import * as React from "react"; import * as Radix from "@radix-ui/react-primitive"; import { Primitive } from "@radix-ui/react-primitive"; import * as RovingFocusGroup from "@radix-ui/react-roving-focus"; export const createTabsScope: import("@radix-ui/react-context").CreateScope; type RovingFocusGroupProps = Radix.ComponentPropsWithoutRef; type PrimitiveDivProps = Radix.ComponentPropsWithoutRef; export interface TabsProps extends PrimitiveDivProps { /** The value for the selected tab, if controlled */ value?: string; /** The value of the tab to select by default, if uncontrolled */ defaultValue?: string; /** A function called when a new tab is selected */ onValueChange?: (value: string) => void; /** * The orientation the tabs are layed out. * Mainly so arrow navigation is done accordingly (left & right vs. up & down) * @defaultValue horizontal */ orientation?: RovingFocusGroupProps['orientation']; /** * The direction of navigation between toolbar items. */ dir?: RovingFocusGroupProps['dir']; /** * Whether a tab is activated automatically or manually. * @defaultValue automatic * */ activationMode?: 'automatic' | 'manual'; } export const Tabs: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; export interface TabsListProps extends PrimitiveDivProps { loop?: RovingFocusGroupProps['loop']; } export const TabsList: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; type PrimitiveButtonProps = Radix.ComponentPropsWithoutRef; export interface TabsTriggerProps extends PrimitiveButtonProps { value: string; } export const TabsTrigger: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; export interface TabsContentProps extends PrimitiveDivProps { value: string; /** * Used to force mounting when more control is needed. Useful when * controlling animation with React animation libraries. */ forceMount?: true; } export const TabsContent: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; export const Root: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; export const List: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; export const Trigger: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; export const Content: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent>; //#