"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.ChannelOwner = void 0; var _events = require("events"); var _validator = require("../protocol/validator"); var _debugLogger = require("../common/debugLogger"); var _stackTrace = require("../utils/stackTrace"); var _utils = require("../utils"); var _zones = require("../utils/zones"); /** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ class ChannelOwner extends _events.EventEmitter { constructor(parent, type, guid, initializer) { super(); this._connection = void 0; this._parent = void 0; this._objects = new Map(); this._type = void 0; this._guid = void 0; this._channel = void 0; this._initializer = void 0; this._logger = void 0; this._instrumentation = void 0; this._eventToSubscriptionMapping = new Map(); this._wasCollected = false; this.setMaxListeners(0); this._connection = parent instanceof ChannelOwner ? parent._connection : parent; this._type = type; this._guid = guid; this._parent = parent instanceof ChannelOwner ? parent : undefined; this._instrumentation = this._connection._instrumentation; this._connection._objects.set(guid, this); if (this._parent) { this._parent._objects.set(guid, this); this._logger = this._parent._logger; } this._channel = this._createChannel(new _events.EventEmitter()); this._initializer = initializer; } _setEventToSubscriptionMapping(mapping) { this._eventToSubscriptionMapping = mapping; } _updateSubscription(event, enabled) { const protocolEvent = this._eventToSubscriptionMapping.get(String(event)); if (protocolEvent) { this._wrapApiCall(async () => { await this._channel.updateSubscription({ event: protocolEvent, enabled }); }, true).catch(() => {}); } } on(event, listener) { if (!this.listenerCount(event)) this._updateSubscription(event, true); super.on(event, listener); return this; } addListener(event, listener) { if (!this.listenerCount(event)) this._updateSubscription(event, true); super.addListener(event, listener); return this; } prependListener(event, listener) { if (!this.listenerCount(event)) this._updateSubscription(event, true); super.prependListener(event, listener); return this; } off(event, listener) { super.off(event, listener); if (!this.listenerCount(event)) this._updateSubscription(event, false); return this; } removeListener(event, listener) { super.removeListener(event, listener); if (!this.listenerCount(event)) this._updateSubscription(event, false); return this; } _adopt(child) { child._parent._objects.delete(child._guid); this._objects.set(child._guid, child); child._parent = this; } _dispose(reason) { // Clean up from parent and connection. if (this._parent) this._parent._objects.delete(this._guid); this._connection._objects.delete(this._guid); this._wasCollected = reason === 'gc'; // Dispose all children. for (const object of [...this._objects.values()]) object._dispose(reason); this._objects.clear(); } _debugScopeState() { return { _guid: this._guid, objects: Array.from(this._objects.values()).map(o => o._debugScopeState()) }; } _createChannel(base) { const channel = new Proxy(base, { get: (obj, prop) => { if (typeof prop === 'string') { const validator = (0, _validator.maybeFindValidator)(this._type, prop, 'Params'); if (validator) { return async params => { return await this._wrapApiCall(async apiZone => { const { apiName, frames, csi, callCookie, wallTime } = apiZone.reported ? { apiName: undefined, csi: undefined, callCookie: undefined, frames: [], wallTime: undefined } : apiZone; apiZone.reported = true; if (csi && apiName) csi.onApiCallBegin(apiName, params, frames, wallTime, callCookie); return await this._connection.sendMessageToServer(this, prop, validator(params, '', { tChannelImpl: tChannelImplToWire, binary: this._connection.rawBuffers() ? 'buffer' : 'toBase64' }), apiName, frames, wallTime); }); }; } } return obj[prop]; } }); channel._object = this; return channel; } async _wrapApiCall(func, isInternal = false) { const logger = this._logger; const stack = (0, _stackTrace.captureRawStack)(); const apiZone = _zones.zones.zoneData('apiZone', stack); if (apiZone) return await func(apiZone); const stackTrace = (0, _stackTrace.captureLibraryStackTrace)(stack); let apiName = stackTrace.apiName; const frames = stackTrace.frames; isInternal = isInternal || this._type === 'LocalUtils'; if (isInternal) apiName = undefined; // Enclosing zone could have provided the apiName and wallTime. const expectZone = _zones.zones.zoneData('expectZone', stack); const wallTime = expectZone ? expectZone.wallTime : Date.now(); if (!isInternal && expectZone) apiName = expectZone.title; // If we are coming from the expectZone, there is no need to generate a new // step for the API call, since it will be generated by the expect itself. const csi = isInternal || expectZone ? undefined : this._instrumentation; const callCookie = {}; try { logApiCall(logger, `=> ${apiName} started`, isInternal); const apiZone = { apiName, frames, isInternal, reported: false, csi, callCookie, wallTime }; const result = await _zones.zones.run('apiZone', apiZone, async () => { return await func(apiZone); }); csi === null || csi === void 0 ? void 0 : csi.onApiCallEnd(callCookie); logApiCall(logger, `<= ${apiName} succeeded`, isInternal); return result; } catch (e) { const innerError = (process.env.PWDEBUGIMPL || (0, _utils.isUnderTest)()) && e.stack ? '\n\n' + e.stack : ''; if (apiName && !apiName.includes('')) e.message = apiName + ': ' + e.message; const stackFrames = '\n' + (0, _stackTrace.stringifyStackFrames)(stackTrace.frames).join('\n') + innerError; if (stackFrames.trim()) e.stack = e.message + stackFrames;else e.stack = ''; csi === null || csi === void 0 ? void 0 : csi.onApiCallEnd(callCookie, e); logApiCall(logger, `<= ${apiName} failed`, isInternal); throw e; } } _toImpl() { var _this$_connection$toI, _this$_connection; return (_this$_connection$toI = (_this$_connection = this._connection).toImpl) === null || _this$_connection$toI === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$_connection$toI.call(_this$_connection, this); } toJSON() { // Jest's expect library tries to print objects sometimes. // RPC objects can contain links to lots of other objects, // which can cause jest to crash. Let's help it out // by just returning the important values. return { _type: this._type, _guid: this._guid }; } } exports.ChannelOwner = ChannelOwner; function logApiCall(logger, message, isNested) { if (isNested) return; if (logger && logger.isEnabled('api', 'info')) logger.log('api', 'info', message, [], { color: 'cyan' }); _debugLogger.debugLogger.log('api', message); } function tChannelImplToWire(names, arg, path, context) { if (arg._object instanceof ChannelOwner && (names === '*' || names.includes(arg._object._type))) return { guid: arg._object._guid }; throw new _validator.ValidationError(`${path}: expected channel ${names.toString()}`); }