import _parsePhoneNumber from './parsePhoneNumber.js'; import metadata from '../metadata.min.json' assert { type: 'json' }; function parsePhoneNumber() { for (var _len = arguments.length, parameters = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { parameters[_key] = arguments[_key]; } parameters.push(metadata); return _parsePhoneNumber.apply(this, parameters); } var USE_NON_GEOGRAPHIC_COUNTRY_CODE = false; describe('parsePhoneNumber', function () { it('should parse phone numbers from string', function () { parsePhoneNumber('Phone: 8 (800) 555 35 35.', 'RU').nationalNumber.should.equal('8005553535'); expect(parsePhoneNumber('3', 'RU')); }); it('should work in edge cases', function () { expect(parsePhoneNumber('')); }); it('should parse phone numbers when invalid country code is passed', function () { parsePhoneNumber('Phone: +7 (800) 555 35 35.', 'XX').nationalNumber.should.equal('8005553535'); expect(parsePhoneNumber('Phone: 8 (800) 555-35-35.', 'XX')); }); it('should parse non-geographic numbering plan phone numbers (extended)', function () { var phoneNumber = parsePhoneNumber('+870773111632'); phoneNumber.number.should.equal('+870773111632'); if (USE_NON_GEOGRAPHIC_COUNTRY_CODE) {'001'); } else { expect(; } phoneNumber.countryCallingCode.should.equal('870'); }); it('should parse non-geographic numbering plan phone numbers (default country code) (extended)', function () { var phoneNumber = parsePhoneNumber('773111632', { defaultCallingCode: '870' }); phoneNumber.number.should.equal('+870773111632'); if (USE_NON_GEOGRAPHIC_COUNTRY_CODE) {'001'); } else { expect(; } phoneNumber.countryCallingCode.should.equal('870'); }); it('should determine the possibility of non-geographic phone numbers', function () { var phoneNumber = parsePhoneNumber('+870773111632'); phoneNumber.isPossible().should.equal(true); var phoneNumber2 = parsePhoneNumber('+8707731116321'); phoneNumber2.isPossible().should.equal(false); }); it('should support `extract: false` flag', function () { var testCorrectness = function testCorrectness(number, expectedResult) { var result = expect(parsePhoneNumber(number, { extract: false, defaultCountry: 'US' })); if (expectedResult) {; } else {; } }; testCorrectness('Call: (213) 373-4253', false); testCorrectness('(213) 373-4253x', false); testCorrectness('(213) 373-4253', true); testCorrectness('- (213) 373-4253 -', true); testCorrectness('+1 (213) 373-4253', true); testCorrectness(' +1 (213) 373-4253', false); }); it('should not prematurely strip a possible national prefix from Chinese numbers', function () { // var phoneNumber = parsePhoneNumber('+86123456789'); phoneNumber.isPossible().should.equal(true); phoneNumber.isValid().should.equal(false); phoneNumber.nationalNumber.should.equal('123456789'); }); }); //#