"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; var _fs = _interopRequireDefault(require("fs")); var _os = _interopRequireDefault(require("os")); var _path = _interopRequireDefault(require("path")); var _utilsBundle = require("../utilsBundle"); var _driver = require("./driver"); var _traceViewer = require("../server/trace/viewer/traceViewer"); var playwright = _interopRequireWildcard(require("../..")); var _child_process = require("child_process"); var _utils = require("../utils"); var _server = require("../server"); var _errors = require("../client/errors"); function _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop) { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cacheBabelInterop = new WeakMap(); var cacheNodeInterop = new WeakMap(); return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function (nodeInterop) { return nodeInterop ? cacheNodeInterop : cacheBabelInterop; })(nodeInterop); } function _interopRequireWildcard(obj, nodeInterop) { if (!nodeInterop && obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { default: obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (key !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj.default = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } /** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* eslint-disable no-console */ const packageJSON = require('../../package.json'); _utilsBundle.program.version('Version ' + (process.env.PW_CLI_DISPLAY_VERSION || packageJSON.version)).name(buildBasePlaywrightCLICommand(process.env.PW_LANG_NAME)); _utilsBundle.program.command('mark-docker-image [dockerImageNameTemplate]', { hidden: true }).description('mark docker image').allowUnknownOption(true).action(function (dockerImageNameTemplate) { (0, _utils.assert)(dockerImageNameTemplate, 'dockerImageNameTemplate is required'); (0, _server.writeDockerVersion)(dockerImageNameTemplate).catch(logErrorAndExit); }); commandWithOpenOptions('open [url]', 'open page in browser specified via -b, --browser', []).action(function (url, options) { open(options, url, codegenId()).catch(logErrorAndExit); }).addHelpText('afterAll', ` Examples: $ open $ open -b webkit https://example.com`); commandWithOpenOptions('codegen [url]', 'open page and generate code for user actions', [['-o, --output ', 'saves the generated script to a file'], ['--target ', `language to generate, one of javascript, playwright-test, python, python-async, python-pytest, csharp, csharp-mstest, csharp-nunit, java`, codegenId()], ['--save-trace ', 'record a trace for the session and save it to a file'], ['--test-id-attribute ', 'use the specified attribute to generate data test ID selectors']]).action(function (url, options) { codegen(options, url).catch(logErrorAndExit); }).addHelpText('afterAll', ` Examples: $ codegen $ codegen --target=python $ codegen -b webkit https://example.com`); _utilsBundle.program.command('debug [args...]', { hidden: true }).description('run command in debug mode: disable timeout, open inspector').allowUnknownOption(true).action(function (app, options) { (0, _child_process.spawn)(app, options, { env: { ...process.env, PWDEBUG: '1' }, stdio: 'inherit' }); }).addHelpText('afterAll', ` Examples: $ debug node test.js $ debug npm run test`); function suggestedBrowsersToInstall() { return _server.registry.executables().filter(e => e.installType !== 'none' && e.type !== 'tool').map(e => e.name).join(', '); } function checkBrowsersToInstall(args) { const faultyArguments = []; const executables = []; for (const arg of args) { const executable = _server.registry.findExecutable(arg); if (!executable || executable.installType === 'none') faultyArguments.push(arg);else executables.push(executable); } if (faultyArguments.length) throw new Error(`Invalid installation targets: ${faultyArguments.map(name => `'${name}'`).join(', ')}. Expecting one of: ${suggestedBrowsersToInstall()}`); return executables; } _utilsBundle.program.command('install [browser...]').description('ensure browsers necessary for this version of Playwright are installed').option('--with-deps', 'install system dependencies for browsers').option('--dry-run', 'do not execute installation, only print information').option('--force', 'force reinstall of stable browser channels').action(async function (args, options) { if ((0, _utils.isLikelyNpxGlobal)()) { console.error((0, _utils.wrapInASCIIBox)([`WARNING: It looks like you are running 'npx playwright install' without first`, `installing your project's dependencies.`, ``, `To avoid unexpected behavior, please install your dependencies first, and`, `then run Playwright's install command:`, ``, ` npm install`, ` npx playwright install`, ``, `If your project does not yet depend on Playwright, first install the`, `applicable npm package (most commonly @playwright/test), and`, `then run Playwright's install command to download the browsers:`, ``, ` npm install @playwright/test`, ` npx playwright install`, ``].join('\n'), 1)); } try { const hasNoArguments = !args.length; const executables = hasNoArguments ? _server.registry.defaultExecutables() : checkBrowsersToInstall(args); if (options.withDeps) await _server.registry.installDeps(executables, !!options.dryRun); if (options.dryRun) { for (const executable of executables) { var _executable$directory, _executable$downloadU; const version = executable.browserVersion ? `version ` + executable.browserVersion : ''; console.log(`browser: ${executable.name}${version ? ' ' + version : ''}`); console.log(` Install location: ${(_executable$directory = executable.directory) !== null && _executable$directory !== void 0 ? _executable$directory : ''}`); if ((_executable$downloadU = executable.downloadURLs) !== null && _executable$downloadU !== void 0 && _executable$downloadU.length) { const [url, ...fallbacks] = executable.downloadURLs; console.log(` Download url: ${url}`); for (let i = 0; i < fallbacks.length; ++i) console.log(` Download fallback ${i + 1}: ${fallbacks[i]}`); } console.log(``); } } else { const forceReinstall = hasNoArguments ? false : !!options.force; await _server.registry.install(executables, forceReinstall); } } catch (e) { console.log(`Failed to install browsers\n${e}`); (0, _utils.gracefullyProcessExitDoNotHang)(1); } }).addHelpText('afterAll', ` Examples: - $ install Install default browsers. - $ install chrome firefox Install custom browsers, supports ${suggestedBrowsersToInstall()}.`); _utilsBundle.program.command('uninstall').description('Removes browsers used by this installation of Playwright from the system (chromium, firefox, webkit, ffmpeg). This does not include branded channels.').option('--all', 'Removes all browsers used by any Playwright installation from the system.').action(async options => { delete process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_SKIP_BROWSER_GC; await _server.registry.uninstall(!!options.all).then(({ numberOfBrowsersLeft }) => { if (!options.all && numberOfBrowsersLeft > 0) { console.log('Successfully uninstalled Playwright browsers for the current Playwright installation.'); console.log(`There are still ${numberOfBrowsersLeft} browsers left, used by other Playwright installations.\nTo uninstall Playwright browsers for all installations, re-run with --all flag.`); } }).catch(logErrorAndExit); }); _utilsBundle.program.command('install-deps [browser...]').description('install dependencies necessary to run browsers (will ask for sudo permissions)').option('--dry-run', 'Do not execute installation commands, only print them').action(async function (args, options) { try { if (!args.length) await _server.registry.installDeps(_server.registry.defaultExecutables(), !!options.dryRun);else await _server.registry.installDeps(checkBrowsersToInstall(args), !!options.dryRun); } catch (e) { console.log(`Failed to install browser dependencies\n${e}`); (0, _utils.gracefullyProcessExitDoNotHang)(1); } }).addHelpText('afterAll', ` Examples: - $ install-deps Install dependencies for default browsers. - $ install-deps chrome firefox Install dependencies for specific browsers, supports ${suggestedBrowsersToInstall()}.`); const browsers = [{ alias: 'cr', name: 'Chromium', type: 'chromium' }, { alias: 'ff', name: 'Firefox', type: 'firefox' }, { alias: 'wk', name: 'WebKit', type: 'webkit' }]; for (const { alias, name, type } of browsers) { commandWithOpenOptions(`${alias} [url]`, `open page in ${name}`, []).action(function (url, options) { open({ ...options, browser: type }, url, options.target).catch(logErrorAndExit); }).addHelpText('afterAll', ` Examples: $ ${alias} https://example.com`); } commandWithOpenOptions('screenshot ', 'capture a page screenshot', [['--wait-for-selector ', 'wait for selector before taking a screenshot'], ['--wait-for-timeout ', 'wait for timeout in milliseconds before taking a screenshot'], ['--full-page', 'whether to take a full page screenshot (entire scrollable area)']]).action(function (url, filename, command) { screenshot(command, command, url, filename).catch(logErrorAndExit); }).addHelpText('afterAll', ` Examples: $ screenshot -b webkit https://example.com example.png`); commandWithOpenOptions('pdf ', 'save page as pdf', [['--wait-for-selector ', 'wait for given selector before saving as pdf'], ['--wait-for-timeout ', 'wait for given timeout in milliseconds before saving as pdf']]).action(function (url, filename, options) { pdf(options, options, url, filename).catch(logErrorAndExit); }).addHelpText('afterAll', ` Examples: $ pdf https://example.com example.pdf`); _utilsBundle.program.command('run-driver', { hidden: true }).action(function (options) { (0, _driver.runDriver)(); }); _utilsBundle.program.command('run-server', { hidden: true }).option('--port ', 'Server port').option('--host ', 'Server host').option('--path ', 'Endpoint Path', '/').option('--max-clients ', 'Maximum clients').option('--mode ', 'Server mode, either "default" or "extension"').action(function (options) { (0, _driver.runServer)({ port: options.port ? +options.port : undefined, host: options.host, path: options.path, maxConnections: options.maxClients ? +options.maxClients : Infinity, extension: options.mode === 'extension' || !!process.env.PW_EXTENSION_MODE }).catch(logErrorAndExit); }); _utilsBundle.program.command('print-api-json', { hidden: true }).action(function (options) { (0, _driver.printApiJson)(); }); _utilsBundle.program.command('launch-server', { hidden: true }).requiredOption('--browser ', 'Browser name, one of "chromium", "firefox" or "webkit"').option('--config ', 'JSON file with launchServer options').action(function (options) { (0, _driver.launchBrowserServer)(options.browser, options.config); }); _utilsBundle.program.command('show-trace [trace...]').option('-b, --browser ', 'browser to use, one of cr, chromium, ff, firefox, wk, webkit', 'chromium').option('-h, --host ', 'Host to serve trace on; specifying this option opens trace in a browser tab').option('-p, --port ', 'Port to serve trace on, 0 for any free port; specifying this option opens trace in a browser tab').option('--stdin', 'Accept trace URLs over stdin to update the viewer').description('show trace viewer').action(function (traces, options) { if (options.browser === 'cr') options.browser = 'chromium'; if (options.browser === 'ff') options.browser = 'firefox'; if (options.browser === 'wk') options.browser = 'webkit'; const openOptions = { headless: false, host: options.host, port: +options.port, isServer: !!options.stdin }; if (options.port !== undefined || options.host !== undefined) { (0, _traceViewer.openTraceInBrowser)(traces, openOptions).catch(logErrorAndExit); } else { (0, _traceViewer.openTraceViewerApp)(traces, options.browser, openOptions).then(page => { page.on('close', () => (0, _utils.gracefullyProcessExitDoNotHang)(0)); }).catch(logErrorAndExit); } }).addHelpText('afterAll', ` Examples: $ show-trace https://example.com/trace.zip`); async function launchContext(options, headless, executablePath) { validateOptions(options); const browserType = lookupBrowserType(options); const launchOptions = { headless, executablePath }; if (options.channel) launchOptions.channel = options.channel; launchOptions.handleSIGINT = false; const contextOptions = // Copy the device descriptor since we have to compare and modify the options. options.device ? { ...playwright.devices[options.device] } : {}; // In headful mode, use host device scale factor for things to look nice. // In headless, keep things the way it works in Playwright by default. // Assume high-dpi on MacOS. TODO: this is not perfect. if (!headless) contextOptions.deviceScaleFactor = _os.default.platform() === 'darwin' ? 2 : 1; // Work around the WebKit GTK scrolling issue. if (browserType.name() === 'webkit' && process.platform === 'linux') { delete contextOptions.hasTouch; delete contextOptions.isMobile; } if (contextOptions.isMobile && browserType.name() === 'firefox') contextOptions.isMobile = undefined; if (options.blockServiceWorkers) contextOptions.serviceWorkers = 'block'; // Proxy if (options.proxyServer) { launchOptions.proxy = { server: options.proxyServer }; if (options.proxyBypass) launchOptions.proxy.bypass = options.proxyBypass; } const browser = await browserType.launch(launchOptions); if (process.env.PWTEST_CLI_IS_UNDER_TEST) { process._didSetSourcesForTest = text => { process.stdout.write('\n-------------8<-------------\n'); process.stdout.write(text); process.stdout.write('\n-------------8<-------------\n'); const autoExitCondition = process.env.PWTEST_CLI_AUTO_EXIT_WHEN; if (autoExitCondition && text.includes(autoExitCondition)) Promise.all(context.pages().map(async p => p.close())); }; // Make sure we exit abnormally when browser crashes. const logs = []; require('playwright-core/lib/utilsBundle').debug.log = (...args) => { const line = require('util').format(...args) + '\n'; logs.push(line); process.stderr.write(line); }; browser.on('disconnected', () => { const hasCrashLine = logs.some(line => line.includes('process did exit:') && !line.includes('process did exit: exitCode=0, signal=null')); if (hasCrashLine) { process.stderr.write('Detected browser crash.\n'); (0, _utils.gracefullyProcessExitDoNotHang)(1); } }); } // Viewport size if (options.viewportSize) { try { const [width, height] = options.viewportSize.split(',').map(n => parseInt(n, 10)); contextOptions.viewport = { width, height }; } catch (e) { throw new Error('Invalid viewport size format: use "width, height", for example --viewport-size=800,600'); } } // Geolocation if (options.geolocation) { try { const [latitude, longitude] = options.geolocation.split(',').map(n => parseFloat(n.trim())); contextOptions.geolocation = { latitude, longitude }; } catch (e) { throw new Error('Invalid geolocation format, should be "lat,long". For example --geolocation="37.819722,-122.478611"'); } contextOptions.permissions = ['geolocation']; } // User agent if (options.userAgent) contextOptions.userAgent = options.userAgent; // Lang if (options.lang) contextOptions.locale = options.lang; // Color scheme if (options.colorScheme) contextOptions.colorScheme = options.colorScheme; // Timezone if (options.timezone) contextOptions.timezoneId = options.timezone; // Storage if (options.loadStorage) contextOptions.storageState = options.loadStorage; if (options.ignoreHttpsErrors) contextOptions.ignoreHTTPSErrors = true; // HAR if (options.saveHar) { contextOptions.recordHar = { path: _path.default.resolve(process.cwd(), options.saveHar), mode: 'minimal' }; if (options.saveHarGlob) contextOptions.recordHar.urlFilter = options.saveHarGlob; contextOptions.serviceWorkers = 'block'; } // Close app when the last window closes. const context = await browser.newContext(contextOptions); let closingBrowser = false; async function closeBrowser() { // We can come here multiple times. For example, saving storage creates // a temporary page and we call closeBrowser again when that page closes. if (closingBrowser) return; closingBrowser = true; if (options.saveTrace) await context.tracing.stop({ path: options.saveTrace }); if (options.saveStorage) await context.storageState({ path: options.saveStorage }).catch(e => null); if (options.saveHar) await context.close(); await browser.close(); } context.on('page', page => { page.on('dialog', () => {}); // Prevent dialogs from being automatically dismissed. page.on('close', () => { const hasPage = browser.contexts().some(context => context.pages().length > 0); if (hasPage) return; // Avoid the error when the last page is closed because the browser has been closed. closeBrowser().catch(e => null); }); }); process.on('SIGINT', async () => { await closeBrowser(); (0, _utils.gracefullyProcessExitDoNotHang)(130); }); const timeout = options.timeout ? parseInt(options.timeout, 10) : 0; context.setDefaultTimeout(timeout); context.setDefaultNavigationTimeout(timeout); if (options.saveTrace) await context.tracing.start({ screenshots: true, snapshots: true }); // Omit options that we add automatically for presentation purpose. delete launchOptions.headless; delete launchOptions.executablePath; delete launchOptions.handleSIGINT; delete contextOptions.deviceScaleFactor; return { browser, browserName: browserType.name(), context, contextOptions, launchOptions }; } async function openPage(context, url) { const page = await context.newPage(); if (url) { if (_fs.default.existsSync(url)) url = 'file://' + _path.default.resolve(url);else if (!url.startsWith('http') && !url.startsWith('file://') && !url.startsWith('about:') && !url.startsWith('data:')) url = 'http://' + url; await page.goto(url).catch(error => { if (process.env.PWTEST_CLI_AUTO_EXIT_WHEN && (0, _errors.isTargetClosedError)(error)) { // Tests with PWTEST_CLI_AUTO_EXIT_WHEN might close page too fast, resulting // in a stray navigation aborted error. We should ignore it. } else { throw error; } }); } return page; } async function open(options, url, language) { const { context, launchOptions, contextOptions } = await launchContext(options, !!process.env.PWTEST_CLI_HEADLESS, process.env.PWTEST_CLI_EXECUTABLE_PATH); await context._enableRecorder({ language, launchOptions, contextOptions, device: options.device, saveStorage: options.saveStorage }); await openPage(context, url); } async function codegen(options, url) { const { target: language, output: outputFile, testIdAttribute: testIdAttributeName } = options; const { context, launchOptions, contextOptions } = await launchContext(options, !!process.env.PWTEST_CLI_HEADLESS, process.env.PWTEST_CLI_EXECUTABLE_PATH); await context._enableRecorder({ language, launchOptions, contextOptions, device: options.device, saveStorage: options.saveStorage, mode: 'recording', testIdAttributeName, outputFile: outputFile ? _path.default.resolve(outputFile) : undefined, handleSIGINT: false }); await openPage(context, url); } async function waitForPage(page, captureOptions) { if (captureOptions.waitForSelector) { console.log(`Waiting for selector ${captureOptions.waitForSelector}...`); await page.waitForSelector(captureOptions.waitForSelector); } if (captureOptions.waitForTimeout) { console.log(`Waiting for timeout ${captureOptions.waitForTimeout}...`); await page.waitForTimeout(parseInt(captureOptions.waitForTimeout, 10)); } } async function screenshot(options, captureOptions, url, path) { const { context } = await launchContext(options, true); console.log('Navigating to ' + url); const page = await openPage(context, url); await waitForPage(page, captureOptions); console.log('Capturing screenshot into ' + path); await page.screenshot({ path, fullPage: !!captureOptions.fullPage }); // launchContext takes care of closing the browser. await page.close(); } async function pdf(options, captureOptions, url, path) { if (options.browser !== 'chromium') throw new Error('PDF creation is only working with Chromium'); const { context } = await launchContext({ ...options, browser: 'chromium' }, true); console.log('Navigating to ' + url); const page = await openPage(context, url); await waitForPage(page, captureOptions); console.log('Saving as pdf into ' + path); await page.pdf({ path }); // launchContext takes care of closing the browser. await page.close(); } function lookupBrowserType(options) { let name = options.browser; if (options.device) { const device = playwright.devices[options.device]; name = device.defaultBrowserType; } let browserType; switch (name) { case 'chromium': browserType = playwright.chromium; break; case 'webkit': browserType = playwright.webkit; break; case 'firefox': browserType = playwright.firefox; break; case 'cr': browserType = playwright.chromium; break; case 'wk': browserType = playwright.webkit; break; case 'ff': browserType = playwright.firefox; break; } if (browserType) return browserType; _utilsBundle.program.help(); } function validateOptions(options) { if (options.device && !(options.device in playwright.devices)) { const lines = [`Device descriptor not found: '${options.device}', available devices are:`]; for (const name in playwright.devices) lines.push(` "${name}"`); throw new Error(lines.join('\n')); } if (options.colorScheme && !['light', 'dark'].includes(options.colorScheme)) throw new Error('Invalid color scheme, should be one of "light", "dark"'); } function logErrorAndExit(e) { if (process.env.PWDEBUGIMPL) console.error(e);else console.error(e.name + ': ' + e.message); (0, _utils.gracefullyProcessExitDoNotHang)(1); } function codegenId() { return process.env.PW_LANG_NAME || 'playwright-test'; } function commandWithOpenOptions(command, description, options) { let result = _utilsBundle.program.command(command).description(description); for (const option of options) result = result.option(option[0], ...option.slice(1)); return result.option('-b, --browser ', 'browser to use, one of cr, chromium, ff, firefox, wk, webkit', 'chromium').option('--block-service-workers', 'block service workers').option('--channel ', 'Chromium distribution channel, "chrome", "chrome-beta", "msedge-dev", etc').option('--color-scheme ', 'emulate preferred color scheme, "light" or "dark"').option('--device ', 'emulate device, for example "iPhone 11"').option('--geolocation ', 'specify geolocation coordinates, for example "37.819722,-122.478611"').option('--ignore-https-errors', 'ignore https errors').option('--load-storage ', 'load context storage state from the file, previously saved with --save-storage').option('--lang ', 'specify language / locale, for example "en-GB"').option('--proxy-server ', 'specify proxy server, for example "http://myproxy:3128" or "socks5://myproxy:8080"').option('--proxy-bypass ', 'comma-separated domains to bypass proxy, for example ".com,chromium.org,.domain.com"').option('--save-har ', 'save HAR file with all network activity at the end').option('--save-har-glob ', 'filter entries in the HAR by matching url against this glob pattern').option('--save-storage ', 'save context storage state at the end, for later use with --load-storage').option('--timezone