# strip-literal [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/strip-literal) Strip comments and string literals from JavaScript code. Powered by [acorn](https://github.com/acornjs/acorn)'s tokenizer. ## Usage ```ts import { stripLiteral } from 'strip-literal' stripLiteral('const foo = `//foo ${bar}`') // 'const foo = ` ${bar}`' ``` Comments, string literals will be replaced by spaces with the same length to keep the source map untouched. ## Functions ### `stripLiteralAcorn` Strip literal using [Acorn](https://github.com/acornjs/acorn)'s tokenizer. Will throw error if the input is not valid JavaScript. [Source](./src/acorn.ts) ### `stripLiteralRegex` Strip literal using RegExp. This will be faster and can work on non-JavaScript input. But will have some caveats on distinguish strings and comments. [Source](./src/regex.ts) ### `stripLiteral` Strip literal from code. Try to use `stripLiteralAcorn` first, and fallback to `stripLiteralRegex` if Acorn fails. [Source](./src/index.ts) ### `createIsLiteralPositionAcorn` Returns a function that returns whether the position is in a literal using [Acorn](https://github.com/acornjs/acorn)'s tokenizer. Will throw error if the input is not valid JavaScript. [Source](./src/acorn.ts) ## Sponsors
## License [MIT](./LICENSE) License © 2022 [Anthony Fu](https://github.com/antfu)