"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.ZipOpenFS = exports.getArchivePart = void 0; const tslib_1 = require("tslib"); const fs_1 = require("fs"); const FakeFS_1 = require("./FakeFS"); const NodeFS_1 = require("./NodeFS"); const ZipFS_1 = require("./ZipFS"); const watchFile_1 = require("./algorithms/watchFile"); const errors = tslib_1.__importStar(require("./errors")); const path_1 = require("./path"); // Only file descriptors prefixed by those values will be forwarded to the ZipFS // instances. Note that the highest ZIP_MAGIC bit MUST NOT be set, otherwise the // resulting fd becomes a negative integer, which isn't supposed to happen per // the unix rules (caused problems w/ Go). // // Those values must be synced with packages/yarnpkg-pnp/sources/esm-loader/fspatch.ts // const ZIP_MASK = 0xff000000; const ZIP_MAGIC = 0x2a000000; /** * Extracts the archive part (ending in the first instance of `extension`) from a path. * * The indexOf-based implementation is ~3.7x faster than a RegExp-based implementation. */ const getArchivePart = (path, extension) => { let idx = path.indexOf(extension); if (idx <= 0) return null; let nextCharIdx = idx; while (idx >= 0) { nextCharIdx = idx + extension.length; if (path[nextCharIdx] === path_1.ppath.sep) break; // Disallow files named ".zip" if (path[idx - 1] === path_1.ppath.sep) return null; idx = path.indexOf(extension, nextCharIdx); } // The path either has to end in ".zip" or contain an archive subpath (".zip/...") if (path.length > nextCharIdx && path[nextCharIdx] !== path_1.ppath.sep) return null; return path.slice(0, nextCharIdx); }; exports.getArchivePart = getArchivePart; class ZipOpenFS extends FakeFS_1.BasePortableFakeFS { static async openPromise(fn, opts) { const zipOpenFs = new ZipOpenFS(opts); try { return await fn(zipOpenFs); } finally { zipOpenFs.saveAndClose(); } } get libzip() { if (typeof this.libzipInstance === `undefined`) this.libzipInstance = this.libzipFactory(); return this.libzipInstance; } constructor({ libzip, baseFs = new NodeFS_1.NodeFS(), filter = null, maxOpenFiles = Infinity, readOnlyArchives = false, useCache = true, maxAge = 5000, fileExtensions = null }) { super(); this.fdMap = new Map(); this.nextFd = 3; this.isZip = new Set(); this.notZip = new Set(); this.realPaths = new Map(); this.limitOpenFilesTimeout = null; this.libzipFactory = typeof libzip !== `function` ? () => libzip : libzip; this.baseFs = baseFs; this.zipInstances = useCache ? new Map() : null; this.filter = filter; this.maxOpenFiles = maxOpenFiles; this.readOnlyArchives = readOnlyArchives; this.maxAge = maxAge; this.fileExtensions = fileExtensions; } getExtractHint(hints) { return this.baseFs.getExtractHint(hints); } getRealPath() { return this.baseFs.getRealPath(); } saveAndClose() { (0, watchFile_1.unwatchAllFiles)(this); if (this.zipInstances) { for (const [path, { zipFs }] of this.zipInstances.entries()) { zipFs.saveAndClose(); this.zipInstances.delete(path); } } } discardAndClose() { (0, watchFile_1.unwatchAllFiles)(this); if (this.zipInstances) { for (const [path, { zipFs }] of this.zipInstances.entries()) { zipFs.discardAndClose(); this.zipInstances.delete(path); } } } resolve(p) { return this.baseFs.resolve(p); } remapFd(zipFs, fd) { const remappedFd = this.nextFd++ | ZIP_MAGIC; this.fdMap.set(remappedFd, [zipFs, fd]); return remappedFd; } async openPromise(p, flags, mode) { return await this.makeCallPromise(p, async () => { return await this.baseFs.openPromise(p, flags, mode); }, async (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return this.remapFd(zipFs, await zipFs.openPromise(subPath, flags, mode)); }); } openSync(p, flags, mode) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.openSync(p, flags, mode); }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return this.remapFd(zipFs, zipFs.openSync(subPath, flags, mode)); }); } async opendirPromise(p, opts) { return await this.makeCallPromise(p, async () => { return await this.baseFs.opendirPromise(p, opts); }, async (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return await zipFs.opendirPromise(subPath, opts); }, { requireSubpath: false, }); } opendirSync(p, opts) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.opendirSync(p, opts); }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return zipFs.opendirSync(subPath, opts); }, { requireSubpath: false, }); } async readPromise(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) { if ((fd & ZIP_MASK) !== ZIP_MAGIC) return await this.baseFs.readPromise(fd, buffer, offset, length, position); const entry = this.fdMap.get(fd); if (typeof entry === `undefined`) throw errors.EBADF(`read`); const [zipFs, realFd] = entry; return await zipFs.readPromise(realFd, buffer, offset, length, position); } readSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) { if ((fd & ZIP_MASK) !== ZIP_MAGIC) return this.baseFs.readSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position); const entry = this.fdMap.get(fd); if (typeof entry === `undefined`) throw errors.EBADF(`readSync`); const [zipFs, realFd] = entry; return zipFs.readSync(realFd, buffer, offset, length, position); } async writePromise(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) { if ((fd & ZIP_MASK) !== ZIP_MAGIC) { if (typeof buffer === `string`) { return await this.baseFs.writePromise(fd, buffer, offset); } else { return await this.baseFs.writePromise(fd, buffer, offset, length, position); } } const entry = this.fdMap.get(fd); if (typeof entry === `undefined`) throw errors.EBADF(`write`); const [zipFs, realFd] = entry; if (typeof buffer === `string`) { return await zipFs.writePromise(realFd, buffer, offset); } else { return await zipFs.writePromise(realFd, buffer, offset, length, position); } } writeSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position) { if ((fd & ZIP_MASK) !== ZIP_MAGIC) { if (typeof buffer === `string`) { return this.baseFs.writeSync(fd, buffer, offset); } else { return this.baseFs.writeSync(fd, buffer, offset, length, position); } } const entry = this.fdMap.get(fd); if (typeof entry === `undefined`) throw errors.EBADF(`writeSync`); const [zipFs, realFd] = entry; if (typeof buffer === `string`) { return zipFs.writeSync(realFd, buffer, offset); } else { return zipFs.writeSync(realFd, buffer, offset, length, position); } } async closePromise(fd) { if ((fd & ZIP_MASK) !== ZIP_MAGIC) return await this.baseFs.closePromise(fd); const entry = this.fdMap.get(fd); if (typeof entry === `undefined`) throw errors.EBADF(`close`); this.fdMap.delete(fd); const [zipFs, realFd] = entry; return await zipFs.closePromise(realFd); } closeSync(fd) { if ((fd & ZIP_MASK) !== ZIP_MAGIC) return this.baseFs.closeSync(fd); const entry = this.fdMap.get(fd); if (typeof entry === `undefined`) throw errors.EBADF(`closeSync`); this.fdMap.delete(fd); const [zipFs, realFd] = entry; return zipFs.closeSync(realFd); } createReadStream(p, opts) { if (p === null) return this.baseFs.createReadStream(p, opts); return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.createReadStream(p, opts); }, (zipFs, { archivePath, subPath }) => { const stream = zipFs.createReadStream(subPath, opts); // This is a very hacky workaround. `ZipOpenFS` shouldn't have to work with `NativePath`s. // Ref: https://github.com/yarnpkg/berry/pull/3774 // TODO: think of a better solution stream.path = path_1.npath.fromPortablePath(this.pathUtils.join(archivePath, subPath)); return stream; }); } createWriteStream(p, opts) { if (p === null) return this.baseFs.createWriteStream(p, opts); return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.createWriteStream(p, opts); }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return zipFs.createWriteStream(subPath, opts); }); } async realpathPromise(p) { return await this.makeCallPromise(p, async () => { return await this.baseFs.realpathPromise(p); }, async (zipFs, { archivePath, subPath }) => { let realArchivePath = this.realPaths.get(archivePath); if (typeof realArchivePath === `undefined`) { realArchivePath = await this.baseFs.realpathPromise(archivePath); this.realPaths.set(archivePath, realArchivePath); } return this.pathUtils.join(realArchivePath, this.pathUtils.relative(path_1.PortablePath.root, await zipFs.realpathPromise(subPath))); }); } realpathSync(p) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.realpathSync(p); }, (zipFs, { archivePath, subPath }) => { let realArchivePath = this.realPaths.get(archivePath); if (typeof realArchivePath === `undefined`) { realArchivePath = this.baseFs.realpathSync(archivePath); this.realPaths.set(archivePath, realArchivePath); } return this.pathUtils.join(realArchivePath, this.pathUtils.relative(path_1.PortablePath.root, zipFs.realpathSync(subPath))); }); } async existsPromise(p) { return await this.makeCallPromise(p, async () => { return await this.baseFs.existsPromise(p); }, async (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return await zipFs.existsPromise(subPath); }); } existsSync(p) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.existsSync(p); }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return zipFs.existsSync(subPath); }); } async accessPromise(p, mode) { return await this.makeCallPromise(p, async () => { return await this.baseFs.accessPromise(p, mode); }, async (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return await zipFs.accessPromise(subPath, mode); }); } accessSync(p, mode) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.accessSync(p, mode); }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return zipFs.accessSync(subPath, mode); }); } async statPromise(p, opts) { return await this.makeCallPromise(p, async () => { return await this.baseFs.statPromise(p, opts); }, async (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return await zipFs.statPromise(subPath, opts); }); } statSync(p, opts) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.statSync(p, opts); }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return zipFs.statSync(subPath, opts); }); } async fstatPromise(fd, opts) { if ((fd & ZIP_MASK) !== ZIP_MAGIC) return this.baseFs.fstatPromise(fd, opts); const entry = this.fdMap.get(fd); if (typeof entry === `undefined`) throw errors.EBADF(`fstat`); const [zipFs, realFd] = entry; return zipFs.fstatPromise(realFd, opts); } fstatSync(fd, opts) { if ((fd & ZIP_MASK) !== ZIP_MAGIC) return this.baseFs.fstatSync(fd, opts); const entry = this.fdMap.get(fd); if (typeof entry === `undefined`) throw errors.EBADF(`fstatSync`); const [zipFs, realFd] = entry; return zipFs.fstatSync(realFd, opts); } async lstatPromise(p, opts) { return await this.makeCallPromise(p, async () => { return await this.baseFs.lstatPromise(p, opts); }, async (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return await zipFs.lstatPromise(subPath, opts); }); } lstatSync(p, opts) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.lstatSync(p, opts); }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return zipFs.lstatSync(subPath, opts); }); } async fchmodPromise(fd, mask) { if ((fd & ZIP_MASK) !== ZIP_MAGIC) return this.baseFs.fchmodPromise(fd, mask); const entry = this.fdMap.get(fd); if (typeof entry === `undefined`) throw errors.EBADF(`fchmod`); const [zipFs, realFd] = entry; return zipFs.fchmodPromise(realFd, mask); } fchmodSync(fd, mask) { if ((fd & ZIP_MASK) !== ZIP_MAGIC) return this.baseFs.fchmodSync(fd, mask); const entry = this.fdMap.get(fd); if (typeof entry === `undefined`) throw errors.EBADF(`fchmodSync`); const [zipFs, realFd] = entry; return zipFs.fchmodSync(realFd, mask); } async chmodPromise(p, mask) { return await this.makeCallPromise(p, async () => { return await this.baseFs.chmodPromise(p, mask); }, async (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return await zipFs.chmodPromise(subPath, mask); }); } chmodSync(p, mask) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.chmodSync(p, mask); }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return zipFs.chmodSync(subPath, mask); }); } async fchownPromise(fd, uid, gid) { if ((fd & ZIP_MASK) !== ZIP_MAGIC) return this.baseFs.fchownPromise(fd, uid, gid); const entry = this.fdMap.get(fd); if (typeof entry === `undefined`) throw errors.EBADF(`fchown`); const [zipFs, realFd] = entry; return zipFs.fchownPromise(realFd, uid, gid); } fchownSync(fd, uid, gid) { if ((fd & ZIP_MASK) !== ZIP_MAGIC) return this.baseFs.fchownSync(fd, uid, gid); const entry = this.fdMap.get(fd); if (typeof entry === `undefined`) throw errors.EBADF(`fchownSync`); const [zipFs, realFd] = entry; return zipFs.fchownSync(realFd, uid, gid); } async chownPromise(p, uid, gid) { return await this.makeCallPromise(p, async () => { return await this.baseFs.chownPromise(p, uid, gid); }, async (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return await zipFs.chownPromise(subPath, uid, gid); }); } chownSync(p, uid, gid) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.chownSync(p, uid, gid); }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return zipFs.chownSync(subPath, uid, gid); }); } async renamePromise(oldP, newP) { return await this.makeCallPromise(oldP, async () => { return await this.makeCallPromise(newP, async () => { return await this.baseFs.renamePromise(oldP, newP); }, async () => { throw Object.assign(new Error(`EEXDEV: cross-device link not permitted`), { code: `EEXDEV` }); }); }, async (zipFsO, { subPath: subPathO }) => { return await this.makeCallPromise(newP, async () => { throw Object.assign(new Error(`EEXDEV: cross-device link not permitted`), { code: `EEXDEV` }); }, async (zipFsN, { subPath: subPathN }) => { if (zipFsO !== zipFsN) { throw Object.assign(new Error(`EEXDEV: cross-device link not permitted`), { code: `EEXDEV` }); } else { return await zipFsO.renamePromise(subPathO, subPathN); } }); }); } renameSync(oldP, newP) { return this.makeCallSync(oldP, () => { return this.makeCallSync(newP, () => { return this.baseFs.renameSync(oldP, newP); }, () => { throw Object.assign(new Error(`EEXDEV: cross-device link not permitted`), { code: `EEXDEV` }); }); }, (zipFsO, { subPath: subPathO }) => { return this.makeCallSync(newP, () => { throw Object.assign(new Error(`EEXDEV: cross-device link not permitted`), { code: `EEXDEV` }); }, (zipFsN, { subPath: subPathN }) => { if (zipFsO !== zipFsN) { throw Object.assign(new Error(`EEXDEV: cross-device link not permitted`), { code: `EEXDEV` }); } else { return zipFsO.renameSync(subPathO, subPathN); } }); }); } async copyFilePromise(sourceP, destP, flags = 0) { const fallback = async (sourceFs, sourceP, destFs, destP) => { if ((flags & fs_1.constants.COPYFILE_FICLONE_FORCE) !== 0) throw Object.assign(new Error(`EXDEV: cross-device clone not permitted, copyfile '${sourceP}' -> ${destP}'`), { code: `EXDEV` }); if ((flags & fs_1.constants.COPYFILE_EXCL) && await this.existsPromise(sourceP)) throw Object.assign(new Error(`EEXIST: file already exists, copyfile '${sourceP}' -> '${destP}'`), { code: `EEXIST` }); let content; try { content = await sourceFs.readFilePromise(sourceP); } catch (error) { throw Object.assign(new Error(`EINVAL: invalid argument, copyfile '${sourceP}' -> '${destP}'`), { code: `EINVAL` }); } await destFs.writeFilePromise(destP, content); }; return await this.makeCallPromise(sourceP, async () => { return await this.makeCallPromise(destP, async () => { return await this.baseFs.copyFilePromise(sourceP, destP, flags); }, async (zipFsD, { subPath: subPathD }) => { return await fallback(this.baseFs, sourceP, zipFsD, subPathD); }); }, async (zipFsS, { subPath: subPathS }) => { return await this.makeCallPromise(destP, async () => { return await fallback(zipFsS, subPathS, this.baseFs, destP); }, async (zipFsD, { subPath: subPathD }) => { if (zipFsS !== zipFsD) { return await fallback(zipFsS, subPathS, zipFsD, subPathD); } else { return await zipFsS.copyFilePromise(subPathS, subPathD, flags); } }); }); } copyFileSync(sourceP, destP, flags = 0) { const fallback = (sourceFs, sourceP, destFs, destP) => { if ((flags & fs_1.constants.COPYFILE_FICLONE_FORCE) !== 0) throw Object.assign(new Error(`EXDEV: cross-device clone not permitted, copyfile '${sourceP}' -> ${destP}'`), { code: `EXDEV` }); if ((flags & fs_1.constants.COPYFILE_EXCL) && this.existsSync(sourceP)) throw Object.assign(new Error(`EEXIST: file already exists, copyfile '${sourceP}' -> '${destP}'`), { code: `EEXIST` }); let content; try { content = sourceFs.readFileSync(sourceP); } catch (error) { throw Object.assign(new Error(`EINVAL: invalid argument, copyfile '${sourceP}' -> '${destP}'`), { code: `EINVAL` }); } destFs.writeFileSync(destP, content); }; return this.makeCallSync(sourceP, () => { return this.makeCallSync(destP, () => { return this.baseFs.copyFileSync(sourceP, destP, flags); }, (zipFsD, { subPath: subPathD }) => { return fallback(this.baseFs, sourceP, zipFsD, subPathD); }); }, (zipFsS, { subPath: subPathS }) => { return this.makeCallSync(destP, () => { return fallback(zipFsS, subPathS, this.baseFs, destP); }, (zipFsD, { subPath: subPathD }) => { if (zipFsS !== zipFsD) { return fallback(zipFsS, subPathS, zipFsD, subPathD); } else { return zipFsS.copyFileSync(subPathS, subPathD, flags); } }); }); } async appendFilePromise(p, content, opts) { return await this.makeCallPromise(p, async () => { return await this.baseFs.appendFilePromise(p, content, opts); }, async (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return await zipFs.appendFilePromise(subPath, content, opts); }); } appendFileSync(p, content, opts) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.appendFileSync(p, content, opts); }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return zipFs.appendFileSync(subPath, content, opts); }); } async writeFilePromise(p, content, opts) { return await this.makeCallPromise(p, async () => { return await this.baseFs.writeFilePromise(p, content, opts); }, async (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return await zipFs.writeFilePromise(subPath, content, opts); }); } writeFileSync(p, content, opts) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.writeFileSync(p, content, opts); }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return zipFs.writeFileSync(subPath, content, opts); }); } async unlinkPromise(p) { return await this.makeCallPromise(p, async () => { return await this.baseFs.unlinkPromise(p); }, async (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return await zipFs.unlinkPromise(subPath); }); } unlinkSync(p) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.unlinkSync(p); }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return zipFs.unlinkSync(subPath); }); } async utimesPromise(p, atime, mtime) { return await this.makeCallPromise(p, async () => { return await this.baseFs.utimesPromise(p, atime, mtime); }, async (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return await zipFs.utimesPromise(subPath, atime, mtime); }); } utimesSync(p, atime, mtime) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.utimesSync(p, atime, mtime); }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return zipFs.utimesSync(subPath, atime, mtime); }); } async mkdirPromise(p, opts) { return await this.makeCallPromise(p, async () => { return await this.baseFs.mkdirPromise(p, opts); }, async (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return await zipFs.mkdirPromise(subPath, opts); }); } mkdirSync(p, opts) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.mkdirSync(p, opts); }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return zipFs.mkdirSync(subPath, opts); }); } async rmdirPromise(p, opts) { return await this.makeCallPromise(p, async () => { return await this.baseFs.rmdirPromise(p, opts); }, async (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return await zipFs.rmdirPromise(subPath, opts); }); } rmdirSync(p, opts) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.rmdirSync(p, opts); }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return zipFs.rmdirSync(subPath, opts); }); } async linkPromise(existingP, newP) { return await this.makeCallPromise(newP, async () => { return await this.baseFs.linkPromise(existingP, newP); }, async (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return await zipFs.linkPromise(existingP, subPath); }); } linkSync(existingP, newP) { return this.makeCallSync(newP, () => { return this.baseFs.linkSync(existingP, newP); }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return zipFs.linkSync(existingP, subPath); }); } async symlinkPromise(target, p, type) { return await this.makeCallPromise(p, async () => { return await this.baseFs.symlinkPromise(target, p, type); }, async (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return await zipFs.symlinkPromise(target, subPath); }); } symlinkSync(target, p, type) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.symlinkSync(target, p, type); }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return zipFs.symlinkSync(target, subPath); }); } async readFilePromise(p, encoding) { return this.makeCallPromise(p, async () => { // This weird switch is required to tell TypeScript that the signatures are proper (otherwise it thinks that only the generic one is covered) switch (encoding) { case `utf8`: return await this.baseFs.readFilePromise(p, encoding); default: return await this.baseFs.readFilePromise(p, encoding); } }, async (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return await zipFs.readFilePromise(subPath, encoding); }); } readFileSync(p, encoding) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { // This weird switch is required to tell TypeScript that the signatures are proper (otherwise it thinks that only the generic one is covered) switch (encoding) { case `utf8`: return this.baseFs.readFileSync(p, encoding); default: return this.baseFs.readFileSync(p, encoding); } }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return zipFs.readFileSync(subPath, encoding); }); } async readdirPromise(p, opts) { return await this.makeCallPromise(p, async () => { return await this.baseFs.readdirPromise(p, opts); }, async (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return await zipFs.readdirPromise(subPath, opts); }, { requireSubpath: false, }); } readdirSync(p, opts) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.readdirSync(p, opts); }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return zipFs.readdirSync(subPath, opts); }, { requireSubpath: false, }); } async readlinkPromise(p) { return await this.makeCallPromise(p, async () => { return await this.baseFs.readlinkPromise(p); }, async (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return await zipFs.readlinkPromise(subPath); }); } readlinkSync(p) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.readlinkSync(p); }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return zipFs.readlinkSync(subPath); }); } async truncatePromise(p, len) { return await this.makeCallPromise(p, async () => { return await this.baseFs.truncatePromise(p, len); }, async (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return await zipFs.truncatePromise(subPath, len); }); } truncateSync(p, len) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.truncateSync(p, len); }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return zipFs.truncateSync(subPath, len); }); } async ftruncatePromise(fd, len) { if ((fd & ZIP_MASK) !== ZIP_MAGIC) return this.baseFs.ftruncatePromise(fd, len); const entry = this.fdMap.get(fd); if (typeof entry === `undefined`) throw errors.EBADF(`ftruncate`); const [zipFs, realFd] = entry; return zipFs.ftruncatePromise(realFd, len); } ftruncateSync(fd, len) { if ((fd & ZIP_MASK) !== ZIP_MAGIC) return this.baseFs.ftruncateSync(fd, len); const entry = this.fdMap.get(fd); if (typeof entry === `undefined`) throw errors.EBADF(`ftruncateSync`); const [zipFs, realFd] = entry; return zipFs.ftruncateSync(realFd, len); } watch(p, a, b) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.watch(p, // @ts-expect-error a, b); }, (zipFs, { subPath }) => { return zipFs.watch(subPath, // @ts-expect-error a, b); }); } watchFile(p, a, b) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.watchFile(p, // @ts-expect-error a, b); }, () => { return (0, watchFile_1.watchFile)(this, p, a, b); }); } unwatchFile(p, cb) { return this.makeCallSync(p, () => { return this.baseFs.unwatchFile(p, cb); }, () => { return (0, watchFile_1.unwatchFile)(this, p, cb); }); } async makeCallPromise(p, discard, accept, { requireSubpath = true } = {}) { if (typeof p !== `string`) return await discard(); const normalizedP = this.resolve(p); const zipInfo = this.findZip(normalizedP); if (!zipInfo) return await discard(); if (requireSubpath && zipInfo.subPath === `/`) return await discard(); return await this.getZipPromise(zipInfo.archivePath, async (zipFs) => await accept(zipFs, zipInfo)); } makeCallSync(p, discard, accept, { requireSubpath = true } = {}) { if (typeof p !== `string`) return discard(); const normalizedP = this.resolve(p); const zipInfo = this.findZip(normalizedP); if (!zipInfo) return discard(); if (requireSubpath && zipInfo.subPath === `/`) return discard(); return this.getZipSync(zipInfo.archivePath, zipFs => accept(zipFs, zipInfo)); } findZip(p) { if (this.filter && !this.filter.test(p)) return null; let filePath = ``; while (true) { const pathPartWithArchive = p.substring(filePath.length); let archivePart; if (!this.fileExtensions) { archivePart = (0, exports.getArchivePart)(pathPartWithArchive, `.zip`); } else { for (const ext of this.fileExtensions) { archivePart = (0, exports.getArchivePart)(pathPartWithArchive, ext); if (archivePart) { break; } } } if (!archivePart) return null; filePath = this.pathUtils.join(filePath, archivePart); if (this.isZip.has(filePath) === false) { if (this.notZip.has(filePath)) continue; try { if (!this.baseFs.lstatSync(filePath).isFile()) { this.notZip.add(filePath); continue; } } catch { return null; } this.isZip.add(filePath); } return { archivePath: filePath, subPath: this.pathUtils.join(path_1.PortablePath.root, p.substring(filePath.length)), }; } } limitOpenFiles(max) { if (this.zipInstances === null) return; const now = Date.now(); let nextExpiresAt = now + this.maxAge; let closeCount = max === null ? 0 : this.zipInstances.size - max; for (const [path, { zipFs, expiresAt, refCount }] of this.zipInstances.entries()) { if (refCount !== 0 || zipFs.hasOpenFileHandles()) { continue; } else if (now >= expiresAt) { zipFs.saveAndClose(); this.zipInstances.delete(path); closeCount -= 1; continue; } else if (max === null || closeCount <= 0) { nextExpiresAt = expiresAt; break; } zipFs.saveAndClose(); this.zipInstances.delete(path); closeCount -= 1; } if (this.limitOpenFilesTimeout === null && ((max === null && this.zipInstances.size > 0) || max !== null)) { this.limitOpenFilesTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.limitOpenFilesTimeout = null; this.limitOpenFiles(null); }, nextExpiresAt - now).unref(); } } async getZipPromise(p, accept) { const getZipOptions = async () => ({ baseFs: this.baseFs, libzip: this.libzip, readOnly: this.readOnlyArchives, stats: await this.baseFs.statPromise(p), }); if (this.zipInstances) { let cachedZipFs = this.zipInstances.get(p); if (!cachedZipFs) { const zipOptions = await getZipOptions(); // We need to recheck because concurrent getZipPromise calls may // have instantiated the zip archive while we were waiting cachedZipFs = this.zipInstances.get(p); if (!cachedZipFs) { cachedZipFs = { zipFs: new ZipFS_1.ZipFS(p, zipOptions), expiresAt: 0, refCount: 0, }; } } // Removing then re-adding the field allows us to easily implement // a basic LRU garbage collection strategy this.zipInstances.delete(p); this.limitOpenFiles(this.maxOpenFiles - 1); this.zipInstances.set(p, cachedZipFs); cachedZipFs.expiresAt = Date.now() + this.maxAge; cachedZipFs.refCount += 1; try { return await accept(cachedZipFs.zipFs); } finally { cachedZipFs.refCount -= 1; } } else { const zipFs = new ZipFS_1.ZipFS(p, await getZipOptions()); try { return await accept(zipFs); } finally { zipFs.saveAndClose(); } } } getZipSync(p, accept) { const getZipOptions = () => ({ baseFs: this.baseFs, libzip: this.libzip, readOnly: this.readOnlyArchives, stats: this.baseFs.statSync(p), }); if (this.zipInstances) { let cachedZipFs = this.zipInstances.get(p); if (!cachedZipFs) { cachedZipFs = { zipFs: new ZipFS_1.ZipFS(p, getZipOptions()), expiresAt: 0, refCount: 0, }; } // Removing then re-adding the field allows us to easily implement // a basic LRU garbage collection strategy this.zipInstances.delete(p); this.limitOpenFiles(this.maxOpenFiles - 1); this.zipInstances.set(p, cachedZipFs); cachedZipFs.expiresAt = Date.now() + this.maxAge; return accept(cachedZipFs.zipFs); } else { const zipFs = new ZipFS_1.ZipFS(p, getZipOptions()); try { return accept(zipFs); } finally { zipFs.saveAndClose(); } } } } exports.ZipOpenFS = ZipOpenFS;