'use strict'; const {isParenthesized, getStaticValue} = require('eslint-utils'); const {checkVueTemplate} = require('./utils/rule.js'); const isLogicalExpression = require('./utils/is-logical-expression.js'); const {isBooleanNode, getBooleanAncestor} = require('./utils/boolean.js'); const {memberExpressionSelector} = require('./selectors/index.js'); const {fixSpaceAroundKeyword} = require('./fix/index.js'); const {isLiteral} = require('./ast/index.js'); const TYPE_NON_ZERO = 'non-zero'; const TYPE_ZERO = 'zero'; const MESSAGE_ID_SUGGESTION = 'suggestion'; const messages = { [TYPE_NON_ZERO]: 'Use `.{{property}} {{code}}` when checking {{property}} is not zero.', [TYPE_ZERO]: 'Use `.{{property}} {{code}}` when checking {{property}} is zero.', [MESSAGE_ID_SUGGESTION]: 'Replace `.{{property}}` with `.{{property}} {{code}}`.', }; const isCompareRight = (node, operator, value) => node.type === 'BinaryExpression' && node.operator === operator && isLiteral(node.right, value); const isCompareLeft = (node, operator, value) => node.type === 'BinaryExpression' && node.operator === operator && isLiteral(node.left, value); const nonZeroStyles = new Map([ [ 'greater-than', { code: '> 0', test: node => isCompareRight(node, '>', 0), }, ], [ 'not-equal', { code: '!== 0', test: node => isCompareRight(node, '!==', 0), }, ], ]); const zeroStyle = { code: '=== 0', test: node => isCompareRight(node, '===', 0), }; const lengthSelector = memberExpressionSelector(['length', 'size']); function getLengthCheckNode(node) { node = node.parent; // Zero length check if ( // `foo.length === 0` isCompareRight(node, '===', 0) // `foo.length == 0` || isCompareRight(node, '==', 0) // `foo.length < 1` || isCompareRight(node, '<', 1) // `0 === foo.length` || isCompareLeft(node, '===', 0) // `0 == foo.length` || isCompareLeft(node, '==', 0) // `1 > foo.length` || isCompareLeft(node, '>', 1) ) { return {isZeroLengthCheck: true, node}; } // Non-Zero length check if ( // `foo.length !== 0` isCompareRight(node, '!==', 0) // `foo.length != 0` || isCompareRight(node, '!=', 0) // `foo.length > 0` || isCompareRight(node, '>', 0) // `foo.length >= 1` || isCompareRight(node, '>=', 1) // `0 !== foo.length` || isCompareLeft(node, '!==', 0) // `0 !== foo.length` || isCompareLeft(node, '!=', 0) // `0 < foo.length` || isCompareLeft(node, '<', 0) // `1 <= foo.length` || isCompareLeft(node, '<=', 1) ) { return {isZeroLengthCheck: false, node}; } return {}; } function create(context) { const options = { 'non-zero': 'greater-than', ...context.options[0], }; const nonZeroStyle = nonZeroStyles.get(options['non-zero']); const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode(); function getProblem({node, isZeroLengthCheck, lengthNode, autoFix}) { const {code, test} = isZeroLengthCheck ? zeroStyle : nonZeroStyle; if (test(node)) { return; } let fixed = `${sourceCode.getText(lengthNode)} ${code}`; if ( !isParenthesized(node, sourceCode) && node.type === 'UnaryExpression' && (node.parent.type === 'UnaryExpression' || node.parent.type === 'AwaitExpression') ) { fixed = `(${fixed})`; } const fix = function * (fixer) { yield fixer.replaceText(node, fixed); yield * fixSpaceAroundKeyword(fixer, node, sourceCode); }; const problem = { node, messageId: isZeroLengthCheck ? TYPE_ZERO : TYPE_NON_ZERO, data: {code, property: lengthNode.property.name}, }; if (autoFix) { problem.fix = fix; } else { problem.suggest = [ { messageId: MESSAGE_ID_SUGGESTION, data: problem.data, fix, }, ]; } return problem; } return { [lengthSelector](lengthNode) { if (lengthNode.object.type === 'ThisExpression') { return; } const staticValue = getStaticValue(lengthNode, context.getScope()); if (staticValue && (!Number.isInteger(staticValue.value) || staticValue.value < 0)) { // Ignore known, non-positive-integer length properties. return; } let node; let autoFix = true; let {isZeroLengthCheck, node: lengthCheckNode} = getLengthCheckNode(lengthNode); if (lengthCheckNode) { const {isNegative, node: ancestor} = getBooleanAncestor(lengthCheckNode); node = ancestor; if (isNegative) { isZeroLengthCheck = !isZeroLengthCheck; } } else { const {isNegative, node: ancestor} = getBooleanAncestor(lengthNode); if (isBooleanNode(ancestor)) { isZeroLengthCheck = isNegative; node = ancestor; } else if (isLogicalExpression(lengthNode.parent)) { isZeroLengthCheck = isNegative; node = lengthNode; autoFix = false; } } if (node) { return getProblem({node, isZeroLengthCheck, lengthNode, autoFix}); } }, }; } const schema = [ { type: 'object', additionalProperties: false, properties: { 'non-zero': { enum: [...nonZeroStyles.keys()], default: 'greater-than', }, }, }, ]; /** @type {import('eslint').Rule.RuleModule} */ module.exports = { create: checkVueTemplate(create), meta: { type: 'problem', docs: { description: 'Enforce explicitly comparing the `length` or `size` property of a value.', }, fixable: 'code', schema, messages, hasSuggestions: true, }, };