var GOOD_LEAF_SIZE = 200; // :: class A rope sequence is a persistent sequence data structure // that supports appending, prepending, and slicing without doing a // full copy. It is represented as a mostly-balanced tree. var RopeSequence = function RopeSequence () {}; RopeSequence.prototype.append = function append (other) { if (!other.length) { return this } other = RopeSequence.from(other); return (!this.length && other) || (other.length < GOOD_LEAF_SIZE && this.leafAppend(other)) || (this.length < GOOD_LEAF_SIZE && other.leafPrepend(this)) || this.appendInner(other) }; // :: (union<[T], RopeSequence>) → RopeSequence // Prepend an array or other rope to this one, returning a new rope. RopeSequence.prototype.prepend = function prepend (other) { if (!other.length) { return this } return RopeSequence.from(other).append(this) }; RopeSequence.prototype.appendInner = function appendInner (other) { return new Append(this, other) }; // :: (?number, ?number) → RopeSequence // Create a rope repesenting a sub-sequence of this rope. RopeSequence.prototype.slice = function slice (from, to) { if ( from === void 0 ) from = 0; if ( to === void 0 ) to = this.length; if (from >= to) { return RopeSequence.empty } return this.sliceInner(Math.max(0, from), Math.min(this.length, to)) }; // :: (number) → T // Retrieve the element at the given position from this rope. RopeSequence.prototype.get = function get (i) { if (i < 0 || i >= this.length) { return undefined } return this.getInner(i) }; // :: ((element: T, index: number) → ?bool, ?number, ?number) // Call the given function for each element between the given // indices. This tends to be more efficient than looping over the // indices and calling `get`, because it doesn't have to descend the // tree for every element. RopeSequence.prototype.forEach = function forEach (f, from, to) { if ( from === void 0 ) from = 0; if ( to === void 0 ) to = this.length; if (from <= to) { this.forEachInner(f, from, to, 0); } else { this.forEachInvertedInner(f, from, to, 0); } }; // :: ((element: T, index: number) → U, ?number, ?number) → [U] // Map the given functions over the elements of the rope, producing // a flat array. = function map (f, from, to) { if ( from === void 0 ) from = 0; if ( to === void 0 ) to = this.length; var result = []; this.forEach(function (elt, i) { return result.push(f(elt, i)); }, from, to); return result }; // :: (?union<[T], RopeSequence>) → RopeSequence // Create a rope representing the given array, or return the rope // itself if a rope was given. RopeSequence.from = function from (values) { if (values instanceof RopeSequence) { return values } return values && values.length ? new Leaf(values) : RopeSequence.empty }; var Leaf = /*@__PURE__*/(function (RopeSequence) { function Leaf(values) {; this.values = values; } if ( RopeSequence ) Leaf.__proto__ = RopeSequence; Leaf.prototype = Object.create( RopeSequence && RopeSequence.prototype ); Leaf.prototype.constructor = Leaf; var prototypeAccessors = { length: { configurable: true },depth: { configurable: true } }; Leaf.prototype.flatten = function flatten () { return this.values }; Leaf.prototype.sliceInner = function sliceInner (from, to) { if (from == 0 && to == this.length) { return this } return new Leaf(this.values.slice(from, to)) }; Leaf.prototype.getInner = function getInner (i) { return this.values[i] }; Leaf.prototype.forEachInner = function forEachInner (f, from, to, start) { for (var i = from; i < to; i++) { if (f(this.values[i], start + i) === false) { return false } } }; Leaf.prototype.forEachInvertedInner = function forEachInvertedInner (f, from, to, start) { for (var i = from - 1; i >= to; i--) { if (f(this.values[i], start + i) === false) { return false } } }; Leaf.prototype.leafAppend = function leafAppend (other) { if (this.length + other.length <= GOOD_LEAF_SIZE) { return new Leaf(this.values.concat(other.flatten())) } }; Leaf.prototype.leafPrepend = function leafPrepend (other) { if (this.length + other.length <= GOOD_LEAF_SIZE) { return new Leaf(other.flatten().concat(this.values)) } }; prototypeAccessors.length.get = function () { return this.values.length }; prototypeAccessors.depth.get = function () { return 0 }; Object.defineProperties( Leaf.prototype, prototypeAccessors ); return Leaf; }(RopeSequence)); // :: RopeSequence // The empty rope sequence. RopeSequence.empty = new Leaf([]); var Append = /*@__PURE__*/(function (RopeSequence) { function Append(left, right) {; this.left = left; this.right = right; this.length = left.length + right.length; this.depth = Math.max(left.depth, right.depth) + 1; } if ( RopeSequence ) Append.__proto__ = RopeSequence; Append.prototype = Object.create( RopeSequence && RopeSequence.prototype ); Append.prototype.constructor = Append; Append.prototype.flatten = function flatten () { return this.left.flatten().concat(this.right.flatten()) }; Append.prototype.getInner = function getInner (i) { return i < this.left.length ? this.left.get(i) : this.right.get(i - this.left.length) }; Append.prototype.forEachInner = function forEachInner (f, from, to, start) { var leftLen = this.left.length; if (from < leftLen && this.left.forEachInner(f, from, Math.min(to, leftLen), start) === false) { return false } if (to > leftLen && this.right.forEachInner(f, Math.max(from - leftLen, 0), Math.min(this.length, to) - leftLen, start + leftLen) === false) { return false } }; Append.prototype.forEachInvertedInner = function forEachInvertedInner (f, from, to, start) { var leftLen = this.left.length; if (from > leftLen && this.right.forEachInvertedInner(f, from - leftLen, Math.max(to, leftLen) - leftLen, start + leftLen) === false) { return false } if (to < leftLen && this.left.forEachInvertedInner(f, Math.min(from, leftLen), to, start) === false) { return false } }; Append.prototype.sliceInner = function sliceInner (from, to) { if (from == 0 && to == this.length) { return this } var leftLen = this.left.length; if (to <= leftLen) { return this.left.slice(from, to) } if (from >= leftLen) { return this.right.slice(from - leftLen, to - leftLen) } return this.left.slice(from, leftLen).append(this.right.slice(0, to - leftLen)) }; Append.prototype.leafAppend = function leafAppend (other) { var inner = this.right.leafAppend(other); if (inner) { return new Append(this.left, inner) } }; Append.prototype.leafPrepend = function leafPrepend (other) { var inner = this.left.leafPrepend(other); if (inner) { return new Append(inner, this.right) } }; Append.prototype.appendInner = function appendInner (other) { if (this.left.depth >= Math.max(this.right.depth, other.depth) + 1) { return new Append(this.left, new Append(this.right, other)) } return new Append(this, other) }; return Append; }(RopeSequence)); export default RopeSequence;