var { _optionalChain } = require('@sentry/utils'); Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); const core = require('@sentry/core'); var NodeType; (function (NodeType) { NodeType[NodeType["Document"] = 0] = "Document"; NodeType[NodeType["DocumentType"] = 1] = "DocumentType"; NodeType[NodeType["Element"] = 2] = "Element"; NodeType[NodeType["Text"] = 3] = "Text"; NodeType[NodeType["CDATA"] = 4] = "CDATA"; NodeType[NodeType["Comment"] = 5] = "Comment"; })(NodeType || (NodeType = {})); function elementClassMatchesRegex(el, regex) { for (let eIndex = el.classList.length; eIndex--;) { const className = el.classList[eIndex]; if (regex.test(className)) { return true; } } return false; } function distanceToMatch(node, matchPredicate, limit = Infinity, distance = 0) { if (!node) return -1; if (node.nodeType !== node.ELEMENT_NODE) return -1; if (distance > limit) return -1; if (matchPredicate(node)) return distance; return distanceToMatch(node.parentNode, matchPredicate, limit, distance + 1); } function createMatchPredicate(className, selector) { return (node) => { const el = node; if (el === null) return false; try { if (className) { if (typeof className === 'string') { if (el.matches(`.${className}`)) return true; } else if (elementClassMatchesRegex(el, className)) { return true; } } if (selector && el.matches(selector)) return true; return false; } catch (e2) { return false; } }; } const DEPARTED_MIRROR_ACCESS_WARNING = 'Please stop import mirror directly. Instead of that,' + '\r\n' + 'now you can use replayer.getMirror() to access the mirror instance of a replayer,' + '\r\n' + 'or you can use record.mirror to access the mirror instance during recording.'; let _mirror = { map: {}, getId() { console.error(DEPARTED_MIRROR_ACCESS_WARNING); return -1; }, getNode() { console.error(DEPARTED_MIRROR_ACCESS_WARNING); return null; }, removeNodeFromMap() { console.error(DEPARTED_MIRROR_ACCESS_WARNING); }, has() { console.error(DEPARTED_MIRROR_ACCESS_WARNING); return false; }, reset() { console.error(DEPARTED_MIRROR_ACCESS_WARNING); }, }; if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Proxy && window.Reflect) { _mirror = new Proxy(_mirror, { get(target, prop, receiver) { if (prop === 'map') { console.error(DEPARTED_MIRROR_ACCESS_WARNING); } return Reflect.get(target, prop, receiver); }, }); } function hookSetter(target, key, d, isRevoked, win = window) { const original = win.Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key); win.Object.defineProperty(target, key, isRevoked ? d : { set(value) { setTimeout(() => {, value); }, 0); if (original && original.set) {, value); } }, }); return () => hookSetter(target, key, original || {}, true); } function patch(source, name, replacement) { try { if (!(name in source)) { return () => { }; } const original = source[name]; const wrapped = replacement(original); if (typeof wrapped === 'function') { wrapped.prototype = wrapped.prototype || {}; Object.defineProperties(wrapped, { __rrweb_original__: { enumerable: false, value: original, }, }); } source[name] = wrapped; return () => { source[name] = original; }; } catch (e2) { return () => { }; } } if (!(/[1-9][0-9]{12}/.test( ; function isBlocked(node, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector, checkAncestors) { if (!node) { return false; } const el = node.nodeType === node.ELEMENT_NODE ? node : node.parentElement; if (!el) return false; const blockedPredicate = createMatchPredicate(blockClass, blockSelector); if (!checkAncestors) { const isUnblocked = unblockSelector && el.matches(unblockSelector); return blockedPredicate(el) && !isUnblocked; } const blockDistance = distanceToMatch(el, blockedPredicate); let unblockDistance = -1; if (blockDistance < 0) { return false; } if (unblockSelector) { unblockDistance = distanceToMatch(el, createMatchPredicate(null, unblockSelector)); } if (blockDistance > -1 && unblockDistance < 0) { return true; } return blockDistance < unblockDistance; } let cachedRequestAnimationFrameImplementation; function getRequestAnimationFrameImplementation() { if (cachedRequestAnimationFrameImplementation) { return cachedRequestAnimationFrameImplementation; } const document = window.document; let requestAnimationFrameImplementation = window.requestAnimationFrame; if (document && typeof document.createElement === 'function') { try { const sandbox = document.createElement('iframe'); sandbox.hidden = true; document.head.appendChild(sandbox); const contentWindow = sandbox.contentWindow; if (contentWindow && contentWindow.requestAnimationFrame) { requestAnimationFrameImplementation = contentWindow.requestAnimationFrame; } document.head.removeChild(sandbox); } catch (e) { } } return (cachedRequestAnimationFrameImplementation = requestAnimationFrameImplementation.bind(window)); } function onRequestAnimationFrame( { return getRequestAnimationFrameImplementation()(; } var CanvasContext = /* @__PURE__ */ ((CanvasContext2) => { CanvasContext2[CanvasContext2["2D"] = 0] = "2D"; CanvasContext2[CanvasContext2["WebGL"] = 1] = "WebGL"; CanvasContext2[CanvasContext2["WebGL2"] = 2] = "WebGL2"; return CanvasContext2; })(CanvasContext || {}); let errorHandler; function registerErrorHandler(handler) { errorHandler = handler; } const callbackWrapper = (cb) => { if (!errorHandler) { return cb; } const rrwebWrapped = (( => { try { return cb(; } catch (error) { if (errorHandler && errorHandler(error) === true) { return () => { }; } throw error; } }); return rrwebWrapped; }; /* * base64-arraybuffer 1.0.1 * Copyright (c) 2021 Niklas von Hertzen * Released under MIT License */ var chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'; // Use a lookup table to find the index. var lookup = typeof Uint8Array === 'undefined' ? [] : new Uint8Array(256); for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { lookup[chars.charCodeAt(i)] = i; } var encode = function (arraybuffer) { var bytes = new Uint8Array(arraybuffer), i, len = bytes.length, base64 = ''; for (i = 0; i < len; i += 3) { base64 += chars[bytes[i] >> 2]; base64 += chars[((bytes[i] & 3) << 4) | (bytes[i + 1] >> 4)]; base64 += chars[((bytes[i + 1] & 15) << 2) | (bytes[i + 2] >> 6)]; base64 += chars[bytes[i + 2] & 63]; } if (len % 3 === 2) { base64 = base64.substring(0, base64.length - 1) + '='; } else if (len % 3 === 1) { base64 = base64.substring(0, base64.length - 2) + '=='; } return base64; }; const canvasVarMap = new Map(); function variableListFor(ctx, ctor) { let contextMap = canvasVarMap.get(ctx); if (!contextMap) { contextMap = new Map(); canvasVarMap.set(ctx, contextMap); } if (!contextMap.has(ctor)) { contextMap.set(ctor, []); } return contextMap.get(ctor); } const saveWebGLVar = (value, win, ctx) => { if (!value || !(isInstanceOfWebGLObject(value, win) || typeof value === 'object')) return; const name =; const list = variableListFor(ctx, name); let index = list.indexOf(value); if (index === -1) { index = list.length; list.push(value); } return index; }; function serializeArg(value, win, ctx) { if (value instanceof Array) { return => serializeArg(arg, win, ctx)); } else if (value === null) { return value; } else if (value instanceof Float32Array || value instanceof Float64Array || value instanceof Int32Array || value instanceof Uint32Array || value instanceof Uint8Array || value instanceof Uint16Array || value instanceof Int16Array || value instanceof Int8Array || value instanceof Uint8ClampedArray) { const name =; return { rr_type: name, args: [Object.values(value)], }; } else if (value instanceof ArrayBuffer) { const name =; const base64 = encode(value); return { rr_type: name, base64, }; } else if (value instanceof DataView) { const name =; return { rr_type: name, args: [ serializeArg(value.buffer, win, ctx), value.byteOffset, value.byteLength, ], }; } else if (value instanceof HTMLImageElement) { const name =; const { src } = value; return { rr_type: name, src, }; } else if (value instanceof HTMLCanvasElement) { const name = 'HTMLImageElement'; const src = value.toDataURL(); return { rr_type: name, src, }; } else if (value instanceof ImageData) { const name =; return { rr_type: name, args: [serializeArg(, win, ctx), value.width, value.height], }; } else if (isInstanceOfWebGLObject(value, win) || typeof value === 'object') { const name =; const index = saveWebGLVar(value, win, ctx); return { rr_type: name, index: index, }; } return value; } const serializeArgs = (args, win, ctx) => { return => serializeArg(arg, win, ctx)); }; const isInstanceOfWebGLObject = (value, win) => { const webGLConstructorNames = [ 'WebGLActiveInfo', 'WebGLBuffer', 'WebGLFramebuffer', 'WebGLProgram', 'WebGLRenderbuffer', 'WebGLShader', 'WebGLShaderPrecisionFormat', 'WebGLTexture', 'WebGLUniformLocation', 'WebGLVertexArrayObject', 'WebGLVertexArrayObjectOES', ]; const supportedWebGLConstructorNames = webGLConstructorNames.filter((name) => typeof win[name] === 'function'); return Boolean(supportedWebGLConstructorNames.find((name) => value instanceof win[name])); }; function initCanvas2DMutationObserver(cb, win, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector) { const handlers = []; const props2D = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(win.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype); for (const prop of props2D) { try { if (typeof win.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype[prop] !== 'function') { continue; } const restoreHandler = patch(win.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype, prop, function (original) { return function (...args) { if (!isBlocked(this.canvas, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector, true)) { setTimeout(() => { const recordArgs = serializeArgs(args, win, this); cb(this.canvas, { type: CanvasContext['2D'], property: prop, args: recordArgs, }); }, 0); } return original.apply(this, args); }; }); handlers.push(restoreHandler); } catch (e) { const hookHandler = hookSetter(win.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype, prop, { set(v) { cb(this.canvas, { type: CanvasContext['2D'], property: prop, args: [v], setter: true, }); }, }); handlers.push(hookHandler); } } return () => { handlers.forEach((h) => h()); }; } function getNormalizedContextName(contextType) { return contextType === 'experimental-webgl' ? 'webgl' : contextType; } function initCanvasContextObserver(win, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector, setPreserveDrawingBufferToTrue) { const handlers = []; try { const restoreHandler = patch(win.HTMLCanvasElement.prototype, 'getContext', function (original) { return function (contextType, ...args) { if (!isBlocked(this, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector, true)) { const ctxName = getNormalizedContextName(contextType); if (!('__context' in this)) this.__context = ctxName; if (setPreserveDrawingBufferToTrue && ['webgl', 'webgl2'].includes(ctxName)) { if (args[0] && typeof args[0] === 'object') { const contextAttributes = args[0]; if (!contextAttributes.preserveDrawingBuffer) { contextAttributes.preserveDrawingBuffer = true; } } else { args.splice(0, 1, { preserveDrawingBuffer: true, }); } } } return original.apply(this, [contextType, ...args]); }; }); handlers.push(restoreHandler); } catch (e) { console.error('failed to patch HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext'); } return () => { handlers.forEach((h) => h()); }; } function patchGLPrototype(prototype, type, cb, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector, mirror, win) { const handlers = []; const props = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(prototype); for (const prop of props) { if ([ 'isContextLost', 'canvas', 'drawingBufferWidth', 'drawingBufferHeight', ].includes(prop)) { continue; } try { if (typeof prototype[prop] !== 'function') { continue; } const restoreHandler = patch(prototype, prop, function (original) { return function (...args) { const result = original.apply(this, args); saveWebGLVar(result, win, this); if ('tagName' in this.canvas && !isBlocked(this.canvas, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector, true)) { const recordArgs = serializeArgs(args, win, this); const mutation = { type, property: prop, args: recordArgs, }; cb(this.canvas, mutation); } return result; }; }); handlers.push(restoreHandler); } catch (e) { const hookHandler = hookSetter(prototype, prop, { set(v) { cb(this.canvas, { type, property: prop, args: [v], setter: true, }); }, }); handlers.push(hookHandler); } } return handlers; } function initCanvasWebGLMutationObserver(cb, win, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector, mirror) { const handlers = []; handlers.push(...patchGLPrototype(win.WebGLRenderingContext.prototype, CanvasContext.WebGL, cb, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector, mirror, win)); if (typeof win.WebGL2RenderingContext !== 'undefined') { handlers.push(...patchGLPrototype(win.WebGL2RenderingContext.prototype, CanvasContext.WebGL2, cb, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector, mirror, win)); } return () => { handlers.forEach((h) => h()); }; } var r = `for(var t="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",e="undefined"==typeof Uint8Array?[]:new Uint8Array(256),n=0;n<64;n++)e[t.charCodeAt(n)]=n;var a=function(e){var n,a=new Uint8Array(e),s=a.length,r="";for(n=0;n>2],r+=t[(3&a[n])<<4|a[n+1]>>4],r+=t[(15&a[n+1])<<2|a[n+2]>>6],r+=t[63&a[n+2]];return s%3==2?r=r.substring(0,r.length-1)+"=":s%3==1&&(r=r.substring(0,r.length-2)+"=="),r};const s=new Map,r=new Map;const i=self;i.onmessage=async function(t){if(!("OffscreenCanvas"in globalThis))return i.postMessage({});{const{id:e,bitmap:n,width:o,height:f,dataURLOptions:c},g=async function(t,e,n){const s=t+"-"+e;if("OffscreenCanvas"in globalThis){if(r.has(s))return r.get(s);const i=new OffscreenCanvas(t,e);i.getContext("2d");const o=await i.convertToBlob(n),f=await o.arrayBuffer(),c=a(f);return r.set(s,c),c}return""}(o,f,c),d=new OffscreenCanvas(o,f);d.getContext("2d").drawImage(n,0,0),n.close();const u=await d.convertToBlob(c),h=u.type,w=await u.arrayBuffer(),l=a(w);if(!s.has(e)&&await g===l)return s.set(e,l),i.postMessage({id:e});if(s.get(e)===l)return i.postMessage({id:e});i.postMessage({id:e,type:h,base64:l,width:o,height:f}),s.set(e,l)}};`; function t(){const t=new Blob([r]);return URL.createObjectURL(t)} class CanvasManager { reset() { this.pendingCanvasMutations.clear(); this.resetObservers && this.resetObservers(); } freeze() { this.frozen = true; } unfreeze() { this.frozen = false; } lock() { this.locked = true; } unlock() { this.locked = false; } constructor(options) { this.pendingCanvasMutations = new Map(); this.rafStamps = { latestId: 0, invokeId: null }; this.frozen = false; this.locked = false; this.processMutation = (target, mutation) => { const newFrame = this.rafStamps.invokeId && this.rafStamps.latestId !== this.rafStamps.invokeId; if (newFrame || !this.rafStamps.invokeId) this.rafStamps.invokeId = this.rafStamps.latestId; if (!this.pendingCanvasMutations.has(target)) { this.pendingCanvasMutations.set(target, []); } this.pendingCanvasMutations.get(target).push(mutation); }; const { sampling = 'all', win, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector, recordCanvas, dataURLOptions, errorHandler, } = options; this.mutationCb = options.mutationCb; this.mirror = options.mirror; this.options = options; if (errorHandler) { registerErrorHandler(errorHandler); } if (options.enableManualSnapshot) { return; } callbackWrapper(() => { if (recordCanvas && sampling === 'all') this.initCanvasMutationObserver(win, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector); if (recordCanvas && typeof sampling === 'number') this.initCanvasFPSObserver(sampling, win, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector, { dataURLOptions, }); })(); } initCanvasFPSObserver(fps, win, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector, options) { const canvasContextReset = initCanvasContextObserver(win, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector, true); const rafId = this.takeSnapshot(false, fps, win, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector, options.dataURLOptions); this.resetObservers = () => { canvasContextReset(); cancelAnimationFrame(rafId); }; } initCanvasMutationObserver(win, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector) { this.startRAFTimestamping(); this.startPendingCanvasMutationFlusher(); const canvasContextReset = initCanvasContextObserver(win, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector, false); const canvas2DReset = initCanvas2DMutationObserver(this.processMutation.bind(this), win, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector); const canvasWebGL1and2Reset = initCanvasWebGLMutationObserver(this.processMutation.bind(this), win, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector, this.mirror); this.resetObservers = () => { canvasContextReset(); canvas2DReset(); canvasWebGL1and2Reset(); }; } snapshot(canvasElement) { const { options } = this; const rafId = this.takeSnapshot(true, options.sampling === 'all' ? 2 : options.sampling || 2,, options.blockClass, options.blockSelector, options.unblockSelector, options.dataURLOptions, canvasElement); this.resetObservers = () => { cancelAnimationFrame(rafId); }; } takeSnapshot(isManualSnapshot, fps, win, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector, dataURLOptions, canvasElement) { const snapshotInProgressMap = new Map(); const worker = new Worker(t()); worker.onmessage = (e) => { const data =; const { id } = data; snapshotInProgressMap.set(id, false); if (!('base64' in data)) return; const { base64, type, width, height } = data; this.mutationCb({ id, type: CanvasContext['2D'], commands: [ { property: 'clearRect', args: [0, 0, width, height], }, { property: 'drawImage', args: [ { rr_type: 'ImageBitmap', args: [ { rr_type: 'Blob', data: [{ rr_type: 'ArrayBuffer', base64 }], type, }, ], }, 0, 0, ], }, ], }); }; const timeBetweenSnapshots = 1000 / fps; let lastSnapshotTime = 0; let rafId; const getCanvas = (canvasElement) => { if (canvasElement) { return [canvasElement]; } const matchedCanvas = []; win.document.querySelectorAll('canvas').forEach((canvas) => { if (!isBlocked(canvas, blockClass, blockSelector, unblockSelector, true)) { matchedCanvas.push(canvas); } }); return matchedCanvas; }; const takeCanvasSnapshots = (timestamp) => { if (lastSnapshotTime && timestamp - lastSnapshotTime < timeBetweenSnapshots) { rafId = onRequestAnimationFrame(takeCanvasSnapshots); return; } lastSnapshotTime = timestamp; getCanvas(canvasElement).forEach((canvas) => { const id = this.mirror.getId(canvas); if (snapshotInProgressMap.get(id)) return; snapshotInProgressMap.set(id, true); if (!isManualSnapshot && ['webgl', 'webgl2'].includes(canvas.__context)) { const context = canvas.getContext(canvas.__context); if (_optionalChain([context, 'optionalAccess', _ => _.getContextAttributes, 'call', _2 => _2(), 'optionalAccess', _3 => _3.preserveDrawingBuffer]) === false) { context.clear(context.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); } } createImageBitmap(canvas) .then((bitmap) => { worker.postMessage({ id, bitmap, width: canvas.width, height: canvas.height, dataURLOptions, }, [bitmap]); }) .catch((error) => { callbackWrapper(() => { throw error; })(); }); }); rafId = onRequestAnimationFrame(takeCanvasSnapshots); }; rafId = onRequestAnimationFrame(takeCanvasSnapshots); return rafId; } startPendingCanvasMutationFlusher() { onRequestAnimationFrame(() => this.flushPendingCanvasMutations()); } startRAFTimestamping() { const setLatestRAFTimestamp = (timestamp) => { this.rafStamps.latestId = timestamp; onRequestAnimationFrame(setLatestRAFTimestamp); }; onRequestAnimationFrame(setLatestRAFTimestamp); } flushPendingCanvasMutations() { this.pendingCanvasMutations.forEach((values, canvas) => { const id = this.mirror.getId(canvas); this.flushPendingCanvasMutationFor(canvas, id); }); onRequestAnimationFrame(() => this.flushPendingCanvasMutations()); } flushPendingCanvasMutationFor(canvas, id) { if (this.frozen || this.locked) { return; } const valuesWithType = this.pendingCanvasMutations.get(canvas); if (!valuesWithType || id === -1) return; const values = => { const { type, } = value; return rest; }); const { type } = valuesWithType[0]; this.mutationCb({ id, type, commands: values }); this.pendingCanvasMutations.delete(canvas); } } const CANVAS_QUALITY = { low: { sampling: { canvas: 1, }, dataURLOptions: { type: 'image/webp', quality: 0.25, }, }, medium: { sampling: { canvas: 2, }, dataURLOptions: { type: 'image/webp', quality: 0.4, }, }, high: { sampling: { canvas: 4, }, dataURLOptions: { type: 'image/webp', quality: 0.5, }, }, }; const INTEGRATION_NAME = 'ReplayCanvas'; /** Exported only for type safe tests. */ const _replayCanvasIntegration = ((options = {}) => { const _canvasOptions = { quality: options.quality || 'medium', enableManualSnapshot: options.enableManualSnapshot, }; let canvasManagerResolve; const _canvasManager = new Promise(resolve => (canvasManagerResolve = resolve)); return { name: INTEGRATION_NAME, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function setupOnce() {}, getOptions() { const { quality, enableManualSnapshot } = _canvasOptions; return { enableManualSnapshot, recordCanvas: true, getCanvasManager: (options) => { const manager = new CanvasManager({ ...options, enableManualSnapshot }); canvasManagerResolve(manager); return manager; }, ...(CANVAS_QUALITY[quality || 'medium'] || CANVAS_QUALITY.medium), }; }, async snapshot(canvasElement) { const canvasManager = await _canvasManager; canvasManager.snapshot(canvasElement); }, }; }) ; /** * Add this in addition to `replayIntegration()` to enable canvas recording. */ const replayCanvasIntegration = core.defineIntegration(_replayCanvasIntegration); /** * @deprecated Use `replayCanvasIntegration()` instead */ // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation const ReplayCanvas = core.convertIntegrationFnToClass(INTEGRATION_NAME, replayCanvasIntegration) ; exports.ReplayCanvas = ReplayCanvas; exports.replayCanvasIntegration = replayCanvasIntegration; //#