import { __assign, __spreadArray, __read, __values, __rest } from './_virtual/_tslib.js'; import { isFunction, mapValues, isArray, flatten, toArray, toStateValue, isString, getEventType, toSCXMLEvent, matchesState, path, evaluateGuard, mapContext, isRaisableAction, pathToStateValue, isBuiltInEvent, partition, updateHistoryValue, toStatePath, mapFilterValues, warn, toStatePaths, nestedPath, normalizeTarget, toGuard, toTransitionConfigArray, isMachine, createInvokeId } from './utils.js'; import { State, stateValuesEqual } from './State.js'; import { start as start$1, stop as stop$1, invoke, update, nullEvent } from './actionTypes.js'; import { done, start, toActionObjects, raise, stop, resolveActions, doneInvoke, error, toActionObject, toActivityDefinition, after, send, cancel, initEvent } from './actions.js'; import { IS_PRODUCTION } from './environment.js'; import { STATE_DELIMITER } from './constants.js'; import { getAllStateNodes, getConfiguration, isInFinalState, getTagsFromConfiguration, has, getChildren, getValue, isLeafNode, getAllChildren } from './stateUtils.js'; import { createInvocableActor } from './Actor.js'; import { toInvokeDefinition } from './invokeUtils.js'; var NULL_EVENT = ''; var STATE_IDENTIFIER = '#'; var WILDCARD = '*'; var EMPTY_OBJECT = {}; var isStateId = function (str) { return str[0] === STATE_IDENTIFIER; }; var createDefaultOptions = function () { return { actions: {}, guards: {}, services: {}, activities: {}, delays: {} }; }; var validateArrayifiedTransitions = function (stateNode, event, transitions) { var hasNonLastUnguardedTarget = transitions.slice(0, -1).some(function (transition) { return !('cond' in transition) && !('in' in transition) && (isString( || isMachine(; }); var eventText = event === NULL_EVENT ? 'the transient event' : "event '".concat(event, "'"); warn(!hasNonLastUnguardedTarget, "One or more transitions for ".concat(eventText, " on state '").concat(, "' are unreachable. ") + "Make sure that the default transition is the last one defined."); }; var StateNode = /*#__PURE__*/ /** @class */ function () { function StateNode( /** * The raw config used to create the machine. */ config, options, /** * The initial extended state */ _context, // TODO: this is unsafe, but we're removing it in v5 anyway _stateInfo) { if (_context === void 0) { _context = 'context' in config ? config.context : undefined; } var _this = this; var _a; this.config = config; this._context = _context; /** * The order this state node appears. Corresponds to the implicit SCXML document order. */ this.order = -1; this.__xstatenode = true; this.__cache = { events: undefined, relativeValue: new Map(), initialStateValue: undefined, initialState: undefined, on: undefined, transitions: undefined, candidates: {}, delayedTransitions: undefined }; this.idMap = {}; this.tags = []; this.options = Object.assign(createDefaultOptions(), options); this.parent = _stateInfo === null || _stateInfo === void 0 ? void 0 : _stateInfo.parent; this.key = this.config.key || (_stateInfo === null || _stateInfo === void 0 ? void 0 : _stateInfo.key) || || '(machine)'; this.machine = this.parent ? this.parent.machine : this; this.path = this.parent ? this.parent.path.concat(this.key) : []; this.delimiter = this.config.delimiter || (this.parent ? this.parent.delimiter : STATE_DELIMITER); = || __spreadArray([this.machine.key], __read(this.path), false).join(this.delimiter); this.version = this.parent ? this.parent.version : this.config.version; this.type = this.config.type || (this.config.parallel ? 'parallel' : this.config.states && Object.keys(this.config.states).length ? 'compound' : this.config.history ? 'history' : 'atomic'); this.schema = this.parent ? this.machine.schema : (_a = this.config.schema) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : {}; this.description = this.config.description; if (!IS_PRODUCTION) { warn(!('parallel' in this.config), "The \"parallel\" property is deprecated and will be removed in version 4.1. ".concat(this.config.parallel ? "Replace with `type: 'parallel'`" : "Use `type: '".concat(this.type, "'`"), " in the config for state node '").concat(, "' instead.")); } this.initial = this.config.initial; this.states = this.config.states ? mapValues(this.config.states, function (stateConfig, key) { var _a; var stateNode = new StateNode(stateConfig, {}, undefined, { parent: _this, key: key }); Object.assign(_this.idMap, __assign((_a = {}, _a[] = stateNode, _a), stateNode.idMap)); return stateNode; }) : EMPTY_OBJECT; // Document order var order = 0; function dfs(stateNode) { var e_1, _a; stateNode.order = order++; try { for (var _b = __values(getAllChildren(stateNode)), _c =; !_c.done; _c = { var child = _c.value; dfs(child); } } catch (e_1_1) { e_1 = { error: e_1_1 }; } finally { try { if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)); } finally { if (e_1) throw e_1.error; } } } dfs(this); // History config this.history = this.config.history === true ? 'shallow' : this.config.history || false; this._transient = !!this.config.always || (!this.config.on ? false : Array.isArray(this.config.on) ? this.config.on.some(function (_a) { var event = _a.event; return event === NULL_EVENT; }) : NULL_EVENT in this.config.on); this.strict = !!this.config.strict; // TODO: deprecate (entry) this.onEntry = toArray(this.config.entry || this.config.onEntry).map(function (action) { return toActionObject(action); }); // TODO: deprecate (exit) this.onExit = toArray(this.config.exit || this.config.onExit).map(function (action) { return toActionObject(action); }); this.meta = this.config.meta; this.doneData = this.type === 'final' ? : undefined; this.invoke = toArray(this.config.invoke).map(function (invokeConfig, i) { var _a, _b; if (isMachine(invokeConfig)) { var invokeId = createInvokeId(, i); = __assign((_a = {}, _a[invokeId] = invokeConfig, _a),; return toInvokeDefinition({ src: invokeId, id: invokeId }); } else if (isString(invokeConfig.src)) { var invokeId = || createInvokeId(, i); return toInvokeDefinition(__assign(__assign({}, invokeConfig), { id: invokeId, src: invokeConfig.src })); } else if (isMachine(invokeConfig.src) || isFunction(invokeConfig.src)) { var invokeId = || createInvokeId(, i); = __assign((_b = {}, _b[invokeId] = invokeConfig.src, _b),; return toInvokeDefinition(__assign(__assign({ id: invokeId }, invokeConfig), { src: invokeId })); } else { var invokeSource = invokeConfig.src; return toInvokeDefinition(__assign(__assign({ id: createInvokeId(, i) }, invokeConfig), { src: invokeSource })); } }); this.activities = toArray(this.config.activities).concat(this.invoke).map(function (activity) { return toActivityDefinition(activity); }); this.transition = this.transition.bind(this); this.tags = toArray(this.config.tags); // TODO: this is the real fix for initialization once // state node getters are deprecated // if (!this.parent) { // this._init(); // } } StateNode.prototype._init = function () { if (this.__cache.transitions) { return; } getAllStateNodes(this).forEach(function (stateNode) { return stateNode.on; }); }; /** * Clones this state machine with custom options and context. * * @param options Options (actions, guards, activities, services) to recursively merge with the existing options. * @param context Custom context (will override predefined context) */ StateNode.prototype.withConfig = function (options, context) { var _a = this.options, actions = _a.actions, activities = _a.activities, guards = _a.guards, services =, delays = _a.delays; return new StateNode(this.config, { actions: __assign(__assign({}, actions), options.actions), activities: __assign(__assign({}, activities), options.activities), guards: __assign(__assign({}, guards), options.guards), services: __assign(__assign({}, services),, delays: __assign(__assign({}, delays), options.delays) }, context !== null && context !== void 0 ? context : this.context); }; /** * Clones this state machine with custom context. * * @param context Custom context (will override predefined context, not recursive) */ StateNode.prototype.withContext = function (context) { return new StateNode(this.config, this.options, context); }; Object.defineProperty(StateNode.prototype, "context", { get: function () { return isFunction(this._context) ? this._context() : this._context; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(StateNode.prototype, "definition", { /** * The well-structured state node definition. */ get: function () { return { id:, key: this.key, version: this.version, context: this.context, type: this.type, initial: this.initial, history: this.history, states: mapValues(this.states, function (state) { return state.definition; }), on: this.on, transitions: this.transitions, entry: this.onEntry, exit: this.onExit, activities: this.activities || [], meta: this.meta, order: this.order || -1, data: this.doneData, invoke: this.invoke, description: this.description, tags: this.tags }; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); StateNode.prototype.toJSON = function () { return this.definition; }; Object.defineProperty(StateNode.prototype, "on", { /** * The mapping of events to transitions. */ get: function () { if (this.__cache.on) { return this.__cache.on; } var transitions = this.transitions; return this.__cache.on = transitions.reduce(function (map, transition) { map[transition.eventType] = map[transition.eventType] || []; map[transition.eventType].push(transition); return map; }, {}); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(StateNode.prototype, "after", { get: function () { return this.__cache.delayedTransitions || (this.__cache.delayedTransitions = this.getDelayedTransitions(), this.__cache.delayedTransitions); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(StateNode.prototype, "transitions", { /** * All the transitions that can be taken from this state node. */ get: function () { return this.__cache.transitions || (this.__cache.transitions = this.formatTransitions(), this.__cache.transitions); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); StateNode.prototype.getCandidates = function (eventName) { if (this.__cache.candidates[eventName]) { return this.__cache.candidates[eventName]; } var transient = eventName === NULL_EVENT; var candidates = this.transitions.filter(function (transition) { var sameEventType = transition.eventType === eventName; // null events should only match against eventless transitions return transient ? sameEventType : sameEventType || transition.eventType === WILDCARD; }); this.__cache.candidates[eventName] = candidates; return candidates; }; /** * All delayed transitions from the config. */ StateNode.prototype.getDelayedTransitions = function () { var _this = this; var afterConfig = this.config.after; if (!afterConfig) { return []; } var mutateEntryExit = function (delay, i) { var delayRef = isFunction(delay) ? "".concat(, ":delay[").concat(i, "]") : delay; var eventType = after(delayRef,; _this.onEntry.push(send(eventType, { delay: delay })); _this.onExit.push(cancel(eventType)); return eventType; }; var delayedTransitions = isArray(afterConfig) ? (transition, i) { var eventType = mutateEntryExit(transition.delay, i); return __assign(__assign({}, transition), { event: eventType }); }) : flatten(Object.keys(afterConfig).map(function (delay, i) { var configTransition = afterConfig[delay]; var resolvedTransition = isString(configTransition) ? { target: configTransition } : configTransition; var resolvedDelay = !isNaN(+delay) ? +delay : delay; var eventType = mutateEntryExit(resolvedDelay, i); return toArray(resolvedTransition).map(function (transition) { return __assign(__assign({}, transition), { event: eventType, delay: resolvedDelay }); }); })); return (delayedTransition) { var delay = delayedTransition.delay; return __assign(__assign({}, _this.formatTransition(delayedTransition)), { delay: delay }); }); }; /** * Returns the state nodes represented by the current state value. * * @param state The state value or State instance */ StateNode.prototype.getStateNodes = function (state) { var _a; var _this = this; if (!state) { return []; } var stateValue = state instanceof State ? state.value : toStateValue(state, this.delimiter); if (isString(stateValue)) { var initialStateValue = this.getStateNode(stateValue).initial; return initialStateValue !== undefined ? this.getStateNodes((_a = {}, _a[stateValue] = initialStateValue, _a)) : [this, this.states[stateValue]]; } var subStateKeys = Object.keys(stateValue); var subStateNodes = [this]; subStateNodes.push.apply(subStateNodes, __spreadArray([], __read(flatten( (subStateKey) { return _this.getStateNode(subStateKey).getStateNodes(stateValue[subStateKey]); }))), false)); return subStateNodes; }; /** * Returns `true` if this state node explicitly handles the given event. * * @param event The event in question */ StateNode.prototype.handles = function (event) { var eventType = getEventType(event); return; }; /** * Resolves the given `state` to a new `State` instance relative to this machine. * * This ensures that `.events` and `.nextEvents` represent the correct values. * * @param state The state to resolve */ StateNode.prototype.resolveState = function (state) { var stateFromConfig = state instanceof State ? state : State.create(state); var configuration = Array.from(getConfiguration([], this.getStateNodes(stateFromConfig.value))); return new State(__assign(__assign({}, stateFromConfig), { value: this.resolve(stateFromConfig.value), configuration: configuration, done: isInFinalState(configuration, this), tags: getTagsFromConfiguration(configuration), machine: this.machine })); }; StateNode.prototype.transitionLeafNode = function (stateValue, state, _event) { var stateNode = this.getStateNode(stateValue); var next =, _event); if (!next || !next.transitions.length) { return, _event); } return next; }; StateNode.prototype.transitionCompoundNode = function (stateValue, state, _event) { var subStateKeys = Object.keys(stateValue); var stateNode = this.getStateNode(subStateKeys[0]); var next = stateNode._transition(stateValue[subStateKeys[0]], state, _event); if (!next || !next.transitions.length) { return, _event); } return next; }; StateNode.prototype.transitionParallelNode = function (stateValue, state, _event) { var e_2, _a; var transitionMap = {}; try { for (var _b = __values(Object.keys(stateValue)), _c =; !_c.done; _c = { var subStateKey = _c.value; var subStateValue = stateValue[subStateKey]; if (!subStateValue) { continue; } var subStateNode = this.getStateNode(subStateKey); var next = subStateNode._transition(subStateValue, state, _event); if (next) { transitionMap[subStateKey] = next; } } } catch (e_2_1) { e_2 = { error: e_2_1 }; } finally { try { if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)); } finally { if (e_2) throw e_2.error; } } var stateTransitions = Object.keys(transitionMap).map(function (key) { return transitionMap[key]; }); var enabledTransitions = flatten( (st) { return st.transitions; })); var willTransition = stateTransitions.some(function (st) { return st.transitions.length > 0; }); if (!willTransition) { return, _event); } var configuration = flatten(Object.keys(transitionMap).map(function (key) { return transitionMap[key].configuration; })); return { transitions: enabledTransitions, exitSet: flatten( (t) { return t.exitSet; })), configuration: configuration, source: state, actions: flatten(Object.keys(transitionMap).map(function (key) { return transitionMap[key].actions; })) }; }; StateNode.prototype._transition = function (stateValue, state, _event) { // leaf node if (isString(stateValue)) { return this.transitionLeafNode(stateValue, state, _event); } // hierarchical node if (Object.keys(stateValue).length === 1) { return this.transitionCompoundNode(stateValue, state, _event); } // orthogonal node return this.transitionParallelNode(stateValue, state, _event); }; StateNode.prototype.getTransitionData = function (state, event) { return this._transition(state.value, state, toSCXMLEvent(event)); }; = function (state, _event) { var e_3, _a; var _this = this; var eventName =; var actions = []; var nextStateNodes = []; var selectedTransition; try { for (var _b = __values(this.getCandidates(eventName)), _c =; !_c.done; _c = { var candidate = _c.value; var cond = candidate.cond, stateIn =; var resolvedContext = state.context; var isInState = stateIn ? isString(stateIn) && isStateId(stateIn) ? // Check if in state by ID state.matches(toStateValue(this.getStateNodeById(stateIn).path, this.delimiter)) : // Check if in state by relative grandparent matchesState(toStateValue(stateIn, this.delimiter), path(this.path.slice(0, -2))(state.value)) : true; var guardPassed = false; try { guardPassed = !cond || evaluateGuard(this.machine, cond, resolvedContext, _event, state); } catch (err) { throw new Error("Unable to evaluate guard '".concat( || cond.type, "' in transition for event '").concat(eventName, "' in state node '").concat(, "':\n").concat(err.message)); } if (guardPassed && isInState) { if ( !== undefined) { nextStateNodes =; } actions.push.apply(actions, __spreadArray([], __read(candidate.actions), false)); selectedTransition = candidate; break; } } } catch (e_3_1) { e_3 = { error: e_3_1 }; } finally { try { if (_c && !_c.done && (_a = _b.return)); } finally { if (e_3) throw e_3.error; } } if (!selectedTransition) { return undefined; } if (!nextStateNodes.length) { return { transitions: [selectedTransition], exitSet: [], configuration: state.value ? [this] : [], source: state, actions: actions }; } var allNextStateNodes = flatten( (stateNode) { return _this.getRelativeStateNodes(stateNode, state.historyValue); })); var isInternal = !!selectedTransition.internal; return { transitions: [selectedTransition], exitSet: isInternal ? [] : flatten( (targetNode) { return _this.getPotentiallyReenteringNodes(targetNode); })), configuration: allNextStateNodes, source: state, actions: actions }; }; // even though the name of this function mentions reentry nodes // we are pushing its result into `exitSet` // that's because what we exit might be reentered (it's an invariant of reentrancy) StateNode.prototype.getPotentiallyReenteringNodes = function (targetNode) { if (this.order < targetNode.order) { return [this]; } var nodes = []; var marker = this; var possibleAncestor = targetNode; while (marker && marker !== possibleAncestor) { nodes.push(marker); marker = marker.parent; } if (marker !== possibleAncestor) { // we never got to `possibleAncestor`, therefore the initial `marker` "escapes" it // it's in a different part of the tree so no states will be reentered for such an external transition return []; } nodes.push(possibleAncestor); return nodes; }; StateNode.prototype.getActions = function (resolvedConfig, isDone, transition, currentContext, _event, prevState, predictableExec) { var e_4, _a, e_5, _b; var _this = this; var prevConfig = prevState ? getConfiguration([], this.getStateNodes(prevState.value)) : []; var entrySet = new Set(); try { for (var _c = __values(Array.from(resolvedConfig).sort(function (a, b) { return a.order - b.order; })), _d =; !_d.done; _d = { var sn = _d.value; if (!has(prevConfig, sn) || has(transition.exitSet, sn) || sn.parent && entrySet.has(sn.parent)) { entrySet.add(sn); } } } catch (e_4_1) { e_4 = { error: e_4_1 }; } finally { try { if (_d && !_d.done && (_a = _c.return)); } finally { if (e_4) throw e_4.error; } } try { for (var prevConfig_1 = __values(prevConfig), prevConfig_1_1 =; !prevConfig_1_1.done; prevConfig_1_1 = { var sn = prevConfig_1_1.value; if (!has(resolvedConfig, sn) || has(transition.exitSet, sn.parent)) { transition.exitSet.push(sn); } } } catch (e_5_1) { e_5 = { error: e_5_1 }; } finally { try { if (prevConfig_1_1 && !prevConfig_1_1.done && (_b = prevConfig_1.return)); } finally { if (e_5) throw e_5.error; } } transition.exitSet.sort(function (a, b) { return b.order - a.order; }); var entryStates = Array.from(entrySet).sort(function (a, b) { return a.order - b.order; }); var exitStates = new Set(transition.exitSet); var doneEvents = flatten( (sn) { var events = []; if (sn.type !== 'final') { return events; } var parent = sn.parent; if (!parent.parent) { return events; } events.push(done(, sn.doneData), // TODO: deprecate - final states should not emit done events for their own state. done(, sn.doneData ? mapContext(sn.doneData, currentContext, _event) : undefined)); var grandparent = parent.parent; if (grandparent.type === 'parallel') { if (getChildren(grandparent).every(function (parentNode) { return isInFinalState(transition.configuration, parentNode); })) { events.push(done(; } } return events; })); var entryActions = (stateNode) { var entryActions = stateNode.onEntry; var invokeActions = (activity) { return start(activity); }); return { type: 'entry', actions: toActionObjects(predictableExec ? __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], __read(entryActions), false), __read(invokeActions), false) : __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], __read(invokeActions), false), __read(entryActions), false), _this.machine.options.actions) }; }).concat({ type: 'state_done', actions: (event) { return raise(event); }) }); var exitActions = Array.from(exitStates).map(function (stateNode) { return { type: 'exit', actions: toActionObjects(__spreadArray(__spreadArray([], __read(stateNode.onExit), false), __read( (activity) { return stop(activity); })), false), _this.machine.options.actions) }; }); var actions = exitActions.concat({ type: 'transition', actions: toActionObjects(transition.actions, this.machine.options.actions) }).concat(entryActions); if (isDone) { var stopActions = toActionObjects(flatten(__spreadArray([], __read(resolvedConfig), false).sort(function (a, b) { return b.order - a.order; }).map(function (stateNode) { return stateNode.onExit; })), this.machine.options.actions).filter(function (action) { return !isRaisableAction(action); }); return actions.concat({ type: 'stop', actions: stopActions }); } return actions; }; /** * Determines the next state given the current `state` and sent `event`. * * @param state The current State instance or state value * @param event The event that was sent at the current state * @param context The current context (extended state) of the current state */ StateNode.prototype.transition = function (state, event, context, exec) { if (state === void 0) { state = this.initialState; } var _event = toSCXMLEvent(event); var currentState; if (state instanceof State) { currentState = context === undefined ? state : this.resolveState(State.from(state, context)); } else { var resolvedStateValue = isString(state) ? this.resolve(pathToStateValue(this.getResolvedPath(state))) : this.resolve(state); var resolvedContext = context !== null && context !== void 0 ? context : this.machine.context; currentState = this.resolveState(State.from(resolvedStateValue, resolvedContext)); } if (!IS_PRODUCTION && === WILDCARD) { throw new Error("An event cannot have the wildcard type ('".concat(WILDCARD, "')")); } if (this.strict) { if (! && !isBuiltInEvent( { throw new Error("Machine '".concat(, "' does not accept event '").concat(, "'")); } } var stateTransition = this._transition(currentState.value, currentState, _event) || { transitions: [], configuration: [], exitSet: [], source: currentState, actions: [] }; var prevConfig = getConfiguration([], this.getStateNodes(currentState.value)); var resolvedConfig = stateTransition.configuration.length ? getConfiguration(prevConfig, stateTransition.configuration) : prevConfig; stateTransition.configuration = __spreadArray([], __read(resolvedConfig), false); return this.resolveTransition(stateTransition, currentState, currentState.context, exec, _event); }; StateNode.prototype.resolveRaisedTransition = function (state, _event, originalEvent, predictableExec) { var _a; var currentActions = state.actions; state = this.transition(state, _event, undefined, predictableExec); // Save original event to state // TODO: this should be the raised event! Delete in V5 (breaking) state._event = originalEvent; state.event =; (_a = state.actions).unshift.apply(_a, __spreadArray([], __read(currentActions), false)); return state; }; StateNode.prototype.resolveTransition = function (stateTransition, currentState, context, predictableExec, _event) { var e_6, _a, e_7, _b; var _this = this; if (_event === void 0) { _event = initEvent; } var configuration = stateTransition.configuration; // Transition will "apply" if: // - this is the initial state (there is no current state) // - OR there are transitions var willTransition = !currentState || stateTransition.transitions.length > 0; var resolvedConfiguration = willTransition ? stateTransition.configuration : currentState ? currentState.configuration : []; var isDone = isInFinalState(resolvedConfiguration, this); var resolvedStateValue = willTransition ? getValue(this.machine, configuration) : undefined; var historyValue = currentState ? currentState.historyValue ? currentState.historyValue : stateTransition.source ? this.machine.historyValue(currentState.value) : undefined : undefined; var actionBlocks = this.getActions(new Set(resolvedConfiguration), isDone, stateTransition, context, _event, currentState, predictableExec); var activities = currentState ? __assign({}, currentState.activities) : {}; try { for (var actionBlocks_1 = __values(actionBlocks), actionBlocks_1_1 =; !actionBlocks_1_1.done; actionBlocks_1_1 = { var block = actionBlocks_1_1.value; try { for (var _c = (e_7 = void 0, __values(block.actions)), _d =; !_d.done; _d = { var action = _d.value; if (action.type === start$1) { activities[ || action.activity.type] = action; } else if (action.type === stop$1) { activities[ || action.activity.type] = false; } } } catch (e_7_1) { e_7 = { error: e_7_1 }; } finally { try { if (_d && !_d.done && (_b = _c.return)); } finally { if (e_7) throw e_7.error; } } } } catch (e_6_1) { e_6 = { error: e_6_1 }; } finally { try { if (actionBlocks_1_1 && !actionBlocks_1_1.done && (_a = actionBlocks_1.return)); } finally { if (e_6) throw e_6.error; } } var _e = __read(resolveActions(this, currentState, context, _event, actionBlocks, predictableExec, this.machine.config.predictableActionArguments || this.machine.config.preserveActionOrder), 2), resolvedActions = _e[0], updatedContext = _e[1]; var _f = __read(partition(resolvedActions, isRaisableAction), 2), raisedEvents = _f[0], nonRaisedActions = _f[1]; var invokeActions = resolvedActions.filter(function (action) { var _a; return action.type === start$1 && ((_a = action.activity) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.type) === invoke; }); var children = invokeActions.reduce(function (acc, action) { acc[] = createInvocableActor(action.activity, _this.machine, updatedContext, _event); return acc; }, currentState ? __assign({}, currentState.children) : {}); var nextState = new State({ value: resolvedStateValue || currentState.value, context: updatedContext, _event: _event, // Persist _sessionid between states _sessionid: currentState ? currentState._sessionid : null, historyValue: resolvedStateValue ? historyValue ? updateHistoryValue(historyValue, resolvedStateValue) : undefined : currentState ? currentState.historyValue : undefined, history: !resolvedStateValue || stateTransition.source ? currentState : undefined, actions: resolvedStateValue ? nonRaisedActions : [], activities: resolvedStateValue ? activities : currentState ? currentState.activities : {}, events: [], configuration: resolvedConfiguration, transitions: stateTransition.transitions, children: children, done: isDone, tags: getTagsFromConfiguration(resolvedConfiguration), machine: this }); var didUpdateContext = context !== updatedContext; nextState.changed = === update || didUpdateContext; // Dispose of penultimate histories to prevent memory leaks var history = nextState.history; if (history) { delete history.history; } // There are transient transitions if the machine is not in a final state // and if some of the state nodes have transient ("always") transitions. var hasAlwaysTransitions = !isDone && (this._transient || configuration.some(function (stateNode) { return stateNode._transient; })); // If there are no enabled transitions, check if there are transient transitions. // If there are transient transitions, continue checking for more transitions // because an transient transition should be triggered even if there are no // enabled transitions. // // If we're already working on an transient transition then stop to prevent an infinite loop. // // Otherwise, if there are no enabled nor transient transitions, we are done. if (!willTransition && (!hasAlwaysTransitions || === NULL_EVENT)) { return nextState; } var maybeNextState = nextState; if (!isDone) { if (hasAlwaysTransitions) { maybeNextState = this.resolveRaisedTransition(maybeNextState, { type: nullEvent }, _event, predictableExec); } while (raisedEvents.length) { var raisedEvent = raisedEvents.shift(); maybeNextState = this.resolveRaisedTransition(maybeNextState, raisedEvent._event, _event, predictableExec); } } // Detect if state changed var changed = maybeNextState.changed || (history ? !!maybeNextState.actions.length || didUpdateContext || typeof history.value !== typeof maybeNextState.value || !stateValuesEqual(maybeNextState.value, history.value) : undefined); maybeNextState.changed = changed; // Preserve original history after raised events maybeNextState.history = history; return maybeNextState; }; /** * Returns the child state node from its relative `stateKey`, or throws. */ StateNode.prototype.getStateNode = function (stateKey) { if (isStateId(stateKey)) { return this.machine.getStateNodeById(stateKey); } if (!this.states) { throw new Error("Unable to retrieve child state '".concat(stateKey, "' from '").concat(, "'; no child states exist.")); } var result = this.states[stateKey]; if (!result) { throw new Error("Child state '".concat(stateKey, "' does not exist on '").concat(, "'")); } return result; }; /** * Returns the state node with the given `stateId`, or throws. * * @param stateId The state ID. The prefix "#" is removed. */ StateNode.prototype.getStateNodeById = function (stateId) { var resolvedStateId = isStateId(stateId) ? stateId.slice(STATE_IDENTIFIER.length) : stateId; if (resolvedStateId === { return this; } var stateNode = this.machine.idMap[resolvedStateId]; if (!stateNode) { throw new Error("Child state node '#".concat(resolvedStateId, "' does not exist on machine '").concat(, "'")); } return stateNode; }; /** * Returns the relative state node from the given `statePath`, or throws. * * @param statePath The string or string array relative path to the state node. */ StateNode.prototype.getStateNodeByPath = function (statePath) { if (typeof statePath === 'string' && isStateId(statePath)) { try { return this.getStateNodeById(statePath.slice(1)); } catch (e) {// try individual paths // throw e; } } var arrayStatePath = toStatePath(statePath, this.delimiter).slice(); var currentStateNode = this; while (arrayStatePath.length) { var key = arrayStatePath.shift(); if (!key.length) { break; } currentStateNode = currentStateNode.getStateNode(key); } return currentStateNode; }; /** * Resolves a partial state value with its full representation in this machine. * * @param stateValue The partial state value to resolve. */ StateNode.prototype.resolve = function (stateValue) { var _a; var _this = this; if (!stateValue) { return this.initialStateValue || EMPTY_OBJECT; // TODO: type-specific properties } switch (this.type) { case 'parallel': return mapValues(this.initialStateValue, function (subStateValue, subStateKey) { return subStateValue ? _this.getStateNode(subStateKey).resolve(stateValue[subStateKey] || subStateValue) : EMPTY_OBJECT; }); case 'compound': if (isString(stateValue)) { var subStateNode = this.getStateNode(stateValue); if (subStateNode.type === 'parallel' || subStateNode.type === 'compound') { return _a = {}, _a[stateValue] = subStateNode.initialStateValue, _a; } return stateValue; } if (!Object.keys(stateValue).length) { return this.initialStateValue || {}; } return mapValues(stateValue, function (subStateValue, subStateKey) { return subStateValue ? _this.getStateNode(subStateKey).resolve(subStateValue) : EMPTY_OBJECT; }); default: return stateValue || EMPTY_OBJECT; } }; StateNode.prototype.getResolvedPath = function (stateIdentifier) { if (isStateId(stateIdentifier)) { var stateNode = this.machine.idMap[stateIdentifier.slice(STATE_IDENTIFIER.length)]; if (!stateNode) { throw new Error("Unable to find state node '".concat(stateIdentifier, "'")); } return stateNode.path; } return toStatePath(stateIdentifier, this.delimiter); }; Object.defineProperty(StateNode.prototype, "initialStateValue", { get: function () { var _a; if (this.__cache.initialStateValue) { return this.__cache.initialStateValue; } var initialStateValue; if (this.type === 'parallel') { initialStateValue = mapFilterValues(this.states, function (state) { return state.initialStateValue || EMPTY_OBJECT; }, function (stateNode) { return !(stateNode.type === 'history'); }); } else if (this.initial !== undefined) { if (!this.states[this.initial]) { throw new Error("Initial state '".concat(this.initial, "' not found on '").concat(this.key, "'")); } initialStateValue = isLeafNode(this.states[this.initial]) ? this.initial : (_a = {}, _a[this.initial] = this.states[this.initial].initialStateValue, _a); } else { // The finite state value of a machine without child states is just an empty object initialStateValue = {}; } this.__cache.initialStateValue = initialStateValue; return this.__cache.initialStateValue; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); StateNode.prototype.getInitialState = function (stateValue, context) { this._init(); // TODO: this should be in the constructor (see note in constructor) var configuration = this.getStateNodes(stateValue); return this.resolveTransition({ configuration: configuration, exitSet: [], transitions: [], source: undefined, actions: [] }, undefined, context !== null && context !== void 0 ? context : this.machine.context, undefined); }; Object.defineProperty(StateNode.prototype, "initialState", { /** * The initial State instance, which includes all actions to be executed from * entering the initial state. */ get: function () { var initialStateValue = this.initialStateValue; if (!initialStateValue) { throw new Error("Cannot retrieve initial state from simple state '".concat(, "'.")); } return this.getInitialState(initialStateValue); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(StateNode.prototype, "target", { /** * The target state value of the history state node, if it exists. This represents the * default state value to transition to if no history value exists yet. */ get: function () { var target; if (this.type === 'history') { var historyConfig = this.config; if (isString( { target = isStateId( ? pathToStateValue(this.machine.getStateNodeById( - 1)) :; } else { target =; } } return target; }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); /** * Returns the leaf nodes from a state path relative to this state node. * * @param relativeStateId The relative state path to retrieve the state nodes * @param history The previous state to retrieve history * @param resolve Whether state nodes should resolve to initial child state nodes */ StateNode.prototype.getRelativeStateNodes = function (relativeStateId, historyValue, resolve) { if (resolve === void 0) { resolve = true; } return resolve ? relativeStateId.type === 'history' ? relativeStateId.resolveHistory(historyValue) : relativeStateId.initialStateNodes : [relativeStateId]; }; Object.defineProperty(StateNode.prototype, "initialStateNodes", { get: function () { var _this = this; if (isLeafNode(this)) { return [this]; } // Case when state node is compound but no initial state is defined if (this.type === 'compound' && !this.initial) { if (!IS_PRODUCTION) { warn(false, "Compound state node '".concat(, "' has no initial state.")); } return [this]; } var initialStateNodePaths = toStatePaths(this.initialStateValue); return flatten( (initialPath) { return _this.getFromRelativePath(initialPath); })); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); /** * Retrieves state nodes from a relative path to this state node. * * @param relativePath The relative path from this state node * @param historyValue */ StateNode.prototype.getFromRelativePath = function (relativePath) { if (!relativePath.length) { return [this]; } var _a = __read(relativePath), stateKey = _a[0], childStatePath = _a.slice(1); if (!this.states) { throw new Error("Cannot retrieve subPath '".concat(stateKey, "' from node with no states")); } var childStateNode = this.getStateNode(stateKey); if (childStateNode.type === 'history') { return childStateNode.resolveHistory(); } if (!this.states[stateKey]) { throw new Error("Child state '".concat(stateKey, "' does not exist on '").concat(, "'")); } return this.states[stateKey].getFromRelativePath(childStatePath); }; StateNode.prototype.historyValue = function (relativeStateValue) { if (!Object.keys(this.states).length) { return undefined; } return { current: relativeStateValue || this.initialStateValue, states: mapFilterValues(this.states, function (stateNode, key) { if (!relativeStateValue) { return stateNode.historyValue(); } var subStateValue = isString(relativeStateValue) ? undefined : relativeStateValue[key]; return stateNode.historyValue(subStateValue || stateNode.initialStateValue); }, function (stateNode) { return !stateNode.history; }) }; }; /** * Resolves to the historical value(s) of the parent state node, * represented by state nodes. * * @param historyValue */ StateNode.prototype.resolveHistory = function (historyValue) { var _this = this; if (this.type !== 'history') { return [this]; } var parent = this.parent; if (!historyValue) { var historyTarget =; return historyTarget ? flatten(toStatePaths(historyTarget).map(function (relativeChildPath) { return parent.getFromRelativePath(relativeChildPath); })) : parent.initialStateNodes; } var subHistoryValue = nestedPath(parent.path, 'states')(historyValue).current; if (isString(subHistoryValue)) { return [parent.getStateNode(subHistoryValue)]; } return flatten(toStatePaths(subHistoryValue).map(function (subStatePath) { return _this.history === 'deep' ? parent.getFromRelativePath(subStatePath) : [parent.states[subStatePath[0]]]; })); }; Object.defineProperty(StateNode.prototype, "stateIds", { /** * All the state node IDs of this state node and its descendant state nodes. */ get: function () { var _this = this; var childStateIds = flatten(Object.keys(this.states).map(function (stateKey) { return _this.states[stateKey].stateIds; })); return [].concat(childStateIds); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(StateNode.prototype, "events", { /** * All the event types accepted by this state node and its descendants. */ get: function () { var e_8, _a, e_9, _b; if ( { return; } var states = this.states; var events = new Set(this.ownEvents); if (states) { try { for (var _c = __values(Object.keys(states)), _d =; !_d.done; _d = { var stateId = _d.value; var state = states[stateId]; if (state.states) { try { for (var _e = (e_9 = void 0, __values(, _f =; !_f.done; _f = { var event_1 = _f.value; events.add("".concat(event_1)); } } catch (e_9_1) { e_9 = { error: e_9_1 }; } finally { try { if (_f && !_f.done && (_b = _e.return)); } finally { if (e_9) throw e_9.error; } } } } } catch (e_8_1) { e_8 = { error: e_8_1 }; } finally { try { if (_d && !_d.done && (_a = _c.return)); } finally { if (e_8) throw e_8.error; } } } return = Array.from(events); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(StateNode.prototype, "ownEvents", { /** * All the events that have transitions directly from this state node. * * Excludes any inert events. */ get: function () { var events = new Set(this.transitions.filter(function (transition) { return !(! && !transition.actions.length && transition.internal); }).map(function (transition) { return transition.eventType; })); return Array.from(events); }, enumerable: false, configurable: true }); StateNode.prototype.resolveTarget = function (_target) { var _this = this; if (_target === undefined) { // an undefined target signals that the state node should not transition from that state when receiving that event return undefined; } return (target) { if (!isString(target)) { return target; } var isInternalTarget = target[0] === _this.delimiter; // If internal target is defined on machine, // do not include machine key on target if (isInternalTarget && !_this.parent) { return _this.getStateNodeByPath(target.slice(1)); } var resolvedTarget = isInternalTarget ? _this.key + target : target; if (_this.parent) { try { var targetStateNode = _this.parent.getStateNodeByPath(resolvedTarget); return targetStateNode; } catch (err) { throw new Error("Invalid transition definition for state node '".concat(, "':\n").concat(err.message)); } } else { return _this.getStateNodeByPath(resolvedTarget); } }); }; StateNode.prototype.formatTransition = function (transitionConfig) { var _this = this; var normalizedTarget = normalizeTarget(; var internal = 'internal' in transitionConfig ? transitionConfig.internal : normalizedTarget ? normalizedTarget.some(function (_target) { return isString(_target) && _target[0] === _this.delimiter; }) : true; var guards = this.machine.options.guards; var target = this.resolveTarget(normalizedTarget); var transition = __assign(__assign({}, transitionConfig), { actions: toActionObjects(toArray(transitionConfig.actions)), cond: toGuard(transitionConfig.cond, guards), target: target, source: this, internal: internal, eventType: transitionConfig.event, toJSON: function () { return __assign(__assign({}, transition), { target: ? (t) { return "#".concat(; }) : undefined, source: "#".concat( }); } }); return transition; }; StateNode.prototype.formatTransitions = function () { var e_10, _a; var _this = this; var onConfig; if (!this.config.on) { onConfig = []; } else if (Array.isArray(this.config.on)) { onConfig = this.config.on; } else { var _b = this.config.on, _c = WILDCARD, _d = _b[_c], wildcardConfigs = _d === void 0 ? [] : _d, strictTransitionConfigs_1 = __rest(_b, [typeof _c === "symbol" ? _c : _c + ""]); onConfig = flatten(Object.keys(strictTransitionConfigs_1).map(function (key) { if (!IS_PRODUCTION && key === NULL_EVENT) { warn(false, "Empty string transition configs (e.g., `{ on: { '': ... }}`) for transient transitions are deprecated. Specify the transition in the `{ always: ... }` property instead. " + "Please check the `on` configuration for \"#".concat(, "\".")); } var transitionConfigArray = toTransitionConfigArray(key, strictTransitionConfigs_1[key]); if (!IS_PRODUCTION) { validateArrayifiedTransitions(_this, key, transitionConfigArray); } return transitionConfigArray; }).concat(toTransitionConfigArray(WILDCARD, wildcardConfigs))); } var eventlessConfig = this.config.always ? toTransitionConfigArray('', this.config.always) : []; var doneConfig = this.config.onDone ? toTransitionConfigArray(String(done(, this.config.onDone) : []; if (!IS_PRODUCTION) { warn(!(this.config.onDone && !this.parent), "Root nodes cannot have an \".onDone\" transition. Please check the config of \"".concat(, "\".")); } var invokeConfig = flatten( (invokeDef) { var settleTransitions = []; if (invokeDef.onDone) { settleTransitions.push.apply(settleTransitions, __spreadArray([], __read(toTransitionConfigArray(String(doneInvoke(, invokeDef.onDone)), false)); } if (invokeDef.onError) { settleTransitions.push.apply(settleTransitions, __spreadArray([], __read(toTransitionConfigArray(String(error(, invokeDef.onError)), false)); } return settleTransitions; })); var delayedTransitions = this.after; var formattedTransitions = flatten(__spreadArray(__spreadArray(__spreadArray(__spreadArray([], __read(doneConfig), false), __read(invokeConfig), false), __read(onConfig), false), __read(eventlessConfig), false).map(function (transitionConfig) { return toArray(transitionConfig).map(function (transition) { return _this.formatTransition(transition); }); })); try { for (var delayedTransitions_1 = __values(delayedTransitions), delayedTransitions_1_1 =; !delayedTransitions_1_1.done; delayedTransitions_1_1 = { var delayedTransition = delayedTransitions_1_1.value; formattedTransitions.push(delayedTransition); } } catch (e_10_1) { e_10 = { error: e_10_1 }; } finally { try { if (delayedTransitions_1_1 && !delayedTransitions_1_1.done && (_a = delayedTransitions_1.return)); } finally { if (e_10) throw e_10.error; } } return formattedTransitions; }; return StateNode; }(); export { StateNode };