export const VERSION: string; export interface RollupError extends RollupLogProps { parserError?: Error; stack?: string; watchFiles?: string[]; } export interface RollupWarning extends RollupLogProps { chunkName?: string; cycle?: string[]; exportName?: string; exporter?: string; guess?: string; importer?: string; missing?: string; modules?: string[]; names?: string[]; reexporter?: string; source?: string; sources?: string[]; } export interface RollupLogProps { code?: string; frame?: string; hook?: string; id?: string; loc?: { column: number; file?: string; line: number; }; message: string; name?: string; plugin?: string; pluginCode?: string; pos?: number; url?: string; } export type SourceMapSegment = | [number] | [number, number, number, number] | [number, number, number, number, number]; export interface ExistingDecodedSourceMap { file?: string; mappings: SourceMapSegment[][]; names: string[]; sourceRoot?: string; sources: string[]; sourcesContent?: string[]; version: number; } export interface ExistingRawSourceMap { file?: string; mappings: string; names: string[]; sourceRoot?: string; sources: string[]; sourcesContent?: string[]; version: number; } export type DecodedSourceMapOrMissing = | { mappings?: never; missing: true; plugin: string; } | ExistingDecodedSourceMap; export interface SourceMap { file: string; mappings: string; names: string[]; sources: string[]; sourcesContent: string[]; version: number; toString(): string; toUrl(): string; } export type SourceMapInput = ExistingRawSourceMap | string | null | { mappings: '' }; type PartialNull = { [P in keyof T]: T[P] | null; }; interface ModuleOptions { meta: CustomPluginOptions; moduleSideEffects: boolean | 'no-treeshake'; syntheticNamedExports: boolean | string; } export interface SourceDescription extends Partial> { ast?: AcornNode; code: string; map?: SourceMapInput; } export interface TransformModuleJSON { ast?: AcornNode; code: string; // note if plugins use new this.cache to opt-out auto transform cache customTransformCache: boolean; originalCode: string; originalSourcemap: ExistingDecodedSourceMap | null; sourcemapChain: DecodedSourceMapOrMissing[]; transformDependencies: string[]; } export interface ModuleJSON extends TransformModuleJSON, ModuleOptions { ast: AcornNode; dependencies: string[]; id: string; resolvedIds: ResolvedIdMap; transformFiles: EmittedFile[] | undefined; } export interface PluginCache { delete(id: string): boolean; get(id: string): T; has(id: string): boolean; set(id: string, value: T): void; } export interface MinimalPluginContext { meta: PluginContextMeta; } export interface EmittedAsset { fileName?: string; name?: string; source?: string | Uint8Array; type: 'asset'; } export interface EmittedChunk { fileName?: string; id: string; implicitlyLoadedAfterOneOf?: string[]; importer?: string; name?: string; preserveSignature?: PreserveEntrySignaturesOption; type: 'chunk'; } export type EmittedFile = EmittedAsset | EmittedChunk; export type EmitAsset = (name: string, source?: string | Uint8Array) => string; export type EmitChunk = (id: string, options?: { name?: string }) => string; export type EmitFile = (emittedFile: EmittedFile) => string; interface ModuleInfo extends ModuleOptions { ast: AcornNode | null; code: string | null; dynamicImporters: readonly string[]; dynamicallyImportedIdResolutions: readonly ResolvedId[]; dynamicallyImportedIds: readonly string[]; hasDefaultExport: boolean | null; /** @deprecated Use `moduleSideEffects` instead */ hasModuleSideEffects: boolean | 'no-treeshake'; id: string; implicitlyLoadedAfterOneOf: readonly string[]; implicitlyLoadedBefore: readonly string[]; importedIdResolutions: readonly ResolvedId[]; importedIds: readonly string[]; importers: readonly string[]; isEntry: boolean; isExternal: boolean; isIncluded: boolean | null; } export type GetModuleInfo = (moduleId: string) => ModuleInfo | null; export interface CustomPluginOptions { [plugin: string]: any; } export interface PluginContext extends MinimalPluginContext { addWatchFile: (id: string) => void; cache: PluginCache; /** @deprecated Use `this.emitFile` instead */ emitAsset: EmitAsset; /** @deprecated Use `this.emitFile` instead */ emitChunk: EmitChunk; emitFile: EmitFile; error: (err: RollupError | string, pos?: number | { column: number; line: number }) => never; /** @deprecated Use `this.getFileName` instead */ getAssetFileName: (assetReferenceId: string) => string; /** @deprecated Use `this.getFileName` instead */ getChunkFileName: (chunkReferenceId: string) => string; getFileName: (fileReferenceId: string) => string; getModuleIds: () => IterableIterator; getModuleInfo: GetModuleInfo; getWatchFiles: () => string[]; /** @deprecated Use `this.resolve` instead */ isExternal: IsExternal; load: ( options: { id: string; resolveDependencies?: boolean } & Partial> ) => Promise; /** @deprecated Use `this.getModuleIds` instead */ moduleIds: IterableIterator; parse: (input: string, options?: any) => AcornNode; resolve: ( source: string, importer?: string, options?: { custom?: CustomPluginOptions; isEntry?: boolean; skipSelf?: boolean } ) => Promise; /** @deprecated Use `this.resolve` instead */ resolveId: (source: string, importer?: string) => Promise; setAssetSource: (assetReferenceId: string, source: string | Uint8Array) => void; warn: (warning: RollupWarning | string, pos?: number | { column: number; line: number }) => void; } export interface PluginContextMeta { rollupVersion: string; watchMode: boolean; } export interface ResolvedId extends ModuleOptions { external: boolean | 'absolute'; id: string; } export interface ResolvedIdMap { [key: string]: ResolvedId; } interface PartialResolvedId extends Partial> { external?: boolean | 'absolute' | 'relative'; id: string; } export type ResolveIdResult = string | false | null | void | PartialResolvedId; export type ResolveIdHook = ( this: PluginContext, source: string, importer: string | undefined, options: { custom?: CustomPluginOptions; isEntry: boolean } ) => ResolveIdResult; export type ShouldTransformCachedModuleHook = ( this: PluginContext, options: { ast: AcornNode; code: string; id: string; meta: CustomPluginOptions; moduleSideEffects: boolean | 'no-treeshake'; resolvedSources: ResolvedIdMap; syntheticNamedExports: boolean | string; } ) => boolean; export type IsExternal = ( source: string, importer: string | undefined, isResolved: boolean ) => boolean; export type IsPureModule = (id: string) => boolean | null | void; export type HasModuleSideEffects = (id: string, external: boolean) => boolean; export type LoadResult = SourceDescription | string | null | void; export type LoadHook = (this: PluginContext, id: string) => LoadResult; export interface TransformPluginContext extends PluginContext { getCombinedSourcemap: () => SourceMap; } export type TransformResult = string | null | void | Partial; export type TransformHook = ( this: TransformPluginContext, code: string, id: string ) => TransformResult; export type ModuleParsedHook = (this: PluginContext, info: ModuleInfo) => void; export type RenderChunkHook = ( this: PluginContext, code: string, chunk: RenderedChunk, options: NormalizedOutputOptions ) => { code: string; map?: SourceMapInput } | string | null | undefined; export type ResolveDynamicImportHook = ( this: PluginContext, specifier: string | AcornNode, importer: string ) => ResolveIdResult; export type ResolveImportMetaHook = ( this: PluginContext, prop: string | null, options: { chunkId: string; format: InternalModuleFormat; moduleId: string } ) => string | null | void; export type ResolveAssetUrlHook = ( this: PluginContext, options: { assetFileName: string; chunkId: string; format: InternalModuleFormat; moduleId: string; relativeAssetPath: string; } ) => string | null | void; export type ResolveFileUrlHook = ( this: PluginContext, options: { assetReferenceId: string | null; chunkId: string; chunkReferenceId: string | null; fileName: string; format: InternalModuleFormat; moduleId: string; referenceId: string; relativePath: string; } ) => string | null | void; export type AddonHookFunction = (this: PluginContext) => string | Promise; export type AddonHook = string | AddonHookFunction; export type ChangeEvent = 'create' | 'update' | 'delete'; export type WatchChangeHook = ( this: PluginContext, id: string, change: { event: ChangeEvent } ) => void; /** * use this type for plugin annotation * @example * ```ts * interface Options { * ... * } * const myPlugin: PluginImpl = (options = {}) => { ... } * ``` */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types export type PluginImpl = (options?: O) => Plugin; export interface OutputBundle { [fileName: string]: OutputAsset | OutputChunk; } export interface FilePlaceholder { type: 'placeholder'; } export interface OutputBundleWithPlaceholders { [fileName: string]: OutputAsset | OutputChunk | FilePlaceholder; } export interface FunctionPluginHooks { augmentChunkHash: (this: PluginContext, chunk: PreRenderedChunk) => string | void; buildEnd: (this: PluginContext, err?: Error) => void; buildStart: (this: PluginContext, options: NormalizedInputOptions) => void; closeBundle: (this: PluginContext) => void; closeWatcher: (this: PluginContext) => void; generateBundle: ( this: PluginContext, options: NormalizedOutputOptions, bundle: OutputBundle, isWrite: boolean ) => void; load: LoadHook; moduleParsed: ModuleParsedHook; options: (this: MinimalPluginContext, options: InputOptions) => InputOptions | null | void; outputOptions: (this: PluginContext, options: OutputOptions) => OutputOptions | null | void; renderChunk: RenderChunkHook; renderDynamicImport: ( this: PluginContext, options: { customResolution: string | null; format: InternalModuleFormat; moduleId: string; targetModuleId: string | null; } ) => { left: string; right: string } | null | void; renderError: (this: PluginContext, err?: Error) => void; renderStart: ( this: PluginContext, outputOptions: NormalizedOutputOptions, inputOptions: NormalizedInputOptions ) => void; /** @deprecated Use `resolveFileUrl` instead */ resolveAssetUrl: ResolveAssetUrlHook; resolveDynamicImport: ResolveDynamicImportHook; resolveFileUrl: ResolveFileUrlHook; resolveId: ResolveIdHook; resolveImportMeta: ResolveImportMetaHook; shouldTransformCachedModule: ShouldTransformCachedModuleHook; transform: TransformHook; watchChange: WatchChangeHook; writeBundle: ( this: PluginContext, options: NormalizedOutputOptions, bundle: OutputBundle ) => void; } export type OutputPluginHooks = | 'augmentChunkHash' | 'generateBundle' | 'outputOptions' | 'renderChunk' | 'renderDynamicImport' | 'renderError' | 'renderStart' | 'resolveAssetUrl' | 'resolveFileUrl' | 'resolveImportMeta' | 'writeBundle'; export type InputPluginHooks = Exclude; export type SyncPluginHooks = | 'augmentChunkHash' | 'outputOptions' | 'renderDynamicImport' | 'resolveAssetUrl' | 'resolveFileUrl' | 'resolveImportMeta'; export type AsyncPluginHooks = Exclude; export type FirstPluginHooks = | 'load' | 'renderDynamicImport' | 'resolveAssetUrl' | 'resolveDynamicImport' | 'resolveFileUrl' | 'resolveId' | 'resolveImportMeta' | 'shouldTransformCachedModule'; export type SequentialPluginHooks = | 'augmentChunkHash' | 'generateBundle' | 'options' | 'outputOptions' | 'renderChunk' | 'transform'; export type ParallelPluginHooks = Exclude< keyof FunctionPluginHooks | AddonHooks, FirstPluginHooks | SequentialPluginHooks >; export type AddonHooks = 'banner' | 'footer' | 'intro' | 'outro'; type MakeAsync = Fn extends (this: infer This, ...args: infer Args) => infer Return ? (this: This, ...args: Args) => Return | Promise : never; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types type ObjectHook = T | ({ handler: T; order?: 'pre' | 'post' | null } & O); export type PluginHooks = { [K in keyof FunctionPluginHooks]: ObjectHook< K extends AsyncPluginHooks ? MakeAsync : FunctionPluginHooks[K], // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types K extends ParallelPluginHooks ? { sequential?: boolean } : {} >; }; export interface OutputPlugin extends Partial<{ [K in OutputPluginHooks]: PluginHooks[K] }>, Partial<{ [K in AddonHooks]: ObjectHook }> { cacheKey?: string; name: string; } export interface Plugin extends OutputPlugin, Partial { // for inter-plugin communication api?: any; } type TreeshakingPreset = 'smallest' | 'safest' | 'recommended'; export interface NormalizedTreeshakingOptions { annotations: boolean; correctVarValueBeforeDeclaration: boolean; moduleSideEffects: HasModuleSideEffects; propertyReadSideEffects: boolean | 'always'; tryCatchDeoptimization: boolean; unknownGlobalSideEffects: boolean; } export interface TreeshakingOptions extends Partial> { moduleSideEffects?: ModuleSideEffectsOption; preset?: TreeshakingPreset; /** @deprecated Use `moduleSideEffects` instead */ pureExternalModules?: PureModulesOption; } interface GetManualChunkApi { getModuleIds: () => IterableIterator; getModuleInfo: GetModuleInfo; } export type GetManualChunk = (id: string, api: GetManualChunkApi) => string | null | void; export type ExternalOption = | (string | RegExp)[] | string | RegExp | ((source: string, importer: string | undefined, isResolved: boolean) => boolean | null | void); export type PureModulesOption = boolean | string[] | IsPureModule; export type GlobalsOption = { [name: string]: string } | ((name: string) => string); export type InputOption = string | string[] | { [entryAlias: string]: string }; export type ManualChunksOption = { [chunkAlias: string]: string[] } | GetManualChunk; export type ModuleSideEffectsOption = boolean | 'no-external' | string[] | HasModuleSideEffects; export type PreserveEntrySignaturesOption = false | 'strict' | 'allow-extension' | 'exports-only'; export type SourcemapPathTransformOption = ( relativeSourcePath: string, sourcemapPath: string ) => string; export interface InputOptions { acorn?: Record; acornInjectPlugins?: (() => unknown)[] | (() => unknown); cache?: false | RollupCache; context?: string; experimentalCacheExpiry?: number; external?: ExternalOption; /** @deprecated Use the "inlineDynamicImports" output option instead. */ inlineDynamicImports?: boolean; input?: InputOption; makeAbsoluteExternalsRelative?: boolean | 'ifRelativeSource'; /** @deprecated Use the "manualChunks" output option instead. */ manualChunks?: ManualChunksOption; maxParallelFileOps?: number; /** @deprecated Use the "maxParallelFileOps" option instead. */ maxParallelFileReads?: number; moduleContext?: ((id: string) => string | null | void) | { [id: string]: string }; onwarn?: WarningHandlerWithDefault; perf?: boolean; plugins?: (Plugin | null | false | undefined)[]; preserveEntrySignatures?: PreserveEntrySignaturesOption; /** @deprecated Use the "preserveModules" output option instead. */ preserveModules?: boolean; preserveSymlinks?: boolean; shimMissingExports?: boolean; strictDeprecations?: boolean; treeshake?: boolean | TreeshakingPreset | TreeshakingOptions; watch?: WatcherOptions | false; } export interface NormalizedInputOptions { acorn: Record; acornInjectPlugins: (() => unknown)[]; cache: false | undefined | RollupCache; context: string; experimentalCacheExpiry: number; external: IsExternal; /** @deprecated Use the "inlineDynamicImports" output option instead. */ inlineDynamicImports: boolean | undefined; input: string[] | { [entryAlias: string]: string }; makeAbsoluteExternalsRelative: boolean | 'ifRelativeSource'; /** @deprecated Use the "manualChunks" output option instead. */ manualChunks: ManualChunksOption | undefined; maxParallelFileOps: number; /** @deprecated Use the "maxParallelFileOps" option instead. */ maxParallelFileReads: number; moduleContext: (id: string) => string; onwarn: WarningHandler; perf: boolean; plugins: Plugin[]; preserveEntrySignatures: PreserveEntrySignaturesOption; /** @deprecated Use the "preserveModules" output option instead. */ preserveModules: boolean | undefined; preserveSymlinks: boolean; shimMissingExports: boolean; strictDeprecations: boolean; treeshake: false | NormalizedTreeshakingOptions; } export type InternalModuleFormat = 'amd' | 'cjs' | 'es' | 'iife' | 'system' | 'umd'; export type ModuleFormat = InternalModuleFormat | 'commonjs' | 'esm' | 'module' | 'systemjs'; type GeneratedCodePreset = 'es5' | 'es2015'; interface NormalizedGeneratedCodeOptions { arrowFunctions: boolean; constBindings: boolean; objectShorthand: boolean; reservedNamesAsProps: boolean; symbols: boolean; } interface GeneratedCodeOptions extends Partial { preset?: GeneratedCodePreset; } export type OptionsPaths = Record | ((id: string) => string); export type InteropType = boolean | 'auto' | 'esModule' | 'default' | 'defaultOnly'; export type GetInterop = (id: string | null) => InteropType; export type AmdOptions = ( | { autoId?: false; id: string; } | { autoId: true; basePath?: string; id?: undefined; } | { autoId?: false; id?: undefined; } ) & { define?: string; }; export type NormalizedAmdOptions = ( | { autoId: false; id?: string; } | { autoId: true; basePath: string; } ) & { define: string; }; export interface OutputOptions { amd?: AmdOptions; assetFileNames?: string | ((chunkInfo: PreRenderedAsset) => string); banner?: string | (() => string | Promise); chunkFileNames?: string | ((chunkInfo: PreRenderedChunk) => string); compact?: boolean; // only required for bundle.write dir?: string; /** @deprecated Use the "renderDynamicImport" plugin hook instead. */ dynamicImportFunction?: string; entryFileNames?: string | ((chunkInfo: PreRenderedChunk) => string); esModule?: boolean; exports?: 'default' | 'named' | 'none' | 'auto'; extend?: boolean; externalLiveBindings?: boolean; // only required for bundle.write file?: string; footer?: string | (() => string | Promise); format?: ModuleFormat; freeze?: boolean; generatedCode?: GeneratedCodePreset | GeneratedCodeOptions; globals?: GlobalsOption; hoistTransitiveImports?: boolean; indent?: string | boolean; inlineDynamicImports?: boolean; interop?: InteropType | GetInterop; intro?: string | (() => string | Promise); manualChunks?: ManualChunksOption; minifyInternalExports?: boolean; name?: string; /** @deprecated Use "generatedCode.symbols" instead. */ namespaceToStringTag?: boolean; noConflict?: boolean; outro?: string | (() => string | Promise); paths?: OptionsPaths; plugins?: (OutputPlugin | null | false | undefined)[]; /** @deprecated Use "generatedCode.constBindings" instead. */ preferConst?: boolean; preserveModules?: boolean; preserveModulesRoot?: string; sanitizeFileName?: boolean | ((fileName: string) => string); sourcemap?: boolean | 'inline' | 'hidden'; sourcemapBaseUrl?: string; sourcemapExcludeSources?: boolean; sourcemapFile?: string; sourcemapPathTransform?: SourcemapPathTransformOption; strict?: boolean; systemNullSetters?: boolean; validate?: boolean; } export interface NormalizedOutputOptions { amd: NormalizedAmdOptions; assetFileNames: string | ((chunkInfo: PreRenderedAsset) => string); banner: () => string | Promise; chunkFileNames: string | ((chunkInfo: PreRenderedChunk) => string); compact: boolean; dir: string | undefined; /** @deprecated Use the "renderDynamicImport" plugin hook instead. */ dynamicImportFunction: string | undefined; entryFileNames: string | ((chunkInfo: PreRenderedChunk) => string); esModule: boolean; exports: 'default' | 'named' | 'none' | 'auto'; extend: boolean; externalLiveBindings: boolean; file: string | undefined; footer: () => string | Promise; format: InternalModuleFormat; freeze: boolean; generatedCode: NormalizedGeneratedCodeOptions; globals: GlobalsOption; hoistTransitiveImports: boolean; indent: true | string; inlineDynamicImports: boolean; interop: GetInterop; intro: () => string | Promise; manualChunks: ManualChunksOption; minifyInternalExports: boolean; name: string | undefined; namespaceToStringTag: boolean; noConflict: boolean; outro: () => string | Promise; paths: OptionsPaths; plugins: OutputPlugin[]; /** @deprecated Use the "renderDynamicImport" plugin hook instead. */ preferConst: boolean; preserveModules: boolean; preserveModulesRoot: string | undefined; sanitizeFileName: (fileName: string) => string; sourcemap: boolean | 'inline' | 'hidden'; sourcemapBaseUrl: string | undefined; sourcemapExcludeSources: boolean; sourcemapFile: string | undefined; sourcemapPathTransform: SourcemapPathTransformOption | undefined; strict: boolean; systemNullSetters: boolean; validate: boolean; } export type WarningHandlerWithDefault = ( warning: RollupWarning, defaultHandler: WarningHandler ) => void; export type WarningHandler = (warning: RollupWarning) => void; export interface SerializedTimings { [label: string]: [number, number, number]; } export interface PreRenderedAsset { name: string | undefined; source: string | Uint8Array; type: 'asset'; } export interface OutputAsset extends PreRenderedAsset { fileName: string; /** @deprecated Accessing "isAsset" on files in the bundle is deprecated, please use "type === \'asset\'" instead */ isAsset: true; } export interface RenderedModule { code: string | null; originalLength: number; removedExports: string[]; renderedExports: string[]; renderedLength: number; } export interface PreRenderedChunk { exports: string[]; facadeModuleId: string | null; isDynamicEntry: boolean; isEntry: boolean; isImplicitEntry: boolean; modules: { [id: string]: RenderedModule; }; name: string; type: 'chunk'; } export interface RenderedChunk extends PreRenderedChunk { code?: string; dynamicImports: string[]; fileName: string; implicitlyLoadedBefore: string[]; importedBindings: { [imported: string]: string[]; }; imports: string[]; map?: SourceMap; referencedFiles: string[]; } export interface OutputChunk extends RenderedChunk { code: string; } export interface SerializablePluginCache { [key: string]: [number, any]; } export interface RollupCache { modules: ModuleJSON[]; plugins?: Record; } export interface RollupOutput { output: [OutputChunk, ...(OutputChunk | OutputAsset)[]]; } export interface RollupBuild { cache: RollupCache | undefined; close: () => Promise; closed: boolean; generate: (outputOptions: OutputOptions) => Promise; getTimings?: () => SerializedTimings; watchFiles: string[]; write: (options: OutputOptions) => Promise; } export interface RollupOptions extends InputOptions { // This is included for compatibility with config files but ignored by rollup.rollup output?: OutputOptions | OutputOptions[]; } export interface MergedRollupOptions extends InputOptions { output: OutputOptions[]; } export function rollup(options: RollupOptions): Promise; export interface ChokidarOptions { alwaysStat?: boolean; atomic?: boolean | number; awaitWriteFinish?: | { pollInterval?: number; stabilityThreshold?: number; } | boolean; binaryInterval?: number; cwd?: string; depth?: number; disableGlobbing?: boolean; followSymlinks?: boolean; ignoreInitial?: boolean; ignorePermissionErrors?: boolean; ignored?: any; interval?: number; persistent?: boolean; useFsEvents?: boolean; usePolling?: boolean; } export type RollupWatchHooks = 'onError' | 'onStart' | 'onBundleStart' | 'onBundleEnd' | 'onEnd'; export interface WatcherOptions { buildDelay?: number; chokidar?: ChokidarOptions; clearScreen?: boolean; exclude?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]; include?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]; skipWrite?: boolean; } export interface RollupWatchOptions extends InputOptions { output?: OutputOptions | OutputOptions[]; watch?: WatcherOptions | false; } interface TypedEventEmitter any }> { addListener(event: K, listener: T[K]): this; emit(event: K, ...args: Parameters): boolean; eventNames(): Array; getMaxListeners(): number; listenerCount(type: keyof T): number; listeners(event: K): Array; off(event: K, listener: T[K]): this; on(event: K, listener: T[K]): this; once(event: K, listener: T[K]): this; prependListener(event: K, listener: T[K]): this; prependOnceListener(event: K, listener: T[K]): this; rawListeners(event: K): Array; removeAllListeners(event?: K): this; removeListener(event: K, listener: T[K]): this; setMaxListeners(n: number): this; } export interface RollupAwaitingEmitter any }> extends TypedEventEmitter { close(): Promise; emitAndAwait(event: K, ...args: Parameters): Promise[]>; /** * Registers an event listener that will be awaited before Rollup continues * for events emitted via emitAndAwait. All listeners will be awaited in * parallel while rejections are tracked via Promise.all. * Listeners are removed automatically when removeAwaited is called, which * happens automatically after each run. */ onCurrentAwaited( event: K, listener: (...args: Parameters) => Promise> ): this; removeAwaited(): this; } export type RollupWatcherEvent = | { code: 'START' } | { code: 'BUNDLE_START'; input?: InputOption; output: readonly string[] } | { code: 'BUNDLE_END'; duration: number; input?: InputOption; output: readonly string[]; result: RollupBuild; } | { code: 'END' } | { code: 'ERROR'; error: RollupError; result: RollupBuild | null }; export type RollupWatcher = RollupAwaitingEmitter<{ change: (id: string, change: { event: ChangeEvent }) => void; close: () => void; event: (event: RollupWatcherEvent) => void; restart: () => void; }>; export function watch(config: RollupWatchOptions | RollupWatchOptions[]): RollupWatcher; interface AcornNode { end: number; start: number; type: string; } export function defineConfig(options: RollupOptions): RollupOptions; export function defineConfig(options: RollupOptions[]): RollupOptions[];