var PUBLISH = 0; var SUBSCRIBE = 1; var RESET = 2; var VALUE = 4; /** * Utils includes * - a handful of functional utilities inspired by or taken from the [Ramda library](; * - TypeScript crutches - the [[tup]] function. * * Use these for your convenience - they are here so that urx is zero-dependency package. * * @packageDocumentation */ /** * Performs left to right composition of two functions. */ function compose(a, b) { return function (arg) { return a(b(arg)); }; } /** * Takes a value and applies a function to it. */ function thrush(arg, proc) { return proc(arg); } /** * Takes a 2 argument function and partially applies the first argument. */ function curry2to1(proc, arg1) { return function (arg2) { return proc(arg1, arg2); }; } /** * Takes a 1 argument function and returns a function which when called, executes it with the provided argument. */ function curry1to0(proc, arg) { return function () { return proc(arg); }; } /** * Returns a function which extracts the property from from the passed object. */ function prop(property) { return function (object) { return object[property]; }; } /** * Calls callback with the first argument, and returns it. */ function tap(arg, proc) { proc(arg); return arg; } /** * Utility function to help typescript figure out that what we pass is a tuple and not a generic array. * Taken from (this StackOverflow tread)[] */ function tup() { for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } return args; } /** * Calls the passed function. */ function call(proc) { proc(); } /** * returns a function which when called always returns the passed value */ function always(value) { return function () { return value; }; } /** * returns a function which calls all passed functions in the passed order. * joinProc does not pass arguments or collect return values. */ function joinProc() { for (var _len2 = arguments.length, procs = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { procs[_key2] = arguments[_key2]; } return function () {; }; } function noop() {} /** * urx Actions operate on streams - `publish` publishes data in a stream, and `subscribe` attaches a subscription to a stream. * @packageDocumentation */ /** * Subscribes the specified [[Subscription]] to the updates from the Emitter. * The emitter calls the subscription with the new data each time new data is published into it. * * ```ts * const foo = stream(); * subscribe(foo, (value) => console.log(value)); * ``` * * @returns an [[Unsubscribe]] handle - calling it will unbind the subscription from the emitter. *```ts * const foo = stream(); * const unsub = subscribe(foo, (value) => console.log(value)); * unsub(); *``` */ function subscribe(emitter, subscription) { return emitter(SUBSCRIBE, subscription); } /** * Publishes the value into the passed [[Publisher]]. * * ```ts * const foo = stream(); * publish(foo, 42); * ``` */ function publish(publisher, value) { publisher(PUBLISH, value); } /** * Clears all subscriptions from the [[Emitter]]. * ```ts * const foo = stream(); * subscribe(foo, (value) => console.log(value)); * reset(foo); * publish(foo, 42); * ``` */ function reset(emitter) { emitter(RESET); } /** * Extracts the current value from a stateful stream. Use it only as an escape hatch, as it violates the concept of reactive programming. * ```ts * const foo = statefulStream(42); * console.log(getValue(foo)); * ``` */ function getValue(depot) { return depot(VALUE); } /** * Connects two streams - any value emitted from the emitter will be published in the publisher. * ```ts * const foo = stream(); * const bar = stream(); * subscribe(bar, (value) => console.log(`Bar emitted ${value}`)); * * connect(foo, bar); * publish(foo); * ``` * @returns an [[Unsubscribe]] handle which will disconnect the two streams. */ function connect(emitter, publisher) { return subscribe(emitter, curry2to1(publisher, PUBLISH)); } /** * Executes the passed subscription at most once, for the next emit from the emitter. * ```ts * const foo = stream() * handleNext(foo, value => console.log(value)) // called once, with 42 * publish(foo, 42) * publish(foo, 43) * ``` * @returns an [[Unsubscribe]] handle to unbind the subscription if necessary. */ function handleNext(emitter, subscription) { var unsub = emitter(SUBSCRIBE, function (value) { unsub(); subscription(value); }); return unsub; } /** * Streams are the basic building blocks of a reactive system. Think of them as the system permanent "data tubes". * * A stream acts as both an [[Emitter]] and [[Publisher]]. Each stream can have multiple {@link Subscription | Subscriptions}. * * urx streams are either **stateless** or **stateful**. * Stateless streams emit data to existing subscriptions when published, without keeping track of it. * Stateful streams remember the last published value and immediately publish it to new subscriptions. * * ```ts * import { stream, statefulStream, publish, subscribe } from ""; * * // foo is a stateless stream * const foo = stream(); * * publish(foo, 42); * // this subsription will not be called... * subscribe(foo, (value) => console.log(value)); * // it will only catch published values after it * publish(foo, 43); * * // stateful streams always start with an initial value * const bar = statefulStream(42); * * // subscribing to a stateful stream * // immediately calls the subscription with the current value * subscribe(bar, (value) => console.log(value)); * * // subsequent publishing works just like stateless streams * publish(bar, 43); * ``` * @packageDocumentation */ /** * Constructs a new stateless stream. * ```ts * const foo = stream(); * ``` * @typeParam T the type of values to publish in the stream. * @returns a [[Stream]] */ function stream() { var subscriptions = []; return function (action, arg) { switch (action) { case RESET: subscriptions.splice(0, subscriptions.length); return; case SUBSCRIBE: subscriptions.push(arg); return function () { var indexOf = subscriptions.indexOf(arg); if (indexOf > -1) { subscriptions.splice(indexOf, 1); } }; case PUBLISH: subscriptions.slice().forEach(function (subscription) { subscription(arg); }); return; default: throw new Error("unrecognized action " + action); } }; } /** * Constructs a new stateful stream. * ```ts * const foo = statefulStream(42); * ``` * @param initial the initial value in the stream. * @typeParam T the type of values to publish in the stream. If omitted, the function infers it from the initial value. * @returns a [[StatefulStream]] */ function statefulStream(initial) { var value = initial; var innerSubject = stream(); return function (action, arg) { switch (action) { case SUBSCRIBE: var subscription = arg; subscription(value); break; case PUBLISH: value = arg; break; case VALUE: return value; } return innerSubject(action, arg); }; } /** * Event handlers are special emitters which can have **at most one active subscription**. * Subscribing to an event handler unsubscribes the previous subscription, if present. * ```ts * const foo = stream(); * const fooEvent = eventHandler(foo); * * // will be called once with 42 * subscribe(fooEvent, (value) => console.log(`Sub 1 ${value}`)); * publish(foo, 42); * * // unsubscribes sub 1 * subscribe(fooEvent, (value) => console.log(`Sub 2 ${value}`)); * publish(foo, 43); * ``` * @param emitter the source emitter. * @returns the single-subscription emitter. */ function eventHandler(emitter) { var unsub; var currentSubscription; var cleanup = function cleanup() { return unsub && unsub(); }; return function (action, subscription) { switch (action) { case SUBSCRIBE: if (subscription) { if (currentSubscription === subscription) { return; } cleanup(); currentSubscription = subscription; unsub = subscribe(emitter, subscription); return unsub; } else { cleanup(); return noop; } case RESET: cleanup(); currentSubscription = null; return; default: throw new Error("unrecognized action " + action); } }; } /** * Creates and connects a "junction" stream to the specified emitter. Often used with [[pipe]], to avoid the multiple evaluation of operator sets. * * ```ts * const foo = stream(); * * const fooX2 = pipe( * foo, * map((value) => { * console.log(`multiplying ${value}`); * return value * 2; * }) * ); * * subscribe(fooX2, (value) => console.log(value)); * subscribe(fooX2, (value) => console.log(value)); * * publish(foo, 42); // executes the map operator twice for each subscription. * * const sharedFooX2 = streamFromEmitter(pipe( * foo, * map((value) => { * console.log(`shared multiplying ${value}`); * return value * 2; * }) * )); * * subscribe(sharedFooX2, (value) => console.log(value)); * subscribe(sharedFooX2, (value) => console.log(value)); * * publish(foo, 42); *``` * @returns the resulting stream. */ function streamFromEmitter(emitter) { return tap(stream(), function (stream) { return connect(emitter, stream); }); } /** * Creates and connects a "junction" stateful stream to the specified emitter. Often used with [[pipe]], to avoid the multiple evaluation of operator sets. * * ```ts * const foo = stream(); * * const fooX2 = pipe( * foo, * map((value) => { * console.log(`multiplying ${value}`); * return value * 2; * }) * ); * * subscribe(fooX2, (value) => console.log(value)); * subscribe(fooX2, (value) => console.log(value)); * * publish(foo, 42); // executes the map operator twice for each subscription. * * const sharedFooX2 = statefulStreamFromEmitter(pipe( * foo, * map((value) => { * console.log(`shared multiplying ${value}`); * return value * 2; * }) * ), 42); * * subscribe(sharedFooX2, (value) => console.log(value)); * subscribe(sharedFooX2, (value) => console.log(value)); * * publish(foo, 42); *``` * @param initial the initial value in the stream. * @returns the resulting stateful stream. */ function statefulStreamFromEmitter(emitter, initial) { return tap(statefulStream(initial), function (stream) { return connect(emitter, stream); }); } /** * * Stream values can be transformed and controlled by {@link pipe | **piping**} through **operators**. * urx includes several operators like [[map]], [[filter]], [[scan]], and [[throttleTime]]. * The [[withLatestFrom]] operator allows the combination of values from other streams. * * ```ts * const foo = stream() * * // create an emitter that first adds 2 to the passed value, then multiplies it by * 2 * const bar = pipe(foo, map(value => value + 2), map(value => value * 2)) * subscribe(bar, value => console.log(value)) * publish(foo, 2) // outputs 8 * ``` * * ### Implementing Custom Operators * To implement your own operators, implement the [[Operator]] interface. * @packageDocumentation */ /** @internal */ function combineOperators() { for (var _len = arguments.length, operators = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { operators[_key] = arguments[_key]; } return function (subscriber) { return operators.reduceRight(thrush, subscriber); }; } function pipe(source) { for (var _len2 = arguments.length, operators = new Array(_len2 > 1 ? _len2 - 1 : 0), _key2 = 1; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { operators[_key2 - 1] = arguments[_key2]; } // prettier-ignore var project = combineOperators.apply(void 0, operators); return function (action, subscription) { switch (action) { case SUBSCRIBE: return subscribe(source, project(subscription)); case RESET: reset(source); return; default: throw new Error("unrecognized action " + action); } }; } /** * The default [[Comparator]] for [[distinctUntilChanged]] and [[duc]]. */ function defaultComparator(previous, next) { return previous === next; } /** * Filters out identical values. Pass an optional [[Comparator]] if you need to filter non-primitive values. * ```ts * const foo = stream() * * subscribe( * pipe(foo, distinctUntilChanged()), * console.log * ) // will be called only once * * publish(foo, 42) * publish(foo, 42) * ``` */ function distinctUntilChanged(comparator) { if (comparator === void 0) { comparator = defaultComparator; } var current; return function (done) { return function (next) { if (!comparator(current, next)) { current = next; done(next); } }; }; } /** * Filters out values for which the predicator does not return `true`-ish. * ```ts * const foo = stream() * * subscribe( * pipe(foo, filter(value => value % 2 === 0)), * console.log * ) // will be called only with even values * * publish(foo, 2) * publish(foo, 3) * publish(foo, 4) * publish(foo, 5) * ``` */ function filter(predicate) { return function (done) { return function (value) { predicate(value) && done(value); }; }; } /** * Maps values using the provided project function. * ```ts * const foo = stream() * * subscribe( * pipe(foo, map(value => value * 2)), * console.log * ) // 4, 6 * * publish(foo, 2) * publish(foo, 3) * ``` */ function map(project) { return function (done) { return compose(done, project); }; } /** * Maps values to the hard-coded value. * ```ts * const foo = stream() * * subscribe( * pipe(foo, mapTo(3)), * console.log * ) // 3, 3 * * publish(foo, 1) * publish(foo, 2) * ``` */ function mapTo(value) { return function (done) { return function () { return done(value); }; }; } /** * Works like Array#reduce. * Applies an accumulator function on the emitter, and outputs intermediate result. Starts with the initial value. * ```ts * const foo = stream() * * subscribe( * pipe(foo, scan((acc, value) => acc + value, 2), * console.log * ) // 3, 5 * * publish(foo, 1) * publish(foo, 2) * ``` */ function scan(scanner, initial) { return function (done) { return function (value) { return done(initial = scanner(initial, value)); }; }; } /** * Skips the specified amount of values from the emitter. * ```ts * const foo = stream() * * subscribe( * pipe(foo, skip(2)), * console.log * ) // 3, 4 * * publish(foo, 1) // skipped * publish(foo, 2) // skipped * publish(foo, 3) * publish(foo, 4) * ``` */ function skip(times) { return function (done) { return function (value) { times > 0 ? times-- : done(value); }; }; } /** * Throttles flowing values at the provided interval in milliseconds. * [Throttle VS Debounce in SO]( * * ```ts * const foo = stream() * publish(foo, 1) * * setTimeout(() => publish(foo, 2), 20) * setTimeout(() => publish(foo, 3), 20) * * subscribe(pipe(foo, throttleTime(50)), val => { * console.log(value); // 3 * }) * ``` */ function throttleTime(interval) { var currentValue; var timeout; return function (done) { return function (value) { currentValue = value; if (timeout) { return; } timeout = setTimeout(function () { timeout = undefined; done(currentValue); }, interval); }; }; } /** * Debounces flowing values at the provided interval in milliseconds. * [Throttle VS Debounce in SO]( * * ```ts * const foo = stream() * publish(foo, 1) * * setTimeout(() => publish(foo, 2), 20) * setTimeout(() => publish(foo, 3), 20) * * subscribe(pipe(foo, debounceTime(50)), val => { * console.log(value); // 3 * }) * ``` */ function debounceTime(interval) { var currentValue; var timeout; return function (done) { return function (value) { currentValue = value; if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); } timeout = setTimeout(function () { done(currentValue); }, interval); }; }; } function withLatestFrom() { for (var _len3 = arguments.length, sources = new Array(_len3), _key3 = 0; _key3 < _len3; _key3++) { sources[_key3] = arguments[_key3]; } var values = new Array(sources.length); var called = 0; var pendingCall = null; var allCalled = Math.pow(2, sources.length) - 1; sources.forEach(function (source, index) { var bit = Math.pow(2, index); subscribe(source, function (value) { var prevCalled = called; called = called | bit; values[index] = value; if (prevCalled !== allCalled && called === allCalled && pendingCall) { pendingCall(); pendingCall = null; } }); }); return function (done) { return function (value) { var call = function call() { return done([value].concat(values)); }; if (called === allCalled) { call(); } else { pendingCall = call; } }; }; } /** * Transformers change and combine streams, similar to operators. * urx comes with two combinators - [[combineLatest]] and [[merge]], and one convenience filter - [[duc]]. * * @packageDocumentation */ /** * Merges one or more emitters from the same type into a new Emitter which emits values from any of the source emitters. * ```ts * const foo = stream() * const bar = stream() * * subscribe(merge(foo, bar), (value) => console.log(value)) // 42, 43 * * publish(foo, 42) * publish(bar, 43) * ``` */ function merge() { for (var _len = arguments.length, sources = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { sources[_key] = arguments[_key]; } return function (action, subscription) { switch (action) { case SUBSCRIBE: return joinProc.apply(void 0, (source) { return subscribe(source, subscription); })); case RESET: // do nothing, we are stateless return; default: throw new Error("unrecognized action " + action); } }; } /** * A convenience wrapper that emits only the distinct values from the passed Emitter. Wraps [[pipe]] and [[distinctUntilChanged]]. * * ```ts * const foo = stream() * * // this line... * const a = duc(foo) * * // is equivalent to this * const b = pipe(distinctUntilChanged(foo)) * ``` * * @param source The source emitter. * @param comparator optional custom comparison function for the two values. * * @typeParam T the type of the value emitted by the source. * * @returns the resulting emitter. */ function duc(source, comparator) { if (comparator === void 0) { comparator = defaultComparator; } return pipe(source, distinctUntilChanged(comparator)); } function combineLatest() { var innerSubject = stream(); for (var _len2 = arguments.length, emitters = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { emitters[_key2] = arguments[_key2]; } var values = new Array(emitters.length); var called = 0; var allCalled = Math.pow(2, emitters.length) - 1; emitters.forEach(function (source, index) { var bit = Math.pow(2, index); subscribe(source, function (value) { values[index] = value; called = called | bit; if (called === allCalled) { publish(innerSubject, values); } }); }); return function (action, subscription) { switch (action) { case SUBSCRIBE: if (called === allCalled) { subscription(values); } return subscribe(innerSubject, subscription); case RESET: return reset(innerSubject); default: throw new Error("unrecognized action " + action); } }; } /** * `system` defines a specification of a system - its constructor, dependencies and if it should act as a singleton in a system dependency tree. * When called, system returns a [[SystemSpec]], which is then initialized along with its dependencies by passing it to [[init]]. * * ```ts * @import { subscribe, publish, system, init, tup, connect, map, pipe } from 'urx' * * // a simple system with two streams * const sys1 = system(() => { * const a = stream() * const b = stream() * * connect(pipe(a, map(value => value * 2)), b) * return { a, b } * }) * * // a second system which depends on the streams from the first one * const sys2 = system(([ {a, b} ]) => { * const c = stream() * connect(pipe(b, map(value => value * 2)), c) * // re-export the `a` stream, keep `b` internal * return { a, c } * }, tup(sys1)) * * // init will recursively initialize sys2 dependencies, in this case sys1 * const { a, c } = init(sys2) * subscribe(c, c => console.log(`Value multiplied by 4`, c)) * publish(a, 2) * ``` * * #### Singletons in Dependency Tree * * By default, systems will be initialized only once if encountered multiple times in the dependency tree. * In the below dependency system tree, systems `b` and `c` will receive the same stream instances from system `a` when system `d` is initialized. * ```txt * a * / \ * b c * \ / * d * ``` * If `a` gets `{singleton: false}` as a last argument, `init` creates two separate instances - one for `b` and one for `c`. * * @param constructor the system constructor function. Initialize and connect the streams in its body. * * @param dependencies the system dependencies, which the constructor will receive as arguments. * Use the [[tup]] utility **For TypeScript type inference to work correctly**. * ```ts * const sys3 = system(() => { ... }, tup(sys2, sys1)) * ``` * @param __namedParameters Options * @param singleton determines if the system will act as a singleton in a system dependency tree. `true` by default. */ function system(constructor, dependencies, _temp) { if (dependencies === void 0) { dependencies = []; } var _ref = _temp === void 0 ? { singleton: true } : _temp, singleton = _ref.singleton; return { id: id(), constructor: constructor, dependencies: dependencies, singleton: singleton }; } /** @internal */ var id = function id() { return Symbol(); }; /** * Initializes a [[SystemSpec]] by recursively initializing its dependencies. * * ```ts * // a simple system with two streams * const sys1 = system(() => { * const a = stream() * const b = stream() * * connect(pipe(a, map(value => value * 2)), b) * return { a, b } * }) * * const { a, b } = init(sys1) * subscribe(b, b => console.log(b)) * publish(a, 2) * ``` * * @returns the [[System]] constructed by the spec constructor. * @param systemSpec the system spec to initialize. */ function init(systemSpec) { var singletons = new Map(); var _init = function _init(_ref2) { var id =, constructor = _ref2.constructor, dependencies = _ref2.dependencies, singleton = _ref2.singleton; if (singleton && singletons.has(id)) { return singletons.get(id); } var system = constructor( (e) { return _init(e); })); if (singleton) { singletons.set(id, system); } return system; }; return _init(systemSpec); } export { always, call, combineLatest, compose, connect, curry1to0, curry2to1, debounceTime, defaultComparator, distinctUntilChanged, duc, eventHandler, filter, getValue, handleNext, init, joinProc, map, mapTo, merge, noop, pipe, prop, publish, reset, scan, skip, statefulStream, statefulStreamFromEmitter, stream, streamFromEmitter, subscribe, system, tap, throttleTime, thrush, tup, withLatestFrom }; //#