> v1+ for React 15, v2+ requires React 16.8+
Removes scroll bar (by setting `overflow: hidden` on body), and preserves the scroll bar "gap".
Read - it just makes scroll bar invisible.
Does nothing if scroll bar does not consume any space.
# Usage
import {RemoveScrollBar} from 'react-remove-scroll-bar';
-> no scroll bar
### The Right Border
To prevent content jumps __position:fixed__ elements with `right:0` should have additional classname applied.
It will just provide a _non-zero_ right, when it needed, to maintain the right "gap".
import {zeroRightClassName,fullWidthClassName, noScrollbarsClassName} from 'react-remove-scroll-bar';
// to set `right:0` on an element
// to set `width:100%` on an element
// to remove scrollbar from an element
# Size
500b after compression (excluding tslib).
# Scroll-Locky
All code is a result of a [react-scroll-locky]( refactoring.
# Article
There is a medium article about preventing the body scroll - [How to fight the scroll](
# License