"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Waiter = void 0; var _stackTrace = require("../utils/stackTrace"); var _errors = require("./errors"); var _utils = require("../utils"); /** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ class Waiter { constructor(channelOwner, event) { this._dispose = void 0; this._failures = []; this._immediateError = void 0; this._logs = []; this._channelOwner = void 0; this._waitId = void 0; this._error = void 0; this._waitId = (0, _utils.createGuid)(); this._channelOwner = channelOwner; this._channelOwner._channel.waitForEventInfo({ info: { waitId: this._waitId, phase: 'before', event } }).catch(() => {}); this._dispose = [() => this._channelOwner._wrapApiCall(async () => { await this._channelOwner._channel.waitForEventInfo({ info: { waitId: this._waitId, phase: 'after', error: this._error } }); }, true).catch(() => {})]; } static createForEvent(channelOwner, event) { return new Waiter(channelOwner, event); } async waitForEvent(emitter, event, predicate) { const { promise, dispose } = waitForEvent(emitter, event, predicate); return await this.waitForPromise(promise, dispose); } rejectOnEvent(emitter, event, error, predicate) { const { promise, dispose } = waitForEvent(emitter, event, predicate); this._rejectOn(promise.then(() => { throw typeof error === 'function' ? error() : error; }), dispose); } rejectOnTimeout(timeout, message) { if (!timeout) return; const { promise, dispose } = waitForTimeout(timeout); this._rejectOn(promise.then(() => { throw new _errors.TimeoutError(message); }), dispose); } rejectImmediately(error) { this._immediateError = error; } dispose() { for (const dispose of this._dispose) dispose(); } async waitForPromise(promise, dispose) { try { if (this._immediateError) throw this._immediateError; const result = await Promise.race([promise, ...this._failures]); if (dispose) dispose(); return result; } catch (e) { if (dispose) dispose(); this._error = e.message; this.dispose(); (0, _stackTrace.rewriteErrorMessage)(e, e.message + formatLogRecording(this._logs)); throw e; } } log(s) { this._logs.push(s); this._channelOwner._wrapApiCall(async () => { await this._channelOwner._channel.waitForEventInfo({ info: { waitId: this._waitId, phase: 'log', message: s } }).catch(() => {}); }, true); } _rejectOn(promise, dispose) { this._failures.push(promise); if (dispose) this._dispose.push(dispose); } } exports.Waiter = Waiter; function waitForEvent(emitter, event, predicate) { let listener; const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { listener = async eventArg => { try { if (predicate && !(await predicate(eventArg))) return; emitter.removeListener(event, listener); resolve(eventArg); } catch (e) { emitter.removeListener(event, listener); reject(e); } }; emitter.addListener(event, listener); }); const dispose = () => emitter.removeListener(event, listener); return { promise, dispose }; } function waitForTimeout(timeout) { let timeoutId; const promise = new Promise(resolve => timeoutId = setTimeout(resolve, timeout)); const dispose = () => clearTimeout(timeoutId); return { promise, dispose }; } function formatLogRecording(log) { if (!log.length) return ''; const header = ` logs `; const headerLength = 60; const leftLength = (headerLength - header.length) / 2; const rightLength = headerLength - header.length - leftLength; return `\n${'='.repeat(leftLength)}${header}${'='.repeat(rightLength)}\n${log.join('\n')}\n${'='.repeat(headerLength)}`; }