{ "add": "Add", "add-data-success": "Your reading data has been added successfully.", "delete-goal": { "action": "Delete Goal", "confirmation": { "action-text": "I understand the consequence, delete my goal", "confirmation-text": "delete my goal", "instruction-text": "Please type {{text}}<\/strong> to confirm", "subtitle": "This action cannot be undone. This will permanently delete your goal, and we'll stop tracking your progress.", "title": "Are you sure?" }, "success": "Your reading goal has been deleted successfully." }, "edit-goal": { "action": "Edit Goal", "subtitle": "We will re-calculate your progress based on the new goal.", "success": "Your reading goal has been updated successfully.", "title": "Edit your reading goal" }, "history": "Reading History", "history-for": "Reading history for {{date}}", "manage-goal": "Manage your reading goal", "manually-add": "Manually add readings", "no-reading-history-for": "No reading history for {{date}}", "reading-progress-header": "Your Progress", "reading-progress-streak": "Streak", "reading-time": "Reading time", "seconds-read-tooltip": "This is the time you have spent reading the Ayahs you entered. We auto-populate it with the average reading speed on Quran.com, but you can override it with your actual reading time.", "you-read": "You read:" }