# Moved!
> ⚠️ Notice: The repository for the `@sentry/webpack-plugin` package moved to
> https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-javascript-bundler-plugins.
> Please open any issues and PRs over there, as this repository is no longer
> maintained!
# Sentry Webpack Plugin
A webpack plugin acting as an interface to
[Sentry CLI](https://docs.sentry.io/learn/cli/).
### Installation
`@sentry/webpack-plugin` requires at least `webpack@4.41.31` or any `webpack@5`
version to be installed.
Using npm:
$ npm install @sentry/webpack-plugin --save-dev
Using yarn:
$ yarn add @sentry/webpack-plugin --dev
### CLI Configuration
You can use either `.sentryclirc` file or ENV variables described here
### Usage
const SentryWebpackPlugin = require('@sentry/webpack-plugin');
const config = {
plugins: [
new SentryWebpackPlugin({
include: '.',
ignoreFile: '.sentrycliignore',
ignore: ['node_modules', 'webpack.config.js'],
configFile: 'sentry.properties',
Also, check the [example](example) directory.
#### Options
| Option | Type | Required | Description |
| ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| include | `string`/`array`/`object` | required | One or more paths that Sentry CLI should scan recursively for sources. It will upload all `.map` files and match associated `.js` files. Each path can be given as an object with path-specific options. See [table below](#include) for details. |
| org | `string` | optional | The slug of the Sentry organization associated with the app. Can also be specified via `process.env.SENTRY_ORG`. |
| project | `string` | optional | The slug of the Sentry project associated with the app. Can also be specified via `process.env.SENTRY_PROJECT`. |
| authToken | `string` | optional | The authentication token to use for all communication with Sentry. Can be obtained from https://sentry.io/settings/account/api/auth-tokens/. Required scopes: `project:releases` (and `org:read` if `setCommits` option is used). |
| url | `string` | optional | The base URL of your Sentry instance. Defaults to https://sentry.io/, which is the correct value for SAAS customers. |
| customHeader | `string` | optional | A header added to all outgoing requests. A string in the format `header-key: header-value` |
| vcsRemote | `string` | optional | The name of the remote in the version control system. Defaults to `origin`. |
| release | `string` | optional | Unique identifier for the release. Can also be specified via `process.env.SENTRY_RELEASE`. Defaults to the output of the `sentry-cli releases propose-version` command, which automatically detects values for Cordova, Heroku, AWS CodeBuild, CircleCI, Xcode, and Gradle, and otherwise uses `HEAD`'s commit SHA. (**For `HEAD` option, requires access to `git` CLI and for the root directory to be a valid repository**). |
| dist | `string` | optional | Unique identifier for the distribution, used to further segment your release. Usually your build number. |
| entries | `array`/`RegExp`/`function(key: string): bool` | optional | Filter for entry points that should be processed. By default, the release will be injected into all entry points. |
| ignoreFile | `string` | optional | Path to a file containing list of files/directories to ignore. Can point to `.gitignore` or anything with the same format. |
| ignore | `string`/`array` | optional | One or more paths to ignore during upload. Overrides entries in `ignoreFile` file. If neither `ignoreFile` nor `ignore` is present, defaults to `['node_modules']`. |
| configFile | `string` | optional | Path to Sentry CLI config properties, as described in https://docs.sentry.io/product/cli/configuration/#configuration-file. By default, the config file is looked for upwards from the current path, and defaults from `~/.sentryclirc` are always loaded |
| ext | `array` | optional | The file extensions to be considered. By default the following file extensions are processed: `js`, `map`, `jsbundle`, and `bundle`. |
| urlPrefix | `string` | optional | URL prefix to add to the beginning of all filenames. Defaults to `~/` but you might want to set this to the full URL. This is also useful if your files are stored in a sub folder. eg: `url-prefix '~/static/js'`. |
| urlSuffix | `string` | optional | URL suffix to add to the end of all filenames. Useful for appending query parameters. |
| validate | `boolean` | optional | When `true`, attempts source map validation before upload if rewriting is not enabled. It will spot a variety of issues with source maps and cancel the upload if any are found. Defaults to `false` to prevent false positives canceling upload. |
| stripPrefix | `array` | optional | When paired with `rewrite`, will remove a prefix from filename references inside of sourcemaps. Useful for removing a path that is build-machine-specific. Note that this will NOT change the names of uploaded files. |
| stripCommonPrefix | `boolean` | optional | When paired with `rewrite`, will add `~` to the `stripPrefix` array. Defaults to `false`. |
| sourceMapReference | `boolean` | optional | Determines whether sentry-cli should attempt to link minified files with their corresponding maps. By default, it will match files and maps based on name, and add a `Sourcemap` header to each minified file for which it finds a map. Can be disabled if all minified files contain `sourceMappingURL`. Defaults to `true`. |
| rewrite | `boolean` | optional | Enables rewriting of matching source maps so that indexed maps are flattened and missing sources are inlined if possible. Defaults to `true` |
| finalize | `boolean` | optional | Determines whether Sentry release record should be automatically finalized (`date_released` timestamp added) after artifact upload. Defaults to `true` |
| dryRun | `boolean` | optional | Attempts a dry run (useful for dev environments). Defaults to `false`, but may be automatically set to true in development environments by some framework integrations (Next.JS, possibly others). |
| debug | `boolean` | optional | Print useful debug information. Defaults to `false`. |
| silent | `boolean` | optional | Suppresses all logs (useful for `--json` option). Defaults to `false`. |
| cleanArtifacts | `boolean` | optional | Remove all the artifacts in the release before the upload. Defaults to `false`. |
| errorHandler | `function(err: Error, invokeErr: function(): void, compilation: Compilation): void` | optional | Function to call a when CLI error occurs. Webpack compilation failure can be triggered by calling `invokeErr` callback. Can emit a warning rather than an error (allowing compilation to continue) by setting this to `(err, invokeErr, compilation) => { compilation.warnings.push('Sentry CLI Plugin: ' + err.message) }`. Defaults to `(err, invokeErr) => { invokeErr() }`. |
| setCommits | `Object` | optional | Adds commits to Sentry. See [table below](#optionssetcommits) for details. |
| deploy | `Object` | optional | Creates a new release deployment in Sentry. See [table below](#deploy) for details. |
#### options.include:
| Option | Type | Required | Description |
| ------------------ | ---------------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| paths | `array` | required | One or more paths to scan for files to upload. |
| ignoreFile | `string` | optional | See above. |
| ignore | `string`/`array` | optional | See above. |
| ext | `array` | optional | See above. |
| urlPrefix | `string` | optional | See above. |
| urlSuffix | `string` | optional | See above. |
| stripPrefix | `array` | optional | See above. |
| stripCommonPrefix | `boolean` | optional | See above. |
| sourceMapReference | `boolean` | optional | See above. |
| rewrite | `boolean` | optional | See above. |
const SentryWebpackPlugin = require('@sentry/webpack-plugin');
const config = {
plugins: [
new SentryWebpackPlugin({
include: [
paths: ['./packages'],
urlPrefix: '~/path/to/packages',
paths: ['./client'],
urlPrefix: '~/path/to/client',
ignoreFile: '.sentrycliignore',
ignore: ['node_modules', 'webpack.config.js'],
configFile: 'sentry.properties',
#### options.setCommits:
| Option | Type | Required | Description |
| -------------- | --------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| repo | `string` | see notes | The full git repo name as defined in Sentry. Required if `auto` option is not `true`, otherwise optional. |
| commit | `string` | see notes | The current (most recent) commit in the release. Required if `auto` option is not `true`, otherwise optional. |
| previousCommit | `string` | optional | The last commit of the previous release. Defaults to the most recent commit of the previous release in Sentry, or if no previous release is found, 10 commits back from `commit`. |
| auto | `boolean` | optional | Automatically set `commit` and `previousCommit`. Defaults `commit` to `HEAD` and `previousCommit` as described above. Overrides other options |
| ignoreMissing | `boolean` | optional | When the flag is set and the previous release commit was not found in the repository, will create a release with the default commits count (or the one specified with `--initial-depth`) instead of failing the command. |
#### options.deploy:
| Option | Type | Required | Description |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| env | `string` | required | Environment value for the release, for example `production` or `staging`. |
| started | `number` | optional | UNIX timestamp for deployment start. |
| finished | `number` | optional | UNIX timestamp for deployment finish. |
| time | `number` | optional | Deployment duration in seconds. Can be used instead of `started` and `finished`. |
| name | `string` | optional | Human-readable name for this deployment. |
| url | `string` | optional | URL that points to the deployment. |
You can find more information about these options in our official docs: