'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); var path = require('path'); var pluginutils = require('@rollup/pluginutils'); var fs = require('fs'); var getCommonDir = require('commondir'); var glob = require('glob'); var estreeWalker = require('estree-walker'); var MagicString = require('magic-string'); var isReference = require('is-reference'); var version = "24.0.0"; var peerDependencies = { rollup: "^2.68.0||^3.0.0" }; function tryParse(parse, code, id) { try { return parse(code, { allowReturnOutsideFunction: true }); } catch (err) { err.message += ` in ${id}`; throw err; } } const firstpassGlobal = /\b(?:require|module|exports|global)\b/; const firstpassNoGlobal = /\b(?:require|module|exports)\b/; function hasCjsKeywords(code, ignoreGlobal) { const firstpass = ignoreGlobal ? firstpassNoGlobal : firstpassGlobal; return firstpass.test(code); } /* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */ function analyzeTopLevelStatements(parse, code, id) { const ast = tryParse(parse, code, id); let isEsModule = false; let hasDefaultExport = false; let hasNamedExports = false; for (const node of ast.body) { switch (node.type) { case 'ExportDefaultDeclaration': isEsModule = true; hasDefaultExport = true; break; case 'ExportNamedDeclaration': isEsModule = true; if (node.declaration) { hasNamedExports = true; } else { for (const specifier of node.specifiers) { if (specifier.exported.name === 'default') { hasDefaultExport = true; } else { hasNamedExports = true; } } } break; case 'ExportAllDeclaration': isEsModule = true; if (node.exported && node.exported.name === 'default') { hasDefaultExport = true; } else { hasNamedExports = true; } break; case 'ImportDeclaration': isEsModule = true; break; } } return { isEsModule, hasDefaultExport, hasNamedExports, ast }; } /* eslint-disable import/prefer-default-export */ function deconflict(scopes, globals, identifier) { let i = 1; let deconflicted = pluginutils.makeLegalIdentifier(identifier); const hasConflicts = () => scopes.some((scope) => scope.contains(deconflicted)) || globals.has(deconflicted); while (hasConflicts()) { deconflicted = pluginutils.makeLegalIdentifier(`${identifier}_${i}`); i += 1; } for (const scope of scopes) { scope.declarations[deconflicted] = true; } return deconflicted; } function getName(id) { const name = pluginutils.makeLegalIdentifier(path.basename(id, path.extname(id))); if (name !== 'index') { return name; } return pluginutils.makeLegalIdentifier(path.basename(path.dirname(id))); } function normalizePathSlashes(path) { return path.replace(/\\/g, '/'); } const getVirtualPathForDynamicRequirePath = (path$1, commonDir) => `/${normalizePathSlashes(path.relative(commonDir, path$1))}`; function capitalize(name) { return name[0].toUpperCase() + name.slice(1); } function getStrictRequiresFilter({ strictRequires }) { switch (strictRequires) { case true: return { strictRequiresFilter: () => true, detectCyclesAndConditional: false }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-undefined case undefined: case 'auto': case 'debug': case null: return { strictRequiresFilter: () => false, detectCyclesAndConditional: true }; case false: return { strictRequiresFilter: () => false, detectCyclesAndConditional: false }; default: if (typeof strictRequires === 'string' || Array.isArray(strictRequires)) { return { strictRequiresFilter: pluginutils.createFilter(strictRequires), detectCyclesAndConditional: false }; } throw new Error('Unexpected value for "strictRequires" option.'); } } function getPackageEntryPoint(dirPath) { let entryPoint = 'index.js'; try { if (fs.existsSync(path.join(dirPath, 'package.json'))) { entryPoint = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(dirPath, 'package.json'), { encoding: 'utf8' })).main || entryPoint; } } catch (ignored) { // ignored } return entryPoint; } function isDirectory(path) { try { if (fs.statSync(path).isDirectory()) return true; } catch (ignored) { // Nothing to do here } return false; } function getDynamicRequireModules(patterns, dynamicRequireRoot) { const dynamicRequireModules = new Map(); const dirNames = new Set(); for (const pattern of !patterns || Array.isArray(patterns) ? patterns || [] : [patterns]) { const isNegated = pattern.startsWith('!'); const modifyMap = (targetPath, resolvedPath) => isNegated ? dynamicRequireModules.delete(targetPath) : dynamicRequireModules.set(targetPath, resolvedPath); for (const path$1 of glob.sync(isNegated ? pattern.substr(1) : pattern)) { const resolvedPath = path.resolve(path$1); const requirePath = normalizePathSlashes(resolvedPath); if (isDirectory(resolvedPath)) { dirNames.add(resolvedPath); const modulePath = path.resolve(path.join(resolvedPath, getPackageEntryPoint(path$1))); modifyMap(requirePath, modulePath); modifyMap(normalizePathSlashes(modulePath), modulePath); } else { dirNames.add(path.dirname(resolvedPath)); modifyMap(requirePath, resolvedPath); } } } return { commonDir: dirNames.size ? getCommonDir([...dirNames, dynamicRequireRoot]) : null, dynamicRequireModules }; } const FAILED_REQUIRE_ERROR = `throw new Error('Could not dynamically require "' + path + '". Please configure the dynamicRequireTargets or/and ignoreDynamicRequires option of @rollup/plugin-commonjs appropriately for this require call to work.');`; const COMMONJS_REQUIRE_EXPORT = 'commonjsRequire'; const CREATE_COMMONJS_REQUIRE_EXPORT = 'createCommonjsRequire'; function getDynamicModuleRegistry( isDynamicRequireModulesEnabled, dynamicRequireModules, commonDir, ignoreDynamicRequires ) { if (!isDynamicRequireModulesEnabled) { return `export function ${COMMONJS_REQUIRE_EXPORT}(path) { ${FAILED_REQUIRE_ERROR} }`; } const dynamicModuleImports = [...dynamicRequireModules.values()] .map( (id, index) => `import ${ id.endsWith('.json') ? `json${index}` : `{ __require as require${index} }` } from ${JSON.stringify(id)};` ) .join('\n'); const dynamicModuleProps = [...dynamicRequireModules.keys()] .map( (id, index) => `\t\t${JSON.stringify(getVirtualPathForDynamicRequirePath(id, commonDir))}: ${ id.endsWith('.json') ? `function () { return json${index}; }` : `require${index}` }` ) .join(',\n'); return `${dynamicModuleImports} var dynamicModules; function getDynamicModules() { return dynamicModules || (dynamicModules = { ${dynamicModuleProps} }); } export function ${CREATE_COMMONJS_REQUIRE_EXPORT}(originalModuleDir) { function handleRequire(path) { var resolvedPath = commonjsResolve(path, originalModuleDir); if (resolvedPath !== null) { return getDynamicModules()[resolvedPath](); } ${ignoreDynamicRequires ? 'return require(path);' : FAILED_REQUIRE_ERROR} } handleRequire.resolve = function (path) { var resolvedPath = commonjsResolve(path, originalModuleDir); if (resolvedPath !== null) { return resolvedPath; } return require.resolve(path); } return handleRequire; } function commonjsResolve (path, originalModuleDir) { var shouldTryNodeModules = isPossibleNodeModulesPath(path); path = normalize(path); var relPath; if (path[0] === '/') { originalModuleDir = ''; } var modules = getDynamicModules(); var checkedExtensions = ['', '.js', '.json']; while (true) { if (!shouldTryNodeModules) { relPath = normalize(originalModuleDir + '/' + path); } else { relPath = normalize(originalModuleDir + '/node_modules/' + path); } if (relPath.endsWith('/..')) { break; // Travelled too far up, avoid infinite loop } for (var extensionIndex = 0; extensionIndex < checkedExtensions.length; extensionIndex++) { var resolvedPath = relPath + checkedExtensions[extensionIndex]; if (modules[resolvedPath]) { return resolvedPath; } } if (!shouldTryNodeModules) break; var nextDir = normalize(originalModuleDir + '/..'); if (nextDir === originalModuleDir) break; originalModuleDir = nextDir; } return null; } function isPossibleNodeModulesPath (modulePath) { var c0 = modulePath[0]; if (c0 === '/' || c0 === '\\\\') return false; var c1 = modulePath[1], c2 = modulePath[2]; if ((c0 === '.' && (!c1 || c1 === '/' || c1 === '\\\\')) || (c0 === '.' && c1 === '.' && (!c2 || c2 === '/' || c2 === '\\\\'))) return false; if (c1 === ':' && (c2 === '/' || c2 === '\\\\')) return false; return true; } function normalize (path) { path = path.replace(/\\\\/g, '/'); var parts = path.split('/'); var slashed = parts[0] === ''; for (var i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) { if (parts[i] === '.' || parts[i] === '') { parts.splice(i--, 1); } } for (var i = 1; i < parts.length; i++) { if (parts[i] !== '..') continue; if (i > 0 && parts[i - 1] !== '..' && parts[i - 1] !== '.') { parts.splice(--i, 2); i--; } } path = parts.join('/'); if (slashed && path[0] !== '/') path = '/' + path; else if (path.length === 0) path = '.'; return path; }`; } const isWrappedId = (id, suffix) => id.endsWith(suffix); const wrapId = (id, suffix) => `\0${id}${suffix}`; const unwrapId = (wrappedId, suffix) => wrappedId.slice(1, -suffix.length); const PROXY_SUFFIX = '?commonjs-proxy'; const WRAPPED_SUFFIX = '?commonjs-wrapped'; const EXTERNAL_SUFFIX = '?commonjs-external'; const EXPORTS_SUFFIX = '?commonjs-exports'; const MODULE_SUFFIX = '?commonjs-module'; const ENTRY_SUFFIX = '?commonjs-entry'; const ES_IMPORT_SUFFIX = '?commonjs-es-import'; const DYNAMIC_MODULES_ID = '\0commonjs-dynamic-modules'; const HELPERS_ID = '\0commonjsHelpers.js'; const IS_WRAPPED_COMMONJS = 'withRequireFunction'; // `x['default']` is used instead of `x.default` for backward compatibility with ES3 browsers. // Minifiers like uglify will usually transpile it back if compatibility with ES3 is not enabled. // This could be improved by inspecting Rollup's "generatedCode" option const HELPERS = ` export var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : {}; export function getDefaultExportFromCjs (x) { return x && x.__esModule && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(x, 'default') ? x['default'] : x; } export function getDefaultExportFromNamespaceIfPresent (n) { return n && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, 'default') ? n['default'] : n; } export function getDefaultExportFromNamespaceIfNotNamed (n) { return n && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, 'default') && Object.keys(n).length === 1 ? n['default'] : n; } export function getAugmentedNamespace(n) { if (n.__esModule) return n; var f = n.default; if (typeof f == "function") { var a = function a () { if (this instanceof a) { var args = [null]; args.push.apply(args, arguments); var Ctor = Function.bind.apply(f, args); return new Ctor(); } return f.apply(this, arguments); }; a.prototype = f.prototype; } else a = {}; Object.defineProperty(a, '__esModule', {value: true}); Object.keys(n).forEach(function (k) { var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, k); Object.defineProperty(a, k, d.get ? d : { enumerable: true, get: function () { return n[k]; } }); }); return a; } `; function getHelpersModule() { return HELPERS; } function getUnknownRequireProxy(id, requireReturnsDefault) { if (requireReturnsDefault === true || id.endsWith('.json')) { return `export { default } from ${JSON.stringify(id)};`; } const name = getName(id); const exported = requireReturnsDefault === 'auto' ? `import { getDefaultExportFromNamespaceIfNotNamed } from "${HELPERS_ID}"; export default /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromNamespaceIfNotNamed(${name});` : requireReturnsDefault === 'preferred' ? `import { getDefaultExportFromNamespaceIfPresent } from "${HELPERS_ID}"; export default /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromNamespaceIfPresent(${name});` : !requireReturnsDefault ? `import { getAugmentedNamespace } from "${HELPERS_ID}"; export default /*@__PURE__*/getAugmentedNamespace(${name});` : `export default ${name};`; return `import * as ${name} from ${JSON.stringify(id)}; ${exported}`; } async function getStaticRequireProxy(id, requireReturnsDefault, loadModule) { const name = getName(id); const { meta: { commonjs: commonjsMeta } } = await loadModule({ id }); if (!commonjsMeta) { return getUnknownRequireProxy(id, requireReturnsDefault); } else if (commonjsMeta.isCommonJS) { return `export { __moduleExports as default } from ${JSON.stringify(id)};`; } else if (!requireReturnsDefault) { return `import { getAugmentedNamespace } from "${HELPERS_ID}"; import * as ${name} from ${JSON.stringify( id )}; export default /*@__PURE__*/getAugmentedNamespace(${name});`; } else if ( requireReturnsDefault !== true && (requireReturnsDefault === 'namespace' || !commonjsMeta.hasDefaultExport || (requireReturnsDefault === 'auto' && commonjsMeta.hasNamedExports)) ) { return `import * as ${name} from ${JSON.stringify(id)}; export default ${name};`; } return `export { default } from ${JSON.stringify(id)};`; } function getEntryProxy(id, defaultIsModuleExports, getModuleInfo) { const { meta: { commonjs: commonjsMeta }, hasDefaultExport } = getModuleInfo(id); if (!commonjsMeta || commonjsMeta.isCommonJS !== IS_WRAPPED_COMMONJS) { const stringifiedId = JSON.stringify(id); let code = `export * from ${stringifiedId};`; if (hasDefaultExport) { code += `export { default } from ${stringifiedId};`; } return code; } return getEsImportProxy(id, defaultIsModuleExports); } function getEsImportProxy(id, defaultIsModuleExports) { const name = getName(id); const exportsName = `${name}Exports`; const requireModule = `require${capitalize(name)}`; let code = `import { getDefaultExportFromCjs } from "${HELPERS_ID}";\n` + `import { __require as ${requireModule} } from ${JSON.stringify(id)};\n` + `var ${exportsName} = ${requireModule}();\n` + `export { ${exportsName} as __moduleExports };`; if (defaultIsModuleExports === true) { code += `\nexport { ${exportsName} as default };`; } else { code += `export default /*@__PURE__*/getDefaultExportFromCjs(${exportsName});`; } return { code, syntheticNamedExports: '__moduleExports' }; } /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign, no-undefined */ function getCandidatesForExtension(resolved, extension) { return [resolved + extension, `${resolved}${path.sep}index${extension}`]; } function getCandidates(resolved, extensions) { return extensions.reduce( (paths, extension) => paths.concat(getCandidatesForExtension(resolved, extension)), [resolved] ); } function resolveExtensions(importee, importer, extensions) { // not our problem if (importee[0] !== '.' || !importer) return undefined; const resolved = path.resolve(path.dirname(importer), importee); const candidates = getCandidates(resolved, extensions); for (let i = 0; i < candidates.length; i += 1) { try { const stats = fs.statSync(candidates[i]); if (stats.isFile()) return { id: candidates[i] }; } catch (err) { /* noop */ } } return undefined; } function getResolveId(extensions, isPossibleCjsId) { const currentlyResolving = new Map(); return { /** * This is a Maps of importers to Sets of require sources being resolved at * the moment by resolveRequireSourcesAndUpdateMeta */ currentlyResolving, async resolveId(importee, importer, resolveOptions) { const customOptions = resolveOptions.custom; // All logic below is specific to ES imports. // Also, if we do not skip this logic for requires that are resolved while // transforming a commonjs file, it can easily lead to deadlocks. if ( customOptions && customOptions['node-resolve'] && customOptions['node-resolve'].isRequire ) { return null; } const currentlyResolvingForParent = currentlyResolving.get(importer); if (currentlyResolvingForParent && currentlyResolvingForParent.has(importee)) { this.warn({ code: 'THIS_RESOLVE_WITHOUT_OPTIONS', message: 'It appears a plugin has implemented a "resolveId" hook that uses "this.resolve" without forwarding the third "options" parameter of "resolveId". This is problematic as it can lead to wrong module resolutions especially for the node-resolve plugin and in certain cases cause early exit errors for the commonjs plugin.\nIn rare cases, this warning can appear if the same file is both imported and required from the same mixed ES/CommonJS module, in which case it can be ignored.', url: 'https://rollupjs.org/guide/en/#resolveid' }); return null; } if (isWrappedId(importee, WRAPPED_SUFFIX)) { return unwrapId(importee, WRAPPED_SUFFIX); } if ( importee.endsWith(ENTRY_SUFFIX) || isWrappedId(importee, MODULE_SUFFIX) || isWrappedId(importee, EXPORTS_SUFFIX) || isWrappedId(importee, PROXY_SUFFIX) || isWrappedId(importee, ES_IMPORT_SUFFIX) || isWrappedId(importee, EXTERNAL_SUFFIX) || importee.startsWith(HELPERS_ID) || importee === DYNAMIC_MODULES_ID ) { return importee; } if (importer) { if ( importer === DYNAMIC_MODULES_ID || // Proxies are only importing resolved ids, no need to resolve again isWrappedId(importer, PROXY_SUFFIX) || isWrappedId(importer, ES_IMPORT_SUFFIX) || importer.endsWith(ENTRY_SUFFIX) ) { return importee; } if (isWrappedId(importer, EXTERNAL_SUFFIX)) { // We need to return null for unresolved imports so that the proper warning is shown if ( !(await this.resolve( importee, importer, Object.assign({ skipSelf: true }, resolveOptions) )) ) { return null; } // For other external imports, we need to make sure they are handled as external return { id: importee, external: true }; } } if (importee.startsWith('\0')) { return null; } // If this is an entry point or ESM import, we need to figure out if the importee is wrapped and // if that is the case, we need to add a proxy. const resolved = (await this.resolve( importee, importer, Object.assign({ skipSelf: true }, resolveOptions) )) || resolveExtensions(importee, importer, extensions); // Make sure that even if other plugins resolve again, we ignore our own proxies if ( !resolved || resolved.external || resolved.id.endsWith(ENTRY_SUFFIX) || isWrappedId(resolved.id, ES_IMPORT_SUFFIX) || !isPossibleCjsId(resolved.id) ) { return resolved; } const moduleInfo = await this.load(resolved); const { meta: { commonjs: commonjsMeta } } = moduleInfo; if (commonjsMeta) { const { isCommonJS } = commonjsMeta; if (isCommonJS) { if (resolveOptions.isEntry) { moduleInfo.moduleSideEffects = true; // We must not precede entry proxies with a `\0` as that will mess up relative external resolution return resolved.id + ENTRY_SUFFIX; } if (isCommonJS === IS_WRAPPED_COMMONJS) { return { id: wrapId(resolved.id, ES_IMPORT_SUFFIX), meta: { commonjs: { resolved } } }; } } } return resolved; } }; } function getRequireResolver(extensions, detectCyclesAndConditional, currentlyResolving) { const knownCjsModuleTypes = Object.create(null); const requiredIds = Object.create(null); const unconditionallyRequiredIds = Object.create(null); const dependencies = Object.create(null); const getDependencies = (id) => dependencies[id] || (dependencies[id] = new Set()); const isCyclic = (id) => { const dependenciesToCheck = new Set(getDependencies(id)); for (const dependency of dependenciesToCheck) { if (dependency === id) { return true; } for (const childDependency of getDependencies(dependency)) { dependenciesToCheck.add(childDependency); } } return false; }; // Once a module is listed here, its type (wrapped or not) is fixed and may // not change for the rest of the current build, to not break already // transformed modules. const fullyAnalyzedModules = Object.create(null); const getTypeForFullyAnalyzedModule = (id) => { const knownType = knownCjsModuleTypes[id]; if (knownType !== true || !detectCyclesAndConditional || fullyAnalyzedModules[id]) { return knownType; } if (isCyclic(id)) { return (knownCjsModuleTypes[id] = IS_WRAPPED_COMMONJS); } return knownType; }; const setInitialParentType = (id, initialCommonJSType) => { // Fully analyzed modules may never change type if (fullyAnalyzedModules[id]) { return; } knownCjsModuleTypes[id] = initialCommonJSType; if ( detectCyclesAndConditional && knownCjsModuleTypes[id] === true && requiredIds[id] && !unconditionallyRequiredIds[id] ) { knownCjsModuleTypes[id] = IS_WRAPPED_COMMONJS; } }; const analyzeRequiredModule = async (parentId, resolved, isConditional, loadModule) => { const childId = resolved.id; requiredIds[childId] = true; if (!(isConditional || knownCjsModuleTypes[parentId] === IS_WRAPPED_COMMONJS)) { unconditionallyRequiredIds[childId] = true; } getDependencies(parentId).add(childId); if (!isCyclic(childId)) { // This makes sure the current transform handler waits for all direct // dependencies to be loaded and transformed and therefore for all // transitive CommonJS dependencies to be loaded as well so that all // cycles have been found and knownCjsModuleTypes is reliable. await loadModule(resolved); } }; const getTypeForImportedModule = async (resolved, loadModule) => { if (resolved.id in knownCjsModuleTypes) { // This handles cyclic ES dependencies return knownCjsModuleTypes[resolved.id]; } const { meta: { commonjs } } = await loadModule(resolved); return (commonjs && commonjs.isCommonJS) || false; }; return { getWrappedIds: () => Object.keys(knownCjsModuleTypes).filter( (id) => knownCjsModuleTypes[id] === IS_WRAPPED_COMMONJS ), isRequiredId: (id) => requiredIds[id], async shouldTransformCachedModule({ id: parentId, resolvedSources, meta: { commonjs: parentMeta } }) { // We explicitly track ES modules to handle circular imports if (!(parentMeta && parentMeta.isCommonJS)) knownCjsModuleTypes[parentId] = false; if (isWrappedId(parentId, ES_IMPORT_SUFFIX)) return false; const parentRequires = parentMeta && parentMeta.requires; if (parentRequires) { setInitialParentType(parentId, parentMeta.initialCommonJSType); await Promise.all( parentRequires.map(({ resolved, isConditional }) => analyzeRequiredModule(parentId, resolved, isConditional, this.load) ) ); if (getTypeForFullyAnalyzedModule(parentId) !== parentMeta.isCommonJS) { return true; } for (const { resolved: { id } } of parentRequires) { if (getTypeForFullyAnalyzedModule(id) !== parentMeta.isRequiredCommonJS[id]) { return true; } } // Now that we decided to go with the cached copy, neither the parent // module nor any of its children may change types anymore fullyAnalyzedModules[parentId] = true; for (const { resolved: { id } } of parentRequires) { fullyAnalyzedModules[id] = true; } } const parentRequireSet = new Set((parentRequires || []).map(({ resolved: { id } }) => id)); return ( await Promise.all( Object.keys(resolvedSources) .map((source) => resolvedSources[source]) .filter(({ id, external }) => !(external || parentRequireSet.has(id))) .map(async (resolved) => { if (isWrappedId(resolved.id, ES_IMPORT_SUFFIX)) { return ( (await getTypeForImportedModule( ( await this.load({ id: resolved.id }) ).meta.commonjs.resolved, this.load )) !== IS_WRAPPED_COMMONJS ); } return (await getTypeForImportedModule(resolved, this.load)) === IS_WRAPPED_COMMONJS; }) ) ).some((shouldTransform) => shouldTransform); }, /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ resolveRequireSourcesAndUpdateMeta: (rollupContext) => async (parentId, isParentCommonJS, parentMeta, sources) => { parentMeta.initialCommonJSType = isParentCommonJS; parentMeta.requires = []; parentMeta.isRequiredCommonJS = Object.create(null); setInitialParentType(parentId, isParentCommonJS); const currentlyResolvingForParent = currentlyResolving.get(parentId) || new Set(); currentlyResolving.set(parentId, currentlyResolvingForParent); const requireTargets = await Promise.all( sources.map(async ({ source, isConditional }) => { // Never analyze or proxy internal modules if (source.startsWith('\0')) { return { id: source, allowProxy: false }; } currentlyResolvingForParent.add(source); const resolved = (await rollupContext.resolve(source, parentId, { custom: { 'node-resolve': { isRequire: true } } })) || resolveExtensions(source, parentId, extensions); currentlyResolvingForParent.delete(source); if (!resolved) { return { id: wrapId(source, EXTERNAL_SUFFIX), allowProxy: false }; } const childId = resolved.id; if (resolved.external) { return { id: wrapId(childId, EXTERNAL_SUFFIX), allowProxy: false }; } parentMeta.requires.push({ resolved, isConditional }); await analyzeRequiredModule(parentId, resolved, isConditional, rollupContext.load); return { id: childId, allowProxy: true }; }) ); parentMeta.isCommonJS = getTypeForFullyAnalyzedModule(parentId); fullyAnalyzedModules[parentId] = true; return requireTargets.map(({ id: dependencyId, allowProxy }, index) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-multi-assign const isCommonJS = (parentMeta.isRequiredCommonJS[dependencyId] = getTypeForFullyAnalyzedModule(dependencyId)); fullyAnalyzedModules[dependencyId] = true; return { source: sources[index].source, id: allowProxy ? isCommonJS === IS_WRAPPED_COMMONJS ? wrapId(dependencyId, WRAPPED_SUFFIX) : wrapId(dependencyId, PROXY_SUFFIX) : dependencyId, isCommonJS }; }); }, isCurrentlyResolving(source, parentId) { const currentlyResolvingForParent = currentlyResolving.get(parentId); return currentlyResolvingForParent && currentlyResolvingForParent.has(source); } }; } function validateVersion(actualVersion, peerDependencyVersion, name) { const versionRegexp = /\^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/g; let minMajor = Infinity; let minMinor = Infinity; let minPatch = Infinity; let foundVersion; // eslint-disable-next-line no-cond-assign while ((foundVersion = versionRegexp.exec(peerDependencyVersion))) { const [foundMajor, foundMinor, foundPatch] = foundVersion[1].split('.').map(Number); if (foundMajor < minMajor) { minMajor = foundMajor; minMinor = foundMinor; minPatch = foundPatch; } } if (!actualVersion) { throw new Error( `Insufficient ${name} version: "@rollup/plugin-commonjs" requires at least ${name}@${minMajor}.${minMinor}.${minPatch}.` ); } const [major, minor, patch] = actualVersion.split('.').map(Number); if ( major < minMajor || (major === minMajor && (minor < minMinor || (minor === minMinor && patch < minPatch))) ) { throw new Error( `Insufficient ${name} version: "@rollup/plugin-commonjs" requires at least ${name}@${minMajor}.${minMinor}.${minPatch} but found ${name}@${actualVersion}.` ); } } const operators = { '==': (x) => equals(x.left, x.right, false), '!=': (x) => not(operators['=='](x)), '===': (x) => equals(x.left, x.right, true), '!==': (x) => not(operators['==='](x)), '!': (x) => isFalsy(x.argument), '&&': (x) => isTruthy(x.left) && isTruthy(x.right), '||': (x) => isTruthy(x.left) || isTruthy(x.right) }; function not(value) { return value === null ? value : !value; } function equals(a, b, strict) { if (a.type !== b.type) return null; // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq if (a.type === 'Literal') return strict ? a.value === b.value : a.value == b.value; return null; } function isTruthy(node) { if (!node) return false; if (node.type === 'Literal') return !!node.value; if (node.type === 'ParenthesizedExpression') return isTruthy(node.expression); if (node.operator in operators) return operators[node.operator](node); return null; } function isFalsy(node) { return not(isTruthy(node)); } function getKeypath(node) { const parts = []; while (node.type === 'MemberExpression') { if (node.computed) return null; parts.unshift(node.property.name); // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign node = node.object; } if (node.type !== 'Identifier') return null; const { name } = node; parts.unshift(name); return { name, keypath: parts.join('.') }; } const KEY_COMPILED_ESM = '__esModule'; function isDefineCompiledEsm(node) { const definedProperty = getDefinePropertyCallName(node, 'exports') || getDefinePropertyCallName(node, 'module.exports'); if (definedProperty && definedProperty.key === KEY_COMPILED_ESM) { return isTruthy(definedProperty.value); } return false; } function getDefinePropertyCallName(node, targetName) { const { callee: { object, property } } = node; if (!object || object.type !== 'Identifier' || object.name !== 'Object') return; if (!property || property.type !== 'Identifier' || property.name !== 'defineProperty') return; if (node.arguments.length !== 3) return; const targetNames = targetName.split('.'); const [target, key, value] = node.arguments; if (targetNames.length === 1) { if (target.type !== 'Identifier' || target.name !== targetNames[0]) { return; } } if (targetNames.length === 2) { if ( target.type !== 'MemberExpression' || target.object.name !== targetNames[0] || target.property.name !== targetNames[1] ) { return; } } if (value.type !== 'ObjectExpression' || !value.properties) return; const valueProperty = value.properties.find((p) => p.key && p.key.name === 'value'); if (!valueProperty || !valueProperty.value) return; // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return return { key: key.value, value: valueProperty.value }; } function isShorthandProperty(parent) { return parent && parent.type === 'Property' && parent.shorthand; } function hasDefineEsmProperty(node) { return node.properties.some((property) => { if ( property.type === 'Property' && property.key.type === 'Identifier' && property.key.name === '__esModule' && isTruthy(property.value) ) { return true; } return false; }); } function wrapCode(magicString, uses, moduleName, exportsName, indentExclusionRanges) { const args = []; const passedArgs = []; if (uses.module) { args.push('module'); passedArgs.push(moduleName); } if (uses.exports) { args.push('exports'); passedArgs.push(exportsName); } magicString .trim() .indent('\t', { exclude: indentExclusionRanges }) .prepend(`(function (${args.join(', ')}) {\n`) .append(`\n} (${passedArgs.join(', ')}));`); } function rewriteExportsAndGetExportsBlock( magicString, moduleName, exportsName, wrapped, moduleExportsAssignments, firstTopLevelModuleExportsAssignment, exportsAssignmentsByName, topLevelAssignments, defineCompiledEsmExpressions, deconflictedExportNames, code, HELPERS_NAME, exportMode, detectWrappedDefault, defaultIsModuleExports, usesRequireWrapper, requireName ) { const exports = []; const exportDeclarations = []; if (usesRequireWrapper) { getExportsWhenUsingRequireWrapper( magicString, wrapped, exportMode, exports, moduleExportsAssignments, exportsAssignmentsByName, moduleName, exportsName, requireName, defineCompiledEsmExpressions ); } else if (exportMode === 'replace') { getExportsForReplacedModuleExports( magicString, exports, exportDeclarations, moduleExportsAssignments, firstTopLevelModuleExportsAssignment, exportsName ); } else { exports.push(`${exportsName} as __moduleExports`); if (wrapped) { getExportsWhenWrapping( exportDeclarations, exportsName, detectWrappedDefault, HELPERS_NAME, defaultIsModuleExports ); } else { getExports( magicString, exports, exportDeclarations, moduleExportsAssignments, exportsAssignmentsByName, deconflictedExportNames, topLevelAssignments, moduleName, exportsName, defineCompiledEsmExpressions, HELPERS_NAME, defaultIsModuleExports ); } } if (exports.length) { exportDeclarations.push(`export { ${exports.join(', ')} };`); } return `\n\n${exportDeclarations.join('\n')}`; } function getExportsWhenUsingRequireWrapper( magicString, wrapped, exportMode, exports, moduleExportsAssignments, exportsAssignmentsByName, moduleName, exportsName, requireName, defineCompiledEsmExpressions ) { if (!wrapped) { if (exportMode === 'replace') { for (const { left } of moduleExportsAssignments) { magicString.overwrite(left.start, left.end, exportsName); } } else { // Collect and rewrite module.exports assignments for (const { left } of moduleExportsAssignments) { magicString.overwrite(left.start, left.end, `${moduleName}.exports`); } // Collect and rewrite named exports for (const [exportName, { nodes }] of exportsAssignmentsByName) { for (const node of nodes) { magicString.overwrite(node.start, node.left.end, `${exportsName}.${exportName}`); } } // Collect and rewrite exports.__esModule assignments for (const expression of defineCompiledEsmExpressions) { const moduleExportsExpression = expression.type === 'CallExpression' ? expression.arguments[0] : expression.left.object; magicString.overwrite( moduleExportsExpression.start, moduleExportsExpression.end, exportsName ); } } } exports.push(`${requireName} as __require`); } function getExportsForReplacedModuleExports( magicString, exports, exportDeclarations, moduleExportsAssignments, firstTopLevelModuleExportsAssignment, exportsName ) { for (const { left } of moduleExportsAssignments) { magicString.overwrite(left.start, left.end, exportsName); } magicString.prependRight(firstTopLevelModuleExportsAssignment.left.start, 'var '); exports.push(`${exportsName} as __moduleExports`); exportDeclarations.push(`export default ${exportsName};`); } function getExportsWhenWrapping( exportDeclarations, exportsName, detectWrappedDefault, HELPERS_NAME, defaultIsModuleExports ) { exportDeclarations.push( `export default ${ detectWrappedDefault && defaultIsModuleExports === 'auto' ? `/*@__PURE__*/${HELPERS_NAME}.getDefaultExportFromCjs(${exportsName})` : defaultIsModuleExports === false ? `${exportsName}.default` : exportsName };` ); } function getExports( magicString, exports, exportDeclarations, moduleExportsAssignments, exportsAssignmentsByName, deconflictedExportNames, topLevelAssignments, moduleName, exportsName, defineCompiledEsmExpressions, HELPERS_NAME, defaultIsModuleExports ) { let deconflictedDefaultExportName; // Collect and rewrite module.exports assignments for (const { left } of moduleExportsAssignments) { magicString.overwrite(left.start, left.end, `${moduleName}.exports`); } // Collect and rewrite named exports for (const [exportName, { nodes }] of exportsAssignmentsByName) { const deconflicted = deconflictedExportNames[exportName]; let needsDeclaration = true; for (const node of nodes) { let replacement = `${deconflicted} = ${exportsName}.${exportName}`; if (needsDeclaration && topLevelAssignments.has(node)) { replacement = `var ${replacement}`; needsDeclaration = false; } magicString.overwrite(node.start, node.left.end, replacement); } if (needsDeclaration) { magicString.prepend(`var ${deconflicted};\n`); } if (exportName === 'default') { deconflictedDefaultExportName = deconflicted; } else { exports.push(exportName === deconflicted ? exportName : `${deconflicted} as ${exportName}`); } } // Collect and rewrite exports.__esModule assignments let isRestorableCompiledEsm = false; for (const expression of defineCompiledEsmExpressions) { isRestorableCompiledEsm = true; const moduleExportsExpression = expression.type === 'CallExpression' ? expression.arguments[0] : expression.left.object; magicString.overwrite(moduleExportsExpression.start, moduleExportsExpression.end, exportsName); } if (!isRestorableCompiledEsm || defaultIsModuleExports === true) { exports.push(`${exportsName} as default`); } else if (moduleExportsAssignments.length === 0 || defaultIsModuleExports === false) { exports.push(`${deconflictedDefaultExportName || exportsName} as default`); } else { exportDeclarations.push( `export default /*@__PURE__*/${HELPERS_NAME}.getDefaultExportFromCjs(${exportsName});` ); } } function isRequireExpression(node, scope) { if (!node) return false; if (node.type !== 'CallExpression') return false; // Weird case of `require()` or `module.require()` without arguments if (node.arguments.length === 0) return false; return isRequire(node.callee, scope); } function isRequire(node, scope) { return ( (node.type === 'Identifier' && node.name === 'require' && !scope.contains('require')) || (node.type === 'MemberExpression' && isModuleRequire(node, scope)) ); } function isModuleRequire({ object, property }, scope) { return ( object.type === 'Identifier' && object.name === 'module' && property.type === 'Identifier' && property.name === 'require' && !scope.contains('module') ); } function hasDynamicArguments(node) { return ( node.arguments.length > 1 || (node.arguments[0].type !== 'Literal' && (node.arguments[0].type !== 'TemplateLiteral' || node.arguments[0].expressions.length > 0)) ); } const reservedMethod = { resolve: true, cache: true, main: true }; function isNodeRequirePropertyAccess(parent) { return parent && parent.property && reservedMethod[parent.property.name]; } function getRequireStringArg(node) { return node.arguments[0].type === 'Literal' ? node.arguments[0].value : node.arguments[0].quasis[0].value.cooked; } function getRequireHandlers() { const requireExpressions = []; function addRequireExpression( sourceId, node, scope, usesReturnValue, isInsideTryBlock, isInsideConditional, toBeRemoved ) { requireExpressions.push({ sourceId, node, scope, usesReturnValue, isInsideTryBlock, isInsideConditional, toBeRemoved }); } async function rewriteRequireExpressionsAndGetImportBlock( magicString, topLevelDeclarations, reassignedNames, helpersName, dynamicRequireName, moduleName, exportsName, id, exportMode, resolveRequireSourcesAndUpdateMeta, needsRequireWrapper, isEsModule, isDynamicRequireModulesEnabled, getIgnoreTryCatchRequireStatementMode, commonjsMeta ) { const imports = []; imports.push(`import * as ${helpersName} from "${HELPERS_ID}";`); if (dynamicRequireName) { imports.push( `import { ${ isDynamicRequireModulesEnabled ? CREATE_COMMONJS_REQUIRE_EXPORT : COMMONJS_REQUIRE_EXPORT } as ${dynamicRequireName} } from "${DYNAMIC_MODULES_ID}";` ); } if (exportMode === 'module') { imports.push( `import { __module as ${moduleName}, exports as ${exportsName} } from ${JSON.stringify( wrapId(id, MODULE_SUFFIX) )}` ); } else if (exportMode === 'exports') { imports.push( `import { __exports as ${exportsName} } from ${JSON.stringify(wrapId(id, EXPORTS_SUFFIX))}` ); } const requiresBySource = collectSources(requireExpressions); const requireTargets = await resolveRequireSourcesAndUpdateMeta( id, needsRequireWrapper ? IS_WRAPPED_COMMONJS : !isEsModule, commonjsMeta, Object.keys(requiresBySource).map((source) => { return { source, isConditional: requiresBySource[source].every((require) => require.isInsideConditional) }; }) ); processRequireExpressions( imports, requireTargets, requiresBySource, getIgnoreTryCatchRequireStatementMode, magicString ); return imports.length ? `${imports.join('\n')}\n\n` : ''; } return { addRequireExpression, rewriteRequireExpressionsAndGetImportBlock }; } function collectSources(requireExpressions) { const requiresBySource = Object.create(null); for (const requireExpression of requireExpressions) { const { sourceId } = requireExpression; if (!requiresBySource[sourceId]) { requiresBySource[sourceId] = []; } const requires = requiresBySource[sourceId]; requires.push(requireExpression); } return requiresBySource; } function processRequireExpressions( imports, requireTargets, requiresBySource, getIgnoreTryCatchRequireStatementMode, magicString ) { const generateRequireName = getGenerateRequireName(); for (const { source, id: resolvedId, isCommonJS } of requireTargets) { const requires = requiresBySource[source]; const name = generateRequireName(requires); let usesRequired = false; let needsImport = false; for (const { node, usesReturnValue, toBeRemoved, isInsideTryBlock } of requires) { const { canConvertRequire, shouldRemoveRequire } = isInsideTryBlock && isWrappedId(resolvedId, EXTERNAL_SUFFIX) ? getIgnoreTryCatchRequireStatementMode(source) : { canConvertRequire: true, shouldRemoveRequire: false }; if (shouldRemoveRequire) { if (usesReturnValue) { magicString.overwrite(node.start, node.end, 'undefined'); } else { magicString.remove(toBeRemoved.start, toBeRemoved.end); } } else if (canConvertRequire) { needsImport = true; if (isCommonJS === IS_WRAPPED_COMMONJS) { magicString.overwrite(node.start, node.end, `${name}()`); } else if (usesReturnValue) { usesRequired = true; magicString.overwrite(node.start, node.end, name); } else { magicString.remove(toBeRemoved.start, toBeRemoved.end); } } } if (needsImport) { if (isCommonJS === IS_WRAPPED_COMMONJS) { imports.push(`import { __require as ${name} } from ${JSON.stringify(resolvedId)};`); } else { imports.push(`import ${usesRequired ? `${name} from ` : ''}${JSON.stringify(resolvedId)};`); } } } } function getGenerateRequireName() { let uid = 0; return (requires) => { let name; const hasNameConflict = ({ scope }) => scope.contains(name); do { name = `require$$${uid}`; uid += 1; } while (requires.some(hasNameConflict)); return name; }; } /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign, no-shadow, no-underscore-dangle, no-continue */ const exportsPattern = /^(?:module\.)?exports(?:\.([a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$0-9]*))?$/; const functionType = /^(?:FunctionDeclaration|FunctionExpression|ArrowFunctionExpression)$/; async function transformCommonjs( parse, code, id, isEsModule, ignoreGlobal, ignoreRequire, ignoreDynamicRequires, getIgnoreTryCatchRequireStatementMode, sourceMap, isDynamicRequireModulesEnabled, dynamicRequireModules, commonDir, astCache, defaultIsModuleExports, needsRequireWrapper, resolveRequireSourcesAndUpdateMeta, isRequired, checkDynamicRequire, commonjsMeta ) { const ast = astCache || tryParse(parse, code, id); const magicString = new MagicString(code); const uses = { module: false, exports: false, global: false, require: false }; const virtualDynamicRequirePath = isDynamicRequireModulesEnabled && getVirtualPathForDynamicRequirePath(path.dirname(id), commonDir); let scope = pluginutils.attachScopes(ast, 'scope'); let lexicalDepth = 0; let programDepth = 0; let currentTryBlockEnd = null; let shouldWrap = false; let reexports = false; const globals = new Set(); // A conditionalNode is a node for which execution is not guaranteed. If such a node is a require // or contains nested requires, those should be handled as function calls unless there is an // unconditional require elsewhere. let currentConditionalNodeEnd = null; const conditionalNodes = new Set(); const { addRequireExpression, rewriteRequireExpressionsAndGetImportBlock } = getRequireHandlers(); // See which names are assigned to. This is necessary to prevent // illegally replacing `var foo = require('foo')` with `import foo from 'foo'`, // where `foo` is later reassigned. (This happens in the wild. CommonJS, sigh) const reassignedNames = new Set(); const topLevelDeclarations = []; const skippedNodes = new Set(); const moduleAccessScopes = new Set([scope]); const exportsAccessScopes = new Set([scope]); const moduleExportsAssignments = []; let firstTopLevelModuleExportsAssignment = null; const exportsAssignmentsByName = new Map(); const topLevelAssignments = new Set(); const topLevelDefineCompiledEsmExpressions = []; const replacedGlobal = []; const replacedDynamicRequires = []; const importedVariables = new Set(); const indentExclusionRanges = []; estreeWalker.walk(ast, { enter(node, parent) { if (skippedNodes.has(node)) { this.skip(); return; } if (currentTryBlockEnd !== null && node.start > currentTryBlockEnd) { currentTryBlockEnd = null; } if (currentConditionalNodeEnd !== null && node.start > currentConditionalNodeEnd) { currentConditionalNodeEnd = null; } if (currentConditionalNodeEnd === null && conditionalNodes.has(node)) { currentConditionalNodeEnd = node.end; } programDepth += 1; if (node.scope) ({ scope } = node); if (functionType.test(node.type)) lexicalDepth += 1; if (sourceMap) { magicString.addSourcemapLocation(node.start); magicString.addSourcemapLocation(node.end); } // eslint-disable-next-line default-case switch (node.type) { case 'AssignmentExpression': if (node.left.type === 'MemberExpression') { const flattened = getKeypath(node.left); if (!flattened || scope.contains(flattened.name)) return; const exportsPatternMatch = exportsPattern.exec(flattened.keypath); if (!exportsPatternMatch || flattened.keypath === 'exports') return; const [, exportName] = exportsPatternMatch; uses[flattened.name] = true; // we're dealing with `module.exports = ...` or `[module.]exports.foo = ...` – if (flattened.keypath === 'module.exports') { moduleExportsAssignments.push(node); if (programDepth > 3) { moduleAccessScopes.add(scope); } else if (!firstTopLevelModuleExportsAssignment) { firstTopLevelModuleExportsAssignment = node; } if (defaultIsModuleExports === false) { shouldWrap = true; } else if (defaultIsModuleExports === 'auto') { if (node.right.type === 'ObjectExpression') { if (hasDefineEsmProperty(node.right)) { shouldWrap = true; } } else if (isRequireExpression(node.right, scope)) { shouldWrap = true; reexports = true; } } } else if (exportName === KEY_COMPILED_ESM) { if (programDepth > 3) { shouldWrap = true; } else { topLevelDefineCompiledEsmExpressions.push(node); } } else { const exportsAssignments = exportsAssignmentsByName.get(exportName) || { nodes: [], scopes: new Set() }; exportsAssignments.nodes.push(node); exportsAssignments.scopes.add(scope); exportsAccessScopes.add(scope); exportsAssignmentsByName.set(exportName, exportsAssignments); if (programDepth <= 3) { topLevelAssignments.add(node); } } skippedNodes.add(node.left); } else { for (const name of pluginutils.extractAssignedNames(node.left)) { reassignedNames.add(name); } } return; case 'CallExpression': { if (isDefineCompiledEsm(node)) { if (programDepth === 3 && parent.type === 'ExpressionStatement') { // skip special handling for [module.]exports until we know we render this skippedNodes.add(node.arguments[0]); topLevelDefineCompiledEsmExpressions.push(node); } else { shouldWrap = true; } return; } // Transform require.resolve if ( isDynamicRequireModulesEnabled && node.callee.object && isRequire(node.callee.object, scope) && node.callee.property.name === 'resolve' ) { checkDynamicRequire(node.start); uses.require = true; const requireNode = node.callee.object; replacedDynamicRequires.push(requireNode); return; } if (!isRequireExpression(node, scope)) { const keypath = getKeypath(node.callee); if (keypath && importedVariables.has(keypath.name)) { // Heuristic to deoptimize requires after a required function has been called currentConditionalNodeEnd = Infinity; } return; } skippedNodes.add(node.callee); uses.require = true; if (hasDynamicArguments(node)) { if (isDynamicRequireModulesEnabled) { checkDynamicRequire(node.start); } if (!ignoreDynamicRequires) { replacedDynamicRequires.push(node.callee); } return; } const requireStringArg = getRequireStringArg(node); if (!ignoreRequire(requireStringArg)) { const usesReturnValue = parent.type !== 'ExpressionStatement'; const toBeRemoved = parent.type === 'ExpressionStatement' && (!currentConditionalNodeEnd || // We should completely remove requires directly in a try-catch // so that Rollup can remove up the try-catch (currentTryBlockEnd !== null && currentTryBlockEnd < currentConditionalNodeEnd)) ? parent : node; addRequireExpression( requireStringArg, node, scope, usesReturnValue, currentTryBlockEnd !== null, currentConditionalNodeEnd !== null, toBeRemoved ); if (parent.type === 'VariableDeclarator' && parent.id.type === 'Identifier') { for (const name of pluginutils.extractAssignedNames(parent.id)) { importedVariables.add(name); } } } return; } case 'ConditionalExpression': case 'IfStatement': // skip dead branches if (isFalsy(node.test)) { skippedNodes.add(node.consequent); } else if (isTruthy(node.test)) { if (node.alternate) { skippedNodes.add(node.alternate); } } else { conditionalNodes.add(node.consequent); if (node.alternate) { conditionalNodes.add(node.alternate); } } return; case 'ArrowFunctionExpression': case 'FunctionDeclaration': case 'FunctionExpression': // requires in functions should be conditional unless it is an IIFE if ( currentConditionalNodeEnd === null && !(parent.type === 'CallExpression' && parent.callee === node) ) { currentConditionalNodeEnd = node.end; } return; case 'Identifier': { const { name } = node; if (!isReference(node, parent) || scope.contains(name)) return; switch (name) { case 'require': uses.require = true; if (isNodeRequirePropertyAccess(parent)) { return; } if (!ignoreDynamicRequires) { if (isShorthandProperty(parent)) { magicString.prependRight(node.start, 'require: '); } replacedDynamicRequires.push(node); } return; case 'module': case 'exports': shouldWrap = true; uses[name] = true; return; case 'global': uses.global = true; if (!ignoreGlobal) { replacedGlobal.push(node); } return; case 'define': magicString.overwrite(node.start, node.end, 'undefined', { storeName: true }); return; default: globals.add(name); return; } } case 'LogicalExpression': // skip dead branches if (node.operator === '&&') { if (isFalsy(node.left)) { skippedNodes.add(node.right); } else if (!isTruthy(node.left)) { conditionalNodes.add(node.right); } } else if (node.operator === '||') { if (isTruthy(node.left)) { skippedNodes.add(node.right); } else if (!isFalsy(node.left)) { conditionalNodes.add(node.right); } } return; case 'MemberExpression': if (!isDynamicRequireModulesEnabled && isModuleRequire(node, scope)) { uses.require = true; replacedDynamicRequires.push(node); skippedNodes.add(node.object); skippedNodes.add(node.property); } return; case 'ReturnStatement': // if top-level return, we need to wrap it if (lexicalDepth === 0) { shouldWrap = true; } return; case 'ThisExpression': // rewrite top-level `this` as `commonjsHelpers.commonjsGlobal` if (lexicalDepth === 0) { uses.global = true; if (!ignoreGlobal) { replacedGlobal.push(node); } } return; case 'TryStatement': if (currentTryBlockEnd === null) { currentTryBlockEnd = node.block.end; } if (currentConditionalNodeEnd === null) { currentConditionalNodeEnd = node.end; } return; case 'UnaryExpression': // rewrite `typeof module`, `typeof module.exports` and `typeof exports` (https://github.com/rollup/rollup-plugin-commonjs/issues/151) if (node.operator === 'typeof') { const flattened = getKeypath(node.argument); if (!flattened) return; if (scope.contains(flattened.name)) return; if ( !isEsModule && (flattened.keypath === 'module.exports' || flattened.keypath === 'module' || flattened.keypath === 'exports') ) { magicString.overwrite(node.start, node.end, `'object'`, { storeName: false }); } } return; case 'VariableDeclaration': if (!scope.parent) { topLevelDeclarations.push(node); } return; case 'TemplateElement': if (node.value.raw.includes('\n')) { indentExclusionRanges.push([node.start, node.end]); } } }, leave(node) { programDepth -= 1; if (node.scope) scope = scope.parent; if (functionType.test(node.type)) lexicalDepth -= 1; } }); const nameBase = getName(id); const exportsName = deconflict([...exportsAccessScopes], globals, nameBase); const moduleName = deconflict([...moduleAccessScopes], globals, `${nameBase}Module`); const requireName = deconflict([scope], globals, `require${capitalize(nameBase)}`); const isRequiredName = deconflict([scope], globals, `hasRequired${capitalize(nameBase)}`); const helpersName = deconflict([scope], globals, 'commonjsHelpers'); const dynamicRequireName = replacedDynamicRequires.length > 0 && deconflict( [scope], globals, isDynamicRequireModulesEnabled ? CREATE_COMMONJS_REQUIRE_EXPORT : COMMONJS_REQUIRE_EXPORT ); const deconflictedExportNames = Object.create(null); for (const [exportName, { scopes }] of exportsAssignmentsByName) { deconflictedExportNames[exportName] = deconflict([...scopes], globals, exportName); } for (const node of replacedGlobal) { magicString.overwrite(node.start, node.end, `${helpersName}.commonjsGlobal`, { storeName: true }); } for (const node of replacedDynamicRequires) { magicString.overwrite( node.start, node.end, isDynamicRequireModulesEnabled ? `${dynamicRequireName}(${JSON.stringify(virtualDynamicRequirePath)})` : dynamicRequireName, { contentOnly: true, storeName: true } ); } // We cannot wrap ES/mixed modules shouldWrap = !isEsModule && (shouldWrap || (uses.exports && moduleExportsAssignments.length > 0)); const detectWrappedDefault = shouldWrap && (reexports || topLevelDefineCompiledEsmExpressions.length > 0 || code.indexOf('__esModule') >= 0); if ( !( shouldWrap || isRequired || needsRequireWrapper || uses.module || uses.exports || uses.require || topLevelDefineCompiledEsmExpressions.length > 0 ) && (ignoreGlobal || !uses.global) ) { return { meta: { commonjs: { isCommonJS: false } } }; } let leadingComment = ''; if (code.startsWith('/*')) { const commentEnd = code.indexOf('*/', 2) + 2; leadingComment = `${code.slice(0, commentEnd)}\n`; magicString.remove(0, commentEnd).trim(); } const exportMode = isEsModule ? 'none' : shouldWrap ? uses.module ? 'module' : 'exports' : firstTopLevelModuleExportsAssignment ? exportsAssignmentsByName.size === 0 && topLevelDefineCompiledEsmExpressions.length === 0 ? 'replace' : 'module' : moduleExportsAssignments.length === 0 ? 'exports' : 'module'; const importBlock = await rewriteRequireExpressionsAndGetImportBlock( magicString, topLevelDeclarations, reassignedNames, helpersName, dynamicRequireName, moduleName, exportsName, id, exportMode, resolveRequireSourcesAndUpdateMeta, needsRequireWrapper, isEsModule, isDynamicRequireModulesEnabled, getIgnoreTryCatchRequireStatementMode, commonjsMeta ); const usesRequireWrapper = commonjsMeta.isCommonJS === IS_WRAPPED_COMMONJS; const exportBlock = isEsModule ? '' : rewriteExportsAndGetExportsBlock( magicString, moduleName, exportsName, shouldWrap, moduleExportsAssignments, firstTopLevelModuleExportsAssignment, exportsAssignmentsByName, topLevelAssignments, topLevelDefineCompiledEsmExpressions, deconflictedExportNames, code, helpersName, exportMode, detectWrappedDefault, defaultIsModuleExports, usesRequireWrapper, requireName ); if (shouldWrap) { wrapCode(magicString, uses, moduleName, exportsName, indentExclusionRanges); } if (usesRequireWrapper) { magicString.trim().indent('\t', { exclude: indentExclusionRanges }); magicString.prepend( `var ${isRequiredName}; function ${requireName} () { \tif (${isRequiredName}) return ${exportsName}; \t${isRequiredName} = 1; ` ).append(` \treturn ${exportsName}; }`); if (exportMode === 'replace') { magicString.prepend(`var ${exportsName};\n`); } } magicString .trim() .prepend(leadingComment + importBlock) .append(exportBlock); return { code: magicString.toString(), map: sourceMap ? magicString.generateMap() : null, syntheticNamedExports: isEsModule || usesRequireWrapper ? false : '__moduleExports', meta: { commonjs: commonjsMeta } }; } const PLUGIN_NAME = 'commonjs'; function commonjs(options = {}) { const { ignoreGlobal, ignoreDynamicRequires, requireReturnsDefault: requireReturnsDefaultOption, defaultIsModuleExports: defaultIsModuleExportsOption, esmExternals } = options; const extensions = options.extensions || ['.js']; const filter = pluginutils.createFilter(options.include, options.exclude); const isPossibleCjsId = (id) => { const extName = path.extname(id); return extName === '.cjs' || (extensions.includes(extName) && filter(id)); }; const { strictRequiresFilter, detectCyclesAndConditional } = getStrictRequiresFilter(options); const getRequireReturnsDefault = typeof requireReturnsDefaultOption === 'function' ? requireReturnsDefaultOption : () => requireReturnsDefaultOption; let esmExternalIds; const isEsmExternal = typeof esmExternals === 'function' ? esmExternals : Array.isArray(esmExternals) ? ((esmExternalIds = new Set(esmExternals)), (id) => esmExternalIds.has(id)) : () => esmExternals; const getDefaultIsModuleExports = typeof defaultIsModuleExportsOption === 'function' ? defaultIsModuleExportsOption : () => typeof defaultIsModuleExportsOption === 'boolean' ? defaultIsModuleExportsOption : 'auto'; const dynamicRequireRoot = typeof options.dynamicRequireRoot === 'string' ? path.resolve(options.dynamicRequireRoot) : process.cwd(); const { commonDir, dynamicRequireModules } = getDynamicRequireModules( options.dynamicRequireTargets, dynamicRequireRoot ); const isDynamicRequireModulesEnabled = dynamicRequireModules.size > 0; const ignoreRequire = typeof options.ignore === 'function' ? options.ignore : Array.isArray(options.ignore) ? (id) => options.ignore.includes(id) : () => false; const getIgnoreTryCatchRequireStatementMode = (id) => { const mode = typeof options.ignoreTryCatch === 'function' ? options.ignoreTryCatch(id) : Array.isArray(options.ignoreTryCatch) ? options.ignoreTryCatch.includes(id) : typeof options.ignoreTryCatch !== 'undefined' ? options.ignoreTryCatch : true; return { canConvertRequire: mode !== 'remove' && mode !== true, shouldRemoveRequire: mode === 'remove' }; }; const { currentlyResolving, resolveId } = getResolveId(extensions, isPossibleCjsId); const sourceMap = options.sourceMap !== false; // Initialized in buildStart let requireResolver; function transformAndCheckExports(code, id) { const { isEsModule, hasDefaultExport, hasNamedExports, ast } = analyzeTopLevelStatements( this.parse, code, id ); const commonjsMeta = this.getModuleInfo(id).meta.commonjs || {}; if (hasDefaultExport) { commonjsMeta.hasDefaultExport = true; } if (hasNamedExports) { commonjsMeta.hasNamedExports = true; } if ( !dynamicRequireModules.has(normalizePathSlashes(id)) && (!(hasCjsKeywords(code, ignoreGlobal) || requireResolver.isRequiredId(id)) || (isEsModule && !options.transformMixedEsModules)) ) { commonjsMeta.isCommonJS = false; return { meta: { commonjs: commonjsMeta } }; } const needsRequireWrapper = !isEsModule && (dynamicRequireModules.has(normalizePathSlashes(id)) || strictRequiresFilter(id)); const checkDynamicRequire = (position) => { if (id.indexOf(dynamicRequireRoot) !== 0) { this.error( { code: 'DYNAMIC_REQUIRE_OUTSIDE_ROOT', id, dynamicRequireRoot, message: `"${id}" contains dynamic require statements but it is not within the current dynamicRequireRoot "${dynamicRequireRoot}". You should set dynamicRequireRoot to "${path.dirname( id )}" or one of its parent directories.` }, position ); } }; return transformCommonjs( this.parse, code, id, isEsModule, ignoreGlobal || isEsModule, ignoreRequire, ignoreDynamicRequires && !isDynamicRequireModulesEnabled, getIgnoreTryCatchRequireStatementMode, sourceMap, isDynamicRequireModulesEnabled, dynamicRequireModules, commonDir, ast, getDefaultIsModuleExports(id), needsRequireWrapper, requireResolver.resolveRequireSourcesAndUpdateMeta(this), requireResolver.isRequiredId(id), checkDynamicRequire, commonjsMeta ); } return { name: PLUGIN_NAME, version, options(rawOptions) { // We inject the resolver in the beginning so that "catch-all-resolver" like node-resolver // do not prevent our plugin from resolving entry points ot proxies. const plugins = Array.isArray(rawOptions.plugins) ? [...rawOptions.plugins] : rawOptions.plugins ? [rawOptions.plugins] : []; plugins.unshift({ name: 'commonjs--resolver', resolveId }); return { ...rawOptions, plugins }; }, buildStart({ plugins }) { validateVersion(this.meta.rollupVersion, peerDependencies.rollup, 'rollup'); const nodeResolve = plugins.find(({ name }) => name === 'node-resolve'); if (nodeResolve) { validateVersion(nodeResolve.version, '^13.0.6', '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve'); } if (options.namedExports != null) { this.warn( 'The namedExports option from "@rollup/plugin-commonjs" is deprecated. Named exports are now handled automatically.' ); } requireResolver = getRequireResolver( extensions, detectCyclesAndConditional, currentlyResolving ); }, buildEnd() { if (options.strictRequires === 'debug') { const wrappedIds = requireResolver.getWrappedIds(); if (wrappedIds.length) { this.warn({ code: 'WRAPPED_IDS', ids: wrappedIds, message: `The commonjs plugin automatically wrapped the following files:\n[\n${wrappedIds .map((id) => `\t${JSON.stringify(path.relative(process.cwd(), id))}`) .join(',\n')}\n]` }); } else { this.warn({ code: 'WRAPPED_IDS', ids: wrappedIds, message: 'The commonjs plugin did not wrap any files.' }); } } }, load(id) { if (id === HELPERS_ID) { return getHelpersModule(); } if (isWrappedId(id, MODULE_SUFFIX)) { const module = getName(unwrapId(id, MODULE_SUFFIX)); const moduleExports = `${module}Exports`; return { code: `var ${moduleExports} = {}; var ${module} = { get exports(){ return ${moduleExports}; }, set exports(v){ ${moduleExports} = v; }, }; export {${module} as __module, ${moduleExports} as exports}`, meta: { commonjs: { isCommonJS: false } } }; } if (isWrappedId(id, EXPORTS_SUFFIX)) { const name = getName(unwrapId(id, EXPORTS_SUFFIX)); return { code: `var ${name} = {}; export {${name} as __exports}`, meta: { commonjs: { isCommonJS: false } } }; } if (isWrappedId(id, EXTERNAL_SUFFIX)) { const actualId = unwrapId(id, EXTERNAL_SUFFIX); return getUnknownRequireProxy( actualId, isEsmExternal(actualId) ? getRequireReturnsDefault(actualId) : true ); } // entry suffix is just appended to not mess up relative external resolution if (id.endsWith(ENTRY_SUFFIX)) { const acutalId = id.slice(0, -ENTRY_SUFFIX.length); return getEntryProxy(acutalId, getDefaultIsModuleExports(acutalId), this.getModuleInfo); } if (isWrappedId(id, ES_IMPORT_SUFFIX)) { const actualId = unwrapId(id, ES_IMPORT_SUFFIX); return getEsImportProxy(actualId, getDefaultIsModuleExports(actualId)); } if (id === DYNAMIC_MODULES_ID) { return getDynamicModuleRegistry( isDynamicRequireModulesEnabled, dynamicRequireModules, commonDir, ignoreDynamicRequires ); } if (isWrappedId(id, PROXY_SUFFIX)) { const actualId = unwrapId(id, PROXY_SUFFIX); return getStaticRequireProxy(actualId, getRequireReturnsDefault(actualId), this.load); } return null; }, shouldTransformCachedModule(...args) { return requireResolver.shouldTransformCachedModule.call(this, ...args); }, transform(code, id) { if (!isPossibleCjsId(id)) return null; try { return transformAndCheckExports.call(this, code, id); } catch (err) { return this.error(err, err.loc); } } }; } exports.default = commonjs; module.exports = Object.assign(exports.default, exports); //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map