import { PluginKey, EditorState, Transaction, Selection, Plugin, Command } from 'prosemirror-state'; import { Slice, Node, ResolvedPos, Attrs, NodeType, Fragment, NodeSpec, Schema } from 'prosemirror-model'; import { EditorView, NodeView } from 'prosemirror-view'; import { Mappable } from 'prosemirror-transform'; /** * @public */ declare const fixTablesKey: PluginKey<{ fixTables: boolean; }>; /** * Inspect all tables in the given state's document and return a * transaction that fixes them, if necessary. If `oldState` was * provided, that is assumed to hold a previous, known-good state, * which will be used to avoid re-scanning unchanged parts of the * document. * * @public */ declare function fixTables(state: EditorState, oldState?: EditorState): Transaction | undefined; /** * @public */ type Direction = -1 | 1; /** * @public */ declare function handlePaste(view: EditorView, _: ClipboardEvent, slice: Slice): boolean; /** * @public */ type ColWidths = number[]; /** * @public */ type Problem = { type: 'colwidth mismatch'; pos: number; colwidth: ColWidths; } | { type: 'collision'; pos: number; row: number; n: number; } | { type: 'missing'; row: number; n: number; } | { type: 'overlong_rowspan'; pos: number; n: number; }; /** * @public */ interface Rect { left: number; top: number; right: number; bottom: number; } /** * A table map describes the structure of a given table. To avoid * recomputing them all the time, they are cached per table node. To * be able to do that, positions saved in the map are relative to the * start of the table, rather than the start of the document. * * @public */ declare class TableMap { /** * The number of columns */ width: number; /** * The number of rows */ height: number; /** * A width * height array with the start position of * the cell covering that part of the table in each slot */ map: number[]; /** * An optional array of problems (cell overlap or non-rectangular * shape) for the table, used by the table normalizer. */ problems: Problem[] | null; constructor( /** * The number of columns */ width: number, /** * The number of rows */ height: number, /** * A width * height array with the start position of * the cell covering that part of the table in each slot */ map: number[], /** * An optional array of problems (cell overlap or non-rectangular * shape) for the table, used by the table normalizer. */ problems: Problem[] | null); findCell(pos: number): Rect; colCount(pos: number): number; nextCell(pos: number, axis: 'horiz' | 'vert', dir: number): null | number; rectBetween(a: number, b: number): Rect; cellsInRect(rect: Rect): number[]; positionAt(row: number, col: number, table: Node): number; static get(table: Node): TableMap; } /** * @public */ type MutableAttrs = Record; /** * @public */ interface CellAttrs { colspan: number; rowspan: number; colwidth: number[] | null; } /** * @public */ declare const tableEditingKey: PluginKey; /** * @public */ declare function cellAround($pos: ResolvedPos): ResolvedPos | null; /** * @public */ declare function isInTable(state: EditorState): boolean; /** * @internal */ declare function selectionCell(state: EditorState): ResolvedPos; /** * @public */ declare function pointsAtCell($pos: ResolvedPos): boolean; /** * @public */ declare function moveCellForward($pos: ResolvedPos): ResolvedPos; /** * @internal */ declare function inSameTable($cellA: ResolvedPos, $cellB: ResolvedPos): boolean; /** * @public */ declare function findCell($pos: ResolvedPos): Rect; /** * @public */ declare function colCount($pos: ResolvedPos): number; /** * @public */ declare function nextCell($pos: ResolvedPos, axis: 'horiz' | 'vert', dir: number): ResolvedPos | null; /** * @public */ declare function removeColSpan(attrs: CellAttrs, pos: number, n?: number): CellAttrs; /** * @public */ declare function addColSpan(attrs: CellAttrs, pos: number, n?: number): Attrs; /** * @public */ declare function columnIsHeader(map: TableMap, table: Node, col: number): boolean; /** * @public */ interface CellSelectionJSON { type: string; anchor: number; head: number; } /** * A [`Selection`]( * subclass that represents a cell selection spanning part of a table. * With the plugin enabled, these will be created when the user * selects across cells, and will be drawn by giving selected cells a * `selectedCell` CSS class. * * @public */ declare class CellSelection extends Selection { $anchorCell: ResolvedPos; $headCell: ResolvedPos; constructor($anchorCell: ResolvedPos, $headCell?: ResolvedPos); map(doc: Node, mapping: Mappable): CellSelection | Selection; content(): Slice; replace(tr: Transaction, content?: Slice): void; replaceWith(tr: Transaction, node: Node): void; forEachCell(f: (node: Node, pos: number) => void): void; isColSelection(): boolean; static colSelection($anchorCell: ResolvedPos, $headCell?: ResolvedPos): CellSelection; isRowSelection(): boolean; eq(other: unknown): boolean; static rowSelection($anchorCell: ResolvedPos, $headCell?: ResolvedPos): CellSelection; toJSON(): CellSelectionJSON; static fromJSON(doc: Node, json: CellSelectionJSON): CellSelection; static create(doc: Node, anchorCell: number, headCell?: number): CellSelection; getBookmark(): CellBookmark; } /** * @public */ declare class CellBookmark { anchor: number; head: number; constructor(anchor: number, head: number); map(mapping: Mappable): CellBookmark; resolve(doc: Node): CellSelection | Selection; } /** * @public */ declare const columnResizingPluginKey: PluginKey; /** * @public */ type ColumnResizingOptions = { handleWidth?: number; cellMinWidth?: number; lastColumnResizable?: boolean; View?: new (node: Node, cellMinWidth: number, view: EditorView) => NodeView; }; /** * @public */ type Dragging = { startX: number; startWidth: number; }; /** * @public */ declare function columnResizing({ handleWidth, cellMinWidth, View, lastColumnResizable, }?: ColumnResizingOptions): Plugin; /** * @public */ declare class ResizeState { activeHandle: number; dragging: Dragging | false; constructor(activeHandle: number, dragging: Dragging | false); apply(tr: Transaction): ResizeState; } /** * @public */ type TableRect = Rect & { tableStart: number; map: TableMap; table: Node; }; /** * Helper to get the selected rectangle in a table, if any. Adds table * map, table node, and table start offset to the object for * convenience. * * @public */ declare function selectedRect(state: EditorState): TableRect; /** * Add a column at the given position in a table. * * @public */ declare function addColumn(tr: Transaction, { map, tableStart, table }: TableRect, col: number): Transaction; /** * Command to add a column before the column with the selection. * * @public */ declare function addColumnBefore(state: EditorState, dispatch?: (tr: Transaction) => void): boolean; /** * Command to add a column after the column with the selection. * * @public */ declare function addColumnAfter(state: EditorState, dispatch?: (tr: Transaction) => void): boolean; /** * @public */ declare function removeColumn(tr: Transaction, { map, table, tableStart }: TableRect, col: number): void; /** * Command function that removes the selected columns from a table. * * @public */ declare function deleteColumn(state: EditorState, dispatch?: (tr: Transaction) => void): boolean; /** * @public */ declare function rowIsHeader(map: TableMap, table: Node, row: number): boolean; /** * @public */ declare function addRow(tr: Transaction, { map, tableStart, table }: TableRect, row: number): Transaction; /** * Add a table row before the selection. * * @public */ declare function addRowBefore(state: EditorState, dispatch?: (tr: Transaction) => void): boolean; /** * Add a table row after the selection. * * @public */ declare function addRowAfter(state: EditorState, dispatch?: (tr: Transaction) => void): boolean; /** * @public */ declare function removeRow(tr: Transaction, { map, table, tableStart }: TableRect, row: number): void; /** * Remove the selected rows from a table. * * @public */ declare function deleteRow(state: EditorState, dispatch?: (tr: Transaction) => void): boolean; /** * Merge the selected cells into a single cell. Only available when * the selected cells' outline forms a rectangle. * * @public */ declare function mergeCells(state: EditorState, dispatch?: (tr: Transaction) => void): boolean; /** * Split a selected cell, whose rowpan or colspan is greater than one, * into smaller cells. Use the first cell type for the new cells. * * @public */ declare function splitCell(state: EditorState, dispatch?: (tr: Transaction) => void): boolean; /** * @public */ interface GetCellTypeOptions { node: Node; row: number; col: number; } /** * Split a selected cell, whose rowpan or colspan is greater than one, * into smaller cells with the cell type (th, td) returned by getType function. * * @public */ declare function splitCellWithType(getCellType: (options: GetCellTypeOptions) => NodeType): Command; /** * Returns a command that sets the given attribute to the given value, * and is only available when the currently selected cell doesn't * already have that attribute set to that value. * * @public */ declare function setCellAttr(name: string, value: unknown): Command; /** * @public */ type ToggleHeaderType = 'column' | 'row' | 'cell'; /** * Toggles between row/column header and normal cells (Only applies to first row/column). * For deprecated behavior pass `useDeprecatedLogic` in options with true. * * @public */ declare function toggleHeader(type: ToggleHeaderType, options?: { useDeprecatedLogic: boolean; } | undefined): Command; /** * Toggles whether the selected row contains header cells. * * @public */ declare const toggleHeaderRow: Command; /** * Toggles whether the selected column contains header cells. * * @public */ declare const toggleHeaderColumn: Command; /** * Toggles whether the selected cells are header cells. * * @public */ declare const toggleHeaderCell: Command; /** * Returns a command for selecting the next (direction=1) or previous * (direction=-1) cell in a table. * * @public */ declare function goToNextCell(direction: Direction): Command; /** * Deletes the table around the selection, if any. * * @public */ declare function deleteTable(state: EditorState, dispatch?: (tr: Transaction) => void): boolean; /** * @internal */ type Area = { width: number; height: number; rows: Fragment[]; }; /** * Get a rectangular area of cells from a slice, or null if the outer * nodes of the slice aren't table cells or rows. * * @internal */ declare function pastedCells(slice: Slice): Area | null; /** * Clip or extend (repeat) the given set of cells to cover the given * width and height. Will clip rowspan/colspan cells at the edges when * they stick out. * * @internal */ declare function clipCells({ width, height, rows }: Area, newWidth: number, newHeight: number): Area; /** * Insert the given set of cells (as returned by `pastedCells`) into a * table, at the position pointed at by rect. * * @internal */ declare function insertCells(state: EditorState, dispatch: (tr: Transaction) => void, tableStart: number, rect: Rect, cells: Area): void; /** * @public */ type getFromDOM = (dom: HTMLElement) => unknown; /** * @public */ type setDOMAttr = (value: unknown, attrs: MutableAttrs) => void; /** * @public */ interface CellAttributes { /** * The attribute's default value. */ default: unknown; /** * A function to read the attribute's value from a DOM node. */ getFromDOM?: getFromDOM; /** * A function to add the attribute's value to an attribute * object that's used to render the cell's DOM. */ setDOMAttr?: setDOMAttr; } /** * @public */ interface TableNodesOptions { /** * A group name (something like `"block"`) to add to the table * node type. */ tableGroup?: string; /** * The content expression for table cells. */ cellContent: string; /** * Additional attributes to add to cells. Maps attribute names to * objects with the following properties: */ cellAttributes: { [key: string]: CellAttributes; }; } /** * @public */ type TableNodes = Record<'table' | 'table_row' | 'table_cell' | 'table_header', NodeSpec>; /** * This function creates a set of [node * specs]( for * `table`, `table_row`, and `table_cell` nodes types as used by this * module. The result can then be added to the set of nodes when * creating a schema. * * @public */ declare function tableNodes(options: TableNodesOptions): TableNodes; /** * @public */ type TableRole = 'table' | 'row' | 'cell' | 'header_cell'; /** * @public */ declare function tableNodeTypes(schema: Schema): Record; /** * @public */ declare class TableView implements NodeView { node: Node; cellMinWidth: number; dom: HTMLDivElement; table: HTMLTableElement; colgroup: HTMLTableColElement; contentDOM: HTMLTableSectionElement; constructor(node: Node, cellMinWidth: number); update(node: Node): boolean; ignoreMutation(record: MutationRecord): boolean; } /** * @public */ declare function updateColumnsOnResize(node: Node, colgroup: HTMLTableColElement, table: HTMLTableElement, cellMinWidth: number, overrideCol?: number, overrideValue?: number): void; /** * @public */ type TableEditingOptions = { allowTableNodeSelection?: boolean; }; /** * Creates a [plugin]( * that, when added to an editor, enables cell-selection, handles * cell-based copy/paste, and makes sure tables stay well-formed (each * row has the same width, and cells don't overlap). * * You should probably put this plugin near the end of your array of * plugins, since it handles mouse and arrow key events in tables * rather broadly, and other plugins, like the gap cursor or the * column-width dragging plugin, might want to get a turn first to * perform more specific behavior. * * @public */ declare function tableEditing({ allowTableNodeSelection, }?: TableEditingOptions): Plugin; export { CellAttributes, CellBookmark, CellSelection, CellSelectionJSON, ColWidths, ColumnResizingOptions, Direction, Dragging, GetCellTypeOptions, MutableAttrs, Problem, Rect, ResizeState, TableEditingOptions, TableMap, TableNodes, TableNodesOptions, TableRect, TableRole, TableView, ToggleHeaderType, Area as __Area, clipCells as __clipCells, insertCells as __insertCells, pastedCells as __pastedCells, addColSpan, addColumn, addColumnAfter, addColumnBefore, addRow, addRowAfter, addRowBefore, cellAround, colCount, columnIsHeader, columnResizing, columnResizingPluginKey, deleteColumn, deleteRow, deleteTable, findCell, fixTables, fixTablesKey, getFromDOM, goToNextCell, handlePaste, inSameTable, isInTable, mergeCells, moveCellForward, nextCell, pointsAtCell, removeColSpan, removeColumn, removeRow, rowIsHeader, selectedRect, selectionCell, setCellAttr, setDOMAttr, splitCell, splitCellWithType, tableEditing, tableEditingKey, tableNodeTypes, tableNodes, toggleHeader, toggleHeaderCell, toggleHeaderColumn, toggleHeaderRow, updateColumnsOnResize };