides object equality. if (transformCache.has(value)) return transformCache.get(value); const newValue = transformCachableValue(value); // Not all types are transformed. // These may be primitive types, so they can't be WeakMap keys. if (newValue !== value) { transformCache.set(value, newValue); reverseTransformCache.set(newValue, value); } return newValue; } const unwrap = value => reverseTransformCache.get(value); /** * Open a database. * * @param name Name of the database. * @param version Schema version. * @param callbacks Additional callbacks. */ function openDB(name, version, { blocked, upgrade, blocking, terminated } = {}) { const request =, version); const openPromise = wrap(request); if (upgrade) { request.addEventListener('upgradeneeded', event => { upgrade(wrap(request.result), event.oldVersion, event.newVersion, wrap(request.transaction)); }); } if (blocked) request.addEventListener('blocked', () => blocked()); openPromise.then(db => { if (terminated) db.addEventListener('close', () => terminated()); if (blocking) db.addEventListener('versionchange', () => blocking()); }).catch(() => {}); return openPromise; } const readMethods = ['get', 'getKey', 'getAll', 'getAllKeys', 'count']; const writeMethods = ['put', 'add', 'delete', 'clear']; const cachedMethods = new Map(); function getMethod(target, prop) { if (!(target instanceof IDBDatabase && !(prop in target) && typeof prop === 'string')) { return; } if (cachedMethods.get(prop)) return cachedMethods.get(prop); const targetFuncName = prop.replace(/FromIndex$/, ''); const useIndex = prop !== targetFuncName; const isWrite = writeMethods.includes(targetFuncName); if ( // Bail if the target doesn't exist on the target. Eg, getAll isn't in Edge. !(targetFuncName in (useIndex ? IDBIndex : IDBObjectStore).prototype) || !(isWrite || readMethods.includes(targetFuncName))) { return; } const method = async function (storeName, ...args) { // isWrite ? 'readwrite' : undefined gzipps better, but fails in Edge :( const tx = this.transaction(storeName, isWrite ? 'readwrite' : 'readonly'); let target =; if (useIndex) target = target.index(args.shift()); // Must reject if op rejects. // If it's a write operation, must reject if tx.done rejects. // Must reject with op rejection first. // Must resolve with op value. // Must handle both promises (no unhandled rejections) return (await Promise.all([target[targetFuncName](...args), isWrite && tx.done]))[0]; }; cachedMethods.set(prop, method); return method; } replaceTraps(oldTraps => _extends({}, oldTraps, { get: (target, prop, receiver) => getMethod(target, prop) || oldTraps.get(target, prop, receiver), has: (target, prop) => !!getMethod(target, prop) || oldTraps.has(target, prop) })); try { self['workbox:background-sync:6.6.0'] && _(); } catch (e) {} /* Copyright 2021 Google LLC Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at */ const DB_VERSION = 3; const DB_NAME = 'workbox-background-sync'; const REQUEST_OBJECT_STORE_NAME = 'requests'; const QUEUE_NAME_INDEX = 'queueName'; /** * A class to interact directly an IndexedDB created specifically to save and * retrieve QueueStoreEntries. This class encapsulates all the schema details * to store the representation of a Queue. * * @private */ class QueueDb { constructor() { this._db = null; } /** * Add QueueStoreEntry to underlying db. * * @param {UnidentifiedQueueStoreEntry} entry */ async addEntry(entry) { const db = await this.getDb(); const tx = db.transaction(REQUEST_OBJECT_STORE_NAME, 'readwrite', { durability: 'relaxed' }); await; await tx.done; } /** * Returns the first entry id in the ObjectStore. * * @return {number | undefined} */ async getFirstEntryId() { const db = await this.getDb(); const cursor = await db.transaction(REQUEST_OBJECT_STORE_NAME).store.openCursor(); return cursor === null || cursor === void 0 ? void 0 :; } /** * Get all the entries filtered by index * * @param queueName * @return {Promise} */ async getAllEntriesByQueueName(queueName) { const db = await this.getDb(); const results = await db.getAllFromIndex(REQUEST_OBJECT_STORE_NAME, QUEUE_NAME_INDEX, IDBKeyRange.only(queueName)); return results ? results : new Array(); } /** * Returns the number of entries filtered by index * * @param queueName * @return {Promise} */ async getEntryCountByQueueName(queueName) { const db = await this.getDb(); return db.countFromIndex(REQUEST_OBJECT_STORE_NAME, QUEUE_NAME_INDEX, IDBKeyRange.only(queueName)); } /** * Deletes a single entry by id. * * @param {number} id the id of the entry to be deleted */ async deleteEntry(id) { const db = await this.getDb(); await db.delete(REQUEST_OBJECT_STORE_NAME, id); } /** * * @param queueName * @returns {Promise} */ async getFirstEntryByQueueName(queueName) { return await this.getEndEntryFromIndex(IDBKeyRange.only(queueName), 'next'); } /** * * @param queueName * @returns {Promise} */ async getLastEntryByQueueName(queueName) { return await this.getEndEntryFromIndex(IDBKeyRange.only(queueName), 'prev'); } /** * Returns either the first or the last entries, depending on direction. * Filtered by index. * * @param {IDBCursorDirection} direction * @param {IDBKeyRange} query * @return {Promise} * @private */ async getEndEntryFromIndex(query, direction) { const db = await this.getDb(); const cursor = await db.transaction(REQUEST_OBJECT_STORE_NAME).store.index(QUEUE_NAME_INDEX).openCursor(query, direction); return cursor === null || cursor === void 0 ? void 0 : cursor.value; } /** * Returns an open connection to the database. * * @private */ async getDb() { if (!this._db) { this._db = await openDB(DB_NAME, DB_VERSION, { upgrade: this._upgradeDb }); } return this._db; } /** * Upgrades QueueDB * * @param {IDBPDatabase} db * @param {number} oldVersion * @private */ _upgradeDb(db, oldVersion) { if (oldVersion > 0 && oldVersion < DB_VERSION) { if (db.objectStoreNames.contains(REQUEST_OBJECT_STORE_NAME)) { db.deleteObjectStore(REQUEST_OBJECT_STORE_NAME); } } const objStore = db.createObjectStore(REQUEST_OBJECT_STORE_NAME, { autoIncrement: true, keyPath: 'id' }); objStore.createIndex(QUEUE_NAME_INDEX, QUEUE_NAME_INDEX, { unique: false }); } } /* Copyright 2018 Google LLC Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at */ /** * A class to manage storing requests from a Queue in IndexedDB, * indexed by their queue name for easier access. * * Most developers will not need to access this class directly; * it is exposed for advanced use cases. */ class QueueStore { /** * Associates this instance with a Queue instance, so entries added can be * identified by their queue name. * * @param {string} queueName */ constructor(queueName) { this._queueName = queueName; this._queueDb = new QueueDb(); } /** * Append an entry last in the queue. * * @param {Object} entry * @param {Object} entry.requestData * @param {number} [entry.timestamp] * @param {Object} [entry.metadata] */ async pushEntry(entry) { { assert_js.assert.isType(entry, 'object', { moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync', className: 'QueueStore', funcName: 'pushEntry', paramName: 'entry' }); assert_js.assert.isType(entry.requestData, 'object', { moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync', className: 'QueueStore', funcName: 'pushEntry', paramName: 'entry.requestData' }); } // Don't specify an ID since one is automatically generated. delete; entry.queueName = this._queueName; await this._queueDb.addEntry(entry); } /** * Prepend an entry first in the queue. * * @param {Object} entry * @param {Object} entry.requestData * @param {number} [entry.timestamp] * @param {Object} [entry.metadata] */ async unshiftEntry(entry) { { assert_js.assert.isType(entry, 'object', { moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync', className: 'QueueStore', funcName: 'unshiftEntry', paramName: 'entry' }); assert_js.assert.isType(entry.requestData, 'object', { moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync', className: 'QueueStore', funcName: 'unshiftEntry', paramName: 'entry.requestData' }); } const firstId = await this._queueDb.getFirstEntryId(); if (firstId) { // Pick an ID one less than the lowest ID in the object store. = firstId - 1; } else { // Otherwise let the auto-incrementor assign the ID. delete; } entry.queueName = this._queueName; await this._queueDb.addEntry(entry); } /** * Removes and returns the last entry in the queue matching the `queueName`. * * @return {Promise} */ async popEntry() { return this._removeEntry(await this._queueDb.getLastEntryByQueueName(this._queueName)); } /** * Removes and returns the first entry in the queue matching the `queueName`. * * @return {Promise} */ async shiftEntry() { return this._removeEntry(await this._queueDb.getFirstEntryByQueueName(this._queueName)); } /** * Returns all entries in the store matching the `queueName`. * * @param {Object} options See {@link workbox-background-sync.Queue~getAll} * @return {Promise>} */ async getAll() { return await this._queueDb.getAllEntriesByQueueName(this._queueName); } /** * Returns the number of entries in the store matching the `queueName`. * * @param {Object} options See {@link workbox-background-sync.Queue~size} * @return {Promise} */ async size() { return await this._queueDb.getEntryCountByQueueName(this._queueName); } /** * Deletes the entry for the given ID. * * WARNING: this method does not ensure the deleted entry belongs to this * queue (i.e. matches the `queueName`). But this limitation is acceptable * as this class is not publicly exposed. An additional check would make * this method slower than it needs to be. * * @param {number} id */ async deleteEntry(id) { await this._queueDb.deleteEntry(id); } /** * Removes and returns the first or last entry in the queue (based on the * `direction` argument) matching the `queueName`. * * @return {Promise} * @private */ async _removeEntry(entry) { if (entry) { await this.deleteEntry(; } return entry; } } /* Copyright 2018 Google LLC Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at */ const serializableProperties = ['method', 'referrer', 'referrerPolicy', 'mode', 'credentials', 'cache', 'redirect', 'integrity', 'keepalive']; /** * A class to make it easier to serialize and de-serialize requests so they * can be stored in IndexedDB. * * Most developers will not need to access this class directly; * it is exposed for advanced use cases. */ class StorableRequest { /** * Converts a Request object to a plain object that can be structured * cloned or JSON-stringified. * * @param {Request} request * @return {Promise} */ static async fromRequest(request) { const requestData = { url: request.url, headers: {} }; // Set the body if present. if (request.method !== 'GET') { // Use ArrayBuffer to support non-text request bodies. // NOTE: we can't use Blobs becuse Safari doesn't support storing // Blobs in IndexedDB in some cases: // requestData.body = await request.clone().arrayBuffer(); } // Convert the headers from an iterable to an object. for (const [key, value] of request.headers.entries()) { requestData.headers[key] = value; } // Add all other serializable request properties for (const prop of serializableProperties) { if (request[prop] !== undefined) { requestData[prop] = request[prop]; } } return new StorableRequest(requestData); } /** * Accepts an object of request data that can be used to construct a * `Request` but can also be stored in IndexedDB. * * @param {Object} requestData An object of request data that includes the * `url` plus any relevant properties of * [requestInit]{@link}. */ constructor(requestData) { { assert_js.assert.isType(requestData, 'object', { moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync', className: 'StorableRequest', funcName: 'constructor', paramName: 'requestData' }); assert_js.assert.isType(requestData.url, 'string', { moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync', className: 'StorableRequest', funcName: 'constructor', paramName: 'requestData.url' }); } // If the request's mode is `navigate`, convert it to `same-origin` since // navigation requests can't be constructed via script. if (requestData['mode'] === 'navigate') { requestData['mode'] = 'same-origin'; } this._requestData = requestData; } /** * Returns a deep clone of the instances `_requestData` object. * * @return {Object} */ toObject() { const requestData = Object.assign({}, this._requestData); requestData.headers = Object.assign({}, this._requestData.headers); if (requestData.body) { requestData.body = requestData.body.slice(0); } return requestData; } /** * Converts this instance to a Request. * * @return {Request} */ toRequest() { return new Request(this._requestData.url, this._requestData); } /** * Creates and returns a deep clone of the instance. * * @return {StorableRequest} */ clone() { return new StorableRequest(this.toObject()); } } /* Copyright 2018 Google LLC Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at */ const TAG_PREFIX = 'workbox-background-sync'; const MAX_RETENTION_TIME = 60 * 24 * 7; // 7 days in minutes const queueNames = new Set(); /** * Converts a QueueStore entry into the format exposed by Queue. This entails * converting the request data into a real request and omitting the `id` and * `queueName` properties. * * @param {UnidentifiedQueueStoreEntry} queueStoreEntry * @return {Queue} * @private */ const convertEntry = queueStoreEntry => { const queueEntry = { request: new StorableRequest(queueStoreEntry.requestData).toRequest(), timestamp: queueStoreEntry.timestamp }; if (queueStoreEntry.metadata) { queueEntry.metadata = queueStoreEntry.metadata; } return queueEntry; }; /** * A class to manage storing failed requests in IndexedDB and retrying them * later. All parts of the storing and replaying process are observable via * callbacks. * * @memberof workbox-background-sync */ class Queue { /** * Creates an instance of Queue with the given options * * @param {string} name The unique name for this queue. This name must be * unique as it's used to register sync events and store requests * in IndexedDB specific to this instance. An error will be thrown if * a duplicate name is detected. * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Function} [options.onSync] A function that gets invoked whenever * the 'sync' event fires. The function is invoked with an object * containing the `queue` property (referencing this instance), and you * can use the callback to customize the replay behavior of the queue. * When not set the `replayRequests()` method is called. * Note: if the replay fails after a sync event, make sure you throw an * error, so the browser knows to retry the sync event later. * @param {number} [options.maxRetentionTime=7 days] The amount of time (in * minutes) a request may be retried. After this amount of time has * passed, the request will be deleted from the queue. * @param {boolean} [options.forceSyncFallback=false] If `true`, instead * of attempting to use background sync events, always attempt to replay * queued request at service worker startup. Most folks will not need * this, unless you explicitly target a runtime like Electron that * exposes the interfaces for background sync, but does not have a working * implementation. */ constructor(name, { forceSyncFallback, onSync, maxRetentionTime } = {}) { this._syncInProgress = false; this._requestsAddedDuringSync = false; // Ensure the store name is not already being used if (queueNames.has(name)) { throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('duplicate-queue-name', { name }); } else { queueNames.add(name); } this._name = name; this._onSync = onSync || this.replayRequests; this._maxRetentionTime = maxRetentionTime || MAX_RETENTION_TIME; this._forceSyncFallback = Boolean(forceSyncFallback); this._queueStore = new QueueStore(this._name); this._addSyncListener(); } /** * @return {string} */ get name() { return this._name; } /** * Stores the passed request in IndexedDB (with its timestamp and any * metadata) at the end of the queue. * * @param {QueueEntry} entry * @param {Request} entry.request The request to store in the queue. * @param {Object} [entry.metadata] Any metadata you want associated with the * stored request. When requests are replayed you'll have access to this * metadata object in case you need to modify the request beforehand. * @param {number} [entry.timestamp] The timestamp (Epoch time in * milliseconds) when the request was first added to the queue. This is * used along with `maxRetentionTime` to remove outdated requests. In * general you don't need to set this value, as it's automatically set * for you (defaulting to ``), but you can update it if you * don't want particular requests to expire. */ async pushRequest(entry) { { assert_js.assert.isType(entry, 'object', { moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync', className: 'Queue', funcName: 'pushRequest', paramName: 'entry' }); assert_js.assert.isInstance(entry.request, Request, { moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync', className: 'Queue', funcName: 'pushRequest', paramName: 'entry.request' }); } await this._addRequest(entry, 'push'); } /** * Stores the passed request in IndexedDB (with its timestamp and any * metadata) at the beginning of the queue. * * @param {QueueEntry} entry * @param {Request} entry.request The request to store in the queue. * @param {Object} [entry.metadata] Any metadata you want associated with the * stored request. When requests are replayed you'll have access to this * metadata object in case you need to modify the request beforehand. * @param {number} [entry.timestamp] The timestamp (Epoch time in * milliseconds) when the request was first added to the queue. This is * used along with `maxRetentionTime` to remove outdated requests. In * general you don't need to set this value, as it's automatically set * for you (defaulting to ``), but you can update it if you * don't want particular requests to expire. */ async unshiftRequest(entry) { { assert_js.assert.isType(entry, 'object', { moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync', className: 'Queue', funcName: 'unshiftRequest', paramName: 'entry' }); assert_js.assert.isInstance(entry.request, Request, { moduleName: 'workbox-background-sync', className: 'Queue', funcName: 'unshiftRequest', paramName: 'entry.request' }); } await this._addRequest(entry, 'unshift'); } /** * Removes and returns the last request in the queue (along with its * timestamp and any metadata). The returned object takes the form: * `{request, timestamp, metadata}`. * * @return {Promise} */ async popRequest() { return this._removeRequest('pop'); } /** * Removes and returns the first request in the queue (along with its * timestamp and any metadata). The returned object takes the form: * `{request, timestamp, metadata}`. * * @return {Promise} */ async shiftRequest() { return this._removeRequest('shift'); } /** * Returns all the entries that have not expired (per `maxRetentionTime`). * Any expired entries are removed from the queue. * * @return {Promise>} */ async getAll() { const allEntries = await this._queueStore.getAll(); const now =; const unexpiredEntries = []; for (const entry of allEntries) { // Ignore requests older than maxRetentionTime. Call this function // recursively until an unexpired request is found. const maxRetentionTimeInMs = this._maxRetentionTime * 60 * 1000; if (now - entry.timestamp > maxRetentionTimeInMs) { await this._queueStore.deleteEntry(; } else { unexpiredEntries.push(convertEntry(entry)); } } return unexpiredEntries; } /** * Returns the number of entries present in the queue. * Note that expired entries (per `maxRetentionTime`) are also included in this count. * * @return {Promise} */ async size() { return await this._queueStore.size(); } /** * Adds the entry to the QueueStore and registers for a sync event. * * @param {Object} entry * @param {Request} entry.request * @param {Object} [entry.metadata] * @param {number} [] * @param {string} operation ('push' or 'unshift') * @private */ async _addRequest({ request, metadata, timestamp = }, operation) { const storableRequest = await StorableRequest.fromRequest(request.clone()); const entry = { requestData: storableRequest.toObject(), timestamp }; // Only include metadata if it's present. if (metadata) { entry.metadata = metadata; } switch (operation) { case 'push': await this._queueStore.pushEntry(entry); break; case 'unshift': await this._queueStore.unshiftEntry(entry); break; } { logger_js.logger.log(`Request for '${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(request.url)}' has ` + `been added to background sync queue '${this._name}'.`); } // Don't register for a sync if we're in the middle of a sync. Instead, // we wait until the sync is complete and call register if // `this._requestsAddedDuringSync` is true. if (this._syncInProgress) { this._requestsAddedDuringSync = true; } else { await this.registerSync(); } } /** * Removes and returns the first or last (depending on `operation`) entry * from the QueueStore that's not older than the `maxRetentionTime`. * * @param {string} operation ('pop' or 'shift') * @return {Object|undefined} * @private */ async _removeRequest(operation) { const now =; let entry; switch (operation) { case 'pop': entry = await this._queueStore.popEntry(); break; case 'shift': entry = await this._queueStore.shiftEntry(); break; } if (entry) { // Ignore requests older than maxRetentionTime. Call this function // recursively until an unexpired request is found. const maxRetentionTimeInMs = this._maxRetentionTime * 60 * 1000; if (now - entry.timestamp > maxRetentionTimeInMs) { return this._removeRequest(operation); } return convertEntry(entry); } else { return undefined; } } /** * Loops through each request in the queue and attempts to re-fetch it. * If any request fails to re-fetch, it's put back in the same position in * the queue (which registers a retry for the next sync event). */ async replayRequests() { let entry; while (entry = await this.shiftRequest()) { try { await fetch(entry.request.clone()); if ("dev" !== 'production') { logger_js.logger.log(`Request for '${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(entry.request.url)}' ` + `has been replayed in queue '${this._name}'`); } } catch (error) { await this.unshiftRequest(entry); { logger_js.logger.log(`Request for '${getFriendlyURL_js.getFriendlyURL(entry.request.url)}' ` + `failed to replay, putting it back in queue '${this._name}'`); } throw new WorkboxError_js.WorkboxError('queue-replay-failed', { name: this._name }); } } { logger_js.logger.log(`All requests in queue '${}' have successfully ` + `replayed; the queue is now empty!`); } } /** * Registers a sync event with a tag unique to this instance. */ async registerSync() { // See if ('sync' in self.registration && !this._forceSyncFallback) { try { await self.registration.sync.register(`${TAG_PREFIX}:${this._name}`); } catch (err) { // This means the registration failed for some reason, possibly due to // the user disabling it. { logger_js.logger.warn(`Unable to register sync event for '${this._name}'.`, err); } } } } /** * In sync-supporting browsers, this adds a listener for the sync event. * In non-sync-supporting browsers, or if _forceSyncFallback is true, this * will retry the queue on service worker startup. * * @private */ _addSyncListener() { // See if ('sync' in self.registration && !this._forceSyncFallback) { self.addEventListener('sync', event => { if (event.tag === `${TAG_PREFIX}:${this._name}`) { { logger_js.logger.log(`Background sync for tag '${event.tag}' ` + `has been received`); } const syncComplete = async () => { this._syncInProgress = true; let syncError; try { await this._onSync({ queue: this }); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) { syncError = error; // Rethrow the error. Note: the logic in the finally clause // will run before this gets rethrown. throw syncError; } } finally { // New items may have been added to the queue during the sync, // so we need to register for a new sync if that's happened... // Unless there was an error during the sync, in which // case the browser will automatically retry later, as long // as `event.lastChance` is not true. if (this._requestsAddedDuringSync && !(syncError && !event.lastChance)) { await this.registerSync(); } this._syncInProgress = false; this._requestsAddedDuringSync = false; } }; event.waitUntil(syncComplete()); } }); } else { { logger_js.logger.log(`Background sync replaying without background sync event`); } // If the browser doesn't support background sync, or the developer has // opted-in to not using it, retry every time the service worker starts up // as a fallback. void this._onSync({ queue: this }); } } /** * Returns the set of queue names. This is primarily used to reset the list * of queue names in tests. * * @return {Set} * * @private */ static get _queueNames() { return queueNames; } } /* Copyright 2018 Google LLC Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at */ /** * A class implementing the `fetchDidFail` lifecycle callback. This makes it * easier to add failed requests to a background sync Queue. * * @memberof workbox-background-sync */ class BackgroundSyncPlugin { /** * @param {string} name See the {@link workbox-background-sync.Queue} * documentation for parameter details. * @param {Object} [options] See the * {@link workbox-background-sync.Queue} documentation for * parameter details. */ constructor(name, options) { /** * @param {Object} options * @param {Request} options.request * @private */ this.fetchDidFail = async ({ request }) => { await this._queue.pushRequest({ request }); }; this._queue = new Queue(name, options); } } exports.BackgroundSyncPlugin = BackgroundSyncPlugin; exports.Queue = Queue; exports.QueueStore = QueueStore; exports.StorableRequest = StorableRequest; return exports; }({}, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private, workbox.core._private)); //#