import $g1Vy2$babelruntimehelpersesmextends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends"; import {forwardRef as $g1Vy2$forwardRef, useState as $g1Vy2$useState, useRef as $g1Vy2$useRef, createElement as $g1Vy2$createElement, useMemo as $g1Vy2$useMemo, useEffect as $g1Vy2$useEffect} from "react"; import {clamp as $g1Vy2$clamp} from "@radix-ui/number"; import {composeEventHandlers as $g1Vy2$composeEventHandlers} from "@radix-ui/primitive"; import {useComposedRefs as $g1Vy2$useComposedRefs} from "@radix-ui/react-compose-refs"; import {createContextScope as $g1Vy2$createContextScope} from "@radix-ui/react-context"; import {useControllableState as $g1Vy2$useControllableState} from "@radix-ui/react-use-controllable-state"; import {useDirection as $g1Vy2$useDirection} from "@radix-ui/react-direction"; import {usePrevious as $g1Vy2$usePrevious} from "@radix-ui/react-use-previous"; import {useSize as $g1Vy2$useSize} from "@radix-ui/react-use-size"; import {Primitive as $g1Vy2$Primitive} from "@radix-ui/react-primitive"; import {createCollection as $g1Vy2$createCollection} from "@radix-ui/react-collection"; const $faa2e61a3361514f$var$PAGE_KEYS = [ 'PageUp', 'PageDown' ]; const $faa2e61a3361514f$var$ARROW_KEYS = [ 'ArrowUp', 'ArrowDown', 'ArrowLeft', 'ArrowRight' ]; const $faa2e61a3361514f$var$BACK_KEYS = { 'from-left': [ 'Home', 'PageDown', 'ArrowDown', 'ArrowLeft' ], 'from-right': [ 'Home', 'PageDown', 'ArrowDown', 'ArrowRight' ], 'from-bottom': [ 'Home', 'PageDown', 'ArrowDown', 'ArrowLeft' ], 'from-top': [ 'Home', 'PageDown', 'ArrowUp', 'ArrowLeft' ] }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Slider * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const $faa2e61a3361514f$var$SLIDER_NAME = 'Slider'; const [$faa2e61a3361514f$var$Collection, $faa2e61a3361514f$var$useCollection, $faa2e61a3361514f$var$createCollectionScope] = $g1Vy2$createCollection($faa2e61a3361514f$var$SLIDER_NAME); const [$faa2e61a3361514f$var$createSliderContext, $faa2e61a3361514f$export$ef72632d7b901f97] = $g1Vy2$createContextScope($faa2e61a3361514f$var$SLIDER_NAME, [ $faa2e61a3361514f$var$createCollectionScope ]); const [$faa2e61a3361514f$var$SliderProvider, $faa2e61a3361514f$var$useSliderContext] = $faa2e61a3361514f$var$createSliderContext($faa2e61a3361514f$var$SLIDER_NAME); const $faa2e61a3361514f$export$472062a354075cee = /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$forwardRef((props, forwardedRef)=>{ const { name: name , min: min = 0 , max: max = 100 , step: step = 1 , orientation: orientation = 'horizontal' , disabled: disabled = false , minStepsBetweenThumbs: minStepsBetweenThumbs = 0 , defaultValue: defaultValue = [ min ] , value: value1 , onValueChange: onValueChange = ()=>{} , onValueCommit: onValueCommit = ()=>{} , inverted: inverted = false , ...sliderProps } = props; const [slider, setSlider] = $g1Vy2$useState(null); const composedRefs = $g1Vy2$useComposedRefs(forwardedRef, (node)=>setSlider(node) ); const thumbRefs = $g1Vy2$useRef(new Set()); const valueIndexToChangeRef = $g1Vy2$useRef(0); const isHorizontal = orientation === 'horizontal'; // We set this to true by default so that events bubble to forms without JS (SSR) const isFormControl = slider ? Boolean(slider.closest('form')) : true; const SliderOrientation = isHorizontal ? $faa2e61a3361514f$var$SliderHorizontal : $faa2e61a3361514f$var$SliderVertical; const [values = [], setValues] = $g1Vy2$useControllableState({ prop: value1, defaultProp: defaultValue, onChange: (value)=>{ var _thumbs$valueIndexToC; const thumbs = [ ...thumbRefs.current ]; (_thumbs$valueIndexToC = thumbs[valueIndexToChangeRef.current]) === null || _thumbs$valueIndexToC === void 0 || _thumbs$valueIndexToC.focus(); onValueChange(value); } }); const valuesBeforeSlideStartRef = $g1Vy2$useRef(values); function handleSlideStart(value) { const closestIndex = $faa2e61a3361514f$var$getClosestValueIndex(values, value); updateValues(value, closestIndex); } function handleSlideMove(value) { updateValues(value, valueIndexToChangeRef.current); } function handleSlideEnd() { const prevValue = valuesBeforeSlideStartRef.current[valueIndexToChangeRef.current]; const nextValue = values[valueIndexToChangeRef.current]; const hasChanged = nextValue !== prevValue; if (hasChanged) onValueCommit(values); } function updateValues(value, atIndex, { commit: commit } = { commit: false }) { const decimalCount = $faa2e61a3361514f$var$getDecimalCount(step); const snapToStep = $faa2e61a3361514f$var$roundValue(Math.round((value - min) / step) * step + min, decimalCount); const nextValue = $g1Vy2$clamp(snapToStep, [ min, max ]); setValues((prevValues = [])=>{ const nextValues = $faa2e61a3361514f$var$getNextSortedValues(prevValues, nextValue, atIndex); if ($faa2e61a3361514f$var$hasMinStepsBetweenValues(nextValues, minStepsBetweenThumbs * step)) { valueIndexToChangeRef.current = nextValues.indexOf(nextValue); const hasChanged = String(nextValues) !== String(prevValues); if (hasChanged && commit) onValueCommit(nextValues); return hasChanged ? nextValues : prevValues; } else return prevValues; }); } return /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$createElement($faa2e61a3361514f$var$SliderProvider, { scope: props.__scopeSlider, disabled: disabled, min: min, max: max, valueIndexToChangeRef: valueIndexToChangeRef, thumbs: thumbRefs.current, values: values, orientation: orientation }, /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$createElement($faa2e61a3361514f$var$Collection.Provider, { scope: props.__scopeSlider }, /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$createElement($faa2e61a3361514f$var$Collection.Slot, { scope: props.__scopeSlider }, /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$createElement(SliderOrientation, $g1Vy2$babelruntimehelpersesmextends({ "aria-disabled": disabled, "data-disabled": disabled ? '' : undefined }, sliderProps, { ref: composedRefs, onPointerDown: $g1Vy2$composeEventHandlers(sliderProps.onPointerDown, ()=>{ if (!disabled) valuesBeforeSlideStartRef.current = values; }), min: min, max: max, inverted: inverted, onSlideStart: disabled ? undefined : handleSlideStart, onSlideMove: disabled ? undefined : handleSlideMove, onSlideEnd: disabled ? undefined : handleSlideEnd, onHomeKeyDown: ()=>!disabled && updateValues(min, 0, { commit: true }) , onEndKeyDown: ()=>!disabled && updateValues(max, values.length - 1, { commit: true }) , onStepKeyDown: ({ event: event , direction: stepDirection })=>{ if (!disabled) { const isPageKey = $faa2e61a3361514f$var$PAGE_KEYS.includes(event.key); const isSkipKey = isPageKey || event.shiftKey && $faa2e61a3361514f$var$ARROW_KEYS.includes(event.key); const multiplier = isSkipKey ? 10 : 1; const atIndex = valueIndexToChangeRef.current; const value = values[atIndex]; const stepInDirection = step * multiplier * stepDirection; updateValues(value + stepInDirection, atIndex, { commit: true }); } } })))), isFormControl &&, index)=>/*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$createElement($faa2e61a3361514f$var$BubbleInput, { key: index, name: name ? name + (values.length > 1 ? '[]' : '') : undefined, value: value }) )); }); /*#__PURE__*/ Object.assign($faa2e61a3361514f$export$472062a354075cee, { displayName: $faa2e61a3361514f$var$SLIDER_NAME }); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * SliderHorizontal * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const [$faa2e61a3361514f$var$SliderOrientationProvider, $faa2e61a3361514f$var$useSliderOrientationContext] = $faa2e61a3361514f$var$createSliderContext($faa2e61a3361514f$var$SLIDER_NAME, { startEdge: 'left', endEdge: 'right', size: 'width', direction: 1 }); const $faa2e61a3361514f$var$SliderHorizontal = /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$forwardRef((props, forwardedRef)=>{ const { min: min , max: max , dir: dir , inverted: inverted , onSlideStart: onSlideStart , onSlideMove: onSlideMove , onSlideEnd: onSlideEnd , onStepKeyDown: onStepKeyDown , ...sliderProps } = props; const [slider, setSlider] = $g1Vy2$useState(null); const composedRefs = $g1Vy2$useComposedRefs(forwardedRef, (node)=>setSlider(node) ); const rectRef = $g1Vy2$useRef(); const direction = $g1Vy2$useDirection(dir); const isDirectionLTR = direction === 'ltr'; const isSlidingFromLeft = isDirectionLTR && !inverted || !isDirectionLTR && inverted; function getValueFromPointer(pointerPosition) { const rect = rectRef.current || slider.getBoundingClientRect(); const input = [ 0, rect.width ]; const output = isSlidingFromLeft ? [ min, max ] : [ max, min ]; const value = $faa2e61a3361514f$var$linearScale(input, output); rectRef.current = rect; return value(pointerPosition - rect.left); } return /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$createElement($faa2e61a3361514f$var$SliderOrientationProvider, { scope: props.__scopeSlider, startEdge: isSlidingFromLeft ? 'left' : 'right', endEdge: isSlidingFromLeft ? 'right' : 'left', direction: isSlidingFromLeft ? 1 : -1, size: "width" }, /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$createElement($faa2e61a3361514f$var$SliderImpl, $g1Vy2$babelruntimehelpersesmextends({ dir: direction, "data-orientation": "horizontal" }, sliderProps, { ref: composedRefs, style: {, ['--radix-slider-thumb-transform']: 'translateX(-50%)' }, onSlideStart: (event)=>{ const value = getValueFromPointer(event.clientX); onSlideStart === null || onSlideStart === void 0 || onSlideStart(value); }, onSlideMove: (event)=>{ const value = getValueFromPointer(event.clientX); onSlideMove === null || onSlideMove === void 0 || onSlideMove(value); }, onSlideEnd: ()=>{ rectRef.current = undefined; onSlideEnd === null || onSlideEnd === void 0 || onSlideEnd(); }, onStepKeyDown: (event)=>{ const slideDirection = isSlidingFromLeft ? 'from-left' : 'from-right'; const isBackKey = $faa2e61a3361514f$var$BACK_KEYS[slideDirection].includes(event.key); onStepKeyDown === null || onStepKeyDown === void 0 || onStepKeyDown({ event: event, direction: isBackKey ? -1 : 1 }); } }))); }); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * SliderVertical * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const $faa2e61a3361514f$var$SliderVertical = /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$forwardRef((props, forwardedRef)=>{ const { min: min , max: max , inverted: inverted , onSlideStart: onSlideStart , onSlideMove: onSlideMove , onSlideEnd: onSlideEnd , onStepKeyDown: onStepKeyDown , ...sliderProps } = props; const sliderRef = $g1Vy2$useRef(null); const ref = $g1Vy2$useComposedRefs(forwardedRef, sliderRef); const rectRef = $g1Vy2$useRef(); const isSlidingFromBottom = !inverted; function getValueFromPointer(pointerPosition) { const rect = rectRef.current || sliderRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); const input = [ 0, rect.height ]; const output = isSlidingFromBottom ? [ max, min ] : [ min, max ]; const value = $faa2e61a3361514f$var$linearScale(input, output); rectRef.current = rect; return value(pointerPosition -; } return /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$createElement($faa2e61a3361514f$var$SliderOrientationProvider, { scope: props.__scopeSlider, startEdge: isSlidingFromBottom ? 'bottom' : 'top', endEdge: isSlidingFromBottom ? 'top' : 'bottom', size: "height", direction: isSlidingFromBottom ? 1 : -1 }, /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$createElement($faa2e61a3361514f$var$SliderImpl, $g1Vy2$babelruntimehelpersesmextends({ "data-orientation": "vertical" }, sliderProps, { ref: ref, style: {, ['--radix-slider-thumb-transform']: 'translateY(50%)' }, onSlideStart: (event)=>{ const value = getValueFromPointer(event.clientY); onSlideStart === null || onSlideStart === void 0 || onSlideStart(value); }, onSlideMove: (event)=>{ const value = getValueFromPointer(event.clientY); onSlideMove === null || onSlideMove === void 0 || onSlideMove(value); }, onSlideEnd: ()=>{ rectRef.current = undefined; onSlideEnd === null || onSlideEnd === void 0 || onSlideEnd(); }, onStepKeyDown: (event)=>{ const slideDirection = isSlidingFromBottom ? 'from-bottom' : 'from-top'; const isBackKey = $faa2e61a3361514f$var$BACK_KEYS[slideDirection].includes(event.key); onStepKeyDown === null || onStepKeyDown === void 0 || onStepKeyDown({ event: event, direction: isBackKey ? -1 : 1 }); } }))); }); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * SliderImpl * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const $faa2e61a3361514f$var$SliderImpl = /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$forwardRef((props, forwardedRef)=>{ const { __scopeSlider: __scopeSlider , onSlideStart: onSlideStart , onSlideMove: onSlideMove , onSlideEnd: onSlideEnd , onHomeKeyDown: onHomeKeyDown , onEndKeyDown: onEndKeyDown , onStepKeyDown: onStepKeyDown , ...sliderProps } = props; const context = $faa2e61a3361514f$var$useSliderContext($faa2e61a3361514f$var$SLIDER_NAME, __scopeSlider); return /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$createElement($g1Vy2$Primitive.span, $g1Vy2$babelruntimehelpersesmextends({}, sliderProps, { ref: forwardedRef, onKeyDown: $g1Vy2$composeEventHandlers(props.onKeyDown, (event)=>{ if (event.key === 'Home') { onHomeKeyDown(event); // Prevent scrolling to page start event.preventDefault(); } else if (event.key === 'End') { onEndKeyDown(event); // Prevent scrolling to page end event.preventDefault(); } else if ($faa2e61a3361514f$var$PAGE_KEYS.concat($faa2e61a3361514f$var$ARROW_KEYS).includes(event.key)) { onStepKeyDown(event); // Prevent scrolling for directional key presses event.preventDefault(); } }), onPointerDown: $g1Vy2$composeEventHandlers(props.onPointerDown, (event)=>{ const target =; target.setPointerCapture(event.pointerId); // Prevent browser focus behaviour because we focus a thumb manually when values change. event.preventDefault(); // Touch devices have a delay before focusing so won't focus if touch immediately moves // away from target (sliding). We want thumb to focus regardless. if (context.thumbs.has(target)) target.focus(); else onSlideStart(event); }), onPointerMove: $g1Vy2$composeEventHandlers(props.onPointerMove, (event)=>{ const target =; if (target.hasPointerCapture(event.pointerId)) onSlideMove(event); }), onPointerUp: $g1Vy2$composeEventHandlers(props.onPointerUp, (event)=>{ const target =; if (target.hasPointerCapture(event.pointerId)) { target.releasePointerCapture(event.pointerId); onSlideEnd(event); } }) })); }); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * SliderTrack * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const $faa2e61a3361514f$var$TRACK_NAME = 'SliderTrack'; const $faa2e61a3361514f$export$105594979f116971 = /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$forwardRef((props, forwardedRef)=>{ const { __scopeSlider: __scopeSlider , ...trackProps } = props; const context = $faa2e61a3361514f$var$useSliderContext($faa2e61a3361514f$var$TRACK_NAME, __scopeSlider); return /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$createElement($g1Vy2$Primitive.span, $g1Vy2$babelruntimehelpersesmextends({ "data-disabled": context.disabled ? '' : undefined, "data-orientation": context.orientation }, trackProps, { ref: forwardedRef })); }); /*#__PURE__*/ Object.assign($faa2e61a3361514f$export$105594979f116971, { displayName: $faa2e61a3361514f$var$TRACK_NAME }); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * SliderRange * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const $faa2e61a3361514f$var$RANGE_NAME = 'SliderRange'; const $faa2e61a3361514f$export$a5cf38a7a000fe77 = /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$forwardRef((props, forwardedRef)=>{ const { __scopeSlider: __scopeSlider , ...rangeProps } = props; const context = $faa2e61a3361514f$var$useSliderContext($faa2e61a3361514f$var$RANGE_NAME, __scopeSlider); const orientation = $faa2e61a3361514f$var$useSliderOrientationContext($faa2e61a3361514f$var$RANGE_NAME, __scopeSlider); const ref = $g1Vy2$useRef(null); const composedRefs = $g1Vy2$useComposedRefs(forwardedRef, ref); const valuesCount = context.values.length; const percentages =>$faa2e61a3361514f$var$convertValueToPercentage(value, context.min, context.max) ); const offsetStart = valuesCount > 1 ? Math.min(...percentages) : 0; const offsetEnd = 100 - Math.max(...percentages); return /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$createElement($g1Vy2$Primitive.span, $g1Vy2$babelruntimehelpersesmextends({ "data-orientation": context.orientation, "data-disabled": context.disabled ? '' : undefined }, rangeProps, { ref: composedRefs, style: {, [orientation.startEdge]: offsetStart + '%', [orientation.endEdge]: offsetEnd + '%' } })); }); /*#__PURE__*/ Object.assign($faa2e61a3361514f$export$a5cf38a7a000fe77, { displayName: $faa2e61a3361514f$var$RANGE_NAME }); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * SliderThumb * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const $faa2e61a3361514f$var$THUMB_NAME = 'SliderThumb'; const $faa2e61a3361514f$export$2c1b491743890dec = /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$forwardRef((props, forwardedRef)=>{ const getItems = $faa2e61a3361514f$var$useCollection(props.__scopeSlider); const [thumb, setThumb] = $g1Vy2$useState(null); const composedRefs = $g1Vy2$useComposedRefs(forwardedRef, (node)=>setThumb(node) ); const index = $g1Vy2$useMemo(()=>thumb ? getItems().findIndex((item)=>item.ref.current === thumb ) : -1 , [ getItems, thumb ]); return /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$createElement($faa2e61a3361514f$var$SliderThumbImpl, $g1Vy2$babelruntimehelpersesmextends({}, props, { ref: composedRefs, index: index })); }); const $faa2e61a3361514f$var$SliderThumbImpl = /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$forwardRef((props, forwardedRef)=>{ const { __scopeSlider: __scopeSlider , index: index , ...thumbProps } = props; const context = $faa2e61a3361514f$var$useSliderContext($faa2e61a3361514f$var$THUMB_NAME, __scopeSlider); const orientation = $faa2e61a3361514f$var$useSliderOrientationContext($faa2e61a3361514f$var$THUMB_NAME, __scopeSlider); const [thumb, setThumb] = $g1Vy2$useState(null); const composedRefs = $g1Vy2$useComposedRefs(forwardedRef, (node)=>setThumb(node) ); const size = $g1Vy2$useSize(thumb); // We cast because index could be `-1` which would return undefined const value = context.values[index]; const percent = value === undefined ? 0 : $faa2e61a3361514f$var$convertValueToPercentage(value, context.min, context.max); const label = $faa2e61a3361514f$var$getLabel(index, context.values.length); const orientationSize = size === null || size === void 0 ? void 0 : size[orientation.size]; const thumbInBoundsOffset = orientationSize ? $faa2e61a3361514f$var$getThumbInBoundsOffset(orientationSize, percent, orientation.direction) : 0; $g1Vy2$useEffect(()=>{ if (thumb) { context.thumbs.add(thumb); return ()=>{ context.thumbs.delete(thumb); }; } }, [ thumb, context.thumbs ]); return /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$createElement("span", { style: { transform: 'var(--radix-slider-thumb-transform)', position: 'absolute', [orientation.startEdge]: `calc(${percent}% + ${thumbInBoundsOffset}px)` } }, /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$createElement($faa2e61a3361514f$var$Collection.ItemSlot, { scope: props.__scopeSlider }, /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$createElement($g1Vy2$Primitive.span, $g1Vy2$babelruntimehelpersesmextends({ role: "slider", "aria-label": props['aria-label'] || label, "aria-valuemin": context.min, "aria-valuenow": value, "aria-valuemax": context.max, "aria-orientation": context.orientation, "data-orientation": context.orientation, "data-disabled": context.disabled ? '' : undefined, tabIndex: context.disabled ? undefined : 0 }, thumbProps, { ref: composedRefs, style: value === undefined ? { display: 'none' } :, onFocus: $g1Vy2$composeEventHandlers(props.onFocus, ()=>{ context.valueIndexToChangeRef.current = index; }) })))); }); /*#__PURE__*/ Object.assign($faa2e61a3361514f$export$2c1b491743890dec, { displayName: $faa2e61a3361514f$var$THUMB_NAME }); /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ const $faa2e61a3361514f$var$BubbleInput = (props)=>{ const { value: value , ...inputProps } = props; const ref = $g1Vy2$useRef(null); const prevValue = $g1Vy2$usePrevious(value); // Bubble value change to parents (e.g form change event) $g1Vy2$useEffect(()=>{ const input = ref.current; const inputProto = window.HTMLInputElement.prototype; const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(inputProto, 'value'); const setValue = descriptor.set; if (prevValue !== value && setValue) { const event = new Event('input', { bubbles: true });, value); input.dispatchEvent(event); } }, [ prevValue, value ]); /** * We purposefully do not use `type="hidden"` here otherwise forms that * wrap it will not be able to access its value via the FormData API. * * We purposefully do not add the `value` attribute here to allow the value * to be set programatically and bubble to any parent form `onChange` event. * Adding the `value` will cause React to consider the programatic * dispatch a duplicate and it will get swallowed. */ return /*#__PURE__*/ $g1Vy2$createElement("input", $g1Vy2$babelruntimehelpersesmextends({ style: { display: 'none' } }, inputProps, { ref: ref, defaultValue: value })); }; function $faa2e61a3361514f$var$getNextSortedValues(prevValues = [], nextValue, atIndex) { const nextValues = [ ...prevValues ]; nextValues[atIndex] = nextValue; return nextValues.sort((a, b)=>a - b ); } function $faa2e61a3361514f$var$convertValueToPercentage(value, min, max) { const maxSteps = max - min; const percentPerStep = 100 / maxSteps; const percentage = percentPerStep * (value - min); return $g1Vy2$clamp(percentage, [ 0, 100 ]); } /** * Returns a label for each thumb when there are two or more thumbs */ function $faa2e61a3361514f$var$getLabel(index, totalValues) { if (totalValues > 2) return `Value ${index + 1} of ${totalValues}`; else if (totalValues === 2) return [ 'Minimum', 'Maximum' ][index]; else return undefined; } /** * Given a `values` array and a `nextValue`, determine which value in * the array is closest to `nextValue` and return its index. * * @example * // returns 1 * getClosestValueIndex([10, 30], 25); */ function $faa2e61a3361514f$var$getClosestValueIndex(values, nextValue) { if (values.length === 1) return 0; const distances =>Math.abs(value - nextValue) ); const closestDistance = Math.min(...distances); return distances.indexOf(closestDistance); } /** * Offsets the thumb centre point while sliding to ensure it remains * within the bounds of the slider when reaching the edges */ function $faa2e61a3361514f$var$getThumbInBoundsOffset(width, left, direction) { const halfWidth = width / 2; const halfPercent = 50; const offset = $faa2e61a3361514f$var$linearScale([ 0, halfPercent ], [ 0, halfWidth ]); return (halfWidth - offset(left) * direction) * direction; } /** * Gets an array of steps between each value. * * @example * // returns [1, 9] * getStepsBetweenValues([10, 11, 20]); */ function $faa2e61a3361514f$var$getStepsBetweenValues(values) { return values.slice(0, -1).map((value, index)=>values[index + 1] - value ); } /** * Verifies the minimum steps between all values is greater than or equal * to the expected minimum steps. * * @example * // returns false * hasMinStepsBetweenValues([1,2,3], 2); * * @example * // returns true * hasMinStepsBetweenValues([1,2,3], 1); */ function $faa2e61a3361514f$var$hasMinStepsBetweenValues(values, minStepsBetweenValues) { if (minStepsBetweenValues > 0) { const stepsBetweenValues = $faa2e61a3361514f$var$getStepsBetweenValues(values); const actualMinStepsBetweenValues = Math.min(...stepsBetweenValues); return actualMinStepsBetweenValues >= minStepsBetweenValues; } return true; } // function $faa2e61a3361514f$var$linearScale(input, output) { return (value)=>{ if (input[0] === input[1] || output[0] === output[1]) return output[0]; const ratio = (output[1] - output[0]) / (input[1] - input[0]); return output[0] + ratio * (value - input[0]); }; } function $faa2e61a3361514f$var$getDecimalCount(value) { return (String(value).split('.')[1] || '').length; } function $faa2e61a3361514f$var$roundValue(value, decimalCount) { const rounder = Math.pow(10, decimalCount); return Math.round(value * rounder) / rounder; } const $faa2e61a3361514f$export$be92b6f5f03c0fe9 = $faa2e61a3361514f$export$472062a354075cee; const $faa2e61a3361514f$export$13921ac0cc260818 = $faa2e61a3361514f$export$105594979f116971; const $faa2e61a3361514f$export$9a58ef0d7ad3278c = $faa2e61a3361514f$export$a5cf38a7a000fe77; const $faa2e61a3361514f$export$6521433ed15a34db = $faa2e61a3361514f$export$2c1b491743890dec; export {$faa2e61a3361514f$export$ef72632d7b901f97 as createSliderScope, $faa2e61a3361514f$export$472062a354075cee as Slider, $faa2e61a3361514f$export$105594979f116971 as SliderTrack, $faa2e61a3361514f$export$a5cf38a7a000fe77 as SliderRange, $faa2e61a3361514f$export$2c1b491743890dec as SliderThumb, $faa2e61a3361514f$export$be92b6f5f03c0fe9 as Root, $faa2e61a3361514f$export$13921ac0cc260818 as Track, $faa2e61a3361514f$export$9a58ef0d7ad3278c as Range, $faa2e61a3361514f$export$6521433ed15a34db as Thumb}; //#