import { uuid4, timestampInSeconds, logger, dropUndefinedKeys } from '@sentry/utils'; import { DEBUG_BUILD } from '../debug-build.js'; import { getMetricSummaryJsonForSpan } from '../metrics/metric-summary.js'; import { SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_ORIGIN, SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_OP } from '../semanticAttributes.js'; import { getRootSpan } from '../utils/getRootSpan.js'; import { TRACE_FLAG_SAMPLED, TRACE_FLAG_NONE, spanToJSON, spanTimeInputToSeconds, spanToTraceHeader, spanToTraceContext } from '../utils/spanUtils.js'; import { setHttpStatus } from './spanstatus.js'; /** * Keeps track of finished spans for a given transaction * @internal * @hideconstructor * @hidden */ class SpanRecorder { constructor(maxlen = 1000) { this._maxlen = maxlen; this.spans = []; } /** * This is just so that we don't run out of memory while recording a lot * of spans. At some point we just stop and flush out the start of the * trace tree (i.e.the first n spans with the smallest * start_timestamp). */ add(span) { if (this.spans.length > this._maxlen) { // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation span.spanRecorder = undefined; } else { this.spans.push(span); } } } /** * Span contains all data about a span */ class Span { /** * Tags for the span. * @deprecated Use `spanToJSON(span).atttributes` instead. */ /** * Data for the span. * @deprecated Use `spanToJSON(span).atttributes` instead. */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any /** * List of spans that were finalized * * @deprecated This property will no longer be public. Span recording will be handled internally. */ /** * @inheritDoc * @deprecated Use top level `Sentry.getRootSpan()` instead */ /** * The instrumenter that created this span. * * TODO (v8): This can probably be replaced by an `instanceOf` check of the span class. * the instrumenter can only be sentry or otel so we can check the span instance * to verify which one it is and remove this field entirely. * * @deprecated This field will be removed. */ /** Epoch timestamp in seconds when the span started. */ /** Epoch timestamp in seconds when the span ended. */ /** Internal keeper of the status */ /** * You should never call the constructor manually, always use `Sentry.startTransaction()` * or call `startChild()` on an existing span. * @internal * @hideconstructor * @hidden */ constructor(spanContext = {}) { this._traceId = spanContext.traceId || uuid4(); this._spanId = spanContext.spanId || uuid4().substring(16); this._startTime = spanContext.startTimestamp || timestampInSeconds(); // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation this.tags = spanContext.tags ? { ...spanContext.tags } : {}; // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation = ? { } : {}; // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation this.instrumenter = spanContext.instrumenter || 'sentry'; this._attributes = {}; this.setAttributes({ [SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_ORIGIN]: spanContext.origin || 'manual', [SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_OP]: spanContext.op, ...spanContext.attributes, }); // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation this._name = || spanContext.description; if (spanContext.parentSpanId) { this._parentSpanId = spanContext.parentSpanId; } // We want to include booleans as well here if ('sampled' in spanContext) { this._sampled = spanContext.sampled; } if (spanContext.status) { this._status = spanContext.status; } if (spanContext.endTimestamp) { this._endTime = spanContext.endTimestamp; } } // This rule conflicts with another eslint rule :( /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/member-ordering */ /** * An alias for `description` of the Span. * @deprecated Use `spanToJSON(span).description` instead. */ get name() { return this._name || ''; } /** * Update the name of the span. * @deprecated Use `spanToJSON(span).description` instead. */ set name(name) { this.updateName(name); } /** * Get the description of the Span. * @deprecated Use `spanToJSON(span).description` instead. */ get description() { return this._name; } /** * Get the description of the Span. * @deprecated Use `spanToJSON(span).description` instead. */ set description(description) { this._name = description; } /** * The ID of the trace. * @deprecated Use `spanContext().traceId` instead. */ get traceId() { return this._traceId; } /** * The ID of the trace. * @deprecated You cannot update the traceId of a span after span creation. */ set traceId(traceId) { this._traceId = traceId; } /** * The ID of the span. * @deprecated Use `spanContext().spanId` instead. */ get spanId() { return this._spanId; } /** * The ID of the span. * @deprecated You cannot update the spanId of a span after span creation. */ set spanId(spanId) { this._spanId = spanId; } /** * @inheritDoc * * @deprecated Use `startSpan` functions instead. */ set parentSpanId(string) { this._parentSpanId = string; } /** * @inheritDoc * * @deprecated Use `spanToJSON(span).parent_span_id` instead. */ get parentSpanId() { return this._parentSpanId; } /** * Was this span chosen to be sent as part of the sample? * @deprecated Use `isRecording()` instead. */ get sampled() { return this._sampled; } /** * Was this span chosen to be sent as part of the sample? * @deprecated You cannot update the sampling decision of a span after span creation. */ set sampled(sampled) { this._sampled = sampled; } /** * Attributes for the span. * @deprecated Use `spanToJSON(span).atttributes` instead. */ get attributes() { return this._attributes; } /** * Attributes for the span. * @deprecated Use `setAttributes()` instead. */ set attributes(attributes) { this._attributes = attributes; } /** * Timestamp in seconds (epoch time) indicating when the span started. * @deprecated Use `spanToJSON()` instead. */ get startTimestamp() { return this._startTime; } /** * Timestamp in seconds (epoch time) indicating when the span started. * @deprecated In v8, you will not be able to update the span start time after creation. */ set startTimestamp(startTime) { this._startTime = startTime; } /** * Timestamp in seconds when the span ended. * @deprecated Use `spanToJSON()` instead. */ get endTimestamp() { return this._endTime; } /** * Timestamp in seconds when the span ended. * @deprecated Set the end time via `span.end()` instead. */ set endTimestamp(endTime) { this._endTime = endTime; } /** * The status of the span. * * @deprecated Use `spanToJSON().status` instead to get the status. */ get status() { return this._status; } /** * The status of the span. * * @deprecated Use `.setStatus()` instead to set or update the status. */ set status(status) { this._status = status; } /** * Operation of the span * * @deprecated Use `spanToJSON().op` to read the op instead. */ get op() { return this._attributes[SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_OP] ; } /** * Operation of the span * * @deprecated Use `startSpan()` functions to set or `span.setAttribute(SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_OP, 'op') * to update the span instead. */ set op(op) { this.setAttribute(SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_OP, op); } /** * The origin of the span, giving context about what created the span. * * @deprecated Use `spanToJSON().origin` to read the origin instead. */ get origin() { return this._attributes[SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_ORIGIN] ; } /** * The origin of the span, giving context about what created the span. * * @deprecated Use `startSpan()` functions to set the origin instead. */ set origin(origin) { this.setAttribute(SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_ORIGIN, origin); } /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/member-ordering */ /** @inheritdoc */ spanContext() { const { _spanId: spanId, _traceId: traceId, _sampled: sampled } = this; return { spanId, traceId, traceFlags: sampled ? TRACE_FLAG_SAMPLED : TRACE_FLAG_NONE, }; } /** * Creates a new `Span` while setting the current `` as `parentSpanId`. * Also the `sampled` decision will be inherited. * * @deprecated Use `startSpan()`, `startSpanManual()` or `startInactiveSpan()` instead. */ startChild( spanContext, ) { const childSpan = new Span({ ...spanContext, parentSpanId: this._spanId, sampled: this._sampled, traceId: this._traceId, }); // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation childSpan.spanRecorder = this.spanRecorder; // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation if (childSpan.spanRecorder) { // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation childSpan.spanRecorder.add(childSpan); } const rootSpan = getRootSpan(this); // TODO: still set span.transaction here until we have a more permanent solution // Probably similarly to the weakmap we hold in node-experimental // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation childSpan.transaction = rootSpan ; if (DEBUG_BUILD && rootSpan) { const opStr = (spanContext && spanContext.op) || '< unknown op >'; const nameStr = spanToJSON(childSpan).description || '< unknown name >'; const idStr = rootSpan.spanContext().spanId; const logMessage = `[Tracing] Starting '${opStr}' span on transaction '${nameStr}' (${idStr}).`; logger.log(logMessage); this._logMessage = logMessage; } return childSpan; } /** * Sets the tag attribute on the current span. * * Can also be used to unset a tag, by passing `undefined`. * * @param key Tag key * @param value Tag value * @deprecated Use `setAttribute()` instead. */ setTag(key, value) { // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation this.tags = { ...this.tags, [key]: value }; return this; } /** * Sets the data attribute on the current span * @param key Data key * @param value Data value * @deprecated Use `setAttribute()` instead. */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any setData(key, value) { // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation = {, [key]: value }; return this; } /** @inheritdoc */ setAttribute(key, value) { if (value === undefined) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-dynamic-delete delete this._attributes[key]; } else { this._attributes[key] = value; } } /** @inheritdoc */ setAttributes(attributes) { Object.keys(attributes).forEach(key => this.setAttribute(key, attributes[key])); } /** * @inheritDoc */ setStatus(value) { this._status = value; return this; } /** * @inheritDoc * @deprecated Use top-level `setHttpStatus()` instead. */ setHttpStatus(httpStatus) { setHttpStatus(this, httpStatus); return this; } /** * @inheritdoc * * @deprecated Use `.updateName()` instead. */ setName(name) { this.updateName(name); } /** * @inheritDoc */ updateName(name) { this._name = name; return this; } /** * @inheritDoc * * @deprecated Use `spanToJSON(span).status === 'ok'` instead. */ isSuccess() { return this._status === 'ok'; } /** * @inheritDoc * * @deprecated Use `.end()` instead. */ finish(endTimestamp) { return this.end(endTimestamp); } /** @inheritdoc */ end(endTimestamp) { // If already ended, skip if (this._endTime) { return; } const rootSpan = getRootSpan(this); if ( DEBUG_BUILD && // Don't call this for transactions rootSpan && rootSpan.spanContext().spanId !== this._spanId ) { const logMessage = this._logMessage; if (logMessage) { logger.log((logMessage ).replace('Starting', 'Finishing')); } } this._endTime = spanTimeInputToSeconds(endTimestamp); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @deprecated Use `spanToTraceHeader()` instead. */ toTraceparent() { return spanToTraceHeader(this); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @deprecated Use `spanToJSON()` or access the fields directly instead. */ toContext() { return dropUndefinedKeys({ data: this._getData(), description: this._name, endTimestamp: this._endTime, // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation op: this.op, parentSpanId: this._parentSpanId, sampled: this._sampled, spanId: this._spanId, startTimestamp: this._startTime, status: this._status, // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation tags: this.tags, traceId: this._traceId, }); } /** * @inheritDoc * * @deprecated Update the fields directly instead. */ updateWithContext(spanContext) { // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation = || {}; // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation this._name = || spanContext.description; this._endTime = spanContext.endTimestamp; // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation this.op = spanContext.op; this._parentSpanId = spanContext.parentSpanId; this._sampled = spanContext.sampled; this._spanId = spanContext.spanId || this._spanId; this._startTime = spanContext.startTimestamp || this._startTime; this._status = spanContext.status; // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation this.tags = spanContext.tags || {}; this._traceId = spanContext.traceId || this._traceId; return this; } /** * @inheritDoc * * @deprecated Use `spanToTraceContext()` util function instead. */ getTraceContext() { return spanToTraceContext(this); } /** * Get JSON representation of this span. * * @hidden * @internal This method is purely for internal purposes and should not be used outside * of SDK code. If you need to get a JSON representation of a span, * use `spanToJSON(span)` instead. */ getSpanJSON() { return dropUndefinedKeys({ data: this._getData(), description: this._name, op: this._attributes[SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_OP] , parent_span_id: this._parentSpanId, span_id: this._spanId, start_timestamp: this._startTime, status: this._status, // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation tags: Object.keys(this.tags).length > 0 ? this.tags : undefined, timestamp: this._endTime, trace_id: this._traceId, origin: this._attributes[SEMANTIC_ATTRIBUTE_SENTRY_ORIGIN] , _metrics_summary: getMetricSummaryJsonForSpan(this), }); } /** @inheritdoc */ isRecording() { return !this._endTime && !!this._sampled; } /** * Convert the object to JSON. * @deprecated Use `spanToJSON(span)` instead. */ toJSON() { return this.getSpanJSON(); } /** * Get the merged data for this span. * For now, this combines `data` and `attributes` together, * until eventually we can ingest `attributes` directly. */ _getData() { // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation const { data, _attributes: attributes } = this; const hasData = Object.keys(data).length > 0; const hasAttributes = Object.keys(attributes).length > 0; if (!hasData && !hasAttributes) { return undefined; } if (hasData && hasAttributes) { return {, ...attributes, }; } return hasData ? data : attributes; } } export { Span, SpanRecorder }; //#