/** * Tagged template function which returns paramaterized representation of the message * For example: parameterize`This is a log statement with ${x} and ${y} params`, would return: * "__sentry_template_string__": 'This is a log statement with %s and %s params', * "__sentry_template_values__": ['first', 'second'] * @param strings An array of string values splitted between expressions * @param values Expressions extracted from template string * @returns String with template information in __sentry_template_string__ and __sentry_template_values__ properties */ function parameterize(strings, ...values) { const formatted = new String(String.raw(strings, ...values)) ; formatted.__sentry_template_string__ = strings.join('\x00').replace(/%/g, '%%').replace(/\0/g, '%s'); formatted.__sentry_template_values__ = values; return formatted; } export { parameterize }; //# sourceMappingURL=parameterize.js.map