"use strict"; var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() { return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; }; var __export = (target, all2) => { for (var name in all2) __defProp(target, name, { get: all2[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, mod )); var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // node_modules/.pnpm/defer-to-connect@2.0.1/node_modules/defer-to-connect/dist/source/index.js var require_source = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/defer-to-connect@2.0.1/node_modules/defer-to-connect/dist/source/index.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); function isTLSSocket(socket) { return socket.encrypted; } var deferToConnect2 = (socket, fn) => { let listeners; if (typeof fn === "function") { const connect = fn; listeners = { connect }; } else { listeners = fn; } const hasConnectListener = typeof listeners.connect === "function"; const hasSecureConnectListener = typeof listeners.secureConnect === "function"; const hasCloseListener = typeof listeners.close === "function"; const onConnect = () => { if (hasConnectListener) { listeners.connect(); } if (isTLSSocket(socket) && hasSecureConnectListener) { if (socket.authorized) { listeners.secureConnect(); } else if (!socket.authorizationError) { socket.once("secureConnect", listeners.secureConnect); } } if (hasCloseListener) { socket.once("close", listeners.close); } }; if (socket.writable && !socket.connecting) { onConnect(); } else if (socket.connecting) { socket.once("connect", onConnect); } else if (socket.destroyed && hasCloseListener) { listeners.close(socket._hadError); } }; exports.default = deferToConnect2; module2.exports = deferToConnect2; module2.exports.default = deferToConnect2; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/get-stream@6.0.1/node_modules/get-stream/buffer-stream.js var require_buffer_stream = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/get-stream@6.0.1/node_modules/get-stream/buffer-stream.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var { PassThrough: PassThroughStream2 } = require("stream"); module2.exports = (options) => { options = { ...options }; const { array } = options; let { encoding } = options; const isBuffer = encoding === "buffer"; let objectMode = false; if (array) { objectMode = !(encoding || isBuffer); } else { encoding = encoding || "utf8"; } if (isBuffer) { encoding = null; } const stream2 = new PassThroughStream2({ objectMode }); if (encoding) { stream2.setEncoding(encoding); } let length = 0; const chunks = []; stream2.on("data", (chunk) => { chunks.push(chunk); if (objectMode) { length = chunks.length; } else { length += chunk.length; } }); stream2.getBufferedValue = () => { if (array) { return chunks; } return isBuffer ? Buffer.concat(chunks, length) : chunks.join(""); }; stream2.getBufferedLength = () => length; return stream2; }; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/get-stream@6.0.1/node_modules/get-stream/index.js var require_get_stream = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/get-stream@6.0.1/node_modules/get-stream/index.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var { constants: BufferConstants } = require("buffer"); var stream2 = require("stream"); var { promisify: promisify4 } = require("util"); var bufferStream = require_buffer_stream(); var streamPipelinePromisified = promisify4(stream2.pipeline); var MaxBufferError = class extends Error { constructor() { super("maxBuffer exceeded"); this.name = "MaxBufferError"; } }; async function getStream2(inputStream, options) { if (!inputStream) { throw new Error("Expected a stream"); } options = { maxBuffer: Infinity, ...options }; const { maxBuffer } = options; const stream3 = bufferStream(options); await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const rejectPromise = (error) => { if (error && stream3.getBufferedLength() <= BufferConstants.MAX_LENGTH) { error.bufferedData = stream3.getBufferedValue(); } reject(error); }; (async () => { try { await streamPipelinePromisified(inputStream, stream3); resolve(); } catch (error) { rejectPromise(error); } })(); stream3.on("data", () => { if (stream3.getBufferedLength() > maxBuffer) { rejectPromise(new MaxBufferError()); } }); }); return stream3.getBufferedValue(); } module2.exports = getStream2; module2.exports.buffer = (stream3, options) => getStream2(stream3, { ...options, encoding: "buffer" }); module2.exports.array = (stream3, options) => getStream2(stream3, { ...options, array: true }); module2.exports.MaxBufferError = MaxBufferError; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http-cache-semantics@4.1.1/node_modules/http-cache-semantics/index.js var require_http_cache_semantics = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http-cache-semantics@4.1.1/node_modules/http-cache-semantics/index.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var statusCodeCacheableByDefault = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ 200, 203, 204, 206, 300, 301, 308, 404, 405, 410, 414, 501 ]); var understoodStatuses = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ 200, 203, 204, 300, 301, 302, 303, 307, 308, 404, 405, 410, 414, 501 ]); var errorStatusCodes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ 500, 502, 503, 504 ]); var hopByHopHeaders = { date: true, // included, because we add Age update Date connection: true, "keep-alive": true, "proxy-authenticate": true, "proxy-authorization": true, te: true, trailer: true, "transfer-encoding": true, upgrade: true }; var excludedFromRevalidationUpdate = { // Since the old body is reused, it doesn't make sense to change properties of the body "content-length": true, "content-encoding": true, "transfer-encoding": true, "content-range": true }; function toNumberOrZero(s) { const n = parseInt(s, 10); return isFinite(n) ? n : 0; } function isErrorResponse(response) { if (!response) { return true; } return errorStatusCodes.has(response.status); } function parseCacheControl(header) { const cc = {}; if (!header) return cc; const parts = header.trim().split(/,/); for (const part of parts) { const [k, v] = part.split(/=/, 2); cc[k.trim()] = v === void 0 ? true : v.trim().replace(/^"|"$/g, ""); } return cc; } function formatCacheControl(cc) { let parts = []; for (const k in cc) { const v = cc[k]; parts.push(v === true ? k : k + "=" + v); } if (!parts.length) { return void 0; } return parts.join(", "); } module2.exports = class CachePolicy { constructor(req, res, { shared, cacheHeuristic, immutableMinTimeToLive, ignoreCargoCult, _fromObject } = {}) { if (_fromObject) { this._fromObject(_fromObject); return; } if (!res || !res.headers) { throw Error("Response headers missing"); } this._assertRequestHasHeaders(req); this._responseTime = this.now(); this._isShared = shared !== false; this._cacheHeuristic = void 0 !== cacheHeuristic ? cacheHeuristic : 0.1; this._immutableMinTtl = void 0 !== immutableMinTimeToLive ? immutableMinTimeToLive : 24 * 3600 * 1e3; this._status = "status" in res ? res.status : 200; this._resHeaders = res.headers; this._rescc = parseCacheControl(res.headers["cache-control"]); this._method = "method" in req ? req.method : "GET"; this._url = req.url; this._host = req.headers.host; this._noAuthorization = !req.headers.authorization; this._reqHeaders = res.headers.vary ? req.headers : null; this._reqcc = parseCacheControl(req.headers["cache-control"]); if (ignoreCargoCult && "pre-check" in this._rescc && "post-check" in this._rescc) { delete this._rescc["pre-check"]; delete this._rescc["post-check"]; delete this._rescc["no-cache"]; delete this._rescc["no-store"]; delete this._rescc["must-revalidate"]; this._resHeaders = Object.assign({}, this._resHeaders, { "cache-control": formatCacheControl(this._rescc) }); delete this._resHeaders.expires; delete this._resHeaders.pragma; } if (res.headers["cache-control"] == null && /no-cache/.test(res.headers.pragma)) { this._rescc["no-cache"] = true; } } now() { return Date.now(); } storable() { return !!(!this._reqcc["no-store"] && // A cache MUST NOT store a response to any request, unless: // The request method is understood by the cache and defined as being cacheable, and ("GET" === this._method || "HEAD" === this._method || "POST" === this._method && this._hasExplicitExpiration()) && // the response status code is understood by the cache, and understoodStatuses.has(this._status) && // the "no-store" cache directive does not appear in request or response header fields, and !this._rescc["no-store"] && // the "private" response directive does not appear in the response, if the cache is shared, and (!this._isShared || !this._rescc.private) && // the Authorization header field does not appear in the request, if the cache is shared, (!this._isShared || this._noAuthorization || this._allowsStoringAuthenticated()) && // the response either: // contains an Expires header field, or (this._resHeaders.expires || // contains a max-age response directive, or // contains a s-maxage response directive and the cache is shared, or // contains a public response directive. this._rescc["max-age"] || this._isShared && this._rescc["s-maxage"] || this._rescc.public || // has a status code that is defined as cacheable by default statusCodeCacheableByDefault.has(this._status))); } _hasExplicitExpiration() { return this._isShared && this._rescc["s-maxage"] || this._rescc["max-age"] || this._resHeaders.expires; } _assertRequestHasHeaders(req) { if (!req || !req.headers) { throw Error("Request headers missing"); } } satisfiesWithoutRevalidation(req) { this._assertRequestHasHeaders(req); const requestCC = parseCacheControl(req.headers["cache-control"]); if (requestCC["no-cache"] || /no-cache/.test(req.headers.pragma)) { return false; } if (requestCC["max-age"] && this.age() > requestCC["max-age"]) { return false; } if (requestCC["min-fresh"] && this.timeToLive() < 1e3 * requestCC["min-fresh"]) { return false; } if (this.stale()) { const allowsStale = requestCC["max-stale"] && !this._rescc["must-revalidate"] && (true === requestCC["max-stale"] || requestCC["max-stale"] > this.age() - this.maxAge()); if (!allowsStale) { return false; } } return this._requestMatches(req, false); } _requestMatches(req, allowHeadMethod) { return (!this._url || this._url === req.url) && this._host === req.headers.host && // the request method associated with the stored response allows it to be used for the presented request, and (!req.method || this._method === req.method || allowHeadMethod && "HEAD" === req.method) && // selecting header fields nominated by the stored response (if any) match those presented, and this._varyMatches(req); } _allowsStoringAuthenticated() { return this._rescc["must-revalidate"] || this._rescc.public || this._rescc["s-maxage"]; } _varyMatches(req) { if (!this._resHeaders.vary) { return true; } if (this._resHeaders.vary === "*") { return false; } const fields = this._resHeaders.vary.trim().toLowerCase().split(/\s*,\s*/); for (const name of fields) { if (req.headers[name] !== this._reqHeaders[name]) return false; } return true; } _copyWithoutHopByHopHeaders(inHeaders) { const headers = {}; for (const name in inHeaders) { if (hopByHopHeaders[name]) continue; headers[name] = inHeaders[name]; } if (inHeaders.connection) { const tokens = inHeaders.connection.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/); for (const name of tokens) { delete headers[name]; } } if (headers.warning) { const warnings = headers.warning.split(/,/).filter((warning) => { return !/^\s*1[0-9][0-9]/.test(warning); }); if (!warnings.length) { delete headers.warning; } else { headers.warning = warnings.join(",").trim(); } } return headers; } responseHeaders() { const headers = this._copyWithoutHopByHopHeaders(this._resHeaders); const age = this.age(); if (age > 3600 * 24 && !this._hasExplicitExpiration() && this.maxAge() > 3600 * 24) { headers.warning = (headers.warning ? `${headers.warning}, ` : "") + '113 - "rfc7234 5.5.4"'; } headers.age = `${Math.round(age)}`; headers.date = new Date(this.now()).toUTCString(); return headers; } /** * Value of the Date response header or current time if Date was invalid * @return timestamp */ date() { const serverDate = Date.parse(this._resHeaders.date); if (isFinite(serverDate)) { return serverDate; } return this._responseTime; } /** * Value of the Age header, in seconds, updated for the current time. * May be fractional. * * @return Number */ age() { let age = this._ageValue(); const residentTime = (this.now() - this._responseTime) / 1e3; return age + residentTime; } _ageValue() { return toNumberOrZero(this._resHeaders.age); } /** * Value of applicable max-age (or heuristic equivalent) in seconds. This counts since response's `Date`. * * For an up-to-date value, see `timeToLive()`. * * @return Number */ maxAge() { if (!this.storable() || this._rescc["no-cache"]) { return 0; } if (this._isShared && (this._resHeaders["set-cookie"] && !this._rescc.public && !this._rescc.immutable)) { return 0; } if (this._resHeaders.vary === "*") { return 0; } if (this._isShared) { if (this._rescc["proxy-revalidate"]) { return 0; } if (this._rescc["s-maxage"]) { return toNumberOrZero(this._rescc["s-maxage"]); } } if (this._rescc["max-age"]) { return toNumberOrZero(this._rescc["max-age"]); } const defaultMinTtl = this._rescc.immutable ? this._immutableMinTtl : 0; const serverDate = this.date(); if (this._resHeaders.expires) { const expires = Date.parse(this._resHeaders.expires); if (Number.isNaN(expires) || expires < serverDate) { return 0; } return Math.max(defaultMinTtl, (expires - serverDate) / 1e3); } if (this._resHeaders["last-modified"]) { const lastModified = Date.parse(this._resHeaders["last-modified"]); if (isFinite(lastModified) && serverDate > lastModified) { return Math.max( defaultMinTtl, (serverDate - lastModified) / 1e3 * this._cacheHeuristic ); } } return defaultMinTtl; } timeToLive() { const age = this.maxAge() - this.age(); const staleIfErrorAge = age + toNumberOrZero(this._rescc["stale-if-error"]); const staleWhileRevalidateAge = age + toNumberOrZero(this._rescc["stale-while-revalidate"]); return Math.max(0, age, staleIfErrorAge, staleWhileRevalidateAge) * 1e3; } stale() { return this.maxAge() <= this.age(); } _useStaleIfError() { return this.maxAge() + toNumberOrZero(this._rescc["stale-if-error"]) > this.age(); } useStaleWhileRevalidate() { return this.maxAge() + toNumberOrZero(this._rescc["stale-while-revalidate"]) > this.age(); } static fromObject(obj) { return new this(void 0, void 0, { _fromObject: obj }); } _fromObject(obj) { if (this._responseTime) throw Error("Reinitialized"); if (!obj || obj.v !== 1) throw Error("Invalid serialization"); this._responseTime = obj.t; this._isShared = obj.sh; this._cacheHeuristic = obj.ch; this._immutableMinTtl = obj.imm !== void 0 ? obj.imm : 24 * 3600 * 1e3; this._status = obj.st; this._resHeaders = obj.resh; this._rescc = obj.rescc; this._method = obj.m; this._url = obj.u; this._host = obj.h; this._noAuthorization = obj.a; this._reqHeaders = obj.reqh; this._reqcc = obj.reqcc; } toObject() { return { v: 1, t: this._responseTime, sh: this._isShared, ch: this._cacheHeuristic, imm: this._immutableMinTtl, st: this._status, resh: this._resHeaders, rescc: this._rescc, m: this._method, u: this._url, h: this._host, a: this._noAuthorization, reqh: this._reqHeaders, reqcc: this._reqcc }; } /** * Headers for sending to the origin server to revalidate stale response. * Allows server to return 304 to allow reuse of the previous response. * * Hop by hop headers are always stripped. * Revalidation headers may be added or removed, depending on request. */ revalidationHeaders(incomingReq) { this._assertRequestHasHeaders(incomingReq); const headers = this._copyWithoutHopByHopHeaders(incomingReq.headers); delete headers["if-range"]; if (!this._requestMatches(incomingReq, true) || !this.storable()) { delete headers["if-none-match"]; delete headers["if-modified-since"]; return headers; } if (this._resHeaders.etag) { headers["if-none-match"] = headers["if-none-match"] ? `${headers["if-none-match"]}, ${this._resHeaders.etag}` : this._resHeaders.etag; } const forbidsWeakValidators = headers["accept-ranges"] || headers["if-match"] || headers["if-unmodified-since"] || this._method && this._method != "GET"; if (forbidsWeakValidators) { delete headers["if-modified-since"]; if (headers["if-none-match"]) { const etags = headers["if-none-match"].split(/,/).filter((etag) => { return !/^\s*W\//.test(etag); }); if (!etags.length) { delete headers["if-none-match"]; } else { headers["if-none-match"] = etags.join(",").trim(); } } } else if (this._resHeaders["last-modified"] && !headers["if-modified-since"]) { headers["if-modified-since"] = this._resHeaders["last-modified"]; } return headers; } /** * Creates new CachePolicy with information combined from the previews response, * and the new revalidation response. * * Returns {policy, modified} where modified is a boolean indicating * whether the response body has been modified, and old cached body can't be used. * * @return {Object} {policy: CachePolicy, modified: Boolean} */ revalidatedPolicy(request, response) { this._assertRequestHasHeaders(request); if (this._useStaleIfError() && isErrorResponse(response)) { return { modified: false, matches: false, policy: this }; } if (!response || !response.headers) { throw Error("Response headers missing"); } let matches = false; if (response.status !== void 0 && response.status != 304) { matches = false; } else if (response.headers.etag && !/^\s*W\//.test(response.headers.etag)) { matches = this._resHeaders.etag && this._resHeaders.etag.replace(/^\s*W\//, "") === response.headers.etag; } else if (this._resHeaders.etag && response.headers.etag) { matches = this._resHeaders.etag.replace(/^\s*W\//, "") === response.headers.etag.replace(/^\s*W\//, ""); } else if (this._resHeaders["last-modified"]) { matches = this._resHeaders["last-modified"] === response.headers["last-modified"]; } else { if (!this._resHeaders.etag && !this._resHeaders["last-modified"] && !response.headers.etag && !response.headers["last-modified"]) { matches = true; } } if (!matches) { return { policy: new this.constructor(request, response), // Client receiving 304 without body, even if it's invalid/mismatched has no option // but to reuse a cached body. We don't have a good way to tell clients to do // error recovery in such case. modified: response.status != 304, matches: false }; } const headers = {}; for (const k in this._resHeaders) { headers[k] = k in response.headers && !excludedFromRevalidationUpdate[k] ? response.headers[k] : this._resHeaders[k]; } const newResponse = Object.assign({}, response, { status: this._status, method: this._method, headers }); return { policy: new this.constructor(request, newResponse, { shared: this._isShared, cacheHeuristic: this._cacheHeuristic, immutableMinTimeToLive: this._immutableMinTtl }), modified: false, matches: true }; } }; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/json-buffer@3.0.1/node_modules/json-buffer/index.js var require_json_buffer = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/json-buffer@3.0.1/node_modules/json-buffer/index.js"(exports) { exports.stringify = function stringify(o) { if ("undefined" == typeof o) return o; if (o && Buffer.isBuffer(o)) return JSON.stringify(":base64:" + o.toString("base64")); if (o && o.toJSON) o = o.toJSON(); if (o && "object" === typeof o) { var s = ""; var array = Array.isArray(o); s = array ? "[" : "{"; var first = true; for (var k in o) { var ignore = "function" == typeof o[k] || !array && "undefined" === typeof o[k]; if (Object.hasOwnProperty.call(o, k) && !ignore) { if (!first) s += ","; first = false; if (array) { if (o[k] == void 0) s += "null"; else s += stringify(o[k]); } else if (o[k] !== void 0) { s += stringify(k) + ":" + stringify(o[k]); } } } s += array ? "]" : "}"; return s; } else if ("string" === typeof o) { return JSON.stringify(/^:/.test(o) ? ":" + o : o); } else if ("undefined" === typeof o) { return "null"; } else return JSON.stringify(o); }; exports.parse = function(s) { return JSON.parse(s, function(key, value) { if ("string" === typeof value) { if (/^:base64:/.test(value)) return Buffer.from(value.substring(8), "base64"); else return /^:/.test(value) ? value.substring(1) : value; } return value; }); }; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/keyv@4.5.2/node_modules/keyv/src/index.js var require_src = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/keyv@4.5.2/node_modules/keyv/src/index.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var EventEmitter3 = require("events"); var JSONB = require_json_buffer(); var loadStore = (options) => { const adapters = { redis: "@keyv/redis", rediss: "@keyv/redis", mongodb: "@keyv/mongo", mongo: "@keyv/mongo", sqlite: "@keyv/sqlite", postgresql: "@keyv/postgres", postgres: "@keyv/postgres", mysql: "@keyv/mysql", etcd: "@keyv/etcd", offline: "@keyv/offline", tiered: "@keyv/tiered" }; if (options.adapter || options.uri) { const adapter = options.adapter || /^[^:+]*/.exec(options.uri)[0]; return new (require(adapters[adapter]))(options); } return /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); }; var iterableAdapters = [ "sqlite", "postgres", "mysql", "mongo", "redis", "tiered" ]; var Keyv2 = class extends EventEmitter3 { constructor(uri, { emitErrors = true, ...options } = {}) { super(); this.opts = { namespace: "keyv", serialize: JSONB.stringify, deserialize: JSONB.parse, ...typeof uri === "string" ? { uri } : uri, ...options }; if (!this.opts.store) { const adapterOptions = { ...this.opts }; this.opts.store = loadStore(adapterOptions); } if (this.opts.compression) { const compression = this.opts.compression; this.opts.serialize = compression.serialize.bind(compression); this.opts.deserialize = compression.deserialize.bind(compression); } if (typeof this.opts.store.on === "function" && emitErrors) { this.opts.store.on("error", (error) => this.emit("error", error)); } this.opts.store.namespace = this.opts.namespace; const generateIterator = (iterator) => async function* () { for await (const [key, raw] of typeof iterator === "function" ? iterator(this.opts.store.namespace) : iterator) { const data = this.opts.deserialize(raw); if (this.opts.store.namespace && !key.includes(this.opts.store.namespace)) { continue; } if (typeof data.expires === "number" && Date.now() > data.expires) { this.delete(key); continue; } yield [this._getKeyUnprefix(key), data.value]; } }; if (typeof this.opts.store[Symbol.iterator] === "function" && this.opts.store instanceof Map) { this.iterator = generateIterator(this.opts.store); } else if (typeof this.opts.store.iterator === "function" && this.opts.store.opts && this._checkIterableAdaptar()) { this.iterator = generateIterator(this.opts.store.iterator.bind(this.opts.store)); } } _checkIterableAdaptar() { return iterableAdapters.includes(this.opts.store.opts.dialect) || iterableAdapters.findIndex((element) => this.opts.store.opts.url.includes(element)) >= 0; } _getKeyPrefix(key) { return `${this.opts.namespace}:${key}`; } _getKeyPrefixArray(keys) { return keys.map((key) => `${this.opts.namespace}:${key}`); } _getKeyUnprefix(key) { return key.split(":").splice(1).join(":"); } get(key, options) { const { store } = this.opts; const isArray = Array.isArray(key); const keyPrefixed = isArray ? this._getKeyPrefixArray(key) : this._getKeyPrefix(key); if (isArray && store.getMany === void 0) { const promises = []; for (const key2 of keyPrefixed) { promises.push( Promise.resolve().then(() => store.get(key2)).then((data) => typeof data === "string" ? this.opts.deserialize(data) : this.opts.compression ? this.opts.deserialize(data) : data).then((data) => { if (data === void 0 || data === null) { return void 0; } if (typeof data.expires === "number" && Date.now() > data.expires) { return this.delete(key2).then(() => void 0); } return options && options.raw ? data : data.value; }) ); } return Promise.allSettled(promises).then((values) => { const data = []; for (const value of values) { data.push(value.value); } return data; }); } return Promise.resolve().then(() => isArray ? store.getMany(keyPrefixed) : store.get(keyPrefixed)).then((data) => typeof data === "string" ? this.opts.deserialize(data) : this.opts.compression ? this.opts.deserialize(data) : data).then((data) => { if (data === void 0 || data === null) { return void 0; } if (isArray) { const result = []; for (let row of data) { if (typeof row === "string") { row = this.opts.deserialize(row); } if (row === void 0 || row === null) { result.push(void 0); continue; } if (typeof row.expires === "number" && Date.now() > row.expires) { this.delete(key).then(() => void 0); result.push(void 0); } else { result.push(options && options.raw ? row : row.value); } } return result; } if (typeof data.expires === "number" && Date.now() > data.expires) { return this.delete(key).then(() => void 0); } return options && options.raw ? data : data.value; }); } set(key, value, ttl2) { const keyPrefixed = this._getKeyPrefix(key); if (typeof ttl2 === "undefined") { ttl2 = this.opts.ttl; } if (ttl2 === 0) { ttl2 = void 0; } const { store } = this.opts; return Promise.resolve().then(() => { const expires = typeof ttl2 === "number" ? Date.now() + ttl2 : null; if (typeof value === "symbol") { this.emit("error", "symbol cannot be serialized"); } value = { value, expires }; return this.opts.serialize(value); }).then((value2) => store.set(keyPrefixed, value2, ttl2)).then(() => true); } delete(key) { const { store } = this.opts; if (Array.isArray(key)) { const keyPrefixed2 = this._getKeyPrefixArray(key); if (store.deleteMany === void 0) { const promises = []; for (const key2 of keyPrefixed2) { promises.push(store.delete(key2)); } return Promise.allSettled(promises).then((values) => values.every((x) => x.value === true)); } return Promise.resolve().then(() => store.deleteMany(keyPrefixed2)); } const keyPrefixed = this._getKeyPrefix(key); return Promise.resolve().then(() => store.delete(keyPrefixed)); } clear() { const { store } = this.opts; return Promise.resolve().then(() => store.clear()); } has(key) { const keyPrefixed = this._getKeyPrefix(key); const { store } = this.opts; return Promise.resolve().then(async () => { if (typeof store.has === "function") { return store.has(keyPrefixed); } const value = await store.get(keyPrefixed); return value !== void 0; }); } disconnect() { const { store } = this.opts; if (typeof store.disconnect === "function") { return store.disconnect(); } } }; module2.exports = Keyv2; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/mimic-response@3.1.0/node_modules/mimic-response/index.js var require_mimic_response = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/mimic-response@3.1.0/node_modules/mimic-response/index.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var knownProperties2 = [ "aborted", "complete", "headers", "httpVersion", "httpVersionMinor", "httpVersionMajor", "method", "rawHeaders", "rawTrailers", "setTimeout", "socket", "statusCode", "statusMessage", "trailers", "url" ]; module2.exports = (fromStream, toStream) => { if (toStream._readableState.autoDestroy) { throw new Error("The second stream must have the `autoDestroy` option set to `false`"); } const fromProperties = new Set(Object.keys(fromStream).concat(knownProperties2)); const properties = {}; for (const property of fromProperties) { if (property in toStream) { continue; } properties[property] = { get() { const value = fromStream[property]; const isFunction2 = typeof value === "function"; return isFunction2 ? value.bind(fromStream) : value; }, set(value) { fromStream[property] = value; }, enumerable: true, configurable: false }; } Object.defineProperties(toStream, properties); fromStream.once("aborted", () => { toStream.destroy(); toStream.emit("aborted"); }); fromStream.once("close", () => { if (fromStream.complete) { if (toStream.readable) { toStream.once("end", () => { toStream.emit("close"); }); } else { toStream.emit("close"); } } else { toStream.emit("close"); } }); return toStream; }; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/decompress-response@6.0.0/node_modules/decompress-response/index.js var require_decompress_response = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/decompress-response@6.0.0/node_modules/decompress-response/index.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var { Transform, PassThrough } = require("stream"); var zlib = require("zlib"); var mimicResponse2 = require_mimic_response(); module2.exports = (response) => { const contentEncoding = (response.headers["content-encoding"] || "").toLowerCase(); if (!["gzip", "deflate", "br"].includes(contentEncoding)) { return response; } const isBrotli = contentEncoding === "br"; if (isBrotli && typeof zlib.createBrotliDecompress !== "function") { response.destroy(new Error("Brotli is not supported on Node.js < 12")); return response; } let isEmpty = true; const checker = new Transform({ transform(data, _encoding, callback) { isEmpty = false; callback(null, data); }, flush(callback) { callback(); } }); const finalStream = new PassThrough({ autoDestroy: false, destroy(error, callback) { response.destroy(); callback(error); } }); const decompressStream = isBrotli ? zlib.createBrotliDecompress() : zlib.createUnzip(); decompressStream.once("error", (error) => { if (isEmpty && !response.readable) { finalStream.end(); return; } finalStream.destroy(error); }); mimicResponse2(response, finalStream); response.pipe(checker).pipe(decompressStream).pipe(finalStream); return finalStream; }; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/quick-lru@5.1.1/node_modules/quick-lru/index.js var require_quick_lru = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/quick-lru@5.1.1/node_modules/quick-lru/index.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var QuickLRU = class { constructor(options = {}) { if (!(options.maxSize && options.maxSize > 0)) { throw new TypeError("`maxSize` must be a number greater than 0"); } this.maxSize = options.maxSize; this.onEviction = options.onEviction; this.cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.oldCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this._size = 0; } _set(key, value) { this.cache.set(key, value); this._size++; if (this._size >= this.maxSize) { this._size = 0; if (typeof this.onEviction === "function") { for (const [key2, value2] of this.oldCache.entries()) { this.onEviction(key2, value2); } } this.oldCache = this.cache; this.cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } } get(key) { if (this.cache.has(key)) { return this.cache.get(key); } if (this.oldCache.has(key)) { const value = this.oldCache.get(key); this.oldCache.delete(key); this._set(key, value); return value; } } set(key, value) { if (this.cache.has(key)) { this.cache.set(key, value); } else { this._set(key, value); } return this; } has(key) { return this.cache.has(key) || this.oldCache.has(key); } peek(key) { if (this.cache.has(key)) { return this.cache.get(key); } if (this.oldCache.has(key)) { return this.oldCache.get(key); } } delete(key) { const deleted = this.cache.delete(key); if (deleted) { this._size--; } return this.oldCache.delete(key) || deleted; } clear() { this.cache.clear(); this.oldCache.clear(); this._size = 0; } *keys() { for (const [key] of this) { yield key; } } *values() { for (const [, value] of this) { yield value; } } *[Symbol.iterator]() { for (const item of this.cache) { yield item; } for (const item of this.oldCache) { const [key] = item; if (!this.cache.has(key)) { yield item; } } } get size() { let oldCacheSize = 0; for (const key of this.oldCache.keys()) { if (!this.cache.has(key)) { oldCacheSize++; } } return Math.min(this._size + oldCacheSize, this.maxSize); } }; module2.exports = QuickLRU; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/utils/delay-async-destroy.js var require_delay_async_destroy = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/utils/delay-async-destroy.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; module2.exports = (stream2) => { if (stream2.listenerCount("error") !== 0) { return stream2; } stream2.__destroy = stream2._destroy; stream2._destroy = (...args) => { const callback = args.pop(); stream2.__destroy(...args, async (error) => { await Promise.resolve(); callback(error); }); }; const onError = (error) => { Promise.resolve().then(() => { stream2.emit("error", error); }); }; stream2.once("error", onError); Promise.resolve().then(() => { stream2.off("error", onError); }); return stream2; }; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/agent.js var require_agent = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/agent.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var { URL: URL4 } = require("url"); var EventEmitter3 = require("events"); var tls = require("tls"); var http22 = require("http2"); var QuickLRU = require_quick_lru(); var delayAsyncDestroy = require_delay_async_destroy(); var kCurrentStreamCount = Symbol("currentStreamCount"); var kRequest = Symbol("request"); var kOriginSet = Symbol("cachedOriginSet"); var kGracefullyClosing = Symbol("gracefullyClosing"); var kLength = Symbol("length"); var nameKeys = [ // Not an Agent option actually "createConnection", // `http2.connect()` options "maxDeflateDynamicTableSize", "maxSettings", "maxSessionMemory", "maxHeaderListPairs", "maxOutstandingPings", "maxReservedRemoteStreams", "maxSendHeaderBlockLength", "paddingStrategy", "peerMaxConcurrentStreams", "settings", // `tls.connect()` source options "family", "localAddress", "rejectUnauthorized", // `tls.connect()` secure context options "pskCallback", "minDHSize", // `tls.connect()` destination options // - `servername` is automatically validated, skip it // - `host` and `port` just describe the destination server, "path", "socket", // `tls.createSecureContext()` options "ca", "cert", "sigalgs", "ciphers", "clientCertEngine", "crl", "dhparam", "ecdhCurve", "honorCipherOrder", "key", "privateKeyEngine", "privateKeyIdentifier", "maxVersion", "minVersion", "pfx", "secureOptions", "secureProtocol", "sessionIdContext", "ticketKeys" ]; var getSortedIndex = (array, value, compare) => { let low = 0; let high = array.length; while (low < high) { const mid = low + high >>> 1; if (compare(array[mid], value)) { low = mid + 1; } else { high = mid; } } return low; }; var compareSessions = (a, b) => a.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams > b.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams; var closeCoveredSessions = (where, session) => { for (let index = 0; index < where.length; index++) { const coveredSession = where[index]; if ( // Unfortunately `.every()` returns true for an empty array coveredSession[kOriginSet].length > 0 && coveredSession[kOriginSet].length < session[kOriginSet].length && coveredSession[kOriginSet].every((origin) => session[kOriginSet].includes(origin)) && coveredSession[kCurrentStreamCount] + session[kCurrentStreamCount] <= session.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams ) { gracefullyClose(coveredSession); } } }; var closeSessionIfCovered = (where, coveredSession) => { for (let index = 0; index < where.length; index++) { const session = where[index]; if (coveredSession[kOriginSet].length > 0 && coveredSession[kOriginSet].length < session[kOriginSet].length && coveredSession[kOriginSet].every((origin) => session[kOriginSet].includes(origin)) && coveredSession[kCurrentStreamCount] + session[kCurrentStreamCount] <= session.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams) { gracefullyClose(coveredSession); return true; } } return false; }; var gracefullyClose = (session) => { session[kGracefullyClosing] = true; if (session[kCurrentStreamCount] === 0) { session.close(); } }; var Agent = class extends EventEmitter3 { constructor({ timeout = 0, maxSessions = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, maxEmptySessions = 10, maxCachedTlsSessions = 100 } = {}) { super(); this.sessions = {}; this.queue = {}; this.timeout = timeout; this.maxSessions = maxSessions; this.maxEmptySessions = maxEmptySessions; this._emptySessionCount = 0; this._sessionCount = 0; this.settings = { enablePush: false, initialWindowSize: 1024 * 1024 * 32 // 32MB, see https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/38426 }; this.tlsSessionCache = new QuickLRU({ maxSize: maxCachedTlsSessions }); } get protocol() { return "https:"; } normalizeOptions(options) { let normalized = ""; for (let index = 0; index < nameKeys.length; index++) { const key = nameKeys[index]; normalized += ":"; if (options && options[key] !== void 0) { normalized += options[key]; } } return normalized; } _processQueue() { if (this._sessionCount >= this.maxSessions) { this.closeEmptySessions(this.maxSessions - this._sessionCount + 1); return; } for (const normalizedOptions in this.queue) { for (const normalizedOrigin in this.queue[normalizedOptions]) { const item = this.queue[normalizedOptions][normalizedOrigin]; if (!item.completed) { item.completed = true; item(); } } } } _isBetterSession(thisStreamCount, thatStreamCount) { return thisStreamCount > thatStreamCount; } _accept(session, listeners, normalizedOrigin, options) { let index = 0; while (index < listeners.length && session[kCurrentStreamCount] < session.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams) { listeners[index].resolve(session); index++; } listeners.splice(0, index); if (listeners.length > 0) { this.getSession(normalizedOrigin, options, listeners); listeners.length = 0; } } getSession(origin, options, listeners) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (Array.isArray(listeners) && listeners.length > 0) { listeners = [...listeners]; resolve(); } else { listeners = [{ resolve, reject }]; } try { if (typeof origin === "string") { origin = new URL4(origin); } else if (!(origin instanceof URL4)) { throw new TypeError("The `origin` argument needs to be a string or an URL object"); } if (options) { const { servername } = options; const { hostname } = origin; if (servername && hostname !== servername) { throw new Error(`Origin ${hostname} differs from servername ${servername}`); } } } catch (error) { for (let index = 0; index < listeners.length; index++) { listeners[index].reject(error); } return; } const normalizedOptions = this.normalizeOptions(options); const normalizedOrigin = origin.origin; if (normalizedOptions in this.sessions) { const sessions = this.sessions[normalizedOptions]; let maxConcurrentStreams = -1; let currentStreamsCount = -1; let optimalSession; for (let index = 0; index < sessions.length; index++) { const session = sessions[index]; const sessionMaxConcurrentStreams = session.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams; if (sessionMaxConcurrentStreams < maxConcurrentStreams) { break; } if (!session[kOriginSet].includes(normalizedOrigin)) { continue; } const sessionCurrentStreamsCount = session[kCurrentStreamCount]; if (sessionCurrentStreamsCount >= sessionMaxConcurrentStreams || session[kGracefullyClosing] || session.destroyed) { continue; } if (!optimalSession) { maxConcurrentStreams = sessionMaxConcurrentStreams; } if (this._isBetterSession(sessionCurrentStreamsCount, currentStreamsCount)) { optimalSession = session; currentStreamsCount = sessionCurrentStreamsCount; } } if (optimalSession) { this._accept(optimalSession, listeners, normalizedOrigin, options); return; } } if (normalizedOptions in this.queue) { if (normalizedOrigin in this.queue[normalizedOptions]) { this.queue[normalizedOptions][normalizedOrigin].listeners.push(...listeners); return; } } else { this.queue[normalizedOptions] = { [kLength]: 0 }; } const removeFromQueue = () => { if (normalizedOptions in this.queue && this.queue[normalizedOptions][normalizedOrigin] === entry) { delete this.queue[normalizedOptions][normalizedOrigin]; if (--this.queue[normalizedOptions][kLength] === 0) { delete this.queue[normalizedOptions]; } } }; const entry = async () => { this._sessionCount++; const name = `${normalizedOrigin}:${normalizedOptions}`; let receivedSettings = false; let socket; try { const computedOptions = { ...options }; if (computedOptions.settings === void 0) { computedOptions.settings = this.settings; } if (computedOptions.session === void 0) { computedOptions.session = this.tlsSessionCache.get(name); } const createConnection = computedOptions.createConnection || this.createConnection; socket = await createConnection.call(this, origin, computedOptions); computedOptions.createConnection = () => socket; const session = http22.connect(origin, computedOptions); session[kCurrentStreamCount] = 0; session[kGracefullyClosing] = false; const getOriginSet = () => { const { socket: socket2 } = session; let originSet; if (socket2.servername === false) { socket2.servername = socket2.remoteAddress; originSet = session.originSet; socket2.servername = false; } else { originSet = session.originSet; } return originSet; }; const isFree = () => session[kCurrentStreamCount] < session.remoteSettings.maxConcurrentStreams; session.socket.once("session", (tlsSession) => { this.tlsSessionCache.set(name, tlsSession); }); session.once("error", (error) => { for (let index = 0; index < listeners.length; index++) { listeners[index].reject(error); } this.tlsSessionCache.delete(name); }); session.setTimeout(this.timeout, () => { session.destroy(); }); session.once("close", () => { this._sessionCount--; if (receivedSettings) { this._emptySessionCount--; const where = this.sessions[normalizedOptions]; if (where.length === 1) { delete this.sessions[normalizedOptions]; } else { where.splice(where.indexOf(session), 1); } } else { removeFromQueue(); const error = new Error("Session closed without receiving a SETTINGS frame"); error.code = "HTTP2WRAPPER_NOSETTINGS"; for (let index = 0; index < listeners.length; index++) { listeners[index].reject(error); } } this._processQueue(); }); const processListeners = () => { const queue = this.queue[normalizedOptions]; if (!queue) { return; } const originSet = session[kOriginSet]; for (let index = 0; index < originSet.length; index++) { const origin2 = originSet[index]; if (origin2 in queue) { const { listeners: listeners2, completed } = queue[origin2]; let index2 = 0; while (index2 < listeners2.length && isFree()) { listeners2[index2].resolve(session); index2++; } queue[origin2].listeners.splice(0, index2); if (queue[origin2].listeners.length === 0 && !completed) { delete queue[origin2]; if (--queue[kLength] === 0) { delete this.queue[normalizedOptions]; break; } } if (!isFree()) { break; } } } }; session.on("origin", () => { session[kOriginSet] = getOriginSet() || []; session[kGracefullyClosing] = false; closeSessionIfCovered(this.sessions[normalizedOptions], session); if (session[kGracefullyClosing] || !isFree()) { return; } processListeners(); if (!isFree()) { return; } closeCoveredSessions(this.sessions[normalizedOptions], session); }); session.once("remoteSettings", () => { if (entry.destroyed) { const error = new Error("Agent has been destroyed"); for (let index = 0; index < listeners.length; index++) { listeners[index].reject(error); } session.destroy(); return; } if (session.setLocalWindowSize) { session.setLocalWindowSize(1024 * 1024 * 4); } session[kOriginSet] = getOriginSet() || []; if (session.socket.encrypted) { const mainOrigin = session[kOriginSet][0]; if (mainOrigin !== normalizedOrigin) { const error = new Error(`Requested origin ${normalizedOrigin} does not match server ${mainOrigin}`); for (let index = 0; index < listeners.length; index++) { listeners[index].reject(error); } session.destroy(); return; } } removeFromQueue(); { const where = this.sessions; if (normalizedOptions in where) { const sessions = where[normalizedOptions]; sessions.splice(getSortedIndex(sessions, session, compareSessions), 0, session); } else { where[normalizedOptions] = [session]; } } receivedSettings = true; this._emptySessionCount++; this.emit("session", session); this._accept(session, listeners, normalizedOrigin, options); if (session[kCurrentStreamCount] === 0 && this._emptySessionCount > this.maxEmptySessions) { this.closeEmptySessions(this._emptySessionCount - this.maxEmptySessions); } session.on("remoteSettings", () => { if (!isFree()) { return; } processListeners(); if (!isFree()) { return; } closeCoveredSessions(this.sessions[normalizedOptions], session); }); }); session[kRequest] = session.request; session.request = (headers, streamOptions) => { if (session[kGracefullyClosing]) { throw new Error("The session is gracefully closing. No new streams are allowed."); } const stream2 = session[kRequest](headers, streamOptions); session.ref(); if (session[kCurrentStreamCount]++ === 0) { this._emptySessionCount--; } stream2.once("close", () => { if (--session[kCurrentStreamCount] === 0) { this._emptySessionCount++; session.unref(); if (this._emptySessionCount > this.maxEmptySessions || session[kGracefullyClosing]) { session.close(); return; } } if (session.destroyed || session.closed) { return; } if (isFree() && !closeSessionIfCovered(this.sessions[normalizedOptions], session)) { closeCoveredSessions(this.sessions[normalizedOptions], session); processListeners(); if (session[kCurrentStreamCount] === 0) { this._processQueue(); } } }); return stream2; }; } catch (error) { removeFromQueue(); this._sessionCount--; for (let index = 0; index < listeners.length; index++) { listeners[index].reject(error); } } }; entry.listeners = listeners; entry.completed = false; entry.destroyed = false; this.queue[normalizedOptions][normalizedOrigin] = entry; this.queue[normalizedOptions][kLength]++; this._processQueue(); }); } request(origin, options, headers, streamOptions) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.getSession(origin, options, [{ reject, resolve: (session) => { try { const stream2 = session.request(headers, streamOptions); delayAsyncDestroy(stream2); resolve(stream2); } catch (error) { reject(error); } } }]); }); } async createConnection(origin, options) { return Agent.connect(origin, options); } static connect(origin, options) { options.ALPNProtocols = ["h2"]; const port = origin.port || 443; const host = origin.hostname; if (typeof options.servername === "undefined") { options.servername = host; } const socket = tls.connect(port, host, options); if (options.socket) { socket._peername = { family: void 0, address: void 0, port }; } return socket; } closeEmptySessions(maxCount = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { let closedCount = 0; const { sessions } = this; for (const key in sessions) { const thisSessions = sessions[key]; for (let index = 0; index < thisSessions.length; index++) { const session = thisSessions[index]; if (session[kCurrentStreamCount] === 0) { closedCount++; session.close(); if (closedCount >= maxCount) { return closedCount; } } } } return closedCount; } destroy(reason) { const { sessions, queue } = this; for (const key in sessions) { const thisSessions = sessions[key]; for (let index = 0; index < thisSessions.length; index++) { thisSessions[index].destroy(reason); } } for (const normalizedOptions in queue) { const entries2 = queue[normalizedOptions]; for (const normalizedOrigin in entries2) { entries2[normalizedOrigin].destroyed = true; } } this.queue = {}; this.tlsSessionCache.clear(); } get emptySessionCount() { return this._emptySessionCount; } get pendingSessionCount() { return this._sessionCount - this._emptySessionCount; } get sessionCount() { return this._sessionCount; } }; Agent.kCurrentStreamCount = kCurrentStreamCount; Agent.kGracefullyClosing = kGracefullyClosing; module2.exports = { Agent, globalAgent: new Agent() }; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/incoming-message.js var require_incoming_message = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/incoming-message.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var { Readable } = require("stream"); var IncomingMessage = class extends Readable { constructor(socket, highWaterMark) { super({ emitClose: false, autoDestroy: true, highWaterMark }); this.statusCode = null; this.statusMessage = ""; this.httpVersion = "2.0"; this.httpVersionMajor = 2; this.httpVersionMinor = 0; this.headers = {}; this.trailers = {}; this.req = null; this.aborted = false; this.complete = false; this.upgrade = null; this.rawHeaders = []; this.rawTrailers = []; this.socket = socket; this._dumped = false; } get connection() { return this.socket; } set connection(value) { this.socket = value; } _destroy(error, callback) { if (!this.readableEnded) { this.aborted = true; } callback(); this.req._request.destroy(error); } setTimeout(ms, callback) { this.req.setTimeout(ms, callback); return this; } _dump() { if (!this._dumped) { this._dumped = true; this.removeAllListeners("data"); this.resume(); } } _read() { if (this.req) { this.req._request.resume(); } } }; module2.exports = IncomingMessage; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/utils/proxy-events.js var require_proxy_events = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/utils/proxy-events.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; module2.exports = (from, to, events) => { for (const event of events) { from.on(event, (...args) => to.emit(event, ...args)); } }; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/utils/errors.js var require_errors = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/utils/errors.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var makeError = (Base, key, getMessage) => { module2.exports[key] = class NodeError extends Base { constructor(...args) { super(typeof getMessage === "string" ? getMessage : getMessage(args)); this.name = `${super.name} [${key}]`; this.code = key; } }; }; makeError(TypeError, "ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", (args) => { const type = args[0].includes(".") ? "property" : "argument"; let valid = args[1]; const isManyTypes = Array.isArray(valid); if (isManyTypes) { valid = `${valid.slice(0, -1).join(", ")} or ${valid.slice(-1)}`; } return `The "${args[0]}" ${type} must be ${isManyTypes ? "one of" : "of"} type ${valid}. Received ${typeof args[2]}`; }); makeError( TypeError, "ERR_INVALID_PROTOCOL", (args) => `Protocol "${args[0]}" not supported. Expected "${args[1]}"` ); makeError( Error, "ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT", (args) => `Cannot ${args[0]} headers after they are sent to the client` ); makeError( TypeError, "ERR_INVALID_HTTP_TOKEN", (args) => `${args[0]} must be a valid HTTP token [${args[1]}]` ); makeError( TypeError, "ERR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_VALUE", (args) => `Invalid value "${args[0]} for header "${args[1]}"` ); makeError( TypeError, "ERR_INVALID_CHAR", (args) => `Invalid character in ${args[0]} [${args[1]}]` ); makeError( Error, "ERR_HTTP2_NO_SOCKET_MANIPULATION", "HTTP/2 sockets should not be directly manipulated (e.g. read and written)" ); } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/utils/is-request-pseudo-header.js var require_is_request_pseudo_header = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/utils/is-request-pseudo-header.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; module2.exports = (header) => { switch (header) { case ":method": case ":scheme": case ":authority": case ":path": return true; default: return false; } }; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/utils/validate-header-name.js var require_validate_header_name = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/utils/validate-header-name.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var { ERR_INVALID_HTTP_TOKEN } = require_errors(); var isRequestPseudoHeader = require_is_request_pseudo_header(); var isValidHttpToken = /^[\^`\-\w!#$%&*+.|~]+$/; module2.exports = (name) => { if (typeof name !== "string" || !isValidHttpToken.test(name) && !isRequestPseudoHeader(name)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_HTTP_TOKEN("Header name", name); } }; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/utils/validate-header-value.js var require_validate_header_value = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/utils/validate-header-value.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var { ERR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_VALUE, ERR_INVALID_CHAR } = require_errors(); var isInvalidHeaderValue = /[^\t\u0020-\u007E\u0080-\u00FF]/; module2.exports = (name, value) => { if (typeof value === "undefined") { throw new ERR_HTTP_INVALID_HEADER_VALUE(value, name); } if (isInvalidHeaderValue.test(value)) { throw new ERR_INVALID_CHAR("header content", name); } }; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/utils/proxy-socket-handler.js var require_proxy_socket_handler = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/utils/proxy-socket-handler.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var { ERR_HTTP2_NO_SOCKET_MANIPULATION } = require_errors(); var proxySocketHandler = { has(stream2, property) { const reference = stream2.session === void 0 ? stream2 : stream2.session.socket; return property in stream2 || property in reference; }, get(stream2, property) { switch (property) { case "on": case "once": case "end": case "emit": case "destroy": return stream2[property].bind(stream2); case "writable": case "destroyed": return stream2[property]; case "readable": if (stream2.destroyed) { return false; } return stream2.readable; case "setTimeout": { const { session } = stream2; if (session !== void 0) { return session.setTimeout.bind(session); } return stream2.setTimeout.bind(stream2); } case "write": case "read": case "pause": case "resume": throw new ERR_HTTP2_NO_SOCKET_MANIPULATION(); default: { const reference = stream2.session === void 0 ? stream2 : stream2.session.socket; const value = reference[property]; return typeof value === "function" ? value.bind(reference) : value; } } }, getPrototypeOf(stream2) { if (stream2.session !== void 0) { return Reflect.getPrototypeOf(stream2.session.socket); } return Reflect.getPrototypeOf(stream2); }, set(stream2, property, value) { switch (property) { case "writable": case "readable": case "destroyed": case "on": case "once": case "end": case "emit": case "destroy": stream2[property] = value; return true; case "setTimeout": { const { session } = stream2; if (session === void 0) { stream2.setTimeout = value; } else { session.setTimeout = value; } return true; } case "write": case "read": case "pause": case "resume": throw new ERR_HTTP2_NO_SOCKET_MANIPULATION(); default: { const reference = stream2.session === void 0 ? stream2 : stream2.session.socket; reference[property] = value; return true; } } } }; module2.exports = proxySocketHandler; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/client-request.js var require_client_request = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/client-request.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var { URL: URL4, urlToHttpOptions } = require("url"); var http22 = require("http2"); var { Writable } = require("stream"); var { Agent, globalAgent } = require_agent(); var IncomingMessage = require_incoming_message(); var proxyEvents2 = require_proxy_events(); var { ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, ERR_INVALID_PROTOCOL, ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT } = require_errors(); var validateHeaderName = require_validate_header_name(); var validateHeaderValue = require_validate_header_value(); var proxySocketHandler = require_proxy_socket_handler(); var { HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS, HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD, HTTP2_HEADER_PATH, HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY, HTTP2_METHOD_CONNECT } = http22.constants; var kHeaders = Symbol("headers"); var kOrigin = Symbol("origin"); var kSession = Symbol("session"); var kOptions = Symbol("options"); var kFlushedHeaders = Symbol("flushedHeaders"); var kJobs = Symbol("jobs"); var kPendingAgentPromise = Symbol("pendingAgentPromise"); var ClientRequest = class extends Writable { constructor(input, options, callback) { super({ autoDestroy: false, emitClose: false }); if (typeof input === "string") { input = urlToHttpOptions(new URL4(input)); } else if (input instanceof URL4) { input = urlToHttpOptions(input); } else { input = { ...input }; } if (typeof options === "function" || options === void 0) { callback = options; options = input; } else { options = Object.assign(input, options); } if (options.h2session) { this[kSession] = options.h2session; if (this[kSession].destroyed) { throw new Error("The session has been closed already"); } this.protocol = this[kSession].socket.encrypted ? "https:" : "http:"; } else if (options.agent === false) { this.agent = new Agent({ maxEmptySessions: 0 }); } else if (typeof options.agent === "undefined" || options.agent === null) { this.agent = globalAgent; } else if (typeof options.agent.request === "function") { this.agent = options.agent; } else { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE("options.agent", ["http2wrapper.Agent-like Object", "undefined", "false"], options.agent); } if (this.agent) { this.protocol = this.agent.protocol; } if (options.protocol && options.protocol !== this.protocol) { throw new ERR_INVALID_PROTOCOL(options.protocol, this.protocol); } if (!options.port) { options.port = options.defaultPort || this.agent && this.agent.defaultPort || 443; } options.host = options.hostname || options.host || "localhost"; delete options.hostname; const { timeout } = options; options.timeout = void 0; this[kHeaders] = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); this[kJobs] = []; this[kPendingAgentPromise] = void 0; this.socket = null; this.connection = null; this.method = options.method || "GET"; if (!(this.method === "CONNECT" && (options.path === "/" || options.path === void 0))) { this.path = options.path; } this.res = null; this.aborted = false; this.reusedSocket = false; const { headers } = options; if (headers) { for (const header in headers) { this.setHeader(header, headers[header]); } } if (options.auth && !("authorization" in this[kHeaders])) { this[kHeaders].authorization = "Basic " + Buffer.from(options.auth).toString("base64"); } options.session = options.tlsSession; options.path = options.socketPath; this[kOptions] = options; this[kOrigin] = new URL4(`${this.protocol}//${options.servername || options.host}:${options.port}`); const reuseSocket = options._reuseSocket; if (reuseSocket) { options.createConnection = (...args) => { if (reuseSocket.destroyed) { return this.agent.createConnection(...args); } return reuseSocket; }; this.agent.getSession(this[kOrigin], this[kOptions]).catch(() => { }); } if (timeout) { this.setTimeout(timeout); } if (callback) { this.once("response", callback); } this[kFlushedHeaders] = false; } get method() { return this[kHeaders][HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD]; } set method(value) { if (value) { this[kHeaders][HTTP2_HEADER_METHOD] = value.toUpperCase(); } } get path() { const header = this.method === "CONNECT" ? HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY : HTTP2_HEADER_PATH; return this[kHeaders][header]; } set path(value) { if (value) { const header = this.method === "CONNECT" ? HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY : HTTP2_HEADER_PATH; this[kHeaders][header] = value; } } get host() { return this[kOrigin].hostname; } set host(_value) { } get _mustNotHaveABody() { return this.method === "GET" || this.method === "HEAD" || this.method === "DELETE"; } _write(chunk, encoding, callback) { if (this._mustNotHaveABody) { callback(new Error("The GET, HEAD and DELETE methods must NOT have a body")); return; } this.flushHeaders(); const callWrite = () => this._request.write(chunk, encoding, callback); if (this._request) { callWrite(); } else { this[kJobs].push(callWrite); } } _final(callback) { this.flushHeaders(); const callEnd = () => { if (this._mustNotHaveABody || this.method === "CONNECT") { callback(); return; } this._request.end(callback); }; if (this._request) { callEnd(); } else { this[kJobs].push(callEnd); } } abort() { if (this.res && this.res.complete) { return; } if (!this.aborted) { process.nextTick(() => this.emit("abort")); } this.aborted = true; this.destroy(); } async _destroy(error, callback) { if (this.res) { this.res._dump(); } if (this._request) { this._request.destroy(); } else { process.nextTick(() => { this.emit("close"); }); } try { await this[kPendingAgentPromise]; } catch (internalError) { if (this.aborted) { error = internalError; } } callback(error); } async flushHeaders() { if (this[kFlushedHeaders] || this.destroyed) { return; } this[kFlushedHeaders] = true; const isConnectMethod = this.method === HTTP2_METHOD_CONNECT; const onStream = (stream2) => { this._request = stream2; if (this.destroyed) { stream2.destroy(); return; } if (!isConnectMethod) { proxyEvents2(stream2, this, ["timeout", "continue"]); } stream2.once("error", (error) => { this.destroy(error); }); stream2.once("aborted", () => { const { res } = this; if (res) { res.aborted = true; res.emit("aborted"); res.destroy(); } else { this.destroy(new Error("The server aborted the HTTP/2 stream")); } }); const onResponse = (headers, flags, rawHeaders) => { const response = new IncomingMessage(this.socket, stream2.readableHighWaterMark); this.res = response; response.url = `${this[kOrigin].origin}${this.path}`; response.req = this; response.statusCode = headers[HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS]; response.headers = headers; response.rawHeaders = rawHeaders; response.once("end", () => { response.complete = true; response.socket = null; response.connection = null; }); if (isConnectMethod) { response.upgrade = true; if (this.emit("connect", response, stream2, Buffer.alloc(0))) { this.emit("close"); } else { stream2.destroy(); } } else { stream2.on("data", (chunk) => { if (!response._dumped && !response.push(chunk)) { stream2.pause(); } }); stream2.once("end", () => { if (!this.aborted) { response.push(null); } }); if (!this.emit("response", response)) { response._dump(); } } }; stream2.once("response", onResponse); stream2.once("headers", (headers) => this.emit("information", { statusCode: headers[HTTP2_HEADER_STATUS] })); stream2.once("trailers", (trailers, flags, rawTrailers) => { const { res } = this; if (res === null) { onResponse(trailers, flags, rawTrailers); return; } res.trailers = trailers; res.rawTrailers = rawTrailers; }); stream2.once("close", () => { const { aborted, res } = this; if (res) { if (aborted) { res.aborted = true; res.emit("aborted"); res.destroy(); } const finish = () => { res.emit("close"); this.destroy(); this.emit("close"); }; if (res.readable) { res.once("end", finish); } else { finish(); } return; } if (!this.destroyed) { this.destroy(new Error("The HTTP/2 stream has been early terminated")); this.emit("close"); return; } this.destroy(); this.emit("close"); }); this.socket = new Proxy(stream2, proxySocketHandler); for (const job of this[kJobs]) { job(); } this[kJobs].length = 0; this.emit("socket", this.socket); }; if (!(HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY in this[kHeaders]) && !isConnectMethod) { this[kHeaders][HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY] = this[kOrigin].host; } if (this[kSession]) { try { onStream(this[kSession].request(this[kHeaders])); } catch (error) { this.destroy(error); } } else { this.reusedSocket = true; try { const promise = this.agent.request(this[kOrigin], this[kOptions], this[kHeaders]); this[kPendingAgentPromise] = promise; onStream(await promise); this[kPendingAgentPromise] = false; } catch (error) { this[kPendingAgentPromise] = false; this.destroy(error); } } } get connection() { return this.socket; } set connection(value) { this.socket = value; } getHeaderNames() { return Object.keys(this[kHeaders]); } hasHeader(name) { if (typeof name !== "string") { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE("name", "string", name); } return Boolean(this[kHeaders][name.toLowerCase()]); } getHeader(name) { if (typeof name !== "string") { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE("name", "string", name); } return this[kHeaders][name.toLowerCase()]; } get headersSent() { return this[kFlushedHeaders]; } removeHeader(name) { if (typeof name !== "string") { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE("name", "string", name); } if (this.headersSent) { throw new ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT("remove"); } delete this[kHeaders][name.toLowerCase()]; } setHeader(name, value) { if (this.headersSent) { throw new ERR_HTTP_HEADERS_SENT("set"); } validateHeaderName(name); validateHeaderValue(name, value); const lowercased = name.toLowerCase(); if (lowercased === "connection") { if (value.toLowerCase() === "keep-alive") { return; } throw new Error(`Invalid 'connection' header: ${value}`); } if (lowercased === "host" && this.method === "CONNECT") { this[kHeaders][HTTP2_HEADER_AUTHORITY] = value; } else { this[kHeaders][lowercased] = value; } } setNoDelay() { } setSocketKeepAlive() { } setTimeout(ms, callback) { const applyTimeout = () => this._request.setTimeout(ms, callback); if (this._request) { applyTimeout(); } else { this[kJobs].push(applyTimeout); } return this; } get maxHeadersCount() { if (!this.destroyed && this._request) { return this._request.session.localSettings.maxHeaderListSize; } return void 0; } set maxHeadersCount(_value) { } }; module2.exports = ClientRequest; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/resolve-alpn@1.2.1/node_modules/resolve-alpn/index.js var require_resolve_alpn = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/resolve-alpn@1.2.1/node_modules/resolve-alpn/index.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var tls = require("tls"); module2.exports = (options = {}, connect = tls.connect) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let timeout = false; let socket; const callback = async () => { await socketPromise; socket.off("timeout", onTimeout); socket.off("error", reject); if (options.resolveSocket) { resolve({ alpnProtocol: socket.alpnProtocol, socket, timeout }); if (timeout) { await Promise.resolve(); socket.emit("timeout"); } } else { socket.destroy(); resolve({ alpnProtocol: socket.alpnProtocol, timeout }); } }; const onTimeout = async () => { timeout = true; callback(); }; const socketPromise = (async () => { try { socket = await connect(options, callback); socket.on("error", reject); socket.once("timeout", onTimeout); } catch (error) { reject(error); } })(); }); } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/utils/calculate-server-name.js var require_calculate_server_name = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/utils/calculate-server-name.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var { isIP } = require("net"); var assert2 = require("assert"); var getHost = (host) => { if (host[0] === "[") { const idx2 = host.indexOf("]"); assert2(idx2 !== -1); return host.slice(1, idx2); } const idx = host.indexOf(":"); if (idx === -1) { return host; } return host.slice(0, idx); }; module2.exports = (host) => { const servername = getHost(host); if (isIP(servername)) { return ""; } return servername; }; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/auto.js var require_auto = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/auto.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var { URL: URL4, urlToHttpOptions } = require("url"); var http3 = require("http"); var https2 = require("https"); var resolveALPN = require_resolve_alpn(); var QuickLRU = require_quick_lru(); var { Agent, globalAgent } = require_agent(); var Http2ClientRequest = require_client_request(); var calculateServerName = require_calculate_server_name(); var delayAsyncDestroy = require_delay_async_destroy(); var cache = new QuickLRU({ maxSize: 100 }); var queue = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); var installSocket = (agent2, socket, options) => { socket._httpMessage = { shouldKeepAlive: true }; const onFree = () => { agent2.emit("free", socket, options); }; socket.on("free", onFree); const onClose = () => { agent2.removeSocket(socket, options); }; socket.on("close", onClose); const onTimeout = () => { const { freeSockets } = agent2; for (const sockets of Object.values(freeSockets)) { if (sockets.includes(socket)) { socket.destroy(); return; } } }; socket.on("timeout", onTimeout); const onRemove = () => { agent2.removeSocket(socket, options); socket.off("close", onClose); socket.off("free", onFree); socket.off("timeout", onTimeout); socket.off("agentRemove", onRemove); }; socket.on("agentRemove", onRemove); agent2.emit("free", socket, options); }; var createResolveProtocol = (cache2, queue2 = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), connect = void 0) => { return async (options) => { const name = `${options.host}:${options.port}:${options.ALPNProtocols.sort()}`; if (!cache2.has(name)) { if (queue2.has(name)) { const result = await queue2.get(name); return { alpnProtocol: result.alpnProtocol }; } const { path } = options; options.path = options.socketPath; const resultPromise = resolveALPN(options, connect); queue2.set(name, resultPromise); try { const result = await resultPromise; cache2.set(name, result.alpnProtocol); queue2.delete(name); options.path = path; return result; } catch (error) { queue2.delete(name); options.path = path; throw error; } } return { alpnProtocol: cache2.get(name) }; }; }; var defaultResolveProtocol = createResolveProtocol(cache, queue); module2.exports = async (input, options, callback) => { if (typeof input === "string") { input = urlToHttpOptions(new URL4(input)); } else if (input instanceof URL4) { input = urlToHttpOptions(input); } else { input = { ...input }; } if (typeof options === "function" || options === void 0) { callback = options; options = input; } else { options = Object.assign(input, options); } options.ALPNProtocols = options.ALPNProtocols || ["h2", "http/1.1"]; if (!Array.isArray(options.ALPNProtocols) || options.ALPNProtocols.length === 0) { throw new Error("The `ALPNProtocols` option must be an Array with at least one entry"); } options.protocol = options.protocol || "https:"; const isHttps = options.protocol === "https:"; options.host = options.hostname || options.host || "localhost"; options.session = options.tlsSession; options.servername = options.servername || calculateServerName(options.headers && options.headers.host || options.host); options.port = options.port || (isHttps ? 443 : 80); options._defaultAgent = isHttps ? https2.globalAgent : http3.globalAgent; const resolveProtocol = options.resolveProtocol || defaultResolveProtocol; let { agent: agent2 } = options; if (agent2 !== void 0 && agent2 !== false && agent2.constructor.name !== "Object") { throw new Error("The `options.agent` can be only an object `http`, `https` or `http2` properties"); } if (isHttps) { options.resolveSocket = true; let { socket, alpnProtocol, timeout } = await resolveProtocol(options); if (timeout) { if (socket) { socket.destroy(); } const error = new Error(`Timed out resolving ALPN: ${options.timeout} ms`); error.code = "ETIMEDOUT"; error.ms = options.timeout; throw error; } if (socket && options.createConnection) { socket.destroy(); socket = void 0; } delete options.resolveSocket; const isHttp2 = alpnProtocol === "h2"; if (agent2) { agent2 = isHttp2 ? agent2.http2 : agent2.https; options.agent = agent2; } if (agent2 === void 0) { agent2 = isHttp2 ? globalAgent : https2.globalAgent; } if (socket) { if (agent2 === false) { socket.destroy(); } else { const defaultCreateConnection = (isHttp2 ? Agent : https2.Agent).prototype.createConnection; if (agent2.createConnection === defaultCreateConnection) { if (isHttp2) { options._reuseSocket = socket; } else { installSocket(agent2, socket, options); } } else { socket.destroy(); } } } if (isHttp2) { return delayAsyncDestroy(new Http2ClientRequest(options, callback)); } } else if (agent2) { options.agent = agent2.http; } return delayAsyncDestroy(http3.request(options, callback)); }; module2.exports.protocolCache = cache; module2.exports.resolveProtocol = defaultResolveProtocol; module2.exports.createResolveProtocol = createResolveProtocol; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/utils/js-stream-socket.js var require_js_stream_socket = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/utils/js-stream-socket.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var stream2 = require("stream"); var tls = require("tls"); var JSStreamSocket = new tls.TLSSocket(new stream2.PassThrough())._handle._parentWrap.constructor; module2.exports = JSStreamSocket; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/proxies/unexpected-status-code-error.js var require_unexpected_status_code_error = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/proxies/unexpected-status-code-error.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var UnexpectedStatusCodeError = class extends Error { constructor(statusCode, statusMessage = "") { super(`The proxy server rejected the request with status code ${statusCode} (${statusMessage || "empty status message"})`); this.statusCode = statusCode; this.statusMessage = statusMessage; } }; module2.exports = UnexpectedStatusCodeError; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/utils/check-type.js var require_check_type = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/utils/check-type.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var checkType = (name, value, types2) => { const valid = types2.some((type) => { const typeofType = typeof type; if (typeofType === "string") { return typeof value === type; } return value instanceof type; }); if (!valid) { const names = types2.map((type) => typeof type === "string" ? type : type.name); throw new TypeError(`Expected '${name}' to be a type of ${names.join(" or ")}, got ${typeof value}`); } }; module2.exports = checkType; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/proxies/initialize.js var require_initialize = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/proxies/initialize.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var { URL: URL4 } = require("url"); var checkType = require_check_type(); module2.exports = (self, proxyOptions) => { checkType("proxyOptions", proxyOptions, ["object"]); checkType("proxyOptions.headers", proxyOptions.headers, ["object", "undefined"]); checkType("proxyOptions.raw", proxyOptions.raw, ["boolean", "undefined"]); checkType("proxyOptions.url", proxyOptions.url, [URL4, "string"]); const url = new URL4(proxyOptions.url); self.proxyOptions = { raw: true, ...proxyOptions, headers: { ...proxyOptions.headers }, url }; }; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/proxies/get-auth-headers.js var require_get_auth_headers = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/proxies/get-auth-headers.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; module2.exports = (self) => { const { username, password } = self.proxyOptions.url; if (username || password) { const data = `${username}:${password}`; const authorization = `Basic ${Buffer.from(data).toString("base64")}`; return { "proxy-authorization": authorization, authorization }; } return {}; }; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/proxies/h1-over-h2.js var require_h1_over_h2 = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/proxies/h1-over-h2.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var tls = require("tls"); var http3 = require("http"); var https2 = require("https"); var JSStreamSocket = require_js_stream_socket(); var { globalAgent } = require_agent(); var UnexpectedStatusCodeError = require_unexpected_status_code_error(); var initialize = require_initialize(); var getAuthorizationHeaders = require_get_auth_headers(); var createConnection = (self, options, callback) => { (async () => { try { const { proxyOptions } = self; const { url, headers, raw } = proxyOptions; const stream2 = await globalAgent.request(url, proxyOptions, { ...getAuthorizationHeaders(self), ...headers, ":method": "CONNECT", ":authority": `${options.host}:${options.port}` }); stream2.once("error", callback); stream2.once("response", (headers2) => { const statusCode = headers2[":status"]; if (statusCode !== 200) { callback(new UnexpectedStatusCodeError(statusCode, "")); return; } const encrypted = self instanceof https2.Agent; if (raw && encrypted) { options.socket = stream2; const secureStream = tls.connect(options); secureStream.once("close", () => { stream2.destroy(); }); callback(null, secureStream); return; } const socket = new JSStreamSocket(stream2); socket.encrypted = false; socket._handle.getpeername = (out) => { out.family = void 0; out.address = void 0; out.port = void 0; }; callback(null, socket); }); } catch (error) { callback(error); } })(); }; var HttpOverHttp2 = class extends http3.Agent { constructor(options) { super(options); initialize(this, options.proxyOptions); } createConnection(options, callback) { createConnection(this, options, callback); } }; var HttpsOverHttp2 = class extends https2.Agent { constructor(options) { super(options); initialize(this, options.proxyOptions); } createConnection(options, callback) { createConnection(this, options, callback); } }; module2.exports = { HttpOverHttp2, HttpsOverHttp2 }; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/proxies/h2-over-hx.js var require_h2_over_hx = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/proxies/h2-over-hx.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var { Agent } = require_agent(); var JSStreamSocket = require_js_stream_socket(); var UnexpectedStatusCodeError = require_unexpected_status_code_error(); var initialize = require_initialize(); var Http2OverHttpX = class extends Agent { constructor(options) { super(options); initialize(this, options.proxyOptions); } async createConnection(origin, options) { const authority = `${origin.hostname}:${origin.port || 443}`; const [stream2, statusCode, statusMessage] = await this._getProxyStream(authority); if (statusCode !== 200) { throw new UnexpectedStatusCodeError(statusCode, statusMessage); } if (this.proxyOptions.raw) { options.socket = stream2; } else { const socket = new JSStreamSocket(stream2); socket.encrypted = false; socket._handle.getpeername = (out) => { out.family = void 0; out.address = void 0; out.port = void 0; }; return socket; } return super.createConnection(origin, options); } }; module2.exports = Http2OverHttpX; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/proxies/h2-over-h2.js var require_h2_over_h2 = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/proxies/h2-over-h2.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var { globalAgent } = require_agent(); var Http2OverHttpX = require_h2_over_hx(); var getAuthorizationHeaders = require_get_auth_headers(); var getStatusCode = (stream2) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { stream2.once("error", reject); stream2.once("response", (headers) => { stream2.off("error", reject); resolve(headers[":status"]); }); }); var Http2OverHttp2 = class extends Http2OverHttpX { async _getProxyStream(authority) { const { proxyOptions } = this; const headers = { ...getAuthorizationHeaders(this), ...proxyOptions.headers, ":method": "CONNECT", ":authority": authority }; const stream2 = await globalAgent.request(proxyOptions.url, proxyOptions, headers); const statusCode = await getStatusCode(stream2); return [stream2, statusCode, ""]; } }; module2.exports = Http2OverHttp2; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/proxies/h2-over-h1.js var require_h2_over_h1 = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/proxies/h2-over-h1.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var http3 = require("http"); var https2 = require("https"); var Http2OverHttpX = require_h2_over_hx(); var getAuthorizationHeaders = require_get_auth_headers(); var getStream2 = (request) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const onConnect = (response, socket, head) => { socket.unshift(head); request.off("error", reject); resolve([socket, response.statusCode, response.statusMessage]); }; request.once("error", reject); request.once("connect", onConnect); }); var Http2OverHttp = class extends Http2OverHttpX { async _getProxyStream(authority) { const { proxyOptions } = this; const { url, headers } = this.proxyOptions; const network = url.protocol === "https:" ? https2 : http3; const request = network.request({ ...proxyOptions, hostname: url.hostname, port: url.port, path: authority, headers: { ...getAuthorizationHeaders(this), ...headers, host: authority }, method: "CONNECT" }).end(); return getStream2(request); } }; module2.exports = { Http2OverHttp, Http2OverHttps: Http2OverHttp }; } }); // node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/index.js var require_source2 = __commonJS({ "node_modules/.pnpm/http2-wrapper@2.2.0/node_modules/http2-wrapper/source/index.js"(exports, module2) { "use strict"; var http22 = require("http2"); var { Agent, globalAgent } = require_agent(); var ClientRequest = require_client_request(); var IncomingMessage = require_incoming_message(); var auto = require_auto(); var { HttpOverHttp2, HttpsOverHttp2 } = require_h1_over_h2(); var Http2OverHttp2 = require_h2_over_h2(); var { Http2OverHttp, Http2OverHttps } = require_h2_over_h1(); var validateHeaderName = require_validate_header_name(); var validateHeaderValue = require_validate_header_value(); var request = (url, options, callback) => new ClientRequest(url, options, callback); var get = (url, options, callback) => { const req = new ClientRequest(url, options, callback); req.end(); return req; }; module2.exports = { ...http22, ClientRequest, IncomingMessage, Agent, globalAgent, request, get, auto, proxies: { HttpOverHttp2, HttpsOverHttp2, Http2OverHttp2, Http2OverHttp, Http2OverHttps }, validateHeaderName, validateHeaderValue }; } }); // src/index.ts var src_exports = {}; __export(src_exports, { default: () => download }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports); var import_http = require("http"); var import_https = require("https"); // node_modules/.pnpm/@sindresorhus+is@5.3.0/node_modules/@sindresorhus/is/dist/index.js var typedArrayTypeNames = [ "Int8Array", "Uint8Array", "Uint8ClampedArray", "Int16Array", "Uint16Array", "Int32Array", "Uint32Array", "Float32Array", "Float64Array", "BigInt64Array", "BigUint64Array" ]; function isTypedArrayName(name) { return typedArrayTypeNames.includes(name); } var objectTypeNames = [ "Function", "Generator", "AsyncGenerator", "GeneratorFunction", "AsyncGeneratorFunction", "AsyncFunction", "Observable", "Array", "Buffer", "Blob", "Object", "RegExp", "Date", "Error", "Map", "Set", "WeakMap", "WeakSet", "WeakRef", "ArrayBuffer", "SharedArrayBuffer", "DataView", "Promise", "URL", "FormData", "URLSearchParams", "HTMLElement", "NaN", ...typedArrayTypeNames ]; function isObjectTypeName(name) { return objectTypeNames.includes(name); } var primitiveTypeNames = [ "null", "undefined", "string", "number", "bigint", "boolean", "symbol" ]; function isPrimitiveTypeName(name) { return primitiveTypeNames.includes(name); } function isOfType(type) { return (value) => typeof value === type; } var { toString } = Object.prototype; var getObjectType = (value) => { const objectTypeName = toString.call(value).slice(8, -1); if (/HTML\w+Element/.test(objectTypeName) && is.domElement(value)) { return "HTMLElement"; } if (isObjectTypeName(objectTypeName)) { return objectTypeName; } return void 0; }; var isObjectOfType = (type) => (value) => getObjectType(value) === type; function is(value) { if (value === null) { return "null"; } switch (typeof value) { case "undefined": return "undefined"; case "string": return "string"; case "number": return Number.isNaN(value) ? "NaN" : "number"; case "boolean": return "boolean"; case "function": return "Function"; case "bigint": return "bigint"; case "symbol": return "symbol"; default: } if (is.observable(value)) { return "Observable"; } if (is.array(value)) { return "Array"; } if (is.buffer(value)) { return "Buffer"; } const tagType = getObjectType(value); if (tagType) { return tagType; } if (value instanceof String || value instanceof Boolean || value instanceof Number) { throw new TypeError("Please don't use object wrappers for primitive types"); } return "Object"; } is.undefined = isOfType("undefined"); is.string = isOfType("string"); var isNumberType = isOfType("number"); is.number = (value) => isNumberType(value) && !is.nan(value); is.bigint = isOfType("bigint"); is.function_ = isOfType("function"); is.null_ = (value) => value === null; is.class_ = (value) => is.function_(value) && value.toString().startsWith("class "); is.boolean = (value) => value === true || value === false; is.symbol = isOfType("symbol"); is.numericString = (value) => is.string(value) && !is.emptyStringOrWhitespace(value) && !Number.isNaN(Number(value)); is.array = (value, assertion) => { if (!Array.isArray(value)) { return false; } if (!is.function_(assertion)) { return true; } return value.every((element) => assertion(element)); }; is.buffer = (value) => { var _a, _b; return ((_b = (_a = value == null ? void 0 : value.constructor) == null ? void 0 : _a.isBuffer) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(_a, value)) ?? false; }; is.blob = (value) => isObjectOfType("Blob")(value); is.nullOrUndefined = (value) => is.null_(value) || is.undefined(value); is.object = (value) => !is.null_(value) && (typeof value === "object" || is.function_(value)); is.iterable = (value) => is.function_(value == null ? void 0 : value[Symbol.iterator]); is.asyncIterable = (value) => is.function_(value == null ? void 0 : value[Symbol.asyncIterator]); is.generator = (value) => is.iterable(value) && is.function_(value == null ? void 0 : value.next) && is.function_(value == null ? void 0 : value.throw); is.asyncGenerator = (value) => is.asyncIterable(value) && is.function_(value.next) && is.function_(value.throw); is.nativePromise = (value) => isObjectOfType("Promise")(value); var hasPromiseApi = (value) => is.function_(value == null ? void 0 : value.then) && is.function_(value == null ? void 0 : value.catch); is.promise = (value) => is.nativePromise(value) || hasPromiseApi(value); is.generatorFunction = isObjectOfType("GeneratorFunction"); is.asyncGeneratorFunction = (value) => getObjectType(value) === "AsyncGeneratorFunction"; is.asyncFunction = (value) => getObjectType(value) === "AsyncFunction"; is.boundFunction = (value) => is.function_(value) && !value.hasOwnProperty("prototype"); is.regExp = isObjectOfType("RegExp"); is.date = isObjectOfType("Date"); is.error = isObjectOfType("Error"); is.map = (value) => isObjectOfType("Map")(value); is.set = (value) => isObjectOfType("Set")(value); is.weakMap = (value) => isObjectOfType("WeakMap")(value); is.weakSet = (value) => isObjectOfType("WeakSet")(value); is.weakRef = (value) => isObjectOfType("WeakRef")(value); is.int8Array = isObjectOfType("Int8Array"); is.uint8Array = isObjectOfType("Uint8Array"); is.uint8ClampedArray = isObjectOfType("Uint8ClampedArray"); is.int16Array = isObjectOfType("Int16Array"); is.uint16Array = isObjectOfType("Uint16Array"); is.int32Array = isObjectOfType("Int32Array"); is.uint32Array = isObjectOfType("Uint32Array"); is.float32Array = isObjectOfType("Float32Array"); is.float64Array = isObjectOfType("Float64Array"); is.bigInt64Array = isObjectOfType("BigInt64Array"); is.bigUint64Array = isObjectOfType("BigUint64Array"); is.arrayBuffer = isObjectOfType("ArrayBuffer"); is.sharedArrayBuffer = isObjectOfType("SharedArrayBuffer"); is.dataView = isObjectOfType("DataView"); is.enumCase = (value, targetEnum) => Object.values(targetEnum).includes(value); is.directInstanceOf = (instance, class_) => Object.getPrototypeOf(instance) === class_.prototype; is.urlInstance = (value) => isObjectOfType("URL")(value); is.urlString = (value) => { if (!is.string(value)) { return false; } try { new URL(value); return true; } catch { return false; } }; is.truthy = (value) => Boolean(value); is.falsy = (value) => !value; is.nan = (value) => Number.isNaN(value); is.primitive = (value) => is.null_(value) || isPrimitiveTypeName(typeof value); is.integer = (value) => Number.isInteger(value); is.safeInteger = (value) => Number.isSafeInteger(value); is.plainObject = (value) => { if (typeof value !== "object" || value === null) { return false; } const prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(value); return (prototype === null || prototype === Object.prototype || Object.getPrototypeOf(prototype) === null) && !(Symbol.toStringTag in value) && !(Symbol.iterator in value); }; is.typedArray = (value) => isTypedArrayName(getObjectType(value)); var isValidLength = (value) => is.safeInteger(value) && value >= 0; is.arrayLike = (value) => !is.nullOrUndefined(value) && !is.function_(value) && isValidLength(value.length); is.inRange = (value, range) => { if (is.number(range)) { return value >= Math.min(0, range) && value <= Math.max(range, 0); } if (is.array(range) && range.length === 2) { return value >= Math.min(...range) && value <= Math.max(...range); } throw new TypeError(`Invalid range: ${JSON.stringify(range)}`); }; var NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT = 1; var DOM_PROPERTIES_TO_CHECK = [ "innerHTML", "ownerDocument", "style", "attributes", "nodeValue" ]; is.domElement = (value) => is.object(value) && value.nodeType === NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT && is.string(value.nodeName) && !is.plainObject(value) && DOM_PROPERTIES_TO_CHECK.every((property) => property in value); is.observable = (value) => { var _a, _b; if (!value) { return false; } if (value === ((_a = value[Symbol.observable]) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(value))) { return true; } if (value === ((_b = value["@@observable"]) == null ? void 0 : _b.call(value))) { return true; } return false; }; is.nodeStream = (value) => is.object(value) && is.function_(value.pipe) && !is.observable(value); is.infinite = (value) => value === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || value === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; var isAbsoluteMod2 = (remainder) => (value) => is.integer(value) && Math.abs(value % 2) === remainder; is.evenInteger = isAbsoluteMod2(0); is.oddInteger = isAbsoluteMod2(1); is.emptyArray = (value) => is.array(value) && value.length === 0; is.nonEmptyArray = (value) => is.array(value) && value.length > 0; is.emptyString = (value) => is.string(value) && value.length === 0; var isWhiteSpaceString = (value) => is.string(value) && !/\S/.test(value); is.emptyStringOrWhitespace = (value) => is.emptyString(value) || isWhiteSpaceString(value); is.nonEmptyString = (value) => is.string(value) && value.length > 0; is.nonEmptyStringAndNotWhitespace = (value) => is.string(value) && !is.emptyStringOrWhitespace(value); is.emptyObject = (value) => is.object(value) && !is.map(value) && !is.set(value) && Object.keys(value).length === 0; is.nonEmptyObject = (value) => is.object(value) && !is.map(value) && !is.set(value) && Object.keys(value).length > 0; is.emptySet = (value) => is.set(value) && value.size === 0; is.nonEmptySet = (value) => is.set(value) && value.size > 0; is.emptyMap = (value) => is.map(value) && value.size === 0; is.nonEmptyMap = (value) => is.map(value) && value.size > 0; is.propertyKey = (value) => is.any([is.string, is.number, is.symbol], value); is.formData = (value) => isObjectOfType("FormData")(value); is.urlSearchParams = (value) => isObjectOfType("URLSearchParams")(value); var predicateOnArray = (method, predicate, values) => { if (!is.function_(predicate)) { throw new TypeError(`Invalid predicate: ${JSON.stringify(predicate)}`); } if (values.length === 0) { throw new TypeError("Invalid number of values"); } return method.call(values, predicate); }; is.any = (predicate, ...values) => { const predicates = is.array(predicate) ? predicate : [predicate]; return predicates.some((singlePredicate) => predicateOnArray(Array.prototype.some, singlePredicate, values)); }; is.all = (predicate, ...values) => predicateOnArray(Array.prototype.every, predicate, values); var assertType = (condition, description, value, options = {}) => { if (!condition) { const { multipleValues } = options; const valuesMessage = multipleValues ? `received values of types ${[ ...new Set(value.map((singleValue) => `\`${is(singleValue)}\``)) ].join(", ")}` : `received value of type \`${is(value)}\``; throw new TypeError(`Expected value which is \`${description}\`, ${valuesMessage}.`); } }; var assert = { // Unknowns. undefined: (value) => assertType(is.undefined(value), "undefined", value), string: (value) => assertType(is.string(value), "string", value), number: (value) => assertType(is.number(value), "number", value), bigint: (value) => assertType(is.bigint(value), "bigint", value), // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types function_: (value) => assertType(is.function_(value), "Function", value), null_: (value) => assertType(is.null_(value), "null", value), class_: (value) => assertType(is.class_(value), "Class", value), boolean: (value) => assertType(is.boolean(value), "boolean", value), symbol: (value) => assertType(is.symbol(value), "symbol", value), numericString: (value) => assertType(is.numericString(value), "string with a number", value), array: (value, assertion) => { const assert2 = assertType; assert2(is.array(value), "Array", value); if (assertion) { value.forEach(assertion); } }, buffer: (value) => assertType(is.buffer(value), "Buffer", value), blob: (value) => assertType(is.blob(value), "Blob", value), nullOrUndefined: (value) => assertType(is.nullOrUndefined(value), "null or undefined", value), object: (value) => assertType(is.object(value), "Object", value), iterable: (value) => assertType(is.iterable(value), "Iterable", value), asyncIterable: (value) => assertType(is.asyncIterable(value), "AsyncIterable", value), generator: (value) => assertType(is.generator(value), "Generator", value), asyncGenerator: (value) => assertType(is.asyncGenerator(value), "AsyncGenerator", value), nativePromise: (value) => assertType(is.nativePromise(value), "native Promise", value), promise: (value) => assertType(is.promise(value), "Promise", value), generatorFunction: (value) => assertType(is.generatorFunction(value), "GeneratorFunction", value), asyncGeneratorFunction: (value) => assertType(is.asyncGeneratorFunction(value), "AsyncGeneratorFunction", value), // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types asyncFunction: (value) => assertType(is.asyncFunction(value), "AsyncFunction", value), // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types boundFunction: (value) => assertType(is.boundFunction(value), "Function", value), regExp: (value) => assertType(is.regExp(value), "RegExp", value), date: (value) => assertType(is.date(value), "Date", value), error: (value) => assertType(is.error(value), "Error", value), map: (value) => assertType(is.map(value), "Map", value), set: (value) => assertType(is.set(value), "Set", value), weakMap: (value) => assertType(is.weakMap(value), "WeakMap", value), weakSet: (value) => assertType(is.weakSet(value), "WeakSet", value), weakRef: (value) => assertType(is.weakRef(value), "WeakRef", value), int8Array: (value) => assertType(is.int8Array(value), "Int8Array", value), uint8Array: (value) => assertType(is.uint8Array(value), "Uint8Array", value), uint8ClampedArray: (value) => assertType(is.uint8ClampedArray(value), "Uint8ClampedArray", value), int16Array: (value) => assertType(is.int16Array(value), "Int16Array", value), uint16Array: (value) => assertType(is.uint16Array(value), "Uint16Array", value), int32Array: (value) => assertType(is.int32Array(value), "Int32Array", value), uint32Array: (value) => assertType(is.uint32Array(value), "Uint32Array", value), float32Array: (value) => assertType(is.float32Array(value), "Float32Array", value), float64Array: (value) => assertType(is.float64Array(value), "Float64Array", value), bigInt64Array: (value) => assertType(is.bigInt64Array(value), "BigInt64Array", value), bigUint64Array: (value) => assertType(is.bigUint64Array(value), "BigUint64Array", value), arrayBuffer: (value) => assertType(is.arrayBuffer(value), "ArrayBuffer", value), sharedArrayBuffer: (value) => assertType(is.sharedArrayBuffer(value), "SharedArrayBuffer", value), dataView: (value) => assertType(is.dataView(value), "DataView", value), enumCase: (value, targetEnum) => assertType(is.enumCase(value, targetEnum), "EnumCase", value), urlInstance: (value) => assertType(is.urlInstance(value), "URL", value), urlString: (value) => assertType(is.urlString(value), "string with a URL", value), truthy: (value) => assertType(is.truthy(value), "truthy", value), falsy: (value) => assertType(is.falsy(value), "falsy", value), nan: (value) => assertType(is.nan(value), "NaN", value), primitive: (value) => assertType(is.primitive(value), "primitive", value), integer: (value) => assertType(is.integer(value), "integer", value), safeInteger: (value) => assertType(is.safeInteger(value), "integer", value), plainObject: (value) => assertType(is.plainObject(value), "plain object", value), typedArray: (value) => assertType(is.typedArray(value), "TypedArray", value), arrayLike: (value) => assertType(is.arrayLike(value), "array-like", value), domElement: (value) => assertType(is.domElement(value), "HTMLElement", value), observable: (value) => assertType(is.observable(value), "Observable", value), nodeStream: (value) => assertType(is.nodeStream(value), "Node.js Stream", value), infinite: (value) => assertType(is.infinite(value), "infinite number", value), emptyArray: (value) => assertType(is.emptyArray(value), "empty array", value), nonEmptyArray: (value) => assertType(is.nonEmptyArray(value), "non-empty array", value), emptyString: (value) => assertType(is.emptyString(value), "empty string", value), emptyStringOrWhitespace: (value) => assertType(is.emptyStringOrWhitespace(value), "empty string or whitespace", value), nonEmptyString: (value) => assertType(is.nonEmptyString(value), "non-empty string", value), nonEmptyStringAndNotWhitespace: (value) => assertType(is.nonEmptyStringAndNotWhitespace(value), "non-empty string and not whitespace", value), emptyObject: (value) => assertType(is.emptyObject(value), "empty object", value), nonEmptyObject: (value) => assertType(is.nonEmptyObject(value), "non-empty object", value), emptySet: (value) => assertType(is.emptySet(value), "empty set", value), nonEmptySet: (value) => assertType(is.nonEmptySet(value), "non-empty set", value), emptyMap: (value) => assertType(is.emptyMap(value), "empty map", value), nonEmptyMap: (value) => assertType(is.nonEmptyMap(value), "non-empty map", value), propertyKey: (value) => assertType(is.propertyKey(value), "PropertyKey", value), formData: (value) => assertType(is.formData(value), "FormData", value), urlSearchParams: (value) => assertType(is.urlSearchParams(value), "URLSearchParams", value), // Numbers. evenInteger: (value) => assertType(is.evenInteger(value), "even integer", value), oddInteger: (value) => assertType(is.oddInteger(value), "odd integer", value), // Two arguments. directInstanceOf: (instance, class_) => assertType(is.directInstanceOf(instance, class_), "T", instance), inRange: (value, range) => assertType(is.inRange(value, range), "in range", value), // Variadic functions. any: (predicate, ...values) => assertType(is.any(predicate, ...values), "predicate returns truthy for any value", values, { multipleValues: true }), all: (predicate, ...values) => assertType(is.all(predicate, ...values), "predicate returns truthy for all values", values, { multipleValues: true }) }; Object.defineProperties(is, { class: { value: is.class_ }, function: { value: is.function_ }, null: { value: is.null_ } }); Object.defineProperties(assert, { class: { value: assert.class_ }, function: { value: assert.function_ }, null: { value: assert.null_ } }); var dist_default = is; // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/as-promise/index.js var import_node_events2 = require("events"); // node_modules/.pnpm/p-cancelable@3.0.0/node_modules/p-cancelable/index.js var CancelError = class extends Error { constructor(reason) { super(reason || "Promise was canceled"); this.name = "CancelError"; } get isCanceled() { return true; } }; var PCancelable = class { static fn(userFunction) { return (...arguments_) => { return new PCancelable((resolve, reject, onCancel) => { arguments_.push(onCancel); userFunction(...arguments_).then(resolve, reject); }); }; } constructor(executor) { this._cancelHandlers = []; this._isPending = true; this._isCanceled = false; this._rejectOnCancel = true; this._promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._reject = reject; const onResolve = (value) => { if (!this._isCanceled || !onCancel.shouldReject) { this._isPending = false; resolve(value); } }; const onReject = (error) => { this._isPending = false; reject(error); }; const onCancel = (handler) => { if (!this._isPending) { throw new Error("The `onCancel` handler was attached after the promise settled."); } this._cancelHandlers.push(handler); }; Object.defineProperties(onCancel, { shouldReject: { get: () => this._rejectOnCancel, set: (boolean) => { this._rejectOnCancel = boolean; } } }); executor(onResolve, onReject, onCancel); }); } then(onFulfilled, onRejected) { return this._promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected); } catch(onRejected) { return this._promise.catch(onRejected); } finally(onFinally) { return this._promise.finally(onFinally); } cancel(reason) { if (!this._isPending || this._isCanceled) { return; } this._isCanceled = true; if (this._cancelHandlers.length > 0) { try { for (const handler of this._cancelHandlers) { handler(); } } catch (error) { this._reject(error); return; } } if (this._rejectOnCancel) { this._reject(new CancelError(reason)); } } get isCanceled() { return this._isCanceled; } }; Object.setPrototypeOf(PCancelable.prototype, Promise.prototype); // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/errors.js function isRequest(x) { return dist_default.object(x) && "_onResponse" in x; } var RequestError = class extends Error { constructor(message, error, self) { var _a; super(message); Object.defineProperty(this, "input", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "code", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "stack", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "response", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "request", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "timings", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Error.captureStackTrace(this, this.constructor); this.name = "RequestError"; this.code = error.code ?? "ERR_GOT_REQUEST_ERROR"; this.input = error.input; if (isRequest(self)) { Object.defineProperty(this, "request", { enumerable: false, value: self }); Object.defineProperty(this, "response", { enumerable: false, value: self.response }); this.options = self.options; } else { this.options = self; } this.timings = (_a = this.request) == null ? void 0 : _a.timings; if (dist_default.string(error.stack) && dist_default.string(this.stack)) { const indexOfMessage = this.stack.indexOf(this.message) + this.message.length; const thisStackTrace = this.stack.slice(indexOfMessage).split("\n").reverse(); const errorStackTrace = error.stack.slice(error.stack.indexOf(error.message) + error.message.length).split("\n").reverse(); while (errorStackTrace.length > 0 && errorStackTrace[0] === thisStackTrace[0]) { thisStackTrace.shift(); } this.stack = `${this.stack.slice(0, indexOfMessage)}${thisStackTrace.reverse().join("\n")}${errorStackTrace.reverse().join("\n")}`; } } }; var MaxRedirectsError = class extends RequestError { constructor(request) { super(`Redirected ${request.options.maxRedirects} times. Aborting.`, {}, request); this.name = "MaxRedirectsError"; this.code = "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS"; } }; var HTTPError = class extends RequestError { constructor(response) { super(`Response code ${response.statusCode} (${response.statusMessage})`, {}, response.request); this.name = "HTTPError"; this.code = "ERR_NON_2XX_3XX_RESPONSE"; } }; var CacheError = class extends RequestError { constructor(error, request) { super(error.message, error, request); this.name = "CacheError"; this.code = this.code === "ERR_GOT_REQUEST_ERROR" ? "ERR_CACHE_ACCESS" : this.code; } }; var UploadError = class extends RequestError { constructor(error, request) { super(error.message, error, request); this.name = "UploadError"; this.code = this.code === "ERR_GOT_REQUEST_ERROR" ? "ERR_UPLOAD" : this.code; } }; var TimeoutError = class extends RequestError { constructor(error, timings, request) { super(error.message, error, request); Object.defineProperty(this, "timings", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "event", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); this.name = "TimeoutError"; this.event = error.event; this.timings = timings; } }; var ReadError = class extends RequestError { constructor(error, request) { super(error.message, error, request); this.name = "ReadError"; this.code = this.code === "ERR_GOT_REQUEST_ERROR" ? "ERR_READING_RESPONSE_STREAM" : this.code; } }; var RetryError = class extends RequestError { constructor(request) { super("Retrying", {}, request); this.name = "RetryError"; this.code = "ERR_RETRYING"; } }; var AbortError = class extends RequestError { constructor(request) { super("This operation was aborted.", {}, request); this.code = "ERR_ABORTED"; this.name = "AbortError"; } }; // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/index.js var import_node_process2 = __toESM(require("process"), 1); var import_node_buffer2 = require("buffer"); var import_node_stream3 = require("stream"); var import_node_url3 = require("url"); var import_node_http2 = __toESM(require("http"), 1); // node_modules/.pnpm/@szmarczak+http-timer@5.0.1/node_modules/@szmarczak/http-timer/dist/source/index.js var import_events = require("events"); var import_util = require("util"); var import_defer_to_connect = __toESM(require_source(), 1); var timer = (request) => { if (request.timings) { return request.timings; } const timings = { start: Date.now(), socket: void 0, lookup: void 0, connect: void 0, secureConnect: void 0, upload: void 0, response: void 0, end: void 0, error: void 0, abort: void 0, phases: { wait: void 0, dns: void 0, tcp: void 0, tls: void 0, request: void 0, firstByte: void 0, download: void 0, total: void 0 } }; request.timings = timings; const handleError = (origin) => { origin.once(import_events.errorMonitor, () => { timings.error = Date.now(); timings.phases.total = timings.error - timings.start; }); }; handleError(request); const onAbort = () => { timings.abort = Date.now(); timings.phases.total = timings.abort - timings.start; }; request.prependOnceListener("abort", onAbort); const onSocket = (socket) => { timings.socket = Date.now(); timings.phases.wait = timings.socket - timings.start; if (import_util.types.isProxy(socket)) { return; } const lookupListener = () => { timings.lookup = Date.now(); timings.phases.dns = timings.lookup - timings.socket; }; socket.prependOnceListener("lookup", lookupListener); (0, import_defer_to_connect.default)(socket, { connect: () => { timings.connect = Date.now(); if (timings.lookup === void 0) { socket.removeListener("lookup", lookupListener); timings.lookup = timings.connect; timings.phases.dns = timings.lookup - timings.socket; } timings.phases.tcp = timings.connect - timings.lookup; }, secureConnect: () => { timings.secureConnect = Date.now(); timings.phases.tls = timings.secureConnect - timings.connect; } }); }; if (request.socket) { onSocket(request.socket); } else { request.prependOnceListener("socket", onSocket); } const onUpload = () => { timings.upload = Date.now(); timings.phases.request = timings.upload - (timings.secureConnect ?? timings.connect); }; if (request.writableFinished) { onUpload(); } else { request.prependOnceListener("finish", onUpload); } request.prependOnceListener("response", (response) => { timings.response = Date.now(); timings.phases.firstByte = timings.response - timings.upload; response.timings = timings; handleError(response); response.prependOnceListener("end", () => { request.off("abort", onAbort); response.off("aborted", onAbort); if (timings.phases.total) { return; } timings.end = Date.now(); timings.phases.download = timings.end - timings.response; timings.phases.total = timings.end - timings.start; }); response.prependOnceListener("aborted", onAbort); }); return timings; }; var source_default = timer; // node_modules/.pnpm/cacheable-request@10.2.7/node_modules/cacheable-request/dist/index.js var import_node_events = __toESM(require("events"), 1); var import_node_url = __toESM(require("url"), 1); var import_node_crypto = __toESM(require("crypto"), 1); var import_node_stream2 = __toESM(require("stream"), 1); // node_modules/.pnpm/normalize-url@8.0.0/node_modules/normalize-url/index.js var DATA_URL_DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE = "text/plain"; var DATA_URL_DEFAULT_CHARSET = "us-ascii"; var testParameter = (name, filters) => filters.some((filter) => filter instanceof RegExp ? filter.test(name) : filter === name); var supportedProtocols = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ "https:", "http:", "file:" ]); var hasCustomProtocol = (urlString) => { try { const { protocol } = new URL(urlString); return protocol.endsWith(":") && !supportedProtocols.has(protocol); } catch { return false; } }; var normalizeDataURL = (urlString, { stripHash }) => { var _a; const match = /^data:(?[^,]*?),(?[^#]*?)(?:#(?.*))?$/.exec(urlString); if (!match) { throw new Error(`Invalid URL: ${urlString}`); } let { type, data, hash } = match.groups; const mediaType = type.split(";"); hash = stripHash ? "" : hash; let isBase64 = false; if (mediaType[mediaType.length - 1] === "base64") { mediaType.pop(); isBase64 = true; } const mimeType = ((_a = mediaType.shift()) == null ? void 0 : _a.toLowerCase()) ?? ""; const attributes = mediaType.map((attribute) => { let [key, value = ""] = attribute.split("=").map((string) => string.trim()); if (key === "charset") { value = value.toLowerCase(); if (value === DATA_URL_DEFAULT_CHARSET) { return ""; } } return `${key}${value ? `=${value}` : ""}`; }).filter(Boolean); const normalizedMediaType = [ ...attributes ]; if (isBase64) { normalizedMediaType.push("base64"); } if (normalizedMediaType.length > 0 || mimeType && mimeType !== DATA_URL_DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE) { normalizedMediaType.unshift(mimeType); } return `data:${normalizedMediaType.join(";")},${isBase64 ? data.trim() : data}${hash ? `#${hash}` : ""}`; }; function normalizeUrl(urlString, options) { options = { defaultProtocol: "http", normalizeProtocol: true, forceHttp: false, forceHttps: false, stripAuthentication: true, stripHash: false, stripTextFragment: true, stripWWW: true, removeQueryParameters: [/^utm_\w+/i], removeTrailingSlash: true, removeSingleSlash: true, removeDirectoryIndex: false, removeExplicitPort: false, sortQueryParameters: true, ...options }; if (typeof options.defaultProtocol === "string" && !options.defaultProtocol.endsWith(":")) { options.defaultProtocol = `${options.defaultProtocol}:`; } urlString = urlString.trim(); if (/^data:/i.test(urlString)) { return normalizeDataURL(urlString, options); } if (hasCustomProtocol(urlString)) { return urlString; } const hasRelativeProtocol = urlString.startsWith("//"); const isRelativeUrl = !hasRelativeProtocol && /^\.*\//.test(urlString); if (!isRelativeUrl) { urlString = urlString.replace(/^(?!(?:\w+:)?\/\/)|^\/\//, options.defaultProtocol); } const urlObject = new URL(urlString); if (options.forceHttp && options.forceHttps) { throw new Error("The `forceHttp` and `forceHttps` options cannot be used together"); } if (options.forceHttp && urlObject.protocol === "https:") { urlObject.protocol = "http:"; } if (options.forceHttps && urlObject.protocol === "http:") { urlObject.protocol = "https:"; } if (options.stripAuthentication) { urlObject.username = ""; urlObject.password = ""; } if (options.stripHash) { urlObject.hash = ""; } else if (options.stripTextFragment) { urlObject.hash = urlObject.hash.replace(/#?:~:text.*?$/i, ""); } if (urlObject.pathname) { const protocolRegex = /\b[a-z][a-z\d+\-.]{1,50}:\/\//g; let lastIndex = 0; let result = ""; for (; ; ) { const match = protocolRegex.exec(urlObject.pathname); if (!match) { break; } const protocol = match[0]; const protocolAtIndex = match.index; const intermediate = urlObject.pathname.slice(lastIndex, protocolAtIndex); result += intermediate.replace(/\/{2,}/g, "/"); result += protocol; lastIndex = protocolAtIndex + protocol.length; } const remnant = urlObject.pathname.slice(lastIndex, urlObject.pathname.length); result += remnant.replace(/\/{2,}/g, "/"); urlObject.pathname = result; } if (urlObject.pathname) { try { urlObject.pathname = decodeURI(urlObject.pathname); } catch { } } if (options.removeDirectoryIndex === true) { options.removeDirectoryIndex = [/^index\.[a-z]+$/]; } if (Array.isArray(options.removeDirectoryIndex) && options.removeDirectoryIndex.length > 0) { let pathComponents = urlObject.pathname.split("/"); const lastComponent = pathComponents[pathComponents.length - 1]; if (testParameter(lastComponent, options.removeDirectoryIndex)) { pathComponents = pathComponents.slice(0, -1); urlObject.pathname = pathComponents.slice(1).join("/") + "/"; } } if (urlObject.hostname) { urlObject.hostname = urlObject.hostname.replace(/\.$/, ""); if (options.stripWWW && /^www\.(?!www\.)[a-z\-\d]{1,63}\.[a-z.\-\d]{2,63}$/.test(urlObject.hostname)) { urlObject.hostname = urlObject.hostname.replace(/^www\./, ""); } } if (Array.isArray(options.removeQueryParameters)) { for (const key of [...urlObject.searchParams.keys()]) { if (testParameter(key, options.removeQueryParameters)) { urlObject.searchParams.delete(key); } } } if (!Array.isArray(options.keepQueryParameters) && options.removeQueryParameters === true) { urlObject.search = ""; } if (Array.isArray(options.keepQueryParameters) && options.keepQueryParameters.length > 0) { for (const key of [...urlObject.searchParams.keys()]) { if (!testParameter(key, options.keepQueryParameters)) { urlObject.searchParams.delete(key); } } } if (options.sortQueryParameters) { urlObject.searchParams.sort(); try { urlObject.search = decodeURIComponent(urlObject.search); } catch { } } if (options.removeTrailingSlash) { urlObject.pathname = urlObject.pathname.replace(/\/$/, ""); } if (options.removeExplicitPort && urlObject.port) { urlObject.port = ""; } const oldUrlString = urlString; urlString = urlObject.toString(); if (!options.removeSingleSlash && urlObject.pathname === "/" && !oldUrlString.endsWith("/") && urlObject.hash === "") { urlString = urlString.replace(/\/$/, ""); } if ((options.removeTrailingSlash || urlObject.pathname === "/") && urlObject.hash === "" && options.removeSingleSlash) { urlString = urlString.replace(/\/$/, ""); } if (hasRelativeProtocol && !options.normalizeProtocol) { urlString = urlString.replace(/^http:\/\//, "//"); } if (options.stripProtocol) { urlString = urlString.replace(/^(?:https?:)?\/\//, ""); } return urlString; } // node_modules/.pnpm/cacheable-request@10.2.7/node_modules/cacheable-request/dist/index.js var import_get_stream = __toESM(require_get_stream(), 1); var import_http_cache_semantics = __toESM(require_http_cache_semantics(), 1); // node_modules/.pnpm/responselike@3.0.0/node_modules/responselike/index.js var import_node_stream = require("stream"); // node_modules/.pnpm/lowercase-keys@3.0.0/node_modules/lowercase-keys/index.js function lowercaseKeys(object) { return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(object).map(([key, value]) => [key.toLowerCase(), value])); } // node_modules/.pnpm/responselike@3.0.0/node_modules/responselike/index.js var Response = class extends import_node_stream.Readable { statusCode; headers; body; url; constructor({ statusCode, headers, body, url }) { if (typeof statusCode !== "number") { throw new TypeError("Argument `statusCode` should be a number"); } if (typeof headers !== "object") { throw new TypeError("Argument `headers` should be an object"); } if (!(body instanceof Uint8Array)) { throw new TypeError("Argument `body` should be a buffer"); } if (typeof url !== "string") { throw new TypeError("Argument `url` should be a string"); } super({ read() { this.push(body); this.push(null); } }); this.statusCode = statusCode; this.headers = lowercaseKeys(headers); this.body = body; this.url = url; } }; // node_modules/.pnpm/cacheable-request@10.2.7/node_modules/cacheable-request/dist/index.js var import_keyv = __toESM(require_src(), 1); // node_modules/.pnpm/mimic-response@4.0.0/node_modules/mimic-response/index.js var knownProperties = [ "aborted", "complete", "headers", "httpVersion", "httpVersionMinor", "httpVersionMajor", "method", "rawHeaders", "rawTrailers", "setTimeout", "socket", "statusCode", "statusMessage", "trailers", "url" ]; function mimicResponse(fromStream, toStream) { if (toStream._readableState.autoDestroy) { throw new Error("The second stream must have the `autoDestroy` option set to `false`"); } const fromProperties = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...Object.keys(fromStream), ...knownProperties]); const properties = {}; for (const property of fromProperties) { if (property in toStream) { continue; } properties[property] = { get() { const value = fromStream[property]; const isFunction2 = typeof value === "function"; return isFunction2 ? value.bind(fromStream) : value; }, set(value) { fromStream[property] = value; }, enumerable: true, configurable: false }; } Object.defineProperties(toStream, properties); fromStream.once("aborted", () => { toStream.destroy(); toStream.emit("aborted"); }); fromStream.once("close", () => { if (fromStream.complete) { if (toStream.readable) { toStream.once("end", () => { toStream.emit("close"); }); } else { toStream.emit("close"); } } else { toStream.emit("close"); } }); return toStream; } // node_modules/.pnpm/cacheable-request@10.2.7/node_modules/cacheable-request/dist/types.js var RequestError2 = class extends Error { constructor(error) { super(error.message); Object.assign(this, error); } }; var CacheError2 = class extends Error { constructor(error) { super(error.message); Object.assign(this, error); } }; // node_modules/.pnpm/cacheable-request@10.2.7/node_modules/cacheable-request/dist/index.js var CacheableRequest = class { constructor(cacheRequest, cacheAdapter) { this.hooks = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.request = () => (options, cb) => { let url; if (typeof options === "string") { url = normalizeUrlObject(import_node_url.default.parse(options)); options = {}; } else if (options instanceof import_node_url.default.URL) { url = normalizeUrlObject(import_node_url.default.parse(options.toString())); options = {}; } else { const [pathname, ...searchParts] = (options.path ?? "").split("?"); const search = searchParts.length > 0 ? `?${searchParts.join("?")}` : ""; url = normalizeUrlObject({ ...options, pathname, search }); } options = { headers: {}, method: "GET", cache: true, strictTtl: false, automaticFailover: false, ...options, ...urlObjectToRequestOptions(url) }; options.headers = Object.fromEntries(entries(options.headers).map(([key2, value]) => [key2.toLowerCase(), value])); const ee = new import_node_events.default(); const normalizedUrlString = normalizeUrl(import_node_url.default.format(url), { stripWWW: false, removeTrailingSlash: false, stripAuthentication: false }); let key = `${options.method}:${normalizedUrlString}`; if (options.body && options.method !== void 0 && ["POST", "PATCH", "PUT"].includes(options.method)) { if (options.body instanceof import_node_stream2.default.Readable) { options.cache = false; } else { key += `:${import_node_crypto.default.createHash("md5").update(options.body).digest("hex")}`; } } let revalidate = false; let madeRequest = false; const makeRequest = (options_) => { madeRequest = true; let requestErrored = false; let requestErrorCallback = () => { }; const requestErrorPromise = new Promise((resolve) => { requestErrorCallback = () => { if (!requestErrored) { requestErrored = true; resolve(); } }; }); const handler = async (response) => { if (revalidate) { response.status = response.statusCode; const revalidatedPolicy = import_http_cache_semantics.default.fromObject(revalidate.cachePolicy).revalidatedPolicy(options_, response); if (!revalidatedPolicy.modified) { response.resume(); await new Promise((resolve) => { response.once("end", resolve); }); const headers = convertHeaders(revalidatedPolicy.policy.responseHeaders()); response = new Response({ statusCode: revalidate.statusCode, headers, body: revalidate.body, url: revalidate.url }); response.cachePolicy = revalidatedPolicy.policy; response.fromCache = true; } } if (!response.fromCache) { response.cachePolicy = new import_http_cache_semantics.default(options_, response, options_); response.fromCache = false; } let clonedResponse; if (options_.cache && response.cachePolicy.storable()) { clonedResponse = cloneResponse(response); (async () => { try { const bodyPromise = import_get_stream.default.buffer(response); await Promise.race([ requestErrorPromise, new Promise((resolve) => response.once("end", resolve)), new Promise((resolve) => response.once("close", resolve)) // eslint-disable-line no-promise-executor-return ]); const body = await bodyPromise; let value = { url: response.url, statusCode: response.fromCache ? revalidate.statusCode : response.statusCode, body, cachePolicy: response.cachePolicy.toObject() }; let ttl2 = options_.strictTtl ? response.cachePolicy.timeToLive() : void 0; if (options_.maxTtl) { ttl2 = ttl2 ? Math.min(ttl2, options_.maxTtl) : options_.maxTtl; } if (this.hooks.size > 0) { for (const key_ of this.hooks.keys()) { value = await this.runHook(key_, value, response); } } await this.cache.set(key, value, ttl2); } catch (error) { ee.emit("error", new CacheError2(error)); } })(); } else if (options_.cache && revalidate) { (async () => { try { await this.cache.delete(key); } catch (error) { ee.emit("error", new CacheError2(error)); } })(); } ee.emit("response", clonedResponse ?? response); if (typeof cb === "function") { cb(clonedResponse ?? response); } }; try { const request_ = this.cacheRequest(options_, handler); request_.once("error", requestErrorCallback); request_.once("abort", requestErrorCallback); request_.once("destroy", requestErrorCallback); ee.emit("request", request_); } catch (error) { ee.emit("error", new RequestError2(error)); } }; (async () => { const get = async (options_) => { await Promise.resolve(); const cacheEntry = options_.cache ? await this.cache.get(key) : void 0; if (typeof cacheEntry === "undefined" && !options_.forceRefresh) { makeRequest(options_); return; } const policy = import_http_cache_semantics.default.fromObject(cacheEntry.cachePolicy); if (policy.satisfiesWithoutRevalidation(options_) && !options_.forceRefresh) { const headers = convertHeaders(policy.responseHeaders()); const response = new Response({ statusCode: cacheEntry.statusCode, headers, body: cacheEntry.body, url: cacheEntry.url }); response.cachePolicy = policy; response.fromCache = true; ee.emit("response", response); if (typeof cb === "function") { cb(response); } } else if (policy.satisfiesWithoutRevalidation(options_) && Date.now() >= policy.timeToLive() && options_.forceRefresh) { await this.cache.delete(key); options_.headers = policy.revalidationHeaders(options_); makeRequest(options_); } else { revalidate = cacheEntry; options_.headers = policy.revalidationHeaders(options_); makeRequest(options_); } }; const errorHandler = (error) => ee.emit("error", new CacheError2(error)); if (this.cache instanceof import_keyv.default) { const cachek = this.cache; cachek.once("error", errorHandler); ee.on("error", () => cachek.removeListener("error", errorHandler)); ee.on("response", () => cachek.removeListener("error", errorHandler)); } try { await get(options); } catch (error) { if (options.automaticFailover && !madeRequest) { makeRequest(options); } ee.emit("error", new CacheError2(error)); } })(); return ee; }; this.addHook = (name, fn) => { if (!this.hooks.has(name)) { this.hooks.set(name, fn); } }; this.removeHook = (name) => this.hooks.delete(name); this.getHook = (name) => this.hooks.get(name); this.runHook = async (name, ...args) => { var _a; return (_a = this.hooks.get(name)) == null ? void 0 : _a(...args); }; if (cacheAdapter instanceof import_keyv.default) { this.cache = cacheAdapter; } else if (typeof cacheAdapter === "string") { this.cache = new import_keyv.default({ uri: cacheAdapter, namespace: "cacheable-request" }); } else { this.cache = new import_keyv.default({ store: cacheAdapter, namespace: "cacheable-request" }); } this.request = this.request.bind(this); this.cacheRequest = cacheRequest; } }; var entries = Object.entries; var cloneResponse = (response) => { const clone = new import_node_stream2.PassThrough({ autoDestroy: false }); mimicResponse(response, clone); return response.pipe(clone); }; var urlObjectToRequestOptions = (url) => { const options = { ...url }; options.path = `${url.pathname || "/"}${url.search || ""}`; delete options.pathname; delete options.search; return options; }; var normalizeUrlObject = (url) => ( // If url was parsed by url.parse or new URL: // - hostname will be set // - host will be hostname[:port] // - port will be set if it was explicit in the parsed string // Otherwise, url was from request options: // - hostname or host may be set // - host shall not have port encoded { protocol: url.protocol, auth: url.auth, hostname: url.hostname || url.host || "localhost", port: url.port, pathname: url.pathname, search: url.search } ); var convertHeaders = (headers) => { const result = []; for (const name of Object.keys(headers)) { result[name.toLowerCase()] = headers[name]; } return result; }; var dist_default2 = CacheableRequest; // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/index.js var import_decompress_response = __toESM(require_decompress_response(), 1); var import_get_stream2 = __toESM(require_get_stream(), 1); // node_modules/.pnpm/form-data-encoder@2.1.4/node_modules/form-data-encoder/lib/util/isFunction.js var isFunction = (value) => typeof value === "function"; // node_modules/.pnpm/form-data-encoder@2.1.4/node_modules/form-data-encoder/lib/util/getStreamIterator.js var isAsyncIterable = (value) => isFunction(value[Symbol.asyncIterator]); async function* readStream(readable) { const reader = readable.getReader(); while (true) { const { done, value } = await reader.read(); if (done) { break; } yield value; } } var getStreamIterator = (source) => { if (isAsyncIterable(source)) { return source; } if (isFunction(source.getReader)) { return readStream(source); } throw new TypeError("Unsupported data source: Expected either ReadableStream or async iterable."); }; // node_modules/.pnpm/form-data-encoder@2.1.4/node_modules/form-data-encoder/lib/util/createBoundary.js var alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; function createBoundary() { let size = 16; let res = ""; while (size--) { res += alphabet[Math.random() * alphabet.length << 0]; } return res; } // node_modules/.pnpm/form-data-encoder@2.1.4/node_modules/form-data-encoder/lib/util/normalizeValue.js var normalizeValue = (value) => String(value).replace(/\r|\n/g, (match, i, str) => { if (match === "\r" && str[i + 1] !== "\n" || match === "\n" && str[i - 1] !== "\r") { return "\r\n"; } return match; }); // node_modules/.pnpm/form-data-encoder@2.1.4/node_modules/form-data-encoder/lib/util/isPlainObject.js var getType = (value) => Object.prototype.toString.call(value).slice(8, -1).toLowerCase(); function isPlainObject(value) { if (getType(value) !== "object") { return false; } const pp = Object.getPrototypeOf(value); if (pp === null || pp === void 0) { return true; } const Ctor = pp.constructor && pp.constructor.toString(); return Ctor === Object.toString(); } // node_modules/.pnpm/form-data-encoder@2.1.4/node_modules/form-data-encoder/lib/util/proxyHeaders.js function getProperty(target, prop) { if (typeof prop === "string") { for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(target)) { if (prop.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase()) { return value; } } } return void 0; } var proxyHeaders = (object) => new Proxy(object, { get: (target, prop) => getProperty(target, prop), has: (target, prop) => getProperty(target, prop) !== void 0 }); // node_modules/.pnpm/form-data-encoder@2.1.4/node_modules/form-data-encoder/lib/util/isFormData.js var isFormData = (value) => Boolean(value && isFunction(value.constructor) && value[Symbol.toStringTag] === "FormData" && isFunction(value.append) && isFunction(value.getAll) && isFunction(value.entries) && isFunction(value[Symbol.iterator])); // node_modules/.pnpm/form-data-encoder@2.1.4/node_modules/form-data-encoder/lib/util/escapeName.js var escapeName = (name) => String(name).replace(/\r/g, "%0D").replace(/\n/g, "%0A").replace(/"/g, "%22"); // node_modules/.pnpm/form-data-encoder@2.1.4/node_modules/form-data-encoder/lib/util/isFile.js var isFile = (value) => Boolean(value && typeof value === "object" && isFunction(value.constructor) && value[Symbol.toStringTag] === "File" && isFunction(value.stream) && value.name != null); // node_modules/.pnpm/form-data-encoder@2.1.4/node_modules/form-data-encoder/lib/FormDataEncoder.js var __classPrivateFieldSet = function(receiver, state, value, kind, f) { if (kind === "m") throw new TypeError("Private method is not writable"); if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a setter"); if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot write private member to an object whose class did not declare it"); return kind === "a" ? f.call(receiver, value) : f ? f.value = value : state.set(receiver, value), value; }; var __classPrivateFieldGet = function(receiver, state, kind, f) { if (kind === "a" && !f) throw new TypeError("Private accessor was defined without a getter"); if (typeof state === "function" ? receiver !== state || !f : !state.has(receiver)) throw new TypeError("Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it"); return kind === "m" ? f : kind === "a" ? f.call(receiver) : f ? f.value : state.get(receiver); }; var _FormDataEncoder_instances; var _FormDataEncoder_CRLF; var _FormDataEncoder_CRLF_BYTES; var _FormDataEncoder_CRLF_BYTES_LENGTH; var _FormDataEncoder_DASHES; var _FormDataEncoder_encoder; var _FormDataEncoder_footer; var _FormDataEncoder_form; var _FormDataEncoder_options; var _FormDataEncoder_getFieldHeader; var _FormDataEncoder_getContentLength; var defaultOptions = { enableAdditionalHeaders: false }; var readonlyProp = { writable: false, configurable: false }; var FormDataEncoder = class { constructor(form, boundaryOrOptions, options) { _FormDataEncoder_instances.add(this); _FormDataEncoder_CRLF.set(this, "\r\n"); _FormDataEncoder_CRLF_BYTES.set(this, void 0); _FormDataEncoder_CRLF_BYTES_LENGTH.set(this, void 0); _FormDataEncoder_DASHES.set(this, "-".repeat(2)); _FormDataEncoder_encoder.set(this, new TextEncoder()); _FormDataEncoder_footer.set(this, void 0); _FormDataEncoder_form.set(this, void 0); _FormDataEncoder_options.set(this, void 0); if (!isFormData(form)) { throw new TypeError("Expected first argument to be a FormData instance."); } let boundary; if (isPlainObject(boundaryOrOptions)) { options = boundaryOrOptions; } else { boundary = boundaryOrOptions; } if (!boundary) { boundary = createBoundary(); } if (typeof boundary !== "string") { throw new TypeError("Expected boundary argument to be a string."); } if (options && !isPlainObject(options)) { throw new TypeError("Expected options argument to be an object."); } __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _FormDataEncoder_form, Array.from(form.entries()), "f"); __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _FormDataEncoder_options, { ...defaultOptions, ...options }, "f"); __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _FormDataEncoder_CRLF_BYTES, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_encoder, "f").encode(__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_CRLF, "f")), "f"); __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _FormDataEncoder_CRLF_BYTES_LENGTH, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_CRLF_BYTES, "f").byteLength, "f"); this.boundary = `form-data-boundary-${boundary}`; this.contentType = `multipart/form-data; boundary=${this.boundary}`; __classPrivateFieldSet(this, _FormDataEncoder_footer, __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_encoder, "f").encode(`${__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_DASHES, "f")}${this.boundary}${__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_DASHES, "f")}${__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_CRLF, "f").repeat(2)}`), "f"); const headers = { "Content-Type": this.contentType }; const contentLength = __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_instances, "m", _FormDataEncoder_getContentLength).call(this); if (contentLength) { this.contentLength = contentLength; headers["Content-Length"] = contentLength; } this.headers = proxyHeaders(Object.freeze(headers)); Object.defineProperties(this, { boundary: readonlyProp, contentType: readonlyProp, contentLength: readonlyProp, headers: readonlyProp }); } getContentLength() { return this.contentLength == null ? void 0 : Number(this.contentLength); } *values() { for (const [name, raw] of __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_form, "f")) { const value = isFile(raw) ? raw : __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_encoder, "f").encode(normalizeValue(raw)); yield __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_instances, "m", _FormDataEncoder_getFieldHeader).call(this, name, value); yield value; yield __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_CRLF_BYTES, "f"); } yield __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_footer, "f"); } async *encode() { for (const part of this.values()) { if (isFile(part)) { yield* getStreamIterator(part.stream()); } else { yield part; } } } [(_FormDataEncoder_CRLF = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _FormDataEncoder_CRLF_BYTES = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _FormDataEncoder_CRLF_BYTES_LENGTH = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _FormDataEncoder_DASHES = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _FormDataEncoder_encoder = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _FormDataEncoder_footer = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _FormDataEncoder_form = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _FormDataEncoder_options = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), _FormDataEncoder_instances = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(), _FormDataEncoder_getFieldHeader = function _FormDataEncoder_getFieldHeader2(name, value) { let header = ""; header += `${__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_DASHES, "f")}${this.boundary}${__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_CRLF, "f")}`; header += `Content-Disposition: form-data; name="${escapeName(name)}"`; if (isFile(value)) { header += `; filename="${escapeName(value.name)}"${__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_CRLF, "f")}`; header += `Content-Type: ${value.type || "application/octet-stream"}`; } const size = isFile(value) ? value.size : value.byteLength; if (__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_options, "f").enableAdditionalHeaders === true && size != null && !isNaN(size)) { header += `${__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_CRLF, "f")}Content-Length: ${isFile(value) ? value.size : value.byteLength}`; } return __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_encoder, "f").encode(`${header}${__classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_CRLF, "f").repeat(2)}`); }, _FormDataEncoder_getContentLength = function _FormDataEncoder_getContentLength2() { let length = 0; for (const [name, raw] of __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_form, "f")) { const value = isFile(raw) ? raw : __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_encoder, "f").encode(normalizeValue(raw)); const size = isFile(value) ? value.size : value.byteLength; if (size == null || isNaN(size)) { return void 0; } length += __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_instances, "m", _FormDataEncoder_getFieldHeader).call(this, name, value).byteLength; length += size; length += __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_CRLF_BYTES_LENGTH, "f"); } return String(length + __classPrivateFieldGet(this, _FormDataEncoder_footer, "f").byteLength); }, Symbol.iterator)]() { return this.values(); } [Symbol.asyncIterator]() { return this.encode(); } }; // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/utils/get-body-size.js var import_node_buffer = require("buffer"); var import_node_util = require("util"); // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/utils/is-form-data.js function isFormData2(body) { return dist_default.nodeStream(body) && dist_default.function_(body.getBoundary); } // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/utils/get-body-size.js async function getBodySize(body, headers) { if (headers && "content-length" in headers) { return Number(headers["content-length"]); } if (!body) { return 0; } if (dist_default.string(body)) { return import_node_buffer.Buffer.byteLength(body); } if (dist_default.buffer(body)) { return body.length; } if (isFormData2(body)) { return (0, import_node_util.promisify)(body.getLength.bind(body))(); } return void 0; } // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/utils/proxy-events.js function proxyEvents(from, to, events) { const eventFunctions = {}; for (const event of events) { const eventFunction = (...args) => { to.emit(event, ...args); }; eventFunctions[event] = eventFunction; from.on(event, eventFunction); } return () => { for (const [event, eventFunction] of Object.entries(eventFunctions)) { from.off(event, eventFunction); } }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/timed-out.js var import_node_net = __toESM(require("net"), 1); // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/utils/unhandle.js function unhandle() { const handlers = []; return { once(origin, event, fn) { origin.once(event, fn); handlers.push({ origin, event, fn }); }, unhandleAll() { for (const handler of handlers) { const { origin, event, fn } = handler; origin.removeListener(event, fn); } handlers.length = 0; } }; } // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/timed-out.js var reentry = Symbol("reentry"); var noop = () => { }; var TimeoutError2 = class extends Error { constructor(threshold, event) { super(`Timeout awaiting '${event}' for ${threshold}ms`); Object.defineProperty(this, "event", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: event }); Object.defineProperty(this, "code", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); this.name = "TimeoutError"; this.code = "ETIMEDOUT"; } }; function timedOut(request, delays, options) { if (reentry in request) { return noop; } request[reentry] = true; const cancelers = []; const { once, unhandleAll } = unhandle(); const addTimeout = (delay2, callback, event) => { var _a; const timeout = setTimeout(callback, delay2, delay2, event); (_a = timeout.unref) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(timeout); const cancel = () => { clearTimeout(timeout); }; cancelers.push(cancel); return cancel; }; const { host, hostname } = options; const timeoutHandler = (delay2, event) => { request.destroy(new TimeoutError2(delay2, event)); }; const cancelTimeouts = () => { for (const cancel of cancelers) { cancel(); } unhandleAll(); }; request.once("error", (error) => { cancelTimeouts(); if (request.listenerCount("error") === 0) { throw error; } }); if (typeof delays.request !== "undefined") { const cancelTimeout = addTimeout(delays.request, timeoutHandler, "request"); once(request, "response", (response) => { once(response, "end", cancelTimeout); }); } if (typeof delays.socket !== "undefined") { const { socket } = delays; const socketTimeoutHandler = () => { timeoutHandler(socket, "socket"); }; request.setTimeout(socket, socketTimeoutHandler); cancelers.push(() => { request.removeListener("timeout", socketTimeoutHandler); }); } const hasLookup = typeof delays.lookup !== "undefined"; const hasConnect = typeof delays.connect !== "undefined"; const hasSecureConnect = typeof delays.secureConnect !== "undefined"; const hasSend = typeof delays.send !== "undefined"; if (hasLookup || hasConnect || hasSecureConnect || hasSend) { once(request, "socket", (socket) => { const { socketPath } = request; if (socket.connecting) { const hasPath = Boolean(socketPath ?? import_node_net.default.isIP(hostname ?? host ?? "") !== 0); if (hasLookup && !hasPath && typeof socket.address().address === "undefined") { const cancelTimeout = addTimeout(delays.lookup, timeoutHandler, "lookup"); once(socket, "lookup", cancelTimeout); } if (hasConnect) { const timeConnect = () => addTimeout(delays.connect, timeoutHandler, "connect"); if (hasPath) { once(socket, "connect", timeConnect()); } else { once(socket, "lookup", (error) => { if (error === null) { once(socket, "connect", timeConnect()); } }); } } if (hasSecureConnect && options.protocol === "https:") { once(socket, "connect", () => { const cancelTimeout = addTimeout(delays.secureConnect, timeoutHandler, "secureConnect"); once(socket, "secureConnect", cancelTimeout); }); } } if (hasSend) { const timeRequest = () => addTimeout(delays.send, timeoutHandler, "send"); if (socket.connecting) { once(socket, "connect", () => { once(request, "upload-complete", timeRequest()); }); } else { once(request, "upload-complete", timeRequest()); } } }); } if (typeof delays.response !== "undefined") { once(request, "upload-complete", () => { const cancelTimeout = addTimeout(delays.response, timeoutHandler, "response"); once(request, "response", cancelTimeout); }); } if (typeof delays.read !== "undefined") { once(request, "response", (response) => { const cancelTimeout = addTimeout(delays.read, timeoutHandler, "read"); once(response, "end", cancelTimeout); }); } return cancelTimeouts; } // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/utils/url-to-options.js function urlToOptions(url) { url = url; const options = { protocol: url.protocol, hostname: dist_default.string(url.hostname) && url.hostname.startsWith("[") ? url.hostname.slice(1, -1) : url.hostname, host: url.host, hash: url.hash, search: url.search, pathname: url.pathname, href: url.href, path: `${url.pathname || ""}${url.search || ""}` }; if (dist_default.string(url.port) && url.port.length > 0) { options.port = Number(url.port); } if (url.username || url.password) { options.auth = `${url.username || ""}:${url.password || ""}`; } return options; } // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/utils/weakable-map.js var WeakableMap = class { constructor() { Object.defineProperty(this, "weakMap", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "map", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); this.weakMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); this.map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); } set(key, value) { if (typeof key === "object") { this.weakMap.set(key, value); } else { this.map.set(key, value); } } get(key) { if (typeof key === "object") { return this.weakMap.get(key); } return this.map.get(key); } has(key) { if (typeof key === "object") { return this.weakMap.has(key); } return this.map.has(key); } }; // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/calculate-retry-delay.js var calculateRetryDelay = ({ attemptCount, retryOptions, error, retryAfter, computedValue }) => { if (error.name === "RetryError") { return 1; } if (attemptCount > retryOptions.limit) { return 0; } const hasMethod = retryOptions.methods.includes(error.options.method); const hasErrorCode = retryOptions.errorCodes.includes(error.code); const hasStatusCode = error.response && retryOptions.statusCodes.includes(error.response.statusCode); if (!hasMethod || !hasErrorCode && !hasStatusCode) { return 0; } if (error.response) { if (retryAfter) { if (retryAfter > computedValue) { return 0; } return retryAfter; } if (error.response.statusCode === 413) { return 0; } } const noise = Math.random() * retryOptions.noise; return Math.min(2 ** (attemptCount - 1) * 1e3, retryOptions.backoffLimit) + noise; }; var calculate_retry_delay_default = calculateRetryDelay; // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/options.js var import_node_process = __toESM(require("process"), 1); var import_node_util3 = require("util"); var import_node_url2 = require("url"); var import_node_tls = require("tls"); var import_node_http = __toESM(require("http"), 1); var import_node_https = __toESM(require("https"), 1); // node_modules/.pnpm/cacheable-lookup@7.0.0/node_modules/cacheable-lookup/source/index.js var import_node_dns = require("dns"); var import_node_util2 = require("util"); var import_node_os = __toESM(require("os"), 1); var { Resolver: AsyncResolver } = import_node_dns.promises; var kCacheableLookupCreateConnection = Symbol("cacheableLookupCreateConnection"); var kCacheableLookupInstance = Symbol("cacheableLookupInstance"); var kExpires = Symbol("expires"); var supportsALL = typeof import_node_dns.ALL === "number"; var verifyAgent = (agent2) => { if (!(agent2 && typeof agent2.createConnection === "function")) { throw new Error("Expected an Agent instance as the first argument"); } }; var map4to6 = (entries2) => { for (const entry of entries2) { if (entry.family === 6) { continue; } entry.address = `::ffff:${entry.address}`; entry.family = 6; } }; var getIfaceInfo = () => { let has4 = false; let has6 = false; for (const device of Object.values(import_node_os.default.networkInterfaces())) { for (const iface of device) { if (iface.internal) { continue; } if (iface.family === "IPv6") { has6 = true; } else { has4 = true; } if (has4 && has6) { return { has4, has6 }; } } } return { has4, has6 }; }; var isIterable = (map) => { return Symbol.iterator in map; }; var ignoreNoResultErrors = (dnsPromise) => { return dnsPromise.catch((error) => { if (error.code === "ENODATA" || error.code === "ENOTFOUND" || error.code === "ENOENT") { return []; } throw error; }); }; var ttl = { ttl: true }; var all = { all: true }; var all4 = { all: true, family: 4 }; var all6 = { all: true, family: 6 }; var CacheableLookup = class { constructor({ cache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), maxTtl = Infinity, fallbackDuration = 3600, errorTtl = 0.15, resolver = new AsyncResolver(), lookup = import_node_dns.lookup } = {}) { this.maxTtl = maxTtl; this.errorTtl = errorTtl; this._cache = cache; this._resolver = resolver; this._dnsLookup = lookup && (0, import_node_util2.promisify)(lookup); this.stats = { cache: 0, query: 0 }; if (this._resolver instanceof AsyncResolver) { this._resolve4 = this._resolver.resolve4.bind(this._resolver); this._resolve6 = this._resolver.resolve6.bind(this._resolver); } else { this._resolve4 = (0, import_node_util2.promisify)(this._resolver.resolve4.bind(this._resolver)); this._resolve6 = (0, import_node_util2.promisify)(this._resolver.resolve6.bind(this._resolver)); } this._iface = getIfaceInfo(); this._pending = {}; this._nextRemovalTime = false; this._hostnamesToFallback = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); this.fallbackDuration = fallbackDuration; if (fallbackDuration > 0) { const interval = setInterval(() => { this._hostnamesToFallback.clear(); }, fallbackDuration * 1e3); if (interval.unref) { interval.unref(); } this._fallbackInterval = interval; } this.lookup = this.lookup.bind(this); this.lookupAsync = this.lookupAsync.bind(this); } set servers(servers) { this.clear(); this._resolver.setServers(servers); } get servers() { return this._resolver.getServers(); } lookup(hostname, options, callback) { if (typeof options === "function") { callback = options; options = {}; } else if (typeof options === "number") { options = { family: options }; } if (!callback) { throw new Error("Callback must be a function."); } this.lookupAsync(hostname, options).then((result) => { if (options.all) { callback(null, result); } else { callback(null, result.address, result.family, result.expires, result.ttl, result.source); } }, callback); } async lookupAsync(hostname, options = {}) { if (typeof options === "number") { options = { family: options }; } let cached = await this.query(hostname); if (options.family === 6) { const filtered = cached.filter((entry) => entry.family === 6); if (options.hints & import_node_dns.V4MAPPED) { if (supportsALL && options.hints & import_node_dns.ALL || filtered.length === 0) { map4to6(cached); } else { cached = filtered; } } else { cached = filtered; } } else if (options.family === 4) { cached = cached.filter((entry) => entry.family === 4); } if (options.hints & import_node_dns.ADDRCONFIG) { const { _iface } = this; cached = cached.filter((entry) => entry.family === 6 ? _iface.has6 : _iface.has4); } if (cached.length === 0) { const error = new Error(`cacheableLookup ENOTFOUND ${hostname}`); error.code = "ENOTFOUND"; error.hostname = hostname; throw error; } if (options.all) { return cached; } return cached[0]; } async query(hostname) { let source = "cache"; let cached = await this._cache.get(hostname); if (cached) { this.stats.cache++; } if (!cached) { const pending = this._pending[hostname]; if (pending) { this.stats.cache++; cached = await pending; } else { source = "query"; const newPromise = this.queryAndCache(hostname); this._pending[hostname] = newPromise; this.stats.query++; try { cached = await newPromise; } finally { delete this._pending[hostname]; } } } cached = cached.map((entry) => { return { ...entry, source }; }); return cached; } async _resolve(hostname) { const [A, AAAA] = await Promise.all([ ignoreNoResultErrors(this._resolve4(hostname, ttl)), ignoreNoResultErrors(this._resolve6(hostname, ttl)) ]); let aTtl = 0; let aaaaTtl = 0; let cacheTtl = 0; const now = Date.now(); for (const entry of A) { entry.family = 4; entry.expires = now + entry.ttl * 1e3; aTtl = Math.max(aTtl, entry.ttl); } for (const entry of AAAA) { entry.family = 6; entry.expires = now + entry.ttl * 1e3; aaaaTtl = Math.max(aaaaTtl, entry.ttl); } if (A.length > 0) { if (AAAA.length > 0) { cacheTtl = Math.min(aTtl, aaaaTtl); } else { cacheTtl = aTtl; } } else { cacheTtl = aaaaTtl; } return { entries: [ ...A, ...AAAA ], cacheTtl }; } async _lookup(hostname) { try { const [A, AAAA] = await Promise.all([ // Passing {all: true} doesn't return all IPv4 and IPv6 entries. // See https://github.com/szmarczak/cacheable-lookup/issues/42 ignoreNoResultErrors(this._dnsLookup(hostname, all4)), ignoreNoResultErrors(this._dnsLookup(hostname, all6)) ]); return { entries: [ ...A, ...AAAA ], cacheTtl: 0 }; } catch { return { entries: [], cacheTtl: 0 }; } } async _set(hostname, data, cacheTtl) { if (this.maxTtl > 0 && cacheTtl > 0) { cacheTtl = Math.min(cacheTtl, this.maxTtl) * 1e3; data[kExpires] = Date.now() + cacheTtl; try { await this._cache.set(hostname, data, cacheTtl); } catch (error) { this.lookupAsync = async () => { const cacheError = new Error("Cache Error. Please recreate the CacheableLookup instance."); cacheError.cause = error; throw cacheError; }; } if (isIterable(this._cache)) { this._tick(cacheTtl); } } } async queryAndCache(hostname) { if (this._hostnamesToFallback.has(hostname)) { return this._dnsLookup(hostname, all); } let query = await this._resolve(hostname); if (query.entries.length === 0 && this._dnsLookup) { query = await this._lookup(hostname); if (query.entries.length !== 0 && this.fallbackDuration > 0) { this._hostnamesToFallback.add(hostname); } } const cacheTtl = query.entries.length === 0 ? this.errorTtl : query.cacheTtl; await this._set(hostname, query.entries, cacheTtl); return query.entries; } _tick(ms) { const nextRemovalTime = this._nextRemovalTime; if (!nextRemovalTime || ms < nextRemovalTime) { clearTimeout(this._removalTimeout); this._nextRemovalTime = ms; this._removalTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this._nextRemovalTime = false; let nextExpiry = Infinity; const now = Date.now(); for (const [hostname, entries2] of this._cache) { const expires = entries2[kExpires]; if (now >= expires) { this._cache.delete(hostname); } else if (expires < nextExpiry) { nextExpiry = expires; } } if (nextExpiry !== Infinity) { this._tick(nextExpiry - now); } }, ms); if (this._removalTimeout.unref) { this._removalTimeout.unref(); } } } install(agent2) { verifyAgent(agent2); if (kCacheableLookupCreateConnection in agent2) { throw new Error("CacheableLookup has been already installed"); } agent2[kCacheableLookupCreateConnection] = agent2.createConnection; agent2[kCacheableLookupInstance] = this; agent2.createConnection = (options, callback) => { if (!("lookup" in options)) { options.lookup = this.lookup; } return agent2[kCacheableLookupCreateConnection](options, callback); }; } uninstall(agent2) { verifyAgent(agent2); if (agent2[kCacheableLookupCreateConnection]) { if (agent2[kCacheableLookupInstance] !== this) { throw new Error("The agent is not owned by this CacheableLookup instance"); } agent2.createConnection = agent2[kCacheableLookupCreateConnection]; delete agent2[kCacheableLookupCreateConnection]; delete agent2[kCacheableLookupInstance]; } } updateInterfaceInfo() { const { _iface } = this; this._iface = getIfaceInfo(); if (_iface.has4 && !this._iface.has4 || _iface.has6 && !this._iface.has6) { this._cache.clear(); } } clear(hostname) { if (hostname) { this._cache.delete(hostname); return; } this._cache.clear(); } }; // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/options.js var import_http2_wrapper = __toESM(require_source2(), 1); // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/parse-link-header.js function parseLinkHeader(link) { const parsed = []; const items = link.split(","); for (const item of items) { const [rawUriReference, ...rawLinkParameters] = item.split(";"); const trimmedUriReference = rawUriReference.trim(); if (trimmedUriReference[0] !== "<" || trimmedUriReference[trimmedUriReference.length - 1] !== ">") { throw new Error(`Invalid format of the Link header reference: ${trimmedUriReference}`); } const reference = trimmedUriReference.slice(1, -1); const parameters = {}; if (rawLinkParameters.length === 0) { throw new Error(`Unexpected end of Link header parameters: ${rawLinkParameters.join(";")}`); } for (const rawParameter of rawLinkParameters) { const trimmedRawParameter = rawParameter.trim(); const center = trimmedRawParameter.indexOf("="); if (center === -1) { throw new Error(`Failed to parse Link header: ${link}`); } const name = trimmedRawParameter.slice(0, center).trim(); const value = trimmedRawParameter.slice(center + 1).trim(); parameters[name] = value; } parsed.push({ reference, parameters }); } return parsed; } // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/options.js var [major, minor] = import_node_process.default.versions.node.split(".").map(Number); function validateSearchParameters(searchParameters) { for (const key in searchParameters) { const value = searchParameters[key]; assert.any([dist_default.string, dist_default.number, dist_default.boolean, dist_default.null_, dist_default.undefined], value); } } var globalCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); var globalDnsCache; var getGlobalDnsCache = () => { if (globalDnsCache) { return globalDnsCache; } globalDnsCache = new CacheableLookup(); return globalDnsCache; }; var defaultInternals = { request: void 0, agent: { http: void 0, https: void 0, http2: void 0 }, h2session: void 0, decompress: true, timeout: { connect: void 0, lookup: void 0, read: void 0, request: void 0, response: void 0, secureConnect: void 0, send: void 0, socket: void 0 }, prefixUrl: "", body: void 0, form: void 0, json: void 0, cookieJar: void 0, ignoreInvalidCookies: false, searchParams: void 0, dnsLookup: void 0, dnsCache: void 0, context: {}, hooks: { init: [], beforeRequest: [], beforeError: [], beforeRedirect: [], beforeRetry: [], afterResponse: [] }, followRedirect: true, maxRedirects: 10, cache: void 0, throwHttpErrors: true, username: "", password: "", http2: false, allowGetBody: false, headers: { "user-agent": "got (https://github.com/sindresorhus/got)" }, methodRewriting: false, dnsLookupIpVersion: void 0, parseJson: JSON.parse, stringifyJson: JSON.stringify, retry: { limit: 2, methods: [ "GET", "PUT", "HEAD", "DELETE", "OPTIONS", "TRACE" ], statusCodes: [ 408, 413, 429, 500, 502, 503, 504, 521, 522, 524 ], errorCodes: [ "ETIMEDOUT", "ECONNRESET", "EADDRINUSE", "ECONNREFUSED", "EPIPE", "ENOTFOUND", "ENETUNREACH", "EAI_AGAIN" ], maxRetryAfter: void 0, calculateDelay: ({ computedValue }) => computedValue, backoffLimit: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, noise: 100 }, localAddress: void 0, method: "GET", createConnection: void 0, cacheOptions: { shared: void 0, cacheHeuristic: void 0, immutableMinTimeToLive: void 0, ignoreCargoCult: void 0 }, https: { alpnProtocols: void 0, rejectUnauthorized: void 0, checkServerIdentity: void 0, certificateAuthority: void 0, key: void 0, certificate: void 0, passphrase: void 0, pfx: void 0, ciphers: void 0, honorCipherOrder: void 0, minVersion: void 0, maxVersion: void 0, signatureAlgorithms: void 0, tlsSessionLifetime: void 0, dhparam: void 0, ecdhCurve: void 0, certificateRevocationLists: void 0 }, encoding: void 0, resolveBodyOnly: false, isStream: false, responseType: "text", url: void 0, pagination: { transform(response) { if (response.request.options.responseType === "json") { return response.body; } return JSON.parse(response.body); }, paginate({ response }) { const rawLinkHeader = response.headers.link; if (typeof rawLinkHeader !== "string" || rawLinkHeader.trim() === "") { return false; } const parsed = parseLinkHeader(rawLinkHeader); const next = parsed.find((entry) => entry.parameters.rel === "next" || entry.parameters.rel === '"next"'); if (next) { return { url: new import_node_url2.URL(next.reference, response.url) }; } return false; }, filter: () => true, shouldContinue: () => true, countLimit: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, backoff: 0, requestLimit: 1e4, stackAllItems: false }, setHost: true, maxHeaderSize: void 0, signal: void 0, enableUnixSockets: true }; var cloneInternals = (internals) => { const { hooks, retry } = internals; const result = { ...internals, context: { ...internals.context }, cacheOptions: { ...internals.cacheOptions }, https: { ...internals.https }, agent: { ...internals.agent }, headers: { ...internals.headers }, retry: { ...retry, errorCodes: [...retry.errorCodes], methods: [...retry.methods], statusCodes: [...retry.statusCodes] }, timeout: { ...internals.timeout }, hooks: { init: [...hooks.init], beforeRequest: [...hooks.beforeRequest], beforeError: [...hooks.beforeError], beforeRedirect: [...hooks.beforeRedirect], beforeRetry: [...hooks.beforeRetry], afterResponse: [...hooks.afterResponse] }, searchParams: internals.searchParams ? new import_node_url2.URLSearchParams(internals.searchParams) : void 0, pagination: { ...internals.pagination } }; if (result.url !== void 0) { result.prefixUrl = ""; } return result; }; var cloneRaw = (raw) => { const { hooks, retry } = raw; const result = { ...raw }; if (dist_default.object(raw.context)) { result.context = { ...raw.context }; } if (dist_default.object(raw.cacheOptions)) { result.cacheOptions = { ...raw.cacheOptions }; } if (dist_default.object(raw.https)) { result.https = { ...raw.https }; } if (dist_default.object(raw.cacheOptions)) { result.cacheOptions = { ...result.cacheOptions }; } if (dist_default.object(raw.agent)) { result.agent = { ...raw.agent }; } if (dist_default.object(raw.headers)) { result.headers = { ...raw.headers }; } if (dist_default.object(retry)) { result.retry = { ...retry }; if (dist_default.array(retry.errorCodes)) { result.retry.errorCodes = [...retry.errorCodes]; } if (dist_default.array(retry.methods)) { result.retry.methods = [...retry.methods]; } if (dist_default.array(retry.statusCodes)) { result.retry.statusCodes = [...retry.statusCodes]; } } if (dist_default.object(raw.timeout)) { result.timeout = { ...raw.timeout }; } if (dist_default.object(hooks)) { result.hooks = { ...hooks }; if (dist_default.array(hooks.init)) { result.hooks.init = [...hooks.init]; } if (dist_default.array(hooks.beforeRequest)) { result.hooks.beforeRequest = [...hooks.beforeRequest]; } if (dist_default.array(hooks.beforeError)) { result.hooks.beforeError = [...hooks.beforeError]; } if (dist_default.array(hooks.beforeRedirect)) { result.hooks.beforeRedirect = [...hooks.beforeRedirect]; } if (dist_default.array(hooks.beforeRetry)) { result.hooks.beforeRetry = [...hooks.beforeRetry]; } if (dist_default.array(hooks.afterResponse)) { result.hooks.afterResponse = [...hooks.afterResponse]; } } if (dist_default.object(raw.pagination)) { result.pagination = { ...raw.pagination }; } return result; }; var getHttp2TimeoutOption = (internals) => { const delays = [internals.timeout.socket, internals.timeout.connect, internals.timeout.lookup, internals.timeout.request, internals.timeout.secureConnect].filter((delay2) => typeof delay2 === "number"); if (delays.length > 0) { return Math.min(...delays); } return void 0; }; var init = (options, withOptions, self) => { var _a; const initHooks = (_a = options.hooks) == null ? void 0 : _a.init; if (initHooks) { for (const hook of initHooks) { hook(withOptions, self); } } }; var Options = class { constructor(input, options, defaults2) { Object.defineProperty(this, "_unixOptions", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_internals", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_merging", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_init", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); assert.any([dist_default.string, dist_default.urlInstance, dist_default.object, dist_default.undefined], input); assert.any([dist_default.object, dist_default.undefined], options); assert.any([dist_default.object, dist_default.undefined], defaults2); if (input instanceof Options || options instanceof Options) { throw new TypeError("The defaults must be passed as the third argument"); } this._internals = cloneInternals((defaults2 == null ? void 0 : defaults2._internals) ?? defaults2 ?? defaultInternals); this._init = [...(defaults2 == null ? void 0 : defaults2._init) ?? []]; this._merging = false; this._unixOptions = void 0; try { if (dist_default.plainObject(input)) { try { this.merge(input); this.merge(options); } finally { this.url = input.url; } } else { try { this.merge(options); } finally { if ((options == null ? void 0 : options.url) !== void 0) { if (input === void 0) { this.url = options.url; } else { throw new TypeError("The `url` option is mutually exclusive with the `input` argument"); } } else if (input !== void 0) { this.url = input; } } } } catch (error) { error.options = this; throw error; } } merge(options) { if (!options) { return; } if (options instanceof Options) { for (const init2 of options._init) { this.merge(init2); } return; } options = cloneRaw(options); init(this, options, this); init(options, options, this); this._merging = true; if ("isStream" in options) { this.isStream = options.isStream; } try { let push = false; for (const key in options) { if (key === "mutableDefaults" || key === "handlers") { continue; } if (key === "url") { continue; } if (!(key in this)) { throw new Error(`Unexpected option: ${key}`); } this[key] = options[key]; push = true; } if (push) { this._init.push(options); } } finally { this._merging = false; } } /** Custom request function. The main purpose of this is to [support HTTP2 using a wrapper](https://github.com/szmarczak/http2-wrapper). @default http.request | https.request */ get request() { return this._internals.request; } set request(value) { assert.any([dist_default.function_, dist_default.undefined], value); this._internals.request = value; } /** An object representing `http`, `https` and `http2` keys for [`http.Agent`](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_class_http_agent), [`https.Agent`](https://nodejs.org/api/https.html#https_class_https_agent) and [`http2wrapper.Agent`](https://github.com/szmarczak/http2-wrapper#new-http2agentoptions) instance. This is necessary because a request to one protocol might redirect to another. In such a scenario, Got will switch over to the right protocol agent for you. If a key is not present, it will default to a global agent. @example ``` import got from 'got'; import HttpAgent from 'agentkeepalive'; const {HttpsAgent} = HttpAgent; await got('https://sindresorhus.com', { agent: { http: new HttpAgent(), https: new HttpsAgent() } }); ``` */ get agent() { return this._internals.agent; } set agent(value) { assert.plainObject(value); for (const key in value) { if (!(key in this._internals.agent)) { throw new TypeError(`Unexpected agent option: ${key}`); } assert.any([dist_default.object, dist_default.undefined], value[key]); } if (this._merging) { Object.assign(this._internals.agent, value); } else { this._internals.agent = { ...value }; } } get h2session() { return this._internals.h2session; } set h2session(value) { this._internals.h2session = value; } /** Decompress the response automatically. This will set the `accept-encoding` header to `gzip, deflate, br` unless you set it yourself. If this is disabled, a compressed response is returned as a `Buffer`. This may be useful if you want to handle decompression yourself or stream the raw compressed data. @default true */ get decompress() { return this._internals.decompress; } set decompress(value) { assert.boolean(value); this._internals.decompress = value; } /** Milliseconds to wait for the server to end the response before aborting the request with `got.TimeoutError` error (a.k.a. `request` property). By default, there's no timeout. This also accepts an `object` with the following fields to constrain the duration of each phase of the request lifecycle: - `lookup` starts when a socket is assigned and ends when the hostname has been resolved. Does not apply when using a Unix domain socket. - `connect` starts when `lookup` completes (or when the socket is assigned if lookup does not apply to the request) and ends when the socket is connected. - `secureConnect` starts when `connect` completes and ends when the handshaking process completes (HTTPS only). - `socket` starts when the socket is connected. See [request.setTimeout](https://nodejs.org/api/http.html#http_request_settimeout_timeout_callback). - `response` starts when the request has been written to the socket and ends when the response headers are received. - `send` starts when the socket is connected and ends with the request has been written to the socket. - `request` starts when the request is initiated and ends when the response's end event fires. */ get timeout() { return this._internals.timeout; } set timeout(value) { assert.plainObject(value); for (const key in value) { if (!(key in this._internals.timeout)) { throw new Error(`Unexpected timeout option: ${key}`); } assert.any([dist_default.number, dist_default.undefined], value[key]); } if (this._merging) { Object.assign(this._internals.timeout, value); } else { this._internals.timeout = { ...value }; } } /** When specified, `prefixUrl` will be prepended to `url`. The prefix can be any valid URL, either relative or absolute. A trailing slash `/` is optional - one will be added automatically. __Note__: `prefixUrl` will be ignored if the `url` argument is a URL instance. __Note__: Leading slashes in `input` are disallowed when using this option to enforce consistency and avoid confusion. For example, when the prefix URL is `https://example.com/foo` and the input is `/bar`, there's ambiguity whether the resulting URL would become `https://example.com/foo/bar` or `https://example.com/bar`. The latter is used by browsers. __Tip__: Useful when used with `got.extend()` to create niche-specific Got instances. __Tip__: You can change `prefixUrl` using hooks as long as the URL still includes the `prefixUrl`. If the URL doesn't include it anymore, it will throw. @example ``` import got from 'got'; await got('unicorn', {prefixUrl: 'https://cats.com'}); //=> 'https://cats.com/unicorn' const instance = got.extend({ prefixUrl: 'https://google.com' }); await instance('unicorn', { hooks: { beforeRequest: [ options => { options.prefixUrl = 'https://cats.com'; } ] } }); //=> 'https://cats.com/unicorn' ``` */ get prefixUrl() { return this._internals.prefixUrl; } set prefixUrl(value) { assert.any([dist_default.string, dist_default.urlInstance], value); if (value === "") { this._internals.prefixUrl = ""; return; } value = value.toString(); if (!value.endsWith("/")) { value += "/"; } if (this._internals.prefixUrl && this._internals.url) { const { href } = this._internals.url; this._internals.url.href = value + href.slice(this._internals.prefixUrl.length); } this._internals.prefixUrl = value; } /** __Note #1__: The `body` option cannot be used with the `json` or `form` option. __Note #2__: If you provide this option, `got.stream()` will be read-only. __Note #3__: If you provide a payload with the `GET` or `HEAD` method, it will throw a `TypeError` unless the method is `GET` and the `allowGetBody` option is set to `true`. __Note #4__: This option is not enumerable and will not be merged with the instance defaults. The `content-length` header will be automatically set if `body` is a `string` / `Buffer` / [`FormData`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FormData) / [`form-data` instance](https://github.com/form-data/form-data), and `content-length` and `transfer-encoding` are not manually set in `options.headers`. Since Got 12, the `content-length` is not automatically set when `body` is a `fs.createReadStream`. */ get body() { return this._internals.body; } set body(value) { assert.any([dist_default.string, dist_default.buffer, dist_default.nodeStream, dist_default.generator, dist_default.asyncGenerator, isFormData, dist_default.undefined], value); if (dist_default.nodeStream(value)) { assert.truthy(value.readable); } if (value !== void 0) { assert.undefined(this._internals.form); assert.undefined(this._internals.json); } this._internals.body = value; } /** The form body is converted to a query string using [`(new URLSearchParams(object)).toString()`](https://nodejs.org/api/url.html#url_constructor_new_urlsearchparams_obj). If the `Content-Type` header is not present, it will be set to `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`. __Note #1__: If you provide this option, `got.stream()` will be read-only. __Note #2__: This option is not enumerable and will not be merged with the instance defaults. */ get form() { return this._internals.form; } set form(value) { assert.any([dist_default.plainObject, dist_default.undefined], value); if (value !== void 0) { assert.undefined(this._internals.body); assert.undefined(this._internals.json); } this._internals.form = value; } /** JSON body. If the `Content-Type` header is not set, it will be set to `application/json`. __Note #1__: If you provide this option, `got.stream()` will be read-only. __Note #2__: This option is not enumerable and will not be merged with the instance defaults. */ get json() { return this._internals.json; } set json(value) { if (value !== void 0) { assert.undefined(this._internals.body); assert.undefined(this._internals.form); } this._internals.json = value; } /** The URL to request, as a string, a [`https.request` options object](https://nodejs.org/api/https.html#https_https_request_options_callback), or a [WHATWG `URL`](https://nodejs.org/api/url.html#url_class_url). Properties from `options` will override properties in the parsed `url`. If no protocol is specified, it will throw a `TypeError`. __Note__: The query string is **not** parsed as search params. @example ``` await got('https://example.com/?query=a b'); //=> https://example.com/?query=a%20b await got('https://example.com/', {searchParams: {query: 'a b'}}); //=> https://example.com/?query=a+b // The query string is overridden by `searchParams` await got('https://example.com/?query=a b', {searchParams: {query: 'a b'}}); //=> https://example.com/?query=a+b ``` */ get url() { return this._internals.url; } set url(value) { assert.any([dist_default.string, dist_default.urlInstance, dist_default.undefined], value); if (value === void 0) { this._internals.url = void 0; return; } if (dist_default.string(value) && value.startsWith("/")) { throw new Error("`url` must not start with a slash"); } const urlString = `${this.prefixUrl}${value.toString()}`; const url = new import_node_url2.URL(urlString); this._internals.url = url; decodeURI(urlString); if (url.protocol === "unix:") { url.href = `http://unix${url.pathname}${url.search}`; } if (url.protocol !== "http:" && url.protocol !== "https:") { const error = new Error(`Unsupported protocol: ${url.protocol}`); error.code = "ERR_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL"; throw error; } if (this._internals.username) { url.username = this._internals.username; this._internals.username = ""; } if (this._internals.password) { url.password = this._internals.password; this._internals.password = ""; } if (this._internals.searchParams) { url.search = this._internals.searchParams.toString(); this._internals.searchParams = void 0; } if (url.hostname === "unix") { if (!this._internals.enableUnixSockets) { throw new Error("Using UNIX domain sockets but option `enableUnixSockets` is not enabled"); } const matches = /(?.+?):(?.+)/.exec(`${url.pathname}${url.search}`); if (matches == null ? void 0 : matches.groups) { const { socketPath, path } = matches.groups; this._unixOptions = { socketPath, path, host: "" }; } else { this._unixOptions = void 0; } return; } this._unixOptions = void 0; } /** Cookie support. You don't have to care about parsing or how to store them. __Note__: If you provide this option, `options.headers.cookie` will be overridden. */ get cookieJar() { return this._internals.cookieJar; } set cookieJar(value) { assert.any([dist_default.object, dist_default.undefined], value); if (value === void 0) { this._internals.cookieJar = void 0; return; } let { setCookie, getCookieString } = value; assert.function_(setCookie); assert.function_(getCookieString); if (setCookie.length === 4 && getCookieString.length === 0) { setCookie = (0, import_node_util3.promisify)(setCookie.bind(value)); getCookieString = (0, import_node_util3.promisify)(getCookieString.bind(value)); this._internals.cookieJar = { setCookie, getCookieString }; } else { this._internals.cookieJar = value; } } /** You can abort the `request` using [`AbortController`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AbortController). *Requires Node.js 16 or later.* @example ``` import got from 'got'; const abortController = new AbortController(); const request = got('https://httpbin.org/anything', { signal: abortController.signal }); setTimeout(() => { abortController.abort(); }, 100); ``` */ // TODO: Replace `any` with `AbortSignal` when targeting Node 16. get signal() { return this._internals.signal; } // TODO: Replace `any` with `AbortSignal` when targeting Node 16. set signal(value) { assert.object(value); this._internals.signal = value; } /** Ignore invalid cookies instead of throwing an error. Only useful when the `cookieJar` option has been set. Not recommended. @default false */ get ignoreInvalidCookies() { return this._internals.ignoreInvalidCookies; } set ignoreInvalidCookies(value) { assert.boolean(value); this._internals.ignoreInvalidCookies = value; } /** Query string that will be added to the request URL. This will override the query string in `url`. If you need to pass in an array, you can do it using a `URLSearchParams` instance. @example ``` import got from 'got'; const searchParams = new URLSearchParams([['key', 'a'], ['key', 'b']]); await got('https://example.com', {searchParams}); console.log(searchParams.toString()); //=> 'key=a&key=b' ``` */ get searchParams() { if (this._internals.url) { return this._internals.url.searchParams; } if (this._internals.searchParams === void 0) { this._internals.searchParams = new import_node_url2.URLSearchParams(); } return this._internals.searchParams; } set searchParams(value) { assert.any([dist_default.string, dist_default.object, dist_default.undefined], value); const url = this._internals.url; if (value === void 0) { this._internals.searchParams = void 0; if (url) { url.search = ""; } return; } const searchParameters = this.searchParams; let updated; if (dist_default.string(value)) { updated = new import_node_url2.URLSearchParams(value); } else if (value instanceof import_node_url2.URLSearchParams) { updated = value; } else { validateSearchParameters(value); updated = new import_node_url2.URLSearchParams(); for (const key in value) { const entry = value[key]; if (entry === null) { updated.append(key, ""); } else if (entry === void 0) { searchParameters.delete(key); } else { updated.append(key, entry); } } } if (this._merging) { for (const key of updated.keys()) { searchParameters.delete(key); } for (const [key, value2] of updated) { searchParameters.append(key, value2); } } else if (url) { url.search = searchParameters.toString(); } else { this._internals.searchParams = searchParameters; } } get searchParameters() { throw new Error("The `searchParameters` option does not exist. Use `searchParams` instead."); } set searchParameters(_value) { throw new Error("The `searchParameters` option does not exist. Use `searchParams` instead."); } get dnsLookup() { return this._internals.dnsLookup; } set dnsLookup(value) { assert.any([dist_default.function_, dist_default.undefined], value); this._internals.dnsLookup = value; } /** An instance of [`CacheableLookup`](https://github.com/szmarczak/cacheable-lookup) used for making DNS lookups. Useful when making lots of requests to different *public* hostnames. `CacheableLookup` uses `dns.resolver4(..)` and `dns.resolver6(...)` under the hood and fall backs to `dns.lookup(...)` when the first two fail, which may lead to additional delay. __Note__: This should stay disabled when making requests to internal hostnames such as `localhost`, `database.local` etc. @default false */ get dnsCache() { return this._internals.dnsCache; } set dnsCache(value) { assert.any([dist_default.object, dist_default.boolean, dist_default.undefined], value); if (value === true) { this._internals.dnsCache = getGlobalDnsCache(); } else if (value === false) { this._internals.dnsCache = void 0; } else { this._internals.dnsCache = value; } } /** User data. `context` is shallow merged and enumerable. If it contains non-enumerable properties they will NOT be merged. @example ``` import got from 'got'; const instance = got.extend({ hooks: { beforeRequest: [ options => { if (!options.context || !options.context.token) { throw new Error('Token required'); } options.headers.token = options.context.token; } ] } }); const context = { token: 'secret' }; const response = await instance('https://httpbin.org/headers', {context}); // Let's see the headers console.log(response.body); ``` */ get context() { return this._internals.context; } set context(value) { assert.object(value); if (this._merging) { Object.assign(this._internals.context, value); } else { this._internals.context = { ...value }; } } /** Hooks allow modifications during the request lifecycle. Hook functions may be async and are run serially. */ get hooks() { return this._internals.hooks; } set hooks(value) { assert.object(value); for (const knownHookEvent in value) { if (!(knownHookEvent in this._internals.hooks)) { throw new Error(`Unexpected hook event: ${knownHookEvent}`); } const typedKnownHookEvent = knownHookEvent; const hooks = value[typedKnownHookEvent]; assert.any([dist_default.array, dist_default.undefined], hooks); if (hooks) { for (const hook of hooks) { assert.function_(hook); } } if (this._merging) { if (hooks) { this._internals.hooks[typedKnownHookEvent].push(...hooks); } } else { if (!hooks) { throw new Error(`Missing hook event: ${knownHookEvent}`); } this._internals.hooks[knownHookEvent] = [...hooks]; } } } /** Defines if redirect responses should be followed automatically. Note that if a `303` is sent by the server in response to any request type (`POST`, `DELETE`, etc.), Got will automatically request the resource pointed to in the location header via `GET`. This is in accordance with [the spec](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.4.4). You can optionally turn on this behavior also for other redirect codes - see `methodRewriting`. @default true */ get followRedirect() { return this._internals.followRedirect; } set followRedirect(value) { assert.boolean(value); this._internals.followRedirect = value; } get followRedirects() { throw new TypeError("The `followRedirects` option does not exist. Use `followRedirect` instead."); } set followRedirects(_value) { throw new TypeError("The `followRedirects` option does not exist. Use `followRedirect` instead."); } /** If exceeded, the request will be aborted and a `MaxRedirectsError` will be thrown. @default 10 */ get maxRedirects() { return this._internals.maxRedirects; } set maxRedirects(value) { assert.number(value); this._internals.maxRedirects = value; } /** A cache adapter instance for storing cached response data. @default false */ get cache() { return this._internals.cache; } set cache(value) { assert.any([dist_default.object, dist_default.string, dist_default.boolean, dist_default.undefined], value); if (value === true) { this._internals.cache = globalCache; } else if (value === false) { this._internals.cache = void 0; } else { this._internals.cache = value; } } /** Determines if a `got.HTTPError` is thrown for unsuccessful responses. If this is disabled, requests that encounter an error status code will be resolved with the `response` instead of throwing. This may be useful if you are checking for resource availability and are expecting error responses. @default true */ get throwHttpErrors() { return this._internals.throwHttpErrors; } set throwHttpErrors(value) { assert.boolean(value); this._internals.throwHttpErrors = value; } get username() { const url = this._internals.url; const value = url ? url.username : this._internals.username; return decodeURIComponent(value); } set username(value) { assert.string(value); const url = this._internals.url; const fixedValue = encodeURIComponent(value); if (url) { url.username = fixedValue; } else { this._internals.username = fixedValue; } } get password() { const url = this._internals.url; const value = url ? url.password : this._internals.password; return decodeURIComponent(value); } set password(value) { assert.string(value); const url = this._internals.url; const fixedValue = encodeURIComponent(value); if (url) { url.password = fixedValue; } else { this._internals.password = fixedValue; } } /** If set to `true`, Got will additionally accept HTTP2 requests. It will choose either HTTP/1.1 or HTTP/2 depending on the ALPN protocol. __Note__: This option requires Node.js 15.10.0 or newer as HTTP/2 support on older Node.js versions is very buggy. __Note__: Overriding `options.request` will disable HTTP2 support. @default false @example ``` import got from 'got'; const {headers} = await got('https://nghttp2.org/httpbin/anything', {http2: true}); console.log(headers.via); //=> '2 nghttpx' ``` */ get http2() { return this._internals.http2; } set http2(value) { assert.boolean(value); this._internals.http2 = value; } /** Set this to `true` to allow sending body for the `GET` method. However, the [HTTP/2 specification](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-8.1.3) says that `An HTTP GET request includes request header fields and no payload body`, therefore when using the HTTP/2 protocol this option will have no effect. This option is only meant to interact with non-compliant servers when you have no other choice. __Note__: The [RFC 7231](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-4.3.1) doesn't specify any particular behavior for the GET method having a payload, therefore __it's considered an [anti-pattern](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-pattern)__. @default false */ get allowGetBody() { return this._internals.allowGetBody; } set allowGetBody(value) { assert.boolean(value); this._internals.allowGetBody = value; } /** Request headers. Existing headers will be overwritten. Headers set to `undefined` will be omitted. @default {} */ get headers() { return this._internals.headers; } set headers(value) { assert.plainObject(value); if (this._merging) { Object.assign(this._internals.headers, lowercaseKeys(value)); } else { this._internals.headers = lowercaseKeys(value); } } /** Specifies if the HTTP request method should be [rewritten as `GET`](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.4) on redirects. As the [specification](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-6.4) prefers to rewrite the HTTP method only on `303` responses, this is Got's default behavior. Setting `methodRewriting` to `true` will also rewrite `301` and `302` responses, as allowed by the spec. This is the behavior followed by `curl` and browsers. __Note__: Got never performs method rewriting on `307` and `308` responses, as this is [explicitly prohibited by the specification](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7231#section-6.4.7). @default false */ get methodRewriting() { return this._internals.methodRewriting; } set methodRewriting(value) { assert.boolean(value); this._internals.methodRewriting = value; } /** Indicates which DNS record family to use. Values: - `undefined`: IPv4 (if present) or IPv6 - `4`: Only IPv4 - `6`: Only IPv6 @default undefined */ get dnsLookupIpVersion() { return this._internals.dnsLookupIpVersion; } set dnsLookupIpVersion(value) { if (value !== void 0 && value !== 4 && value !== 6) { throw new TypeError(`Invalid DNS lookup IP version: ${value}`); } this._internals.dnsLookupIpVersion = value; } /** A function used to parse JSON responses. @example ``` import got from 'got'; import Bourne from '@hapi/bourne'; const parsed = await got('https://example.com', { parseJson: text => Bourne.parse(text) }).json(); console.log(parsed); ``` */ get parseJson() { return this._internals.parseJson; } set parseJson(value) { assert.function_(value); this._internals.parseJson = value; } /** A function used to stringify the body of JSON requests. @example ``` import got from 'got'; await got.post('https://example.com', { stringifyJson: object => JSON.stringify(object, (key, value) => { if (key.startsWith('_')) { return; } return value; }), json: { some: 'payload', _ignoreMe: 1234 } }); ``` @example ``` import got from 'got'; await got.post('https://example.com', { stringifyJson: object => JSON.stringify(object, (key, value) => { if (typeof value === 'number') { return value.toString(); } return value; }), json: { some: 'payload', number: 1 } }); ``` */ get stringifyJson() { return this._internals.stringifyJson; } set stringifyJson(value) { assert.function_(value); this._internals.stringifyJson = value; } /** An object representing `limit`, `calculateDelay`, `methods`, `statusCodes`, `maxRetryAfter` and `errorCodes` fields for maximum retry count, retry handler, allowed methods, allowed status codes, maximum [`Retry-After`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Retry-After) time and allowed error codes. Delays between retries counts with function `1000 * Math.pow(2, retry) + Math.random() * 100`, where `retry` is attempt number (starts from 1). The `calculateDelay` property is a `function` that receives an object with `attemptCount`, `retryOptions`, `error` and `computedValue` properties for current retry count, the retry options, error and default computed value. The function must return a delay in milliseconds (or a Promise resolving with it) (`0` return value cancels retry). By default, it retries *only* on the specified methods, status codes, and on these network errors: - `ETIMEDOUT`: One of the [timeout](#timeout) limits were reached. - `ECONNRESET`: Connection was forcibly closed by a peer. - `EADDRINUSE`: Could not bind to any free port. - `ECONNREFUSED`: Connection was refused by the server. - `EPIPE`: The remote side of the stream being written has been closed. - `ENOTFOUND`: Couldn't resolve the hostname to an IP address. - `ENETUNREACH`: No internet connection. - `EAI_AGAIN`: DNS lookup timed out. __Note__: If `maxRetryAfter` is set to `undefined`, it will use `options.timeout`. __Note__: If [`Retry-After`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Retry-After) header is greater than `maxRetryAfter`, it will cancel the request. */ get retry() { return this._internals.retry; } set retry(value) { assert.plainObject(value); assert.any([dist_default.function_, dist_default.undefined], value.calculateDelay); assert.any([dist_default.number, dist_default.undefined], value.maxRetryAfter); assert.any([dist_default.number, dist_default.undefined], value.limit); assert.any([dist_default.array, dist_default.undefined], value.methods); assert.any([dist_default.array, dist_default.undefined], value.statusCodes); assert.any([dist_default.array, dist_default.undefined], value.errorCodes); assert.any([dist_default.number, dist_default.undefined], value.noise); if (value.noise && Math.abs(value.noise) > 100) { throw new Error(`The maximum acceptable retry noise is +/- 100ms, got ${value.noise}`); } for (const key in value) { if (!(key in this._internals.retry)) { throw new Error(`Unexpected retry option: ${key}`); } } if (this._merging) { Object.assign(this._internals.retry, value); } else { this._internals.retry = { ...value }; } const { retry } = this._internals; retry.methods = [...new Set(retry.methods.map((method) => method.toUpperCase()))]; retry.statusCodes = [...new Set(retry.statusCodes)]; retry.errorCodes = [...new Set(retry.errorCodes)]; } /** From `http.RequestOptions`. The IP address used to send the request from. */ get localAddress() { return this._internals.localAddress; } set localAddress(value) { assert.any([dist_default.string, dist_default.undefined], value); this._internals.localAddress = value; } /** The HTTP method used to make the request. @default 'GET' */ get method() { return this._internals.method; } set method(value) { assert.string(value); this._internals.method = value.toUpperCase(); } get createConnection() { return this._internals.createConnection; } set createConnection(value) { assert.any([dist_default.function_, dist_default.undefined], value); this._internals.createConnection = value; } /** From `http-cache-semantics` @default {} */ get cacheOptions() { return this._internals.cacheOptions; } set cacheOptions(value) { assert.plainObject(value); assert.any([dist_default.boolean, dist_default.undefined], value.shared); assert.any([dist_default.number, dist_default.undefined], value.cacheHeuristic); assert.any([dist_default.number, dist_default.undefined], value.immutableMinTimeToLive); assert.any([dist_default.boolean, dist_default.undefined], value.ignoreCargoCult); for (const key in value) { if (!(key in this._internals.cacheOptions)) { throw new Error(`Cache option \`${key}\` does not exist`); } } if (this._merging) { Object.assign(this._internals.cacheOptions, value); } else { this._internals.cacheOptions = { ...value }; } } /** Options for the advanced HTTPS API. */ get https() { return this._internals.https; } set https(value) { assert.plainObject(value); assert.any([dist_default.boolean, dist_default.undefined], value.rejectUnauthorized); assert.any([dist_default.function_, dist_default.undefined], value.checkServerIdentity); assert.any([dist_default.string, dist_default.object, dist_default.array, dist_default.undefined], value.certificateAuthority); assert.any([dist_default.string, dist_default.object, dist_default.array, dist_default.undefined], value.key); assert.any([dist_default.string, dist_default.object, dist_default.array, dist_default.undefined], value.certificate); assert.any([dist_default.string, dist_default.undefined], value.passphrase); assert.any([dist_default.string, dist_default.buffer, dist_default.array, dist_default.undefined], value.pfx); assert.any([dist_default.array, dist_default.undefined], value.alpnProtocols); assert.any([dist_default.string, dist_default.undefined], value.ciphers); assert.any([dist_default.string, dist_default.buffer, dist_default.undefined], value.dhparam); assert.any([dist_default.string, dist_default.undefined], value.signatureAlgorithms); assert.any([dist_default.string, dist_default.undefined], value.minVersion); assert.any([dist_default.string, dist_default.undefined], value.maxVersion); assert.any([dist_default.boolean, dist_default.undefined], value.honorCipherOrder); assert.any([dist_default.number, dist_default.undefined], value.tlsSessionLifetime); assert.any([dist_default.string, dist_default.undefined], value.ecdhCurve); assert.any([dist_default.string, dist_default.buffer, dist_default.array, dist_default.undefined], value.certificateRevocationLists); for (const key in value) { if (!(key in this._internals.https)) { throw new Error(`HTTPS option \`${key}\` does not exist`); } } if (this._merging) { Object.assign(this._internals.https, value); } else { this._internals.https = { ...value }; } } /** [Encoding](https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html#buffer_buffers_and_character_encodings) to be used on `setEncoding` of the response data. To get a [`Buffer`](https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html), you need to set `responseType` to `buffer` instead. Don't set this option to `null`. __Note__: This doesn't affect streams! Instead, you need to do `got.stream(...).setEncoding(encoding)`. @default 'utf-8' */ get encoding() { return this._internals.encoding; } set encoding(value) { if (value === null) { throw new TypeError("To get a Buffer, set `options.responseType` to `buffer` instead"); } assert.any([dist_default.string, dist_default.undefined], value); this._internals.encoding = value; } /** When set to `true` the promise will return the Response body instead of the Response object. @default false */ get resolveBodyOnly() { return this._internals.resolveBodyOnly; } set resolveBodyOnly(value) { assert.boolean(value); this._internals.resolveBodyOnly = value; } /** Returns a `Stream` instead of a `Promise`. This is equivalent to calling `got.stream(url, options?)`. @default false */ get isStream() { return this._internals.isStream; } set isStream(value) { assert.boolean(value); this._internals.isStream = value; } /** The parsing method. The promise also has `.text()`, `.json()` and `.buffer()` methods which return another Got promise for the parsed body. It's like setting the options to `{responseType: 'json', resolveBodyOnly: true}` but without affecting the main Got promise. __Note__: When using streams, this option is ignored. @example ``` const responsePromise = got(url); const bufferPromise = responsePromise.buffer(); const jsonPromise = responsePromise.json(); const [response, buffer, json] = Promise.all([responsePromise, bufferPromise, jsonPromise]); // `response` is an instance of Got Response // `buffer` is an instance of Buffer // `json` is an object ``` @example ``` // This const body = await got(url).json(); // is semantically the same as this const body = await got(url, {responseType: 'json', resolveBodyOnly: true}); ``` */ get responseType() { return this._internals.responseType; } set responseType(value) { if (value === void 0) { this._internals.responseType = "text"; return; } if (value !== "text" && value !== "buffer" && value !== "json") { throw new Error(`Invalid \`responseType\` option: ${value}`); } this._internals.responseType = value; } get pagination() { return this._internals.pagination; } set pagination(value) { assert.object(value); if (this._merging) { Object.assign(this._internals.pagination, value); } else { this._internals.pagination = value; } } get auth() { throw new Error("Parameter `auth` is deprecated. Use `username` / `password` instead."); } set auth(_value) { throw new Error("Parameter `auth` is deprecated. Use `username` / `password` instead."); } get setHost() { return this._internals.setHost; } set setHost(value) { assert.boolean(value); this._internals.setHost = value; } get maxHeaderSize() { return this._internals.maxHeaderSize; } set maxHeaderSize(value) { assert.any([dist_default.number, dist_default.undefined], value); this._internals.maxHeaderSize = value; } get enableUnixSockets() { return this._internals.enableUnixSockets; } set enableUnixSockets(value) { assert.boolean(value); this._internals.enableUnixSockets = value; } // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention toJSON() { return { ...this._internals }; } [Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")](_depth, options) { return (0, import_node_util3.inspect)(this._internals, options); } createNativeRequestOptions() { var _a; const internals = this._internals; const url = internals.url; let agent2; if (url.protocol === "https:") { agent2 = internals.http2 ? internals.agent : internals.agent.https; } else { agent2 = internals.agent.http; } const { https: https2 } = internals; let { pfx } = https2; if (dist_default.array(pfx) && dist_default.plainObject(pfx[0])) { pfx = pfx.map((object) => ({ buf: object.buffer, passphrase: object.passphrase })); } return { ...internals.cacheOptions, ...this._unixOptions, // HTTPS options // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/naming-convention ALPNProtocols: https2.alpnProtocols, ca: https2.certificateAuthority, cert: https2.certificate, key: https2.key, passphrase: https2.passphrase, pfx: https2.pfx, rejectUnauthorized: https2.rejectUnauthorized, checkServerIdentity: https2.checkServerIdentity ?? import_node_tls.checkServerIdentity, ciphers: https2.ciphers, honorCipherOrder: https2.honorCipherOrder, minVersion: https2.minVersion, maxVersion: https2.maxVersion, sigalgs: https2.signatureAlgorithms, sessionTimeout: https2.tlsSessionLifetime, dhparam: https2.dhparam, ecdhCurve: https2.ecdhCurve, crl: https2.certificateRevocationLists, // HTTP options lookup: internals.dnsLookup ?? ((_a = internals.dnsCache) == null ? void 0 : _a.lookup), family: internals.dnsLookupIpVersion, agent: agent2, setHost: internals.setHost, method: internals.method, maxHeaderSize: internals.maxHeaderSize, localAddress: internals.localAddress, headers: internals.headers, createConnection: internals.createConnection, timeout: internals.http2 ? getHttp2TimeoutOption(internals) : void 0, // HTTP/2 options h2session: internals.h2session }; } getRequestFunction() { const url = this._internals.url; const { request } = this._internals; if (!request && url) { return this.getFallbackRequestFunction(); } return request; } getFallbackRequestFunction() { const url = this._internals.url; if (!url) { return; } if (url.protocol === "https:") { if (this._internals.http2) { if (major < 15 || major === 15 && minor < 10) { const error = new Error("To use the `http2` option, install Node.js 15.10.0 or above"); error.code = "EUNSUPPORTED"; throw error; } return import_http2_wrapper.default.auto; } return import_node_https.default.request; } return import_node_http.default.request; } freeze() { const options = this._internals; Object.freeze(options); Object.freeze(options.hooks); Object.freeze(options.hooks.afterResponse); Object.freeze(options.hooks.beforeError); Object.freeze(options.hooks.beforeRedirect); Object.freeze(options.hooks.beforeRequest); Object.freeze(options.hooks.beforeRetry); Object.freeze(options.hooks.init); Object.freeze(options.https); Object.freeze(options.cacheOptions); Object.freeze(options.agent); Object.freeze(options.headers); Object.freeze(options.timeout); Object.freeze(options.retry); Object.freeze(options.retry.errorCodes); Object.freeze(options.retry.methods); Object.freeze(options.retry.statusCodes); } }; // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/response.js var isResponseOk = (response) => { const { statusCode } = response; const limitStatusCode = response.request.options.followRedirect ? 299 : 399; return statusCode >= 200 && statusCode <= limitStatusCode || statusCode === 304; }; var ParseError = class extends RequestError { constructor(error, response) { const { options } = response.request; super(`${error.message} in "${options.url.toString()}"`, error, response.request); this.name = "ParseError"; this.code = "ERR_BODY_PARSE_FAILURE"; } }; var parseBody = (response, responseType, parseJson, encoding) => { const { rawBody } = response; try { if (responseType === "text") { return rawBody.toString(encoding); } if (responseType === "json") { return rawBody.length === 0 ? "" : parseJson(rawBody.toString(encoding)); } if (responseType === "buffer") { return rawBody; } } catch (error) { throw new ParseError(error, response); } throw new ParseError({ message: `Unknown body type '${responseType}'`, name: "Error" }, response); }; // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/utils/is-client-request.js function isClientRequest(clientRequest) { return clientRequest.writable && !clientRequest.writableEnded; } var is_client_request_default = isClientRequest; // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/utils/is-unix-socket-url.js function isUnixSocketURL(url) { return url.protocol === "unix:" || url.hostname === "unix"; } // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/core/index.js var supportsBrotli = dist_default.string(import_node_process2.default.versions.brotli); var methodsWithoutBody = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["GET", "HEAD"]); var cacheableStore = new WeakableMap(); var redirectCodes = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 307, 308]); var proxiedRequestEvents = [ "socket", "connect", "continue", "information", "upgrade" ]; var noop2 = () => { }; var Request = class extends import_node_stream3.Duplex { constructor(url, options, defaults2) { super({ // Don't destroy immediately, as the error may be emitted on unsuccessful retry autoDestroy: false, // It needs to be zero because we're just proxying the data to another stream highWaterMark: 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "constructor", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_noPipe", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "options", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "response", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "requestUrl", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "redirectUrls", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "retryCount", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_stopRetry", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_downloadedSize", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_uploadedSize", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_stopReading", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_pipedServerResponses", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_request", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_responseSize", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_bodySize", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_unproxyEvents", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_isFromCache", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_cannotHaveBody", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_triggerRead", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_cancelTimeouts", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_removeListeners", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_nativeResponse", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_flushed", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_aborted", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); Object.defineProperty(this, "_requestInitialized", { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: void 0 }); this._downloadedSize = 0; this._uploadedSize = 0; this._stopReading = false; this._pipedServerResponses = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); this._cannotHaveBody = false; this._unproxyEvents = noop2; this._triggerRead = false; this._cancelTimeouts = noop2; this._removeListeners = noop2; this._jobs = []; this._flushed = false; this._requestInitialized = false; this._aborted = false; this.redirectUrls = []; this.retryCount = 0; this._stopRetry = noop2; this.on("pipe", (source) => { if (source.headers) { Object.assign(this.options.headers, source.headers); } }); this.on("newListener", (event) => { if (event === "retry" && this.listenerCount("retry") > 0) { throw new Error("A retry listener has been attached already."); } }); try { this.options = new Options(url, options, defaults2); if (!this.options.url) { if (this.options.prefixUrl === "") { throw new TypeError("Missing `url` property"); } this.options.url = ""; } this.requestUrl = this.options.url; } catch (error) { const { options: options2 } = error; if (options2) { this.options = options2; } this.flush = async () => { this.flush = async () => { }; this.destroy(error); }; return; } const { body } = this.options; if (dist_default.nodeStream(body)) { body.once("error", (error) => { if (this._flushed) { this._beforeError(new UploadError(error, this)); } else { this.flush = async () => { this.flush = async () => { }; this._beforeError(new UploadError(error, this)); }; } }); } if (this.options.signal) { const abort = () => { this.destroy(new AbortError(this)); }; if (this.options.signal.aborted) { abort(); } else { this.options.signal.addEventListener("abort", abort); this._removeListeners = () => { this.options.signal.removeEventListener("abort", abort); }; } } } async flush() { var _a; if (this._flushed) { return; } this._flushed = true; try { await this._finalizeBody(); if (this.destroyed) { return; } await this._makeRequest(); if (this.destroyed) { (_a = this._request) == null ? void 0 : _a.destroy(); return; } for (const job of this._jobs) { job(); } this._jobs.length = 0; this._requestInitialized = true; } catch (error) { this._beforeError(error); } } _beforeError(error) { if (this._stopReading) { return; } const { response, options } = this; const attemptCount = this.retryCount + (error.name === "RetryError" ? 0 : 1); this._stopReading = true; if (!(error instanceof RequestError)) { error = new RequestError(error.message, error, this); } const typedError = error; void (async () => { var _a, _b; if ((response == null ? void 0 : response.readable) && !response.rawBody && !((_b = (_a = this._request) == null ? void 0 : _a.socket) == null ? void 0 : _b.destroyed)) { response.setEncoding(this.readableEncoding); const success = await this._setRawBody(response); if (success) { response.body = response.rawBody.toString(); } } if (this.listenerCount("retry") !== 0) { let backoff; try { let retryAfter; if (response && "retry-after" in response.headers) { retryAfter = Number(response.headers["retry-after"]); if (Number.isNaN(retryAfter)) { retryAfter = Date.parse(response.headers["retry-after"]) - Date.now(); if (retryAfter <= 0) { retryAfter = 1; } } else { retryAfter *= 1e3; } } const retryOptions = options.retry; backoff = await retryOptions.calculateDelay({ attemptCount, retryOptions, error: typedError, retryAfter, computedValue: calculate_retry_delay_default({ attemptCount, retryOptions, error: typedError, retryAfter, computedValue: retryOptions.maxRetryAfter ?? options.timeout.request ?? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY }) }); } catch (error_) { void this._error(new RequestError(error_.message, error_, this)); return; } if (backoff) { await new Promise((resolve) => { const timeout = setTimeout(resolve, backoff); this._stopRetry = () => { clearTimeout(timeout); resolve(); }; }); if (this.destroyed) { return; } try { for (const hook of this.options.hooks.beforeRetry) { await hook(typedError, this.retryCount + 1); } } catch (error_) { void this._error(new RequestError(error_.message, error, this)); return; } if (this.destroyed) { return; } this.destroy(); this.emit("retry", this.retryCount + 1, error, (updatedOptions) => { const request = new Request(options.url, updatedOptions, options); request.retryCount = this.retryCount + 1; import_node_process2.default.nextTick(() => { void request.flush(); }); return request; }); return; } } void this._error(typedError); })(); } _read() { this._triggerRead = true; const { response } = this; if (response && !this._stopReading) { if (response.readableLength) { this._triggerRead = false; } let data; while ((data = response.read()) !== null) { this._downloadedSize += data.length; const progress = this.downloadProgress; if (progress.percent < 1) { this.emit("downloadProgress", progress); } this.push(data); } } } _write(chunk, encoding, callback) { const write = () => { this._writeRequest(chunk, encoding, callback); }; if (this._requestInitialized) { write(); } else { this._jobs.push(write); } } _final(callback) { const endRequest = () => { if (!this._request || this._request.destroyed) { callback(); return; } this._request.end((error) => { var _a; if ((_a = this._request._writableState) == null ? void 0 : _a.errored) { return; } if (!error) { this._bodySize = this._uploadedSize; this.emit("uploadProgress", this.uploadProgress); this._request.emit("upload-complete"); } callback(error); }); }; if (this._requestInitialized) { endRequest(); } else { this._jobs.push(endRequest); } } _destroy(error, callback) { this._stopReading = true; this.flush = async () => { }; this._stopRetry(); this._cancelTimeouts(); this._removeListeners(); if (this.options) { const { body } = this.options; if (dist_default.nodeStream(body)) { body.destroy(); } } if (this._request) { this._request.destroy(); } if (error !== null && !dist_default.undefined(error) && !(error instanceof RequestError)) { error = new RequestError(error.message, error, this); } callback(error); } pipe(destination, options) { if (destination instanceof import_node_http2.ServerResponse) { this._pipedServerResponses.add(destination); } return super.pipe(destination, options); } unpipe(destination) { if (destination instanceof import_node_http2.ServerResponse) { this._pipedServerResponses.delete(destination); } super.unpipe(destination); return this; } async _finalizeBody() { const { options } = this; const { headers } = options; const isForm = !dist_default.undefined(options.form); const isJSON = !dist_default.undefined(options.json); const isBody = !dist_default.undefined(options.body); const cannotHaveBody = methodsWithoutBody.has(options.method) && !(options.method === "GET" && options.allowGetBody); this._cannotHaveBody = cannotHaveBody; if (isForm || isJSON || isBody) { if (cannotHaveBody) { throw new TypeError(`The \`${options.method}\` method cannot be used with a body`); } const noContentType = !dist_default.string(headers["content-type"]); if (isBody) { if (isFormData(options.body)) { const encoder = new FormDataEncoder(options.body); if (noContentType) { headers["content-type"] = encoder.headers["Content-Type"]; } if ("Content-Length" in encoder.headers) { headers["content-length"] = encoder.headers["Content-Length"]; } options.body = encoder.encode(); } if (isFormData2(options.body) && noContentType) { headers["content-type"] = `multipart/form-data; boundary=${options.body.getBoundary()}`; } } else if (isForm) { if (noContentType) { headers["content-type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; } const { form } = options; options.form = void 0; options.body = new import_node_url3.URLSearchParams(form).toString(); } else { if (noContentType) { headers["content-type"] = "application/json"; } const { json } = options; options.json = void 0; options.body = options.stringifyJson(json); } const uploadBodySize = await getBodySize(options.body, options.headers); if (dist_default.undefined(headers["content-length"]) && dist_default.undefined(headers["transfer-encoding"]) && !cannotHaveBody && !dist_default.undefined(uploadBodySize)) { headers["content-length"] = String(uploadBodySize); } } if (options.responseType === "json" && !("accept" in options.headers)) { options.headers.accept = "application/json"; } this._bodySize = Number(headers["content-length"]) || void 0; } async _onResponseBase(response) { if (this.isAborted) { return; } const { options } = this; const { url } = options; this._nativeResponse = response; if (options.decompress) { response = (0, import_decompress_response.default)(response); } const statusCode = response.statusCode; const typedResponse = response; typedResponse.statusMessage = typedResponse.statusMessage ? typedResponse.statusMessage : import_node_http2.default.STATUS_CODES[statusCode]; typedResponse.url = options.url.toString(); typedResponse.requestUrl = this.requestUrl; typedResponse.redirectUrls = this.redirectUrls; typedResponse.request = this; typedResponse.isFromCache = this._nativeResponse.fromCache ?? false; typedResponse.ip = this.ip; typedResponse.retryCount = this.retryCount; typedResponse.ok = isResponseOk(typedResponse); this._isFromCache = typedResponse.isFromCache; this._responseSize = Number(response.headers["content-length"]) || void 0; this.response = typedResponse; response.once("end", () => { this._responseSize = this._downloadedSize; this.emit("downloadProgress", this.downloadProgress); }); response.once("error", (error) => { this._aborted = true; response.destroy(); this._beforeError(new ReadError(error, this)); }); response.once("aborted", () => { this._aborted = true; this._beforeError(new ReadError({ name: "Error", message: "The server aborted pending request", code: "ECONNRESET" }, this)); }); this.emit("downloadProgress", this.downloadProgress); const rawCookies = response.headers["set-cookie"]; if (dist_default.object(options.cookieJar) && rawCookies) { let promises = rawCookies.map(async (rawCookie) => options.cookieJar.setCookie(rawCookie, url.toString())); if (options.ignoreInvalidCookies) { promises = promises.map(async (promise) => { try { await promise; } catch { } }); } try { await Promise.all(promises); } catch (error) { this._beforeError(error); return; } } if (this.isAborted) { return; } if (options.followRedirect && response.headers.location && redirectCodes.has(statusCode)) { response.resume(); this._cancelTimeouts(); this._unproxyEvents(); if (this.redirectUrls.length >= options.maxRedirects) { this._beforeError(new MaxRedirectsError(this)); return; } this._request = void 0; const updatedOptions = new Options(void 0, void 0, this.options); const serverRequestedGet = statusCode === 303 && updatedOptions.method !== "GET" && updatedOptions.method !== "HEAD"; const canRewrite = statusCode !== 307 && statusCode !== 308; const userRequestedGet = updatedOptions.methodRewriting && canRewrite; if (serverRequestedGet || userRequestedGet) { updatedOptions.method = "GET"; updatedOptions.body = void 0; updatedOptions.json = void 0; updatedOptions.form = void 0; delete updatedOptions.headers["content-length"]; } try { const redirectBuffer = import_node_buffer2.Buffer.from(response.headers.location, "binary").toString(); const redirectUrl = new import_node_url3.URL(redirectBuffer, url); if (!isUnixSocketURL(url) && isUnixSocketURL(redirectUrl)) { this._beforeError(new RequestError("Cannot redirect to UNIX socket", {}, this)); return; } if (redirectUrl.hostname !== url.hostname || redirectUrl.port !== url.port) { if ("host" in updatedOptions.headers) { delete updatedOptions.headers.host; } if ("cookie" in updatedOptions.headers) { delete updatedOptions.headers.cookie; } if ("authorization" in updatedOptions.headers) { delete updatedOptions.headers.authorization; } if (updatedOptions.username || updatedOptions.password) { updatedOptions.username = ""; updatedOptions.password = ""; } } else { redirectUrl.username = updatedOptions.username; redirectUrl.password = updatedOptions.password; } this.redirectUrls.push(redirectUrl); updatedOptions.prefixUrl = ""; updatedOptions.url = redirectUrl; for (const hook of updatedOptions.hooks.beforeRedirect) { await hook(updatedOptions, typedResponse); } this.emit("redirect", updatedOptions, typedResponse); this.options = updatedOptions; await this._makeRequest(); } catch (error) { this._beforeError(error); return; } return; } if (options.isStream && options.throwHttpErrors && !isResponseOk(typedResponse)) { this._beforeError(new HTTPError(typedResponse)); return; } response.on("readable", () => { if (this._triggerRead) { this._read(); } }); this.on("resume", () => { response.resume(); }); this.on("pause", () => { response.pause(); }); response.once("end", () => { this.push(null); }); if (this._noPipe) { const success = await this._setRawBody(); if (success) { this.emit("response", response); } return; } this.emit("response", response); for (const destination of this._pipedServerResponses) { if (destination.headersSent) { continue; } for (const key in response.headers) { const isAllowed = options.decompress ? key !== "content-encoding" : true; const value = response.headers[key]; if (isAllowed) { destination.setHeader(key, value); } } destination.statusCode = statusCode; } } async _setRawBody(from = this) { if (from.readableEnded) { return false; } try { const rawBody = await (0, import_get_stream2.buffer)(from); if (!this.isAborted) { this.response.rawBody = rawBody; return true; } } catch { } return false; } async _onResponse(response) { try { await this._onResponseBase(response); } catch (error) { this._beforeError(error); } } _onRequest(request) { const { options } = this; const { timeout, url } = options; source_default(request); if (this.options.http2) { request.setTimeout(0); } this._cancelTimeouts = timedOut(request, timeout, url); const responseEventName = options.cache ? "cacheableResponse" : "response"; request.once(responseEventName, (response) => { void this._onResponse(response); }); request.once("error", (error) => { this._aborted = true; request.destroy(); error = error instanceof TimeoutError2 ? new TimeoutError(error, this.timings, this) : new RequestError(error.message, error, this); this._beforeError(error); }); this._unproxyEvents = proxyEvents(request, this, proxiedRequestEvents); this._request = request; this.emit("uploadProgress", this.uploadProgress); this._sendBody(); this.emit("request", request); } async _asyncWrite(chunk) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { super.write(chunk, (error) => { if (error) { reject(error); return; } resolve(); }); }); } _sendBody() { const { body } = this.options; const currentRequest = this.redirectUrls.length === 0 ? this : this._request ?? this; if (dist_default.nodeStream(body)) { body.pipe(currentRequest); } else if (dist_default.generator(body) || dist_default.asyncGenerator(body)) { (async () => { try { for await (const chunk of body) { await this._asyncWrite(chunk); } super.end(); } catch (error) { this._beforeError(error); } })(); } else if (!dist_default.undefined(body)) { this._writeRequest(body, void 0, () => { }); currentRequest.end(); } else if (this._cannotHaveBody || this._noPipe) { currentRequest.end(); } } _prepareCache(cache) { if (!cacheableStore.has(cache)) { const cacheableRequest = new dist_default2((requestOptions, handler) => { const result = requestOptions._request(requestOptions, handler); if (dist_default.promise(result)) { result.once = (event, handler2) => { if (event === "error") { (async () => { try { await result; } catch (error) { handler2(error); } })(); } else if (event === "abort") { (async () => { try { const request = await result; request.once("abort", handler2); } catch { } })(); } else { throw new Error(`Unknown HTTP2 promise event: ${event}`); } return result; }; } return result; }, cache); cacheableStore.set(cache, cacheableRequest.request()); } } async _createCacheableRequest(url, options) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { Object.assign(options, urlToOptions(url)); let request; const cacheRequest = cacheableStore.get(options.cache)(options, async (response) => { response._readableState.autoDestroy = false; if (request) { const fix = () => { if (response.req) { response.complete = response.req.res.complete; } }; response.prependOnceListener("end", fix); fix(); (await request).emit("cacheableResponse", response); } resolve(response); }); cacheRequest.once("error", reject); cacheRequest.once("request", async (requestOrPromise) => { request = requestOrPromise; resolve(request); }); }); } async _makeRequest() { const { options } = this; const { headers, username, password } = options; const cookieJar = options.cookieJar; for (const key in headers) { if (dist_default.undefined(headers[key])) { delete headers[key]; } else if (dist_default.null_(headers[key])) { throw new TypeError(`Use \`undefined\` instead of \`null\` to delete the \`${key}\` header`); } } if (options.decompress && dist_default.undefined(headers["accept-encoding"])) { headers["accept-encoding"] = supportsBrotli ? "gzip, deflate, br" : "gzip, deflate"; } if (username || password) { const credentials = import_node_buffer2.Buffer.from(`${username}:${password}`).toString("base64"); headers.authorization = `Basic ${credentials}`; } if (cookieJar) { const cookieString = await cookieJar.getCookieString(options.url.toString()); if (dist_default.nonEmptyString(cookieString)) { headers.cookie = cookieString; } } options.prefixUrl = ""; let request; for (const hook of options.hooks.beforeRequest) { const result = await hook(options); if (!dist_default.undefined(result)) { request = () => result; break; } } if (!request) { request = options.getRequestFunction(); } const url = options.url; this._requestOptions = options.createNativeRequestOptions(); if (options.cache) { this._requestOptions._request = request; this._requestOptions.cache = options.cache; this._requestOptions.body = options.body; this._prepareCache(options.cache); } const fn = options.cache ? this._createCacheableRequest : request; try { let requestOrResponse = fn(url, this._requestOptions); if (dist_default.promise(requestOrResponse)) { requestOrResponse = await requestOrResponse; } if (dist_default.undefined(requestOrResponse)) { requestOrResponse = options.getFallbackRequestFunction()(url, this._requestOptions); if (dist_default.promise(requestOrResponse)) { requestOrResponse = await requestOrResponse; } } if (is_client_request_default(requestOrResponse)) { this._onRequest(requestOrResponse); } else if (this.writable) { this.once("finish", () => { void this._onResponse(requestOrResponse); }); this._sendBody(); } else { void this._onResponse(requestOrResponse); } } catch (error) { if (error instanceof CacheError2) { throw new CacheError(error, this); } throw error; } } async _error(error) { try { if (error instanceof HTTPError && !this.options.throwHttpErrors) { } else { for (const hook of this.options.hooks.beforeError) { error = await hook(error); } } } catch (error_) { error = new RequestError(error_.message, error_, this); } this.destroy(error); } _writeRequest(chunk, encoding, callback) { if (!this._request || this._request.destroyed) { return; } this._request.write(chunk, encoding, (error) => { if (!error && !this._request.destroyed) { this._uploadedSize += import_node_buffer2.Buffer.byteLength(chunk, encoding); const progress = this.uploadProgress; if (progress.percent < 1) { this.emit("uploadProgress", progress); } } callback(error); }); } /** The remote IP address. */ get ip() { var _a; return (_a = this.socket) == null ? void 0 : _a.remoteAddress; } /** Indicates whether the request has been aborted or not. */ get isAborted() { return this._aborted; } get socket() { var _a; return ((_a = this._request) == null ? void 0 : _a.socket) ?? void 0; } /** Progress event for downloading (receiving a response). */ get downloadProgress() { let percent; if (this._responseSize) { percent = this._downloadedSize / this._responseSize; } else if (this._responseSize === this._downloadedSize) { percent = 1; } else { percent = 0; } return { percent, transferred: this._downloadedSize, total: this._responseSize }; } /** Progress event for uploading (sending a request). */ get uploadProgress() { let percent; if (this._bodySize) { percent = this._uploadedSize / this._bodySize; } else if (this._bodySize === this._uploadedSize) { percent = 1; } else { percent = 0; } return { percent, transferred: this._uploadedSize, total: this._bodySize }; } /** The object contains the following properties: - `start` - Time when the request started. - `socket` - Time when a socket was assigned to the request. - `lookup` - Time when the DNS lookup finished. - `connect` - Time when the socket successfully connected. - `secureConnect` - Time when the socket securely connected. - `upload` - Time when the request finished uploading. - `response` - Time when the request fired `response` event. - `end` - Time when the response fired `end` event. - `error` - Time when the request fired `error` event. - `abort` - Time when the request fired `abort` event. - `phases` - `wait` - `timings.socket - timings.start` - `dns` - `timings.lookup - timings.socket` - `tcp` - `timings.connect - timings.lookup` - `tls` - `timings.secureConnect - timings.connect` - `request` - `timings.upload - (timings.secureConnect || timings.connect)` - `firstByte` - `timings.response - timings.upload` - `download` - `timings.end - timings.response` - `total` - `(timings.end || timings.error || timings.abort) - timings.start` If something has not been measured yet, it will be `undefined`. __Note__: The time is a `number` representing the milliseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch. */ get timings() { var _a; return (_a = this._request) == null ? void 0 : _a.timings; } /** Whether the response was retrieved from the cache. */ get isFromCache() { return this._isFromCache; } get reusedSocket() { var _a; return (_a = this._request) == null ? void 0 : _a.reusedSocket; } }; // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/as-promise/types.js var CancelError2 = class extends RequestError { constructor(request) { super("Promise was canceled", {}, request); this.name = "CancelError"; this.code = "ERR_CANCELED"; } /** Whether the promise is canceled. */ get isCanceled() { return true; } }; // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/as-promise/index.js var proxiedRequestEvents2 = [ "request", "response", "redirect", "uploadProgress", "downloadProgress" ]; function asPromise(firstRequest) { let globalRequest; let globalResponse; let normalizedOptions; const emitter = new import_node_events2.EventEmitter(); const promise = new PCancelable((resolve, reject, onCancel) => { onCancel(() => { globalRequest.destroy(); }); onCancel.shouldReject = false; onCancel(() => { reject(new CancelError2(globalRequest)); }); const makeRequest = (retryCount) => { var _a; onCancel(() => { }); const request = firstRequest ?? new Request(void 0, void 0, normalizedOptions); request.retryCount = retryCount; request._noPipe = true; globalRequest = request; request.once("response", async (response) => { const contentEncoding = (response.headers["content-encoding"] ?? "").toLowerCase(); const isCompressed = contentEncoding === "gzip" || contentEncoding === "deflate" || contentEncoding === "br"; const { options } = request; if (isCompressed && !options.decompress) { response.body = response.rawBody; } else { try { response.body = parseBody(response, options.responseType, options.parseJson, options.encoding); } catch (error) { response.body = response.rawBody.toString(); if (isResponseOk(response)) { request._beforeError(error); return; } } } try { const hooks = options.hooks.afterResponse; for (const [index, hook] of hooks.entries()) { response = await hook(response, async (updatedOptions) => { options.merge(updatedOptions); options.prefixUrl = ""; if (updatedOptions.url) { options.url = updatedOptions.url; } options.hooks.afterResponse = options.hooks.afterResponse.slice(0, index); throw new RetryError(request); }); if (!(dist_default.object(response) && dist_default.number(response.statusCode) && !dist_default.nullOrUndefined(response.body))) { throw new TypeError("The `afterResponse` hook returned an invalid value"); } } } catch (error) { request._beforeError(error); return; } globalResponse = response; if (!isResponseOk(response)) { request._beforeError(new HTTPError(response)); return; } request.destroy(); resolve(request.options.resolveBodyOnly ? response.body : response); }); const onError = (error) => { if (promise.isCanceled) { return; } const { options } = request; if (error instanceof HTTPError && !options.throwHttpErrors) { const { response } = error; request.destroy(); resolve(request.options.resolveBodyOnly ? response.body : response); return; } reject(error); }; request.once("error", onError); const previousBody = (_a = request.options) == null ? void 0 : _a.body; request.once("retry", (newRetryCount, error) => { firstRequest = void 0; const newBody = request.options.body; if (previousBody === newBody && dist_default.nodeStream(newBody)) { error.message = "Cannot retry with consumed body stream"; onError(error); return; } normalizedOptions = request.options; makeRequest(newRetryCount); }); proxyEvents(request, emitter, proxiedRequestEvents2); if (dist_default.undefined(firstRequest)) { void request.flush(); } }; makeRequest(0); }); promise.on = (event, fn) => { emitter.on(event, fn); return promise; }; promise.off = (event, fn) => { emitter.off(event, fn); return promise; }; const shortcut = (responseType) => { const newPromise = (async () => { await promise; const { options } = globalResponse.request; return parseBody(globalResponse, responseType, options.parseJson, options.encoding); })(); Object.defineProperties(newPromise, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(promise)); return newPromise; }; promise.json = () => { if (globalRequest.options) { const { headers } = globalRequest.options; if (!globalRequest.writableFinished && !("accept" in headers)) { headers.accept = "application/json"; } } return shortcut("json"); }; promise.buffer = () => shortcut("buffer"); promise.text = () => shortcut("text"); return promise; } // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/create.js var delay = async (ms) => new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, ms); }); var isGotInstance = (value) => dist_default.function_(value); var aliases = [ "get", "post", "put", "patch", "head", "delete" ]; var create = (defaults2) => { defaults2 = { options: new Options(void 0, void 0, defaults2.options), handlers: [...defaults2.handlers], mutableDefaults: defaults2.mutableDefaults }; Object.defineProperty(defaults2, "mutableDefaults", { enumerable: true, configurable: false, writable: false }); const got2 = (url, options, defaultOptions2 = defaults2.options) => { const request = new Request(url, options, defaultOptions2); let promise; const lastHandler = (normalized) => { request.options = normalized; request._noPipe = !normalized.isStream; void request.flush(); if (normalized.isStream) { return request; } if (!promise) { promise = asPromise(request); } return promise; }; let iteration = 0; const iterateHandlers = (newOptions) => { const handler = defaults2.handlers[iteration++] ?? lastHandler; const result = handler(newOptions, iterateHandlers); if (dist_default.promise(result) && !request.options.isStream) { if (!promise) { promise = asPromise(request); } if (result !== promise) { const descriptors = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(promise); for (const key in descriptors) { if (key in result) { delete descriptors[key]; } } Object.defineProperties(result, descriptors); result.cancel = promise.cancel; } } return result; }; return iterateHandlers(request.options); }; got2.extend = (...instancesOrOptions) => { const options = new Options(void 0, void 0, defaults2.options); const handlers = [...defaults2.handlers]; let mutableDefaults; for (const value of instancesOrOptions) { if (isGotInstance(value)) { options.merge(value.defaults.options); handlers.push(...value.defaults.handlers); mutableDefaults = value.defaults.mutableDefaults; } else { options.merge(value); if (value.handlers) { handlers.push(...value.handlers); } mutableDefaults = value.mutableDefaults; } } return create({ options, handlers, mutableDefaults: Boolean(mutableDefaults) }); }; const paginateEach = async function* (url, options) { let normalizedOptions = new Options(url, options, defaults2.options); normalizedOptions.resolveBodyOnly = false; const { pagination } = normalizedOptions; assert.function_(pagination.transform); assert.function_(pagination.shouldContinue); assert.function_(pagination.filter); assert.function_(pagination.paginate); assert.number(pagination.countLimit); assert.number(pagination.requestLimit); assert.number(pagination.backoff); const allItems = []; let { countLimit } = pagination; let numberOfRequests = 0; while (numberOfRequests < pagination.requestLimit) { if (numberOfRequests !== 0) { await delay(pagination.backoff); } const response = await got2(void 0, void 0, normalizedOptions); const parsed = await pagination.transform(response); const currentItems = []; assert.array(parsed); for (const item of parsed) { if (pagination.filter({ item, currentItems, allItems })) { if (!pagination.shouldContinue({ item, currentItems, allItems })) { return; } yield item; if (pagination.stackAllItems) { allItems.push(item); } currentItems.push(item); if (--countLimit <= 0) { return; } } } const optionsToMerge = pagination.paginate({ response, currentItems, allItems }); if (optionsToMerge === false) { return; } if (optionsToMerge === response.request.options) { normalizedOptions = response.request.options; } else { normalizedOptions.merge(optionsToMerge); assert.any([dist_default.urlInstance, dist_default.undefined], optionsToMerge.url); if (optionsToMerge.url !== void 0) { normalizedOptions.prefixUrl = ""; normalizedOptions.url = optionsToMerge.url; } } numberOfRequests++; } }; got2.paginate = paginateEach; got2.paginate.all = async (url, options) => { const results = []; for await (const item of paginateEach(url, options)) { results.push(item); } return results; }; got2.paginate.each = paginateEach; got2.stream = (url, options) => got2(url, { ...options, isStream: true }); for (const method of aliases) { got2[method] = (url, options) => got2(url, { ...options, method }); got2.stream[method] = (url, options) => got2(url, { ...options, method, isStream: true }); } if (!defaults2.mutableDefaults) { Object.freeze(defaults2.handlers); defaults2.options.freeze(); } Object.defineProperty(got2, "defaults", { value: defaults2, writable: false, configurable: false, enumerable: true }); return got2; }; var create_default = create; // node_modules/.pnpm/got@12.5.3/node_modules/got/dist/source/index.js var defaults = { options: new Options(), handlers: [], mutableDefaults: false }; var got = create_default(defaults); var source_default2 = got; // src/index.ts var import_pump = __toESM(require("pump")); var import_tar_fs = require("tar-fs"); var import_gunzip_maybe = __toESM(require("gunzip-maybe")); var agentOpts = { keepAlive: true, maxSockets: 20 }; var agent = { http: new import_http.Agent(agentOpts), https: new import_https.Agent(agentOpts) }; async function download({ url, gotOpts, extractOpts, dir }) { return new Promise((res, rej) => { const callback = (err) => { err ? rej(err) : res(); }; (0, import_pump.default)( source_default2.stream(url, Object.assign({ agent }, gotOpts)), (0, import_gunzip_maybe.default)(), (0, import_tar_fs.extract)(dir, extractOpts), callback ); }); } // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: 0 && (module.exports = {});