import React from 'react'; import { ToastTransitionProps } from '../types'; export interface CSSTransitionProps { /** * Css class to apply when toast enter */ enter: string; /** * Css class to apply when toast leave */ exit: string; /** * Append current toast position to the classname. * If multiple classes are provided, only the last one will get the position * For instance `myclass--top-center`... * `Default: false` */ appendPosition?: boolean; /** * Collapse toast smoothly when exit animation end * `Default: true` */ collapse?: boolean; /** * Collapse transition duration * `Default: 300` */ collapseDuration?: number; } /** * Css animation that just work. * You could use animate.css for instance * * * ``` * cssTransition({ * enter: "animate__animated animate__bounceIn", * exit: "animate__animated animate__bounceOut" * }) * ``` * */ export declare function cssTransition({ enter, exit, appendPosition, collapse, collapseDuration }: CSSTransitionProps): ({ children, position, preventExitTransition, done, nodeRef, isIn }: ToastTransitionProps) => React.JSX.Element;