import { liftTarget, replaceStep, ReplaceStep, canJoin, joinPoint, canSplit, ReplaceAroundStep, findWrapping } from 'prosemirror-transform'; import { Slice, Fragment } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { NodeSelection, Selection, TextSelection, AllSelection } from 'prosemirror-state'; /** Delete the selection, if there is one. */ const deleteSelection = (state, dispatch) => { if (state.selection.empty) return false; if (dispatch) dispatch(; return true; }; function atBlockStart(state, view) { let { $cursor } = state.selection; if (!$cursor || (view ? !view.endOfTextblock("backward", state) : $cursor.parentOffset > 0)) return null; return $cursor; } /** If the selection is empty and at the start of a textblock, try to reduce the distance between that block and the one before it—if there's a block directly before it that can be joined, join them. If not, try to move the selected block closer to the next one in the document structure by lifting it out of its parent or moving it into a parent of the previous block. Will use the view for accurate (bidi-aware) start-of-textblock detection if given. */ const joinBackward = (state, dispatch, view) => { let $cursor = atBlockStart(state, view); if (!$cursor) return false; let $cut = findCutBefore($cursor); // If there is no node before this, try to lift if (!$cut) { let range = $cursor.blockRange(), target = range && liftTarget(range); if (target == null) return false; if (dispatch) dispatch(, target).scrollIntoView()); return true; } let before = $cut.nodeBefore; // Apply the joining algorithm if (!before.type.spec.isolating && deleteBarrier(state, $cut, dispatch)) return true; // If the node below has no content and the node above is // selectable, delete the node below and select the one above. if ($cursor.parent.content.size == 0 && (textblockAt(before, "end") || NodeSelection.isSelectable(before))) { let delStep = replaceStep(state.doc, $cursor.before(), $cursor.after(), Slice.empty); if (delStep && delStep.slice.size < - delStep.from) { if (dispatch) { let tr =; tr.setSelection(textblockAt(before, "end") ? Selection.findFrom(tr.doc.resolve($cut.pos, -1)), -1) : NodeSelection.create(tr.doc, $cut.pos - before.nodeSize)); dispatch(tr.scrollIntoView()); } return true; } } // If the node before is an atom, delete it if (before.isAtom && $cut.depth == $cursor.depth - 1) { if (dispatch) dispatch($cut.pos - before.nodeSize, $cut.pos).scrollIntoView()); return true; } return false; }; /** A more limited form of [`joinBackward`]($commands.joinBackward) that only tries to join the current textblock to the one before it, if the cursor is at the start of a textblock. */ const joinTextblockBackward = (state, dispatch, view) => { let $cursor = atBlockStart(state, view); if (!$cursor) return false; let $cut = findCutBefore($cursor); return $cut ? joinTextblocksAround(state, $cut, dispatch) : false; }; /** A more limited form of [`joinForward`]($commands.joinForward) that only tries to join the current textblock to the one after it, if the cursor is at the end of a textblock. */ const joinTextblockForward = (state, dispatch, view) => { let $cursor = atBlockEnd(state, view); if (!$cursor) return false; let $cut = findCutAfter($cursor); return $cut ? joinTextblocksAround(state, $cut, dispatch) : false; }; function joinTextblocksAround(state, $cut, dispatch) { let before = $cut.nodeBefore, beforeText = before, beforePos = $cut.pos - 1; for (; !beforeText.isTextblock; beforePos--) { if (beforeText.type.spec.isolating) return false; let child = beforeText.lastChild; if (!child) return false; beforeText = child; } let after = $cut.nodeAfter, afterText = after, afterPos = $cut.pos + 1; for (; !afterText.isTextblock; afterPos++) { if (afterText.type.spec.isolating) return false; let child = afterText.firstChild; if (!child) return false; afterText = child; } let step = replaceStep(state.doc, beforePos, afterPos, Slice.empty); if (!step || step.from != beforePos || step instanceof ReplaceStep && step.slice.size >= afterPos - beforePos) return false; if (dispatch) { let tr =; tr.setSelection(TextSelection.create(tr.doc, beforePos)); dispatch(tr.scrollIntoView()); } return true; } function textblockAt(node, side, only = false) { for (let scan = node; scan; scan = (side == "start" ? scan.firstChild : scan.lastChild)) { if (scan.isTextblock) return true; if (only && scan.childCount != 1) return false; } return false; } /** When the selection is empty and at the start of a textblock, select the node before that textblock, if possible. This is intended to be bound to keys like backspace, after [`joinBackward`]( or other deleting commands, as a fall-back behavior when the schema doesn't allow deletion at the selected point. */ const selectNodeBackward = (state, dispatch, view) => { let { $head, empty } = state.selection, $cut = $head; if (!empty) return false; if ($head.parent.isTextblock) { if (view ? !view.endOfTextblock("backward", state) : $head.parentOffset > 0) return false; $cut = findCutBefore($head); } let node = $cut && $cut.nodeBefore; if (!node || !NodeSelection.isSelectable(node)) return false; if (dispatch) dispatch(, $cut.pos - node.nodeSize)).scrollIntoView()); return true; }; function findCutBefore($pos) { if (!$pos.parent.type.spec.isolating) for (let i = $pos.depth - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if ($pos.index(i) > 0) return $pos.doc.resolve($pos.before(i + 1)); if ($pos.node(i).type.spec.isolating) break; } return null; } function atBlockEnd(state, view) { let { $cursor } = state.selection; if (!$cursor || (view ? !view.endOfTextblock("forward", state) : $cursor.parentOffset < $cursor.parent.content.size)) return null; return $cursor; } /** If the selection is empty and the cursor is at the end of a textblock, try to reduce or remove the boundary between that block and the one after it, either by joining them or by moving the other block closer to this one in the tree structure. Will use the view for accurate start-of-textblock detection if given. */ const joinForward = (state, dispatch, view) => { let $cursor = atBlockEnd(state, view); if (!$cursor) return false; let $cut = findCutAfter($cursor); // If there is no node after this, there's nothing to do if (!$cut) return false; let after = $cut.nodeAfter; // Try the joining algorithm if (deleteBarrier(state, $cut, dispatch)) return true; // If the node above has no content and the node below is // selectable, delete the node above and select the one below. if ($cursor.parent.content.size == 0 && (textblockAt(after, "start") || NodeSelection.isSelectable(after))) { let delStep = replaceStep(state.doc, $cursor.before(), $cursor.after(), Slice.empty); if (delStep && delStep.slice.size < - delStep.from) { if (dispatch) { let tr =; tr.setSelection(textblockAt(after, "start") ? Selection.findFrom(tr.doc.resolve($cut.pos)), 1) : NodeSelection.create(tr.doc,$cut.pos))); dispatch(tr.scrollIntoView()); } return true; } } // If the next node is an atom, delete it if (after.isAtom && $cut.depth == $cursor.depth - 1) { if (dispatch) dispatch($cut.pos, $cut.pos + after.nodeSize).scrollIntoView()); return true; } return false; }; /** When the selection is empty and at the end of a textblock, select the node coming after that textblock, if possible. This is intended to be bound to keys like delete, after [`joinForward`]( and similar deleting commands, to provide a fall-back behavior when the schema doesn't allow deletion at the selected point. */ const selectNodeForward = (state, dispatch, view) => { let { $head, empty } = state.selection, $cut = $head; if (!empty) return false; if ($head.parent.isTextblock) { if (view ? !view.endOfTextblock("forward", state) : $head.parentOffset < $head.parent.content.size) return false; $cut = findCutAfter($head); } let node = $cut && $cut.nodeAfter; if (!node || !NodeSelection.isSelectable(node)) return false; if (dispatch) dispatch(, $cut.pos)).scrollIntoView()); return true; }; function findCutAfter($pos) { if (!$pos.parent.type.spec.isolating) for (let i = $pos.depth - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let parent = $pos.node(i); if ($pos.index(i) + 1 < parent.childCount) return $pos.doc.resolve($pos.after(i + 1)); if (parent.type.spec.isolating) break; } return null; } /** Join the selected block or, if there is a text selection, the closest ancestor block of the selection that can be joined, with the sibling above it. */ const joinUp = (state, dispatch) => { let sel = state.selection, nodeSel = sel instanceof NodeSelection, point; if (nodeSel) { if (sel.node.isTextblock || !canJoin(state.doc, sel.from)) return false; point = sel.from; } else { point = joinPoint(state.doc, sel.from, -1); if (point == null) return false; } if (dispatch) { let tr =; if (nodeSel) tr.setSelection(NodeSelection.create(tr.doc, point - state.doc.resolve(point).nodeBefore.nodeSize)); dispatch(tr.scrollIntoView()); } return true; }; /** Join the selected block, or the closest ancestor of the selection that can be joined, with the sibling after it. */ const joinDown = (state, dispatch) => { let sel = state.selection, point; if (sel instanceof NodeSelection) { if (sel.node.isTextblock || !canJoin(state.doc, return false; point =; } else { point = joinPoint(state.doc,, 1); if (point == null) return false; } if (dispatch) dispatch(; return true; }; /** Lift the selected block, or the closest ancestor block of the selection that can be lifted, out of its parent node. */ const lift = (state, dispatch) => { let { $from, $to } = state.selection; let range = $from.blockRange($to), target = range && liftTarget(range); if (target == null) return false; if (dispatch) dispatch(, target).scrollIntoView()); return true; }; /** If the selection is in a node whose type has a truthy [`code`]( property in its spec, replace the selection with a newline character. */ const newlineInCode = (state, dispatch) => { let { $head, $anchor } = state.selection; if (!$head.parent.type.spec.code || !$head.sameParent($anchor)) return false; if (dispatch) dispatch("\n").scrollIntoView()); return true; }; function defaultBlockAt(match) { for (let i = 0; i < match.edgeCount; i++) { let { type } = match.edge(i); if (type.isTextblock && !type.hasRequiredAttrs()) return type; } return null; } /** When the selection is in a node with a truthy [`code`]( property in its spec, create a default block after the code block, and move the cursor there. */ const exitCode = (state, dispatch) => { let { $head, $anchor } = state.selection; if (!$head.parent.type.spec.code || !$head.sameParent($anchor)) return false; let above = $head.node(-1), after = $head.indexAfter(-1), type = defaultBlockAt(above.contentMatchAt(after)); if (!type || !above.canReplaceWith(after, after, type)) return false; if (dispatch) { let pos = $head.after(), tr =, pos, type.createAndFill()); tr.setSelection(Selection.near(tr.doc.resolve(pos), 1)); dispatch(tr.scrollIntoView()); } return true; }; /** If a block node is selected, create an empty paragraph before (if it is its parent's first child) or after it. */ const createParagraphNear = (state, dispatch) => { let sel = state.selection, { $from, $to } = sel; if (sel instanceof AllSelection || $from.parent.inlineContent || $to.parent.inlineContent) return false; let type = defaultBlockAt($to.parent.contentMatchAt($to.indexAfter())); if (!type || !type.isTextblock) return false; if (dispatch) { let side = (!$from.parentOffset && $to.index() < $to.parent.childCount ? $from : $to).pos; let tr =, type.createAndFill()); tr.setSelection(TextSelection.create(tr.doc, side + 1)); dispatch(tr.scrollIntoView()); } return true; }; /** If the cursor is in an empty textblock that can be lifted, lift the block. */ const liftEmptyBlock = (state, dispatch) => { let { $cursor } = state.selection; if (!$cursor || $cursor.parent.content.size) return false; if ($cursor.depth > 1 && $cursor.after() != $cursor.end(-1)) { let before = $cursor.before(); if (canSplit(state.doc, before)) { if (dispatch) dispatch(; return true; } } let range = $cursor.blockRange(), target = range && liftTarget(range); if (target == null) return false; if (dispatch) dispatch(, target).scrollIntoView()); return true; }; /** Create a variant of [`splitBlock`]( that uses a custom function to determine the type of the newly split off block. */ function splitBlockAs(splitNode) { return (state, dispatch) => { let { $from, $to } = state.selection; if (state.selection instanceof NodeSelection && state.selection.node.isBlock) { if (!$from.parentOffset || !canSplit(state.doc, $from.pos)) return false; if (dispatch) dispatch($from.pos).scrollIntoView()); return true; } if (!$from.parent.isBlock) return false; if (dispatch) { let atEnd = $to.parentOffset == $to.parent.content.size; let tr =; if (state.selection instanceof TextSelection || state.selection instanceof AllSelection) tr.deleteSelection(); let deflt = $from.depth == 0 ? null : defaultBlockAt($from.node(-1).contentMatchAt($from.indexAfter(-1))); let splitType = splitNode && splitNode($to.parent, atEnd); let types = splitType ? [splitType] : atEnd && deflt ? [{ type: deflt }] : undefined; let can = canSplit(tr.doc,$from.pos), 1, types); if (!types && !can && canSplit(tr.doc,$from.pos), 1, deflt ? [{ type: deflt }] : undefined)) { if (deflt) types = [{ type: deflt }]; can = true; } if (can) { tr.split($from.pos), 1, types); if (!atEnd && !$from.parentOffset && $from.parent.type != deflt) { let first =$from.before()), $first = tr.doc.resolve(first); if (deflt && $from.node(-1).canReplaceWith($first.index(), $first.index() + 1, deflt)) tr.setNodeMarkup($from.before()), deflt); } } dispatch(tr.scrollIntoView()); } return true; }; } /** Split the parent block of the selection. If the selection is a text selection, also delete its content. */ const splitBlock = splitBlockAs(); /** Acts like [`splitBlock`](, but without resetting the set of active marks at the cursor. */ const splitBlockKeepMarks = (state, dispatch) => { return splitBlock(state, dispatch && (tr => { let marks = state.storedMarks || (state.selection.$to.parentOffset && state.selection.$from.marks()); if (marks) tr.ensureMarks(marks); dispatch(tr); })); }; /** Move the selection to the node wrapping the current selection, if any. (Will not select the document node.) */ const selectParentNode = (state, dispatch) => { let { $from, to } = state.selection, pos; let same = $from.sharedDepth(to); if (same == 0) return false; pos = $from.before(same); if (dispatch) dispatch(, pos))); return true; }; /** Select the whole document. */ const selectAll = (state, dispatch) => { if (dispatch) dispatch( AllSelection(state.doc))); return true; }; function joinMaybeClear(state, $pos, dispatch) { let before = $pos.nodeBefore, after = $pos.nodeAfter, index = $pos.index(); if (!before || !after || !before.type.compatibleContent(after.type)) return false; if (!before.content.size && $pos.parent.canReplace(index - 1, index)) { if (dispatch) dispatch($pos.pos - before.nodeSize, $pos.pos).scrollIntoView()); return true; } if (!$pos.parent.canReplace(index, index + 1) || !(after.isTextblock || canJoin(state.doc, $pos.pos))) return false; if (dispatch) dispatch( .clearIncompatible($pos.pos, before.type, before.contentMatchAt(before.childCount)) .join($pos.pos) .scrollIntoView()); return true; } function deleteBarrier(state, $cut, dispatch) { let before = $cut.nodeBefore, after = $cut.nodeAfter, conn, match; if (before.type.spec.isolating || after.type.spec.isolating) return false; if (joinMaybeClear(state, $cut, dispatch)) return true; let canDelAfter = $cut.parent.canReplace($cut.index(), $cut.index() + 1); if (canDelAfter && (conn = (match = before.contentMatchAt(before.childCount)).findWrapping(after.type)) && match.matchType(conn[0] || after.type).validEnd) { if (dispatch) { let end = $cut.pos + after.nodeSize, wrap = Fragment.empty; for (let i = conn.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) wrap = Fragment.from(conn[i].create(null, wrap)); wrap = Fragment.from(before.copy(wrap)); let tr = ReplaceAroundStep($cut.pos - 1, end, $cut.pos, end, new Slice(wrap, 1, 0), conn.length, true)); let joinAt = end + 2 * conn.length; if (canJoin(tr.doc, joinAt)) tr.join(joinAt); dispatch(tr.scrollIntoView()); } return true; } let selAfter = Selection.findFrom($cut, 1); let range = selAfter && selAfter.$from.blockRange(selAfter.$to), target = range && liftTarget(range); if (target != null && target >= $cut.depth) { if (dispatch) dispatch(, target).scrollIntoView()); return true; } if (canDelAfter && textblockAt(after, "start", true) && textblockAt(before, "end")) { let at = before, wrap = []; for (;;) { wrap.push(at); if (at.isTextblock) break; at = at.lastChild; } let afterText = after, afterDepth = 1; for (; !afterText.isTextblock; afterText = afterText.firstChild) afterDepth++; if (at.canReplace(at.childCount, at.childCount, afterText.content)) { if (dispatch) { let end = Fragment.empty; for (let i = wrap.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) end = Fragment.from(wrap[i].copy(end)); let tr = ReplaceAroundStep($cut.pos - wrap.length, $cut.pos + after.nodeSize, $cut.pos + afterDepth, $cut.pos + after.nodeSize - afterDepth, new Slice(end, wrap.length, 0), 0, true)); dispatch(tr.scrollIntoView()); } return true; } } return false; } function selectTextblockSide(side) { return function (state, dispatch) { let sel = state.selection, $pos = side < 0 ? sel.$from : sel.$to; let depth = $pos.depth; while ($pos.node(depth).isInline) { if (!depth) return false; depth--; } if (!$pos.node(depth).isTextblock) return false; if (dispatch) dispatch(, side < 0 ? $pos.start(depth) : $pos.end(depth)))); return true; }; } /** Moves the cursor to the start of current text block. */ const selectTextblockStart = selectTextblockSide(-1); /** Moves the cursor to the end of current text block. */ const selectTextblockEnd = selectTextblockSide(1); // Parameterized commands /** Wrap the selection in a node of the given type with the given attributes. */ function wrapIn(nodeType, attrs = null) { return function (state, dispatch) { let { $from, $to } = state.selection; let range = $from.blockRange($to), wrapping = range && findWrapping(range, nodeType, attrs); if (!wrapping) return false; if (dispatch) dispatch(, wrapping).scrollIntoView()); return true; }; } /** Returns a command that tries to set the selected textblocks to the given node type with the given attributes. */ function setBlockType(nodeType, attrs = null) { return function (state, dispatch) { let applicable = false; for (let i = 0; i < state.selection.ranges.length && !applicable; i++) { let { $from: { pos: from }, $to: { pos: to } } = state.selection.ranges[i]; state.doc.nodesBetween(from, to, (node, pos) => { if (applicable) return false; if (!node.isTextblock || node.hasMarkup(nodeType, attrs)) return; if (node.type == nodeType) { applicable = true; } else { let $pos = state.doc.resolve(pos), index = $pos.index(); applicable = $pos.parent.canReplaceWith(index, index + 1, nodeType); } }); } if (!applicable) return false; if (dispatch) { let tr =; for (let i = 0; i < state.selection.ranges.length; i++) { let { $from: { pos: from }, $to: { pos: to } } = state.selection.ranges[i]; tr.setBlockType(from, to, nodeType, attrs); } dispatch(tr.scrollIntoView()); } return true; }; } function markApplies(doc, ranges, type) { for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { let { $from, $to } = ranges[i]; let can = $from.depth == 0 ? doc.inlineContent && doc.type.allowsMarkType(type) : false; doc.nodesBetween($from.pos, $to.pos, node => { if (can) return false; can = node.inlineContent && node.type.allowsMarkType(type); }); if (can) return true; } return false; } /** Create a command function that toggles the given mark with the given attributes. Will return `false` when the current selection doesn't support that mark. This will remove the mark if any marks of that type exist in the selection, or add it otherwise. If the selection is empty, this applies to the [stored marks]( instead of a range of the document. */ function toggleMark(markType, attrs = null) { return function (state, dispatch) { let { empty, $cursor, ranges } = state.selection; if ((empty && !$cursor) || !markApplies(state.doc, ranges, markType)) return false; if (dispatch) { if ($cursor) { if (markType.isInSet(state.storedMarks || $cursor.marks())) dispatch(; else dispatch(; } else { let has = false, tr =; for (let i = 0; !has && i < ranges.length; i++) { let { $from, $to } = ranges[i]; has = state.doc.rangeHasMark($from.pos, $to.pos, markType); } for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { let { $from, $to } = ranges[i]; if (has) { tr.removeMark($from.pos, $to.pos, markType); } else { let from = $from.pos, to = $to.pos, start = $from.nodeAfter, end = $to.nodeBefore; let spaceStart = start && start.isText ? /^\s*/.exec(start.text)[0].length : 0; let spaceEnd = end && end.isText ? /\s*$/.exec(end.text)[0].length : 0; if (from + spaceStart < to) { from += spaceStart; to -= spaceEnd; } tr.addMark(from, to, markType.create(attrs)); } } dispatch(tr.scrollIntoView()); } } return true; }; } function wrapDispatchForJoin(dispatch, isJoinable) { return (tr) => { if (!tr.isGeneric) return dispatch(tr); let ranges = []; for (let i = 0; i < tr.mapping.maps.length; i++) { let map = tr.mapping.maps[i]; for (let j = 0; j < ranges.length; j++) ranges[j] =[j]); map.forEach((_s, _e, from, to) => ranges.push(from, to)); } // Figure out which joinable points exist inside those ranges, // by checking all node boundaries in their parent nodes. let joinable = []; for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; i += 2) { let from = ranges[i], to = ranges[i + 1]; let $from = tr.doc.resolve(from), depth = $from.sharedDepth(to), parent = $from.node(depth); for (let index = $from.indexAfter(depth), pos = $from.after(depth + 1); pos <= to; ++index) { let after = parent.maybeChild(index); if (!after) break; if (index && joinable.indexOf(pos) == -1) { let before = parent.child(index - 1); if (before.type == after.type && isJoinable(before, after)) joinable.push(pos); } pos += after.nodeSize; } } // Join the joinable points joinable.sort((a, b) => a - b); for (let i = joinable.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (canJoin(tr.doc, joinable[i])) tr.join(joinable[i]); } dispatch(tr); }; } /** Wrap a command so that, when it produces a transform that causes two joinable nodes to end up next to each other, those are joined. Nodes are considered joinable when they are of the same type and when the `isJoinable` predicate returns true for them or, if an array of strings was passed, if their node type name is in that array. */ function autoJoin(command, isJoinable) { let canJoin = Array.isArray(isJoinable) ? (node) => isJoinable.indexOf( > -1 : isJoinable; return (state, dispatch, view) => command(state, dispatch && wrapDispatchForJoin(dispatch, canJoin), view); } /** Combine a number of command functions into a single function (which calls them one by one until one returns true). */ function chainCommands(...commands) { return function (state, dispatch, view) { for (let i = 0; i < commands.length; i++) if (commands[i](state, dispatch, view)) return true; return false; }; } let backspace = chainCommands(deleteSelection, joinBackward, selectNodeBackward); let del = chainCommands(deleteSelection, joinForward, selectNodeForward); /** A basic keymap containing bindings not specific to any schema. Binds the following keys (when multiple commands are listed, they are chained with [`chainCommands`]( * **Enter** to `newlineInCode`, `createParagraphNear`, `liftEmptyBlock`, `splitBlock` * **Mod-Enter** to `exitCode` * **Backspace** and **Mod-Backspace** to `deleteSelection`, `joinBackward`, `selectNodeBackward` * **Delete** and **Mod-Delete** to `deleteSelection`, `joinForward`, `selectNodeForward` * **Mod-Delete** to `deleteSelection`, `joinForward`, `selectNodeForward` * **Mod-a** to `selectAll` */ const pcBaseKeymap = { "Enter": chainCommands(newlineInCode, createParagraphNear, liftEmptyBlock, splitBlock), "Mod-Enter": exitCode, "Backspace": backspace, "Mod-Backspace": backspace, "Shift-Backspace": backspace, "Delete": del, "Mod-Delete": del, "Mod-a": selectAll }; /** A copy of `pcBaseKeymap` that also binds **Ctrl-h** like Backspace, **Ctrl-d** like Delete, **Alt-Backspace** like Ctrl-Backspace, and **Ctrl-Alt-Backspace**, **Alt-Delete**, and **Alt-d** like Ctrl-Delete. */ const macBaseKeymap = { "Ctrl-h": pcBaseKeymap["Backspace"], "Alt-Backspace": pcBaseKeymap["Mod-Backspace"], "Ctrl-d": pcBaseKeymap["Delete"], "Ctrl-Alt-Backspace": pcBaseKeymap["Mod-Delete"], "Alt-Delete": pcBaseKeymap["Mod-Delete"], "Alt-d": pcBaseKeymap["Mod-Delete"], "Ctrl-a": selectTextblockStart, "Ctrl-e": selectTextblockEnd }; for (let key in pcBaseKeymap) macBaseKeymap[key] = pcBaseKeymap[key]; const mac = typeof navigator != "undefined" ? /Mac|iP(hone|[oa]d)/.test(navigator.platform) // @ts-ignore : typeof os != "undefined" && os.platform ? os.platform() == "darwin" : false; /** Depending on the detected platform, this will hold [`pcBasekeymap`]( or [`macBaseKeymap`]( */ const baseKeymap = mac ? macBaseKeymap : pcBaseKeymap; export { autoJoin, baseKeymap, chainCommands, createParagraphNear, deleteSelection, exitCode, joinBackward, joinDown, joinForward, joinTextblockBackward, joinTextblockForward, joinUp, lift, liftEmptyBlock, macBaseKeymap, newlineInCode, pcBaseKeymap, selectAll, selectNodeBackward, selectNodeForward, selectParentNode, selectTextblockEnd, selectTextblockStart, setBlockType, splitBlock, splitBlockAs, splitBlockKeepMarks, toggleMark, wrapIn };