import { error, doneInvoke } from './actions.js'; import { toActorRef } from './Actor.js'; import { toObserver } from './utils.js'; /** * Returns an actor behavior from a reducer and its initial state. * * @param transition The pure reducer that returns the next state given the current state and event. * @param initialState The initial state of the reducer. * @returns An actor behavior */ function fromReducer(transition, initialState) { return { transition: transition, initialState: initialState }; } function fromPromise(promiseFn) { var initialState = { error: undefined, data: undefined, status: 'pending' }; return { transition: function (state, event, _a) { var parent = _a.parent, id =, observers = _a.observers; switch (event.type) { case 'fulfill': parent === null || parent === void 0 ? void 0 : parent.send(doneInvoke(id,; return { error: undefined, data:, status: 'fulfilled' }; case 'reject': parent === null || parent === void 0 ? void 0 : parent.send(error(id, event.error)); observers.forEach(function (observer) { observer.error(event.error); }); return { error: event.error, data: undefined, status: 'rejected' }; default: return state; } }, initialState: initialState, start: function (_a) { var self = _a.self; promiseFn().then(function (data) { self.send({ type: 'fulfill', data: data }); }, function (reason) { self.send({ type: 'reject', error: reason }); }); return initialState; } }; } function spawnBehavior(behavior, options) { if (options === void 0) { options = {}; } var state = behavior.initialState; var observers = new Set(); var mailbox = []; var flushing = false; var flush = function () { if (flushing) { return; } flushing = true; while (mailbox.length > 0) { var event_1 = mailbox.shift(); state = behavior.transition(state, event_1, actorCtx); observers.forEach(function (observer) { return; }); } flushing = false; }; var actor = toActorRef({ id:, send: function (event) { mailbox.push(event); flush(); }, getSnapshot: function () { return state; }, subscribe: function (next, handleError, complete) { var observer = toObserver(next, handleError, complete); observers.add(observer);; return { unsubscribe: function () { observers.delete(observer); } }; } }); var actorCtx = { parent: options.parent, self: actor, id: || 'anonymous', observers: observers }; state = behavior.start ? behavior.start(actorCtx) : state; return actor; } export { fromPromise, fromReducer, spawnBehavior };