var require$$1 = require('path'); var require$$0 = require('fs'); var require$$0$1 = require('buffer'); function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : { 'default': e }; } var require$$1__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$1); var require$$0__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$0); var require$$0__default$1 = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy(require$$0$1); var lib$3 = {}; var lib$2 = {}; Object.defineProperty(lib$2, "__esModule", { value: true }); lib$2.declare = declare; lib$2.declarePreset = void 0; function declare(builder) { return function(api, options, dirname) { var _clonedApi2; var clonedApi; for(var _i = 0, _iter = Object.keys(apiPolyfills); _i < _iter.length; _i++){ var name = _iter[_i]; var _clonedApi; if (api[name]) continue; clonedApi = (_clonedApi = clonedApi) != null ? _clonedApi : copyApiObject(api); clonedApi[name] = apiPolyfills[name](clonedApi); } return builder((_clonedApi2 = clonedApi) != null ? _clonedApi2 : api, options || {}, dirname); }; } var declarePreset = declare; lib$2.declarePreset = declarePreset; var apiPolyfills = { assertVersion: function(api) { return function(range) { throwVersionError(range, api.version); }; }, targets: function() { return function() { return {}; }; }, assumption: function() { return function() { return undefined; }; } }; function copyApiObject(api) { var proto = null; if (typeof api.version === "string" && /^7\./.test(api.version)) { proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(api); if (proto && (!has$1(proto, "version") || !has$1(proto, "transform") || !has$1(proto, "template") || !has$1(proto, "types"))) { proto = null; } } return Object.assign({}, proto, api); } function has$1(obj, key) { return, key); } function throwVersionError(range, version) { if (typeof range === "number") { if (!Number.isInteger(range)) { throw new Error("Expected string or integer value."); } range = "^" + range + ".0.0-0"; } if (typeof range !== "string") { throw new Error("Expected string or integer value."); } var limit = Error.stackTraceLimit; if (typeof limit === "number" && limit < 25) { Error.stackTraceLimit = 25; } var err; if (version.slice(0, 2) === "7.") { err = new Error('Requires Babel "^7.0.0-beta.41", but was loaded with "' + version + '". ' + "You'll need to update your @babel/core version."); } else { err = new Error('Requires Babel "' + range + '", but was loaded with "' + version + '". ' + "If you are sure you have a compatible version of @babel/core, " + "it is likely that something in your build process is loading the " + "wrong version. Inspect the stack trace of this error to look for " + 'the first entry that doesn\'t mention "@babel/core" or "babel-core" ' + "to see what is calling Babel."); } if (typeof limit === "number") { Error.stackTraceLimit = limit; } throw Object.assign(err, { code: "BABEL_VERSION_UNSUPPORTED", version: version, range: range }); } Object.defineProperty(lib$3, "__esModule", { value: true }); var default_1 = lib$3.default = void 0; var _helperPluginUtils = lib$2; var _default$5 = (0, _helperPluginUtils.declare)(function(api) { api.assertVersion(7); return { name: "syntax-jsx", manipulateOptions: function manipulateOptions(opts, parserOpts) { if (parserOpts.plugins.some(function(p) { return (Array.isArray(p) ? p[0] : p) === "typescript"; })) { return; } parserOpts.plugins.push("jsx"); } }; }); default_1 = lib$3.default = _default$5; var lib$1 = {}; var isReactComponent$1 = {}; var buildMatchMemberExpression$1 = {}; var matchesPattern$1 = {}; var generated$4 = {}; var shallowEqual$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(shallowEqual$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); shallowEqual$1.default = shallowEqual; function shallowEqual(actual, expected) { var keys = Object.keys(expected); for(var _i = 0; _i < keys.length; _i++){ var key = keys[_i]; if (actual[key] !== expected[key]) { return false; } } return true; } Object.defineProperty(generated$4, "__esModule", { value: true }); generated$4.isArrayExpression = isArrayExpression; generated$4.isAssignmentExpression = isAssignmentExpression; generated$4.isBinaryExpression = isBinaryExpression; generated$4.isInterpreterDirective = isInterpreterDirective; generated$4.isDirective = isDirective; generated$4.isDirectiveLiteral = isDirectiveLiteral; generated$4.isBlockStatement = isBlockStatement; generated$4.isBreakStatement = isBreakStatement; generated$4.isCallExpression = isCallExpression; generated$4.isCatchClause = isCatchClause; generated$4.isConditionalExpression = isConditionalExpression; generated$4.isContinueStatement = isContinueStatement; generated$4.isDebuggerStatement = isDebuggerStatement; generated$4.isDoWhileStatement = isDoWhileStatement; generated$4.isEmptyStatement = isEmptyStatement; generated$4.isExpressionStatement = isExpressionStatement; generated$4.isFile = isFile; generated$4.isForInStatement = isForInStatement; generated$4.isForStatement = isForStatement; generated$4.isFunctionDeclaration = isFunctionDeclaration; generated$4.isFunctionExpression = isFunctionExpression; generated$4.isIdentifier = isIdentifier; generated$4.isIfStatement = isIfStatement; generated$4.isLabeledStatement = isLabeledStatement; generated$4.isStringLiteral = isStringLiteral; generated$4.isNumericLiteral = isNumericLiteral; generated$4.isNullLiteral = isNullLiteral; generated$4.isBooleanLiteral = isBooleanLiteral; generated$4.isRegExpLiteral = isRegExpLiteral; generated$4.isLogicalExpression = isLogicalExpression; generated$4.isMemberExpression = isMemberExpression; generated$4.isNewExpression = isNewExpression; generated$4.isProgram = isProgram; generated$4.isObjectExpression = isObjectExpression; generated$4.isObjectMethod = isObjectMethod; generated$4.isObjectProperty = isObjectProperty; generated$4.isRestElement = isRestElement; generated$4.isReturnStatement = isReturnStatement; generated$4.isSequenceExpression = isSequenceExpression; generated$4.isParenthesizedExpression = isParenthesizedExpression; generated$4.isSwitchCase = isSwitchCase; generated$4.isSwitchStatement = isSwitchStatement; generated$4.isThisExpression = isThisExpression; generated$4.isThrowStatement = isThrowStatement; generated$4.isTryStatement = isTryStatement; generated$4.isUnaryExpression = isUnaryExpression; generated$4.isUpdateExpression = isUpdateExpression; generated$4.isVariableDeclaration = isVariableDeclaration; generated$4.isVariableDeclarator = isVariableDeclarator; generated$4.isWhileStatement = isWhileStatement; generated$4.isWithStatement = isWithStatement; generated$4.isAssignmentPattern = isAssignmentPattern; generated$4.isArrayPattern = isArrayPattern; generated$4.isArrowFunctionExpression = isArrowFunctionExpression; generated$4.isClassBody = isClassBody; generated$4.isClassExpression = isClassExpression; generated$4.isClassDeclaration = isClassDeclaration; generated$4.isExportAllDeclaration = isExportAllDeclaration; generated$4.isExportDefaultDeclaration = isExportDefaultDeclaration; generated$4.isExportNamedDeclaration = isExportNamedDeclaration; generated$4.isExportSpecifier = isExportSpecifier; generated$4.isForOfStatement = isForOfStatement; generated$4.isImportDeclaration = isImportDeclaration; generated$4.isImportDefaultSpecifier = isImportDefaultSpecifier; generated$4.isImportNamespaceSpecifier = isImportNamespaceSpecifier; generated$4.isImportSpecifier = isImportSpecifier; generated$4.isMetaProperty = isMetaProperty; generated$4.isClassMethod = isClassMethod; generated$4.isObjectPattern = isObjectPattern; generated$4.isSpreadElement = isSpreadElement; generated$4.isSuper = isSuper; generated$4.isTaggedTemplateExpression = isTaggedTemplateExpression; generated$4.isTemplateElement = isTemplateElement; generated$4.isTemplateLiteral = isTemplateLiteral; generated$4.isYieldExpression = isYieldExpression; generated$4.isAwaitExpression = isAwaitExpression; generated$4.isImport = isImport; generated$4.isBigIntLiteral = isBigIntLiteral; generated$4.isExportNamespaceSpecifier = isExportNamespaceSpecifier; generated$4.isOptionalMemberExpression = isOptionalMemberExpression; generated$4.isOptionalCallExpression = isOptionalCallExpression; generated$4.isClassProperty = isClassProperty; generated$4.isClassPrivateProperty = isClassPrivateProperty; generated$4.isClassPrivateMethod = isClassPrivateMethod; generated$4.isPrivateName = isPrivateName; generated$4.isAnyTypeAnnotation = isAnyTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isArrayTypeAnnotation = isArrayTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isBooleanTypeAnnotation = isBooleanTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isBooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation = isBooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isNullLiteralTypeAnnotation = isNullLiteralTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isClassImplements = isClassImplements; generated$4.isDeclareClass = isDeclareClass; generated$4.isDeclareFunction = isDeclareFunction; generated$4.isDeclareInterface = isDeclareInterface; generated$4.isDeclareModule = isDeclareModule; generated$4.isDeclareModuleExports = isDeclareModuleExports; generated$4.isDeclareTypeAlias = isDeclareTypeAlias; generated$4.isDeclareOpaqueType = isDeclareOpaqueType; generated$4.isDeclareVariable = isDeclareVariable; generated$4.isDeclareExportDeclaration = isDeclareExportDeclaration; generated$4.isDeclareExportAllDeclaration = isDeclareExportAllDeclaration; generated$4.isDeclaredPredicate = isDeclaredPredicate; generated$4.isExistsTypeAnnotation = isExistsTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isFunctionTypeAnnotation = isFunctionTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isFunctionTypeParam = isFunctionTypeParam; generated$4.isGenericTypeAnnotation = isGenericTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isInferredPredicate = isInferredPredicate; generated$4.isInterfaceExtends = isInterfaceExtends; generated$4.isInterfaceDeclaration = isInterfaceDeclaration; generated$4.isInterfaceTypeAnnotation = isInterfaceTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isIntersectionTypeAnnotation = isIntersectionTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isMixedTypeAnnotation = isMixedTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isEmptyTypeAnnotation = isEmptyTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isNullableTypeAnnotation = isNullableTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isNumberLiteralTypeAnnotation = isNumberLiteralTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isNumberTypeAnnotation = isNumberTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isObjectTypeAnnotation = isObjectTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isObjectTypeInternalSlot = isObjectTypeInternalSlot; generated$4.isObjectTypeCallProperty = isObjectTypeCallProperty; generated$4.isObjectTypeIndexer = isObjectTypeIndexer; generated$4.isObjectTypeProperty = isObjectTypeProperty; generated$4.isObjectTypeSpreadProperty = isObjectTypeSpreadProperty; generated$4.isOpaqueType = isOpaqueType; generated$4.isQualifiedTypeIdentifier = isQualifiedTypeIdentifier; generated$4.isStringLiteralTypeAnnotation = isStringLiteralTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isStringTypeAnnotation = isStringTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isSymbolTypeAnnotation = isSymbolTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isThisTypeAnnotation = isThisTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isTupleTypeAnnotation = isTupleTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isTypeofTypeAnnotation = isTypeofTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isTypeAlias = isTypeAlias; generated$4.isTypeAnnotation = isTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isTypeCastExpression = isTypeCastExpression; generated$4.isTypeParameter = isTypeParameter; generated$4.isTypeParameterDeclaration = isTypeParameterDeclaration; generated$4.isTypeParameterInstantiation = isTypeParameterInstantiation; generated$4.isUnionTypeAnnotation = isUnionTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isVariance = isVariance; generated$4.isVoidTypeAnnotation = isVoidTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isEnumDeclaration = isEnumDeclaration; generated$4.isEnumBooleanBody = isEnumBooleanBody; generated$4.isEnumNumberBody = isEnumNumberBody; generated$4.isEnumStringBody = isEnumStringBody; generated$4.isEnumSymbolBody = isEnumSymbolBody; generated$4.isEnumBooleanMember = isEnumBooleanMember; generated$4.isEnumNumberMember = isEnumNumberMember; generated$4.isEnumStringMember = isEnumStringMember; generated$4.isEnumDefaultedMember = isEnumDefaultedMember; generated$4.isIndexedAccessType = isIndexedAccessType; generated$4.isOptionalIndexedAccessType = isOptionalIndexedAccessType; generated$4.isJSXAttribute = isJSXAttribute; generated$4.isJSXClosingElement = isJSXClosingElement; generated$4.isJSXElement = isJSXElement; generated$4.isJSXEmptyExpression = isJSXEmptyExpression; generated$4.isJSXExpressionContainer = isJSXExpressionContainer; generated$4.isJSXSpreadChild = isJSXSpreadChild; generated$4.isJSXIdentifier = isJSXIdentifier; generated$4.isJSXMemberExpression = isJSXMemberExpression; generated$4.isJSXNamespacedName = isJSXNamespacedName; generated$4.isJSXOpeningElement = isJSXOpeningElement; generated$4.isJSXSpreadAttribute = isJSXSpreadAttribute; generated$4.isJSXText = isJSXText; generated$4.isJSXFragment = isJSXFragment; generated$4.isJSXOpeningFragment = isJSXOpeningFragment; generated$4.isJSXClosingFragment = isJSXClosingFragment; generated$4.isNoop = isNoop; generated$4.isPlaceholder = isPlaceholder; generated$4.isV8IntrinsicIdentifier = isV8IntrinsicIdentifier; generated$4.isArgumentPlaceholder = isArgumentPlaceholder; generated$4.isBindExpression = isBindExpression; generated$4.isImportAttribute = isImportAttribute; generated$4.isDecorator = isDecorator; generated$4.isDoExpression = isDoExpression; generated$4.isExportDefaultSpecifier = isExportDefaultSpecifier; generated$4.isRecordExpression = isRecordExpression; generated$4.isTupleExpression = isTupleExpression; generated$4.isDecimalLiteral = isDecimalLiteral; generated$4.isStaticBlock = isStaticBlock; generated$4.isModuleExpression = isModuleExpression; generated$4.isTopicReference = isTopicReference; generated$4.isPipelineTopicExpression = isPipelineTopicExpression; generated$4.isPipelineBareFunction = isPipelineBareFunction; generated$4.isPipelinePrimaryTopicReference = isPipelinePrimaryTopicReference; generated$4.isTSParameterProperty = isTSParameterProperty; generated$4.isTSDeclareFunction = isTSDeclareFunction; generated$4.isTSDeclareMethod = isTSDeclareMethod; generated$4.isTSQualifiedName = isTSQualifiedName; generated$4.isTSCallSignatureDeclaration = isTSCallSignatureDeclaration; generated$4.isTSConstructSignatureDeclaration = isTSConstructSignatureDeclaration; generated$4.isTSPropertySignature = isTSPropertySignature; generated$4.isTSMethodSignature = isTSMethodSignature; generated$4.isTSIndexSignature = isTSIndexSignature; generated$4.isTSAnyKeyword = isTSAnyKeyword; generated$4.isTSBooleanKeyword = isTSBooleanKeyword; generated$4.isTSBigIntKeyword = isTSBigIntKeyword; generated$4.isTSIntrinsicKeyword = isTSIntrinsicKeyword; generated$4.isTSNeverKeyword = isTSNeverKeyword; generated$4.isTSNullKeyword = isTSNullKeyword; generated$4.isTSNumberKeyword = isTSNumberKeyword; generated$4.isTSObjectKeyword = isTSObjectKeyword; generated$4.isTSStringKeyword = isTSStringKeyword; generated$4.isTSSymbolKeyword = isTSSymbolKeyword; generated$4.isTSUndefinedKeyword = isTSUndefinedKeyword; generated$4.isTSUnknownKeyword = isTSUnknownKeyword; generated$4.isTSVoidKeyword = isTSVoidKeyword; generated$4.isTSThisType = isTSThisType; generated$4.isTSFunctionType = isTSFunctionType; generated$4.isTSConstructorType = isTSConstructorType; generated$4.isTSTypeReference = isTSTypeReference; generated$4.isTSTypePredicate = isTSTypePredicate; generated$4.isTSTypeQuery = isTSTypeQuery; generated$4.isTSTypeLiteral = isTSTypeLiteral; generated$4.isTSArrayType = isTSArrayType; generated$4.isTSTupleType = isTSTupleType; generated$4.isTSOptionalType = isTSOptionalType; generated$4.isTSRestType = isTSRestType; generated$4.isTSNamedTupleMember = isTSNamedTupleMember; generated$4.isTSUnionType = isTSUnionType; generated$4.isTSIntersectionType = isTSIntersectionType; generated$4.isTSConditionalType = isTSConditionalType; generated$4.isTSInferType = isTSInferType; generated$4.isTSParenthesizedType = isTSParenthesizedType; generated$4.isTSTypeOperator = isTSTypeOperator; generated$4.isTSIndexedAccessType = isTSIndexedAccessType; generated$4.isTSMappedType = isTSMappedType; generated$4.isTSLiteralType = isTSLiteralType; generated$4.isTSExpressionWithTypeArguments = isTSExpressionWithTypeArguments; generated$4.isTSInterfaceDeclaration = isTSInterfaceDeclaration; generated$4.isTSInterfaceBody = isTSInterfaceBody; generated$4.isTSTypeAliasDeclaration = isTSTypeAliasDeclaration; generated$4.isTSAsExpression = isTSAsExpression; generated$4.isTSTypeAssertion = isTSTypeAssertion; generated$4.isTSEnumDeclaration = isTSEnumDeclaration; generated$4.isTSEnumMember = isTSEnumMember; generated$4.isTSModuleDeclaration = isTSModuleDeclaration; generated$4.isTSModuleBlock = isTSModuleBlock; generated$4.isTSImportType = isTSImportType; generated$4.isTSImportEqualsDeclaration = isTSImportEqualsDeclaration; generated$4.isTSExternalModuleReference = isTSExternalModuleReference; generated$4.isTSNonNullExpression = isTSNonNullExpression; generated$4.isTSExportAssignment = isTSExportAssignment; generated$4.isTSNamespaceExportDeclaration = isTSNamespaceExportDeclaration; generated$4.isTSTypeAnnotation = isTSTypeAnnotation; generated$4.isTSTypeParameterInstantiation = isTSTypeParameterInstantiation; generated$4.isTSTypeParameterDeclaration = isTSTypeParameterDeclaration; generated$4.isTSTypeParameter = isTSTypeParameter; generated$4.isExpression = isExpression; generated$4.isBinary = isBinary; generated$4.isScopable = isScopable; generated$4.isBlockParent = isBlockParent; generated$4.isBlock = isBlock; generated$4.isStatement = isStatement; generated$4.isTerminatorless = isTerminatorless; generated$4.isCompletionStatement = isCompletionStatement; generated$4.isConditional = isConditional; generated$4.isLoop = isLoop; generated$4.isWhile = isWhile; generated$4.isExpressionWrapper = isExpressionWrapper; generated$4.isFor = isFor; generated$4.isForXStatement = isForXStatement; generated$4.isFunction = isFunction; generated$4.isFunctionParent = isFunctionParent; generated$4.isPureish = isPureish; generated$4.isDeclaration = isDeclaration; generated$4.isPatternLike = isPatternLike; generated$4.isLVal = isLVal; generated$4.isTSEntityName = isTSEntityName; generated$4.isLiteral = isLiteral; generated$4.isImmutable = isImmutable$2; generated$4.isUserWhitespacable = isUserWhitespacable; generated$4.isMethod = isMethod; generated$4.isObjectMember = isObjectMember; generated$4.isProperty = isProperty; generated$4.isUnaryLike = isUnaryLike; generated$4.isPattern = isPattern; generated$4.isClass = isClass; generated$4.isModuleDeclaration = isModuleDeclaration; generated$4.isExportDeclaration = isExportDeclaration; generated$4.isModuleSpecifier = isModuleSpecifier; generated$4.isPrivate = isPrivate; generated$4.isFlow = isFlow; generated$4.isFlowType = isFlowType; generated$4.isFlowBaseAnnotation = isFlowBaseAnnotation; generated$4.isFlowDeclaration = isFlowDeclaration; generated$4.isFlowPredicate = isFlowPredicate; generated$4.isEnumBody = isEnumBody; generated$4.isEnumMember = isEnumMember; generated$4.isJSX = isJSX; generated$4.isTSTypeElement = isTSTypeElement; generated$4.isTSType = isTSType; generated$4.isTSBaseType = isTSBaseType; generated$4.isNumberLiteral = isNumberLiteral; generated$4.isRegexLiteral = isRegexLiteral; generated$4.isRestProperty = isRestProperty; generated$4.isSpreadProperty = isSpreadProperty; var _shallowEqual = shallowEqual$1; function isArrayExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ArrayExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isAssignmentExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "AssignmentExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBinaryExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "BinaryExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isInterpreterDirective(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "InterpreterDirective") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDirective(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "Directive") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDirectiveLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DirectiveLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBlockStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "BlockStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBreakStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "BreakStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isCallExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "CallExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isCatchClause(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "CatchClause") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isConditionalExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ConditionalExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isContinueStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ContinueStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDebuggerStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DebuggerStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDoWhileStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DoWhileStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEmptyStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EmptyStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExpressionStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ExpressionStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFile(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "File") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isForInStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ForInStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isForStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ForStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFunctionDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "FunctionDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFunctionExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "FunctionExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isIdentifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "Identifier") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isIfStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "IfStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isLabeledStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "LabeledStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isStringLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "StringLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isNumericLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "NumericLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isNullLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "NullLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBooleanLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "BooleanLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isRegExpLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "RegExpLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isLogicalExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "LogicalExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isMemberExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "MemberExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isNewExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "NewExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isProgram(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "Program") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ObjectExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectMethod(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ObjectMethod") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectProperty(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ObjectProperty") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isRestElement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "RestElement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isReturnStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ReturnStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isSequenceExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "SequenceExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isParenthesizedExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ParenthesizedExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isSwitchCase(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "SwitchCase") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isSwitchStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "SwitchStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isThisExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ThisExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isThrowStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ThrowStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTryStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TryStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isUnaryExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "UnaryExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isUpdateExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "UpdateExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isVariableDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "VariableDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isVariableDeclarator(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "VariableDeclarator") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isWhileStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "WhileStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isWithStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "WithStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isAssignmentPattern(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "AssignmentPattern") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isArrayPattern(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ArrayPattern") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isArrowFunctionExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ArrowFunctionExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isClassBody(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ClassBody") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isClassExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ClassExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isClassDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ClassDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExportAllDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ExportAllDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExportDefaultDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ExportDefaultDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExportNamedDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ExportNamedDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExportSpecifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ExportSpecifier") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isForOfStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ForOfStatement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isImportDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ImportDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isImportDefaultSpecifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ImportDefaultSpecifier") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isImportNamespaceSpecifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ImportNamespaceSpecifier") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isImportSpecifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ImportSpecifier") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isMetaProperty(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "MetaProperty") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isClassMethod(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ClassMethod") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectPattern(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ObjectPattern") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isSpreadElement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "SpreadElement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isSuper(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "Super") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTaggedTemplateExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TaggedTemplateExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTemplateElement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TemplateElement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTemplateLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TemplateLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isYieldExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "YieldExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isAwaitExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "AwaitExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isImport(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "Import") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBigIntLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "BigIntLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExportNamespaceSpecifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ExportNamespaceSpecifier") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isOptionalMemberExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "OptionalMemberExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isOptionalCallExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "OptionalCallExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isClassProperty(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ClassProperty") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isClassPrivateProperty(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ClassPrivateProperty") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isClassPrivateMethod(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ClassPrivateMethod") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isPrivateName(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "PrivateName") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isAnyTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "AnyTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isArrayTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ArrayTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBooleanTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "BooleanTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isNullLiteralTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isClassImplements(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ClassImplements") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclareClass(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclareClass") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclareFunction(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclareFunction") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclareInterface(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclareInterface") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclareModule(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclareModule") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclareModuleExports(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclareModuleExports") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclareTypeAlias(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclareTypeAlias") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclareOpaqueType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclareOpaqueType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclareVariable(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclareVariable") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclareExportDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclareExportDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclareExportAllDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclareExportAllDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclaredPredicate(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DeclaredPredicate") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExistsTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ExistsTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFunctionTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "FunctionTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFunctionTypeParam(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "FunctionTypeParam") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isGenericTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "GenericTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isInferredPredicate(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "InferredPredicate") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isInterfaceExtends(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "InterfaceExtends") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isInterfaceDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "InterfaceDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isInterfaceTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "InterfaceTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isIntersectionTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "IntersectionTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isMixedTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "MixedTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEmptyTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EmptyTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isNullableTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "NullableTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isNumberLiteralTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isNumberTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "NumberTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ObjectTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectTypeInternalSlot(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ObjectTypeInternalSlot") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectTypeCallProperty(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ObjectTypeCallProperty") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectTypeIndexer(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ObjectTypeIndexer") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectTypeProperty(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ObjectTypeProperty") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectTypeSpreadProperty(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ObjectTypeSpreadProperty") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isOpaqueType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "OpaqueType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isQualifiedTypeIdentifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "QualifiedTypeIdentifier") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isStringLiteralTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isStringTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "StringTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isSymbolTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "SymbolTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isThisTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ThisTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTupleTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TupleTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTypeofTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TypeofTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTypeAlias(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TypeAlias") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTypeCastExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TypeCastExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTypeParameter(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TypeParameter") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTypeParameterDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TypeParameterDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTypeParameterInstantiation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TypeParameterInstantiation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isUnionTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "UnionTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isVariance(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "Variance") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isVoidTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "VoidTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EnumDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumBooleanBody(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EnumBooleanBody") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumNumberBody(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EnumNumberBody") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumStringBody(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EnumStringBody") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumSymbolBody(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EnumSymbolBody") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumBooleanMember(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EnumBooleanMember") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumNumberMember(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EnumNumberMember") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumStringMember(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EnumStringMember") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumDefaultedMember(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "EnumDefaultedMember") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isIndexedAccessType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "IndexedAccessType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isOptionalIndexedAccessType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "OptionalIndexedAccessType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXAttribute(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXAttribute") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXClosingElement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXClosingElement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXElement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXElement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXEmptyExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXEmptyExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXExpressionContainer(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXExpressionContainer") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXSpreadChild(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXSpreadChild") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXIdentifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXIdentifier") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXMemberExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXMemberExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXNamespacedName(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXNamespacedName") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXOpeningElement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXOpeningElement") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXSpreadAttribute(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXSpreadAttribute") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXText(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXText") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXFragment(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXFragment") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXOpeningFragment(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXOpeningFragment") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSXClosingFragment(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "JSXClosingFragment") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isNoop(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "Noop") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isPlaceholder(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "Placeholder") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isV8IntrinsicIdentifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "V8IntrinsicIdentifier") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isArgumentPlaceholder(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ArgumentPlaceholder") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBindExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "BindExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isImportAttribute(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ImportAttribute") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDecorator(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "Decorator") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDoExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DoExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExportDefaultSpecifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ExportDefaultSpecifier") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isRecordExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "RecordExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTupleExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TupleExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDecimalLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "DecimalLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isStaticBlock(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "StaticBlock") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isModuleExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "ModuleExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTopicReference(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TopicReference") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isPipelineTopicExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "PipelineTopicExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isPipelineBareFunction(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "PipelineBareFunction") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isPipelinePrimaryTopicReference(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "PipelinePrimaryTopicReference") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSParameterProperty(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSParameterProperty") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSDeclareFunction(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSDeclareFunction") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSDeclareMethod(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSDeclareMethod") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSQualifiedName(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSQualifiedName") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSCallSignatureDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSCallSignatureDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSConstructSignatureDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSPropertySignature(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSPropertySignature") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSMethodSignature(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSMethodSignature") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSIndexSignature(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSIndexSignature") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSAnyKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSAnyKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSBooleanKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSBooleanKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSBigIntKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSBigIntKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSIntrinsicKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSIntrinsicKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSNeverKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSNeverKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSNullKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSNullKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSNumberKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSNumberKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSObjectKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSObjectKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSStringKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSStringKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSSymbolKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSSymbolKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSUndefinedKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSUndefinedKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSUnknownKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSUnknownKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSVoidKeyword(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSVoidKeyword") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSThisType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSThisType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSFunctionType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSFunctionType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSConstructorType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSConstructorType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeReference(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypeReference") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypePredicate(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypePredicate") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeQuery(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypeQuery") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypeLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSArrayType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSArrayType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTupleType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTupleType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSOptionalType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSOptionalType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSRestType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSRestType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSNamedTupleMember(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSNamedTupleMember") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSUnionType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSUnionType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSIntersectionType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSIntersectionType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSConditionalType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSConditionalType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSInferType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSInferType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSParenthesizedType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSParenthesizedType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeOperator(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypeOperator") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSIndexedAccessType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSIndexedAccessType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSMappedType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSMappedType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSLiteralType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSLiteralType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSExpressionWithTypeArguments(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSInterfaceDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSInterfaceDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSInterfaceBody(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSInterfaceBody") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeAliasDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypeAliasDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSAsExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSAsExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeAssertion(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypeAssertion") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSEnumDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSEnumDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSEnumMember(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSEnumMember") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSModuleDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSModuleDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSModuleBlock(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSModuleBlock") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSImportType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSImportType") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSImportEqualsDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSImportEqualsDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSExternalModuleReference(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSExternalModuleReference") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSNonNullExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSNonNullExpression") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSExportAssignment(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSExportAssignment") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSNamespaceExportDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypeAnnotation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeParameterInstantiation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypeParameterInstantiation") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeParameterDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypeParameterDeclaration") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeParameter(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "TSTypeParameter") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExpression(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("ArrayExpression" === nodeType || "AssignmentExpression" === nodeType || "BinaryExpression" === nodeType || "CallExpression" === nodeType || "ConditionalExpression" === nodeType || "FunctionExpression" === nodeType || "Identifier" === nodeType || "StringLiteral" === nodeType || "NumericLiteral" === nodeType || "NullLiteral" === nodeType || "BooleanLiteral" === nodeType || "RegExpLiteral" === nodeType || "LogicalExpression" === nodeType || "MemberExpression" === nodeType || "NewExpression" === nodeType || "ObjectExpression" === nodeType || "SequenceExpression" === nodeType || "ParenthesizedExpression" === nodeType || "ThisExpression" === nodeType || "UnaryExpression" === nodeType || "UpdateExpression" === nodeType || "ArrowFunctionExpression" === nodeType || "ClassExpression" === nodeType || "MetaProperty" === nodeType || "Super" === nodeType || "TaggedTemplateExpression" === nodeType || "TemplateLiteral" === nodeType || "YieldExpression" === nodeType || "AwaitExpression" === nodeType || "Import" === nodeType || "BigIntLiteral" === nodeType || "OptionalMemberExpression" === nodeType || "OptionalCallExpression" === nodeType || "TypeCastExpression" === nodeType || "JSXElement" === nodeType || "JSXFragment" === nodeType || "BindExpression" === nodeType || "DoExpression" === nodeType || "RecordExpression" === nodeType || "TupleExpression" === nodeType || "DecimalLiteral" === nodeType || "ModuleExpression" === nodeType || "TopicReference" === nodeType || "PipelineTopicExpression" === nodeType || "PipelineBareFunction" === nodeType || "PipelinePrimaryTopicReference" === nodeType || "TSAsExpression" === nodeType || "TSTypeAssertion" === nodeType || "TSNonNullExpression" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && ("Expression" === node.expectedNode || "Identifier" === node.expectedNode || "StringLiteral" === node.expectedNode)) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBinary(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("BinaryExpression" === nodeType || "LogicalExpression" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isScopable(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("BlockStatement" === nodeType || "CatchClause" === nodeType || "DoWhileStatement" === nodeType || "ForInStatement" === nodeType || "ForStatement" === nodeType || "FunctionDeclaration" === nodeType || "FunctionExpression" === nodeType || "Program" === nodeType || "ObjectMethod" === nodeType || "SwitchStatement" === nodeType || "WhileStatement" === nodeType || "ArrowFunctionExpression" === nodeType || "ClassExpression" === nodeType || "ClassDeclaration" === nodeType || "ForOfStatement" === nodeType || "ClassMethod" === nodeType || "ClassPrivateMethod" === nodeType || "StaticBlock" === nodeType || "TSModuleBlock" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && "BlockStatement" === node.expectedNode) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBlockParent(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("BlockStatement" === nodeType || "CatchClause" === nodeType || "DoWhileStatement" === nodeType || "ForInStatement" === nodeType || "ForStatement" === nodeType || "FunctionDeclaration" === nodeType || "FunctionExpression" === nodeType || "Program" === nodeType || "ObjectMethod" === nodeType || "SwitchStatement" === nodeType || "WhileStatement" === nodeType || "ArrowFunctionExpression" === nodeType || "ForOfStatement" === nodeType || "ClassMethod" === nodeType || "ClassPrivateMethod" === nodeType || "StaticBlock" === nodeType || "TSModuleBlock" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && "BlockStatement" === node.expectedNode) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isBlock(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("BlockStatement" === nodeType || "Program" === nodeType || "TSModuleBlock" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && "BlockStatement" === node.expectedNode) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("BlockStatement" === nodeType || "BreakStatement" === nodeType || "ContinueStatement" === nodeType || "DebuggerStatement" === nodeType || "DoWhileStatement" === nodeType || "EmptyStatement" === nodeType || "ExpressionStatement" === nodeType || "ForInStatement" === nodeType || "ForStatement" === nodeType || "FunctionDeclaration" === nodeType || "IfStatement" === nodeType || "LabeledStatement" === nodeType || "ReturnStatement" === nodeType || "SwitchStatement" === nodeType || "ThrowStatement" === nodeType || "TryStatement" === nodeType || "VariableDeclaration" === nodeType || "WhileStatement" === nodeType || "WithStatement" === nodeType || "ClassDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportAllDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportDefaultDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportNamedDeclaration" === nodeType || "ForOfStatement" === nodeType || "ImportDeclaration" === nodeType || "DeclareClass" === nodeType || "DeclareFunction" === nodeType || "DeclareInterface" === nodeType || "DeclareModule" === nodeType || "DeclareModuleExports" === nodeType || "DeclareTypeAlias" === nodeType || "DeclareOpaqueType" === nodeType || "DeclareVariable" === nodeType || "DeclareExportDeclaration" === nodeType || "DeclareExportAllDeclaration" === nodeType || "InterfaceDeclaration" === nodeType || "OpaqueType" === nodeType || "TypeAlias" === nodeType || "EnumDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSDeclareFunction" === nodeType || "TSInterfaceDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSTypeAliasDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSEnumDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSModuleDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSImportEqualsDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSExportAssignment" === nodeType || "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && ("Statement" === node.expectedNode || "Declaration" === node.expectedNode || "BlockStatement" === node.expectedNode)) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTerminatorless(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("BreakStatement" === nodeType || "ContinueStatement" === nodeType || "ReturnStatement" === nodeType || "ThrowStatement" === nodeType || "YieldExpression" === nodeType || "AwaitExpression" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isCompletionStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("BreakStatement" === nodeType || "ContinueStatement" === nodeType || "ReturnStatement" === nodeType || "ThrowStatement" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isConditional(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("ConditionalExpression" === nodeType || "IfStatement" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isLoop(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("DoWhileStatement" === nodeType || "ForInStatement" === nodeType || "ForStatement" === nodeType || "WhileStatement" === nodeType || "ForOfStatement" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isWhile(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("DoWhileStatement" === nodeType || "WhileStatement" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExpressionWrapper(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("ExpressionStatement" === nodeType || "ParenthesizedExpression" === nodeType || "TypeCastExpression" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFor(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("ForInStatement" === nodeType || "ForStatement" === nodeType || "ForOfStatement" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isForXStatement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("ForInStatement" === nodeType || "ForOfStatement" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFunction(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("FunctionDeclaration" === nodeType || "FunctionExpression" === nodeType || "ObjectMethod" === nodeType || "ArrowFunctionExpression" === nodeType || "ClassMethod" === nodeType || "ClassPrivateMethod" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFunctionParent(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("FunctionDeclaration" === nodeType || "FunctionExpression" === nodeType || "ObjectMethod" === nodeType || "ArrowFunctionExpression" === nodeType || "ClassMethod" === nodeType || "ClassPrivateMethod" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isPureish(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("FunctionDeclaration" === nodeType || "FunctionExpression" === nodeType || "StringLiteral" === nodeType || "NumericLiteral" === nodeType || "NullLiteral" === nodeType || "BooleanLiteral" === nodeType || "RegExpLiteral" === nodeType || "ArrowFunctionExpression" === nodeType || "BigIntLiteral" === nodeType || "DecimalLiteral" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && "StringLiteral" === node.expectedNode) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("FunctionDeclaration" === nodeType || "VariableDeclaration" === nodeType || "ClassDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportAllDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportDefaultDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportNamedDeclaration" === nodeType || "ImportDeclaration" === nodeType || "DeclareClass" === nodeType || "DeclareFunction" === nodeType || "DeclareInterface" === nodeType || "DeclareModule" === nodeType || "DeclareModuleExports" === nodeType || "DeclareTypeAlias" === nodeType || "DeclareOpaqueType" === nodeType || "DeclareVariable" === nodeType || "DeclareExportDeclaration" === nodeType || "DeclareExportAllDeclaration" === nodeType || "InterfaceDeclaration" === nodeType || "OpaqueType" === nodeType || "TypeAlias" === nodeType || "EnumDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSDeclareFunction" === nodeType || "TSInterfaceDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSTypeAliasDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSEnumDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSModuleDeclaration" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && "Declaration" === node.expectedNode) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isPatternLike(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("Identifier" === nodeType || "RestElement" === nodeType || "AssignmentPattern" === nodeType || "ArrayPattern" === nodeType || "ObjectPattern" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && ("Pattern" === node.expectedNode || "Identifier" === node.expectedNode)) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isLVal(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("Identifier" === nodeType || "MemberExpression" === nodeType || "RestElement" === nodeType || "AssignmentPattern" === nodeType || "ArrayPattern" === nodeType || "ObjectPattern" === nodeType || "TSParameterProperty" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && ("Pattern" === node.expectedNode || "Identifier" === node.expectedNode)) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSEntityName(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("Identifier" === nodeType || "TSQualifiedName" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && "Identifier" === node.expectedNode) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isLiteral(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("StringLiteral" === nodeType || "NumericLiteral" === nodeType || "NullLiteral" === nodeType || "BooleanLiteral" === nodeType || "RegExpLiteral" === nodeType || "TemplateLiteral" === nodeType || "BigIntLiteral" === nodeType || "DecimalLiteral" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && "StringLiteral" === node.expectedNode) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isImmutable$2(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("StringLiteral" === nodeType || "NumericLiteral" === nodeType || "NullLiteral" === nodeType || "BooleanLiteral" === nodeType || "BigIntLiteral" === nodeType || "JSXAttribute" === nodeType || "JSXClosingElement" === nodeType || "JSXElement" === nodeType || "JSXExpressionContainer" === nodeType || "JSXSpreadChild" === nodeType || "JSXOpeningElement" === nodeType || "JSXText" === nodeType || "JSXFragment" === nodeType || "JSXOpeningFragment" === nodeType || "JSXClosingFragment" === nodeType || "DecimalLiteral" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && "StringLiteral" === node.expectedNode) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isUserWhitespacable(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("ObjectMethod" === nodeType || "ObjectProperty" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeInternalSlot" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeCallProperty" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeIndexer" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeProperty" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeSpreadProperty" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isMethod(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("ObjectMethod" === nodeType || "ClassMethod" === nodeType || "ClassPrivateMethod" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isObjectMember(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("ObjectMethod" === nodeType || "ObjectProperty" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isProperty(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("ObjectProperty" === nodeType || "ClassProperty" === nodeType || "ClassPrivateProperty" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isUnaryLike(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("UnaryExpression" === nodeType || "SpreadElement" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isPattern(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("AssignmentPattern" === nodeType || "ArrayPattern" === nodeType || "ObjectPattern" === nodeType || nodeType === "Placeholder" && "Pattern" === node.expectedNode) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isClass(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("ClassExpression" === nodeType || "ClassDeclaration" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isModuleDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("ExportAllDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportDefaultDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportNamedDeclaration" === nodeType || "ImportDeclaration" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isExportDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("ExportAllDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportDefaultDeclaration" === nodeType || "ExportNamedDeclaration" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isModuleSpecifier(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("ExportSpecifier" === nodeType || "ImportDefaultSpecifier" === nodeType || "ImportNamespaceSpecifier" === nodeType || "ImportSpecifier" === nodeType || "ExportNamespaceSpecifier" === nodeType || "ExportDefaultSpecifier" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isPrivate(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("ClassPrivateProperty" === nodeType || "ClassPrivateMethod" === nodeType || "PrivateName" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFlow(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("AnyTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "ArrayTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "BooleanTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "ClassImplements" === nodeType || "DeclareClass" === nodeType || "DeclareFunction" === nodeType || "DeclareInterface" === nodeType || "DeclareModule" === nodeType || "DeclareModuleExports" === nodeType || "DeclareTypeAlias" === nodeType || "DeclareOpaqueType" === nodeType || "DeclareVariable" === nodeType || "DeclareExportDeclaration" === nodeType || "DeclareExportAllDeclaration" === nodeType || "DeclaredPredicate" === nodeType || "ExistsTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "FunctionTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "FunctionTypeParam" === nodeType || "GenericTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "InferredPredicate" === nodeType || "InterfaceExtends" === nodeType || "InterfaceDeclaration" === nodeType || "InterfaceTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "IntersectionTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "MixedTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "EmptyTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "NullableTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "NumberTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeInternalSlot" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeCallProperty" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeIndexer" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeProperty" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeSpreadProperty" === nodeType || "OpaqueType" === nodeType || "QualifiedTypeIdentifier" === nodeType || "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "StringTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "SymbolTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "ThisTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "TupleTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "TypeofTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "TypeAlias" === nodeType || "TypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "TypeCastExpression" === nodeType || "TypeParameter" === nodeType || "TypeParameterDeclaration" === nodeType || "TypeParameterInstantiation" === nodeType || "UnionTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "Variance" === nodeType || "VoidTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "IndexedAccessType" === nodeType || "OptionalIndexedAccessType" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFlowType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("AnyTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "ArrayTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "BooleanTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "ExistsTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "FunctionTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "GenericTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "InterfaceTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "IntersectionTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "MixedTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "EmptyTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "NullableTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "NumberTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "ObjectTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "StringTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "SymbolTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "ThisTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "TupleTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "TypeofTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "UnionTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "VoidTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "IndexedAccessType" === nodeType || "OptionalIndexedAccessType" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFlowBaseAnnotation(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("AnyTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "BooleanTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "MixedTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "EmptyTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "NumberTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "StringTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "SymbolTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "ThisTypeAnnotation" === nodeType || "VoidTypeAnnotation" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFlowDeclaration(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("DeclareClass" === nodeType || "DeclareFunction" === nodeType || "DeclareInterface" === nodeType || "DeclareModule" === nodeType || "DeclareModuleExports" === nodeType || "DeclareTypeAlias" === nodeType || "DeclareOpaqueType" === nodeType || "DeclareVariable" === nodeType || "DeclareExportDeclaration" === nodeType || "DeclareExportAllDeclaration" === nodeType || "InterfaceDeclaration" === nodeType || "OpaqueType" === nodeType || "TypeAlias" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isFlowPredicate(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("DeclaredPredicate" === nodeType || "InferredPredicate" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumBody(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("EnumBooleanBody" === nodeType || "EnumNumberBody" === nodeType || "EnumStringBody" === nodeType || "EnumSymbolBody" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isEnumMember(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("EnumBooleanMember" === nodeType || "EnumNumberMember" === nodeType || "EnumStringMember" === nodeType || "EnumDefaultedMember" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isJSX(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("JSXAttribute" === nodeType || "JSXClosingElement" === nodeType || "JSXElement" === nodeType || "JSXEmptyExpression" === nodeType || "JSXExpressionContainer" === nodeType || "JSXSpreadChild" === nodeType || "JSXIdentifier" === nodeType || "JSXMemberExpression" === nodeType || "JSXNamespacedName" === nodeType || "JSXOpeningElement" === nodeType || "JSXSpreadAttribute" === nodeType || "JSXText" === nodeType || "JSXFragment" === nodeType || "JSXOpeningFragment" === nodeType || "JSXClosingFragment" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSTypeElement(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("TSCallSignatureDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration" === nodeType || "TSPropertySignature" === nodeType || "TSMethodSignature" === nodeType || "TSIndexSignature" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("TSAnyKeyword" === nodeType || "TSBooleanKeyword" === nodeType || "TSBigIntKeyword" === nodeType || "TSIntrinsicKeyword" === nodeType || "TSNeverKeyword" === nodeType || "TSNullKeyword" === nodeType || "TSNumberKeyword" === nodeType || "TSObjectKeyword" === nodeType || "TSStringKeyword" === nodeType || "TSSymbolKeyword" === nodeType || "TSUndefinedKeyword" === nodeType || "TSUnknownKeyword" === nodeType || "TSVoidKeyword" === nodeType || "TSThisType" === nodeType || "TSFunctionType" === nodeType || "TSConstructorType" === nodeType || "TSTypeReference" === nodeType || "TSTypePredicate" === nodeType || "TSTypeQuery" === nodeType || "TSTypeLiteral" === nodeType || "TSArrayType" === nodeType || "TSTupleType" === nodeType || "TSOptionalType" === nodeType || "TSRestType" === nodeType || "TSUnionType" === nodeType || "TSIntersectionType" === nodeType || "TSConditionalType" === nodeType || "TSInferType" === nodeType || "TSParenthesizedType" === nodeType || "TSTypeOperator" === nodeType || "TSIndexedAccessType" === nodeType || "TSMappedType" === nodeType || "TSLiteralType" === nodeType || "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments" === nodeType || "TSImportType" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isTSBaseType(node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if ("TSAnyKeyword" === nodeType || "TSBooleanKeyword" === nodeType || "TSBigIntKeyword" === nodeType || "TSIntrinsicKeyword" === nodeType || "TSNeverKeyword" === nodeType || "TSNullKeyword" === nodeType || "TSNumberKeyword" === nodeType || "TSObjectKeyword" === nodeType || "TSStringKeyword" === nodeType || "TSSymbolKeyword" === nodeType || "TSUndefinedKeyword" === nodeType || "TSUnknownKeyword" === nodeType || "TSVoidKeyword" === nodeType || "TSThisType" === nodeType || "TSLiteralType" === nodeType) { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isNumberLiteral(node, opts) { console.trace("The node type NumberLiteral has been renamed to NumericLiteral"); if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "NumberLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isRegexLiteral(node, opts) { console.trace("The node type RegexLiteral has been renamed to RegExpLiteral"); if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "RegexLiteral") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isRestProperty(node, opts) { console.trace("The node type RestProperty has been renamed to RestElement"); if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "RestProperty") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } function isSpreadProperty(node, opts) { console.trace("The node type SpreadProperty has been renamed to SpreadElement"); if (!node) return false; var nodeType = node.type; if (nodeType === "SpreadProperty") { if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } } return false; } Object.defineProperty(matchesPattern$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); matchesPattern$1.default = matchesPattern; var _generated$o = generated$4; function matchesPattern(member, match, allowPartial) { if (!(0, _generated$o.isMemberExpression)(member)) return false; var parts = Array.isArray(match) ? match : match.split("."); var nodes = []; var node; for(node = member; (0, _generated$o.isMemberExpression)(node); node = node.object){ nodes.push(; } nodes.push(node); if (nodes.length < parts.length) return false; if (!allowPartial && nodes.length > parts.length) return false; for(var i = 0, j = nodes.length - 1; i < parts.length; i++, j--){ var node1 = nodes[j]; var value = void 0; if ((0, _generated$o.isIdentifier)(node1)) { value =; } else if ((0, _generated$o.isStringLiteral)(node1)) { value = node1.value; } else if ((0, _generated$o.isThisExpression)(node1)) { value = "this"; } else { return false; } if (parts[i] !== value) return false; } return true; } Object.defineProperty(buildMatchMemberExpression$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); buildMatchMemberExpression$1.default = buildMatchMemberExpression; var _matchesPattern = matchesPattern$1; function buildMatchMemberExpression(match, allowPartial) { var parts = match.split("."); return function(member) { return (0, _matchesPattern.default)(member, parts, allowPartial); }; } Object.defineProperty(isReactComponent$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); isReactComponent$1.default = void 0; var _buildMatchMemberExpression = buildMatchMemberExpression$1; var isReactComponent = (0, _buildMatchMemberExpression.default)("React.Component"); var _default$4 = isReactComponent; isReactComponent$1.default = _default$4; var isCompatTag$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(isCompatTag$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); isCompatTag$1.default = isCompatTag; function isCompatTag(tagName) { return !!tagName && /^[a-z]/.test(tagName); } var buildChildren$1 = {}; var cleanJSXElementLiteralChild$1 = {}; var generated$3 = {}; var builder$1 = {}; var definitions = {}; var _typeof$4 = function(obj) { "@swc/helpers - typeof"; return obj && typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && obj.constructor === Symbol ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; var toFastProperties; var hasRequiredToFastProperties; function requireToFastProperties() { if (hasRequiredToFastProperties) return toFastProperties; hasRequiredToFastProperties = 1; var fastProto = null; // Creates an object with permanently fast properties in V8. See Toon Verwaest's // post // for more details. Use %HasFastProperties(object) and the Node.js flag // --allow-natives-syntax to check whether an object has fast properties. function FastObject(o) { // A prototype object will have "fast properties" enabled once it is checked // against the inline property cache of a function, e.g. // if (fastProto !== null && _typeof$4( { var result = fastProto; fastProto = FastObject.prototype = null; return result; } fastProto = FastObject.prototype = o == null ? Object.create(null) : o; return new FastObject; } // Initialize the inline property cache of FastObject FastObject(); toFastProperties = function toFastproperties(o) { return FastObject(o); }; return toFastProperties; } var core = {}; var is = {}; var isType = {}; var hasRequiredIsType; function requireIsType() { var isType$1 = function isType(nodeType, targetType) { if (nodeType === targetType) return true; if (_definitions.ALIAS_KEYS[targetType]) return false; var aliases = _definitions.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS[targetType]; if (aliases) { if (aliases[0] === nodeType) return true; for(var _i = 0; _i < aliases.length; _i++){ var alias = aliases[_i]; if (nodeType === alias) return true; } } return false; }; if (hasRequiredIsType) return isType; hasRequiredIsType = 1; Object.defineProperty(isType, "__esModule", { value: true }); isType.default = isType$1; var _definitions = requireDefinitions(); return isType; } var isPlaceholderType = {}; var hasRequiredIsPlaceholderType; function requireIsPlaceholderType() { var isPlaceholderType$1 = function isPlaceholderType(placeholderType, targetType) { if (placeholderType === targetType) return true; var aliases = _definitions.PLACEHOLDERS_ALIAS[placeholderType]; if (aliases) { for(var _i = 0; _i < aliases.length; _i++){ var alias = aliases[_i]; if (targetType === alias) return true; } } return false; }; if (hasRequiredIsPlaceholderType) return isPlaceholderType; hasRequiredIsPlaceholderType = 1; Object.defineProperty(isPlaceholderType, "__esModule", { value: true }); isPlaceholderType.default = isPlaceholderType$1; var _definitions = requireDefinitions(); return isPlaceholderType; } var hasRequiredIs; function requireIs() { var is$1 = function is(type, node, opts) { if (!node) return false; var matches = (0, _isType.default)(node.type, type); if (!matches) { if (!opts && node.type === "Placeholder" && type in _definitions.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS) { return (0, _isPlaceholderType.default)(node.expectedNode, type); } return false; } if (typeof opts === "undefined") { return true; } else { return (0, _shallowEqual.default)(node, opts); } }; if (hasRequiredIs) return is; hasRequiredIs = 1; Object.defineProperty(is, "__esModule", { value: true }); is.default = is$1; var _shallowEqual = shallowEqual$1; var _isType = requireIsType(); var _isPlaceholderType = requireIsPlaceholderType(); var _definitions = requireDefinitions(); return is; } var isValidIdentifier$1 = {}; var lib = {}; var identifier$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(identifier$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); identifier$1.isIdentifierStart = isIdentifierStart; identifier$1.isIdentifierChar = isIdentifierChar; identifier$1.isIdentifierName = isIdentifierName; var nonASCIIidentifierStartChars = "\xaa\xb5\xba\xc0-\xd6\xd8-\xf6\xf8-ˁˆ-ˑˠ-ˤˬˮͰ-ʹͶͷͺ-ͽͿΆΈ-ΊΌΎ-ΡΣ-ϵϷ-ҁҊ-ԯԱ-Ֆՙՠ-ֈא-תׯ-ײؠ-يٮٯٱ-ۓەۥۦۮۯۺ-ۼۿܐܒ-ܯݍ-ޥޱߊ-ߪߴߵߺࠀ-ࠕࠚࠤࠨࡀ-ࡘࡠ-ࡪࢠ-ࢴࢶ-ࣇऄ-हऽॐक़-ॡॱ-ঀঅ-ঌএঐও-নপ-রলশ-হঽৎড়ঢ়য়-ৡৰৱৼਅ-ਊਏਐਓ-ਨਪ-ਰਲਲ਼ਵਸ਼ਸਹਖ਼-ੜਫ਼ੲ-ੴઅ-ઍએ-ઑઓ-નપ-રલળવ-હઽૐૠૡૹଅ-ଌଏଐଓ-ନପ-ରଲଳଵ-ହଽଡ଼ଢ଼ୟ-ୡୱஃஅ-ஊஎ-ஐஒ-கஙசஜஞடணதந-பம-ஹௐఅ-ఌఎ-ఐఒ-నప-హఽౘ-ౚౠౡಀಅ-ಌಎ-ಐಒ-ನಪ-ಳವ-ಹಽೞೠೡೱೲഄ-ഌഎ-ഐഒ-ഺഽൎൔ-ൖൟ-ൡൺ-ൿඅ-ඖක-නඳ-රලව-ෆก-ะาำเ-ๆກຂຄຆ-ຊຌ-ຣລວ-ະາຳຽເ-ໄໆໜ-ໟༀཀ-ཇཉ-ཬྈ-ྌက-ဪဿၐ-ၕၚ-ၝၡၥၦၮ-ၰၵ-ႁႎႠ-ჅჇჍა-ჺჼ-ቈቊ-ቍቐ-ቖቘቚ-ቝበ-ኈኊ-ኍነ-ኰኲ-ኵኸ-ኾዀዂ-ዅወ-ዖዘ-ጐጒ-ጕጘ-ፚᎀ-ᎏᎠ-Ᏽᏸ-ᏽᐁ-ᙬᙯ-ᙿᚁ-ᚚᚠ-ᛪᛮ-ᛸᜀ-ᜌᜎ-ᜑᜠ-ᜱᝀ-ᝑᝠ-ᝬᝮ-ᝰក-ឳៗៜᠠ-ᡸᢀ-ᢨᢪᢰ-ᣵᤀ-ᤞᥐ-ᥭᥰ-ᥴᦀ-ᦫᦰ-ᧉᨀ-ᨖᨠ-ᩔᪧᬅ-ᬳᭅ-ᭋᮃ-ᮠᮮᮯᮺ-ᯥᰀ-ᰣᱍ-ᱏᱚ-ᱽᲀ-ᲈᲐ-ᲺᲽ-Ჿᳩ-ᳬᳮ-ᳳᳵᳶᳺᴀ-ᶿḀ-ἕἘ-Ἕἠ-ὅὈ-Ὅὐ-ὗὙὛὝὟ-ώᾀ-ᾴᾶ-ᾼιῂ-ῄῆ-ῌῐ-ΐῖ-Ίῠ-Ῥῲ-ῴῶ-ῼⁱⁿₐ-ₜℂℇℊ-ℓℕ℘-ℝℤΩℨK-ℹℼ-ℿⅅ-ⅉⅎⅠ-ↈⰀ-Ⱞⰰ-ⱞⱠ-ⳤⳫ-ⳮⳲⳳⴀ-ⴥⴧⴭⴰ-ⵧⵯⶀ-ⶖⶠ-ⶦⶨ-ⶮⶰ-ⶶⶸ-ⶾⷀ-ⷆⷈ-ⷎⷐ-ⷖⷘ-ⷞ々-〇〡-〩〱-〵〸-〼ぁ-ゖ゛-ゟァ-ヺー-ヿㄅ-ㄯㄱ-ㆎㆠ-ㆿㇰ-ㇿ㐀-䶿一-鿼ꀀ-ꒌꓐ-ꓽꔀ-ꘌꘐ-ꘟꘪꘫꙀ-ꙮꙿ-ꚝꚠ-ꛯꜗ-ꜟꜢ-ꞈꞋ-ꞿꟂ-ꟊꟵ-ꠁꠃ-ꠅꠇ-ꠊꠌ-ꠢꡀ-ꡳꢂ-ꢳꣲ-ꣷꣻꣽꣾꤊ-ꤥꤰ-ꥆꥠ-ꥼꦄ-ꦲꧏꧠ-ꧤꧦ-ꧯꧺ-ꧾꨀ-ꨨꩀ-ꩂꩄ-ꩋꩠ-ꩶꩺꩾ-ꪯꪱꪵꪶꪹ-ꪽꫀꫂꫛ-ꫝꫠ-ꫪꫲ-ꫴꬁ-ꬆꬉ-ꬎꬑ-ꬖꬠ-ꬦꬨ-ꬮꬰ-ꭚꭜ-ꭩꭰ-ꯢ가-힣ힰ-ퟆퟋ-ퟻ豈-舘並-龎ff-stﬓ-ﬗיִײַ-ﬨשׁ-זּטּ-לּמּנּסּףּפּצּ-ﮱﯓ-ﴽﵐ-ﶏﶒ-ﷇﷰ-ﷻﹰ-ﹴﹶ-ﻼA-Za-zヲ-하-ᅦᅧ-ᅬᅭ-ᅲᅳ-ᅵ"; var nonASCIIidentifierChars = "‌‍\xb7̀-ͯ·҃-֑҇-ׇֽֿׁׂׅׄؐ-ًؚ-٩ٰۖ-ۜ۟-۪ۤۧۨ-ۭ۰-۹ܑܰ-݊ަ-ް߀-߉߫-߽߳ࠖ-࠙ࠛ-ࠣࠥ-ࠧࠩ-࡙࠭-࡛࣓-ࣣ࣡-ःऺ-़ा-ॏ॑-ॗॢॣ०-९ঁ-ঃ়া-ৄেৈো-্ৗৢৣ০-৯৾ਁ-ਃ਼ਾ-ੂੇੈੋ-੍ੑ੦-ੱੵઁ-ઃ઼ા-ૅે-ૉો-્ૢૣ૦-૯ૺ-૿ଁ-ଃ଼ା-ୄେୈୋ-୍୕-ୗୢୣ୦-୯ஂா-ூெ-ைொ-்ௗ௦-௯ఀ-ఄా-ౄె-ైొ-్ౕౖౢౣ౦-౯ಁ-ಃ಼ಾ-ೄೆ-ೈೊ-್ೕೖೢೣ೦-೯ഀ-ഃ഻഼ാ-ൄെ-ൈൊ-്ൗൢൣ൦-൯ඁ-ඃ්ා-ුූෘ-ෟ෦-෯ෲෳัิ-ฺ็-๎๐-๙ັິ-ຼ່-ໍ໐-໙༘༙༠-༩༹༵༷༾༿ཱ-྄྆྇ྍ-ྗྙ-ྼ࿆ါ-ှ၀-၉ၖ-ၙၞ-ၠၢ-ၤၧ-ၭၱ-ၴႂ-ႍႏ-ႝ፝-፟፩-፱ᜒ-᜔ᜲ-᜴ᝒᝓᝲᝳ឴-៓៝០-៩᠋-᠍᠐-᠙ᢩᤠ-ᤫᤰ-᤻᥆-᥏᧐-᧚ᨗ-ᨛᩕ-ᩞ᩠-᩿᩼-᪉᪐-᪙᪰-᪽ᪿᫀᬀ-ᬄ᬴-᭄᭐-᭙᭫-᭳ᮀ-ᮂᮡ-ᮭ᮰-᮹᯦-᯳ᰤ-᰷᱀-᱉᱐-᱙᳐-᳔᳒-᳨᳭᳴᳷-᳹᷀-᷹᷻-᷿‿⁀⁔⃐-⃥⃜⃡-⃰⳯-⵿⳱ⷠ-〪ⷿ-゙゚〯꘠-꘩꙯ꙴ-꙽ꚞꚟ꛰꛱ꠂ꠆ꠋꠣ-ꠧ꠬ꢀꢁꢴ-ꣅ꣐-꣙꣠-꣱ꣿ-꤉ꤦ-꤭ꥇ-꥓ꦀ-ꦃ꦳-꧀꧐-꧙ꧥ꧰-꧹ꨩ-ꨶꩃꩌꩍ꩐-꩙ꩻ-ꩽꪰꪲ-ꪴꪷꪸꪾ꪿꫁ꫫ-ꫯꫵ꫶ꯣ-ꯪ꯬꯭꯰-꯹ﬞ︀-️︠-︯︳︴﹍-﹏0-9_"; var nonASCIIidentifierStart = new RegExp("[" + nonASCIIidentifierStartChars + "]"); var nonASCIIidentifier = new RegExp("[" + nonASCIIidentifierStartChars + nonASCIIidentifierChars + "]"); nonASCIIidentifierStartChars = nonASCIIidentifierChars = null; var astralIdentifierStartCodes = [ 0, 11, 2, 25, 2, 18, 2, 1, 2, 14, 3, 13, 35, 122, 70, 52, 268, 28, 4, 48, 48, 31, 14, 29, 6, 37, 11, 29, 3, 35, 5, 7, 2, 4, 43, 157, 19, 35, 5, 35, 5, 39, 9, 51, 157, 310, 10, 21, 11, 7, 153, 5, 3, 0, 2, 43, 2, 1, 4, 0, 3, 22, 11, 22, 10, 30, 66, 18, 2, 1, 11, 21, 11, 25, 71, 55, 7, 1, 65, 0, 16, 3, 2, 2, 2, 28, 43, 28, 4, 28, 36, 7, 2, 27, 28, 53, 11, 21, 11, 18, 14, 17, 111, 72, 56, 50, 14, 50, 14, 35, 349, 41, 7, 1, 79, 28, 11, 0, 9, 21, 107, 20, 28, 22, 13, 52, 76, 44, 33, 24, 27, 35, 30, 0, 3, 0, 9, 34, 4, 0, 13, 47, 15, 3, 22, 0, 2, 0, 36, 17, 2, 24, 85, 6, 2, 0, 2, 3, 2, 14, 2, 9, 8, 46, 39, 7, 3, 1, 3, 21, 2, 6, 2, 1, 2, 4, 4, 0, 19, 0, 13, 4, 159, 52, 19, 3, 21, 2, 31, 47, 21, 1, 2, 0, 185, 46, 42, 3, 37, 47, 21, 0, 60, 42, 14, 0, 72, 26, 230, 43, 117, 63, 32, 7, 3, 0, 3, 7, 2, 1, 2, 23, 16, 0, 2, 0, 95, 7, 3, 38, 17, 0, 2, 0, 29, 0, 11, 39, 8, 0, 22, 0, 12, 45, 20, 0, 35, 56, 264, 8, 2, 36, 18, 0, 50, 29, 113, 6, 2, 1, 2, 37, 22, 0, 26, 5, 2, 1, 2, 31, 15, 0, 328, 18, 190, 0, 80, 921, 103, 110, 18, 195, 2749, 1070, 4050, 582, 8634, 568, 8, 30, 114, 29, 19, 47, 17, 3, 32, 20, 6, 18, 689, 63, 129, 74, 6, 0, 67, 12, 65, 1, 2, 0, 29, 6135, 9, 1237, 43, 8, 8952, 286, 50, 2, 18, 3, 9, 395, 2309, 106, 6, 12, 4, 8, 8, 9, 5991, 84, 2, 70, 2, 1, 3, 0, 3, 1, 3, 3, 2, 11, 2, 0, 2, 6, 2, 64, 2, 3, 3, 7, 2, 6, 2, 27, 2, 3, 2, 4, 2, 0, 4, 6, 2, 339, 3, 24, 2, 24, 2, 30, 2, 24, 2, 30, 2, 24, 2, 30, 2, 24, 2, 30, 2, 24, 2, 7, 2357, 44, 11, 6, 17, 0, 370, 43, 1301, 196, 60, 67, 8, 0, 1205, 3, 2, 26, 2, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 2, 9, 2, 3, 2, 0, 2, 0, 7, 0, 5, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 0, 3, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 1, 2, 0, 3, 3, 2, 6, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 0, 2, 9, 2, 16, 6, 2, 2, 4, 2, 16, 4421, 42717, 35, 4148, 12, 221, 3, 5761, 15, 7472, 3104, 541, 1507, 4938 ]; var astralIdentifierCodes = [ 509, 0, 227, 0, 150, 4, 294, 9, 1368, 2, 2, 1, 6, 3, 41, 2, 5, 0, 166, 1, 574, 3, 9, 9, 370, 1, 154, 10, 176, 2, 54, 14, 32, 9, 16, 3, 46, 10, 54, 9, 7, 2, 37, 13, 2, 9, 6, 1, 45, 0, 13, 2, 49, 13, 9, 3, 2, 11, 83, 11, 7, 0, 161, 11, 6, 9, 7, 3, 56, 1, 2, 6, 3, 1, 3, 2, 10, 0, 11, 1, 3, 6, 4, 4, 193, 17, 10, 9, 5, 0, 82, 19, 13, 9, 214, 6, 3, 8, 28, 1, 83, 16, 16, 9, 82, 12, 9, 9, 84, 14, 5, 9, 243, 14, 166, 9, 71, 5, 2, 1, 3, 3, 2, 0, 2, 1, 13, 9, 120, 6, 3, 6, 4, 0, 29, 9, 41, 6, 2, 3, 9, 0, 10, 10, 47, 15, 406, 7, 2, 7, 17, 9, 57, 21, 2, 13, 123, 5, 4, 0, 2, 1, 2, 6, 2, 0, 9, 9, 49, 4, 2, 1, 2, 4, 9, 9, 330, 3, 19306, 9, 135, 4, 60, 6, 26, 9, 1014, 0, 2, 54, 8, 3, 82, 0, 12, 1, 19628, 1, 5319, 4, 4, 5, 9, 7, 3, 6, 31, 3, 149, 2, 1418, 49, 513, 54, 5, 49, 9, 0, 15, 0, 23, 4, 2, 14, 1361, 6, 2, 16, 3, 6, 2, 1, 2, 4, 262, 6, 10, 9, 419, 13, 1495, 6, 110, 6, 6, 9, 4759, 9, 787719, 239 ]; function isInAstralSet(code, set) { var pos = 0x10000; for(var i = 0, length = set.length; i < length; i += 2){ pos += set[i]; if (pos > code) return false; pos += set[i + 1]; if (pos >= code) return true; } return false; } function isIdentifierStart(code) { if (code < 65) return code === 36; if (code <= 90) return true; if (code < 97) return code === 95; if (code <= 122) return true; if (code <= 0xffff) { return code >= 0xaa && nonASCIIidentifierStart.test(String.fromCharCode(code)); } return isInAstralSet(code, astralIdentifierStartCodes); } function isIdentifierChar(code) { if (code < 48) return code === 36; if (code < 58) return true; if (code < 65) return false; if (code <= 90) return true; if (code < 97) return code === 95; if (code <= 122) return true; if (code <= 0xffff) { return code >= 0xaa && nonASCIIidentifier.test(String.fromCharCode(code)); } return isInAstralSet(code, astralIdentifierStartCodes) || isInAstralSet(code, astralIdentifierCodes); } function isIdentifierName(name) { var isFirst = true; for(var i = 0; i < name.length; i++){ var cp = name.charCodeAt(i); if ((cp & 0xfc00) === 0xd800 && i + 1 < name.length) { var trail = name.charCodeAt(++i); if ((trail & 0xfc00) === 0xdc00) { cp = 0x10000 + ((cp & 0x3ff) << 10) + (trail & 0x3ff); } } if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; if (!isIdentifierStart(cp)) { return false; } } else if (!isIdentifierChar(cp)) { return false; } } return !isFirst; } var keyword = {}; Object.defineProperty(keyword, "__esModule", { value: true }); keyword.isReservedWord = isReservedWord; keyword.isStrictReservedWord = isStrictReservedWord; keyword.isStrictBindOnlyReservedWord = isStrictBindOnlyReservedWord; keyword.isStrictBindReservedWord = isStrictBindReservedWord; keyword.isKeyword = isKeyword; var reservedWords = { keyword: [ "break", "case", "catch", "continue", "debugger", "default", "do", "else", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "return", "switch", "throw", "try", "var", "const", "while", "with", "new", "this", "super", "class", "extends", "export", "import", "null", "true", "false", "in", "instanceof", "typeof", "void", "delete" ], strict: [ "implements", "interface", "let", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "static", "yield" ], strictBind: [ "eval", "arguments" ] }; var keywords = new Set(reservedWords.keyword); var reservedWordsStrictSet = new Set(reservedWords.strict); var reservedWordsStrictBindSet = new Set(reservedWords.strictBind); function isReservedWord(word, inModule) { return inModule && word === "await" || word === "enum"; } function isStrictReservedWord(word, inModule) { return isReservedWord(word, inModule) || reservedWordsStrictSet.has(word); } function isStrictBindOnlyReservedWord(word) { return reservedWordsStrictBindSet.has(word); } function isStrictBindReservedWord(word, inModule) { return isStrictReservedWord(word, inModule) || isStrictBindOnlyReservedWord(word); } function isKeyword(word) { return keywords.has(word); } (function(exports) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isIdentifierName", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _identifier.isIdentifierName; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isIdentifierChar", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _identifier.isIdentifierChar; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isIdentifierStart", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _identifier.isIdentifierStart; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isReservedWord", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _keyword.isReservedWord; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isStrictBindOnlyReservedWord", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _keyword.isStrictBindOnlyReservedWord; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isStrictBindReservedWord", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _keyword.isStrictBindReservedWord; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isStrictReservedWord", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _keyword.isStrictReservedWord; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isKeyword", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _keyword.isKeyword; } }); var _identifier = identifier$1; var _keyword = keyword; })(lib); Object.defineProperty(isValidIdentifier$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); isValidIdentifier$1.default = isValidIdentifier; var _helperValidatorIdentifier$1 = lib; function isValidIdentifier(name, reserved) { if (reserved === void 0) reserved = true; if (typeof name !== "string") return false; if (reserved) { if ((0, _helperValidatorIdentifier$1.isKeyword)(name) || (0, _helperValidatorIdentifier$1.isStrictReservedWord)(name, true)) { return false; } } return (0, _helperValidatorIdentifier$1.isIdentifierName)(name); } var constants = {}; function _arrayLikeToArray$3(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for(var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++)arr2[i] = arr[i]; return arr2; } function _arrayWithoutHoles$3(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray$3(arr); } function _iterableToArray$3(iter) { if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && iter[Symbol.iterator] != null || iter["@@iterator"] != null) return Array.from(iter); } function _nonIterableSpread$3() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } function _toConsumableArray$3(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles$3(arr) || _iterableToArray$3(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray$3(arr) || _nonIterableSpread$3(); } function _unsupportedIterableToArray$3(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray$3(o, minLen); var n =, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(n); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray$3(o, minLen); } Object.defineProperty(constants, "__esModule", { value: true }); constants.NOT_LOCAL_BINDING = constants.BLOCK_SCOPED_SYMBOL = constants.INHERIT_KEYS = constants.UNARY_OPERATORS = constants.STRING_UNARY_OPERATORS = constants.NUMBER_UNARY_OPERATORS = constants.BOOLEAN_UNARY_OPERATORS = constants.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATORS = constants.BINARY_OPERATORS = constants.NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS = constants.BOOLEAN_BINARY_OPERATORS = constants.COMPARISON_BINARY_OPERATORS = constants.EQUALITY_BINARY_OPERATORS = constants.BOOLEAN_NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS = constants.UPDATE_OPERATORS = constants.LOGICAL_OPERATORS = constants.COMMENT_KEYS = constants.FOR_INIT_KEYS = constants.FLATTENABLE_KEYS = constants.STATEMENT_OR_BLOCK_KEYS = void 0; var STATEMENT_OR_BLOCK_KEYS = [ "consequent", "body", "alternate" ]; constants.STATEMENT_OR_BLOCK_KEYS = STATEMENT_OR_BLOCK_KEYS; var FLATTENABLE_KEYS = [ "body", "expressions" ]; constants.FLATTENABLE_KEYS = FLATTENABLE_KEYS; var FOR_INIT_KEYS = [ "left", "init" ]; constants.FOR_INIT_KEYS = FOR_INIT_KEYS; var COMMENT_KEYS = [ "leadingComments", "trailingComments", "innerComments" ]; constants.COMMENT_KEYS = COMMENT_KEYS; var LOGICAL_OPERATORS = [ "||", "&&", "??" ]; constants.LOGICAL_OPERATORS = LOGICAL_OPERATORS; var UPDATE_OPERATORS = [ "++", "--" ]; constants.UPDATE_OPERATORS = UPDATE_OPERATORS; var BOOLEAN_NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS = [ ">", "<", ">=", "<=" ]; constants.BOOLEAN_NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS = BOOLEAN_NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS; var EQUALITY_BINARY_OPERATORS = [ "==", "===", "!=", "!==" ]; constants.EQUALITY_BINARY_OPERATORS = EQUALITY_BINARY_OPERATORS; var COMPARISON_BINARY_OPERATORS = _toConsumableArray$3(EQUALITY_BINARY_OPERATORS).concat([ "in", "instanceof" ]); constants.COMPARISON_BINARY_OPERATORS = COMPARISON_BINARY_OPERATORS; var BOOLEAN_BINARY_OPERATORS = _toConsumableArray$3(COMPARISON_BINARY_OPERATORS).concat(_toConsumableArray$3(BOOLEAN_NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS)); constants.BOOLEAN_BINARY_OPERATORS = BOOLEAN_BINARY_OPERATORS; var NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS = [ "-", "/", "%", "*", "**", "&", "|", ">>", ">>>", "<<", "^" ]; constants.NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS = NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS; var BINARY_OPERATORS = [ "+" ].concat(_toConsumableArray$3(NUMBER_BINARY_OPERATORS), _toConsumableArray$3(BOOLEAN_BINARY_OPERATORS)); constants.BINARY_OPERATORS = BINARY_OPERATORS; var ASSIGNMENT_OPERATORS = [ "=", "+=" ].concat(_toConsumableArray$3( { return op + "="; })), _toConsumableArray$3( { return op + "="; }))); constants.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATORS = ASSIGNMENT_OPERATORS; var BOOLEAN_UNARY_OPERATORS = [ "delete", "!" ]; constants.BOOLEAN_UNARY_OPERATORS = BOOLEAN_UNARY_OPERATORS; var NUMBER_UNARY_OPERATORS = [ "+", "-", "~" ]; constants.NUMBER_UNARY_OPERATORS = NUMBER_UNARY_OPERATORS; var STRING_UNARY_OPERATORS = [ "typeof" ]; constants.STRING_UNARY_OPERATORS = STRING_UNARY_OPERATORS; var UNARY_OPERATORS = [ "void", "throw" ].concat(_toConsumableArray$3(BOOLEAN_UNARY_OPERATORS), _toConsumableArray$3(NUMBER_UNARY_OPERATORS), _toConsumableArray$3(STRING_UNARY_OPERATORS)); constants.UNARY_OPERATORS = UNARY_OPERATORS; var INHERIT_KEYS = { optional: [ "typeAnnotation", "typeParameters", "returnType" ], force: [ "start", "loc", "end" ] }; constants.INHERIT_KEYS = INHERIT_KEYS; var BLOCK_SCOPED_SYMBOL = Symbol.for("var used to be block scoped"); constants.BLOCK_SCOPED_SYMBOL = BLOCK_SCOPED_SYMBOL; var NOT_LOCAL_BINDING = Symbol.for("should not be considered a local binding"); constants.NOT_LOCAL_BINDING = NOT_LOCAL_BINDING; var utils = {}; var validate = {}; var hasRequiredValidate; function requireValidate() { var validate$1 = function validate(node, key, val) { if (!node) return; var fields = _definitions.NODE_FIELDS[node.type]; if (!fields) return; var field = fields[key]; validateField(node, key, val, field); validateChild(node, key, val); }; var validateField = function validateField(node, key, val, field) { if (!(field != null && field.validate)) return; if (field.optional && val == null) return; field.validate(node, key, val); }; var validateChild = function validateChild(node, key, val) { if (val == null) return; var validate = _definitions.NODE_PARENT_VALIDATIONS[val.type]; if (!validate) return; validate(node, key, val); }; if (hasRequiredValidate) return validate; hasRequiredValidate = 1; Object.defineProperty(validate, "__esModule", { value: true }); validate.default = validate$1; validate.validateField = validateField; validate.validateChild = validateChild; var _definitions = requireDefinitions(); return validate; } function _instanceof(left, right) { if (right != null && typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && right[Symbol.hasInstance]) { return !!right[Symbol.hasInstance](left); } else { return left instanceof right; } } var _typeof$3 = function(obj) { "@swc/helpers - typeof"; return obj && typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && obj.constructor === Symbol ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; var hasRequiredUtils; function requireUtils() { var getType = function getType(val) { if (Array.isArray(val)) { return "array"; } else if (val === null) { return "null"; } else { return typeof val === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof$3(val); } }; var validate = function validate(validate1) { return { validate: validate1 }; }; var typeIs = function typeIs(typeName) { return typeof typeName === "string" ? assertNodeType(typeName) : assertNodeType.apply(void 0, typeName); }; var validateType = function validateType(typeName) { return validate(typeIs(typeName)); }; var validateOptional = function validateOptional(validate) { return { validate: validate, optional: true }; }; var validateOptionalType = function validateOptionalType(typeName) { return { validate: typeIs(typeName), optional: true }; }; var arrayOf = function arrayOf(elementType) { return chain(assertValueType("array"), assertEach(elementType)); }; var arrayOfType = function arrayOfType(typeName) { return arrayOf(typeIs(typeName)); }; var validateArrayOfType = function validateArrayOfType(typeName) { return validate(arrayOfType(typeName)); }; var assertEach = function assertEach(callback) { function validator(node, key, val) { if (!Array.isArray(val)) return; for(var i = 0; i < val.length; i++){ var subkey = key + "[" + i + "]"; var v = val[i]; callback(node, subkey, v); if (process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) (0, _validate.validateChild)(node, subkey, v); } } validator.each = callback; return validator; }; var assertOneOf = function assertOneOf() { for(var _len = arguments.length, values = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++){ values[_key] = arguments[_key]; } function validate(node, key, val) { if (values.indexOf(val) < 0) { throw new TypeError("Property " + key + " expected value to be one of " + JSON.stringify(values) + " but got " + JSON.stringify(val)); } } validate.oneOf = values; return validate; }; var assertNodeType = function assertNodeType() { for(var _len = arguments.length, types = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++){ types[_key] = arguments[_key]; } function validate(node, key, val) { for(var _i = 0; _i < types.length; _i++){ var type = types[_i]; if ((0, _is.default)(type, val)) { (0, _validate.validateChild)(node, key, val); return; } } throw new TypeError("Property " + key + " of " + node.type + " expected node to be of a type " + JSON.stringify(types) + " but instead got " + JSON.stringify(val == null ? void 0 : val.type)); } validate.oneOfNodeTypes = types; return validate; }; var assertNodeOrValueType = function assertNodeOrValueType() { for(var _len = arguments.length, types = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++){ types[_key] = arguments[_key]; } function validate(node, key, val) { for(var _i = 0; _i < types.length; _i++){ var type = types[_i]; if (getType(val) === type || (0, _is.default)(type, val)) { (0, _validate.validateChild)(node, key, val); return; } } throw new TypeError("Property " + key + " of " + node.type + " expected node to be of a type " + JSON.stringify(types) + " but instead got " + JSON.stringify(val == null ? void 0 : val.type)); } validate.oneOfNodeOrValueTypes = types; return validate; }; var assertValueType = function assertValueType(type) { function validate(node, key, val) { var valid = getType(val) === type; if (!valid) { throw new TypeError("Property " + key + " expected type of " + type + " but got " + getType(val)); } } validate.type = type; return validate; }; var assertShape = function assertShape(shape) { function validate(node, key, val) { var errors = []; for(var _i = 0, _iter = Object.keys(shape); _i < _iter.length; _i++){ var property = _iter[_i]; try { (0, _validate.validateField)(node, property, val[property], shape[property]); } catch (error) { if (_instanceof(error, TypeError)) { errors.push(error.message); continue; } throw error; } } if (errors.length) { throw new TypeError("Property " + key + " of " + node.type + " expected to have the following:\n" + errors.join("\n")); } } validate.shapeOf = shape; return validate; }; var assertOptionalChainStart = function assertOptionalChainStart() { function validate(node) { var _current; var current = node; while(node){ var type = current.type; if (type === "OptionalCallExpression") { if (current.optional) return; current = current.callee; continue; } if (type === "OptionalMemberExpression") { if (current.optional) return; current = current.object; continue; } break; } throw new TypeError("Non-optional " + node.type + " must chain from an optional OptionalMemberExpression or OptionalCallExpression. Found chain from " + ((_current = current) == null ? void 0 : _current.type)); } return validate; }; var chain = function chain() { for(var _len = arguments.length, fns = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++){ fns[_key] = arguments[_key]; } function validate() { for(var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++){ args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } for(var _i = 0; _i < fns.length; _i++){ var fn = fns[_i]; fn.apply(void 0, args); } } validate.chainOf = fns; if (fns.length >= 2 && "type" in fns[0] && fns[0].type === "array" && !("each" in fns[1])) { throw new Error('An assertValueType("array") validator can only be followed by an assertEach(...) validator.'); } return validate; }; var defineType = function defineType(type, opts) { if (opts === void 0) opts = {}; var inherits = opts.inherits && store[opts.inherits] || {}; var fields = opts.fields; if (!fields) { fields = {}; if (inherits.fields) { var keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(inherits.fields); for(var _i = 0; _i < keys.length; _i++){ var key = keys[_i]; var field = inherits.fields[key]; var def = field.default; if (Array.isArray(def) ? def.length > 0 : def && typeof def === "object") { throw new Error("field defaults can only be primitives or empty arrays currently"); } fields[key] = { default: Array.isArray(def) ? [] : def, optional: field.optional, validate: field.validate }; } } } var visitor = opts.visitor || inherits.visitor || []; var aliases = opts.aliases || inherits.aliases || []; var builder = opts.builder || inherits.builder || opts.visitor || []; for(var _i1 = 0, _iter = Object.keys(opts); _i1 < _iter.length; _i1++){ var k = _iter[_i1]; if (validTypeOpts.indexOf(k) === -1) { throw new Error('Unknown type option "' + k + '" on ' + type); } } if (opts.deprecatedAlias) { DEPRECATED_KEYS[opts.deprecatedAlias] = type; } for(var _i2 = 0, _iter1 = visitor.concat(builder); _i2 < _iter1.length; _i2++){ var key1 = _iter1[_i2]; fields[key1] = fields[key1] || {}; } for(var _i3 = 0, _iter2 = Object.keys(fields); _i3 < _iter2.length; _i3++){ var key2 = _iter2[_i3]; var field1 = fields[key2]; if (field1.default !== undefined && builder.indexOf(key2) === -1) { field1.optional = true; } if (field1.default === undefined) { field1.default = null; } else if (!field1.validate && field1.default != null) { field1.validate = assertValueType(getType(field1.default)); } for(var _i4 = 0, _iter3 = Object.keys(field1); _i4 < _iter3.length; _i4++){ var k1 = _iter3[_i4]; if (validFieldKeys.indexOf(k1) === -1) { throw new Error('Unknown field key "' + k1 + '" on ' + type + "." + key2); } } } VISITOR_KEYS[type] = opts.visitor = visitor; BUILDER_KEYS[type] = opts.builder = builder; NODE_FIELDS[type] = opts.fields = fields; ALIAS_KEYS[type] = opts.aliases = aliases; aliases.forEach(function(alias) { FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS[alias] = FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS[alias] || []; FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS[alias].push(type); }); if (opts.validate) { NODE_PARENT_VALIDATIONS[type] = opts.validate; } store[type] = opts; }; if (hasRequiredUtils) return utils; hasRequiredUtils = 1; Object.defineProperty(utils, "__esModule", { value: true }); utils.validate = validate; utils.typeIs = typeIs; utils.validateType = validateType; utils.validateOptional = validateOptional; utils.validateOptionalType = validateOptionalType; utils.arrayOf = arrayOf; utils.arrayOfType = arrayOfType; utils.validateArrayOfType = validateArrayOfType; utils.assertEach = assertEach; utils.assertOneOf = assertOneOf; utils.assertNodeType = assertNodeType; utils.assertNodeOrValueType = assertNodeOrValueType; utils.assertValueType = assertValueType; utils.assertShape = assertShape; utils.assertOptionalChainStart = assertOptionalChainStart; utils.chain = chain; utils.default = defineType; utils.NODE_PARENT_VALIDATIONS = utils.DEPRECATED_KEYS = utils.BUILDER_KEYS = utils.NODE_FIELDS = utils.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS = utils.ALIAS_KEYS = utils.VISITOR_KEYS = void 0; var _is = requireIs(); var _validate = requireValidate(); var VISITOR_KEYS = {}; utils.VISITOR_KEYS = VISITOR_KEYS; var ALIAS_KEYS = {}; utils.ALIAS_KEYS = ALIAS_KEYS; var FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS = {}; utils.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS = FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS; var NODE_FIELDS = {}; utils.NODE_FIELDS = NODE_FIELDS; var BUILDER_KEYS = {}; utils.BUILDER_KEYS = BUILDER_KEYS; var DEPRECATED_KEYS = {}; utils.DEPRECATED_KEYS = DEPRECATED_KEYS; var NODE_PARENT_VALIDATIONS = {}; utils.NODE_PARENT_VALIDATIONS = NODE_PARENT_VALIDATIONS; var validTypeOpts = [ "aliases", "builder", "deprecatedAlias", "fields", "inherits", "visitor", "validate" ]; var validFieldKeys = [ "default", "optional", "validate" ]; var store = {}; return utils; } function _arrayLikeToArray$2(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for(var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++)arr2[i] = arr[i]; return arr2; } function _arrayWithoutHoles$2(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray$2(arr); } function _iterableToArray$2(iter) { if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && iter[Symbol.iterator] != null || iter["@@iterator"] != null) return Array.from(iter); } function _nonIterableSpread$2() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } function _toConsumableArray$2(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles$2(arr) || _iterableToArray$2(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray$2(arr) || _nonIterableSpread$2(); } function _unsupportedIterableToArray$2(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray$2(o, minLen); var n =, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(n); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray$2(o, minLen); } var hasRequiredCore; function requireCore() { if (hasRequiredCore) return core; hasRequiredCore = 1; Object.defineProperty(core, "__esModule", { value: true }); core.classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon = core.classMethodOrPropertyCommon = core.patternLikeCommon = core.functionDeclarationCommon = core.functionTypeAnnotationCommon = core.functionCommon = void 0; var _is = requireIs(); var _isValidIdentifier = isValidIdentifier$1; var _helperValidatorIdentifier = lib; var _constants = constants; var _utils = requireUtils(); (0, _utils.default)("ArrayExpression", { fields: { elements: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeOrValueType)("null", "Expression", "SpreadElement"))), default: !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? [] : undefined } }, visitor: [ "elements" ], aliases: [ "Expression" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("AssignmentExpression", { fields: { operator: { validate: function() { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) { return (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string"); } var identifier = (_utils.assertOneOf).apply(this, _constants.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATORS); var pattern = (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("="); return function(node, key, val) { var validator = (0, _is.default)("Pattern", node.left) ? pattern : identifier; validator(node, key, val); }; }() }, left: { validate: !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("LVal") : (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "MemberExpression", "ArrayPattern", "ObjectPattern") }, right: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } }, builder: [ "operator", "left", "right" ], visitor: [ "left", "right" ], aliases: [ "Expression" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("BinaryExpression", { builder: [ "operator", "left", "right" ], fields: { operator: { validate: (_utils.assertOneOf).apply(this, _constants.BINARY_OPERATORS) }, left: { validate: function() { var expression = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"); var inOp = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression", "PrivateName"); var validator = function validator(node, key, val) { var validator1 = node.operator === "in" ? inOp : expression; validator1(node, key, val); }; validator.oneOfNodeTypes = [ "Expression", "PrivateName" ]; return validator; }() }, right: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } }, visitor: [ "left", "right" ], aliases: [ "Binary", "Expression" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("InterpreterDirective", { builder: [ "value" ], fields: { value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("Directive", { visitor: [ "value" ], fields: { value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("DirectiveLiteral") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("DirectiveLiteral", { builder: [ "value" ], fields: { value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("BlockStatement", { builder: [ "body", "directives" ], visitor: [ "directives", "body" ], fields: { directives: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Directive"))), default: [] }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement"))) } }, aliases: [ "Scopable", "BlockParent", "Block", "Statement" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("BreakStatement", { visitor: [ "label" ], fields: { label: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"), optional: true } }, aliases: [ "Statement", "Terminatorless", "CompletionStatement" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("CallExpression", { visitor: [ "callee", "arguments", "typeParameters", "typeArguments" ], builder: [ "callee", "arguments" ], aliases: [ "Expression" ], fields: Object.assign({ callee: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression", "V8IntrinsicIdentifier") }, arguments: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression", "SpreadElement", "JSXNamespacedName", "ArgumentPlaceholder"))) } }, !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? { optional: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)(true, false), optional: true } } : {}, { typeArguments: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeParameterInstantiation"), optional: true }, typeParameters: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TSTypeParameterInstantiation"), optional: true } }) }); (0, _utils.default)("CatchClause", { visitor: [ "param", "body" ], fields: { param: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "ArrayPattern", "ObjectPattern"), optional: true }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement") } }, aliases: [ "Scopable", "BlockParent" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("ConditionalExpression", { visitor: [ "test", "consequent", "alternate" ], fields: { test: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, consequent: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, alternate: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } }, aliases: [ "Expression", "Conditional" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("ContinueStatement", { visitor: [ "label" ], fields: { label: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"), optional: true } }, aliases: [ "Statement", "Terminatorless", "CompletionStatement" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("DebuggerStatement", { aliases: [ "Statement" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("DoWhileStatement", { visitor: [ "test", "body" ], fields: { test: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement") } }, aliases: [ "Statement", "BlockParent", "Loop", "While", "Scopable" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("EmptyStatement", { aliases: [ "Statement" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("ExpressionStatement", { visitor: [ "expression" ], fields: { expression: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } }, aliases: [ "Statement", "ExpressionWrapper" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("File", { builder: [ "program", "comments", "tokens" ], visitor: [ "program" ], fields: { program: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Program") }, comments: { validate: !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? Object.assign(function() {}, { each: { oneOfNodeTypes: [ "CommentBlock", "CommentLine" ] } }) : (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("CommentBlock", "CommentLine")), optional: true }, tokens: { validate: (0, _utils.assertEach)(Object.assign(function() {}, { type: "any" })), optional: true } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ForInStatement", { visitor: [ "left", "right", "body" ], aliases: [ "Scopable", "Statement", "For", "BlockParent", "Loop", "ForXStatement" ], fields: { left: { validate: !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("VariableDeclaration", "LVal") : (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("VariableDeclaration", "Identifier", "MemberExpression", "ArrayPattern", "ObjectPattern") }, right: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ForStatement", { visitor: [ "init", "test", "update", "body" ], aliases: [ "Scopable", "Statement", "For", "BlockParent", "Loop" ], fields: { init: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("VariableDeclaration", "Expression"), optional: true }, test: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"), optional: true }, update: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"), optional: true }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement") } } }); var functionCommon = { params: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "Pattern", "RestElement"))) }, generator: { default: false }, async: { default: false } }; core.functionCommon = functionCommon; var functionTypeAnnotationCommon = { returnType: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeAnnotation", "TSTypeAnnotation", "Noop"), optional: true }, typeParameters: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeParameterDeclaration", "TSTypeParameterDeclaration", "Noop"), optional: true } }; core.functionTypeAnnotationCommon = functionTypeAnnotationCommon; var functionDeclarationCommon = Object.assign({}, functionCommon, { declare: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, id: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"), optional: true } }); core.functionDeclarationCommon = functionDeclarationCommon; (0, _utils.default)("FunctionDeclaration", { builder: [ "id", "params", "body", "generator", "async" ], visitor: [ "id", "params", "body", "returnType", "typeParameters" ], fields: Object.assign({}, functionDeclarationCommon, functionTypeAnnotationCommon, { body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement") } }), aliases: [ "Scopable", "Function", "BlockParent", "FunctionParent", "Statement", "Pureish", "Declaration" ], validate: function() { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return function() {}; var identifier = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"); return function(parent, key, node) { if (!(0, _is.default)("ExportDefaultDeclaration", parent)) { identifier(node, "id",; } }; }() }); (0, _utils.default)("FunctionExpression", { inherits: "FunctionDeclaration", aliases: [ "Scopable", "Function", "BlockParent", "FunctionParent", "Expression", "Pureish" ], fields: Object.assign({}, functionCommon, functionTypeAnnotationCommon, { id: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"), optional: true }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement") } }) }); var patternLikeCommon = { typeAnnotation: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeAnnotation", "TSTypeAnnotation", "Noop"), optional: true }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))) } }; core.patternLikeCommon = patternLikeCommon; (0, _utils.default)("Identifier", { builder: [ "name" ], visitor: [ "typeAnnotation", "decorators" ], aliases: [ "Expression", "PatternLike", "LVal", "TSEntityName" ], fields: Object.assign({}, patternLikeCommon, { name: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("string"), Object.assign(function(node, key, val) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; if (!(0, _isValidIdentifier.default)(val, false)) { throw new TypeError('"' + val + '" is not a valid identifier name'); } }, { type: "string" })) }, optional: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true } }), validate: function validate(parent, key, node) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; var match = /\.(\w+)$/.exec(key); if (!match) return; var parentKey = match[1]; var nonComp = { computed: false }; if (parentKey === "property") { if ((0, _is.default)("MemberExpression", parent, nonComp)) return; if ((0, _is.default)("OptionalMemberExpression", parent, nonComp)) return; } else if (parentKey === "key") { if ((0, _is.default)("Property", parent, nonComp)) return; if ((0, _is.default)("Method", parent, nonComp)) return; } else if (parentKey === "exported") { if ((0, _is.default)("ExportSpecifier", parent)) return; } else if (parentKey === "imported") { if ((0, _is.default)("ImportSpecifier", parent, { imported: node })) return; } else if (parentKey === "meta") { if ((0, _is.default)("MetaProperty", parent, { meta: node })) return; } if (((0, _helperValidatorIdentifier.isKeyword)( || (0, _helperValidatorIdentifier.isReservedWord)(, false)) && !== "this") { throw new TypeError('"' + + '" is not a valid identifier'); } } }); (0, _utils.default)("IfStatement", { visitor: [ "test", "consequent", "alternate" ], aliases: [ "Statement", "Conditional" ], fields: { test: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, consequent: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement") }, alternate: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("LabeledStatement", { visitor: [ "label", "body" ], aliases: [ "Statement" ], fields: { label: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("StringLiteral", { builder: [ "value" ], fields: { value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string") } }, aliases: [ "Expression", "Pureish", "Literal", "Immutable" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("NumericLiteral", { builder: [ "value" ], deprecatedAlias: "NumberLiteral", fields: { value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("number") } }, aliases: [ "Expression", "Pureish", "Literal", "Immutable" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("NullLiteral", { aliases: [ "Expression", "Pureish", "Literal", "Immutable" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("BooleanLiteral", { builder: [ "value" ], fields: { value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean") } }, aliases: [ "Expression", "Pureish", "Literal", "Immutable" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("RegExpLiteral", { builder: [ "pattern", "flags" ], deprecatedAlias: "RegexLiteral", aliases: [ "Expression", "Pureish", "Literal" ], fields: { pattern: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string") }, flags: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("string"), Object.assign(function(node, key, val) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; var invalid = /[^gimsuy]/.exec(val); if (invalid) { throw new TypeError('"' + invalid[0] + '" is not a valid RegExp flag'); } }, { type: "string" })), default: "" } } }); (0, _utils.default)("LogicalExpression", { builder: [ "operator", "left", "right" ], visitor: [ "left", "right" ], aliases: [ "Binary", "Expression" ], fields: { operator: { validate: (_utils.assertOneOf).apply(this, _constants.LOGICAL_OPERATORS) }, left: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, right: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("MemberExpression", { builder: [ "object", "property", "computed" ].concat(_toConsumableArray$2(!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? [ "optional" ] : [])), visitor: [ "object", "property" ], aliases: [ "Expression", "LVal" ], fields: Object.assign({ object: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, property: { validate: function() { var normal = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "PrivateName"); var computed = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"); var validator = function validator(node, key, val) { var validator1 = node.computed ? computed : normal; validator1(node, key, val); }; validator.oneOfNodeTypes = [ "Expression", "Identifier", "PrivateName" ]; return validator; }() }, computed: { default: false } }, !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? { optional: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)(true, false), optional: true } } : {}) }); (0, _utils.default)("NewExpression", { inherits: "CallExpression" }); (0, _utils.default)("Program", { visitor: [ "directives", "body" ], builder: [ "body", "directives", "sourceType", "interpreter" ], fields: { sourceFile: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string") }, sourceType: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("script", "module"), default: "script" }, interpreter: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("InterpreterDirective"), default: null, optional: true }, directives: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Directive"))), default: [] }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement"))) } }, aliases: [ "Scopable", "BlockParent", "Block" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("ObjectExpression", { visitor: [ "properties" ], aliases: [ "Expression" ], fields: { properties: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ObjectMethod", "ObjectProperty", "SpreadElement"))) } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ObjectMethod", { builder: [ "kind", "key", "params", "body", "computed", "generator", "async" ], fields: Object.assign({}, functionCommon, functionTypeAnnotationCommon, { kind: Object.assign({ validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("method", "get", "set") }, !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? { default: "method" } : {}), computed: { default: false }, key: { validate: function() { var normal = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral"); var computed = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"); var validator = function validator(node, key, val) { var validator1 = node.computed ? computed : normal; validator1(node, key, val); }; validator.oneOfNodeTypes = [ "Expression", "Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral" ]; return validator; }() }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement") } }), visitor: [ "key", "params", "body", "decorators", "returnType", "typeParameters" ], aliases: [ "UserWhitespacable", "Function", "Scopable", "BlockParent", "FunctionParent", "Method", "ObjectMember" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("ObjectProperty", { builder: [ "key", "value", "computed", "shorthand" ].concat(_toConsumableArray$2(!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? [ "decorators" ] : [])), fields: { computed: { default: false }, key: { validate: function() { var normal = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral"); var computed = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"); var validator = function validator(node, key, val) { var validator1 = node.computed ? computed : normal; validator1(node, key, val); }; validator.oneOfNodeTypes = [ "Expression", "Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral" ]; return validator; }() }, value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression", "PatternLike") }, shorthand: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), Object.assign(function(node, key, val) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; if (val && node.computed) { throw new TypeError("Property shorthand of ObjectProperty cannot be true if computed is true"); } }, { type: "boolean" }), function(node, key, val) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; if (val && !(0, _is.default)("Identifier", node.key)) { throw new TypeError("Property shorthand of ObjectProperty cannot be true if key is not an Identifier"); } }), default: false }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true } }, visitor: [ "key", "value", "decorators" ], aliases: [ "UserWhitespacable", "Property", "ObjectMember" ], validate: function() { var pattern = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "Pattern"); var expression = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"); return function(parent, key, node) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; var validator = (0, _is.default)("ObjectPattern", parent) ? pattern : expression; validator(node, "value", node.value); }; }() }); (0, _utils.default)("RestElement", { visitor: [ "argument", "typeAnnotation" ], builder: [ "argument" ], aliases: [ "LVal", "PatternLike" ], deprecatedAlias: "RestProperty", fields: Object.assign({}, patternLikeCommon, { argument: { validate: !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("LVal") : (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "Pattern", "MemberExpression") }, optional: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true } }), validate: function validate(parent, key) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; var match = /(\w+)\[(\d+)\]/.exec(key); if (!match) throw new Error("Internal Babel error: malformed key."); var listKey = match[1], index = match[2]; if (parent[listKey].length > index + 1) { throw new TypeError("RestElement must be last element of " + listKey); } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ReturnStatement", { visitor: [ "argument" ], aliases: [ "Statement", "Terminatorless", "CompletionStatement" ], fields: { argument: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"), optional: true } } }); (0, _utils.default)("SequenceExpression", { visitor: [ "expressions" ], fields: { expressions: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"))) } }, aliases: [ "Expression" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("ParenthesizedExpression", { visitor: [ "expression" ], aliases: [ "Expression", "ExpressionWrapper" ], fields: { expression: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("SwitchCase", { visitor: [ "test", "consequent" ], fields: { test: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"), optional: true }, consequent: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement"))) } } }); (0, _utils.default)("SwitchStatement", { visitor: [ "discriminant", "cases" ], aliases: [ "Statement", "BlockParent", "Scopable" ], fields: { discriminant: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, cases: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("SwitchCase"))) } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ThisExpression", { aliases: [ "Expression" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("ThrowStatement", { visitor: [ "argument" ], aliases: [ "Statement", "Terminatorless", "CompletionStatement" ], fields: { argument: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("TryStatement", { visitor: [ "block", "handler", "finalizer" ], aliases: [ "Statement" ], fields: { block: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement"), Object.assign(function(node) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; if (!node.handler && !node.finalizer) { throw new TypeError("TryStatement expects either a handler or finalizer, or both"); } }, { oneOfNodeTypes: [ "BlockStatement" ] })) }, handler: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("CatchClause") }, finalizer: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("UnaryExpression", { builder: [ "operator", "argument", "prefix" ], fields: { prefix: { default: true }, argument: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, operator: { validate: (_utils.assertOneOf).apply(this, _constants.UNARY_OPERATORS) } }, visitor: [ "argument" ], aliases: [ "UnaryLike", "Expression" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("UpdateExpression", { builder: [ "operator", "argument", "prefix" ], fields: { prefix: { default: false }, argument: { validate: !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") : (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "MemberExpression") }, operator: { validate: (_utils.assertOneOf).apply(this, _constants.UPDATE_OPERATORS) } }, visitor: [ "argument" ], aliases: [ "Expression" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("VariableDeclaration", { builder: [ "kind", "declarations" ], visitor: [ "declarations" ], aliases: [ "Statement", "Declaration" ], fields: { declare: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, kind: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("var", "let", "const") }, declarations: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("VariableDeclarator"))) } }, validate: function validate(parent, key, node) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; if (!(0, _is.default)("ForXStatement", parent, { left: node })) return; if (node.declarations.length !== 1) { throw new TypeError("Exactly one VariableDeclarator is required in the VariableDeclaration of a " + parent.type); } } }); (0, _utils.default)("VariableDeclarator", { visitor: [ "id", "init" ], fields: { id: { validate: function() { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) { return (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("LVal"); } var normal = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "ArrayPattern", "ObjectPattern"); var without = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"); return function(node, key, val) { var validator = node.init ? normal : without; validator(node, key, val); }; }() }, definite: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean") }, init: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("WhileStatement", { visitor: [ "test", "body" ], aliases: [ "Statement", "BlockParent", "Loop", "While", "Scopable" ], fields: { test: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("WithStatement", { visitor: [ "object", "body" ], aliases: [ "Statement" ], fields: { object: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("AssignmentPattern", { visitor: [ "left", "right", "decorators" ], builder: [ "left", "right" ], aliases: [ "Pattern", "PatternLike", "LVal" ], fields: Object.assign({}, patternLikeCommon, { left: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "ObjectPattern", "ArrayPattern", "MemberExpression") }, right: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true } }) }); (0, _utils.default)("ArrayPattern", { visitor: [ "elements", "typeAnnotation" ], builder: [ "elements" ], aliases: [ "Pattern", "PatternLike", "LVal" ], fields: Object.assign({}, patternLikeCommon, { elements: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeOrValueType)("null", "PatternLike"))) }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true }, optional: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true } }) }); (0, _utils.default)("ArrowFunctionExpression", { builder: [ "params", "body", "async" ], visitor: [ "params", "body", "returnType", "typeParameters" ], aliases: [ "Scopable", "Function", "BlockParent", "FunctionParent", "Expression", "Pureish" ], fields: Object.assign({}, functionCommon, functionTypeAnnotationCommon, { expression: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean") }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement", "Expression") } }) }); (0, _utils.default)("ClassBody", { visitor: [ "body" ], fields: { body: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ClassMethod", "ClassPrivateMethod", "ClassProperty", "ClassPrivateProperty", "TSDeclareMethod", "TSIndexSignature"))) } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ClassExpression", { builder: [ "id", "superClass", "body", "decorators" ], visitor: [ "id", "body", "superClass", "mixins", "typeParameters", "superTypeParameters", "implements", "decorators" ], aliases: [ "Scopable", "Class", "Expression" ], fields: { id: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"), optional: true }, typeParameters: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeParameterDeclaration", "TSTypeParameterDeclaration", "Noop"), optional: true }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ClassBody") }, superClass: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, superTypeParameters: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeParameterInstantiation", "TSTypeParameterInstantiation"), optional: true }, implements: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TSExpressionWithTypeArguments", "ClassImplements"))), optional: true }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true }, mixins: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("InterfaceExtends"), optional: true } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ClassDeclaration", { inherits: "ClassExpression", aliases: [ "Scopable", "Class", "Statement", "Declaration" ], fields: { id: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") }, typeParameters: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeParameterDeclaration", "TSTypeParameterDeclaration", "Noop"), optional: true }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ClassBody") }, superClass: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, superTypeParameters: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeParameterInstantiation", "TSTypeParameterInstantiation"), optional: true }, implements: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TSExpressionWithTypeArguments", "ClassImplements"))), optional: true }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true }, mixins: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("InterfaceExtends"), optional: true }, declare: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, abstract: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true } }, validate: function() { var identifier = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"); return function(parent, key, node) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; if (!(0, _is.default)("ExportDefaultDeclaration", parent)) { identifier(node, "id",; } }; }() }); (0, _utils.default)("ExportAllDeclaration", { visitor: [ "source" ], aliases: [ "Statement", "Declaration", "ModuleDeclaration", "ExportDeclaration" ], fields: { source: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("StringLiteral") }, exportKind: (0, _utils.validateOptional)((0, _utils.assertOneOf)("type", "value")), assertions: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ImportAttribute"))) } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ExportDefaultDeclaration", { visitor: [ "declaration" ], aliases: [ "Statement", "Declaration", "ModuleDeclaration", "ExportDeclaration" ], fields: { declaration: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("FunctionDeclaration", "TSDeclareFunction", "ClassDeclaration", "Expression") }, exportKind: (0, _utils.validateOptional)((0, _utils.assertOneOf)("value")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("ExportNamedDeclaration", { visitor: [ "declaration", "specifiers", "source" ], aliases: [ "Statement", "Declaration", "ModuleDeclaration", "ExportDeclaration" ], fields: { declaration: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Declaration"), Object.assign(function(node, key, val) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; if (val && node.specifiers.length) { throw new TypeError("Only declaration or specifiers is allowed on ExportNamedDeclaration"); } }, { oneOfNodeTypes: [ "Declaration" ] }), function(node, key, val) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; if (val && node.source) { throw new TypeError("Cannot export a declaration from a source"); } }) }, assertions: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ImportAttribute"))) }, specifiers: { default: [], validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)(function() { var sourced = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ExportSpecifier", "ExportDefaultSpecifier", "ExportNamespaceSpecifier"); var sourceless = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ExportSpecifier"); if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return sourced; return function(node, key, val) { var validator = node.source ? sourced : sourceless; validator(node, key, val); }; }())) }, source: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("StringLiteral"), optional: true }, exportKind: (0, _utils.validateOptional)((0, _utils.assertOneOf)("type", "value")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("ExportSpecifier", { visitor: [ "local", "exported" ], aliases: [ "ModuleSpecifier" ], fields: { local: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") }, exported: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ForOfStatement", { visitor: [ "left", "right", "body" ], builder: [ "left", "right", "body", "await" ], aliases: [ "Scopable", "Statement", "For", "BlockParent", "Loop", "ForXStatement" ], fields: { left: { validate: function() { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) { return (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("VariableDeclaration", "LVal"); } var declaration = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("VariableDeclaration"); var lval = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "MemberExpression", "ArrayPattern", "ObjectPattern"); return function(node, key, val) { if ((0, _is.default)("VariableDeclaration", val)) { declaration(node, key, val); } else { lval(node, key, val); } }; }() }, right: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement") }, await: { default: false } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ImportDeclaration", { visitor: [ "specifiers", "source" ], aliases: [ "Statement", "Declaration", "ModuleDeclaration" ], fields: { assertions: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ImportAttribute"))) }, specifiers: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ImportSpecifier", "ImportDefaultSpecifier", "ImportNamespaceSpecifier"))) }, source: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("StringLiteral") }, importKind: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("type", "typeof", "value"), optional: true } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ImportDefaultSpecifier", { visitor: [ "local" ], aliases: [ "ModuleSpecifier" ], fields: { local: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ImportNamespaceSpecifier", { visitor: [ "local" ], aliases: [ "ModuleSpecifier" ], fields: { local: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ImportSpecifier", { visitor: [ "local", "imported" ], aliases: [ "ModuleSpecifier" ], fields: { local: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") }, imported: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral") }, importKind: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("type", "typeof"), optional: true } } }); (0, _utils.default)("MetaProperty", { visitor: [ "meta", "property" ], aliases: [ "Expression" ], fields: { meta: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"), Object.assign(function(node, key, val) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; var property; switch({ case "function": property = "sent"; break; case "new": property = "target"; break; case "import": property = "meta"; break; } if (!(0, _is.default)("Identifier",, { name: property })) { throw new TypeError("Unrecognised MetaProperty"); } }, { oneOfNodeTypes: [ "Identifier" ] })) }, property: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") } } }); var classMethodOrPropertyCommon = { abstract: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, accessibility: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("public", "private", "protected"), optional: true }, static: { default: false }, override: { default: false }, computed: { default: false }, optional: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, key: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)(function() { var normal = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral"); var computed = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"); return function(node, key, val) { var validator = node.computed ? computed : normal; validator(node, key, val); }; }(), (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral", "Expression")) } }; core.classMethodOrPropertyCommon = classMethodOrPropertyCommon; var classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon = Object.assign({}, functionCommon, classMethodOrPropertyCommon, { params: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "Pattern", "RestElement", "TSParameterProperty"))) }, kind: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("get", "set", "method", "constructor"), default: "method" }, access: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("string"), (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("public", "private", "protected")), optional: true }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true } }); core.classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon = classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon; (0, _utils.default)("ClassMethod", { aliases: [ "Function", "Scopable", "BlockParent", "FunctionParent", "Method" ], builder: [ "kind", "key", "params", "body", "computed", "static", "generator", "async" ], visitor: [ "key", "params", "body", "decorators", "returnType", "typeParameters" ], fields: Object.assign({}, classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon, functionTypeAnnotationCommon, { body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement") } }) }); (0, _utils.default)("ObjectPattern", { visitor: [ "properties", "typeAnnotation", "decorators" ], builder: [ "properties" ], aliases: [ "Pattern", "PatternLike", "LVal" ], fields: Object.assign({}, patternLikeCommon, { properties: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("RestElement", "ObjectProperty"))) } }) }); (0, _utils.default)("SpreadElement", { visitor: [ "argument" ], aliases: [ "UnaryLike" ], deprecatedAlias: "SpreadProperty", fields: { argument: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("Super", { aliases: [ "Expression" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("TaggedTemplateExpression", { visitor: [ "tag", "quasi", "typeParameters" ], builder: [ "tag", "quasi" ], aliases: [ "Expression" ], fields: { tag: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, quasi: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TemplateLiteral") }, typeParameters: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeParameterInstantiation", "TSTypeParameterInstantiation"), optional: true } } }); (0, _utils.default)("TemplateElement", { builder: [ "value", "tail" ], fields: { value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertShape)({ raw: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string") }, cooked: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string"), optional: true } }) }, tail: { default: false } } }); (0, _utils.default)("TemplateLiteral", { visitor: [ "quasis", "expressions" ], aliases: [ "Expression", "Literal" ], fields: { quasis: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TemplateElement"))) }, expressions: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression", "TSType")), function(node, key, val) { if (node.quasis.length !== val.length + 1) { throw new TypeError("Number of " + node.type + " quasis should be exactly one more than the number of expressions.\nExpected " + (val.length + 1) + " quasis but got " + node.quasis.length); } }) } } }); (0, _utils.default)("YieldExpression", { builder: [ "argument", "delegate" ], visitor: [ "argument" ], aliases: [ "Expression", "Terminatorless" ], fields: { delegate: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), Object.assign(function(node, key, val) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; if (val && !node.argument) { throw new TypeError("Property delegate of YieldExpression cannot be true if there is no argument"); } }, { type: "boolean" })), default: false }, argument: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("AwaitExpression", { builder: [ "argument" ], visitor: [ "argument" ], aliases: [ "Expression", "Terminatorless" ], fields: { argument: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("Import", { aliases: [ "Expression" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("BigIntLiteral", { builder: [ "value" ], fields: { value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string") } }, aliases: [ "Expression", "Pureish", "Literal", "Immutable" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("ExportNamespaceSpecifier", { visitor: [ "exported" ], aliases: [ "ModuleSpecifier" ], fields: { exported: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("OptionalMemberExpression", { builder: [ "object", "property", "computed", "optional" ], visitor: [ "object", "property" ], aliases: [ "Expression" ], fields: { object: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, property: { validate: function() { var normal = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"); var computed = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"); var validator = function validator(node, key, val) { var validator1 = node.computed ? computed : normal; validator1(node, key, val); }; validator.oneOfNodeTypes = [ "Expression", "Identifier" ]; return validator; }() }, computed: { default: false }, optional: { validate: !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean") : (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), (0, _utils.assertOptionalChainStart)()) } } }); (0, _utils.default)("OptionalCallExpression", { visitor: [ "callee", "arguments", "typeParameters", "typeArguments" ], builder: [ "callee", "arguments", "optional" ], aliases: [ "Expression" ], fields: { callee: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, arguments: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression", "SpreadElement", "JSXNamespacedName", "ArgumentPlaceholder"))) }, optional: { validate: !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean") : (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), (0, _utils.assertOptionalChainStart)()) }, typeArguments: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeParameterInstantiation"), optional: true }, typeParameters: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TSTypeParameterInstantiation"), optional: true } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ClassProperty", { visitor: [ "key", "value", "typeAnnotation", "decorators" ], builder: [ "key", "value", "typeAnnotation", "decorators", "computed", "static" ], aliases: [ "Property" ], fields: Object.assign({}, classMethodOrPropertyCommon, { value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"), optional: true }, definite: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, typeAnnotation: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeAnnotation", "TSTypeAnnotation", "Noop"), optional: true }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true }, readonly: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, declare: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, variance: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Variance"), optional: true } }) }); (0, _utils.default)("ClassPrivateProperty", { visitor: [ "key", "value", "decorators", "typeAnnotation" ], builder: [ "key", "value", "decorators", "static" ], aliases: [ "Property", "Private" ], fields: { key: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("PrivateName") }, value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"), optional: true }, typeAnnotation: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeAnnotation", "TSTypeAnnotation", "Noop"), optional: true }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true }, readonly: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, definite: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, variance: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Variance"), optional: true } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ClassPrivateMethod", { builder: [ "kind", "key", "params", "body", "static" ], visitor: [ "key", "params", "body", "decorators", "returnType", "typeParameters" ], aliases: [ "Function", "Scopable", "BlockParent", "FunctionParent", "Method", "Private" ], fields: Object.assign({}, classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon, functionTypeAnnotationCommon, { key: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("PrivateName") }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement") } }) }); (0, _utils.default)("PrivateName", { visitor: [ "id" ], aliases: [ "Private" ], fields: { id: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") } } }); return core; } var flow = {}; var hasRequiredFlow; function requireFlow() { if (hasRequiredFlow) return flow; hasRequiredFlow = 1; var _utils = requireUtils(); var defineInterfaceishType = function(name, typeParameterType) { if (typeParameterType === void 0) typeParameterType = "TypeParameterDeclaration"; (0, _utils.default)(name, { builder: [ "id", "typeParameters", "extends", "body" ], visitor: [ "id", "typeParameters", "extends", "mixins", "implements", "body" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowDeclaration", "Statement", "Declaration" ], fields: { id: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier"), typeParameters: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)(typeParameterType), extends: (0, _utils.validateOptional)((0, _utils.arrayOfType)("InterfaceExtends")), mixins: (0, _utils.validateOptional)((0, _utils.arrayOfType)("InterfaceExtends")), implements: (0, _utils.validateOptional)((0, _utils.arrayOfType)("ClassImplements")), body: (0, _utils.validateType)("ObjectTypeAnnotation") } }); }; (0, _utils.default)("AnyTypeAnnotation", { aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType", "FlowBaseAnnotation" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("ArrayTypeAnnotation", { visitor: [ "elementType" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType" ], fields: { elementType: (0, _utils.validateType)("FlowType") } }); (0, _utils.default)("BooleanTypeAnnotation", { aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType", "FlowBaseAnnotation" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation", { builder: [ "value" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType" ], fields: { value: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("NullLiteralTypeAnnotation", { aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType", "FlowBaseAnnotation" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("ClassImplements", { visitor: [ "id", "typeParameters" ], aliases: [ "Flow" ], fields: { id: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier"), typeParameters: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TypeParameterInstantiation") } }); defineInterfaceishType("DeclareClass"); (0, _utils.default)("DeclareFunction", { visitor: [ "id" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowDeclaration", "Statement", "Declaration" ], fields: { id: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier"), predicate: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("DeclaredPredicate") } }); defineInterfaceishType("DeclareInterface"); (0, _utils.default)("DeclareModule", { builder: [ "id", "body", "kind" ], visitor: [ "id", "body" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowDeclaration", "Statement", "Declaration" ], fields: { id: (0, _utils.validateType)([ "Identifier", "StringLiteral" ]), body: (0, _utils.validateType)("BlockStatement"), kind: (0, _utils.validateOptional)((0, _utils.assertOneOf)("CommonJS", "ES")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("DeclareModuleExports", { visitor: [ "typeAnnotation" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowDeclaration", "Statement", "Declaration" ], fields: { typeAnnotation: (0, _utils.validateType)("TypeAnnotation") } }); (0, _utils.default)("DeclareTypeAlias", { visitor: [ "id", "typeParameters", "right" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowDeclaration", "Statement", "Declaration" ], fields: { id: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier"), typeParameters: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TypeParameterDeclaration"), right: (0, _utils.validateType)("FlowType") } }); (0, _utils.default)("DeclareOpaqueType", { visitor: [ "id", "typeParameters", "supertype" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowDeclaration", "Statement", "Declaration" ], fields: { id: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier"), typeParameters: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TypeParameterDeclaration"), supertype: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("FlowType"), impltype: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("FlowType") } }); (0, _utils.default)("DeclareVariable", { visitor: [ "id" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowDeclaration", "Statement", "Declaration" ], fields: { id: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier") } }); (0, _utils.default)("DeclareExportDeclaration", { visitor: [ "declaration", "specifiers", "source" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowDeclaration", "Statement", "Declaration" ], fields: { declaration: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("Flow"), specifiers: (0, _utils.validateOptional)((0, _utils.arrayOfType)([ "ExportSpecifier", "ExportNamespaceSpecifier" ])), source: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("StringLiteral"), default: (0, _utils.validateOptional)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("DeclareExportAllDeclaration", { visitor: [ "source" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowDeclaration", "Statement", "Declaration" ], fields: { source: (0, _utils.validateType)("StringLiteral"), exportKind: (0, _utils.validateOptional)((0, _utils.assertOneOf)("type", "value")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("DeclaredPredicate", { visitor: [ "value" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowPredicate" ], fields: { value: (0, _utils.validateType)("Flow") } }); (0, _utils.default)("ExistsTypeAnnotation", { aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("FunctionTypeAnnotation", { visitor: [ "typeParameters", "params", "rest", "returnType" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType" ], fields: { typeParameters: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TypeParameterDeclaration"), params: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.arrayOfType)("FunctionTypeParam")), rest: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("FunctionTypeParam"), this: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("FunctionTypeParam"), returnType: (0, _utils.validateType)("FlowType") } }); (0, _utils.default)("FunctionTypeParam", { visitor: [ "name", "typeAnnotation" ], aliases: [ "Flow" ], fields: { name: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("Identifier"), typeAnnotation: (0, _utils.validateType)("FlowType"), optional: (0, _utils.validateOptional)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("GenericTypeAnnotation", { visitor: [ "id", "typeParameters" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType" ], fields: { id: (0, _utils.validateType)([ "Identifier", "QualifiedTypeIdentifier" ]), typeParameters: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TypeParameterInstantiation") } }); (0, _utils.default)("InferredPredicate", { aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowPredicate" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("InterfaceExtends", { visitor: [ "id", "typeParameters" ], aliases: [ "Flow" ], fields: { id: (0, _utils.validateType)([ "Identifier", "QualifiedTypeIdentifier" ]), typeParameters: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TypeParameterInstantiation") } }); defineInterfaceishType("InterfaceDeclaration"); (0, _utils.default)("InterfaceTypeAnnotation", { visitor: [ "extends", "body" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType" ], fields: { extends: (0, _utils.validateOptional)((0, _utils.arrayOfType)("InterfaceExtends")), body: (0, _utils.validateType)("ObjectTypeAnnotation") } }); (0, _utils.default)("IntersectionTypeAnnotation", { visitor: [ "types" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType" ], fields: { types: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.arrayOfType)("FlowType")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("MixedTypeAnnotation", { aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType", "FlowBaseAnnotation" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("EmptyTypeAnnotation", { aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType", "FlowBaseAnnotation" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("NullableTypeAnnotation", { visitor: [ "typeAnnotation" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType" ], fields: { typeAnnotation: (0, _utils.validateType)("FlowType") } }); (0, _utils.default)("NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation", { builder: [ "value" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType" ], fields: { value: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("number")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("NumberTypeAnnotation", { aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType", "FlowBaseAnnotation" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("ObjectTypeAnnotation", { visitor: [ "properties", "indexers", "callProperties", "internalSlots" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType" ], builder: [ "properties", "indexers", "callProperties", "internalSlots", "exact" ], fields: { properties: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.arrayOfType)([ "ObjectTypeProperty", "ObjectTypeSpreadProperty" ])), indexers: (0, _utils.validateOptional)((0, _utils.arrayOfType)("ObjectTypeIndexer")), callProperties: (0, _utils.validateOptional)((0, _utils.arrayOfType)("ObjectTypeCallProperty")), internalSlots: (0, _utils.validateOptional)((0, _utils.arrayOfType)("ObjectTypeInternalSlot")), exact: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), default: false }, inexact: (0, _utils.validateOptional)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("ObjectTypeInternalSlot", { visitor: [ "id", "value", "optional", "static", "method" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "UserWhitespacable" ], fields: { id: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier"), value: (0, _utils.validateType)("FlowType"), optional: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")), static: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")), method: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("ObjectTypeCallProperty", { visitor: [ "value" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "UserWhitespacable" ], fields: { value: (0, _utils.validateType)("FlowType"), static: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("ObjectTypeIndexer", { visitor: [ "id", "key", "value", "variance" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "UserWhitespacable" ], fields: { id: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("Identifier"), key: (0, _utils.validateType)("FlowType"), value: (0, _utils.validateType)("FlowType"), static: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")), variance: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("Variance") } }); (0, _utils.default)("ObjectTypeProperty", { visitor: [ "key", "value", "variance" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "UserWhitespacable" ], fields: { key: (0, _utils.validateType)([ "Identifier", "StringLiteral" ]), value: (0, _utils.validateType)("FlowType"), kind: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertOneOf)("init", "get", "set")), static: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")), proto: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")), optional: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")), variance: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("Variance"), method: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("ObjectTypeSpreadProperty", { visitor: [ "argument" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "UserWhitespacable" ], fields: { argument: (0, _utils.validateType)("FlowType") } }); (0, _utils.default)("OpaqueType", { visitor: [ "id", "typeParameters", "supertype", "impltype" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowDeclaration", "Statement", "Declaration" ], fields: { id: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier"), typeParameters: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TypeParameterDeclaration"), supertype: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("FlowType"), impltype: (0, _utils.validateType)("FlowType") } }); (0, _utils.default)("QualifiedTypeIdentifier", { visitor: [ "id", "qualification" ], aliases: [ "Flow" ], fields: { id: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier"), qualification: (0, _utils.validateType)([ "Identifier", "QualifiedTypeIdentifier" ]) } }); (0, _utils.default)("StringLiteralTypeAnnotation", { builder: [ "value" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType" ], fields: { value: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("string")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("StringTypeAnnotation", { aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType", "FlowBaseAnnotation" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("SymbolTypeAnnotation", { aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType", "FlowBaseAnnotation" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("ThisTypeAnnotation", { aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType", "FlowBaseAnnotation" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("TupleTypeAnnotation", { visitor: [ "types" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType" ], fields: { types: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.arrayOfType)("FlowType")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("TypeofTypeAnnotation", { visitor: [ "argument" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType" ], fields: { argument: (0, _utils.validateType)("FlowType") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TypeAlias", { visitor: [ "id", "typeParameters", "right" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowDeclaration", "Statement", "Declaration" ], fields: { id: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier"), typeParameters: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TypeParameterDeclaration"), right: (0, _utils.validateType)("FlowType") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TypeAnnotation", { aliases: [ "Flow" ], visitor: [ "typeAnnotation" ], fields: { typeAnnotation: (0, _utils.validateType)("FlowType") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TypeCastExpression", { visitor: [ "expression", "typeAnnotation" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "ExpressionWrapper", "Expression" ], fields: { expression: (0, _utils.validateType)("Expression"), typeAnnotation: (0, _utils.validateType)("TypeAnnotation") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TypeParameter", { aliases: [ "Flow" ], visitor: [ "bound", "default", "variance" ], fields: { name: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("string")), bound: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TypeAnnotation"), default: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("FlowType"), variance: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("Variance") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TypeParameterDeclaration", { aliases: [ "Flow" ], visitor: [ "params" ], fields: { params: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.arrayOfType)("TypeParameter")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("TypeParameterInstantiation", { aliases: [ "Flow" ], visitor: [ "params" ], fields: { params: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.arrayOfType)("FlowType")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("UnionTypeAnnotation", { visitor: [ "types" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType" ], fields: { types: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.arrayOfType)("FlowType")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("Variance", { aliases: [ "Flow" ], builder: [ "kind" ], fields: { kind: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertOneOf)("minus", "plus")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("VoidTypeAnnotation", { aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType", "FlowBaseAnnotation" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("EnumDeclaration", { aliases: [ "Statement", "Declaration" ], visitor: [ "id", "body" ], fields: { id: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier"), body: (0, _utils.validateType)([ "EnumBooleanBody", "EnumNumberBody", "EnumStringBody", "EnumSymbolBody" ]) } }); (0, _utils.default)("EnumBooleanBody", { aliases: [ "EnumBody" ], visitor: [ "members" ], fields: { explicitType: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")), members: (0, _utils.validateArrayOfType)("EnumBooleanMember"), hasUnknownMembers: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("EnumNumberBody", { aliases: [ "EnumBody" ], visitor: [ "members" ], fields: { explicitType: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")), members: (0, _utils.validateArrayOfType)("EnumNumberMember"), hasUnknownMembers: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("EnumStringBody", { aliases: [ "EnumBody" ], visitor: [ "members" ], fields: { explicitType: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")), members: (0, _utils.validateArrayOfType)([ "EnumStringMember", "EnumDefaultedMember" ]), hasUnknownMembers: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("EnumSymbolBody", { aliases: [ "EnumBody" ], visitor: [ "members" ], fields: { members: (0, _utils.validateArrayOfType)("EnumDefaultedMember"), hasUnknownMembers: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")) } }); (0, _utils.default)("EnumBooleanMember", { aliases: [ "EnumMember" ], visitor: [ "id" ], fields: { id: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier"), init: (0, _utils.validateType)("BooleanLiteral") } }); (0, _utils.default)("EnumNumberMember", { aliases: [ "EnumMember" ], visitor: [ "id", "init" ], fields: { id: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier"), init: (0, _utils.validateType)("NumericLiteral") } }); (0, _utils.default)("EnumStringMember", { aliases: [ "EnumMember" ], visitor: [ "id", "init" ], fields: { id: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier"), init: (0, _utils.validateType)("StringLiteral") } }); (0, _utils.default)("EnumDefaultedMember", { aliases: [ "EnumMember" ], visitor: [ "id" ], fields: { id: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier") } }); (0, _utils.default)("IndexedAccessType", { visitor: [ "objectType", "indexType" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType" ], fields: { objectType: (0, _utils.validateType)("FlowType"), indexType: (0, _utils.validateType)("FlowType") } }); (0, _utils.default)("OptionalIndexedAccessType", { visitor: [ "objectType", "indexType" ], aliases: [ "Flow", "FlowType" ], fields: { objectType: (0, _utils.validateType)("FlowType"), indexType: (0, _utils.validateType)("FlowType"), optional: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean")) } }); return flow; } var jsx = {}; var hasRequiredJsx; function requireJsx() { if (hasRequiredJsx) return jsx; hasRequiredJsx = 1; var _utils = requireUtils(); (0, _utils.default)("JSXAttribute", { visitor: [ "name", "value" ], aliases: [ "JSX", "Immutable" ], fields: { name: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("JSXIdentifier", "JSXNamespacedName") }, value: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("JSXElement", "JSXFragment", "StringLiteral", "JSXExpressionContainer") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("JSXClosingElement", { visitor: [ "name" ], aliases: [ "JSX", "Immutable" ], fields: { name: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("JSXIdentifier", "JSXMemberExpression", "JSXNamespacedName") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("JSXElement", { builder: [ "openingElement", "closingElement", "children", "selfClosing" ], visitor: [ "openingElement", "children", "closingElement" ], aliases: [ "JSX", "Immutable", "Expression" ], fields: { openingElement: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("JSXOpeningElement") }, closingElement: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("JSXClosingElement") }, children: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("JSXText", "JSXExpressionContainer", "JSXSpreadChild", "JSXElement", "JSXFragment"))) }, selfClosing: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true } } }); (0, _utils.default)("JSXEmptyExpression", { aliases: [ "JSX" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("JSXExpressionContainer", { visitor: [ "expression" ], aliases: [ "JSX", "Immutable" ], fields: { expression: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression", "JSXEmptyExpression") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("JSXSpreadChild", { visitor: [ "expression" ], aliases: [ "JSX", "Immutable" ], fields: { expression: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("JSXIdentifier", { builder: [ "name" ], aliases: [ "JSX" ], fields: { name: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("JSXMemberExpression", { visitor: [ "object", "property" ], aliases: [ "JSX" ], fields: { object: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("JSXMemberExpression", "JSXIdentifier") }, property: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("JSXIdentifier") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("JSXNamespacedName", { visitor: [ "namespace", "name" ], aliases: [ "JSX" ], fields: { namespace: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("JSXIdentifier") }, name: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("JSXIdentifier") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("JSXOpeningElement", { builder: [ "name", "attributes", "selfClosing" ], visitor: [ "name", "attributes" ], aliases: [ "JSX", "Immutable" ], fields: { name: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("JSXIdentifier", "JSXMemberExpression", "JSXNamespacedName") }, selfClosing: { default: false }, attributes: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("JSXAttribute", "JSXSpreadAttribute"))) }, typeParameters: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeParameterInstantiation", "TSTypeParameterInstantiation"), optional: true } } }); (0, _utils.default)("JSXSpreadAttribute", { visitor: [ "argument" ], aliases: [ "JSX" ], fields: { argument: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("JSXText", { aliases: [ "JSX", "Immutable" ], builder: [ "value" ], fields: { value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("JSXFragment", { builder: [ "openingFragment", "closingFragment", "children" ], visitor: [ "openingFragment", "children", "closingFragment" ], aliases: [ "JSX", "Immutable", "Expression" ], fields: { openingFragment: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("JSXOpeningFragment") }, closingFragment: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("JSXClosingFragment") }, children: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("JSXText", "JSXExpressionContainer", "JSXSpreadChild", "JSXElement", "JSXFragment"))) } } }); (0, _utils.default)("JSXOpeningFragment", { aliases: [ "JSX", "Immutable" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("JSXClosingFragment", { aliases: [ "JSX", "Immutable" ] }); return jsx; } var misc = {}; var placeholders = {}; var hasRequiredPlaceholders; function requirePlaceholders() { if (hasRequiredPlaceholders) return placeholders; hasRequiredPlaceholders = 1; Object.defineProperty(placeholders, "__esModule", { value: true }); placeholders.PLACEHOLDERS_FLIPPED_ALIAS = placeholders.PLACEHOLDERS_ALIAS = placeholders.PLACEHOLDERS = void 0; var _utils = requireUtils(); var PLACEHOLDERS = [ "Identifier", "StringLiteral", "Expression", "Statement", "Declaration", "BlockStatement", "ClassBody", "Pattern" ]; placeholders.PLACEHOLDERS = PLACEHOLDERS; var PLACEHOLDERS_ALIAS = { Declaration: [ "Statement" ], Pattern: [ "PatternLike", "LVal" ] }; placeholders.PLACEHOLDERS_ALIAS = PLACEHOLDERS_ALIAS; for(var _i = 0; _i < PLACEHOLDERS.length; _i++){ var type = PLACEHOLDERS[_i]; var alias = _utils.ALIAS_KEYS[type]; if (alias != null && alias.length) PLACEHOLDERS_ALIAS[type] = alias; } var PLACEHOLDERS_FLIPPED_ALIAS = {}; placeholders.PLACEHOLDERS_FLIPPED_ALIAS = PLACEHOLDERS_FLIPPED_ALIAS; Object.keys(PLACEHOLDERS_ALIAS).forEach(function(type) { PLACEHOLDERS_ALIAS[type].forEach(function(alias) { if (!, alias)) { PLACEHOLDERS_FLIPPED_ALIAS[alias] = []; } PLACEHOLDERS_FLIPPED_ALIAS[alias].push(type); }); }); return placeholders; } var hasRequiredMisc; function requireMisc() { if (hasRequiredMisc) return misc; hasRequiredMisc = 1; var _utils = requireUtils(); var _placeholders = requirePlaceholders(); { (0, _utils.default)("Noop", { visitor: [] }); } (0, _utils.default)("Placeholder", { visitor: [], builder: [ "expectedNode", "name" ], fields: { name: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") }, expectedNode: { validate: (_utils.assertOneOf).apply(this, _placeholders.PLACEHOLDERS) } } }); (0, _utils.default)("V8IntrinsicIdentifier", { builder: [ "name" ], fields: { name: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string") } } }); return misc; } var experimental = {}; var hasRequiredExperimental; function requireExperimental() { if (hasRequiredExperimental) return experimental; hasRequiredExperimental = 1; var _utils = requireUtils(); (0, _utils.default)("ArgumentPlaceholder", {}); (0, _utils.default)("BindExpression", { visitor: [ "object", "callee" ], aliases: [ "Expression" ], fields: !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? { object: { validate: Object.assign(function() {}, { oneOfNodeTypes: [ "Expression" ] }) }, callee: { validate: Object.assign(function() {}, { oneOfNodeTypes: [ "Expression" ] }) } } : { object: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, callee: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ImportAttribute", { visitor: [ "key", "value" ], fields: { key: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral") }, value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("StringLiteral") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("Decorator", { visitor: [ "expression" ], fields: { expression: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("DoExpression", { visitor: [ "body" ], builder: [ "body", "async" ], aliases: [ "Expression" ], fields: { body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement") }, async: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), default: false } } }); (0, _utils.default)("ExportDefaultSpecifier", { visitor: [ "exported" ], aliases: [ "ModuleSpecifier" ], fields: { exported: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("RecordExpression", { visitor: [ "properties" ], aliases: [ "Expression" ], fields: { properties: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ObjectProperty", "SpreadElement"))) } } }); (0, _utils.default)("TupleExpression", { fields: { elements: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression", "SpreadElement"))), default: [] } }, visitor: [ "elements" ], aliases: [ "Expression" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("DecimalLiteral", { builder: [ "value" ], fields: { value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string") } }, aliases: [ "Expression", "Pureish", "Literal", "Immutable" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("StaticBlock", { visitor: [ "body" ], fields: { body: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement"))) } }, aliases: [ "Scopable", "BlockParent" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("ModuleExpression", { visitor: [ "body" ], fields: { body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Program") } }, aliases: [ "Expression" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("TopicReference", { aliases: [ "Expression" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("PipelineTopicExpression", { builder: [ "expression" ], visitor: [ "expression" ], fields: { expression: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } }, aliases: [ "Expression" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("PipelineBareFunction", { builder: [ "callee" ], visitor: [ "callee" ], fields: { callee: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } }, aliases: [ "Expression" ] }); (0, _utils.default)("PipelinePrimaryTopicReference", { aliases: [ "Expression" ] }); return experimental; } var typescript = {}; var hasRequiredTypescript; function requireTypescript() { if (hasRequiredTypescript) return typescript; hasRequiredTypescript = 1; var _utils = requireUtils(); var _core = requireCore(); var _is = requireIs(); var bool = (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"); var tSFunctionTypeAnnotationCommon = { returnType: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TSTypeAnnotation", "Noop"), optional: true }, typeParameters: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TSTypeParameterDeclaration", "Noop"), optional: true } }; (0, _utils.default)("TSParameterProperty", { aliases: [ "LVal" ], visitor: [ "parameter" ], fields: { accessibility: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("public", "private", "protected"), optional: true }, readonly: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, parameter: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "AssignmentPattern") }, override: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true } } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSDeclareFunction", { aliases: [ "Statement", "Declaration" ], visitor: [ "id", "typeParameters", "params", "returnType" ], fields: Object.assign({}, _core.functionDeclarationCommon, tSFunctionTypeAnnotationCommon) }); (0, _utils.default)("TSDeclareMethod", { visitor: [ "decorators", "key", "typeParameters", "params", "returnType" ], fields: Object.assign({}, _core.classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon, tSFunctionTypeAnnotationCommon) }); (0, _utils.default)("TSQualifiedName", { aliases: [ "TSEntityName" ], visitor: [ "left", "right" ], fields: { left: (0, _utils.validateType)("TSEntityName"), right: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier") } }); var signatureDeclarationCommon = { typeParameters: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TSTypeParameterDeclaration"), parameters: (0, _utils.validateArrayOfType)([ "Identifier", "RestElement" ]), typeAnnotation: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TSTypeAnnotation") }; var callConstructSignatureDeclaration = { aliases: [ "TSTypeElement" ], visitor: [ "typeParameters", "parameters", "typeAnnotation" ], fields: signatureDeclarationCommon }; (0, _utils.default)("TSCallSignatureDeclaration", callConstructSignatureDeclaration); (0, _utils.default)("TSConstructSignatureDeclaration", callConstructSignatureDeclaration); var namedTypeElementCommon = { key: (0, _utils.validateType)("Expression"), computed: (0, _utils.validate)(bool), optional: (0, _utils.validateOptional)(bool) }; (0, _utils.default)("TSPropertySignature", { aliases: [ "TSTypeElement" ], visitor: [ "key", "typeAnnotation", "initializer" ], fields: Object.assign({}, namedTypeElementCommon, { readonly: (0, _utils.validateOptional)(bool), typeAnnotation: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TSTypeAnnotation"), initializer: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("Expression"), kind: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("get", "set") } }) }); (0, _utils.default)("TSMethodSignature", { aliases: [ "TSTypeElement" ], visitor: [ "key", "typeParameters", "parameters", "typeAnnotation" ], fields: Object.assign({}, signatureDeclarationCommon, namedTypeElementCommon, { kind: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("method", "get", "set") } }) }); (0, _utils.default)("TSIndexSignature", { aliases: [ "TSTypeElement" ], visitor: [ "parameters", "typeAnnotation" ], fields: { readonly: (0, _utils.validateOptional)(bool), static: (0, _utils.validateOptional)(bool), parameters: (0, _utils.validateArrayOfType)("Identifier"), typeAnnotation: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TSTypeAnnotation") } }); var tsKeywordTypes = [ "TSAnyKeyword", "TSBooleanKeyword", "TSBigIntKeyword", "TSIntrinsicKeyword", "TSNeverKeyword", "TSNullKeyword", "TSNumberKeyword", "TSObjectKeyword", "TSStringKeyword", "TSSymbolKeyword", "TSUndefinedKeyword", "TSUnknownKeyword", "TSVoidKeyword" ]; for(var _i = 0; _i < tsKeywordTypes.length; _i++){ var type = tsKeywordTypes[_i]; (0, _utils.default)(type, { aliases: [ "TSType", "TSBaseType" ], visitor: [], fields: {} }); } (0, _utils.default)("TSThisType", { aliases: [ "TSType", "TSBaseType" ], visitor: [], fields: {} }); var fnOrCtrBase = { aliases: [ "TSType" ], visitor: [ "typeParameters", "parameters", "typeAnnotation" ] }; (0, _utils.default)("TSFunctionType", Object.assign({}, fnOrCtrBase, { fields: signatureDeclarationCommon })); (0, _utils.default)("TSConstructorType", Object.assign({}, fnOrCtrBase, { fields: Object.assign({}, signatureDeclarationCommon, { abstract: (0, _utils.validateOptional)(bool) }) })); (0, _utils.default)("TSTypeReference", { aliases: [ "TSType" ], visitor: [ "typeName", "typeParameters" ], fields: { typeName: (0, _utils.validateType)("TSEntityName"), typeParameters: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TSTypeParameterInstantiation") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSTypePredicate", { aliases: [ "TSType" ], visitor: [ "parameterName", "typeAnnotation" ], builder: [ "parameterName", "typeAnnotation", "asserts" ], fields: { parameterName: (0, _utils.validateType)([ "Identifier", "TSThisType" ]), typeAnnotation: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TSTypeAnnotation"), asserts: (0, _utils.validateOptional)(bool) } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSTypeQuery", { aliases: [ "TSType" ], visitor: [ "exprName" ], fields: { exprName: (0, _utils.validateType)([ "TSEntityName", "TSImportType" ]) } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSTypeLiteral", { aliases: [ "TSType" ], visitor: [ "members" ], fields: { members: (0, _utils.validateArrayOfType)("TSTypeElement") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSArrayType", { aliases: [ "TSType" ], visitor: [ "elementType" ], fields: { elementType: (0, _utils.validateType)("TSType") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSTupleType", { aliases: [ "TSType" ], visitor: [ "elementTypes" ], fields: { elementTypes: (0, _utils.validateArrayOfType)([ "TSType", "TSNamedTupleMember" ]) } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSOptionalType", { aliases: [ "TSType" ], visitor: [ "typeAnnotation" ], fields: { typeAnnotation: (0, _utils.validateType)("TSType") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSRestType", { aliases: [ "TSType" ], visitor: [ "typeAnnotation" ], fields: { typeAnnotation: (0, _utils.validateType)("TSType") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSNamedTupleMember", { visitor: [ "label", "elementType" ], builder: [ "label", "elementType", "optional" ], fields: { label: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier"), optional: { validate: bool, default: false }, elementType: (0, _utils.validateType)("TSType") } }); var unionOrIntersection = { aliases: [ "TSType" ], visitor: [ "types" ], fields: { types: (0, _utils.validateArrayOfType)("TSType") } }; (0, _utils.default)("TSUnionType", unionOrIntersection); (0, _utils.default)("TSIntersectionType", unionOrIntersection); (0, _utils.default)("TSConditionalType", { aliases: [ "TSType" ], visitor: [ "checkType", "extendsType", "trueType", "falseType" ], fields: { checkType: (0, _utils.validateType)("TSType"), extendsType: (0, _utils.validateType)("TSType"), trueType: (0, _utils.validateType)("TSType"), falseType: (0, _utils.validateType)("TSType") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSInferType", { aliases: [ "TSType" ], visitor: [ "typeParameter" ], fields: { typeParameter: (0, _utils.validateType)("TSTypeParameter") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSParenthesizedType", { aliases: [ "TSType" ], visitor: [ "typeAnnotation" ], fields: { typeAnnotation: (0, _utils.validateType)("TSType") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSTypeOperator", { aliases: [ "TSType" ], visitor: [ "typeAnnotation" ], fields: { operator: (0, _utils.validate)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("string")), typeAnnotation: (0, _utils.validateType)("TSType") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSIndexedAccessType", { aliases: [ "TSType" ], visitor: [ "objectType", "indexType" ], fields: { objectType: (0, _utils.validateType)("TSType"), indexType: (0, _utils.validateType)("TSType") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSMappedType", { aliases: [ "TSType" ], visitor: [ "typeParameter", "typeAnnotation", "nameType" ], fields: { readonly: (0, _utils.validateOptional)(bool), typeParameter: (0, _utils.validateType)("TSTypeParameter"), optional: (0, _utils.validateOptional)(bool), typeAnnotation: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TSType"), nameType: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TSType") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSLiteralType", { aliases: [ "TSType", "TSBaseType" ], visitor: [ "literal" ], fields: { literal: { validate: function() { var validator = function validator(parent, key, node) { if ((0, _is.default)("UnaryExpression", node)) { unaryOperator(node, "operator", node.operator); unaryExpression(node, "argument", node.argument); } else { literal(parent, key, node); } }; var unaryExpression = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("NumericLiteral", "BigIntLiteral"); var unaryOperator = (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("-"); var literal = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("NumericLiteral", "StringLiteral", "BooleanLiteral", "BigIntLiteral"); validator.oneOfNodeTypes = [ "NumericLiteral", "StringLiteral", "BooleanLiteral", "BigIntLiteral", "UnaryExpression" ]; return validator; }() } } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSExpressionWithTypeArguments", { aliases: [ "TSType" ], visitor: [ "expression", "typeParameters" ], fields: { expression: (0, _utils.validateType)("TSEntityName"), typeParameters: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TSTypeParameterInstantiation") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSInterfaceDeclaration", { aliases: [ "Statement", "Declaration" ], visitor: [ "id", "typeParameters", "extends", "body" ], fields: { declare: (0, _utils.validateOptional)(bool), id: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier"), typeParameters: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TSTypeParameterDeclaration"), extends: (0, _utils.validateOptional)((0, _utils.arrayOfType)("TSExpressionWithTypeArguments")), body: (0, _utils.validateType)("TSInterfaceBody") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSInterfaceBody", { visitor: [ "body" ], fields: { body: (0, _utils.validateArrayOfType)("TSTypeElement") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSTypeAliasDeclaration", { aliases: [ "Statement", "Declaration" ], visitor: [ "id", "typeParameters", "typeAnnotation" ], fields: { declare: (0, _utils.validateOptional)(bool), id: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier"), typeParameters: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TSTypeParameterDeclaration"), typeAnnotation: (0, _utils.validateType)("TSType") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSAsExpression", { aliases: [ "Expression" ], visitor: [ "expression", "typeAnnotation" ], fields: { expression: (0, _utils.validateType)("Expression"), typeAnnotation: (0, _utils.validateType)("TSType") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSTypeAssertion", { aliases: [ "Expression" ], visitor: [ "typeAnnotation", "expression" ], fields: { typeAnnotation: (0, _utils.validateType)("TSType"), expression: (0, _utils.validateType)("Expression") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSEnumDeclaration", { aliases: [ "Statement", "Declaration" ], visitor: [ "id", "members" ], fields: { declare: (0, _utils.validateOptional)(bool), const: (0, _utils.validateOptional)(bool), id: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier"), members: (0, _utils.validateArrayOfType)("TSEnumMember"), initializer: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("Expression") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSEnumMember", { visitor: [ "id", "initializer" ], fields: { id: (0, _utils.validateType)([ "Identifier", "StringLiteral" ]), initializer: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("Expression") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSModuleDeclaration", { aliases: [ "Statement", "Declaration" ], visitor: [ "id", "body" ], fields: { declare: (0, _utils.validateOptional)(bool), global: (0, _utils.validateOptional)(bool), id: (0, _utils.validateType)([ "Identifier", "StringLiteral" ]), body: (0, _utils.validateType)([ "TSModuleBlock", "TSModuleDeclaration" ]) } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSModuleBlock", { aliases: [ "Scopable", "Block", "BlockParent" ], visitor: [ "body" ], fields: { body: (0, _utils.validateArrayOfType)("Statement") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSImportType", { aliases: [ "TSType" ], visitor: [ "argument", "qualifier", "typeParameters" ], fields: { argument: (0, _utils.validateType)("StringLiteral"), qualifier: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TSEntityName"), typeParameters: (0, _utils.validateOptionalType)("TSTypeParameterInstantiation") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSImportEqualsDeclaration", { aliases: [ "Statement" ], visitor: [ "id", "moduleReference" ], fields: { isExport: (0, _utils.validate)(bool), id: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier"), moduleReference: (0, _utils.validateType)([ "TSEntityName", "TSExternalModuleReference" ]), importKind: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("type", "value"), optional: true } } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSExternalModuleReference", { visitor: [ "expression" ], fields: { expression: (0, _utils.validateType)("StringLiteral") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSNonNullExpression", { aliases: [ "Expression" ], visitor: [ "expression" ], fields: { expression: (0, _utils.validateType)("Expression") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSExportAssignment", { aliases: [ "Statement" ], visitor: [ "expression" ], fields: { expression: (0, _utils.validateType)("Expression") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSNamespaceExportDeclaration", { aliases: [ "Statement" ], visitor: [ "id" ], fields: { id: (0, _utils.validateType)("Identifier") } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSTypeAnnotation", { visitor: [ "typeAnnotation" ], fields: { typeAnnotation: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TSType") } } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSTypeParameterInstantiation", { visitor: [ "params" ], fields: { params: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TSType"))) } } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSTypeParameterDeclaration", { visitor: [ "params" ], fields: { params: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TSTypeParameter"))) } } }); (0, _utils.default)("TSTypeParameter", { builder: [ "constraint", "default", "name" ], visitor: [ "constraint", "default" ], fields: { name: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string") }, constraint: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TSType"), optional: true }, default: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TSType"), optional: true } } }); return typescript; } var hasRequiredDefinitions; function requireDefinitions() { if (hasRequiredDefinitions) return definitions; hasRequiredDefinitions = 1; (function(exports) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "VISITOR_KEYS", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _utils.VISITOR_KEYS; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ALIAS_KEYS", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _utils.ALIAS_KEYS; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _utils.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "NODE_FIELDS", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _utils.NODE_FIELDS; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "BUILDER_KEYS", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _utils.BUILDER_KEYS; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "DEPRECATED_KEYS", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _utils.DEPRECATED_KEYS; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "NODE_PARENT_VALIDATIONS", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _utils.NODE_PARENT_VALIDATIONS; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "PLACEHOLDERS", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _placeholders.PLACEHOLDERS; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "PLACEHOLDERS_ALIAS", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _placeholders.PLACEHOLDERS_ALIAS; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "PLACEHOLDERS_FLIPPED_ALIAS", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _placeholders.PLACEHOLDERS_FLIPPED_ALIAS; } }); exports.TYPES = void 0; var _toFastProperties = requireToFastProperties(); requireCore(); requireFlow(); requireJsx(); requireMisc(); requireExperimental(); requireTypescript(); var _utils = requireUtils(); var _placeholders = requirePlaceholders(); _toFastProperties(_utils.VISITOR_KEYS); _toFastProperties(_utils.ALIAS_KEYS); _toFastProperties(_utils.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS); _toFastProperties(_utils.NODE_FIELDS); _toFastProperties(_utils.BUILDER_KEYS); _toFastProperties(_utils.DEPRECATED_KEYS); _toFastProperties(_placeholders.PLACEHOLDERS_ALIAS); _toFastProperties(_placeholders.PLACEHOLDERS_FLIPPED_ALIAS); var TYPES = Object.keys(_utils.VISITOR_KEYS).concat(Object.keys(_utils.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS)).concat(Object.keys(_utils.DEPRECATED_KEYS)); exports.TYPES = TYPES; })(definitions); return definitions; } Object.defineProperty(builder$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); builder$1.default = builder; var _definitions$6 = requireDefinitions(); var _validate = requireValidate(); function builder(type) { for(var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 1 ? _len - 1 : 0), _key = 1; _key < _len; _key++){ args[_key - 1] = arguments[_key]; } var keys = _definitions$6.BUILDER_KEYS[type]; var countArgs = args.length; if (countArgs > keys.length) { throw new Error(type + ": Too many arguments passed. Received " + countArgs + " but can receive no more than " + keys.length); } var node = { type: type }; var i = 0; keys.forEach(function(key) { var field = _definitions$6.NODE_FIELDS[type][key]; var arg; if (i < countArgs) arg = args[i]; if (arg === undefined) { arg = Array.isArray(field.default) ? [] : field.default; } node[key] = arg; i++; }); for(var _i = 0, _iter = Object.keys(node); _i < _iter.length; _i++){ var key = _iter[_i]; (0, _validate.default)(node, key, node[key]); } return node; } function _arrayLikeToArray$1(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for(var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++)arr2[i] = arr[i]; return arr2; } function _arrayWithoutHoles$1(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray$1(arr); } function _iterableToArray$1(iter) { if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && iter[Symbol.iterator] != null || iter["@@iterator"] != null) return Array.from(iter); } function _nonIterableSpread$1() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } function _toConsumableArray$1(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles$1(arr) || _iterableToArray$1(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray$1(arr) || _nonIterableSpread$1(); } function _unsupportedIterableToArray$1(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray$1(o, minLen); var n =, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(n); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray$1(o, minLen); } Object.defineProperty(generated$3, "__esModule", { value: true }); generated$3.arrayExpression = arrayExpression; generated$3.assignmentExpression = assignmentExpression; generated$3.binaryExpression = binaryExpression; generated$3.interpreterDirective = interpreterDirective; generated$3.directive = directive; generated$3.directiveLiteral = directiveLiteral; generated$3.blockStatement = blockStatement; generated$3.breakStatement = breakStatement; generated$3.callExpression = callExpression; generated$3.catchClause = catchClause; generated$3.conditionalExpression = conditionalExpression; generated$3.continueStatement = continueStatement; generated$3.debuggerStatement = debuggerStatement; generated$3.doWhileStatement = doWhileStatement; generated$3.emptyStatement = emptyStatement; generated$3.expressionStatement = expressionStatement; generated$3.file = file; generated$3.forInStatement = forInStatement; generated$3.forStatement = forStatement; generated$3.functionDeclaration = functionDeclaration; generated$3.functionExpression = functionExpression; generated$3.identifier = identifier; generated$3.ifStatement = ifStatement; generated$3.labeledStatement = labeledStatement; generated$3.stringLiteral = stringLiteral; generated$3.numericLiteral = numericLiteral; generated$3.nullLiteral = nullLiteral; generated$3.booleanLiteral = booleanLiteral; generated$3.regExpLiteral = regExpLiteral; generated$3.logicalExpression = logicalExpression; generated$3.memberExpression = memberExpression; generated$3.newExpression = newExpression; generated$3.program = program; generated$3.objectExpression = objectExpression; generated$3.objectMethod = objectMethod; generated$3.objectProperty = objectProperty; generated$3.restElement = restElement; generated$3.returnStatement = returnStatement; generated$3.sequenceExpression = sequenceExpression; generated$3.parenthesizedExpression = parenthesizedExpression; generated$3.switchCase = switchCase; generated$3.switchStatement = switchStatement; generated$3.thisExpression = thisExpression; generated$3.throwStatement = throwStatement; generated$3.tryStatement = tryStatement; generated$3.unaryExpression = unaryExpression; generated$3.updateExpression = updateExpression; generated$3.variableDeclaration = variableDeclaration; generated$3.variableDeclarator = variableDeclarator; generated$3.whileStatement = whileStatement; generated$3.withStatement = withStatement; generated$3.assignmentPattern = assignmentPattern; generated$3.arrayPattern = arrayPattern; generated$3.arrowFunctionExpression = arrowFunctionExpression; generated$3.classBody = classBody; generated$3.classExpression = classExpression; generated$3.classDeclaration = classDeclaration; generated$3.exportAllDeclaration = exportAllDeclaration; generated$3.exportDefaultDeclaration = exportDefaultDeclaration; generated$3.exportNamedDeclaration = exportNamedDeclaration; generated$3.exportSpecifier = exportSpecifier; generated$3.forOfStatement = forOfStatement; generated$3.importDeclaration = importDeclaration; generated$3.importDefaultSpecifier = importDefaultSpecifier; generated$3.importNamespaceSpecifier = importNamespaceSpecifier; generated$3.importSpecifier = importSpecifier; generated$3.metaProperty = metaProperty; generated$3.classMethod = classMethod; generated$3.objectPattern = objectPattern; generated$3.spreadElement = spreadElement; generated$3.super = _super; generated$3.taggedTemplateExpression = taggedTemplateExpression; generated$3.templateElement = templateElement; generated$3.templateLiteral = templateLiteral; generated$3.yieldExpression = yieldExpression; generated$3.awaitExpression = awaitExpression; generated$3.import = _import; generated$3.bigIntLiteral = bigIntLiteral; generated$3.exportNamespaceSpecifier = exportNamespaceSpecifier; generated$3.optionalMemberExpression = optionalMemberExpression; generated$3.optionalCallExpression = optionalCallExpression; generated$3.classProperty = classProperty; generated$3.classPrivateProperty = classPrivateProperty; generated$3.classPrivateMethod = classPrivateMethod; generated$3.privateName = privateName; generated$3.anyTypeAnnotation = anyTypeAnnotation; generated$3.arrayTypeAnnotation = arrayTypeAnnotation; generated$3.booleanTypeAnnotation = booleanTypeAnnotation; generated$3.booleanLiteralTypeAnnotation = booleanLiteralTypeAnnotation; generated$3.nullLiteralTypeAnnotation = nullLiteralTypeAnnotation; generated$3.classImplements = classImplements; generated$3.declareClass = declareClass; generated$3.declareFunction = declareFunction; generated$3.declareInterface = declareInterface; generated$3.declareModule = declareModule; generated$3.declareModuleExports = declareModuleExports; generated$3.declareTypeAlias = declareTypeAlias; generated$3.declareOpaqueType = declareOpaqueType; generated$3.declareVariable = declareVariable; generated$3.declareExportDeclaration = declareExportDeclaration; generated$3.declareExportAllDeclaration = declareExportAllDeclaration; generated$3.declaredPredicate = declaredPredicate; generated$3.existsTypeAnnotation = existsTypeAnnotation; generated$3.functionTypeAnnotation = functionTypeAnnotation; generated$3.functionTypeParam = functionTypeParam; generated$3.genericTypeAnnotation = genericTypeAnnotation; generated$3.inferredPredicate = inferredPredicate; generated$3.interfaceExtends = interfaceExtends; generated$3.interfaceDeclaration = interfaceDeclaration; generated$3.interfaceTypeAnnotation = interfaceTypeAnnotation; generated$3.intersectionTypeAnnotation = intersectionTypeAnnotation; generated$3.mixedTypeAnnotation = mixedTypeAnnotation; generated$3.emptyTypeAnnotation = emptyTypeAnnotation; generated$3.nullableTypeAnnotation = nullableTypeAnnotation; generated$3.numberLiteralTypeAnnotation = numberLiteralTypeAnnotation; generated$3.numberTypeAnnotation = numberTypeAnnotation; generated$3.objectTypeAnnotation = objectTypeAnnotation; generated$3.objectTypeInternalSlot = objectTypeInternalSlot; generated$3.objectTypeCallProperty = objectTypeCallProperty; generated$3.objectTypeIndexer = objectTypeIndexer; generated$3.objectTypeProperty = objectTypeProperty; generated$3.objectTypeSpreadProperty = objectTypeSpreadProperty; generated$3.opaqueType = opaqueType; generated$3.qualifiedTypeIdentifier = qualifiedTypeIdentifier; generated$3.stringLiteralTypeAnnotation = stringLiteralTypeAnnotation; generated$3.stringTypeAnnotation = stringTypeAnnotation; generated$3.symbolTypeAnnotation = symbolTypeAnnotation; generated$3.thisTypeAnnotation = thisTypeAnnotation; generated$3.tupleTypeAnnotation = tupleTypeAnnotation; generated$3.typeofTypeAnnotation = typeofTypeAnnotation; generated$3.typeAlias = typeAlias; generated$3.typeAnnotation = typeAnnotation; generated$3.typeCastExpression = typeCastExpression; generated$3.typeParameter = typeParameter; generated$3.typeParameterDeclaration = typeParameterDeclaration; generated$3.typeParameterInstantiation = typeParameterInstantiation; generated$3.unionTypeAnnotation = unionTypeAnnotation; generated$3.variance = variance; generated$3.voidTypeAnnotation = voidTypeAnnotation; generated$3.enumDeclaration = enumDeclaration; generated$3.enumBooleanBody = enumBooleanBody; generated$3.enumNumberBody = enumNumberBody; generated$3.enumStringBody = enumStringBody; generated$3.enumSymbolBody = enumSymbolBody; generated$3.enumBooleanMember = enumBooleanMember; generated$3.enumNumberMember = enumNumberMember; generated$3.enumStringMember = enumStringMember; generated$3.enumDefaultedMember = enumDefaultedMember; generated$3.indexedAccessType = indexedAccessType; generated$3.optionalIndexedAccessType = optionalIndexedAccessType; generated$3.jSXAttribute = generated$3.jsxAttribute = jsxAttribute; generated$3.jSXClosingElement = generated$3.jsxClosingElement = jsxClosingElement; generated$3.jSXElement = generated$3.jsxElement = jsxElement; generated$3.jSXEmptyExpression = generated$3.jsxEmptyExpression = jsxEmptyExpression; generated$3.jSXExpressionContainer = generated$3.jsxExpressionContainer = jsxExpressionContainer; generated$3.jSXSpreadChild = generated$3.jsxSpreadChild = jsxSpreadChild; generated$3.jSXIdentifier = generated$3.jsxIdentifier = jsxIdentifier; generated$3.jSXMemberExpression = generated$3.jsxMemberExpression = jsxMemberExpression; generated$3.jSXNamespacedName = generated$3.jsxNamespacedName = jsxNamespacedName; generated$3.jSXOpeningElement = generated$3.jsxOpeningElement = jsxOpeningElement; generated$3.jSXSpreadAttribute = generated$3.jsxSpreadAttribute = jsxSpreadAttribute; generated$3.jSXText = generated$3.jsxText = jsxText; generated$3.jSXFragment = generated$3.jsxFragment = jsxFragment; generated$3.jSXOpeningFragment = generated$3.jsxOpeningFragment = jsxOpeningFragment; generated$3.jSXClosingFragment = generated$3.jsxClosingFragment = jsxClosingFragment; generated$3.noop = noop; generated$3.placeholder = placeholder; generated$3.v8IntrinsicIdentifier = v8IntrinsicIdentifier; generated$3.argumentPlaceholder = argumentPlaceholder; generated$3.bindExpression = bindExpression; generated$3.importAttribute = importAttribute; generated$3.decorator = decorator; generated$3.doExpression = doExpression; generated$3.exportDefaultSpecifier = exportDefaultSpecifier; generated$3.recordExpression = recordExpression; generated$3.tupleExpression = tupleExpression; generated$3.decimalLiteral = decimalLiteral; generated$3.staticBlock = staticBlock; generated$3.moduleExpression = moduleExpression; generated$3.topicReference = topicReference; generated$3.pipelineTopicExpression = pipelineTopicExpression; generated$3.pipelineBareFunction = pipelineBareFunction; generated$3.pipelinePrimaryTopicReference = pipelinePrimaryTopicReference; generated$3.tSParameterProperty = generated$3.tsParameterProperty = tsParameterProperty; generated$3.tSDeclareFunction = generated$3.tsDeclareFunction = tsDeclareFunction; generated$3.tSDeclareMethod = generated$3.tsDeclareMethod = tsDeclareMethod; generated$3.tSQualifiedName = generated$3.tsQualifiedName = tsQualifiedName; generated$3.tSCallSignatureDeclaration = generated$3.tsCallSignatureDeclaration = tsCallSignatureDeclaration; generated$3.tSConstructSignatureDeclaration = generated$3.tsConstructSignatureDeclaration = tsConstructSignatureDeclaration; generated$3.tSPropertySignature = generated$3.tsPropertySignature = tsPropertySignature; generated$3.tSMethodSignature = generated$3.tsMethodSignature = tsMethodSignature; generated$3.tSIndexSignature = generated$3.tsIndexSignature = tsIndexSignature; generated$3.tSAnyKeyword = generated$3.tsAnyKeyword = tsAnyKeyword; generated$3.tSBooleanKeyword = generated$3.tsBooleanKeyword = tsBooleanKeyword; generated$3.tSBigIntKeyword = generated$3.tsBigIntKeyword = tsBigIntKeyword; generated$3.tSIntrinsicKeyword = generated$3.tsIntrinsicKeyword = tsIntrinsicKeyword; generated$3.tSNeverKeyword = generated$3.tsNeverKeyword = tsNeverKeyword; generated$3.tSNullKeyword = generated$3.tsNullKeyword = tsNullKeyword; generated$3.tSNumberKeyword = generated$3.tsNumberKeyword = tsNumberKeyword; generated$3.tSObjectKeyword = generated$3.tsObjectKeyword = tsObjectKeyword; generated$3.tSStringKeyword = generated$3.tsStringKeyword = tsStringKeyword; generated$3.tSSymbolKeyword = generated$3.tsSymbolKeyword = tsSymbolKeyword; generated$3.tSUndefinedKeyword = generated$3.tsUndefinedKeyword = tsUndefinedKeyword; generated$3.tSUnknownKeyword = generated$3.tsUnknownKeyword = tsUnknownKeyword; generated$3.tSVoidKeyword = generated$3.tsVoidKeyword = tsVoidKeyword; generated$3.tSThisType = generated$3.tsThisType = tsThisType; generated$3.tSFunctionType = generated$3.tsFunctionType = tsFunctionType; generated$3.tSConstructorType = generated$3.tsConstructorType = tsConstructorType; generated$3.tSTypeReference = generated$3.tsTypeReference = tsTypeReference; generated$3.tSTypePredicate = generated$3.tsTypePredicate = tsTypePredicate; generated$3.tSTypeQuery = generated$3.tsTypeQuery = tsTypeQuery; generated$3.tSTypeLiteral = generated$3.tsTypeLiteral = tsTypeLiteral; generated$3.tSArrayType = generated$3.tsArrayType = tsArrayType; generated$3.tSTupleType = generated$3.tsTupleType = tsTupleType; generated$3.tSOptionalType = generated$3.tsOptionalType = tsOptionalType; generated$3.tSRestType = generated$3.tsRestType = tsRestType; generated$3.tSNamedTupleMember = generated$3.tsNamedTupleMember = tsNamedTupleMember; generated$3.tSUnionType = generated$3.tsUnionType = tsUnionType; generated$3.tSIntersectionType = generated$3.tsIntersectionType = tsIntersectionType; generated$3.tSConditionalType = generated$3.tsConditionalType = tsConditionalType; generated$3.tSInferType = generated$3.tsInferType = tsInferType; generated$3.tSParenthesizedType = generated$3.tsParenthesizedType = tsParenthesizedType; generated$3.tSTypeOperator = generated$3.tsTypeOperator = tsTypeOperator; generated$3.tSIndexedAccessType = generated$3.tsIndexedAccessType = tsIndexedAccessType; generated$3.tSMappedType = generated$3.tsMappedType = tsMappedType; generated$3.tSLiteralType = generated$3.tsLiteralType = tsLiteralType; generated$3.tSExpressionWithTypeArguments = generated$3.tsExpressionWithTypeArguments = tsExpressionWithTypeArguments; generated$3.tSInterfaceDeclaration = generated$3.tsInterfaceDeclaration = tsInterfaceDeclaration; generated$3.tSInterfaceBody = generated$3.tsInterfaceBody = tsInterfaceBody; generated$3.tSTypeAliasDeclaration = generated$3.tsTypeAliasDeclaration = tsTypeAliasDeclaration; generated$3.tSAsExpression = generated$3.tsAsExpression = tsAsExpression; generated$3.tSTypeAssertion = generated$3.tsTypeAssertion = tsTypeAssertion; generated$3.tSEnumDeclaration = generated$3.tsEnumDeclaration = tsEnumDeclaration; generated$3.tSEnumMember = generated$3.tsEnumMember = tsEnumMember; generated$3.tSModuleDeclaration = generated$3.tsModuleDeclaration = tsModuleDeclaration; generated$3.tSModuleBlock = generated$3.tsModuleBlock = tsModuleBlock; generated$3.tSImportType = generated$3.tsImportType = tsImportType; generated$3.tSImportEqualsDeclaration = generated$3.tsImportEqualsDeclaration = tsImportEqualsDeclaration; generated$3.tSExternalModuleReference = generated$3.tsExternalModuleReference = tsExternalModuleReference; generated$3.tSNonNullExpression = generated$3.tsNonNullExpression = tsNonNullExpression; generated$3.tSExportAssignment = generated$3.tsExportAssignment = tsExportAssignment; generated$3.tSNamespaceExportDeclaration = generated$3.tsNamespaceExportDeclaration = tsNamespaceExportDeclaration; generated$3.tSTypeAnnotation = generated$3.tsTypeAnnotation = tsTypeAnnotation; generated$3.tSTypeParameterInstantiation = generated$3.tsTypeParameterInstantiation = tsTypeParameterInstantiation; generated$3.tSTypeParameterDeclaration = generated$3.tsTypeParameterDeclaration = tsTypeParameterDeclaration; generated$3.tSTypeParameter = generated$3.tsTypeParameter = tsTypeParameter; generated$3.numberLiteral = NumberLiteral; generated$3.regexLiteral = RegexLiteral; generated$3.restProperty = RestProperty; generated$3.spreadProperty = SpreadProperty; var _builder = builder$1; function arrayExpression(elements) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ArrayExpression" ].concat(; } function assignmentExpression(operator, left, right) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "AssignmentExpression" ].concat(; } function binaryExpression(operator, left, right) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "BinaryExpression" ].concat(; } function interpreterDirective(value) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "InterpreterDirective" ].concat(; } function directive(value) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "Directive" ].concat(; } function directiveLiteral(value) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "DirectiveLiteral" ].concat(; } function blockStatement(body, directives) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "BlockStatement" ].concat(; } function breakStatement(label) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "BreakStatement" ].concat(; } function callExpression(callee, _arguments) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "CallExpression" ].concat(; } function catchClause(param, body) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "CatchClause" ].concat(; } function conditionalExpression(test, consequent, alternate) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ConditionalExpression" ].concat(; } function continueStatement(label) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ContinueStatement" ].concat(; } function debuggerStatement() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "DebuggerStatement" ].concat(; } function doWhileStatement(test, body) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "DoWhileStatement" ].concat(; } function emptyStatement() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "EmptyStatement" ].concat(; } function expressionStatement(expression) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ExpressionStatement" ].concat(; } function file(program, comments, tokens) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "File" ].concat(; } function forInStatement(left, right, body) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ForInStatement" ].concat(; } function forStatement(init, test, update, body) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ForStatement" ].concat(; } function functionDeclaration(id, params, body, generator, async) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "FunctionDeclaration" ].concat(; } function functionExpression(id, params, body, generator, async) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "FunctionExpression" ].concat(; } function identifier(name) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "Identifier" ].concat(; } function ifStatement(test, consequent, alternate) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "IfStatement" ].concat(; } function labeledStatement(label, body) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "LabeledStatement" ].concat(; } function stringLiteral(value) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "StringLiteral" ].concat(; } function numericLiteral(value) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "NumericLiteral" ].concat(; } function nullLiteral() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "NullLiteral" ].concat(; } function booleanLiteral(value) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "BooleanLiteral" ].concat(; } function regExpLiteral(pattern, flags) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "RegExpLiteral" ].concat(; } function logicalExpression(operator, left, right) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "LogicalExpression" ].concat(; } function memberExpression(object, property, computed, optional) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "MemberExpression" ].concat(; } function newExpression(callee, _arguments) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "NewExpression" ].concat(; } function program(body, directives, sourceType, interpreter) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "Program" ].concat(; } function objectExpression(properties) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ObjectExpression" ].concat(; } function objectMethod(kind, key, params, body, computed, generator, async) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ObjectMethod" ].concat(; } function objectProperty(key, value, computed, shorthand, decorators) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ObjectProperty" ].concat(; } function restElement(argument) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "RestElement" ].concat(; } function returnStatement(argument) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ReturnStatement" ].concat(; } function sequenceExpression(expressions) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "SequenceExpression" ].concat(; } function parenthesizedExpression(expression) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ParenthesizedExpression" ].concat(; } function switchCase(test, consequent) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "SwitchCase" ].concat(; } function switchStatement(discriminant, cases) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "SwitchStatement" ].concat(; } function thisExpression() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ThisExpression" ].concat(; } function throwStatement(argument) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ThrowStatement" ].concat(; } function tryStatement(block, handler, finalizer) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TryStatement" ].concat(; } function unaryExpression(operator, argument, prefix) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "UnaryExpression" ].concat(; } function updateExpression(operator, argument, prefix) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "UpdateExpression" ].concat(; } function variableDeclaration(kind, declarations) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "VariableDeclaration" ].concat(; } function variableDeclarator(id, init) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "VariableDeclarator" ].concat(; } function whileStatement(test, body) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "WhileStatement" ].concat(; } function withStatement(object, body) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "WithStatement" ].concat(; } function assignmentPattern(left, right) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "AssignmentPattern" ].concat(; } function arrayPattern(elements) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ArrayPattern" ].concat(; } function arrowFunctionExpression(params, body, async) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ArrowFunctionExpression" ].concat(; } function classBody(body) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ClassBody" ].concat(; } function classExpression(id, superClass, body, decorators) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ClassExpression" ].concat(; } function classDeclaration(id, superClass, body, decorators) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ClassDeclaration" ].concat(; } function exportAllDeclaration(source) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ExportAllDeclaration" ].concat(; } function exportDefaultDeclaration(declaration) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ExportDefaultDeclaration" ].concat(; } function exportNamedDeclaration(declaration, specifiers, source) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ExportNamedDeclaration" ].concat(; } function exportSpecifier(local, exported) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ExportSpecifier" ].concat(; } function forOfStatement(left, right, body, _await) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ForOfStatement" ].concat(; } function importDeclaration(specifiers, source) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ImportDeclaration" ].concat(; } function importDefaultSpecifier(local) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ImportDefaultSpecifier" ].concat(; } function importNamespaceSpecifier(local) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ImportNamespaceSpecifier" ].concat(; } function importSpecifier(local, imported) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ImportSpecifier" ].concat(; } function metaProperty(meta, property) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "MetaProperty" ].concat(; } function classMethod(kind, key, params, body, computed, _static, generator, async) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ClassMethod" ].concat(; } function objectPattern(properties) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ObjectPattern" ].concat(; } function spreadElement(argument) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "SpreadElement" ].concat(; } function _super() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "Super" ].concat(; } function taggedTemplateExpression(tag, quasi) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TaggedTemplateExpression" ].concat(; } function templateElement(value, tail) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TemplateElement" ].concat(; } function templateLiteral(quasis, expressions) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TemplateLiteral" ].concat(; } function yieldExpression(argument, delegate) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "YieldExpression" ].concat(; } function awaitExpression(argument) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "AwaitExpression" ].concat(; } function _import() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "Import" ].concat(; } function bigIntLiteral(value) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "BigIntLiteral" ].concat(; } function exportNamespaceSpecifier(exported) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ExportNamespaceSpecifier" ].concat(; } function optionalMemberExpression(object, property, computed, optional) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "OptionalMemberExpression" ].concat(; } function optionalCallExpression(callee, _arguments, optional) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "OptionalCallExpression" ].concat(; } function classProperty(key, value, typeAnnotation, decorators, computed, _static) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ClassProperty" ].concat(; } function classPrivateProperty(key, value, decorators, _static) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ClassPrivateProperty" ].concat(; } function classPrivateMethod(kind, key, params, body, _static) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ClassPrivateMethod" ].concat(; } function privateName(id) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "PrivateName" ].concat(; } function anyTypeAnnotation() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "AnyTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function arrayTypeAnnotation(elementType) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ArrayTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function booleanTypeAnnotation() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "BooleanTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function booleanLiteralTypeAnnotation(value) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function nullLiteralTypeAnnotation() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "NullLiteralTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function classImplements(id, typeParameters) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ClassImplements" ].concat(; } function declareClass(id, typeParameters, _extends, body) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "DeclareClass" ].concat(; } function declareFunction(id) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "DeclareFunction" ].concat(; } function declareInterface(id, typeParameters, _extends, body) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "DeclareInterface" ].concat(; } function declareModule(id, body, kind) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "DeclareModule" ].concat(; } function declareModuleExports(typeAnnotation) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "DeclareModuleExports" ].concat(; } function declareTypeAlias(id, typeParameters, right) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "DeclareTypeAlias" ].concat(; } function declareOpaqueType(id, typeParameters, supertype) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "DeclareOpaqueType" ].concat(; } function declareVariable(id) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "DeclareVariable" ].concat(; } function declareExportDeclaration(declaration, specifiers, source) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "DeclareExportDeclaration" ].concat(; } function declareExportAllDeclaration(source) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "DeclareExportAllDeclaration" ].concat(; } function declaredPredicate(value) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "DeclaredPredicate" ].concat(; } function existsTypeAnnotation() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ExistsTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function functionTypeAnnotation(typeParameters, params, rest, returnType) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "FunctionTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function functionTypeParam(name, typeAnnotation) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "FunctionTypeParam" ].concat(; } function genericTypeAnnotation(id, typeParameters) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "GenericTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function inferredPredicate() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "InferredPredicate" ].concat(; } function interfaceExtends(id, typeParameters) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "InterfaceExtends" ].concat(; } function interfaceDeclaration(id, typeParameters, _extends, body) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "InterfaceDeclaration" ].concat(; } function interfaceTypeAnnotation(_extends, body) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "InterfaceTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function intersectionTypeAnnotation(types) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "IntersectionTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function mixedTypeAnnotation() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "MixedTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function emptyTypeAnnotation() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "EmptyTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function nullableTypeAnnotation(typeAnnotation) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "NullableTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function numberLiteralTypeAnnotation(value) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function numberTypeAnnotation() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "NumberTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function objectTypeAnnotation(properties, indexers, callProperties, internalSlots, exact) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ObjectTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function objectTypeInternalSlot(id, value, optional, _static, method) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ObjectTypeInternalSlot" ].concat(; } function objectTypeCallProperty(value) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ObjectTypeCallProperty" ].concat(; } function objectTypeIndexer(id, key, value, variance) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ObjectTypeIndexer" ].concat(; } function objectTypeProperty(key, value, variance) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ObjectTypeProperty" ].concat(; } function objectTypeSpreadProperty(argument) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ObjectTypeSpreadProperty" ].concat(; } function opaqueType(id, typeParameters, supertype, impltype) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "OpaqueType" ].concat(; } function qualifiedTypeIdentifier(id, qualification) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "QualifiedTypeIdentifier" ].concat(; } function stringLiteralTypeAnnotation(value) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "StringLiteralTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function stringTypeAnnotation() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "StringTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function symbolTypeAnnotation() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "SymbolTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function thisTypeAnnotation() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ThisTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function tupleTypeAnnotation(types) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TupleTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function typeofTypeAnnotation(argument) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TypeofTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function typeAlias(id, typeParameters, right) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TypeAlias" ].concat(; } function typeAnnotation(typeAnnotation) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function typeCastExpression(expression, typeAnnotation) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TypeCastExpression" ].concat(; } function typeParameter(bound, _default, variance) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TypeParameter" ].concat(; } function typeParameterDeclaration(params) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TypeParameterDeclaration" ].concat(; } function typeParameterInstantiation(params) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TypeParameterInstantiation" ].concat(; } function unionTypeAnnotation(types) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "UnionTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function variance(kind) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "Variance" ].concat(; } function voidTypeAnnotation() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "VoidTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function enumDeclaration(id, body) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "EnumDeclaration" ].concat(; } function enumBooleanBody(members) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "EnumBooleanBody" ].concat(; } function enumNumberBody(members) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "EnumNumberBody" ].concat(; } function enumStringBody(members) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "EnumStringBody" ].concat(; } function enumSymbolBody(members) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "EnumSymbolBody" ].concat(; } function enumBooleanMember(id) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "EnumBooleanMember" ].concat(; } function enumNumberMember(id, init) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "EnumNumberMember" ].concat(; } function enumStringMember(id, init) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "EnumStringMember" ].concat(; } function enumDefaultedMember(id) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "EnumDefaultedMember" ].concat(; } function indexedAccessType(objectType, indexType) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "IndexedAccessType" ].concat(; } function optionalIndexedAccessType(objectType, indexType) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "OptionalIndexedAccessType" ].concat(; } function jsxAttribute(name, value) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "JSXAttribute" ].concat(; } function jsxClosingElement(name) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "JSXClosingElement" ].concat(; } function jsxElement(openingElement, closingElement, children, selfClosing) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "JSXElement" ].concat(; } function jsxEmptyExpression() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "JSXEmptyExpression" ].concat(; } function jsxExpressionContainer(expression) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "JSXExpressionContainer" ].concat(; } function jsxSpreadChild(expression) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "JSXSpreadChild" ].concat(; } function jsxIdentifier(name) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "JSXIdentifier" ].concat(; } function jsxMemberExpression(object, property) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "JSXMemberExpression" ].concat(; } function jsxNamespacedName(namespace, name) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "JSXNamespacedName" ].concat(; } function jsxOpeningElement(name, attributes, selfClosing) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "JSXOpeningElement" ].concat(; } function jsxSpreadAttribute(argument) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "JSXSpreadAttribute" ].concat(; } function jsxText(value) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "JSXText" ].concat(; } function jsxFragment(openingFragment, closingFragment, children) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "JSXFragment" ].concat(; } function jsxOpeningFragment() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "JSXOpeningFragment" ].concat(; } function jsxClosingFragment() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "JSXClosingFragment" ].concat(; } function noop() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "Noop" ].concat(; } function placeholder(expectedNode, name) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "Placeholder" ].concat(; } function v8IntrinsicIdentifier(name) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "V8IntrinsicIdentifier" ].concat(; } function argumentPlaceholder() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ArgumentPlaceholder" ].concat(; } function bindExpression(object, callee) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "BindExpression" ].concat(; } function importAttribute(key, value) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ImportAttribute" ].concat(; } function decorator(expression) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "Decorator" ].concat(; } function doExpression(body, async) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "DoExpression" ].concat(; } function exportDefaultSpecifier(exported) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ExportDefaultSpecifier" ].concat(; } function recordExpression(properties) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "RecordExpression" ].concat(; } function tupleExpression(elements) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TupleExpression" ].concat(; } function decimalLiteral(value) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "DecimalLiteral" ].concat(; } function staticBlock(body) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "StaticBlock" ].concat(; } function moduleExpression(body) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "ModuleExpression" ].concat(; } function topicReference() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TopicReference" ].concat(; } function pipelineTopicExpression(expression) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "PipelineTopicExpression" ].concat(; } function pipelineBareFunction(callee) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "PipelineBareFunction" ].concat(; } function pipelinePrimaryTopicReference() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "PipelinePrimaryTopicReference" ].concat(; } function tsParameterProperty(parameter) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSParameterProperty" ].concat(; } function tsDeclareFunction(id, typeParameters, params, returnType) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSDeclareFunction" ].concat(; } function tsDeclareMethod(decorators, key, typeParameters, params, returnType) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSDeclareMethod" ].concat(; } function tsQualifiedName(left, right) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSQualifiedName" ].concat(; } function tsCallSignatureDeclaration(typeParameters, parameters, typeAnnotation) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSCallSignatureDeclaration" ].concat(; } function tsConstructSignatureDeclaration(typeParameters, parameters, typeAnnotation) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration" ].concat(; } function tsPropertySignature(key, typeAnnotation, initializer) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSPropertySignature" ].concat(; } function tsMethodSignature(key, typeParameters, parameters, typeAnnotation) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSMethodSignature" ].concat(; } function tsIndexSignature(parameters, typeAnnotation) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSIndexSignature" ].concat(; } function tsAnyKeyword() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSAnyKeyword" ].concat(; } function tsBooleanKeyword() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSBooleanKeyword" ].concat(; } function tsBigIntKeyword() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSBigIntKeyword" ].concat(; } function tsIntrinsicKeyword() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSIntrinsicKeyword" ].concat(; } function tsNeverKeyword() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSNeverKeyword" ].concat(; } function tsNullKeyword() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSNullKeyword" ].concat(; } function tsNumberKeyword() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSNumberKeyword" ].concat(; } function tsObjectKeyword() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSObjectKeyword" ].concat(; } function tsStringKeyword() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSStringKeyword" ].concat(; } function tsSymbolKeyword() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSSymbolKeyword" ].concat(; } function tsUndefinedKeyword() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSUndefinedKeyword" ].concat(; } function tsUnknownKeyword() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSUnknownKeyword" ].concat(; } function tsVoidKeyword() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSVoidKeyword" ].concat(; } function tsThisType() { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSThisType" ].concat(; } function tsFunctionType(typeParameters, parameters, typeAnnotation) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSFunctionType" ].concat(; } function tsConstructorType(typeParameters, parameters, typeAnnotation) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSConstructorType" ].concat(; } function tsTypeReference(typeName, typeParameters) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSTypeReference" ].concat(; } function tsTypePredicate(parameterName, typeAnnotation, asserts) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSTypePredicate" ].concat(; } function tsTypeQuery(exprName) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSTypeQuery" ].concat(; } function tsTypeLiteral(members) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSTypeLiteral" ].concat(; } function tsArrayType(elementType) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSArrayType" ].concat(; } function tsTupleType(elementTypes) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSTupleType" ].concat(; } function tsOptionalType(typeAnnotation) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSOptionalType" ].concat(; } function tsRestType(typeAnnotation) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSRestType" ].concat(; } function tsNamedTupleMember(label, elementType, optional) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSNamedTupleMember" ].concat(; } function tsUnionType(types) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSUnionType" ].concat(; } function tsIntersectionType(types) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSIntersectionType" ].concat(; } function tsConditionalType(checkType, extendsType, trueType, falseType) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSConditionalType" ].concat(; } function tsInferType(typeParameter) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSInferType" ].concat(; } function tsParenthesizedType(typeAnnotation) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSParenthesizedType" ].concat(; } function tsTypeOperator(typeAnnotation) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSTypeOperator" ].concat(; } function tsIndexedAccessType(objectType, indexType) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSIndexedAccessType" ].concat(; } function tsMappedType(typeParameter, typeAnnotation, nameType) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSMappedType" ].concat(; } function tsLiteralType(literal) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSLiteralType" ].concat(; } function tsExpressionWithTypeArguments(expression, typeParameters) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments" ].concat(; } function tsInterfaceDeclaration(id, typeParameters, _extends, body) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSInterfaceDeclaration" ].concat(; } function tsInterfaceBody(body) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSInterfaceBody" ].concat(; } function tsTypeAliasDeclaration(id, typeParameters, typeAnnotation) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSTypeAliasDeclaration" ].concat(; } function tsAsExpression(expression, typeAnnotation) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSAsExpression" ].concat(; } function tsTypeAssertion(typeAnnotation, expression) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSTypeAssertion" ].concat(; } function tsEnumDeclaration(id, members) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSEnumDeclaration" ].concat(; } function tsEnumMember(id, initializer) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSEnumMember" ].concat(; } function tsModuleDeclaration(id, body) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSModuleDeclaration" ].concat(; } function tsModuleBlock(body) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSModuleBlock" ].concat(; } function tsImportType(argument, qualifier, typeParameters) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSImportType" ].concat(; } function tsImportEqualsDeclaration(id, moduleReference) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSImportEqualsDeclaration" ].concat(; } function tsExternalModuleReference(expression) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSExternalModuleReference" ].concat(; } function tsNonNullExpression(expression) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSNonNullExpression" ].concat(; } function tsExportAssignment(expression) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSExportAssignment" ].concat(; } function tsNamespaceExportDeclaration(id) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration" ].concat(; } function tsTypeAnnotation(typeAnnotation) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSTypeAnnotation" ].concat(; } function tsTypeParameterInstantiation(params) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSTypeParameterInstantiation" ].concat(; } function tsTypeParameterDeclaration(params) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSTypeParameterDeclaration" ].concat(; } function tsTypeParameter(constraint, _default, name) { return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "TSTypeParameter" ].concat(; } function NumberLiteral() { for(var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++){ args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } console.trace("The node type NumberLiteral has been renamed to NumericLiteral"); return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "NumberLiteral" ].concat(_toConsumableArray$1(args))); } function RegexLiteral() { for(var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++){ args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } console.trace("The node type RegexLiteral has been renamed to RegExpLiteral"); return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "RegexLiteral" ].concat(_toConsumableArray$1(args))); } function RestProperty() { for(var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++){ args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } console.trace("The node type RestProperty has been renamed to RestElement"); return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "RestProperty" ].concat(_toConsumableArray$1(args))); } function SpreadProperty() { for(var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++){ args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } console.trace("The node type SpreadProperty has been renamed to SpreadElement"); return (_builder.default).apply(this, [ "SpreadProperty" ].concat(_toConsumableArray$1(args))); } Object.defineProperty(cleanJSXElementLiteralChild$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); cleanJSXElementLiteralChild$1.default = cleanJSXElementLiteralChild; var _generated$n = generated$3; function cleanJSXElementLiteralChild(child, args) { var lines = child.value.split(/\r\n|\n|\r/); var lastNonEmptyLine = 0; for(var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++){ if (lines[i].match(/[^ \t]/)) { lastNonEmptyLine = i; } } var str = ""; for(var i1 = 0; i1 < lines.length; i1++){ var line = lines[i1]; var isFirstLine = i1 === 0; var isLastLine = i1 === lines.length - 1; var isLastNonEmptyLine = i1 === lastNonEmptyLine; var trimmedLine = line.replace(/\t/g, " "); if (!isFirstLine) { trimmedLine = trimmedLine.replace(/^[ ]+/, ""); } if (!isLastLine) { trimmedLine = trimmedLine.replace(/[ ]+$/, ""); } if (trimmedLine) { if (!isLastNonEmptyLine) { trimmedLine += " "; } str += trimmedLine; } } if (str) args.push((0, _generated$n.stringLiteral)(str)); } Object.defineProperty(buildChildren$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); buildChildren$1.default = buildChildren; var _generated$m = generated$4; var _cleanJSXElementLiteralChild = cleanJSXElementLiteralChild$1; function buildChildren(node) { var elements = []; for(var i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++){ var child = node.children[i]; if ((0, _generated$m.isJSXText)(child)) { (0, _cleanJSXElementLiteralChild.default)(child, elements); continue; } if ((0, _generated$m.isJSXExpressionContainer)(child)) child = child.expression; if ((0, _generated$m.isJSXEmptyExpression)(child)) continue; elements.push(child); } return elements; } var assertNode$1 = {}; var isNode$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(isNode$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); isNode$1.default = isNode; var _definitions$5 = requireDefinitions(); function isNode(node) { return !!(node && _definitions$5.VISITOR_KEYS[node.type]); } Object.defineProperty(assertNode$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); assertNode$1.default = assertNode; var _isNode = isNode$1; function assertNode(node) { if (!(0, _isNode.default)(node)) { var _node$type; var type = (_node$type = node == null ? void 0 : node.type) != null ? _node$type : JSON.stringify(node); throw new TypeError('Not a valid node of type "' + type + '"'); } } var generated$2 = {}; Object.defineProperty(generated$2, "__esModule", { value: true }); generated$2.assertArrayExpression = assertArrayExpression; generated$2.assertAssignmentExpression = assertAssignmentExpression; generated$2.assertBinaryExpression = assertBinaryExpression; generated$2.assertInterpreterDirective = assertInterpreterDirective; generated$2.assertDirective = assertDirective; generated$2.assertDirectiveLiteral = assertDirectiveLiteral; generated$2.assertBlockStatement = assertBlockStatement; generated$2.assertBreakStatement = assertBreakStatement; generated$2.assertCallExpression = assertCallExpression; generated$2.assertCatchClause = assertCatchClause; generated$2.assertConditionalExpression = assertConditionalExpression; generated$2.assertContinueStatement = assertContinueStatement; generated$2.assertDebuggerStatement = assertDebuggerStatement; generated$2.assertDoWhileStatement = assertDoWhileStatement; generated$2.assertEmptyStatement = assertEmptyStatement; generated$2.assertExpressionStatement = assertExpressionStatement; generated$2.assertFile = assertFile; generated$2.assertForInStatement = assertForInStatement; generated$2.assertForStatement = assertForStatement; generated$2.assertFunctionDeclaration = assertFunctionDeclaration; generated$2.assertFunctionExpression = assertFunctionExpression; generated$2.assertIdentifier = assertIdentifier; generated$2.assertIfStatement = assertIfStatement; generated$2.assertLabeledStatement = assertLabeledStatement; generated$2.assertStringLiteral = assertStringLiteral; generated$2.assertNumericLiteral = assertNumericLiteral; generated$2.assertNullLiteral = assertNullLiteral; generated$2.assertBooleanLiteral = assertBooleanLiteral; generated$2.assertRegExpLiteral = assertRegExpLiteral; generated$2.assertLogicalExpression = assertLogicalExpression; generated$2.assertMemberExpression = assertMemberExpression; generated$2.assertNewExpression = assertNewExpression; generated$2.assertProgram = assertProgram; generated$2.assertObjectExpression = assertObjectExpression; generated$2.assertObjectMethod = assertObjectMethod; generated$2.assertObjectProperty = assertObjectProperty; generated$2.assertRestElement = assertRestElement; generated$2.assertReturnStatement = assertReturnStatement; generated$2.assertSequenceExpression = assertSequenceExpression; generated$2.assertParenthesizedExpression = assertParenthesizedExpression; generated$2.assertSwitchCase = assertSwitchCase; generated$2.assertSwitchStatement = assertSwitchStatement; generated$2.assertThisExpression = assertThisExpression; generated$2.assertThrowStatement = assertThrowStatement; generated$2.assertTryStatement = assertTryStatement; generated$2.assertUnaryExpression = assertUnaryExpression; generated$2.assertUpdateExpression = assertUpdateExpression; generated$2.assertVariableDeclaration = assertVariableDeclaration; generated$2.assertVariableDeclarator = assertVariableDeclarator; generated$2.assertWhileStatement = assertWhileStatement; generated$2.assertWithStatement = assertWithStatement; generated$2.assertAssignmentPattern = assertAssignmentPattern; generated$2.assertArrayPattern = assertArrayPattern; generated$2.assertArrowFunctionExpression = assertArrowFunctionExpression; generated$2.assertClassBody = assertClassBody; generated$2.assertClassExpression = assertClassExpression; generated$2.assertClassDeclaration = assertClassDeclaration; generated$2.assertExportAllDeclaration = assertExportAllDeclaration; generated$2.assertExportDefaultDeclaration = assertExportDefaultDeclaration; generated$2.assertExportNamedDeclaration = assertExportNamedDeclaration; generated$2.assertExportSpecifier = assertExportSpecifier; generated$2.assertForOfStatement = assertForOfStatement; generated$2.assertImportDeclaration = assertImportDeclaration; generated$2.assertImportDefaultSpecifier = assertImportDefaultSpecifier; generated$2.assertImportNamespaceSpecifier = assertImportNamespaceSpecifier; generated$2.assertImportSpecifier = assertImportSpecifier; generated$2.assertMetaProperty = assertMetaProperty; generated$2.assertClassMethod = assertClassMethod; generated$2.assertObjectPattern = assertObjectPattern; generated$2.assertSpreadElement = assertSpreadElement; generated$2.assertSuper = assertSuper; generated$2.assertTaggedTemplateExpression = assertTaggedTemplateExpression; generated$2.assertTemplateElement = assertTemplateElement; generated$2.assertTemplateLiteral = assertTemplateLiteral; generated$2.assertYieldExpression = assertYieldExpression; generated$2.assertAwaitExpression = assertAwaitExpression; generated$2.assertImport = assertImport; generated$2.assertBigIntLiteral = assertBigIntLiteral; generated$2.assertExportNamespaceSpecifier = assertExportNamespaceSpecifier; generated$2.assertOptionalMemberExpression = assertOptionalMemberExpression; generated$2.assertOptionalCallExpression = assertOptionalCallExpression; generated$2.assertClassProperty = assertClassProperty; generated$2.assertClassPrivateProperty = assertClassPrivateProperty; generated$2.assertClassPrivateMethod = assertClassPrivateMethod; generated$2.assertPrivateName = assertPrivateName; generated$2.assertAnyTypeAnnotation = assertAnyTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertArrayTypeAnnotation = assertArrayTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertBooleanTypeAnnotation = assertBooleanTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertBooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation = assertBooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertNullLiteralTypeAnnotation = assertNullLiteralTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertClassImplements = assertClassImplements; generated$2.assertDeclareClass = assertDeclareClass; generated$2.assertDeclareFunction = assertDeclareFunction; generated$2.assertDeclareInterface = assertDeclareInterface; generated$2.assertDeclareModule = assertDeclareModule; generated$2.assertDeclareModuleExports = assertDeclareModuleExports; generated$2.assertDeclareTypeAlias = assertDeclareTypeAlias; generated$2.assertDeclareOpaqueType = assertDeclareOpaqueType; generated$2.assertDeclareVariable = assertDeclareVariable; generated$2.assertDeclareExportDeclaration = assertDeclareExportDeclaration; generated$2.assertDeclareExportAllDeclaration = assertDeclareExportAllDeclaration; generated$2.assertDeclaredPredicate = assertDeclaredPredicate; generated$2.assertExistsTypeAnnotation = assertExistsTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertFunctionTypeAnnotation = assertFunctionTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertFunctionTypeParam = assertFunctionTypeParam; generated$2.assertGenericTypeAnnotation = assertGenericTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertInferredPredicate = assertInferredPredicate; generated$2.assertInterfaceExtends = assertInterfaceExtends; generated$2.assertInterfaceDeclaration = assertInterfaceDeclaration; generated$2.assertInterfaceTypeAnnotation = assertInterfaceTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertIntersectionTypeAnnotation = assertIntersectionTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertMixedTypeAnnotation = assertMixedTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertEmptyTypeAnnotation = assertEmptyTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertNullableTypeAnnotation = assertNullableTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertNumberLiteralTypeAnnotation = assertNumberLiteralTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertNumberTypeAnnotation = assertNumberTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertObjectTypeAnnotation = assertObjectTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertObjectTypeInternalSlot = assertObjectTypeInternalSlot; generated$2.assertObjectTypeCallProperty = assertObjectTypeCallProperty; generated$2.assertObjectTypeIndexer = assertObjectTypeIndexer; generated$2.assertObjectTypeProperty = assertObjectTypeProperty; generated$2.assertObjectTypeSpreadProperty = assertObjectTypeSpreadProperty; generated$2.assertOpaqueType = assertOpaqueType; generated$2.assertQualifiedTypeIdentifier = assertQualifiedTypeIdentifier; generated$2.assertStringLiteralTypeAnnotation = assertStringLiteralTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertStringTypeAnnotation = assertStringTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertSymbolTypeAnnotation = assertSymbolTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertThisTypeAnnotation = assertThisTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertTupleTypeAnnotation = assertTupleTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertTypeofTypeAnnotation = assertTypeofTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertTypeAlias = assertTypeAlias; generated$2.assertTypeAnnotation = assertTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertTypeCastExpression = assertTypeCastExpression; generated$2.assertTypeParameter = assertTypeParameter; generated$2.assertTypeParameterDeclaration = assertTypeParameterDeclaration; generated$2.assertTypeParameterInstantiation = assertTypeParameterInstantiation; generated$2.assertUnionTypeAnnotation = assertUnionTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertVariance = assertVariance; generated$2.assertVoidTypeAnnotation = assertVoidTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertEnumDeclaration = assertEnumDeclaration; generated$2.assertEnumBooleanBody = assertEnumBooleanBody; generated$2.assertEnumNumberBody = assertEnumNumberBody; generated$2.assertEnumStringBody = assertEnumStringBody; generated$2.assertEnumSymbolBody = assertEnumSymbolBody; generated$2.assertEnumBooleanMember = assertEnumBooleanMember; generated$2.assertEnumNumberMember = assertEnumNumberMember; generated$2.assertEnumStringMember = assertEnumStringMember; generated$2.assertEnumDefaultedMember = assertEnumDefaultedMember; generated$2.assertIndexedAccessType = assertIndexedAccessType; generated$2.assertOptionalIndexedAccessType = assertOptionalIndexedAccessType; generated$2.assertJSXAttribute = assertJSXAttribute; generated$2.assertJSXClosingElement = assertJSXClosingElement; generated$2.assertJSXElement = assertJSXElement; generated$2.assertJSXEmptyExpression = assertJSXEmptyExpression; generated$2.assertJSXExpressionContainer = assertJSXExpressionContainer; generated$2.assertJSXSpreadChild = assertJSXSpreadChild; generated$2.assertJSXIdentifier = assertJSXIdentifier; generated$2.assertJSXMemberExpression = assertJSXMemberExpression; generated$2.assertJSXNamespacedName = assertJSXNamespacedName; generated$2.assertJSXOpeningElement = assertJSXOpeningElement; generated$2.assertJSXSpreadAttribute = assertJSXSpreadAttribute; generated$2.assertJSXText = assertJSXText; generated$2.assertJSXFragment = assertJSXFragment; generated$2.assertJSXOpeningFragment = assertJSXOpeningFragment; generated$2.assertJSXClosingFragment = assertJSXClosingFragment; generated$2.assertNoop = assertNoop; generated$2.assertPlaceholder = assertPlaceholder; generated$2.assertV8IntrinsicIdentifier = assertV8IntrinsicIdentifier; generated$2.assertArgumentPlaceholder = assertArgumentPlaceholder; generated$2.assertBindExpression = assertBindExpression; generated$2.assertImportAttribute = assertImportAttribute; generated$2.assertDecorator = assertDecorator; generated$2.assertDoExpression = assertDoExpression; generated$2.assertExportDefaultSpecifier = assertExportDefaultSpecifier; generated$2.assertRecordExpression = assertRecordExpression; generated$2.assertTupleExpression = assertTupleExpression; generated$2.assertDecimalLiteral = assertDecimalLiteral; generated$2.assertStaticBlock = assertStaticBlock; generated$2.assertModuleExpression = assertModuleExpression; generated$2.assertTopicReference = assertTopicReference; generated$2.assertPipelineTopicExpression = assertPipelineTopicExpression; generated$2.assertPipelineBareFunction = assertPipelineBareFunction; generated$2.assertPipelinePrimaryTopicReference = assertPipelinePrimaryTopicReference; generated$2.assertTSParameterProperty = assertTSParameterProperty; generated$2.assertTSDeclareFunction = assertTSDeclareFunction; generated$2.assertTSDeclareMethod = assertTSDeclareMethod; generated$2.assertTSQualifiedName = assertTSQualifiedName; generated$2.assertTSCallSignatureDeclaration = assertTSCallSignatureDeclaration; generated$2.assertTSConstructSignatureDeclaration = assertTSConstructSignatureDeclaration; generated$2.assertTSPropertySignature = assertTSPropertySignature; generated$2.assertTSMethodSignature = assertTSMethodSignature; generated$2.assertTSIndexSignature = assertTSIndexSignature; generated$2.assertTSAnyKeyword = assertTSAnyKeyword; generated$2.assertTSBooleanKeyword = assertTSBooleanKeyword; generated$2.assertTSBigIntKeyword = assertTSBigIntKeyword; generated$2.assertTSIntrinsicKeyword = assertTSIntrinsicKeyword; generated$2.assertTSNeverKeyword = assertTSNeverKeyword; generated$2.assertTSNullKeyword = assertTSNullKeyword; generated$2.assertTSNumberKeyword = assertTSNumberKeyword; generated$2.assertTSObjectKeyword = assertTSObjectKeyword; generated$2.assertTSStringKeyword = assertTSStringKeyword; generated$2.assertTSSymbolKeyword = assertTSSymbolKeyword; generated$2.assertTSUndefinedKeyword = assertTSUndefinedKeyword; generated$2.assertTSUnknownKeyword = assertTSUnknownKeyword; generated$2.assertTSVoidKeyword = assertTSVoidKeyword; generated$2.assertTSThisType = assertTSThisType; generated$2.assertTSFunctionType = assertTSFunctionType; generated$2.assertTSConstructorType = assertTSConstructorType; generated$2.assertTSTypeReference = assertTSTypeReference; generated$2.assertTSTypePredicate = assertTSTypePredicate; generated$2.assertTSTypeQuery = assertTSTypeQuery; generated$2.assertTSTypeLiteral = assertTSTypeLiteral; generated$2.assertTSArrayType = assertTSArrayType; generated$2.assertTSTupleType = assertTSTupleType; generated$2.assertTSOptionalType = assertTSOptionalType; generated$2.assertTSRestType = assertTSRestType; generated$2.assertTSNamedTupleMember = assertTSNamedTupleMember; generated$2.assertTSUnionType = assertTSUnionType; generated$2.assertTSIntersectionType = assertTSIntersectionType; generated$2.assertTSConditionalType = assertTSConditionalType; generated$2.assertTSInferType = assertTSInferType; generated$2.assertTSParenthesizedType = assertTSParenthesizedType; generated$2.assertTSTypeOperator = assertTSTypeOperator; generated$2.assertTSIndexedAccessType = assertTSIndexedAccessType; generated$2.assertTSMappedType = assertTSMappedType; generated$2.assertTSLiteralType = assertTSLiteralType; generated$2.assertTSExpressionWithTypeArguments = assertTSExpressionWithTypeArguments; generated$2.assertTSInterfaceDeclaration = assertTSInterfaceDeclaration; generated$2.assertTSInterfaceBody = assertTSInterfaceBody; generated$2.assertTSTypeAliasDeclaration = assertTSTypeAliasDeclaration; generated$2.assertTSAsExpression = assertTSAsExpression; generated$2.assertTSTypeAssertion = assertTSTypeAssertion; generated$2.assertTSEnumDeclaration = assertTSEnumDeclaration; generated$2.assertTSEnumMember = assertTSEnumMember; generated$2.assertTSModuleDeclaration = assertTSModuleDeclaration; generated$2.assertTSModuleBlock = assertTSModuleBlock; generated$2.assertTSImportType = assertTSImportType; generated$2.assertTSImportEqualsDeclaration = assertTSImportEqualsDeclaration; generated$2.assertTSExternalModuleReference = assertTSExternalModuleReference; generated$2.assertTSNonNullExpression = assertTSNonNullExpression; generated$2.assertTSExportAssignment = assertTSExportAssignment; generated$2.assertTSNamespaceExportDeclaration = assertTSNamespaceExportDeclaration; generated$2.assertTSTypeAnnotation = assertTSTypeAnnotation; generated$2.assertTSTypeParameterInstantiation = assertTSTypeParameterInstantiation; generated$2.assertTSTypeParameterDeclaration = assertTSTypeParameterDeclaration; generated$2.assertTSTypeParameter = assertTSTypeParameter; generated$2.assertExpression = assertExpression; generated$2.assertBinary = assertBinary; generated$2.assertScopable = assertScopable; generated$2.assertBlockParent = assertBlockParent; generated$2.assertBlock = assertBlock; generated$2.assertStatement = assertStatement; generated$2.assertTerminatorless = assertTerminatorless; generated$2.assertCompletionStatement = assertCompletionStatement; generated$2.assertConditional = assertConditional; generated$2.assertLoop = assertLoop; generated$2.assertWhile = assertWhile; generated$2.assertExpressionWrapper = assertExpressionWrapper; generated$2.assertFor = assertFor; generated$2.assertForXStatement = assertForXStatement; generated$2.assertFunction = assertFunction; generated$2.assertFunctionParent = assertFunctionParent; generated$2.assertPureish = assertPureish; generated$2.assertDeclaration = assertDeclaration; generated$2.assertPatternLike = assertPatternLike; generated$2.assertLVal = assertLVal; generated$2.assertTSEntityName = assertTSEntityName; generated$2.assertLiteral = assertLiteral; generated$2.assertImmutable = assertImmutable; generated$2.assertUserWhitespacable = assertUserWhitespacable; generated$2.assertMethod = assertMethod; generated$2.assertObjectMember = assertObjectMember; generated$2.assertProperty = assertProperty; generated$2.assertUnaryLike = assertUnaryLike; generated$2.assertPattern = assertPattern; generated$2.assertClass = assertClass; generated$2.assertModuleDeclaration = assertModuleDeclaration; generated$2.assertExportDeclaration = assertExportDeclaration; generated$2.assertModuleSpecifier = assertModuleSpecifier; generated$2.assertPrivate = assertPrivate; generated$2.assertFlow = assertFlow; generated$2.assertFlowType = assertFlowType; generated$2.assertFlowBaseAnnotation = assertFlowBaseAnnotation; generated$2.assertFlowDeclaration = assertFlowDeclaration; generated$2.assertFlowPredicate = assertFlowPredicate; generated$2.assertEnumBody = assertEnumBody; generated$2.assertEnumMember = assertEnumMember; generated$2.assertJSX = assertJSX; generated$2.assertTSTypeElement = assertTSTypeElement; generated$2.assertTSType = assertTSType; generated$2.assertTSBaseType = assertTSBaseType; generated$2.assertNumberLiteral = assertNumberLiteral; generated$2.assertRegexLiteral = assertRegexLiteral; generated$2.assertRestProperty = assertRestProperty; generated$2.assertSpreadProperty = assertSpreadProperty; var _is = requireIs(); function assert(type, node, opts) { if (!(0, _is.default)(type, node, opts)) { throw new Error('Expected type "'.concat(type, '" with option ').concat(JSON.stringify(opts), ", ") + 'but instead got "'.concat(node.type, '".')); } } function assertArrayExpression(node, opts) { assert("ArrayExpression", node, opts); } function assertAssignmentExpression(node, opts) { assert("AssignmentExpression", node, opts); } function assertBinaryExpression(node, opts) { assert("BinaryExpression", node, opts); } function assertInterpreterDirective(node, opts) { assert("InterpreterDirective", node, opts); } function assertDirective(node, opts) { assert("Directive", node, opts); } function assertDirectiveLiteral(node, opts) { assert("DirectiveLiteral", node, opts); } function assertBlockStatement(node, opts) { assert("BlockStatement", node, opts); } function assertBreakStatement(node, opts) { assert("BreakStatement", node, opts); } function assertCallExpression(node, opts) { assert("CallExpression", node, opts); } function assertCatchClause(node, opts) { assert("CatchClause", node, opts); } function assertConditionalExpression(node, opts) { assert("ConditionalExpression", node, opts); } function assertContinueStatement(node, opts) { assert("ContinueStatement", node, opts); } function assertDebuggerStatement(node, opts) { assert("DebuggerStatement", node, opts); } function assertDoWhileStatement(node, opts) { assert("DoWhileStatement", node, opts); } function assertEmptyStatement(node, opts) { assert("EmptyStatement", node, opts); } function assertExpressionStatement(node, opts) { assert("ExpressionStatement", node, opts); } function assertFile(node, opts) { assert("File", node, opts); } function assertForInStatement(node, opts) { assert("ForInStatement", node, opts); } function assertForStatement(node, opts) { assert("ForStatement", node, opts); } function assertFunctionDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("FunctionDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertFunctionExpression(node, opts) { assert("FunctionExpression", node, opts); } function assertIdentifier(node, opts) { assert("Identifier", node, opts); } function assertIfStatement(node, opts) { assert("IfStatement", node, opts); } function assertLabeledStatement(node, opts) { assert("LabeledStatement", node, opts); } function assertStringLiteral(node, opts) { assert("StringLiteral", node, opts); } function assertNumericLiteral(node, opts) { assert("NumericLiteral", node, opts); } function assertNullLiteral(node, opts) { assert("NullLiteral", node, opts); } function assertBooleanLiteral(node, opts) { assert("BooleanLiteral", node, opts); } function assertRegExpLiteral(node, opts) { assert("RegExpLiteral", node, opts); } function assertLogicalExpression(node, opts) { assert("LogicalExpression", node, opts); } function assertMemberExpression(node, opts) { assert("MemberExpression", node, opts); } function assertNewExpression(node, opts) { assert("NewExpression", node, opts); } function assertProgram(node, opts) { assert("Program", node, opts); } function assertObjectExpression(node, opts) { assert("ObjectExpression", node, opts); } function assertObjectMethod(node, opts) { assert("ObjectMethod", node, opts); } function assertObjectProperty(node, opts) { assert("ObjectProperty", node, opts); } function assertRestElement(node, opts) { assert("RestElement", node, opts); } function assertReturnStatement(node, opts) { assert("ReturnStatement", node, opts); } function assertSequenceExpression(node, opts) { assert("SequenceExpression", node, opts); } function assertParenthesizedExpression(node, opts) { assert("ParenthesizedExpression", node, opts); } function assertSwitchCase(node, opts) { assert("SwitchCase", node, opts); } function assertSwitchStatement(node, opts) { assert("SwitchStatement", node, opts); } function assertThisExpression(node, opts) { assert("ThisExpression", node, opts); } function assertThrowStatement(node, opts) { assert("ThrowStatement", node, opts); } function assertTryStatement(node, opts) { assert("TryStatement", node, opts); } function assertUnaryExpression(node, opts) { assert("UnaryExpression", node, opts); } function assertUpdateExpression(node, opts) { assert("UpdateExpression", node, opts); } function assertVariableDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("VariableDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertVariableDeclarator(node, opts) { assert("VariableDeclarator", node, opts); } function assertWhileStatement(node, opts) { assert("WhileStatement", node, opts); } function assertWithStatement(node, opts) { assert("WithStatement", node, opts); } function assertAssignmentPattern(node, opts) { assert("AssignmentPattern", node, opts); } function assertArrayPattern(node, opts) { assert("ArrayPattern", node, opts); } function assertArrowFunctionExpression(node, opts) { assert("ArrowFunctionExpression", node, opts); } function assertClassBody(node, opts) { assert("ClassBody", node, opts); } function assertClassExpression(node, opts) { assert("ClassExpression", node, opts); } function assertClassDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("ClassDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertExportAllDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("ExportAllDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertExportDefaultDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("ExportDefaultDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertExportNamedDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("ExportNamedDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertExportSpecifier(node, opts) { assert("ExportSpecifier", node, opts); } function assertForOfStatement(node, opts) { assert("ForOfStatement", node, opts); } function assertImportDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("ImportDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertImportDefaultSpecifier(node, opts) { assert("ImportDefaultSpecifier", node, opts); } function assertImportNamespaceSpecifier(node, opts) { assert("ImportNamespaceSpecifier", node, opts); } function assertImportSpecifier(node, opts) { assert("ImportSpecifier", node, opts); } function assertMetaProperty(node, opts) { assert("MetaProperty", node, opts); } function assertClassMethod(node, opts) { assert("ClassMethod", node, opts); } function assertObjectPattern(node, opts) { assert("ObjectPattern", node, opts); } function assertSpreadElement(node, opts) { assert("SpreadElement", node, opts); } function assertSuper(node, opts) { assert("Super", node, opts); } function assertTaggedTemplateExpression(node, opts) { assert("TaggedTemplateExpression", node, opts); } function assertTemplateElement(node, opts) { assert("TemplateElement", node, opts); } function assertTemplateLiteral(node, opts) { assert("TemplateLiteral", node, opts); } function assertYieldExpression(node, opts) { assert("YieldExpression", node, opts); } function assertAwaitExpression(node, opts) { assert("AwaitExpression", node, opts); } function assertImport(node, opts) { assert("Import", node, opts); } function assertBigIntLiteral(node, opts) { assert("BigIntLiteral", node, opts); } function assertExportNamespaceSpecifier(node, opts) { assert("ExportNamespaceSpecifier", node, opts); } function assertOptionalMemberExpression(node, opts) { assert("OptionalMemberExpression", node, opts); } function assertOptionalCallExpression(node, opts) { assert("OptionalCallExpression", node, opts); } function assertClassProperty(node, opts) { assert("ClassProperty", node, opts); } function assertClassPrivateProperty(node, opts) { assert("ClassPrivateProperty", node, opts); } function assertClassPrivateMethod(node, opts) { assert("ClassPrivateMethod", node, opts); } function assertPrivateName(node, opts) { assert("PrivateName", node, opts); } function assertAnyTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("AnyTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertArrayTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("ArrayTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertBooleanTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("BooleanTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertBooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("BooleanLiteralTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertNullLiteralTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("NullLiteralTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertClassImplements(node, opts) { assert("ClassImplements", node, opts); } function assertDeclareClass(node, opts) { assert("DeclareClass", node, opts); } function assertDeclareFunction(node, opts) { assert("DeclareFunction", node, opts); } function assertDeclareInterface(node, opts) { assert("DeclareInterface", node, opts); } function assertDeclareModule(node, opts) { assert("DeclareModule", node, opts); } function assertDeclareModuleExports(node, opts) { assert("DeclareModuleExports", node, opts); } function assertDeclareTypeAlias(node, opts) { assert("DeclareTypeAlias", node, opts); } function assertDeclareOpaqueType(node, opts) { assert("DeclareOpaqueType", node, opts); } function assertDeclareVariable(node, opts) { assert("DeclareVariable", node, opts); } function assertDeclareExportDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("DeclareExportDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertDeclareExportAllDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("DeclareExportAllDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertDeclaredPredicate(node, opts) { assert("DeclaredPredicate", node, opts); } function assertExistsTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("ExistsTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertFunctionTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("FunctionTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertFunctionTypeParam(node, opts) { assert("FunctionTypeParam", node, opts); } function assertGenericTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("GenericTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertInferredPredicate(node, opts) { assert("InferredPredicate", node, opts); } function assertInterfaceExtends(node, opts) { assert("InterfaceExtends", node, opts); } function assertInterfaceDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("InterfaceDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertInterfaceTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("InterfaceTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertIntersectionTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("IntersectionTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertMixedTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("MixedTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertEmptyTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("EmptyTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertNullableTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("NullableTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertNumberLiteralTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("NumberLiteralTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertNumberTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("NumberTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertObjectTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("ObjectTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertObjectTypeInternalSlot(node, opts) { assert("ObjectTypeInternalSlot", node, opts); } function assertObjectTypeCallProperty(node, opts) { assert("ObjectTypeCallProperty", node, opts); } function assertObjectTypeIndexer(node, opts) { assert("ObjectTypeIndexer", node, opts); } function assertObjectTypeProperty(node, opts) { assert("ObjectTypeProperty", node, opts); } function assertObjectTypeSpreadProperty(node, opts) { assert("ObjectTypeSpreadProperty", node, opts); } function assertOpaqueType(node, opts) { assert("OpaqueType", node, opts); } function assertQualifiedTypeIdentifier(node, opts) { assert("QualifiedTypeIdentifier", node, opts); } function assertStringLiteralTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("StringLiteralTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertStringTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("StringTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertSymbolTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("SymbolTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertThisTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("ThisTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertTupleTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("TupleTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertTypeofTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("TypeofTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertTypeAlias(node, opts) { assert("TypeAlias", node, opts); } function assertTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("TypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertTypeCastExpression(node, opts) { assert("TypeCastExpression", node, opts); } function assertTypeParameter(node, opts) { assert("TypeParameter", node, opts); } function assertTypeParameterDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("TypeParameterDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertTypeParameterInstantiation(node, opts) { assert("TypeParameterInstantiation", node, opts); } function assertUnionTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("UnionTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertVariance(node, opts) { assert("Variance", node, opts); } function assertVoidTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("VoidTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertEnumDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("EnumDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertEnumBooleanBody(node, opts) { assert("EnumBooleanBody", node, opts); } function assertEnumNumberBody(node, opts) { assert("EnumNumberBody", node, opts); } function assertEnumStringBody(node, opts) { assert("EnumStringBody", node, opts); } function assertEnumSymbolBody(node, opts) { assert("EnumSymbolBody", node, opts); } function assertEnumBooleanMember(node, opts) { assert("EnumBooleanMember", node, opts); } function assertEnumNumberMember(node, opts) { assert("EnumNumberMember", node, opts); } function assertEnumStringMember(node, opts) { assert("EnumStringMember", node, opts); } function assertEnumDefaultedMember(node, opts) { assert("EnumDefaultedMember", node, opts); } function assertIndexedAccessType(node, opts) { assert("IndexedAccessType", node, opts); } function assertOptionalIndexedAccessType(node, opts) { assert("OptionalIndexedAccessType", node, opts); } function assertJSXAttribute(node, opts) { assert("JSXAttribute", node, opts); } function assertJSXClosingElement(node, opts) { assert("JSXClosingElement", node, opts); } function assertJSXElement(node, opts) { assert("JSXElement", node, opts); } function assertJSXEmptyExpression(node, opts) { assert("JSXEmptyExpression", node, opts); } function assertJSXExpressionContainer(node, opts) { assert("JSXExpressionContainer", node, opts); } function assertJSXSpreadChild(node, opts) { assert("JSXSpreadChild", node, opts); } function assertJSXIdentifier(node, opts) { assert("JSXIdentifier", node, opts); } function assertJSXMemberExpression(node, opts) { assert("JSXMemberExpression", node, opts); } function assertJSXNamespacedName(node, opts) { assert("JSXNamespacedName", node, opts); } function assertJSXOpeningElement(node, opts) { assert("JSXOpeningElement", node, opts); } function assertJSXSpreadAttribute(node, opts) { assert("JSXSpreadAttribute", node, opts); } function assertJSXText(node, opts) { assert("JSXText", node, opts); } function assertJSXFragment(node, opts) { assert("JSXFragment", node, opts); } function assertJSXOpeningFragment(node, opts) { assert("JSXOpeningFragment", node, opts); } function assertJSXClosingFragment(node, opts) { assert("JSXClosingFragment", node, opts); } function assertNoop(node, opts) { assert("Noop", node, opts); } function assertPlaceholder(node, opts) { assert("Placeholder", node, opts); } function assertV8IntrinsicIdentifier(node, opts) { assert("V8IntrinsicIdentifier", node, opts); } function assertArgumentPlaceholder(node, opts) { assert("ArgumentPlaceholder", node, opts); } function assertBindExpression(node, opts) { assert("BindExpression", node, opts); } function assertImportAttribute(node, opts) { assert("ImportAttribute", node, opts); } function assertDecorator(node, opts) { assert("Decorator", node, opts); } function assertDoExpression(node, opts) { assert("DoExpression", node, opts); } function assertExportDefaultSpecifier(node, opts) { assert("ExportDefaultSpecifier", node, opts); } function assertRecordExpression(node, opts) { assert("RecordExpression", node, opts); } function assertTupleExpression(node, opts) { assert("TupleExpression", node, opts); } function assertDecimalLiteral(node, opts) { assert("DecimalLiteral", node, opts); } function assertStaticBlock(node, opts) { assert("StaticBlock", node, opts); } function assertModuleExpression(node, opts) { assert("ModuleExpression", node, opts); } function assertTopicReference(node, opts) { assert("TopicReference", node, opts); } function assertPipelineTopicExpression(node, opts) { assert("PipelineTopicExpression", node, opts); } function assertPipelineBareFunction(node, opts) { assert("PipelineBareFunction", node, opts); } function assertPipelinePrimaryTopicReference(node, opts) { assert("PipelinePrimaryTopicReference", node, opts); } function assertTSParameterProperty(node, opts) { assert("TSParameterProperty", node, opts); } function assertTSDeclareFunction(node, opts) { assert("TSDeclareFunction", node, opts); } function assertTSDeclareMethod(node, opts) { assert("TSDeclareMethod", node, opts); } function assertTSQualifiedName(node, opts) { assert("TSQualifiedName", node, opts); } function assertTSCallSignatureDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("TSCallSignatureDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertTSConstructSignatureDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("TSConstructSignatureDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertTSPropertySignature(node, opts) { assert("TSPropertySignature", node, opts); } function assertTSMethodSignature(node, opts) { assert("TSMethodSignature", node, opts); } function assertTSIndexSignature(node, opts) { assert("TSIndexSignature", node, opts); } function assertTSAnyKeyword(node, opts) { assert("TSAnyKeyword", node, opts); } function assertTSBooleanKeyword(node, opts) { assert("TSBooleanKeyword", node, opts); } function assertTSBigIntKeyword(node, opts) { assert("TSBigIntKeyword", node, opts); } function assertTSIntrinsicKeyword(node, opts) { assert("TSIntrinsicKeyword", node, opts); } function assertTSNeverKeyword(node, opts) { assert("TSNeverKeyword", node, opts); } function assertTSNullKeyword(node, opts) { assert("TSNullKeyword", node, opts); } function assertTSNumberKeyword(node, opts) { assert("TSNumberKeyword", node, opts); } function assertTSObjectKeyword(node, opts) { assert("TSObjectKeyword", node, opts); } function assertTSStringKeyword(node, opts) { assert("TSStringKeyword", node, opts); } function assertTSSymbolKeyword(node, opts) { assert("TSSymbolKeyword", node, opts); } function assertTSUndefinedKeyword(node, opts) { assert("TSUndefinedKeyword", node, opts); } function assertTSUnknownKeyword(node, opts) { assert("TSUnknownKeyword", node, opts); } function assertTSVoidKeyword(node, opts) { assert("TSVoidKeyword", node, opts); } function assertTSThisType(node, opts) { assert("TSThisType", node, opts); } function assertTSFunctionType(node, opts) { assert("TSFunctionType", node, opts); } function assertTSConstructorType(node, opts) { assert("TSConstructorType", node, opts); } function assertTSTypeReference(node, opts) { assert("TSTypeReference", node, opts); } function assertTSTypePredicate(node, opts) { assert("TSTypePredicate", node, opts); } function assertTSTypeQuery(node, opts) { assert("TSTypeQuery", node, opts); } function assertTSTypeLiteral(node, opts) { assert("TSTypeLiteral", node, opts); } function assertTSArrayType(node, opts) { assert("TSArrayType", node, opts); } function assertTSTupleType(node, opts) { assert("TSTupleType", node, opts); } function assertTSOptionalType(node, opts) { assert("TSOptionalType", node, opts); } function assertTSRestType(node, opts) { assert("TSRestType", node, opts); } function assertTSNamedTupleMember(node, opts) { assert("TSNamedTupleMember", node, opts); } function assertTSUnionType(node, opts) { assert("TSUnionType", node, opts); } function assertTSIntersectionType(node, opts) { assert("TSIntersectionType", node, opts); } function assertTSConditionalType(node, opts) { assert("TSConditionalType", node, opts); } function assertTSInferType(node, opts) { assert("TSInferType", node, opts); } function assertTSParenthesizedType(node, opts) { assert("TSParenthesizedType", node, opts); } function assertTSTypeOperator(node, opts) { assert("TSTypeOperator", node, opts); } function assertTSIndexedAccessType(node, opts) { assert("TSIndexedAccessType", node, opts); } function assertTSMappedType(node, opts) { assert("TSMappedType", node, opts); } function assertTSLiteralType(node, opts) { assert("TSLiteralType", node, opts); } function assertTSExpressionWithTypeArguments(node, opts) { assert("TSExpressionWithTypeArguments", node, opts); } function assertTSInterfaceDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("TSInterfaceDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertTSInterfaceBody(node, opts) { assert("TSInterfaceBody", node, opts); } function assertTSTypeAliasDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("TSTypeAliasDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertTSAsExpression(node, opts) { assert("TSAsExpression", node, opts); } function assertTSTypeAssertion(node, opts) { assert("TSTypeAssertion", node, opts); } function assertTSEnumDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("TSEnumDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertTSEnumMember(node, opts) { assert("TSEnumMember", node, opts); } function assertTSModuleDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("TSModuleDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertTSModuleBlock(node, opts) { assert("TSModuleBlock", node, opts); } function assertTSImportType(node, opts) { assert("TSImportType", node, opts); } function assertTSImportEqualsDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("TSImportEqualsDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertTSExternalModuleReference(node, opts) { assert("TSExternalModuleReference", node, opts); } function assertTSNonNullExpression(node, opts) { assert("TSNonNullExpression", node, opts); } function assertTSExportAssignment(node, opts) { assert("TSExportAssignment", node, opts); } function assertTSNamespaceExportDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("TSNamespaceExportDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertTSTypeAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("TSTypeAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertTSTypeParameterInstantiation(node, opts) { assert("TSTypeParameterInstantiation", node, opts); } function assertTSTypeParameterDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("TSTypeParameterDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertTSTypeParameter(node, opts) { assert("TSTypeParameter", node, opts); } function assertExpression(node, opts) { assert("Expression", node, opts); } function assertBinary(node, opts) { assert("Binary", node, opts); } function assertScopable(node, opts) { assert("Scopable", node, opts); } function assertBlockParent(node, opts) { assert("BlockParent", node, opts); } function assertBlock(node, opts) { assert("Block", node, opts); } function assertStatement(node, opts) { assert("Statement", node, opts); } function assertTerminatorless(node, opts) { assert("Terminatorless", node, opts); } function assertCompletionStatement(node, opts) { assert("CompletionStatement", node, opts); } function assertConditional(node, opts) { assert("Conditional", node, opts); } function assertLoop(node, opts) { assert("Loop", node, opts); } function assertWhile(node, opts) { assert("While", node, opts); } function assertExpressionWrapper(node, opts) { assert("ExpressionWrapper", node, opts); } function assertFor(node, opts) { assert("For", node, opts); } function assertForXStatement(node, opts) { assert("ForXStatement", node, opts); } function assertFunction(node, opts) { assert("Function", node, opts); } function assertFunctionParent(node, opts) { assert("FunctionParent", node, opts); } function assertPureish(node, opts) { assert("Pureish", node, opts); } function assertDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("Declaration", node, opts); } function assertPatternLike(node, opts) { assert("PatternLike", node, opts); } function assertLVal(node, opts) { assert("LVal", node, opts); } function assertTSEntityName(node, opts) { assert("TSEntityName", node, opts); } function assertLiteral(node, opts) { assert("Literal", node, opts); } function assertImmutable(node, opts) { assert("Immutable", node, opts); } function assertUserWhitespacable(node, opts) { assert("UserWhitespacable", node, opts); } function assertMethod(node, opts) { assert("Method", node, opts); } function assertObjectMember(node, opts) { assert("ObjectMember", node, opts); } function assertProperty(node, opts) { assert("Property", node, opts); } function assertUnaryLike(node, opts) { assert("UnaryLike", node, opts); } function assertPattern(node, opts) { assert("Pattern", node, opts); } function assertClass(node, opts) { assert("Class", node, opts); } function assertModuleDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("ModuleDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertExportDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("ExportDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertModuleSpecifier(node, opts) { assert("ModuleSpecifier", node, opts); } function assertPrivate(node, opts) { assert("Private", node, opts); } function assertFlow(node, opts) { assert("Flow", node, opts); } function assertFlowType(node, opts) { assert("FlowType", node, opts); } function assertFlowBaseAnnotation(node, opts) { assert("FlowBaseAnnotation", node, opts); } function assertFlowDeclaration(node, opts) { assert("FlowDeclaration", node, opts); } function assertFlowPredicate(node, opts) { assert("FlowPredicate", node, opts); } function assertEnumBody(node, opts) { assert("EnumBody", node, opts); } function assertEnumMember(node, opts) { assert("EnumMember", node, opts); } function assertJSX(node, opts) { assert("JSX", node, opts); } function assertTSTypeElement(node, opts) { assert("TSTypeElement", node, opts); } function assertTSType(node, opts) { assert("TSType", node, opts); } function assertTSBaseType(node, opts) { assert("TSBaseType", node, opts); } function assertNumberLiteral(node, opts) { console.trace("The node type NumberLiteral has been renamed to NumericLiteral"); assert("NumberLiteral", node, opts); } function assertRegexLiteral(node, opts) { console.trace("The node type RegexLiteral has been renamed to RegExpLiteral"); assert("RegexLiteral", node, opts); } function assertRestProperty(node, opts) { console.trace("The node type RestProperty has been renamed to RestElement"); assert("RestProperty", node, opts); } function assertSpreadProperty(node, opts) { console.trace("The node type SpreadProperty has been renamed to SpreadElement"); assert("SpreadProperty", node, opts); } var createTypeAnnotationBasedOnTypeof$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(createTypeAnnotationBasedOnTypeof$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); createTypeAnnotationBasedOnTypeof$1.default = createTypeAnnotationBasedOnTypeof; var _generated$l = generated$3; function createTypeAnnotationBasedOnTypeof(type) { if (type === "string") { return (0, _generated$l.stringTypeAnnotation)(); } else if (type === "number") { return (0, _generated$l.numberTypeAnnotation)(); } else if (type === "undefined") { return (0, _generated$l.voidTypeAnnotation)(); } else if (type === "boolean") { return (0, _generated$l.booleanTypeAnnotation)(); } else if (type === "function") { return (0, _generated$l.genericTypeAnnotation)((0, _generated$l.identifier)("Function")); } else if (type === "object") { return (0, _generated$l.genericTypeAnnotation)((0, _generated$l.identifier)("Object")); } else if (type === "symbol") { return (0, _generated$l.genericTypeAnnotation)((0, _generated$l.identifier)("Symbol")); } else if (type === "bigint") { return (0, _generated$l.anyTypeAnnotation)(); } else { throw new Error("Invalid typeof value: " + type); } } var createFlowUnionType$1 = {}; var removeTypeDuplicates$3 = {}; Object.defineProperty(removeTypeDuplicates$3, "__esModule", { value: true }); removeTypeDuplicates$3.default = removeTypeDuplicates$2; var _generated$k = generated$4; function getQualifiedName(node) { return (0, _generated$k.isIdentifier)(node) ? : + "." + getQualifiedName(node.qualification); } function removeTypeDuplicates$2(nodes) { var generics = {}; var bases = {}; var typeGroups = []; var types = []; for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){ var node = nodes[i]; if (!node) continue; if (types.indexOf(node) >= 0) { continue; } if ((0, _generated$k.isAnyTypeAnnotation)(node)) { return [ node ]; } if ((0, _generated$k.isFlowBaseAnnotation)(node)) { bases[node.type] = node; continue; } if ((0, _generated$k.isUnionTypeAnnotation)(node)) { if (typeGroups.indexOf(node.types) < 0) { nodes = nodes.concat(node.types); typeGroups.push(node.types); } continue; } if ((0, _generated$k.isGenericTypeAnnotation)(node)) { var name = getQualifiedName(; if (generics[name]) { var existing = generics[name]; if (existing.typeParameters) { if (node.typeParameters) { existing.typeParameters.params = removeTypeDuplicates$2(existing.typeParameters.params.concat(node.typeParameters.params)); } } else { existing = node.typeParameters; } } else { generics[name] = node; } continue; } types.push(node); } for(var _i = 0, _iter = Object.keys(bases); _i < _iter.length; _i++){ var type = _iter[_i]; types.push(bases[type]); } for(var _i1 = 0, _iter1 = Object.keys(generics); _i1 < _iter1.length; _i1++){ var name1 = _iter1[_i1]; types.push(generics[name1]); } return types; } Object.defineProperty(createFlowUnionType$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); createFlowUnionType$1.default = createFlowUnionType; var _generated$j = generated$3; var _removeTypeDuplicates$1 = removeTypeDuplicates$3; function createFlowUnionType(types) { var flattened = (0, _removeTypeDuplicates$1.default)(types); if (flattened.length === 1) { return flattened[0]; } else { return (0, _generated$j.unionTypeAnnotation)(flattened); } } var createTSUnionType$1 = {}; var removeTypeDuplicates$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(removeTypeDuplicates$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); removeTypeDuplicates$1.default = removeTypeDuplicates; var _generated$i = generated$4; function removeTypeDuplicates(nodes) { var generics = {}; var bases = {}; var typeGroups = []; var types = []; for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){ var node = nodes[i]; if (!node) continue; if (types.indexOf(node) >= 0) { continue; } if ((0, _generated$i.isTSAnyKeyword)(node)) { return [ node ]; } if ((0, _generated$i.isTSBaseType)(node)) { bases[node.type] = node; continue; } if ((0, _generated$i.isTSUnionType)(node)) { if (typeGroups.indexOf(node.types) < 0) { nodes = nodes.concat(node.types); typeGroups.push(node.types); } continue; } types.push(node); } for(var _i = 0, _iter = Object.keys(bases); _i < _iter.length; _i++){ var type = _iter[_i]; types.push(bases[type]); } for(var _i1 = 0, _iter1 = Object.keys(generics); _i1 < _iter1.length; _i1++){ var name = _iter1[_i1]; types.push(generics[name]); } return types; } Object.defineProperty(createTSUnionType$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); createTSUnionType$1.default = createTSUnionType; var _generated$h = generated$3; var _removeTypeDuplicates = removeTypeDuplicates$1; function createTSUnionType(typeAnnotations) { var types = { return type.typeAnnotation; }); var flattened = (0, _removeTypeDuplicates.default)(types); if (flattened.length === 1) { return flattened[0]; } else { return (0, _generated$h.tsUnionType)(flattened); } } var uppercase = {}; (function(exports) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ArrayExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.arrayExpression; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "AssignmentExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.assignmentExpression; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "BinaryExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.binaryExpression; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "InterpreterDirective", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.interpreterDirective; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "Directive", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.directive; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "DirectiveLiteral", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.directiveLiteral; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "BlockStatement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.blockStatement; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "BreakStatement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.breakStatement; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "CallExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.callExpression; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "CatchClause", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.catchClause; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ConditionalExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.conditionalExpression; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ContinueStatement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.continueStatement; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "DebuggerStatement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.debuggerStatement; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "DoWhileStatement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.doWhileStatement; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "EmptyStatement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.emptyStatement; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ExpressionStatement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.expressionStatement; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "File", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.file; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ForInStatement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.forInStatement; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ForStatement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.forStatement; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "FunctionDeclaration", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.functionDeclaration; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "FunctionExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.functionExpression; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "Identifier", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.identifier; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "IfStatement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.ifStatement; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "LabeledStatement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.labeledStatement; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "StringLiteral", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.stringLiteral; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "NumericLiteral", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.numericLiteral; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "NullLiteral", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.nullLiteral; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "BooleanLiteral", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.booleanLiteral; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "RegExpLiteral", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.regExpLiteral; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "LogicalExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.logicalExpression; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "MemberExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.memberExpression; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "NewExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.newExpression; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "Program", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.program; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ObjectExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.objectExpression; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ObjectMethod", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.objectMethod; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ObjectProperty", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.objectProperty; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "RestElement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.restElement; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ReturnStatement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.returnStatement; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "SequenceExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.sequenceExpression; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ParenthesizedExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.parenthesizedExpression; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "SwitchCase", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.switchCase; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "SwitchStatement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.switchStatement; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ThisExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.thisExpression; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ThrowStatement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.throwStatement; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TryStatement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tryStatement; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "UnaryExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.unaryExpression; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "UpdateExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.updateExpression; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "VariableDeclaration", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.variableDeclaration; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "VariableDeclarator", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.variableDeclarator; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "WhileStatement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.whileStatement; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "WithStatement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.withStatement; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "AssignmentPattern", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.assignmentPattern; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ArrayPattern", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.arrayPattern; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ArrowFunctionExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.arrowFunctionExpression; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ClassBody", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.classBody; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ClassExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.classExpression; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ClassDeclaration", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.classDeclaration; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ExportAllDeclaration", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.exportAllDeclaration; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ExportDefaultDeclaration", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.exportDefaultDeclaration; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ExportNamedDeclaration", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.exportNamedDeclaration; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ExportSpecifier", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.exportSpecifier; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ForOfStatement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.forOfStatement; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ImportDeclaration", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.importDeclaration; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ImportDefaultSpecifier", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.importDefaultSpecifier; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ImportNamespaceSpecifier", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.importNamespaceSpecifier; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ImportSpecifier", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.importSpecifier; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "MetaProperty", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.metaProperty; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ClassMethod", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.classMethod; 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} }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "EnumDefaultedMember", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.enumDefaultedMember; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "IndexedAccessType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.indexedAccessType; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "OptionalIndexedAccessType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.optionalIndexedAccessType; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "JSXAttribute", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.jsxAttribute; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "JSXClosingElement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.jsxClosingElement; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "JSXElement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.jsxElement; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "JSXEmptyExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.jsxEmptyExpression; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "JSXExpressionContainer", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.jsxExpressionContainer; 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} }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TopicReference", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.topicReference; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "PipelineTopicExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.pipelineTopicExpression; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "PipelineBareFunction", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.pipelineBareFunction; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "PipelinePrimaryTopicReference", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.pipelinePrimaryTopicReference; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSParameterProperty", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsParameterProperty; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSDeclareFunction", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsDeclareFunction; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSDeclareMethod", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsDeclareMethod; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSQualifiedName", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsQualifiedName; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSCallSignatureDeclaration", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsCallSignatureDeclaration; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSConstructSignatureDeclaration", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsConstructSignatureDeclaration; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSPropertySignature", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsPropertySignature; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSMethodSignature", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsMethodSignature; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSIndexSignature", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsIndexSignature; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSAnyKeyword", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsAnyKeyword; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSBooleanKeyword", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsBooleanKeyword; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSBigIntKeyword", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsBigIntKeyword; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSIntrinsicKeyword", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsIntrinsicKeyword; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSNeverKeyword", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsNeverKeyword; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSNullKeyword", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsNullKeyword; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSNumberKeyword", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsNumberKeyword; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSObjectKeyword", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsObjectKeyword; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSStringKeyword", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsStringKeyword; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSSymbolKeyword", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsSymbolKeyword; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSUndefinedKeyword", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsUndefinedKeyword; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSUnknownKeyword", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsUnknownKeyword; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSVoidKeyword", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsVoidKeyword; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSThisType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsThisType; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSFunctionType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsFunctionType; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSConstructorType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsConstructorType; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSTypeReference", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsTypeReference; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSTypePredicate", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsTypePredicate; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSTypeQuery", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsTypeQuery; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSTypeLiteral", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsTypeLiteral; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSArrayType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsArrayType; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSTupleType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsTupleType; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSOptionalType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsOptionalType; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSRestType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsRestType; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSNamedTupleMember", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsNamedTupleMember; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSUnionType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsUnionType; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSIntersectionType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsIntersectionType; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSConditionalType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsConditionalType; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSInferType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsInferType; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSParenthesizedType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsParenthesizedType; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSTypeOperator", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsTypeOperator; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSIndexedAccessType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsIndexedAccessType; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSMappedType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsMappedType; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSLiteralType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsLiteralType; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSExpressionWithTypeArguments", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsExpressionWithTypeArguments; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSInterfaceDeclaration", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsInterfaceDeclaration; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSInterfaceBody", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsInterfaceBody; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSTypeAliasDeclaration", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsTypeAliasDeclaration; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSAsExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsAsExpression; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSTypeAssertion", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsTypeAssertion; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSEnumDeclaration", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsEnumDeclaration; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSEnumMember", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsEnumMember; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSModuleDeclaration", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsModuleDeclaration; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSModuleBlock", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsModuleBlock; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSImportType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsImportType; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSImportEqualsDeclaration", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsImportEqualsDeclaration; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSExternalModuleReference", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsExternalModuleReference; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSNonNullExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsNonNullExpression; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSExportAssignment", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsExportAssignment; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSNamespaceExportDeclaration", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsNamespaceExportDeclaration; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSTypeAnnotation", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsTypeAnnotation; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSTypeParameterInstantiation", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsTypeParameterInstantiation; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSTypeParameterDeclaration", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsTypeParameterDeclaration; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "TSTypeParameter", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.tsTypeParameter; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "NumberLiteral", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.numberLiteral; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "RegexLiteral", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.regexLiteral; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "RestProperty", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.restProperty; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "SpreadProperty", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _index.spreadProperty; } }); var _index = generated$3; })(uppercase); var cloneNode$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(cloneNode$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); cloneNode$1.default = cloneNode; var _definitions$4 = requireDefinitions(); var _generated$g = generated$4; var has =; function cloneIfNode(obj, deep, withoutLoc) { if (obj && typeof obj.type === "string") { return cloneNode(obj, deep, withoutLoc); } return obj; } function cloneIfNodeOrArray(obj, deep, withoutLoc) { if (Array.isArray(obj)) { return { return cloneIfNode(node, deep, withoutLoc); }); } return cloneIfNode(obj, deep, withoutLoc); } function cloneNode(node, deep, withoutLoc) { if (deep === void 0) deep = true; if (withoutLoc === void 0) withoutLoc = false; if (!node) return node; var type = node.type; var newNode = { type: node.type }; if ((0, _generated$g.isIdentifier)(node)) { =; if (has(node, "optional") && typeof node.optional === "boolean") { newNode.optional = node.optional; } if (has(node, "typeAnnotation")) { newNode.typeAnnotation = deep ? cloneIfNodeOrArray(node.typeAnnotation, true, withoutLoc) : node.typeAnnotation; } } else if (!has(_definitions$4.NODE_FIELDS, type)) { throw new Error('Unknown node type: "' + type + '"'); } else { for(var _i = 0, _iter = Object.keys(_definitions$4.NODE_FIELDS[type]); _i < _iter.length; _i++){ var field = _iter[_i]; if (has(node, field)) { if (deep) { newNode[field] = (0, _generated$g.isFile)(node) && field === "comments" ? maybeCloneComments(node.comments, deep, withoutLoc) : cloneIfNodeOrArray(node[field], true, withoutLoc); } else { newNode[field] = node[field]; } } } } if (has(node, "loc")) { if (withoutLoc) { newNode.loc = null; } else { newNode.loc = node.loc; } } if (has(node, "leadingComments")) { newNode.leadingComments = maybeCloneComments(node.leadingComments, deep, withoutLoc); } if (has(node, "innerComments")) { newNode.innerComments = maybeCloneComments(node.innerComments, deep, withoutLoc); } if (has(node, "trailingComments")) { newNode.trailingComments = maybeCloneComments(node.trailingComments, deep, withoutLoc); } if (has(node, "extra")) { newNode.extra = Object.assign({}, node.extra); } return newNode; } function maybeCloneComments(comments, deep, withoutLoc) { if (!comments || !deep) { return comments; } return { var type = param.type, value = param.value, loc = param.loc; if (withoutLoc) { return { type: type, value: value, loc: null }; } return { type: type, value: value, loc: loc }; }); } var clone$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(clone$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); clone$1.default = clone; var _cloneNode$5 = cloneNode$1; function clone(node) { return (0, _cloneNode$5.default)(node, false); } var cloneDeep$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(cloneDeep$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); cloneDeep$1.default = cloneDeep; var _cloneNode$4 = cloneNode$1; function cloneDeep(node) { return (0, _cloneNode$4.default)(node); } var cloneDeepWithoutLoc$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(cloneDeepWithoutLoc$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); cloneDeepWithoutLoc$1.default = cloneDeepWithoutLoc; var _cloneNode$3 = cloneNode$1; function cloneDeepWithoutLoc(node) { return (0, _cloneNode$3.default)(node, true, true); } var cloneWithoutLoc$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(cloneWithoutLoc$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); cloneWithoutLoc$1.default = cloneWithoutLoc; var _cloneNode$2 = cloneNode$1; function cloneWithoutLoc(node) { return (0, _cloneNode$2.default)(node, false, true); } var addComment$1 = {}; var addComments$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(addComments$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); addComments$1.default = addComments; function addComments(node, type, comments) { if (!comments || !node) return node; var key = "" + type + "Comments"; if (node[key]) { if (type === "leading") { node[key] = comments.concat(node[key]); } else { node[key] = node[key].concat(comments); } } else { node[key] = comments; } return node; } Object.defineProperty(addComment$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); addComment$1.default = addComment; var _addComments = addComments$1; function addComment(node, type, content, line) { return (0, _addComments.default)(node, type, [ { type: line ? "CommentLine" : "CommentBlock", value: content } ]); } var inheritInnerComments$1 = {}; var inherit$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(inherit$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); inherit$1.default = inherit; function inherit(key, child, parent) { if (child && parent) { child[key] = Array.from(new Set([].concat(child[key], parent[key]).filter(Boolean))); } } Object.defineProperty(inheritInnerComments$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); inheritInnerComments$1.default = inheritInnerComments; var _inherit$2 = inherit$1; function inheritInnerComments(child, parent) { (0, _inherit$2.default)("innerComments", child, parent); } var inheritLeadingComments$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(inheritLeadingComments$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); inheritLeadingComments$1.default = inheritLeadingComments; var _inherit$1 = inherit$1; function inheritLeadingComments(child, parent) { (0, _inherit$1.default)("leadingComments", child, parent); } var inheritsComments$1 = {}; var inheritTrailingComments$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(inheritTrailingComments$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); inheritTrailingComments$1.default = inheritTrailingComments; var _inherit = inherit$1; function inheritTrailingComments(child, parent) { (0, _inherit.default)("trailingComments", child, parent); } Object.defineProperty(inheritsComments$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); inheritsComments$1.default = inheritsComments; var _inheritTrailingComments = inheritTrailingComments$1; var _inheritLeadingComments = inheritLeadingComments$1; var _inheritInnerComments = inheritInnerComments$1; function inheritsComments(child, parent) { (0, _inheritTrailingComments.default)(child, parent); (0, _inheritLeadingComments.default)(child, parent); (0, _inheritInnerComments.default)(child, parent); return child; } var removeComments$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(removeComments$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); removeComments$1.default = removeComments; var _constants$4 = constants; function removeComments(node) { _constants$4.COMMENT_KEYS.forEach(function(key) { node[key] = null; }); return node; } var generated$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(generated$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); generated$1.TSBASETYPE_TYPES = generated$1.TSTYPE_TYPES = generated$1.TSTYPEELEMENT_TYPES = generated$1.JSX_TYPES = generated$1.ENUMMEMBER_TYPES = generated$1.ENUMBODY_TYPES = generated$1.FLOWPREDICATE_TYPES = generated$1.FLOWDECLARATION_TYPES = generated$1.FLOWBASEANNOTATION_TYPES = generated$1.FLOWTYPE_TYPES = generated$1.FLOW_TYPES = generated$1.PRIVATE_TYPES = generated$1.MODULESPECIFIER_TYPES = generated$1.EXPORTDECLARATION_TYPES = generated$1.MODULEDECLARATION_TYPES = generated$1.CLASS_TYPES = generated$1.PATTERN_TYPES = generated$1.UNARYLIKE_TYPES = generated$1.PROPERTY_TYPES = generated$1.OBJECTMEMBER_TYPES = generated$1.METHOD_TYPES = generated$1.USERWHITESPACABLE_TYPES = generated$1.IMMUTABLE_TYPES = generated$1.LITERAL_TYPES = generated$1.TSENTITYNAME_TYPES = generated$1.LVAL_TYPES = generated$1.PATTERNLIKE_TYPES = generated$1.DECLARATION_TYPES = generated$1.PUREISH_TYPES = generated$1.FUNCTIONPARENT_TYPES = generated$1.FUNCTION_TYPES = generated$1.FORXSTATEMENT_TYPES = generated$1.FOR_TYPES = generated$1.EXPRESSIONWRAPPER_TYPES = generated$1.WHILE_TYPES = generated$1.LOOP_TYPES = generated$1.CONDITIONAL_TYPES = generated$1.COMPLETIONSTATEMENT_TYPES = generated$1.TERMINATORLESS_TYPES = generated$1.STATEMENT_TYPES = generated$1.BLOCK_TYPES = generated$1.BLOCKPARENT_TYPES = generated$1.SCOPABLE_TYPES = generated$1.BINARY_TYPES = generated$1.EXPRESSION_TYPES = void 0; var _definitions$3 = requireDefinitions(); var EXPRESSION_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["Expression"]; generated$1.EXPRESSION_TYPES = EXPRESSION_TYPES; var BINARY_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["Binary"]; generated$1.BINARY_TYPES = BINARY_TYPES; var SCOPABLE_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["Scopable"]; generated$1.SCOPABLE_TYPES = SCOPABLE_TYPES; var BLOCKPARENT_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["BlockParent"]; generated$1.BLOCKPARENT_TYPES = BLOCKPARENT_TYPES; var BLOCK_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["Block"]; generated$1.BLOCK_TYPES = BLOCK_TYPES; var STATEMENT_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["Statement"]; generated$1.STATEMENT_TYPES = STATEMENT_TYPES; var TERMINATORLESS_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["Terminatorless"]; generated$1.TERMINATORLESS_TYPES = TERMINATORLESS_TYPES; var COMPLETIONSTATEMENT_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["CompletionStatement"]; generated$1.COMPLETIONSTATEMENT_TYPES = COMPLETIONSTATEMENT_TYPES; var CONDITIONAL_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["Conditional"]; generated$1.CONDITIONAL_TYPES = CONDITIONAL_TYPES; var LOOP_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["Loop"]; generated$1.LOOP_TYPES = LOOP_TYPES; var WHILE_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["While"]; generated$1.WHILE_TYPES = WHILE_TYPES; var EXPRESSIONWRAPPER_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["ExpressionWrapper"]; generated$1.EXPRESSIONWRAPPER_TYPES = EXPRESSIONWRAPPER_TYPES; var FOR_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["For"]; generated$1.FOR_TYPES = FOR_TYPES; var FORXSTATEMENT_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["ForXStatement"]; generated$1.FORXSTATEMENT_TYPES = FORXSTATEMENT_TYPES; var FUNCTION_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["Function"]; generated$1.FUNCTION_TYPES = FUNCTION_TYPES; var FUNCTIONPARENT_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["FunctionParent"]; generated$1.FUNCTIONPARENT_TYPES = FUNCTIONPARENT_TYPES; var PUREISH_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["Pureish"]; generated$1.PUREISH_TYPES = PUREISH_TYPES; var DECLARATION_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["Declaration"]; generated$1.DECLARATION_TYPES = DECLARATION_TYPES; var PATTERNLIKE_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["PatternLike"]; generated$1.PATTERNLIKE_TYPES = PATTERNLIKE_TYPES; var LVAL_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["LVal"]; generated$1.LVAL_TYPES = LVAL_TYPES; var TSENTITYNAME_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["TSEntityName"]; generated$1.TSENTITYNAME_TYPES = TSENTITYNAME_TYPES; var LITERAL_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["Literal"]; generated$1.LITERAL_TYPES = LITERAL_TYPES; var IMMUTABLE_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["Immutable"]; generated$1.IMMUTABLE_TYPES = IMMUTABLE_TYPES; var USERWHITESPACABLE_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["UserWhitespacable"]; generated$1.USERWHITESPACABLE_TYPES = USERWHITESPACABLE_TYPES; var METHOD_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["Method"]; generated$1.METHOD_TYPES = METHOD_TYPES; var OBJECTMEMBER_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["ObjectMember"]; generated$1.OBJECTMEMBER_TYPES = OBJECTMEMBER_TYPES; var PROPERTY_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["Property"]; generated$1.PROPERTY_TYPES = PROPERTY_TYPES; var UNARYLIKE_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["UnaryLike"]; generated$1.UNARYLIKE_TYPES = UNARYLIKE_TYPES; var PATTERN_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["Pattern"]; generated$1.PATTERN_TYPES = PATTERN_TYPES; var CLASS_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["Class"]; generated$1.CLASS_TYPES = CLASS_TYPES; var MODULEDECLARATION_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["ModuleDeclaration"]; generated$1.MODULEDECLARATION_TYPES = MODULEDECLARATION_TYPES; var EXPORTDECLARATION_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["ExportDeclaration"]; generated$1.EXPORTDECLARATION_TYPES = EXPORTDECLARATION_TYPES; var MODULESPECIFIER_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["ModuleSpecifier"]; generated$1.MODULESPECIFIER_TYPES = MODULESPECIFIER_TYPES; var PRIVATE_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["Private"]; generated$1.PRIVATE_TYPES = PRIVATE_TYPES; var FLOW_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["Flow"]; generated$1.FLOW_TYPES = FLOW_TYPES; var FLOWTYPE_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["FlowType"]; generated$1.FLOWTYPE_TYPES = FLOWTYPE_TYPES; var FLOWBASEANNOTATION_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["FlowBaseAnnotation"]; generated$1.FLOWBASEANNOTATION_TYPES = FLOWBASEANNOTATION_TYPES; var FLOWDECLARATION_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["FlowDeclaration"]; generated$1.FLOWDECLARATION_TYPES = FLOWDECLARATION_TYPES; var FLOWPREDICATE_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["FlowPredicate"]; generated$1.FLOWPREDICATE_TYPES = FLOWPREDICATE_TYPES; var ENUMBODY_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["EnumBody"]; generated$1.ENUMBODY_TYPES = ENUMBODY_TYPES; var ENUMMEMBER_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["EnumMember"]; generated$1.ENUMMEMBER_TYPES = ENUMMEMBER_TYPES; var JSX_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["JSX"]; generated$1.JSX_TYPES = JSX_TYPES; var TSTYPEELEMENT_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["TSTypeElement"]; generated$1.TSTYPEELEMENT_TYPES = TSTYPEELEMENT_TYPES; var TSTYPE_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["TSType"]; generated$1.TSTYPE_TYPES = TSTYPE_TYPES; var TSBASETYPE_TYPES = _definitions$3.FLIPPED_ALIAS_KEYS["TSBaseType"]; generated$1.TSBASETYPE_TYPES = TSBASETYPE_TYPES; var ensureBlock$1 = {}; var toBlock$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(toBlock$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); toBlock$1.default = toBlock; var _generated$f = generated$4; var _generated2$3 = generated$3; function toBlock(node, parent) { if ((0, _generated$f.isBlockStatement)(node)) { return node; } var blockNodes = []; if ((0, _generated$f.isEmptyStatement)(node)) { blockNodes = []; } else { if (!(0, _generated$f.isStatement)(node)) { if ((0, _generated$f.isFunction)(parent)) { node = (0, _generated2$3.returnStatement)(node); } else { node = (0, _generated2$3.expressionStatement)(node); } } blockNodes = [ node ]; } return (0, _generated2$3.blockStatement)(blockNodes); } Object.defineProperty(ensureBlock$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); ensureBlock$1.default = ensureBlock; var _toBlock = toBlock$1; function ensureBlock(node, key) { if (key === void 0) key = "body"; return node[key] = (0, _toBlock.default)(node[key], node); } var toBindingIdentifierName$1 = {}; var toIdentifier$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(toIdentifier$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); toIdentifier$1.default = toIdentifier; var _isValidIdentifier$2 = isValidIdentifier$1; var _helperValidatorIdentifier = lib; function toIdentifier(input) { input = input + ""; var name = ""; for(var _i = 0; _i < input.length; _i++){ var c = input[_i]; name += (0, _helperValidatorIdentifier.isIdentifierChar)(c.codePointAt(0)) ? c : "-"; } name = name.replace(/^[-0-9]+/, ""); name = name.replace(/[-\s]+(.)?/g, function(match, c) { return c ? c.toUpperCase() : ""; }); if (!(0, _isValidIdentifier$2.default)(name)) { name = "_" + name; } return name || "_"; } Object.defineProperty(toBindingIdentifierName$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); toBindingIdentifierName$1.default = toBindingIdentifierName; var _toIdentifier = toIdentifier$1; function toBindingIdentifierName(name) { name = (0, _toIdentifier.default)(name); if (name === "eval" || name === "arguments") name = "_" + name; return name; } var toComputedKey$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(toComputedKey$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); toComputedKey$1.default = toComputedKey; var _generated$e = generated$4; var _generated2$2 = generated$3; function toComputedKey(node, key) { if (key === void 0) key = node.key ||; if (!node.computed && (0, _generated$e.isIdentifier)(key)) key = (0, _generated2$2.stringLiteral)(; return key; } var toExpression$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(toExpression$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); toExpression$1.default = void 0; var _generated$d = generated$4; var _default$3 = toExpression; toExpression$1.default = _default$3; function toExpression(node) { if ((0, _generated$d.isExpressionStatement)(node)) { node = node.expression; } if ((0, _generated$d.isExpression)(node)) { return node; } if ((0, _generated$d.isClass)(node)) { node.type = "ClassExpression"; } else if ((0, _generated$d.isFunction)(node)) { node.type = "FunctionExpression"; } if (!(0, _generated$d.isExpression)(node)) { throw new Error("cannot turn " + node.type + " to an expression"); } return node; } var toKeyAlias$1 = {}; var removePropertiesDeep$1 = {}; var traverseFast$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(traverseFast$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); traverseFast$1.default = traverseFast; var _definitions$2 = requireDefinitions(); function traverseFast(node, enter, opts) { if (!node) return; var keys = _definitions$2.VISITOR_KEYS[node.type]; if (!keys) return; opts = opts || {}; enter(node, opts); for(var _i = 0; _i < keys.length; _i++){ var key = keys[_i]; var subNode = node[key]; if (Array.isArray(subNode)) { for(var _i1 = 0; _i1 < subNode.length; _i1++){ var _$node = subNode[_i1]; traverseFast(_$node, enter, opts); } } else { traverseFast(subNode, enter, opts); } } } var removeProperties$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(removeProperties$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); removeProperties$1.default = removeProperties; var _constants$3 = constants; var CLEAR_KEYS = [ "tokens", "start", "end", "loc", "raw", "rawValue" ]; var CLEAR_KEYS_PLUS_COMMENTS = _constants$3.COMMENT_KEYS.concat([ "comments" ]).concat(CLEAR_KEYS); function removeProperties(node, opts) { if (opts === void 0) opts = {}; var map = opts.preserveComments ? CLEAR_KEYS : CLEAR_KEYS_PLUS_COMMENTS; for(var _i = 0; _i < map.length; _i++){ var key = map[_i]; if (node[key] != null) node[key] = undefined; } for(var _i1 = 0, _iter = Object.keys(node); _i1 < _iter.length; _i1++){ var key1 = _iter[_i1]; if (key1[0] === "_" && node[key1] != null) node[key1] = undefined; } var symbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(node); for(var _i2 = 0; _i2 < symbols.length; _i2++){ var sym = symbols[_i2]; node[sym] = null; } } Object.defineProperty(removePropertiesDeep$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); removePropertiesDeep$1.default = removePropertiesDeep; var _traverseFast = traverseFast$1; var _removeProperties = removeProperties$1; function removePropertiesDeep(tree, opts) { (0, _traverseFast.default)(tree, _removeProperties.default, opts); return tree; } Object.defineProperty(toKeyAlias$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); toKeyAlias$1.default = toKeyAlias; var _generated$c = generated$4; var _cloneNode$1 = cloneNode$1; var _removePropertiesDeep = removePropertiesDeep$1; function toKeyAlias(node, key) { if (key === void 0) key = node.key; var alias; if (node.kind === "method") { return toKeyAlias.increment() + ""; } else if ((0, _generated$c.isIdentifier)(key)) { alias =; } else if ((0, _generated$c.isStringLiteral)(key)) { alias = JSON.stringify(key.value); } else { alias = JSON.stringify((0, _removePropertiesDeep.default)((0, _cloneNode$1.default)(key))); } if (node.computed) { alias = "[" + alias + "]"; } if (node.static) { alias = "static:" + alias; } return alias; } toKeyAlias.uid = 0; toKeyAlias.increment = function() { if (toKeyAlias.uid >= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { return toKeyAlias.uid = 0; } else { return toKeyAlias.uid++; } }; var toSequenceExpression$1 = {}; var gatherSequenceExpressions$1 = {}; var getBindingIdentifiers$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(getBindingIdentifiers$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); getBindingIdentifiers$1.default = getBindingIdentifiers; var _generated$b = generated$4; function getBindingIdentifiers(node, duplicates, outerOnly) { var search = [].concat(node); var ids = Object.create(null); while(search.length){ var id = search.shift(); if (!id) continue; var keys = getBindingIdentifiers.keys[id.type]; if ((0, _generated$b.isIdentifier)(id)) { if (duplicates) { var _ids = ids[] = ids[] || []; _ids.push(id); } else { ids[] = id; } continue; } if ((0, _generated$b.isExportDeclaration)(id) && !(0, _generated$b.isExportAllDeclaration)(id)) { if ((0, _generated$b.isDeclaration)(id.declaration)) { search.push(id.declaration); } continue; } if (outerOnly) { if ((0, _generated$b.isFunctionDeclaration)(id)) { search.push(; continue; } if ((0, _generated$b.isFunctionExpression)(id)) { continue; } } if (keys) { for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++){ var key = keys[i]; if (id[key]) { search = search.concat(id[key]); } } } } return ids; } getBindingIdentifiers.keys = { DeclareClass: [ "id" ], DeclareFunction: [ "id" ], DeclareModule: [ "id" ], DeclareVariable: [ "id" ], DeclareInterface: [ "id" ], DeclareTypeAlias: [ "id" ], DeclareOpaqueType: [ "id" ], InterfaceDeclaration: [ "id" ], TypeAlias: [ "id" ], OpaqueType: [ "id" ], CatchClause: [ "param" ], LabeledStatement: [ "label" ], UnaryExpression: [ "argument" ], AssignmentExpression: [ "left" ], ImportSpecifier: [ "local" ], ImportNamespaceSpecifier: [ "local" ], ImportDefaultSpecifier: [ "local" ], ImportDeclaration: [ "specifiers" ], ExportSpecifier: [ "exported" ], ExportNamespaceSpecifier: [ "exported" ], ExportDefaultSpecifier: [ "exported" ], FunctionDeclaration: [ "id", "params" ], FunctionExpression: [ "id", "params" ], ArrowFunctionExpression: [ "params" ], ObjectMethod: [ "params" ], ClassMethod: [ "params" ], ForInStatement: [ "left" ], ForOfStatement: [ "left" ], ClassDeclaration: [ "id" ], ClassExpression: [ "id" ], RestElement: [ "argument" ], UpdateExpression: [ "argument" ], ObjectProperty: [ "value" ], AssignmentPattern: [ "left" ], ArrayPattern: [ "elements" ], ObjectPattern: [ "properties" ], VariableDeclaration: [ "declarations" ], VariableDeclarator: [ "id" ] }; Object.defineProperty(gatherSequenceExpressions$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); gatherSequenceExpressions$1.default = gatherSequenceExpressions; var _getBindingIdentifiers$2 = getBindingIdentifiers$1; var _generated$a = generated$4; var _generated2$1 = generated$3; var _cloneNode = cloneNode$1; function gatherSequenceExpressions(nodes, scope, declars) { var exprs = []; var ensureLastUndefined = true; for(var _i = 0; _i < nodes.length; _i++){ var node = nodes[_i]; if (!(0, _generated$a.isEmptyStatement)(node)) { ensureLastUndefined = false; } if ((0, _generated$a.isExpression)(node)) { exprs.push(node); } else if ((0, _generated$a.isExpressionStatement)(node)) { exprs.push(node.expression); } else if ((0, _generated$a.isVariableDeclaration)(node)) { if (node.kind !== "var") return; for(var _i1 = 0, _declarations = node.declarations; _i1 < _declarations.length; _i1++){ var declar = _declarations[_i1]; var bindings = (0, _getBindingIdentifiers$2.default)(declar); for(var _i2 = 0, _iter = Object.keys(bindings); _i2 < _iter.length; _i2++){ var key = _iter[_i2]; declars.push({ kind: node.kind, id: (0, _cloneNode.default)(bindings[key]) }); } if (declar.init) { exprs.push((0, _generated2$1.assignmentExpression)("=",, declar.init)); } } ensureLastUndefined = true; } else if ((0, _generated$a.isIfStatement)(node)) { var consequent = node.consequent ? gatherSequenceExpressions([ node.consequent ], scope, declars) : scope.buildUndefinedNode(); var alternate = node.alternate ? gatherSequenceExpressions([ node.alternate ], scope, declars) : scope.buildUndefinedNode(); if (!consequent || !alternate) return; exprs.push((0, _generated2$1.conditionalExpression)(node.test, consequent, alternate)); } else if ((0, _generated$a.isBlockStatement)(node)) { var body = gatherSequenceExpressions(node.body, scope, declars); if (!body) return; exprs.push(body); } else if ((0, _generated$a.isEmptyStatement)(node)) { if (nodes.indexOf(node) === 0) { ensureLastUndefined = true; } } else { return; } } if (ensureLastUndefined) { exprs.push(scope.buildUndefinedNode()); } if (exprs.length === 1) { return exprs[0]; } else { return (0, _generated2$1.sequenceExpression)(exprs); } } Object.defineProperty(toSequenceExpression$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); toSequenceExpression$1.default = toSequenceExpression; var _gatherSequenceExpressions = gatherSequenceExpressions$1; function toSequenceExpression(nodes, scope) { if (!(nodes != null && nodes.length)) return; var declars = []; var result = (0, _gatherSequenceExpressions.default)(nodes, scope, declars); if (!result) return; for(var _i = 0; _i < declars.length; _i++){ var declar = declars[_i]; scope.push(declar); } return result; } var toStatement$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(toStatement$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); toStatement$1.default = void 0; var _generated$9 = generated$4; var _generated2 = generated$3; var _default$2 = toStatement; toStatement$1.default = _default$2; function toStatement(node, ignore) { if ((0, _generated$9.isStatement)(node)) { return node; } var mustHaveId = false; var newType; if ((0, _generated$9.isClass)(node)) { mustHaveId = true; newType = "ClassDeclaration"; } else if ((0, _generated$9.isFunction)(node)) { mustHaveId = true; newType = "FunctionDeclaration"; } else if ((0, _generated$9.isAssignmentExpression)(node)) { return (0, _generated2.expressionStatement)(node); } if (mustHaveId && ! { newType = false; } if (!newType) { if (ignore) { return false; } else { throw new Error("cannot turn " + node.type + " to a statement"); } } node.type = newType; return node; } var valueToNode$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(valueToNode$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); valueToNode$1.default = void 0; var _isValidIdentifier$1 = isValidIdentifier$1; var _generated$8 = generated$3; var _default$1 = valueToNode; valueToNode$1.default = _default$1; var objectToString =; function isRegExp(value) { return objectToString(value) === "[object RegExp]"; } function isPlainObject(value) { if (typeof value !== "object" || value === null || !== "[object Object]") { return false; } var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(value); return proto === null || Object.getPrototypeOf(proto) === null; } function valueToNode(value) { if (value === undefined) { return (0, _generated$8.identifier)("undefined"); } if (value === true || value === false) { return (0, _generated$8.booleanLiteral)(value); } if (value === null) { return (0, _generated$8.nullLiteral)(); } if (typeof value === "string") { return (0, _generated$8.stringLiteral)(value); } if (typeof value === "number") { var result; if (Number.isFinite(value)) { result = (0, _generated$8.numericLiteral)(Math.abs(value)); } else { var numerator; if (Number.isNaN(value)) { numerator = (0, _generated$8.numericLiteral)(0); } else { numerator = (0, _generated$8.numericLiteral)(1); } result = (0, _generated$8.binaryExpression)("/", numerator, (0, _generated$8.numericLiteral)(0)); } if (value < 0 ||, -0)) { result = (0, _generated$8.unaryExpression)("-", result); } return result; } if (isRegExp(value)) { var pattern = value.source; var flags = value.toString().match(/\/([a-z]+|)$/)[1]; return (0, _generated$8.regExpLiteral)(pattern, flags); } if (Array.isArray(value)) { return (0, _generated$8.arrayExpression)(; } if (isPlainObject(value)) { var props = []; for(var _i = 0, _iter = Object.keys(value); _i < _iter.length; _i++){ var key = _iter[_i]; var nodeKey = void 0; if ((0, _isValidIdentifier$1.default)(key)) { nodeKey = (0, _generated$8.identifier)(key); } else { nodeKey = (0, _generated$8.stringLiteral)(key); } props.push((0, _generated$8.objectProperty)(nodeKey, valueToNode(value[key]))); } return (0, _generated$8.objectExpression)(props); } throw new Error("don't know how to turn this value into a node"); } var appendToMemberExpression$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(appendToMemberExpression$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); appendToMemberExpression$1.default = appendToMemberExpression; var _generated$7 = generated$3; function appendToMemberExpression(member, append, computed) { if (computed === void 0) computed = false; member.object = (0, _generated$7.memberExpression)(member.object,, member.computed); = append; member.computed = !!computed; return member; } var inherits$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(inherits$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); inherits$1.default = inherits; var _constants$2 = constants; var _inheritsComments = inheritsComments$1; function inherits(child, parent) { if (!child || !parent) return child; for(var _i = 0, _optional = _constants$2.INHERIT_KEYS.optional; _i < _optional.length; _i++){ var key = _optional[_i]; if (child[key] == null) { child[key] = parent[key]; } } for(var _i1 = 0, _iter = Object.keys(parent); _i1 < _iter.length; _i1++){ var key1 = _iter[_i1]; if (key1[0] === "_" && key1 !== "__clone") child[key1] = parent[key1]; } for(var _i2 = 0, _force = _constants$2.INHERIT_KEYS.force; _i2 < _force.length; _i2++){ var key2 = _force[_i2]; child[key2] = parent[key2]; } (0, _inheritsComments.default)(child, parent); return child; } var prependToMemberExpression$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(prependToMemberExpression$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); prependToMemberExpression$1.default = prependToMemberExpression; var _generated$6 = generated$3; function prependToMemberExpression(member, prepend) { member.object = (0, _generated$6.memberExpression)(prepend, member.object); return member; } var getOuterBindingIdentifiers$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(getOuterBindingIdentifiers$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); getOuterBindingIdentifiers$1.default = void 0; var _getBindingIdentifiers$1 = getBindingIdentifiers$1; var _default = getOuterBindingIdentifiers; getOuterBindingIdentifiers$1.default = _default; function getOuterBindingIdentifiers(node, duplicates) { return (0, _getBindingIdentifiers$1.default)(node, duplicates, true); } var traverse$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(traverse$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); traverse$1.default = traverse; var _definitions$1 = requireDefinitions(); function traverse(node, handlers, state) { if (typeof handlers === "function") { handlers = { enter: handlers }; } var enter = handlers.enter, exit = handlers.exit; traverseSimpleImpl(node, enter, exit, state, []); } function traverseSimpleImpl(node, enter, exit, state, ancestors) { var keys = _definitions$1.VISITOR_KEYS[node.type]; if (!keys) return; if (enter) enter(node, ancestors, state); for(var _i = 0; _i < keys.length; _i++){ var key = keys[_i]; var subNode = node[key]; if (Array.isArray(subNode)) { for(var i = 0; i < subNode.length; i++){ var child = subNode[i]; if (!child) continue; ancestors.push({ node: node, key: key, index: i }); traverseSimpleImpl(child, enter, exit, state, ancestors); ancestors.pop(); } } else if (subNode) { ancestors.push({ node: node, key: key }); traverseSimpleImpl(subNode, enter, exit, state, ancestors); ancestors.pop(); } } if (exit) exit(node, ancestors, state); } var isBinding$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(isBinding$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); isBinding$1.default = isBinding; var _getBindingIdentifiers = getBindingIdentifiers$1; function isBinding(node, parent, grandparent) { if (grandparent && node.type === "Identifier" && parent.type === "ObjectProperty" && grandparent.type === "ObjectExpression") { return false; } var keys = _getBindingIdentifiers.default.keys[parent.type]; if (keys) { for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++){ var key = keys[i]; var val = parent[key]; if (Array.isArray(val)) { if (val.indexOf(node) >= 0) return true; } else { if (val === node) return true; } } } return false; } var isBlockScoped$1 = {}; var isLet$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(isLet$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); isLet$1.default = isLet; var _generated$5 = generated$4; var _constants$1 = constants; function isLet(node) { return (0, _generated$5.isVariableDeclaration)(node) && (node.kind !== "var" || node[_constants$1.BLOCK_SCOPED_SYMBOL]); } Object.defineProperty(isBlockScoped$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); isBlockScoped$1.default = isBlockScoped; var _generated$4 = generated$4; var _isLet = isLet$1; function isBlockScoped(node) { return (0, _generated$4.isFunctionDeclaration)(node) || (0, _generated$4.isClassDeclaration)(node) || (0, _isLet.default)(node); } var isImmutable$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(isImmutable$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); isImmutable$1.default = isImmutable; var _isType = requireIsType(); var _generated$3 = generated$4; function isImmutable(node) { if ((0, _isType.default)(node.type, "Immutable")) return true; if ((0, _generated$3.isIdentifier)(node)) { if ( === "undefined") { return true; } else { return false; } } return false; } var isNodesEquivalent$1 = {}; var _typeof$2 = function(obj) { "@swc/helpers - typeof"; return obj && typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && obj.constructor === Symbol ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; Object.defineProperty(isNodesEquivalent$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); isNodesEquivalent$1.default = isNodesEquivalent; var _definitions = requireDefinitions(); function isNodesEquivalent(a, b) { if (typeof a !== "object" || typeof b !== "object" || a == null || b == null) { return a === b; } if (a.type !== b.type) { return false; } var fields = Object.keys(_definitions.NODE_FIELDS[a.type] || a.type); var visitorKeys = _definitions.VISITOR_KEYS[a.type]; for(var _i = 0; _i < fields.length; _i++){ var field = fields[_i]; if (_typeof$2(a[field]) !== _typeof$2(b[field])) { return false; } if (a[field] == null && b[field] == null) { continue; } else if (a[field] == null || b[field] == null) { return false; } if (Array.isArray(a[field])) { if (!Array.isArray(b[field])) { return false; } if (a[field].length !== b[field].length) { return false; } for(var i = 0; i < a[field].length; i++){ if (!isNodesEquivalent(a[field][i], b[field][i])) { return false; } } continue; } if (typeof a[field] === "object" && !(visitorKeys != null && visitorKeys.includes(field))) { for(var _i1 = 0, _iter = Object.keys(a[field]); _i1 < _iter.length; _i1++){ var key = _iter[_i1]; if (a[field][key] !== b[field][key]) { return false; } } continue; } if (!isNodesEquivalent(a[field], b[field])) { return false; } } return true; } var isReferenced$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(isReferenced$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); isReferenced$1.default = isReferenced; function isReferenced(node, parent, grandparent) { switch(parent.type){ case "MemberExpression": case "JSXMemberExpression": case "OptionalMemberExpression": if ( === node) { return !!parent.computed; } return parent.object === node; case "VariableDeclarator": return parent.init === node; case "ArrowFunctionExpression": return parent.body === node; case "PrivateName": return false; case "ClassMethod": case "ClassPrivateMethod": case "ObjectMethod": if (parent.params.includes(node)) { return false; } case "ObjectProperty": case "ClassProperty": case "ClassPrivateProperty": if (parent.key === node) { return !!parent.computed; } if (parent.value === node) { return !grandparent || grandparent.type !== "ObjectPattern"; } return true; case "ClassDeclaration": case "ClassExpression": return parent.superClass === node; case "AssignmentExpression": return parent.right === node; case "AssignmentPattern": return parent.right === node; case "LabeledStatement": return false; case "CatchClause": return false; case "RestElement": return false; case "BreakStatement": case "ContinueStatement": return false; case "FunctionDeclaration": case "FunctionExpression": return false; case "ExportNamespaceSpecifier": case "ExportDefaultSpecifier": return false; case "ExportSpecifier": if (grandparent != null && grandparent.source) { return false; } return parent.local === node; case "ImportDefaultSpecifier": case "ImportNamespaceSpecifier": case "ImportSpecifier": return false; case "JSXAttribute": return false; case "ObjectPattern": case "ArrayPattern": return false; case "MetaProperty": return false; case "ObjectTypeProperty": return parent.key !== node; case "TSEnumMember": return !== node; case "TSPropertySignature": if (parent.key === node) { return !!parent.computed; } return true; } return true; } var isScope$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(isScope$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); isScope$1.default = isScope; var _generated$2 = generated$4; function isScope(node, parent) { if ((0, _generated$2.isBlockStatement)(node) && ((0, _generated$2.isFunction)(parent) || (0, _generated$2.isCatchClause)(parent))) { return false; } if ((0, _generated$2.isPattern)(node) && ((0, _generated$2.isFunction)(parent) || (0, _generated$2.isCatchClause)(parent))) { return true; } return (0, _generated$2.isScopable)(node); } var isSpecifierDefault$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(isSpecifierDefault$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); isSpecifierDefault$1.default = isSpecifierDefault; var _generated$1 = generated$4; function isSpecifierDefault(specifier) { return (0, _generated$1.isImportDefaultSpecifier)(specifier) || (0, _generated$1.isIdentifier)(specifier.imported || specifier.exported, { name: "default" }); } var isValidES3Identifier$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(isValidES3Identifier$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); isValidES3Identifier$1.default = isValidES3Identifier; var _isValidIdentifier = isValidIdentifier$1; var RESERVED_WORDS_ES3_ONLY = new Set([ "abstract", "boolean", "byte", "char", "double", "enum", "final", "float", "goto", "implements", "int", "interface", "long", "native", "package", "private", "protected", "public", "short", "static", "synchronized", "throws", "transient", "volatile" ]); function isValidES3Identifier(name) { return (0, _isValidIdentifier.default)(name) && !RESERVED_WORDS_ES3_ONLY.has(name); } var isVar$1 = {}; Object.defineProperty(isVar$1, "__esModule", { value: true }); isVar$1.default = isVar; var _generated = generated$4; var _constants = constants; function isVar(node) { return (0, _generated.isVariableDeclaration)(node, { kind: "var" }) && !node[_constants.BLOCK_SCOPED_SYMBOL]; } var generated = {}; (function(exports) { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var _exportNames = { react: true, assertNode: true, createTypeAnnotationBasedOnTypeof: true, createUnionTypeAnnotation: true, createFlowUnionType: true, createTSUnionType: true, cloneNode: true, clone: true, cloneDeep: true, cloneDeepWithoutLoc: true, cloneWithoutLoc: true, addComment: true, addComments: true, inheritInnerComments: true, inheritLeadingComments: true, inheritsComments: true, inheritTrailingComments: true, removeComments: true, ensureBlock: true, toBindingIdentifierName: true, toBlock: true, toComputedKey: true, toExpression: true, toIdentifier: true, toKeyAlias: true, toSequenceExpression: true, toStatement: true, valueToNode: true, appendToMemberExpression: true, inherits: true, prependToMemberExpression: true, removeProperties: true, removePropertiesDeep: true, removeTypeDuplicates: true, getBindingIdentifiers: true, getOuterBindingIdentifiers: true, traverse: true, traverseFast: true, shallowEqual: true, is: true, isBinding: true, isBlockScoped: true, isImmutable: true, isLet: true, isNode: true, isNodesEquivalent: true, isPlaceholderType: true, isReferenced: true, isScope: true, isSpecifierDefault: true, isType: true, isValidES3Identifier: true, isValidIdentifier: true, isVar: true, matchesPattern: true, validate: true, buildMatchMemberExpression: true }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "assertNode", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _assertNode.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "createTypeAnnotationBasedOnTypeof", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _createTypeAnnotationBasedOnTypeof.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "createUnionTypeAnnotation", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _createFlowUnionType.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "createFlowUnionType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _createFlowUnionType.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "createTSUnionType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _createTSUnionType.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "cloneNode", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _cloneNode.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "clone", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _clone.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "cloneDeep", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _cloneDeep.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "cloneDeepWithoutLoc", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _cloneDeepWithoutLoc.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "cloneWithoutLoc", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _cloneWithoutLoc.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "addComment", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _addComment.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "addComments", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _addComments.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "inheritInnerComments", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _inheritInnerComments.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "inheritLeadingComments", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _inheritLeadingComments.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "inheritsComments", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _inheritsComments.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "inheritTrailingComments", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _inheritTrailingComments.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "removeComments", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _removeComments.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "ensureBlock", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _ensureBlock.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "toBindingIdentifierName", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _toBindingIdentifierName.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "toBlock", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _toBlock.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "toComputedKey", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _toComputedKey.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "toExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _toExpression.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "toIdentifier", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _toIdentifier.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "toKeyAlias", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _toKeyAlias.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "toSequenceExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _toSequenceExpression.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "toStatement", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _toStatement.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "valueToNode", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _valueToNode.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "appendToMemberExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _appendToMemberExpression.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "inherits", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _inherits.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "prependToMemberExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _prependToMemberExpression.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "removeProperties", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _removeProperties.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "removePropertiesDeep", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _removePropertiesDeep.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "removeTypeDuplicates", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _removeTypeDuplicates.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "getBindingIdentifiers", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _getBindingIdentifiers.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "getOuterBindingIdentifiers", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _getOuterBindingIdentifiers.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "traverse", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _traverse.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "traverseFast", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _traverseFast.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "shallowEqual", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _shallowEqual.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "is", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _is.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isBinding", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _isBinding.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isBlockScoped", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _isBlockScoped.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isImmutable", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _isImmutable.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isLet", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _isLet.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isNode", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _isNode.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isNodesEquivalent", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _isNodesEquivalent.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isPlaceholderType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _isPlaceholderType.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isReferenced", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _isReferenced.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isScope", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _isScope.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isSpecifierDefault", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _isSpecifierDefault.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isType", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _isType.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isValidES3Identifier", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _isValidES3Identifier.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isValidIdentifier", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _isValidIdentifier.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "isVar", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _isVar.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "matchesPattern", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _matchesPattern.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "validate", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _validate.default; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "buildMatchMemberExpression", { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _buildMatchMemberExpression.default; } }); exports.react = void 0; var _isReactComponent = isReactComponent$1; var _isCompatTag = isCompatTag$1; var _buildChildren = buildChildren$1; var _assertNode = assertNode$1; var _generated = generated$2; Object.keys(_generated).forEach(function(key) { if (key === "default" || key === "__esModule") return; if (, key)) return; if (key in exports && exports[key] === _generated[key]) return; Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _generated[key]; } }); }); var _createTypeAnnotationBasedOnTypeof = createTypeAnnotationBasedOnTypeof$1; var _createFlowUnionType = createFlowUnionType$1; var _createTSUnionType = createTSUnionType$1; var _generated2 = generated$3; Object.keys(_generated2).forEach(function(key) { if (key === "default" || key === "__esModule") return; if (, key)) return; if (key in exports && exports[key] === _generated2[key]) return; Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _generated2[key]; } }); }); var _uppercase = uppercase; Object.keys(_uppercase).forEach(function(key) { if (key === "default" || key === "__esModule") return; if (, key)) return; if (key in exports && exports[key] === _uppercase[key]) return; Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _uppercase[key]; } }); }); var _cloneNode = cloneNode$1; var _clone = clone$1; var _cloneDeep = cloneDeep$1; var _cloneDeepWithoutLoc = cloneDeepWithoutLoc$1; var _cloneWithoutLoc = cloneWithoutLoc$1; var _addComment = addComment$1; var _addComments = addComments$1; var _inheritInnerComments = inheritInnerComments$1; var _inheritLeadingComments = inheritLeadingComments$1; var _inheritsComments = inheritsComments$1; var _inheritTrailingComments = inheritTrailingComments$1; var _removeComments = removeComments$1; var _generated3 = generated$1; Object.keys(_generated3).forEach(function(key) { if (key === "default" || key === "__esModule") return; if (, key)) return; if (key in exports && exports[key] === _generated3[key]) return; Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _generated3[key]; } }); }); var _constants = constants; Object.keys(_constants).forEach(function(key) { if (key === "default" || key === "__esModule") return; if (, key)) return; if (key in exports && exports[key] === _constants[key]) return; Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _constants[key]; } }); }); var _ensureBlock = ensureBlock$1; var _toBindingIdentifierName = toBindingIdentifierName$1; var _toBlock = toBlock$1; var _toComputedKey = toComputedKey$1; var _toExpression = toExpression$1; var _toIdentifier = toIdentifier$1; var _toKeyAlias = toKeyAlias$1; var _toSequenceExpression = toSequenceExpression$1; var _toStatement = toStatement$1; var _valueToNode = valueToNode$1; var _definitions = requireDefinitions(); Object.keys(_definitions).forEach(function(key) { if (key === "default" || key === "__esModule") return; if (, key)) return; if (key in exports && exports[key] === _definitions[key]) return; Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _definitions[key]; } }); }); var _appendToMemberExpression = appendToMemberExpression$1; var _inherits = inherits$1; var _prependToMemberExpression = prependToMemberExpression$1; var _removeProperties = removeProperties$1; var _removePropertiesDeep = removePropertiesDeep$1; var _removeTypeDuplicates = removeTypeDuplicates$3; var _getBindingIdentifiers = getBindingIdentifiers$1; var _getOuterBindingIdentifiers = getOuterBindingIdentifiers$1; var _traverse = traverse$1; Object.keys(_traverse).forEach(function(key) { if (key === "default" || key === "__esModule") return; if (, key)) return; if (key in exports && exports[key] === _traverse[key]) return; Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _traverse[key]; } }); }); var _traverseFast = traverseFast$1; var _shallowEqual = shallowEqual$1; var _is = requireIs(); var _isBinding = isBinding$1; var _isBlockScoped = isBlockScoped$1; var _isImmutable = isImmutable$1; var _isLet = isLet$1; var _isNode = isNode$1; var _isNodesEquivalent = isNodesEquivalent$1; var _isPlaceholderType = requireIsPlaceholderType(); var _isReferenced = isReferenced$1; var _isScope = isScope$1; var _isSpecifierDefault = isSpecifierDefault$1; var _isType = requireIsType(); var _isValidES3Identifier = isValidES3Identifier$1; var _isValidIdentifier = isValidIdentifier$1; var _isVar = isVar$1; var _matchesPattern = matchesPattern$1; var _validate = requireValidate(); var _buildMatchMemberExpression = buildMatchMemberExpression$1; var _generated4 = generated$4; Object.keys(_generated4).forEach(function(key) { if (key === "default" || key === "__esModule") return; if (, key)) return; if (key in exports && exports[key] === _generated4[key]) return; Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _generated4[key]; } }); }); var _generated5 = generated; Object.keys(_generated5).forEach(function(key) { if (key === "default" || key === "__esModule") return; if (, key)) return; if (key in exports && exports[key] === _generated5[key]) return; Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: function get() { return _generated5[key]; } }); }); var react = { isReactComponent: _isReactComponent.default, isCompatTag: _isCompatTag.default, buildChildren: _buildChildren.default }; exports.react = react; })(lib$1); function hash(str) { var _$hash = 5381, i = str.length; while(i){ _$hash = _$hash * 33 ^ str.charCodeAt(--i); } /* JavaScript does bitwise operations (like XOR, above) on 32-bit signed * integers. Since we want the results to be always positive, convert the * signed int to an unsigned by doing an unsigned bitshift. */ return _$hash >>> 0; } var stringHash = hash; var sourceMapGenerator = {}; var base64Vlq = {}; var base64$1 = {}; /* * Copyright 2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or: * */ var intToCharMap = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".split(""); /** * Encode an integer in the range of 0 to 63 to a single base 64 digit. */ base64$1.encode = function encode(number) { if (0 <= number && number < intToCharMap.length) { return intToCharMap[number]; } throw new TypeError("Must be between 0 and 63: " + number); }; /* * Copyright 2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or: * * * Based on the Base 64 VLQ implementation in Closure Compiler: * * * Copyright 2011 The Closure Compiler Authors. All rights reserved. * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are * met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided * with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ var base64 = base64$1; // A single base 64 digit can contain 6 bits of data. For the base 64 variable // length quantities we use in the source map spec, the first bit is the sign, // the next four bits are the actual value, and the 6th bit is the // continuation bit. The continuation bit tells us whether there are more // digits in this value following this digit. // // Continuation // | Sign // | | // V V // 101011 var VLQ_BASE_SHIFT = 5; // binary: 100000 var VLQ_BASE = 1 << VLQ_BASE_SHIFT; // binary: 011111 var VLQ_BASE_MASK = VLQ_BASE - 1; // binary: 100000 var VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT = VLQ_BASE; /** * Converts from a two-complement value to a value where the sign bit is * placed in the least significant bit. For example, as decimals: * 1 becomes 2 (10 binary), -1 becomes 3 (11 binary) * 2 becomes 4 (100 binary), -2 becomes 5 (101 binary) */ function toVLQSigned(aValue) { return aValue < 0 ? (-aValue << 1) + 1 : (aValue << 1) + 0; } /** * Returns the base 64 VLQ encoded value. */ base64Vlq.encode = function base64VLQ_encode(aValue) { var encoded = ""; var digit; var vlq = toVLQSigned(aValue); do { digit = vlq & VLQ_BASE_MASK; vlq >>>= VLQ_BASE_SHIFT; if (vlq > 0) { // There are still more digits in this value, so we must make sure the // continuation bit is marked. digit |= VLQ_CONTINUATION_BIT; } encoded += base64.encode(digit); }while (vlq > 0); return encoded; }; var util$3 = {}; (function(exports) { var getArg = /* * Copyright 2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or: * */ /** * This is a helper function for getting values from parameter/options * objects. * * @param args The object we are extracting values from * @param name The name of the property we are getting. * @param defaultValue An optional value to return if the property is missing * from the object. If this is not specified and the property is missing, an * error will be thrown. */ function getArg(aArgs, aName, aDefaultValue) { if (aName in aArgs) { return aArgs[aName]; } else if (arguments.length === 3) { return aDefaultValue; } throw new Error('"' + aName + '" is a required argument.'); }; var urlParse = function urlParse(aUrl) { var match = aUrl.match(urlRegexp); if (!match) { return null; } return { scheme: match[1], auth: match[2], host: match[3], port: match[4], path: match[5] }; }; var urlGenerate = function urlGenerate(aParsedUrl) { var url = ""; if (aParsedUrl.scheme) { url += aParsedUrl.scheme + ":"; } url += "//"; if (aParsedUrl.auth) { url += aParsedUrl.auth + "@"; } if ( { url +=; } if (aParsedUrl.port) { url += ":" + aParsedUrl.port; } if (aParsedUrl.path) { url += aParsedUrl.path; } return url; }; var lruMemoize = /** * Takes some function `f(input) -> result` and returns a memoized version of * `f`. * * We keep at most `MAX_CACHED_INPUTS` memoized results of `f` alive. The * memoization is a dumb-simple, linear least-recently-used cache. */ function lruMemoize(f) { var cache = []; return function(input) { for(var i = 0; i < cache.length; i++){ if (cache[i].input === input) { var temp = cache[0]; cache[0] = cache[i]; cache[i] = temp; return cache[0].result; } } var result = f(input); cache.unshift({ input: input, result: result }); if (cache.length > MAX_CACHED_INPUTS) { cache.pop(); } return result; }; }; var join = /** * Joins two paths/URLs. * * @param aRoot The root path or URL. * @param aPath The path or URL to be joined with the root. * * - If aPath is a URL or a data URI, aPath is returned, unless aPath is a * scheme-relative URL: Then the scheme of aRoot, if any, is prepended * first. * - Otherwise aPath is a path. If aRoot is a URL, then its path portion * is updated with the result and aRoot is returned. Otherwise the result * is returned. * - If aPath is absolute, the result is aPath. * - Otherwise the two paths are joined with a slash. * - Joining for example 'http://' and '' is also supported. */ function join(aRoot, aPath) { if (aRoot === "") { aRoot = "."; } if (aPath === "") { aPath = "."; } var aPathUrl = urlParse(aPath); var aRootUrl = urlParse(aRoot); if (aRootUrl) { aRoot = aRootUrl.path || "/"; } // `join(foo, '//')` if (aPathUrl && !aPathUrl.scheme) { if (aRootUrl) { aPathUrl.scheme = aRootUrl.scheme; } return urlGenerate(aPathUrl); } if (aPathUrl || aPath.match(dataUrlRegexp)) { return aPath; } // `join('http://', '')` if (aRootUrl && ! && !aRootUrl.path) { = aPath; return urlGenerate(aRootUrl); } var joined = aPath.charAt(0) === "/" ? aPath : normalize(aRoot.replace(/\/+$/, "") + "/" + aPath); if (aRootUrl) { aRootUrl.path = joined; return urlGenerate(aRootUrl); } return joined; }; var relative = /** * Make a path relative to a URL or another path. * * @param aRoot The root path or URL. * @param aPath The path or URL to be made relative to aRoot. */ function relative(aRoot, aPath) { if (aRoot === "") { aRoot = "."; } aRoot = aRoot.replace(/\/$/, ""); // It is possible for the path to be above the root. In this case, simply // checking whether the root is a prefix of the path won't work. Instead, we // need to remove components from the root one by one, until either we find // a prefix that fits, or we run out of components to remove. var level = 0; while(aPath.indexOf(aRoot + "/") !== 0){ var index = aRoot.lastIndexOf("/"); if (index < 0) { return aPath; } // If the only part of the root that is left is the scheme (i.e. http://, // file:///, etc.), one or more slashes (/), or simply nothing at all, we // have exhausted all components, so the path is not relative to the root. aRoot = aRoot.slice(0, index); if (aRoot.match(/^([^\/]+:\/)?\/*$/)) { return aPath; } ++level; } // Make sure we add a "../" for each component we removed from the root. return Array(level + 1).join("../") + aPath.substr(aRoot.length + 1); }; var identity = function identity(s) { return s; }; var toSetString = /** * Because behavior goes wacky when you set `__proto__` on objects, we * have to prefix all the strings in our set with an arbitrary character. * * See and * * * @param String aStr */ function toSetString(aStr) { if (isProtoString(aStr)) { return "$" + aStr; } return aStr; }; var fromSetString = function fromSetString(aStr) { if (isProtoString(aStr)) { return aStr.slice(1); } return aStr; }; var isProtoString = function isProtoString(s) { if (!s) { return false; } var length = s.length; if (length < 9 /* "__proto__".length */ ) { return false; } /* eslint-disable no-multi-spaces */ if (s.charCodeAt(length - 1) !== 95 /* '_' */ || s.charCodeAt(length - 2) !== 95 /* '_' */ || s.charCodeAt(length - 3) !== 111 /* 'o' */ || s.charCodeAt(length - 4) !== 116 /* 't' */ || s.charCodeAt(length - 5) !== 111 /* 'o' */ || s.charCodeAt(length - 6) !== 114 /* 'r' */ || s.charCodeAt(length - 7) !== 112 /* 'p' */ || s.charCodeAt(length - 8) !== 95 /* '_' */ || s.charCodeAt(length - 9) !== 95 /* '_' */ ) { return false; } /* eslint-enable no-multi-spaces */ for(var i = length - 10; i >= 0; i--){ if (s.charCodeAt(i) !== 36 /* '$' */ ) { return false; } } return true; }; var compareByOriginalPositions = /** * Comparator between two mappings where the original positions are compared. * * Optionally pass in `true` as `onlyCompareGenerated` to consider two * mappings with the same original source/line/column, but different generated * line and column the same. Useful when searching for a mapping with a * stubbed out mapping. */ function compareByOriginalPositions(mappingA, mappingB, onlyCompareOriginal) { var cmp = strcmp(mappingA.source, mappingB.source); if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.originalLine - mappingB.originalLine; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.originalColumn - mappingB.originalColumn; if (cmp !== 0 || onlyCompareOriginal) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.generatedColumn - mappingB.generatedColumn; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.generatedLine - mappingB.generatedLine; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } return strcmp(,; }; var compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated = /** * Comparator between two mappings with deflated source and name indices where * the generated positions are compared. * * Optionally pass in `true` as `onlyCompareGenerated` to consider two * mappings with the same generated line and column, but different * source/name/original line and column the same. Useful when searching for a * mapping with a stubbed out mapping. */ function compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated(mappingA, mappingB, onlyCompareGenerated) { var cmp = mappingA.generatedLine - mappingB.generatedLine; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.generatedColumn - mappingB.generatedColumn; if (cmp !== 0 || onlyCompareGenerated) { return cmp; } cmp = strcmp(mappingA.source, mappingB.source); if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.originalLine - mappingB.originalLine; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.originalColumn - mappingB.originalColumn; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } return strcmp(,; }; var strcmp = function strcmp(aStr1, aStr2) { if (aStr1 === aStr2) { return 0; } if (aStr1 === null) { return 1; // aStr2 !== null } if (aStr2 === null) { return -1; // aStr1 !== null } if (aStr1 > aStr2) { return 1; } return -1; }; var compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated = /** * Comparator between two mappings with inflated source and name strings where * the generated positions are compared. */ function compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(mappingA, mappingB) { var cmp = mappingA.generatedLine - mappingB.generatedLine; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.generatedColumn - mappingB.generatedColumn; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = strcmp(mappingA.source, mappingB.source); if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.originalLine - mappingB.originalLine; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } cmp = mappingA.originalColumn - mappingB.originalColumn; if (cmp !== 0) { return cmp; } return strcmp(,; }; var parseSourceMapInput = /** * Strip any JSON XSSI avoidance prefix from the string (as documented * in the source maps specification), and then parse the string as * JSON. */ function parseSourceMapInput(str) { return JSON.parse(str.replace(/^\)]}'[^\n]*\n/, "")); }; var computeSourceURL = /** * Compute the URL of a source given the the source root, the source's * URL, and the source map's URL. */ function computeSourceURL(sourceRoot, sourceURL, sourceMapURL) { sourceURL = sourceURL || ""; if (sourceRoot) { // This follows what Chrome does. if (sourceRoot[sourceRoot.length - 1] !== "/" && sourceURL[0] !== "/") { sourceRoot += "/"; } // The spec says: // Line 4: An optional source root, useful for relocating source // files on a server or removing repeated values in the // “sources” entry. This value is prepended to the individual // entries in the “source” field. sourceURL = sourceRoot + sourceURL; } // Historically, SourceMapConsumer did not take the sourceMapURL as // a parameter. This mode is still somewhat supported, which is why // this code block is conditional. However, it's preferable to pass // the source map URL to SourceMapConsumer, so that this function // can implement the source URL resolution algorithm as outlined in // the spec. This block is basically the equivalent of: // new URL(sourceURL, sourceMapURL).toString() // ... except it avoids using URL, which wasn't available in the // older releases of node still supported by this library. // // The spec says: // If the sources are not absolute URLs after prepending of the // “sourceRoot”, the sources are resolved relative to the // SourceMap (like resolving script src in a html document). if (sourceMapURL) { var parsed = urlParse(sourceMapURL); if (!parsed) { throw new Error("sourceMapURL could not be parsed"); } if (parsed.path) { // Strip the last path component, but keep the "/". var index = parsed.path.lastIndexOf("/"); if (index >= 0) { parsed.path = parsed.path.substring(0, index + 1); } } sourceURL = join(urlGenerate(parsed), sourceURL); } return normalize(sourceURL); }; exports.getArg = getArg; var urlRegexp = /^(?:([\w+\-.]+):)?\/\/(?:(\w+:\w+)@)?([\w.-]*)(?::(\d+))?(.*)$/; var dataUrlRegexp = /^data:.+\,.+$/; exports.urlParse = urlParse; exports.urlGenerate = urlGenerate; var MAX_CACHED_INPUTS = 32; /** * Normalizes a path, or the path portion of a URL: * * - Replaces consecutive slashes with one slash. * - Removes unnecessary '.' parts. * - Removes unnecessary '/..' parts. * * Based on code in the Node.js 'path' core module. * * @param aPath The path or url to normalize. */ var normalize = lruMemoize(function normalize(aPath) { var path = aPath; var url = urlParse(aPath); if (url) { if (!url.path) { return aPath; } path = url.path; } var isAbsolute = exports.isAbsolute(path); // Split the path into parts between `/` characters. This is much faster than // using `.split(/\/+/g)`. var parts = []; var start = 0; var i = 0; while(true){ start = i; i = path.indexOf("/", start); if (i === -1) { parts.push(path.slice(start)); break; } else { parts.push(path.slice(start, i)); while(i < path.length && path[i] === "/"){ i++; } } } var up = 0; for(i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ var part = parts[i]; if (part === ".") { parts.splice(i, 1); } else if (part === "..") { up++; } else if (up > 0) { if (part === "") { // The first part is blank if the path is absolute. Trying to go // above the root is a no-op. Therefore we can remove all '..' parts // directly after the root. parts.splice(i + 1, up); up = 0; } else { parts.splice(i, 2); up--; } } } path = parts.join("/"); if (path === "") { path = isAbsolute ? "/" : "."; } if (url) { url.path = path; return urlGenerate(url); } return path; }); exports.normalize = normalize; exports.join = join; exports.isAbsolute = function(aPath) { return aPath.charAt(0) === "/" || urlRegexp.test(aPath); }; exports.relative = relative; var supportsNullProto = function() { var obj = Object.create(null); return !("__proto__" in obj); }(); exports.toSetString = supportsNullProto ? identity : toSetString; exports.fromSetString = supportsNullProto ? identity : fromSetString; exports.compareByOriginalPositions = compareByOriginalPositions; exports.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated = compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated; exports.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated = compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated; exports.parseSourceMapInput = parseSourceMapInput; exports.computeSourceURL = computeSourceURL; })(util$3); var arraySet = {}; /* * Copyright 2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or: * */ /** * A data structure which is a combination of an array and a set. Adding a new * member is O(1), testing for membership is O(1), and finding the index of an * element is O(1). Removing elements from the set is not supported. Only * strings are supported for membership. */ var ArraySet$2 = /*#__PURE__*/ function() { function ArraySet() { this._array = []; this._set = new Map(); } var _proto = ArraySet.prototype; /** * Return how many unique items are in this ArraySet. If duplicates have been * added, than those do not count towards the size. * * @returns Number */ _proto.size = function size() { return this._set.size; }; /** * Add the given string to this set. * * @param String aStr */ _proto.add = function add(aStr, aAllowDuplicates) { var isDuplicate = this.has(aStr); var idx = this._array.length; if (!isDuplicate || aAllowDuplicates) { this._array.push(aStr); } if (!isDuplicate) { this._set.set(aStr, idx); } }; /** * Is the given string a member of this set? * * @param String aStr */ _proto.has = function has(aStr) { return this._set.has(aStr); }; /** * What is the index of the given string in the array? * * @param String aStr */ _proto.indexOf = function indexOf(aStr) { var idx = this._set.get(aStr); if (idx >= 0) { return idx; } throw new Error('"' + aStr + '" is not in the set.'); }; /** * What is the element at the given index? * * @param Number aIdx */ = function at(aIdx) { if (aIdx >= 0 && aIdx < this._array.length) { return this._array[aIdx]; } throw new Error("No element indexed by " + aIdx); }; /** * Returns the array representation of this set (which has the proper indices * indicated by indexOf). Note that this is a copy of the internal array used * for storing the members so that no one can mess with internal state. */ _proto.toArray = function toArray() { return this._array.slice(); }; /** * Static method for creating ArraySet instances from an existing array. */ ArraySet.fromArray = function fromArray(aArray, aAllowDuplicates) { var set = new ArraySet(); for(var i = 0, len = aArray.length; i < len; i++){ set.add(aArray[i], aAllowDuplicates); } return set; }; return ArraySet; }(); arraySet.ArraySet = ArraySet$2; var mappingList = {}; /* * Copyright 2014 Mozilla Foundation and contributors * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or: * */ var util$2 = util$3; /** * Determine whether mappingB is after mappingA with respect to generated * position. */ function generatedPositionAfter(mappingA, mappingB) { // Optimized for most common case var lineA = mappingA.generatedLine; var lineB = mappingB.generatedLine; var columnA = mappingA.generatedColumn; var columnB = mappingB.generatedColumn; return lineB > lineA || lineB == lineA && columnB >= columnA || util$2.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(mappingA, mappingB) <= 0; } /** * A data structure to provide a sorted view of accumulated mappings in a * performance conscious manner. It trades a negligible overhead in general * case for a large speedup in case of mappings being added in order. */ var MappingList$1 = /*#__PURE__*/ function() { function MappingList() { this._array = []; this._sorted = true; // Serves as infimum this._last = { generatedLine: -1, generatedColumn: 0 }; } var _proto = MappingList.prototype; /** * Iterate through internal items. This method takes the same arguments that * `Array.prototype.forEach` takes. * * NOTE: The order of the mappings is NOT guaranteed. */ _proto.unsortedForEach = function unsortedForEach(aCallback, aThisArg) { this._array.forEach(aCallback, aThisArg); }; /** * Add the given source mapping. * * @param Object aMapping */ _proto.add = function add(aMapping) { if (generatedPositionAfter(this._last, aMapping)) { this._last = aMapping; this._array.push(aMapping); } else { this._sorted = false; this._array.push(aMapping); } }; /** * Returns the flat, sorted array of mappings. The mappings are sorted by * generated position. * * WARNING: This method returns internal data without copying, for * performance. The return value must NOT be mutated, and should be treated as * an immutable borrow. If you want to take ownership, you must make your own * copy. */ _proto.toArray = function toArray() { if (!this._sorted) { this._array.sort(util$2.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated); this._sorted = true; } return this._array; }; return MappingList; }(); mappingList.MappingList = MappingList$1; /* * Copyright 2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or: * */ var base64VLQ = base64Vlq; var util$1 = util$3; var ArraySet$1 = arraySet.ArraySet; var MappingList = mappingList.MappingList; /** * An instance of the SourceMapGenerator represents a source map which is * being built incrementally. You may pass an object with the following * properties: * * - file: The filename of the generated source. * - sourceRoot: A root for all relative URLs in this source map. */ var SourceMapGenerator$1 = /*#__PURE__*/ function() { function SourceMapGenerator(aArgs) { if (!aArgs) { aArgs = {}; } this._file = util$1.getArg(aArgs, "file", null); this._sourceRoot = util$1.getArg(aArgs, "sourceRoot", null); this._skipValidation = util$1.getArg(aArgs, "skipValidation", false); this._sources = new ArraySet$1(); this._names = new ArraySet$1(); this._mappings = new MappingList(); this._sourcesContents = null; } var _proto = SourceMapGenerator.prototype; /** * Add a single mapping from original source line and column to the generated * source's line and column for this source map being created. The mapping * object should have the following properties: * * - generated: An object with the generated line and column positions. * - original: An object with the original line and column positions. * - source: The original source file (relative to the sourceRoot). * - name: An optional original token name for this mapping. */ _proto.addMapping = function addMapping(aArgs) { var generated = util$1.getArg(aArgs, "generated"); var original = util$1.getArg(aArgs, "original", null); var source = util$1.getArg(aArgs, "source", null); var name = util$1.getArg(aArgs, "name", null); if (!this._skipValidation) { this._validateMapping(generated, original, source, name); } if (source != null) { source = String(source); if (!this._sources.has(source)) { this._sources.add(source); } } if (name != null) { name = String(name); if (!this._names.has(name)) { this._names.add(name); } } this._mappings.add({ generatedLine: generated.line, generatedColumn: generated.column, originalLine: original != null && original.line, originalColumn: original != null && original.column, source: source, name: name }); }; /** * Set the source content for a source file. */ _proto.setSourceContent = function setSourceContent(aSourceFile, aSourceContent) { var source = aSourceFile; if (this._sourceRoot != null) { source = util$1.relative(this._sourceRoot, source); } if (aSourceContent != null) { // Add the source content to the _sourcesContents map. // Create a new _sourcesContents map if the property is null. if (!this._sourcesContents) { this._sourcesContents = Object.create(null); } this._sourcesContents[util$1.toSetString(source)] = aSourceContent; } else if (this._sourcesContents) { // Remove the source file from the _sourcesContents map. // If the _sourcesContents map is empty, set the property to null. delete this._sourcesContents[util$1.toSetString(source)]; if (Object.keys(this._sourcesContents).length === 0) { this._sourcesContents = null; } } }; /** * Applies the mappings of a sub-source-map for a specific source file to the * source map being generated. Each mapping to the supplied source file is * rewritten using the supplied source map. Note: The resolution for the * resulting mappings is the minimium of this map and the supplied map. * * @param aSourceMapConsumer The source map to be applied. * @param aSourceFile Optional. The filename of the source file. * If omitted, SourceMapConsumer's file property will be used. * @param aSourceMapPath Optional. The dirname of the path to the source map * to be applied. If relative, it is relative to the SourceMapConsumer. * This parameter is needed when the two source maps aren't in the same * directory, and the source map to be applied contains relative source * paths. If so, those relative source paths need to be rewritten * relative to the SourceMapGenerator. */ _proto.applySourceMap = function applySourceMap(aSourceMapConsumer, aSourceFile, aSourceMapPath) { var sourceFile = aSourceFile; // If aSourceFile is omitted, we will use the file property of the SourceMap if (aSourceFile == null) { if (aSourceMapConsumer.file == null) { throw new Error("SourceMapGenerator.prototype.applySourceMap requires either an explicit source file, " + 'or the source map\'s "file" property. Both were omitted.'); } sourceFile = aSourceMapConsumer.file; } var sourceRoot = this._sourceRoot; // Make "sourceFile" relative if an absolute Url is passed. if (sourceRoot != null) { sourceFile = util$1.relative(sourceRoot, sourceFile); } // Applying the SourceMap can add and remove items from the sources and // the names array. var newSources = this._mappings.toArray().length > 0 ? new ArraySet$1() : this._sources; var newNames = new ArraySet$1(); // Find mappings for the "sourceFile" this._mappings.unsortedForEach(function(mapping) { if (mapping.source === sourceFile && mapping.originalLine != null) { // Check if it can be mapped by the source map, then update the mapping. var original = aSourceMapConsumer.originalPositionFor({ line: mapping.originalLine, column: mapping.originalColumn }); if (original.source != null) { // Copy mapping mapping.source = original.source; if (aSourceMapPath != null) { mapping.source = util$1.join(aSourceMapPath, mapping.source); } if (sourceRoot != null) { mapping.source = util$1.relative(sourceRoot, mapping.source); } mapping.originalLine = original.line; mapping.originalColumn = original.column; if ( != null) { =; } } } var source = mapping.source; if (source != null && !newSources.has(source)) { newSources.add(source); } var name =; if (name != null && !newNames.has(name)) { newNames.add(name); } }, this); this._sources = newSources; this._names = newNames; // Copy sourcesContents of applied map. aSourceMapConsumer.sources.forEach(function(srcFile) { var content = aSourceMapConsumer.sourceContentFor(srcFile); if (content != null) { if (aSourceMapPath != null) { srcFile = util$1.join(aSourceMapPath, srcFile); } if (sourceRoot != null) { srcFile = util$1.relative(sourceRoot, srcFile); } this.setSourceContent(srcFile, content); } }, this); }; /** * A mapping can have one of the three levels of data: * * 1. Just the generated position. * 2. The Generated position, original position, and original source. * 3. Generated and original position, original source, as well as a name * token. * * To maintain consistency, we validate that any new mapping being added falls * in to one of these categories. */ _proto._validateMapping = function _validateMapping(aGenerated, aOriginal, aSource, aName) { // When aOriginal is truthy but has empty values for .line and .column, // it is most likely a programmer error. In this case we throw a very // specific error message to try to guide them the right way. // For example: if (aOriginal && typeof aOriginal.line !== "number" && typeof aOriginal.column !== "number") { throw new Error("original.line and original.column are not numbers -- you probably meant to omit " + "the original mapping entirely and only map the generated position. If so, pass " + "null for the original mapping instead of an object with empty or null values."); } if (aGenerated && "line" in aGenerated && "column" in aGenerated && aGenerated.line > 0 && aGenerated.column >= 0 && !aOriginal && !aSource && !aName) ; else if (aGenerated && "line" in aGenerated && "column" in aGenerated && aOriginal && "line" in aOriginal && "column" in aOriginal && aGenerated.line > 0 && aGenerated.column >= 0 && aOriginal.line > 0 && aOriginal.column >= 0 && aSource) ; else { throw new Error("Invalid mapping: " + JSON.stringify({ generated: aGenerated, source: aSource, original: aOriginal, name: aName })); } }; /** * Serialize the accumulated mappings in to the stream of base 64 VLQs * specified by the source map format. */ _proto._serializeMappings = function _serializeMappings() { var previousGeneratedColumn = 0; var previousGeneratedLine = 1; var previousOriginalColumn = 0; var previousOriginalLine = 0; var previousName = 0; var previousSource = 0; var result = ""; var next; var mapping; var nameIdx; var sourceIdx; var mappings = this._mappings.toArray(); for(var i = 0, len = mappings.length; i < len; i++){ mapping = mappings[i]; next = ""; if (mapping.generatedLine !== previousGeneratedLine) { previousGeneratedColumn = 0; while(mapping.generatedLine !== previousGeneratedLine){ next += ";"; previousGeneratedLine++; } } else if (i > 0) { if (!util$1.compareByGeneratedPositionsInflated(mapping, mappings[i - 1])) { continue; } next += ","; } next += base64VLQ.encode(mapping.generatedColumn - previousGeneratedColumn); previousGeneratedColumn = mapping.generatedColumn; if (mapping.source != null) { sourceIdx = this._sources.indexOf(mapping.source); next += base64VLQ.encode(sourceIdx - previousSource); previousSource = sourceIdx; // lines are stored 0-based in SourceMap spec version 3 next += base64VLQ.encode(mapping.originalLine - 1 - previousOriginalLine); previousOriginalLine = mapping.originalLine - 1; next += base64VLQ.encode(mapping.originalColumn - previousOriginalColumn); previousOriginalColumn = mapping.originalColumn; if ( != null) { nameIdx = this._names.indexOf(; next += base64VLQ.encode(nameIdx - previousName); previousName = nameIdx; } } result += next; } return result; }; _proto._generateSourcesContent = function _generateSourcesContent(aSources, aSourceRoot) { return { if (!this._sourcesContents) { return null; } if (aSourceRoot != null) { source = util$1.relative(aSourceRoot, source); } var key = util$1.toSetString(source); return, key) ? this._sourcesContents[key] : null; }, this); }; /** * Externalize the source map. */ _proto.toJSON = function toJSON() { var map = { version: this._version, sources: this._sources.toArray(), names: this._names.toArray(), mappings: this._serializeMappings() }; if (this._file != null) { map.file = this._file; } if (this._sourceRoot != null) { map.sourceRoot = this._sourceRoot; } if (this._sourcesContents) { map.sourcesContent = this._generateSourcesContent(map.sources, map.sourceRoot); } return map; }; /** * Render the source map being generated to a string. */ _proto.toString = function toString() { return JSON.stringify(this.toJSON()); }; /** * Creates a new SourceMapGenerator based on a SourceMapConsumer * * @param aSourceMapConsumer The SourceMap. */ SourceMapGenerator.fromSourceMap = function fromSourceMap(aSourceMapConsumer) { var sourceRoot = aSourceMapConsumer.sourceRoot; var generator = new SourceMapGenerator({ file: aSourceMapConsumer.file, sourceRoot: sourceRoot }); aSourceMapConsumer.eachMapping(function(mapping) { var newMapping = { generated: { line: mapping.generatedLine, column: mapping.generatedColumn } }; if (mapping.source != null) { newMapping.source = mapping.source; if (sourceRoot != null) { newMapping.source = util$1.relative(sourceRoot, newMapping.source); } newMapping.original = { line: mapping.originalLine, column: mapping.originalColumn }; if ( != null) { =; } } generator.addMapping(newMapping); }); aSourceMapConsumer.sources.forEach(function(sourceFile) { var sourceRelative = sourceFile; if (sourceRoot !== null) { sourceRelative = util$1.relative(sourceRoot, sourceFile); } if (!generator._sources.has(sourceRelative)) { generator._sources.add(sourceRelative); } var content = aSourceMapConsumer.sourceContentFor(sourceFile); if (content != null) { generator.setSourceContent(sourceFile, content); } }); return generator; }; return SourceMapGenerator; }(); SourceMapGenerator$1.prototype._version = 3; sourceMapGenerator.SourceMapGenerator = SourceMapGenerator$1; var binarySearch$1 = {}; (function(exports) { /* * Copyright 2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or: * */ exports.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND = 1; exports.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND = 2; /** * Recursive implementation of binary search. * * @param aLow Indices here and lower do not contain the needle. * @param aHigh Indices here and higher do not contain the needle. * @param aNeedle The element being searched for. * @param aHaystack The non-empty array being searched. * @param aCompare Function which takes two elements and returns -1, 0, or 1. * @param aBias Either 'binarySearch.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND' or * 'binarySearch.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND'. Specifies whether to return the * closest element that is smaller than or greater than the one we are * searching for, respectively, if the exact element cannot be found. */ function recursiveSearch(aLow, aHigh, aNeedle, aHaystack, aCompare, aBias) { // This function terminates when one of the following is true: // // 1. We find the exact element we are looking for. // // 2. We did not find the exact element, but we can return the index of // the next-closest element. // // 3. We did not find the exact element, and there is no next-closest // element than the one we are searching for, so we return -1. var mid = Math.floor((aHigh - aLow) / 2) + aLow; var cmp = aCompare(aNeedle, aHaystack[mid], true); if (cmp === 0) { // Found the element we are looking for. return mid; } else if (cmp > 0) { // Our needle is greater than aHaystack[mid]. if (aHigh - mid > 1) { // The element is in the upper half. return recursiveSearch(mid, aHigh, aNeedle, aHaystack, aCompare, aBias); } // The exact needle element was not found in this haystack. Determine if // we are in termination case (3) or (2) and return the appropriate thing. if (aBias == exports.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND) { return aHigh < aHaystack.length ? aHigh : -1; } return mid; } // Our needle is less than aHaystack[mid]. if (mid - aLow > 1) { // The element is in the lower half. return recursiveSearch(aLow, mid, aNeedle, aHaystack, aCompare, aBias); } // we are in termination case (3) or (2) and return the appropriate thing. if (aBias == exports.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND) { return mid; } return aLow < 0 ? -1 : aLow; } /** * This is an implementation of binary search which will always try and return * the index of the closest element if there is no exact hit. This is because * mappings between original and generated line/col pairs are single points, * and there is an implicit region between each of them, so a miss just means * that you aren't on the very start of a region. * * @param aNeedle The element you are looking for. * @param aHaystack The array that is being searched. * @param aCompare A function which takes the needle and an element in the * array and returns -1, 0, or 1 depending on whether the needle is less * than, equal to, or greater than the element, respectively. * @param aBias Either 'binarySearch.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND' or * 'binarySearch.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND'. Specifies whether to return the * closest element that is smaller than or greater than the one we are * searching for, respectively, if the exact element cannot be found. * Defaults to 'binarySearch.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND'. */ = function search(aNeedle, aHaystack, aCompare, aBias) { if (aHaystack.length === 0) { return -1; } var index = recursiveSearch(-1, aHaystack.length, aNeedle, aHaystack, aCompare, aBias || exports.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND); if (index < 0) { return -1; } // We have found either the exact element, or the next-closest element than // the one we are searching for. However, there may be more than one such // element. Make sure we always return the smallest of these. while(index - 1 >= 0){ if (aCompare(aHaystack[index], aHaystack[index - 1], true) !== 0) { break; } --index; } return index; }; })(binarySearch$1); var readWasm$2 = {exports: {}}; if (typeof fetch === "function") { // Web version of reading a wasm file into an array buffer. var mappingsWasmUrl = null; readWasm$2.exports = function readWasm() { if (typeof mappingsWasmUrl !== "string") { throw new Error("You must provide the URL of lib/mappings.wasm by calling " + "SourceMapConsumer.initialize({ 'lib/mappings.wasm': ... }) " + "before using SourceMapConsumer"); } return fetch(mappingsWasmUrl).then(function(response) { return response.arrayBuffer(); }); }; readWasm$2.exports.initialize = function(url) { return mappingsWasmUrl = url; }; } else { // Node version of reading a wasm file into an array buffer. var fs = require$$0__default["default"]; var path = require$$1__default["default"]; readWasm$2.exports = function readWasm() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var wasmPath = path.join(__dirname, "mappings.wasm"); fs.readFile(wasmPath, null, function(error, data) { if (error) { reject(error); return; } resolve(data.buffer); }); }); }; readWasm$2.exports.initialize = function(_) { console.debug("SourceMapConsumer.initialize is a no-op when running in node.js"); }; } var readWasm$1 = readWasm$2.exports; /** * Provide the JIT with a nice shape / hidden class. */ function Mapping() { this.generatedLine = 0; this.generatedColumn = 0; this.lastGeneratedColumn = null; this.source = null; this.originalLine = null; this.originalColumn = null; = null; } var cachedWasm = null; var wasm$1 = function wasm() { if (cachedWasm) { return cachedWasm; } var callbackStack = []; cachedWasm = readWasm$1().then(function(buffer) { return WebAssembly.instantiate(buffer, { env: { mapping_callback: function mapping_callback(generatedLine, generatedColumn, hasLastGeneratedColumn, lastGeneratedColumn, hasOriginal, source, originalLine, originalColumn, hasName, name) { var mapping = new Mapping(); // JS uses 1-based line numbers, wasm uses 0-based. mapping.generatedLine = generatedLine + 1; mapping.generatedColumn = generatedColumn; if (hasLastGeneratedColumn) { // JS uses inclusive last generated column, wasm uses exclusive. mapping.lastGeneratedColumn = lastGeneratedColumn - 1; } if (hasOriginal) { mapping.source = source; // JS uses 1-based line numbers, wasm uses 0-based. mapping.originalLine = originalLine + 1; mapping.originalColumn = originalColumn; if (hasName) { = name; } } callbackStack[callbackStack.length - 1](mapping); }, start_all_generated_locations_for: function start_all_generated_locations_for() { console.time("all_generated_locations_for"); }, end_all_generated_locations_for: function end_all_generated_locations_for() { console.timeEnd("all_generated_locations_for"); }, start_compute_column_spans: function start_compute_column_spans() { console.time("compute_column_spans"); }, end_compute_column_spans: function end_compute_column_spans() { console.timeEnd("compute_column_spans"); }, start_generated_location_for: function start_generated_location_for() { console.time("generated_location_for"); }, end_generated_location_for: function end_generated_location_for() { console.timeEnd("generated_location_for"); }, start_original_location_for: function start_original_location_for() { console.time("original_location_for"); }, end_original_location_for: function end_original_location_for() { console.timeEnd("original_location_for"); }, start_parse_mappings: function start_parse_mappings() { console.time("parse_mappings"); }, end_parse_mappings: function end_parse_mappings() { console.timeEnd("parse_mappings"); }, start_sort_by_generated_location: function start_sort_by_generated_location() { console.time("sort_by_generated_location"); }, end_sort_by_generated_location: function end_sort_by_generated_location() { console.timeEnd("sort_by_generated_location"); }, start_sort_by_original_location: function start_sort_by_original_location() { console.time("sort_by_original_location"); }, end_sort_by_original_location: function end_sort_by_original_location() { console.timeEnd("sort_by_original_location"); } } }); }).then(function(Wasm) { return { exports: Wasm.instance.exports, withMappingCallback: function(mappingCallback, f) { callbackStack.push(mappingCallback); try { f(); } finally{ callbackStack.pop(); } } }; }).then(null, function(e) { cachedWasm = null; throw e; }); return cachedWasm; }; /* -*- Mode: js; js-indent-level: 2; -*- */ function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; } function _defineProperties(target, props) { for(var i = 0; i < props.length; i++){ var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; } function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); } function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof$1(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return _assertThisInitialized(self); } function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); } var _typeof$1 = function(obj) { "@swc/helpers - typeof"; return obj && typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && obj.constructor === Symbol ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; /* * Copyright 2011 Mozilla Foundation and contributors * Licensed under the New BSD license. See LICENSE or: * */ var util = util$3; var binarySearch = binarySearch$1; var ArraySet = arraySet.ArraySet; var readWasm = readWasm$2.exports; var wasm = wasm$1; var INTERNAL = Symbol("smcInternal"); var SourceMapConsumer = /*#__PURE__*/ function() { function SourceMapConsumer(aSourceMap, aSourceMapURL) { // If the constructor was called by super(), just return Promise. // Yes, this is a hack to retain the pre-existing API of the base-class // constructor also being an async factory function. if (aSourceMap == INTERNAL) { return Promise.resolve(this); } return _factory(aSourceMap, aSourceMapURL); } var _proto = SourceMapConsumer.prototype; /** * Parse the mappings in a string in to a data structure which we can easily * query (the ordered arrays in the `this.__generatedMappings` and * `this.__originalMappings` properties). */ _proto._parseMappings = function _parseMappings(aStr, aSourceRoot) { throw new Error("Subclasses must implement _parseMappings"); }; /** * Iterate over each mapping between an original source/line/column and a * generated line/column in this source map. * * @param Function aCallback * The function that is called with each mapping. * @param Object aContext * Optional. If specified, this object will be the value of `this` every * time that `aCallback` is called. * @param aOrder * Either `SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER` or * `SourceMapConsumer.ORIGINAL_ORDER`. Specifies whether you want to * iterate over the mappings sorted by the generated file's line/column * order or the original's source/line/column order, respectively. Defaults to * `SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER`. */ _proto.eachMapping = function eachMapping(aCallback, aContext, aOrder) { throw new Error("Subclasses must implement eachMapping"); }; /** * Returns all generated line and column information for the original source, * line, and column provided. If no column is provided, returns all mappings * corresponding to a either the line we are searching for or the next * closest line that has any mappings. Otherwise, returns all mappings * corresponding to the given line and either the column we are searching for * or the next closest column that has any offsets. * * The only argument is an object with the following properties: * * - source: The filename of the original source. * - line: The line number in the original source. The line number is 1-based. * - column: Optional. the column number in the original source. * The column number is 0-based. * * and an array of objects is returned, each with the following properties: * * - line: The line number in the generated source, or null. The * line number is 1-based. * - column: The column number in the generated source, or null. * The column number is 0-based. */ _proto.allGeneratedPositionsFor = function allGeneratedPositionsFor(aArgs) { throw new Error("Subclasses must implement allGeneratedPositionsFor"); }; _proto.destroy = function destroy() { throw new Error("Subclasses must implement destroy"); }; SourceMapConsumer.initialize = function initialize(opts) { readWasm.initialize(opts["lib/mappings.wasm"]); }; SourceMapConsumer.fromSourceMap = function fromSourceMap(aSourceMap, aSourceMapURL) { return _factoryBSM(aSourceMap, aSourceMapURL); }; /** * Construct a new `SourceMapConsumer` from `rawSourceMap` and `sourceMapUrl` * (see the `SourceMapConsumer` constructor for details. Then, invoke the `async * function f(SourceMapConsumer) -> T` with the newly constructed consumer, wait * for `f` to complete, call `destroy` on the consumer, and return `f`'s return * value. * * You must not use the consumer after `f` completes! * * By using `with`, you do not have to remember to manually call `destroy` on * the consumer, since it will be called automatically once `f` completes. * * ```js * const xSquared = await SourceMapConsumer.with( * myRawSourceMap, * null, * async function (consumer) { * // Use `consumer` inside here and don't worry about remembering * // to call `destroy`. * * const x = await whatever(consumer); * return x * x; * } * ); * * // You may not use that `consumer` anymore out here; it has * // been destroyed. But you can use `xSquared`. * console.log(xSquared); * ``` */ SourceMapConsumer.with = function _with(rawSourceMap, sourceMapUrl, f) { // Note: The `acorn` version that `webpack` currently depends on doesn't // support `async` functions, and the nodes that we support don't all have // `.finally`. Therefore, this is written a bit more convolutedly than it // should really be. var consumer = null; var promise = new SourceMapConsumer(rawSourceMap, sourceMapUrl); return promise.then(function(c) { consumer = c; return f(c); }).then(function(x) { if (consumer) { consumer.destroy(); } return x; }, function(e) { if (consumer) { consumer.destroy(); } throw e; }); }; return SourceMapConsumer; }(); /** * The version of the source mapping spec that we are consuming. */ SourceMapConsumer.prototype._version = 3; SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER = 1; SourceMapConsumer.ORIGINAL_ORDER = 2; SourceMapConsumer.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND = 1; SourceMapConsumer.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND = 2; /** * A BasicSourceMapConsumer instance represents a parsed source map which we can * query for information about the original file positions by giving it a file * position in the generated source. * * The first parameter is the raw source map (either as a JSON string, or * already parsed to an object). According to the spec, source maps have the * following attributes: * * - version: Which version of the source map spec this map is following. * - sources: An array of URLs to the original source files. * - names: An array of identifiers which can be referenced by individual mappings. * - sourceRoot: Optional. The URL root from which all sources are relative. * - sourcesContent: Optional. An array of contents of the original source files. * - mappings: A string of base64 VLQs which contain the actual mappings. * - file: Optional. The generated file this source map is associated with. * * Here is an example source map, taken from the source map spec[0]: * * { * version : 3, * file: "out.js", * sourceRoot : "", * sources: ["foo.js", "bar.js"], * names: ["src", "maps", "are", "fun"], * mappings: "AA,AB;;ABCDE;" * } * * The second parameter, if given, is a string whose value is the URL * at which the source map was found. This URL is used to compute the * sources array. * * [0]: */ var BasicSourceMapConsumer = /*#__PURE__*/ function(SourceMapConsumer1) { _inherits(BasicSourceMapConsumer, SourceMapConsumer1); function BasicSourceMapConsumer(aSourceMap, aSourceMapURL) { var _this; return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, (_this =, INTERNAL) || this).then(function(that) { var sourceMap = aSourceMap; if (typeof aSourceMap === "string") { sourceMap = util.parseSourceMapInput(aSourceMap); } var version = util.getArg(sourceMap, "version"); var sources = util.getArg(sourceMap, "sources"); // Sass 3.3 leaves out the 'names' array, so we deviate from the spec (which // requires the array) to play nice here. var names = util.getArg(sourceMap, "names", []); var sourceRoot = util.getArg(sourceMap, "sourceRoot", null); var sourcesContent = util.getArg(sourceMap, "sourcesContent", null); var mappings = util.getArg(sourceMap, "mappings"); var file = util.getArg(sourceMap, "file", null); // Once again, Sass deviates from the spec and supplies the version as a // string rather than a number, so we use loose equality checking here. if (version != that._version) { throw new Error("Unsupported version: " + version); } if (sourceRoot) { sourceRoot = util.normalize(sourceRoot); } sources = Some source maps produce relative source paths like "./foo.js" instead of // "foo.js". Normalize these first so that future comparisons will succeed. // See .map(util.normalize)// Always ensure that absolute sources are internally stored relative to // the source root, if the source root is absolute. Not doing this would // be particularly problematic when the source root is a prefix of the // source (valid, but why??). See github issue #199 and .map(function(source) { return sourceRoot && util.isAbsolute(sourceRoot) && util.isAbsolute(source) ? util.relative(sourceRoot, source) : source; }); // Pass `true` below to allow duplicate names and sources. While source maps // are intended to be compressed and deduplicated, the TypeScript compiler // sometimes generates source maps with duplicates in them. See Github issue // #72 and that._names = ArraySet.fromArray(, true); that._sources = ArraySet.fromArray(sources, true); that._absoluteSources = that._sources.toArray().map(function(s) { return util.computeSourceURL(sourceRoot, s, aSourceMapURL); }); that.sourceRoot = sourceRoot; that.sourcesContent = sourcesContent; that._mappings = mappings; that._sourceMapURL = aSourceMapURL; that.file = file; that._computedColumnSpans = false; that._mappingsPtr = 0; that._wasm = null; return wasm().then(function(w) { that._wasm = w; return that; }); })); } var _proto = BasicSourceMapConsumer.prototype; /** * Utility function to find the index of a source. Returns -1 if not * found. */ _proto._findSourceIndex = function _findSourceIndex(aSource) { var relativeSource = aSource; if (this.sourceRoot != null) { relativeSource = util.relative(this.sourceRoot, relativeSource); } if (this._sources.has(relativeSource)) { return this._sources.indexOf(relativeSource); } // Maybe aSource is an absolute URL as returned by |sources|. In // this case we can't simply undo the transform. for(var i = 0; i < this._absoluteSources.length; ++i){ if (this._absoluteSources[i] == aSource) { return i; } } return -1; }; _proto._getMappingsPtr = function _getMappingsPtr() { if (this._mappingsPtr === 0) { this._parseMappings(this._mappings, this.sourceRoot); } return this._mappingsPtr; }; /** * Parse the mappings in a string in to a data structure which we can easily * query (the ordered arrays in the `this.__generatedMappings` and * `this.__originalMappings` properties). */ _proto._parseMappings = function _parseMappings(aStr, aSourceRoot) { var size = aStr.length; var mappingsBufPtr = this._wasm.exports.allocate_mappings(size); var mappingsBuf = new Uint8Array(this._wasm.exports.memory.buffer, mappingsBufPtr, size); for(var i = 0; i < size; i++){ mappingsBuf[i] = aStr.charCodeAt(i); } var mappingsPtr = this._wasm.exports.parse_mappings(mappingsBufPtr); if (!mappingsPtr) { var error = this._wasm.exports.get_last_error(); var msg = "Error parsing mappings (code " + error + "): "; // XXX: keep these error codes in sync with `fitzgen/source-map-mappings`. switch(error){ case 1: msg += "the mappings contained a negative line, column, source index, or name index"; break; case 2: msg += "the mappings contained a number larger than 2**32"; break; case 3: msg += "reached EOF while in the middle of parsing a VLQ"; break; case 4: msg += "invalid base 64 character while parsing a VLQ"; break; default: msg += "unknown error code"; break; } throw new Error(msg); } this._mappingsPtr = mappingsPtr; }; _proto.eachMapping = function eachMapping(aCallback, aContext, aOrder) { var _this = this; var context = aContext || null; var order = aOrder || SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER; var sourceRoot = this.sourceRoot; this._wasm.withMappingCallback(function(mapping) { if (mapping.source !== null) { mapping.source =; mapping.source = util.computeSourceURL(sourceRoot, mapping.source, _this._sourceMapURL); if ( !== null) { =; } }, mapping); }, function() { switch(order){ case SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER: _this._wasm.exports.by_generated_location(_this._getMappingsPtr()); break; case SourceMapConsumer.ORIGINAL_ORDER: _this._wasm.exports.by_original_location(_this._getMappingsPtr()); break; default: throw new Error("Unknown order of iteration."); } }); }; _proto.allGeneratedPositionsFor = function allGeneratedPositionsFor(aArgs) { var _this = this; var source = util.getArg(aArgs, "source"); var originalLine = util.getArg(aArgs, "line"); var originalColumn = aArgs.column || 0; source = this._findSourceIndex(source); if (source < 0) { return []; } if (originalLine < 1) { throw new Error("Line numbers must be >= 1"); } if (originalColumn < 0) { throw new Error("Column numbers must be >= 0"); } var mappings = []; this._wasm.withMappingCallback(function(m) { var lastColumn = m.lastGeneratedColumn; if (_this._computedColumnSpans && lastColumn === null) { lastColumn = Infinity; } mappings.push({ line: m.generatedLine, column: m.generatedColumn, lastColumn: lastColumn }); }, function() { _this._wasm.exports.all_generated_locations_for(_this._getMappingsPtr(), source, originalLine - 1, "column" in aArgs, originalColumn); }); return mappings; }; _proto.destroy = function destroy() { if (this._mappingsPtr !== 0) { this._wasm.exports.free_mappings(this._mappingsPtr); this._mappingsPtr = 0; } }; /** * Compute the last column for each generated mapping. The last column is * inclusive. */ _proto.computeColumnSpans = function computeColumnSpans() { if (this._computedColumnSpans) { return; } this._wasm.exports.compute_column_spans(this._getMappingsPtr()); this._computedColumnSpans = true; }; /** * Returns the original source, line, and column information for the generated * source's line and column positions provided. The only argument is an object * with the following properties: * * - line: The line number in the generated source. The line number * is 1-based. * - column: The column number in the generated source. The column * number is 0-based. * - bias: Either 'SourceMapConsumer.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND' or * 'SourceMapConsumer.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND'. Specifies whether to return the * closest element that is smaller than or greater than the one we are * searching for, respectively, if the exact element cannot be found. * Defaults to 'SourceMapConsumer.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND'. * * and an object is returned with the following properties: * * - source: The original source file, or null. * - line: The line number in the original source, or null. The * line number is 1-based. * - column: The column number in the original source, or null. The * column number is 0-based. * - name: The original identifier, or null. */ _proto.originalPositionFor = function originalPositionFor(aArgs) { var _this = this; var needle = { generatedLine: util.getArg(aArgs, "line"), generatedColumn: util.getArg(aArgs, "column") }; if (needle.generatedLine < 1) { throw new Error("Line numbers must be >= 1"); } if (needle.generatedColumn < 0) { throw new Error("Column numbers must be >= 0"); } var bias = util.getArg(aArgs, "bias", SourceMapConsumer.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND); if (bias == null) { bias = SourceMapConsumer.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND; } var mapping; this._wasm.withMappingCallback(function(m) { return mapping = m; }, function() { _this._wasm.exports.original_location_for(_this._getMappingsPtr(), needle.generatedLine - 1, needle.generatedColumn, bias); }); if (mapping) { if (mapping.generatedLine === needle.generatedLine) { var source = util.getArg(mapping, "source", null); if (source !== null) { source =; source = util.computeSourceURL(this.sourceRoot, source, this._sourceMapURL); } var name = util.getArg(mapping, "name", null); if (name !== null) { name =; } return { source: source, line: util.getArg(mapping, "originalLine", null), column: util.getArg(mapping, "originalColumn", null), name: name }; } } return { source: null, line: null, column: null, name: null }; }; /** * Return true if we have the source content for every source in the source * map, false otherwise. */ _proto.hasContentsOfAllSources = function hasContentsOfAllSources() { if (!this.sourcesContent) { return false; } return this.sourcesContent.length >= this._sources.size() && !this.sourcesContent.some(function(sc) { return sc == null; }); }; /** * Returns the original source content. The only argument is the url of the * original source file. Returns null if no original source content is * available. */ _proto.sourceContentFor = function sourceContentFor(aSource, nullOnMissing) { if (!this.sourcesContent) { return null; } var index = this._findSourceIndex(aSource); if (index >= 0) { return this.sourcesContent[index]; } var relativeSource = aSource; if (this.sourceRoot != null) { relativeSource = util.relative(this.sourceRoot, relativeSource); } var url; if (this.sourceRoot != null && (url = util.urlParse(this.sourceRoot))) { // XXX: file:// URIs and absolute paths lead to unexpected behavior for // many users. We can help them out when they expect file:// URIs to // behave like it would if they were running a local HTTP server. See // var fileUriAbsPath = relativeSource.replace(/^file:\/\//, ""); if (url.scheme == "file" && this._sources.has(fileUriAbsPath)) { return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf(fileUriAbsPath)]; } if ((!url.path || url.path == "/") && this._sources.has("/" + relativeSource)) { return this.sourcesContent[this._sources.indexOf("/" + relativeSource)]; } } // This function is used recursively from // IndexedSourceMapConsumer.prototype.sourceContentFor. In that case, we // don't want to throw if we can't find the source - we just want to // return null, so we provide a flag to exit gracefully. if (nullOnMissing) { return null; } throw new Error('"' + relativeSource + '" is not in the SourceMap.'); }; /** * Returns the generated line and column information for the original source, * line, and column positions provided. The only argument is an object with * the following properties: * * - source: The filename of the original source. * - line: The line number in the original source. The line number * is 1-based. * - column: The column number in the original source. The column * number is 0-based. * - bias: Either 'SourceMapConsumer.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND' or * 'SourceMapConsumer.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND'. Specifies whether to return the * closest element that is smaller than or greater than the one we are * searching for, respectively, if the exact element cannot be found. * Defaults to 'SourceMapConsumer.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND'. * * and an object is returned with the following properties: * * - line: The line number in the generated source, or null. The * line number is 1-based. * - column: The column number in the generated source, or null. * The column number is 0-based. */ _proto.generatedPositionFor = function generatedPositionFor(aArgs) { var _this = this; var source = util.getArg(aArgs, "source"); source = this._findSourceIndex(source); if (source < 0) { return { line: null, column: null, lastColumn: null }; } var needle = { source: source, originalLine: util.getArg(aArgs, "line"), originalColumn: util.getArg(aArgs, "column") }; if (needle.originalLine < 1) { throw new Error("Line numbers must be >= 1"); } if (needle.originalColumn < 0) { throw new Error("Column numbers must be >= 0"); } var bias = util.getArg(aArgs, "bias", SourceMapConsumer.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND); if (bias == null) { bias = SourceMapConsumer.GREATEST_LOWER_BOUND; } var mapping; this._wasm.withMappingCallback(function(m) { return mapping = m; }, function() { _this._wasm.exports.generated_location_for(_this._getMappingsPtr(), needle.source, needle.originalLine - 1, needle.originalColumn, bias); }); if (mapping) { if (mapping.source === needle.source) { var lastColumn = mapping.lastGeneratedColumn; if (this._computedColumnSpans && lastColumn === null) { lastColumn = Infinity; } return { line: util.getArg(mapping, "generatedLine", null), column: util.getArg(mapping, "generatedColumn", null), lastColumn: lastColumn }; } } return { line: null, column: null, lastColumn: null }; }; /** * Create a BasicSourceMapConsumer from a SourceMapGenerator. * * @param SourceMapGenerator aSourceMap * The source map that will be consumed. * @param String aSourceMapURL * The URL at which the source map can be found (optional) * @returns BasicSourceMapConsumer */ BasicSourceMapConsumer.fromSourceMap = function fromSourceMap(aSourceMap, aSourceMapURL) { return new BasicSourceMapConsumer(aSourceMap.toString()); }; _createClass(BasicSourceMapConsumer, [ { key: "sources", get: function get() { return this._absoluteSources.slice(); } } ]); return BasicSourceMapConsumer; }(SourceMapConsumer); BasicSourceMapConsumer.prototype.consumer = SourceMapConsumer; /** * An IndexedSourceMapConsumer instance represents a parsed source map which * we can query for information. It differs from BasicSourceMapConsumer in * that it takes "indexed" source maps (i.e. ones with a "sections" field) as * input. * * The first parameter is a raw source map (either as a JSON string, or already * parsed to an object). According to the spec for indexed source maps, they * have the following attributes: * * - version: Which version of the source map spec this map is following. * - file: Optional. The generated file this source map is associated with. * - sections: A list of section definitions. * * Each value under the "sections" field has two fields: * - offset: The offset into the original specified at which this section * begins to apply, defined as an object with a "line" and "column" * field. * - map: A source map definition. This source map could also be indexed, * but doesn't have to be. * * Instead of the "map" field, it's also possible to have a "url" field * specifying a URL to retrieve a source map from, but that's currently * unsupported. * * Here's an example source map, taken from the source map spec[0], but * modified to omit a section which uses the "url" field. * * { * version : 3, * file: "app.js", * sections: [{ * offset: {line:100, column:10}, * map: { * version : 3, * file: "section.js", * sources: ["foo.js", "bar.js"], * names: ["src", "maps", "are", "fun"], * mappings: "AAAA,E;;ABCDE;" * } * }], * } * * The second parameter, if given, is a string whose value is the URL * at which the source map was found. This URL is used to compute the * sources array. * * [0]: */ var IndexedSourceMapConsumer = /*#__PURE__*/ function(SourceMapConsumer1) { _inherits(IndexedSourceMapConsumer, SourceMapConsumer1); function IndexedSourceMapConsumer(aSourceMap, aSourceMapURL) { var _this; return _possibleConstructorReturn(_this, (_this =, INTERNAL) || this).then(function(that) { var sourceMap = aSourceMap; if (typeof aSourceMap === "string") { sourceMap = util.parseSourceMapInput(aSourceMap); } var version = util.getArg(sourceMap, "version"); var sections = util.getArg(sourceMap, "sections"); if (version != that._version) { throw new Error("Unsupported version: " + version); } that._sources = new ArraySet(); that._names = new ArraySet(); that.__generatedMappings = null; that.__originalMappings = null; that.__generatedMappingsUnsorted = null; that.__originalMappingsUnsorted = null; var lastOffset = { line: -1, column: 0 }; return Promise.all( { if (s.url) { // The url field will require support for asynchronicity. // See throw new Error("Support for url field in sections not implemented."); } var offset = util.getArg(s, "offset"); var offsetLine = util.getArg(offset, "line"); var offsetColumn = util.getArg(offset, "column"); if (offsetLine < lastOffset.line || offsetLine === lastOffset.line && offsetColumn < lastOffset.column) { throw new Error("Section offsets must be ordered and non-overlapping."); } lastOffset = offset; var cons = new SourceMapConsumer(util.getArg(s, "map"), aSourceMapURL); return cons.then(function(consumer) { return { generatedOffset: { // The offset fields are 0-based, but we use 1-based indices when // encoding/decoding from VLQ. generatedLine: offsetLine + 1, generatedColumn: offsetColumn + 1 }, consumer: consumer }; }); })).then(function(s) { that._sections = s; return that; }); })); } var _proto = IndexedSourceMapConsumer.prototype; _proto._sortGeneratedMappings = function _sortGeneratedMappings() { var mappings = this._generatedMappingsUnsorted; mappings.sort(util.compareByGeneratedPositionsDeflated); this.__generatedMappings = mappings; }; _proto._sortOriginalMappings = function _sortOriginalMappings() { var mappings = this._originalMappingsUnsorted; mappings.sort(util.compareByOriginalPositions); this.__originalMappings = mappings; }; /** * Returns the original source, line, and column information for the generated * source's line and column positions provided. The only argument is an object * with the following properties: * * - line: The line number in the generated source. The line number * is 1-based. * - column: The column number in the generated source. The column * number is 0-based. * * and an object is returned with the following properties: * * - source: The original source file, or null. * - line: The line number in the original source, or null. The * line number is 1-based. * - column: The column number in the original source, or null. The * column number is 0-based. * - name: The original identifier, or null. */ _proto.originalPositionFor = function originalPositionFor(aArgs) { var needle = { generatedLine: util.getArg(aArgs, "line"), generatedColumn: util.getArg(aArgs, "column") }; // Find the section containing the generated position we're trying to map // to an original position. var sectionIndex =, this._sections, function(aNeedle, section) { var cmp = aNeedle.generatedLine - section.generatedOffset.generatedLine; if (cmp) { return cmp; } return aNeedle.generatedColumn - section.generatedOffset.generatedColumn; }); var section = this._sections[sectionIndex]; if (!section) { return { source: null, line: null, column: null, name: null }; } return section.consumer.originalPositionFor({ line: needle.generatedLine - (section.generatedOffset.generatedLine - 1), column: needle.generatedColumn - (section.generatedOffset.generatedLine === needle.generatedLine ? section.generatedOffset.generatedColumn - 1 : 0), bias: aArgs.bias }); }; /** * Return true if we have the source content for every source in the source * map, false otherwise. */ _proto.hasContentsOfAllSources = function hasContentsOfAllSources() { return this._sections.every(function(s) { return s.consumer.hasContentsOfAllSources(); }); }; /** * Returns the original source content. The only argument is the url of the * original source file. Returns null if no original source content is * available. */ _proto.sourceContentFor = function sourceContentFor(aSource, nullOnMissing) { for(var i = 0; i < this._sections.length; i++){ var section = this._sections[i]; var content = section.consumer.sourceContentFor(aSource, true); if (content) { return content; } } if (nullOnMissing) { return null; } throw new Error('"' + aSource + '" is not in the SourceMap.'); }; /** * Returns the generated line and column information for the original source, * line, and column positions provided. The only argument is an object with * the following properties: * * - source: The filename of the original source. * - line: The line number in the original source. The line number * is 1-based. * - column: The column number in the original source. The column * number is 0-based. * * and an object is returned with the following properties: * * - line: The line number in the generated source, or null. The * line number is 1-based. * - column: The column number in the generated source, or null. * The column number is 0-based. */ _proto.generatedPositionFor = function generatedPositionFor(aArgs) { for(var i = 0; i < this._sections.length; i++){ var section = this._sections[i]; // Only consider this section if the requested source is in the list of // sources of the consumer. if (section.consumer._findSourceIndex(util.getArg(aArgs, "source")) === -1) { continue; } var generatedPosition = section.consumer.generatedPositionFor(aArgs); if (generatedPosition) { var ret = { line: generatedPosition.line + (section.generatedOffset.generatedLine - 1), column: generatedPosition.column + (section.generatedOffset.generatedLine === generatedPosition.line ? section.generatedOffset.generatedColumn - 1 : 0) }; return ret; } } return { line: null, column: null }; }; /** * Parse the mappings in a string in to a data structure which we can easily * query (the ordered arrays in the `this.__generatedMappings` and * `this.__originalMappings` properties). */ _proto._parseMappings = function _parseMappings(aStr, aSourceRoot) { var _this = this, _loop = function(i) { var section = _this._sections[i]; var sectionMappings = []; section.consumer.eachMapping(function(m) { return sectionMappings.push(m); }); for(var j = 0; j < sectionMappings.length; j++){ var mapping = sectionMappings[j]; // TODO: test if null is correct here. The original code used // `source`, which would actually have gotten used as null because // var's get hoisted. // See: var source = util.computeSourceURL(section.consumer.sourceRoot, null, _this._sourceMapURL); _this._sources.add(source); source = _this._sources.indexOf(source); var name = null; if ( { _this._names.add(; name = _this._names.indexOf(; } // The mappings coming from the consumer for the section have // generated positions relative to the start of the section, so we // need to offset them to be relative to the start of the concatenated // generated file. var adjustedMapping = { source: source, generatedLine: mapping.generatedLine + (section.generatedOffset.generatedLine - 1), generatedColumn: mapping.generatedColumn + (section.generatedOffset.generatedLine === mapping.generatedLine ? section.generatedOffset.generatedColumn - 1 : 0), originalLine: mapping.originalLine, originalColumn: mapping.originalColumn, name: name }; generatedMappings.push(adjustedMapping); if (typeof adjustedMapping.originalLine === "number") { originalMappings.push(adjustedMapping); } } }; var generatedMappings = this.__generatedMappingsUnsorted = []; var originalMappings = this.__originalMappingsUnsorted = []; for(var i = 0; i < this._sections.length; i++)_loop(i); }; _proto.eachMapping = function eachMapping(aCallback, aContext, aOrder) { var context = aContext || null; var order = aOrder || SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER; var mappings; switch(order){ case SourceMapConsumer.GENERATED_ORDER: mappings = this._generatedMappings; break; case SourceMapConsumer.ORIGINAL_ORDER: mappings = this._originalMappings; break; default: throw new Error("Unknown order of iteration."); } var sourceRoot = this.sourceRoot; { var source = null; if (mapping.source !== null) { source =; source = util.computeSourceURL(sourceRoot, source, this._sourceMapURL); } return { source: source, generatedLine: mapping.generatedLine, generatedColumn: mapping.generatedColumn, originalLine: mapping.originalLine, originalColumn: mapping.originalColumn, name: === null ? null : }; }, this).forEach(aCallback, context); }; /** * Find the mapping that best matches the hypothetical "needle" mapping that * we are searching for in the given "haystack" of mappings. */ _proto._findMapping = function _findMapping(aNeedle, aMappings, aLineName, aColumnName, aComparator, aBias) { // To return the position we are searching for, we must first find the // mapping for the given position and then return the opposite position it // points to. Because the mappings are sorted, we can use binary search to // find the best mapping. if (aNeedle[aLineName] <= 0) { throw new TypeError("Line must be greater than or equal to 1, got " + aNeedle[aLineName]); } if (aNeedle[aColumnName] < 0) { throw new TypeError("Column must be greater than or equal to 0, got " + aNeedle[aColumnName]); } return, aMappings, aComparator, aBias); }; _proto.allGeneratedPositionsFor = function allGeneratedPositionsFor(aArgs) { var line = util.getArg(aArgs, "line"); // When there is no exact match, BasicSourceMapConsumer.prototype._findMapping // returns the index of the closest mapping less than the needle. By // setting needle.originalColumn to 0, we thus find the last mapping for // the given line, provided such a mapping exists. var needle = { source: util.getArg(aArgs, "source"), originalLine: line, originalColumn: util.getArg(aArgs, "column", 0) }; needle.source = this._findSourceIndex(needle.source); if (needle.source < 0) { return []; } if (needle.originalLine < 1) { throw new Error("Line numbers must be >= 1"); } if (needle.originalColumn < 0) { throw new Error("Column numbers must be >= 0"); } var mappings = []; var index = this._findMapping(needle, this._originalMappings, "originalLine", "originalColumn", util.compareByOriginalPositions, binarySearch.LEAST_UPPER_BOUND); if (index >= 0) { var mapping = this._originalMappings[index]; if (aArgs.column === undefined) { var originalLine = mapping.originalLine; // Iterate until either we run out of mappings, or we run into // a mapping for a different line than the one we found. Since // mappings are sorted, this is guaranteed to find all mappings for // the line we found. while(mapping && mapping.originalLine === originalLine){ var lastColumn = mapping.lastGeneratedColumn; if (this._computedColumnSpans && lastColumn === null) { lastColumn = Infinity; } mappings.push({ line: util.getArg(mapping, "generatedLine", null), column: util.getArg(mapping, "generatedColumn", null), lastColumn: lastColumn }); mapping = this._originalMappings[++index]; } } else { var originalColumn = mapping.originalColumn; // Iterate until either we run out of mappings, or we run into // a mapping for a different line than the one we were searching for. // Since mappings are sorted, this is guaranteed to find all mappings for // the line we are searching for. while(mapping && mapping.originalLine === line && mapping.originalColumn == originalColumn){ var lastColumn1 = mapping.lastGeneratedColumn; if (this._computedColumnSpans && lastColumn1 === null) { lastColumn1 = Infinity; } mappings.push({ line: util.getArg(mapping, "generatedLine", null), column: util.getArg(mapping, "generatedColumn", null), lastColumn: lastColumn1 }); mapping = this._originalMappings[++index]; } } } return mappings; }; _proto.destroy = function destroy() { for(var i = 0; i < this._sections.length; i++){ this._sections[i].consumer.destroy(); } }; _createClass(IndexedSourceMapConsumer, [ { key: "_generatedMappings", get: // `__generatedMappings` and `__originalMappings` are arrays that hold the // parsed mapping coordinates from the source map's "mappings" attribute. They // are lazily instantiated, accessed via the `_generatedMappings` and // `_originalMappings` getters respectively, and we only parse the mappings // and create these arrays once queried for a source location. We jump through // these hoops because there can be many thousands of mappings, and parsing // them is expensive, so we only want to do it if we must. // // Each object in the arrays is of the form: // // { // generatedLine: The line number in the generated code, // generatedColumn: The column number in the generated code, // source: The path to the original source file that generated this // chunk of code, // originalLine: The line number in the original source that // corresponds to this chunk of generated code, // originalColumn: The column number in the original source that // corresponds to this chunk of generated code, // name: The name of the original symbol which generated this chunk of // code. // } // // All properties except for `generatedLine` and `generatedColumn` can be // `null`. // // `_generatedMappings` is ordered by the generated positions. // // `_originalMappings` is ordered by the original positions. function get() { if (!this.__generatedMappings) { this._sortGeneratedMappings(); } return this.__generatedMappings; } }, { key: "_originalMappings", get: function get() { if (!this.__originalMappings) { this._sortOriginalMappings(); } return this.__originalMappings; } }, { key: "_generatedMappingsUnsorted", get: function get() { if (!this.__generatedMappingsUnsorted) { this._parseMappings(this._mappings, this.sourceRoot); } return this.__generatedMappingsUnsorted; } }, { key: "_originalMappingsUnsorted", get: function get() { if (!this.__originalMappingsUnsorted) { this._parseMappings(this._mappings, this.sourceRoot); } return this.__originalMappingsUnsorted; } }, { key: "sources", get: /** * The list of original sources. */ function get() { var sources = []; for(var i = 0; i < this._sections.length; i++){ for(var j = 0; j < this._sections[i].consumer.sources.length; j++){ sources.push(this._sections[i].consumer.sources[j]); } } return sources; } } ]); return IndexedSourceMapConsumer; }(SourceMapConsumer); /* * Cheat to get around inter-twingled classes. `factory()` can be at the end * where it has access to non-hoisted classes, but it gets hoisted itself. */ function _factory(aSourceMap, aSourceMapURL) { var sourceMap = aSourceMap; if (typeof aSourceMap === "string") { sourceMap = util.parseSourceMapInput(aSourceMap); } var consumer = sourceMap.sections != null ? new IndexedSourceMapConsumer(sourceMap, aSourceMapURL) : new BasicSourceMapConsumer(sourceMap, aSourceMapURL); return Promise.resolve(consumer); } function _factoryBSM(aSourceMap, aSourceMapURL) { return BasicSourceMapConsumer.fromSourceMap(aSourceMap, aSourceMapURL); } var SourceMapGenerator = sourceMapGenerator.SourceMapGenerator; var convertSourceMap = {}; var safeBuffer = {exports: {}}; (function(module, exports) { var copyProps = // alternative to using Object.keys for old browsers function copyProps(src, dst) { for(var key in src){ dst[key] = src[key]; } }; var SafeBuffer = function SafeBuffer(arg, encodingOrOffset, length) { return Buffer(arg, encodingOrOffset, length); }; var buffer = require$$0__default$1["default"]; var Buffer = buffer.Buffer; if (Buffer.from && Buffer.alloc && Buffer.allocUnsafe && Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow) { module.exports = buffer; } else { // Copy properties from require('buffer') copyProps(buffer, exports); exports.Buffer = SafeBuffer; } // Copy static methods from Buffer copyProps(Buffer, SafeBuffer); SafeBuffer.from = function(arg, encodingOrOffset, length) { if (typeof arg === "number") { throw new TypeError("Argument must not be a number"); } return Buffer(arg, encodingOrOffset, length); }; SafeBuffer.alloc = function(size, fill, encoding) { if (typeof size !== "number") { throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number"); } var buf = Buffer(size); if (fill !== undefined) { if (typeof encoding === "string") { buf.fill(fill, encoding); } else { buf.fill(fill); } } else { buf.fill(0); } return buf; }; SafeBuffer.allocUnsafe = function(size) { if (typeof size !== "number") { throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number"); } return Buffer(size); }; SafeBuffer.allocUnsafeSlow = function(size) { if (typeof size !== "number") { throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number"); } return buffer.SlowBuffer(size); }; })(safeBuffer, safeBuffer.exports); (function(exports) { var decodeBase64 = function decodeBase64(base64) { return SafeBuffer.Buffer.from(base64, "base64").toString(); }; var stripComment = function stripComment(sm) { return sm.split(",").pop(); }; var readFromFileMap = function readFromFileMap(sm, dir) { // NOTE: this will only work on the server since it attempts to read the map file var r = exports.mapFileCommentRegex.exec(sm); // for some odd reason //# .. captures in 1 and /* .. */ in 2 var filename = r[1] || r[2]; var filepath = path.resolve(dir, filename); try { return fs.readFileSync(filepath, "utf8"); } catch (e) { throw new Error("An error occurred while trying to read the map file at " + filepath + "\n" + e); } }; var Converter = function Converter(sm, opts) { opts = opts || {}; if (opts.isFileComment) sm = readFromFileMap(sm, opts.commentFileDir); if (opts.hasComment) sm = stripComment(sm); if (opts.isEncoded) sm = decodeBase64(sm); if (opts.isJSON || opts.isEncoded) sm = JSON.parse(sm); this.sourcemap = sm; }; var fs = require$$0__default["default"]; var path = require$$1__default["default"]; var SafeBuffer = safeBuffer.exports; Object.defineProperty(exports, "commentRegex", { get: function getCommentRegex() { return /^\s*\/(?:\/|\*)[@#]\s+sourceMappingURL=data:(?:application|text)\/json;(?:charset[:=]\S+?;)?base64,(?:.*)$/mg; } }); Object.defineProperty(exports, "mapFileCommentRegex", { get: function getMapFileCommentRegex() { // Matches sourceMappingURL in either // or /* comment styles. return /(?:\/\/[@#][ \t]+sourceMappingURL=([^\s'"`]+?)[ \t]*$)|(?:\/\*[@#][ \t]+sourceMappingURL=([^\*]+?)[ \t]*(?:\*\/){1}[ \t]*$)/mg; } }); Converter.prototype.toJSON = function(space) { return JSON.stringify(this.sourcemap, null, space); }; Converter.prototype.toBase64 = function() { var json = this.toJSON(); return SafeBuffer.Buffer.from(json, "utf8").toString("base64"); }; Converter.prototype.toComment = function(options) { var base64 = this.toBase64(); var data = "sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64," + base64; return options && options.multiline ? "/*# " + data + " */" : "//# " + data; }; // returns copy instead of original Converter.prototype.toObject = function() { return JSON.parse(this.toJSON()); }; Converter.prototype.addProperty = function(key, value) { if (this.sourcemap.hasOwnProperty(key)) throw new Error('property "' + key + '" already exists on the sourcemap, use set property instead'); return this.setProperty(key, value); }; Converter.prototype.setProperty = function(key, value) { this.sourcemap[key] = value; return this; }; Converter.prototype.getProperty = function(key) { return this.sourcemap[key]; }; exports.fromObject = function(obj) { return new Converter(obj); }; exports.fromJSON = function(json) { return new Converter(json, { isJSON: true }); }; exports.fromBase64 = function(base64) { return new Converter(base64, { isEncoded: true }); }; exports.fromComment = function(comment) { comment = comment.replace(/^\/\*/g, "//").replace(/\*\/$/g, ""); return new Converter(comment, { isEncoded: true, hasComment: true }); }; exports.fromMapFileComment = function(comment, dir) { return new Converter(comment, { commentFileDir: dir, isFileComment: true, isJSON: true }); }; // Finds last sourcemap comment in file or returns null if none was found exports.fromSource = function(content) { var m = content.match(exports.commentRegex); return m ? exports.fromComment(m.pop()) : null; }; // Finds last sourcemap comment in file or returns null if none was found exports.fromMapFileSource = function(content, dir) { var m = content.match(exports.mapFileCommentRegex); return m ? exports.fromMapFileComment(m.pop(), dir) : null; }; exports.removeComments = function(src) { return src.replace(exports.commentRegex, ""); }; exports.removeMapFileComments = function(src) { return src.replace(exports.mapFileCommentRegex, ""); }; exports.generateMapFileComment = function(file, options) { var data = "sourceMappingURL=" + file; return options && options.multiline ? "/*# " + data + " */" : "//# " + data; }; })(convertSourceMap); var stylis$1 = {exports: {}}; (function(module, exports) { (function(factory) { module["exports"] = factory(null) ; })(/** @param {*=} options */ function factory(options) { var select = /** * Select * * @param {Array} parent * @param {string} current * @param {number} invert * @return {Array} */ function select(parent, current, invert) { var selectors = current.trim().split(selectorptn); var out = selectors; var length = selectors.length; var l = parent.length; switch(l){ // 0-1 parent selectors case 0: case 1: { for(var i = 0, selector = l === 0 ? "" : parent[0] + " "; i < length; ++i){ out[i] = scope(selector, out[i], invert, l).trim(); } break; } // >2 parent selectors, nested default: { for(var i = 0, j = 0, out = []; i < length; ++i){ for(var k = 0; k < l; ++k){ out[j++] = scope(parent[k] + " ", selectors[i], invert, l).trim(); } } } } return out; }; var scope = /** * Scope * * @param {string} parent * @param {string} current * @param {number} invert * @param {number} level * @return {string} */ function scope(parent, current, invert, level) { var selector = current; var code = selector.charCodeAt(0); // trim leading whitespace if (code < 33) { code = (selector = selector.trim()).charCodeAt(0); } switch(code){ // & case AND: { switch(cascade + level){ case 0: case 1: { if (parent.trim().length === 0) { break; } } default: { return selector.replace(andptn, "$1" + parent.trim()); } } break; } // : case COLON: { switch(selector.charCodeAt(1)){ // g in :global case 103: { if (escape > 0 && cascade > 0) { return selector.replace(escapeptn, "$1").replace(andptn, "$1" + nscope); } break; } default: { // :hover return parent.trim() + selector.replace(andptn, "$1" + parent.trim()); } } } default: { // html & if (invert * cascade > 0 && selector.indexOf("\f") > 0) { return selector.replace(andptn, (parent.charCodeAt(0) === COLON ? "" : "$1") + parent.trim()); } } } return parent + selector; }; var vendor = /** * Vendor * * @param {string} content * @param {number} context * @return {boolean} */ function vendor(content, context) { var index = content.indexOf(context === 1 ? ":" : "{"); var key = content.substring(0, context !== 3 ? index : 10); var value = content.substring(index + 1, content.length - 1); return should(context !== 2 ? key : key.replace(pseudofmt, "$1"), value, context); }; var supports = /** * Supports * * @param {string} match * @param {string} group * @return {string} */ function supports(match, group) { var out = property(group, group.charCodeAt(0), group.charCodeAt(1), group.charCodeAt(2)); return out !== group + ";" ? out.replace(propertyptn, " or ($1)").substring(4) : "(" + group + ")"; }; var animation = /** * Animation * * @param {string} input * @return {string} */ function animation(input) { var length = input.length; var index = input.indexOf(":", 9) + 1; var declare = input.substring(0, index).trim(); var out = input.substring(index, length - 1).trim(); switch(input.charCodeAt(9) * keyed){ case 0: { break; } // animation-*, - case DASH: { // animation-name, n if (input.charCodeAt(10) !== 110) { break; } } // animation/animation-name default: { // split in case of multiple animations var list = out.split((out = "", animationptn)); for(var i = 0, index = 0, length = list.length; i < length; index = 0, ++i){ var value = list[i]; var items = value.split(propertiesptn); while(value = items[index]){ var peak = value.charCodeAt(0); if (keyed === 1 && (// letters (peak > AT && peak < 90) || peak > 96 && peak < 123 || peak === UNDERSCORE || // dash but not in sequence i.e -- (peak === DASH && value.charCodeAt(1) !== DASH))) { // not a number/function switch(isNaN(parseFloat(value)) + (value.indexOf("(") !== -1)){ case 1: { switch(value){ // not a valid reserved keyword case "infinite": case "alternate": case "backwards": case "running": case "normal": case "forwards": case "both": case "none": case "linear": case "ease": case "ease-in": case "ease-out": case "ease-in-out": case "paused": case "reverse": case "alternate-reverse": case "inherit": case "initial": case "unset": case "step-start": case "step-end": { break; } default: { value += key; } } } } } items[index++] = value; } out += (i === 0 ? "" : ",") + items.join(" "); } } } out = declare + out + ";"; if (prefix === 1 || prefix === 2 && vendor(out, 1)) return webkit + out + out; return out; }; var isolate = /** * Isolate * * @param {Array} current */ function isolate(current) { for(var i = 0, length = current.length, selector = Array(length), padding, element; i < length; ++i){ // split individual elements in a selector i.e h1 h2 === [h1, h2] var elements = current[i].split(elementptn); var out = ""; for(var j = 0, size = 0, tail = 0, code = 0, l = elements.length; j < l; ++j){ // empty element if ((size = (element = elements[j]).length) === 0 && l > 1) { continue; } tail = out.charCodeAt(out.length - 1); code = element.charCodeAt(0); padding = ""; if (j !== 0) { // determine if we need padding switch(tail){ case STAR: case TILDE: case GREATERTHAN: case PLUS: case SPACE: case OPENPARENTHESES: { break; } default: { padding = " "; } } } switch(code){ case AND: { element = padding + nscopealt; } case TILDE: case GREATERTHAN: case PLUS: case SPACE: case CLOSEPARENTHESES: case OPENPARENTHESES: { break; } case OPENBRACKET: { element = padding + element + nscopealt; break; } case COLON: { switch(element.charCodeAt(1) * 2 + element.charCodeAt(2) * 3){ // :global case 530: { if (escape > 0) { element = padding + element.substring(8, size - 1); break; } } // :hover, :nth-child(), ... default: { if (j < 1 || elements[j - 1].length < 1) { element = padding + nscopealt + element; } } } break; } case COMMA: { padding = ""; } default: { if (size > 1 && element.indexOf(":") > 0) { element = padding + element.replace(pseudoptn, "$1" + nscopealt + "$2"); } else { element = padding + element + nscopealt; } } } out += element; } selector[i] = out.replace(formatptn, "").trim(); } return selector; }; var proxy = /** * Proxy * * @param {number} context * @param {string} content * @param {Array} selectors * @param {Array} parents * @param {number} line * @param {number} column * @param {number} length * @param {number} id * @param {number} depth * @param {number} at * @return {(string|void|*)} */ function proxy(context, content, selectors, parents, line, column, length, id, depth, at) { for(var i = 0, out = content, next; i < plugged; ++i){ switch(next = plugins[i].call(stylis, context, out, selectors, parents, line, column, length, id, depth, at)){ case void 0: case false: case true: case null: { break; } default: { out = next; } } } if (out !== content) { return out; } }; var delimited = /** * @param {number} code * @param {number} index * @param {number} length * @param {string} body * @return {number} */ function delimited(code, index, length, body) { for(var i = index + 1; i < length; ++i){ switch(body.charCodeAt(i)){ // /* case FOWARDSLASH: { if (code === STAR) { if (body.charCodeAt(i - 1) === STAR && index + 2 !== i) { return i + 1; } } break; } // // case NEWLINE: { if (code === FOWARDSLASH) { return i + 1; } } } } return i; }; var minify = /** * Minify * * @param {(string|*)} output * @return {string} */ function minify(output) { return output.replace(formatptn, "").replace(beforeptn, "").replace(afterptn, "$1").replace(tailptn, "$1").replace(whiteptn, " "); }; /** * Notes * * The [''] pattern is used to support closure compiler * the jsdoc signatures are also used to the same effect * * ---- * * int + int + int === n4 [faster] * * vs * * int === n1 && int === n2 && int === n3 * * ---- * * switch (int) { case ints...} [faster] * * vs * * if (int == 1 && int === 2 ...) * * ---- * * The (first*n1 + second*n2 + third*n3) format used in the property parser * is a simple way to hash the sequence of characters * taking into account the index they occur in * since any number of 3 character sequences could produce duplicates. * * On the other hand sequences that are directly tied to the index of the character * resolve a far more accurate measure, it's also faster * to evaluate one condition in a switch statement * than three in an if statement regardless of the added math. * * This allows the vendor prefixer to be both small and fast. */ var nullptn = /^\0+/g /* matches leading null characters */ ; var formatptn = /[\0\r\f]/g /* matches new line, null and formfeed characters */ ; var colonptn = /: */g /* splits animation rules */ ; var cursorptn = /zoo|gra/ /* assert cursor varient */ ; var transformptn = /([,: ])(transform)/g /* vendor prefix transform, older webkit */ ; var animationptn = /,+\s*(?![^(]*[)])/g /* splits multiple shorthand notation animations */ ; var propertiesptn = / +\s*(?![^(]*[)])/g /* animation properties */ ; var elementptn = / *[\0] */g /* selector elements */ ; var selectorptn = /,\r+?/g /* splits selectors */ ; var andptn = /([\t\r\n ])*\f?&/g /* match & */ ; var escapeptn = /:global\(((?:[^\(\)\[\]]*|\[.*\]|\([^\(\)]*\))*)\)/g /* matches :global(.*) */ ; var invalidptn = /\W+/g /* removes invalid characters from keyframes */ ; var keyframeptn = /@(k\w+)\s*(\S*)\s*/ /* matches @keyframes $1 */ ; var plcholdrptn = /::(place)/g /* match ::placeholder varient */ ; var readonlyptn = /:(read-only)/g /* match :read-only varient */ ; var beforeptn = /\s+(?=[{\];=:>])/g /* matches \s before ] ; = : */ ; var afterptn = /([[}=:>])\s+/g /* matches \s after characters [ } = : */ ; var tailptn = /(\{[^{]+?);(?=\})/g /* matches tail semi-colons ;} */ ; var whiteptn = /\s{2,}/g /* matches repeating whitespace */ ; var pseudoptn = /([^\(])(:+) */g /* pseudo element */ ; var writingptn = /[svh]\w+-[tblr]{2}/ /* match writing mode property values */ ; var supportsptn = /\(\s*(.*)\s*\)/g /* match supports (groups) */ ; var propertyptn = /([\s\S]*?);/g /* match properties leading semicolon */ ; var selfptn = /-self|flex-/g /* match flex- and -self in align-self: flex-*; */ ; var pseudofmt = /[^]*?(:[rp][el]a[\w-]+)[^]*/ /* extrats :readonly or :placholder from selector */ ; var dimensionptn = /stretch|:\s*\w+\-(?:conte|avail)/ /* match max/min/fit-content, fill-available */ ; var imgsrcptn = /([^-])(image-set\()/; /* vendors */ var webkit = "-webkit-"; var moz = "-moz-"; var ms = "-ms-"; /* character codes */ var SEMICOLON = 59 /* ; */ ; var CLOSEBRACES = 125 /* } */ ; var OPENBRACES = 123 /* { */ ; var OPENPARENTHESES = 40 /* ( */ ; var CLOSEPARENTHESES = 41 /* ) */ ; var OPENBRACKET = 91 /* [ */ ; var CLOSEBRACKET = 93 /* ] */ ; var NEWLINE = 10 /* \n */ ; var CARRIAGE = 13 /* \r */ ; var TAB = 9 /* \t */ ; var AT = 64 /* @ */ ; var SPACE = 32 /* */ ; var AND = 38 /* & */ ; var DASH = 45 /* - */ ; var UNDERSCORE = 95 /* _ */ ; var STAR = 42 /* * */ ; var COMMA = 44 /* , */ ; var COLON = 58 /* : */ ; var SINGLEQUOTE = 39 /* ' */ ; var DOUBLEQUOTE = 34 /* " */ ; var FOWARDSLASH = 47 /* / */ ; var GREATERTHAN = 62 /* > */ ; var PLUS = 43 /* + */ ; var TILDE = 126 /* ~ */ ; var NULL = 0 /* \0 */ ; var FORMFEED = 12 /* \f */ ; var VERTICALTAB = 11 /* \v */ ; /* special identifiers */ var KEYFRAME = 107 /* k */ ; var MEDIA = 109 /* m */ ; var SUPPORTS = 115 /* s */ ; var PLACEHOLDER = 112 /* p */ ; var READONLY = 111 /* o */ ; var IMPORT = 105 /* i */ ; var CHARSET = 99 /* c */ ; var DOCUMENT = 100 /* d */ ; var PAGE = 112 /* p */ ; var column = 1 /* current column */ ; var line = 1 /* current line numebr */ ; var pattern = 0 /* :pattern */ ; var cascade = 1 /* #id h1 h2 vs h1#id h2#id */ ; var prefix = 1 /* vendor prefix */ ; var escape = 1 /* escape :global() pattern */ ; var compress = 0 /* compress output */ ; var semicolon = 0 /* no/semicolon option */ ; var preserve = 0 /* preserve empty selectors */ ; /* empty reference */ var array = []; /* plugins */ var plugins = []; var plugged = 0; var should = null; /* plugin context */ var POSTS = -2; var PREPS = -1; var UNKWN = 0; var PROPS = 1; var BLCKS = 2; var ATRUL = 3; /* plugin newline context */ var unkwn = 0; /* keyframe animation */ var keyed = 1; var key = ""; /* selector namespace */ var nscopealt = ""; var nscope = ""; /** * Compile * * @param {Array} parent * @param {Array} current * @param {string} body * @param {number} id * @param {number} depth * @return {string} */ function compile(parent, current, body, id, depth) { var bracket = 0 /* brackets [] */ ; var comment = 0 /* comments /* // or /* */ ; var parentheses = 0 /* functions () */ ; var quote = 0 /* quotes '', "" */ ; var first = 0 /* first character code */ ; var second = 0 /* second character code */ ; var code = 0 /* current character code */ ; var tail = 0 /* previous character code */ ; var trail = 0 /* character before previous code */ ; var peak = 0 /* previous non-whitespace code */ ; var counter = 0 /* count sequence termination */ ; var context = 0 /* track current context */ ; var atrule = 0 /* track @at-rule context */ ; var pseudo = 0 /* track pseudo token index */ ; var caret = 0 /* current character index */ ; var format = 0 /* control character formating context */ ; var insert = 0 /* auto semicolon insertion */ ; var invert = 0 /* inverted selector pattern */ ; var length = 0 /* generic length address */ ; var eof = body.length /* end of file(length) */ ; var eol = eof - 1 /* end of file(characters) */ ; var char = "" /* current character */ ; var chars = "" /* current buffer of characters */ ; var child = "" /* next buffer of characters */ ; var out = "" /* compiled body */ ; var children = "" /* compiled children */ ; var flat = "" /* compiled leafs */ ; var selector /* generic selector address */ ; var result /* generic address */ ; // body while(caret < eof){ code = body.charCodeAt(caret); // eof varient if (caret === eol) { // last character + noop context, add synthetic padding for noop context to terminate if (comment + quote + parentheses + bracket !== 0) { if (comment !== 0) { code = comment === FOWARDSLASH ? NEWLINE : FOWARDSLASH; } quote = parentheses = bracket = 0; eof++; eol++; } } if (comment + quote + parentheses + bracket === 0) { // eof varient if (caret === eol) { if (format > 0) { chars = chars.replace(formatptn, ""); } if (chars.trim().length > 0) { switch(code){ case SPACE: case TAB: case SEMICOLON: case CARRIAGE: case NEWLINE: { break; } default: { chars += body.charAt(caret); } } code = SEMICOLON; } } // auto semicolon insertion if (insert === 1) { switch(code){ // false flags case OPENBRACES: case CLOSEBRACES: case SEMICOLON: case DOUBLEQUOTE: case SINGLEQUOTE: case OPENPARENTHESES: case CLOSEPARENTHESES: case COMMA: { insert = 0; } // ignore case TAB: case CARRIAGE: case NEWLINE: case SPACE: { break; } // valid default: { insert = 0; length = caret; first = code; caret--; code = SEMICOLON; while(length < eof){ switch(body.charCodeAt(length++)){ case NEWLINE: case CARRIAGE: case SEMICOLON: { ++caret; code = first; length = eof; break; } case COLON: { if (format > 0) { ++caret; code = first; } } case OPENBRACES: { length = eof; } } } } } } // token varient switch(code){ case OPENBRACES: { chars = chars.trim(); first = chars.charCodeAt(0); counter = 1; length = ++caret; while(caret < eof){ switch(code = body.charCodeAt(caret)){ case OPENBRACES: { counter++; break; } case CLOSEBRACES: { counter--; break; } case FOWARDSLASH: { switch(second = body.charCodeAt(caret + 1)){ // /*, // case STAR: case FOWARDSLASH: { caret = delimited(second, caret, eol, body); } } break; } // given "[" === 91 & "]" === 93 hence forth 91 + 1 + 1 === 93 case OPENBRACKET: { code++; } // given "(" === 40 & ")" === 41 hence forth 40 + 1 === 41 case OPENPARENTHESES: { code++; } // quote tail delimiter is identical to the head delimiter hence noop, // fallthrough clauses have been shifted to the correct tail delimiter case DOUBLEQUOTE: case SINGLEQUOTE: { while(caret++ < eol){ if (body.charCodeAt(caret) === code) { break; } } } } if (counter === 0) { break; } caret++; } child = body.substring(length, caret); if (first === NULL) { first = (chars = chars.replace(nullptn, "").trim()).charCodeAt(0); } switch(first){ // @at-rule case AT: { if (format > 0) { chars = chars.replace(formatptn, ""); } second = chars.charCodeAt(1); switch(second){ case DOCUMENT: case MEDIA: case SUPPORTS: case DASH: { selector = current; break; } default: { selector = array; } } child = compile(current, selector, child, second, depth + 1); length = child.length; // preserve empty @at-rule if (preserve > 0 && length === 0) { length = chars.length; } // execute plugins, @at-rule context if (plugged > 0) { selector = select(array, chars, invert); result = proxy(ATRUL, child, selector, current, line, column, length, second, depth, id); chars = selector.join(""); if (result !== void 0) { if ((length = (child = result.trim()).length) === 0) { second = 0; child = ""; } } } if (length > 0) { switch(second){ case SUPPORTS: { chars = chars.replace(supportsptn, supports); } case DOCUMENT: case MEDIA: case DASH: { child = chars + "{" + child + "}"; break; } case KEYFRAME: { chars = chars.replace(keyframeptn, "$1 $2" + (keyed > 0 ? key : "")); child = chars + "{" + child + "}"; if (prefix === 1 || prefix === 2 && vendor("@" + child, 3)) { child = "@" + webkit + child + "@" + child; } else { child = "@" + child; } break; } default: { child = chars + child; if (id === PAGE) { child = (out += child, ""); } } } } else { child = ""; } break; } // selector default: { child = compile(current, select(current, chars, invert), child, id, depth + 1); } } children += child; // reset context = 0; insert = 0; pseudo = 0; format = 0; invert = 0; atrule = 0; chars = ""; child = ""; code = body.charCodeAt(++caret); break; } case CLOSEBRACES: case SEMICOLON: { chars = (format > 0 ? chars.replace(formatptn, "") : chars).trim(); if ((length = chars.length) > 1) { // monkey-patch missing colon if (pseudo === 0) { first = chars.charCodeAt(0); // first character is a letter or dash, buffer has a space character if (first === DASH || first > 96 && first < 123) { length = (chars = chars.replace(" ", ":")).length; } } // execute plugins, property context if (plugged > 0) { if ((result = proxy(PROPS, chars, current, parent, line, column, out.length, id, depth, id)) !== void 0) { if ((length = (chars = result.trim()).length) === 0) { chars = "\0\0"; } } } first = chars.charCodeAt(0); second = chars.charCodeAt(1); switch(first){ case NULL: { break; } case AT: { if (second === IMPORT || second === CHARSET) { flat += chars + body.charAt(caret); break; } } default: { if (chars.charCodeAt(length - 1) === COLON) { break; } out += property(chars, first, second, chars.charCodeAt(2)); } } } // reset context = 0; insert = 0; pseudo = 0; format = 0; invert = 0; chars = ""; code = body.charCodeAt(++caret); break; } } } // parse characters switch(code){ case CARRIAGE: case NEWLINE: { // auto insert semicolon if (comment + quote + parentheses + bracket + semicolon === 0) { // valid non-whitespace characters that // may precede a newline switch(peak){ case CLOSEPARENTHESES: case SINGLEQUOTE: case DOUBLEQUOTE: case AT: case TILDE: case GREATERTHAN: case STAR: case PLUS: case FOWARDSLASH: case DASH: case COLON: case COMMA: case SEMICOLON: case OPENBRACES: case CLOSEBRACES: { break; } default: { // current buffer has a colon if (pseudo > 0) { insert = 1; } } } } // terminate line comment if (comment === FOWARDSLASH) { comment = 0; } else if (cascade + context === 0 && id !== KEYFRAME && chars.length > 0) { format = 1; chars += "\0"; } // execute plugins, newline context if (plugged * unkwn > 0) { proxy(UNKWN, chars, current, parent, line, column, out.length, id, depth, id); } // next line, reset column position column = 1; line++; break; } case SEMICOLON: case CLOSEBRACES: { if (comment + quote + parentheses + bracket === 0) { column++; break; } } default: { // increment column position column++; // current character char = body.charAt(caret); // remove comments, escape functions, strings, attributes and prepare selectors switch(code){ case TAB: case SPACE: { if (quote + bracket + comment === 0) { switch(tail){ case COMMA: case COLON: case TAB: case SPACE: { char = ""; break; } default: { if (code !== SPACE) { char = " "; } } } } break; } // escape breaking control characters case NULL: { char = "\\0"; break; } case FORMFEED: { char = "\\f"; break; } case VERTICALTAB: { char = "\\v"; break; } // & case AND: { // inverted selector pattern i.e html & if (quote + comment + bracket === 0 && cascade > 0) { invert = 1; format = 1; char = "\f" + char; } break; } // ::paceholder, l // :read-ony, l case 108: { if (quote + comment + bracket + pattern === 0 && pseudo > 0) { switch(caret - pseudo){ // ::placeholder case 2: { if (tail === PLACEHOLDER && body.charCodeAt(caret - 3) === COLON) { pattern = tail; } } // :read-only case 8: { if (trail === READONLY) { pattern = trail; } } } } break; } // : case COLON: { if (quote + comment + bracket === 0) { pseudo = caret; } break; } // selectors case COMMA: { if (comment + parentheses + quote + bracket === 0) { format = 1; char += "\r"; } break; } // quotes case DOUBLEQUOTE: case SINGLEQUOTE: { if (comment === 0) { quote = quote === code ? 0 : quote === 0 ? code : quote; } break; } // attributes case OPENBRACKET: { if (quote + comment + parentheses === 0) { bracket++; } break; } case CLOSEBRACKET: { if (quote + comment + parentheses === 0) { bracket--; } break; } // functions case CLOSEPARENTHESES: { if (quote + comment + bracket === 0) { parentheses--; } break; } case OPENPARENTHESES: { if (quote + comment + bracket === 0) { if (context === 0) { switch(tail * 2 + trail * 3){ // :matches case 533: { break; } // :global, :not, :nth-child etc... default: { counter = 0; context = 1; } } } parentheses++; } break; } case AT: { if (comment + parentheses + quote + bracket + pseudo + atrule === 0) { atrule = 1; } break; } // block/line comments case STAR: case FOWARDSLASH: { if (quote + bracket + parentheses > 0) { break; } switch(comment){ // initialize line/block comment context case 0: { switch(code * 2 + body.charCodeAt(caret + 1) * 3){ // // case 235: { comment = FOWARDSLASH; break; } // /* case 220: { length = caret; comment = STAR; break; } } break; } // end block comment context case STAR: { if (code === FOWARDSLASH && tail === STAR && length + 2 !== caret) { // /* ... */, ! if (body.charCodeAt(length + 2) === 33) { out += body.substring(length, caret + 1); } char = ""; comment = 0; } } } } } // ignore comment blocks if (comment === 0) { // aggressive isolation mode, divide each individual selector // including selectors in :not function but excluding selectors in :global function if (cascade + quote + bracket + atrule === 0 && id !== KEYFRAME && code !== SEMICOLON) { switch(code){ case COMMA: case TILDE: case GREATERTHAN: case PLUS: case CLOSEPARENTHESES: case OPENPARENTHESES: { if (context === 0) { // outside of an isolated context i.e nth-child(<...>) switch(tail){ case TAB: case SPACE: case NEWLINE: case CARRIAGE: { char = char + "\0"; break; } default: { char = "\0" + char + (code === COMMA ? "" : "\0"); } } format = 1; } else { // within an isolated context, sleep untill it's terminated switch(code){ case OPENPARENTHESES: { // :globa( if (pseudo + 7 === caret && tail === 108) { pseudo = 0; } context = ++counter; break; } case CLOSEPARENTHESES: { if ((context = --counter) === 0) { format = 1; char += "\0"; } break; } } } break; } case TAB: case SPACE: { switch(tail){ case NULL: case OPENBRACES: case CLOSEBRACES: case SEMICOLON: case COMMA: case FORMFEED: case TAB: case SPACE: case NEWLINE: case CARRIAGE: { break; } default: { // ignore in isolated contexts if (context === 0) { format = 1; char += "\0"; } } } } } } // concat buffer of characters chars += char; // previous non-whitespace character code if (code !== SPACE && code !== TAB) { peak = code; } } } } // tail character codes trail = tail; tail = code; // visit every character caret++; } length = out.length; // preserve empty selector if (preserve > 0) { if (length === 0 && children.length === 0 && current[0].length === 0 === false) { if (id !== MEDIA || current.length === 1 && (cascade > 0 ? nscopealt : nscope) === current[0]) { length = current.join(",").length + 2; } } } if (length > 0) { // cascade isolation mode? selector = cascade === 0 && id !== KEYFRAME ? isolate(current) : current; // execute plugins, block context if (plugged > 0) { result = proxy(BLCKS, out, selector, parent, line, column, length, id, depth, id); if (result !== void 0 && (out = result).length === 0) { return flat + out + children; } } out = selector.join(",") + "{" + out + "}"; if (prefix * pattern !== 0) { if (prefix === 2 && !vendor(out, 2)) pattern = 0; switch(pattern){ // ::read-only case READONLY: { out = out.replace(readonlyptn, ":" + moz + "$1") + out; break; } // ::placeholder case PLACEHOLDER: { out = out.replace(plcholdrptn, "::" + webkit + "input-$1") + out.replace(plcholdrptn, "::" + moz + "$1") + out.replace(plcholdrptn, ":" + ms + "input-$1") + out; break; } } pattern = 0; } } return flat + out + children; } /** * Property * * @param {string} input * @param {number} first * @param {number} second * @param {number} third * @return {string} */ function property(input, first, second, third) { var index = 0; var out = input + ";"; var hash = first * 2 + second * 3 + third * 4; var cache; // animation: a, n, i characters if (hash === 944) { return animation(out); } else if (prefix === 0 || prefix === 2 && !vendor(out, 1)) { return out; } // vendor prefix switch(hash){ // text-decoration/text-size-adjust/text-shadow/text-align/text-transform: t, e, x case 1015: { // text-shadow/text-align/text-transform, a return out.charCodeAt(10) === 97 ? webkit + out + out : out; } // filter/fill f, i, l case 951: { // filter, t return out.charCodeAt(3) === 116 ? webkit + out + out : out; } // color/column, c, o, l case 963: { // column, n return out.charCodeAt(5) === 110 ? webkit + out + out : out; } // box-decoration-break, b, o, x case 1009: { if (out.charCodeAt(4) !== 100) { break; } } // mask, m, a, s // clip-path, c, l, i case 969: case 942: { return webkit + out + out; } // appearance: a, p, p case 978: { return webkit + out + moz + out + out; } // hyphens: h, y, p // user-select: u, s, e case 1019: case 983: { return webkit + out + moz + out + ms + out + out; } // background/backface-visibility, b, a, c case 883: { // backface-visibility, - if (out.charCodeAt(8) === DASH) { return webkit + out + out; } // image-set(...) if (out.indexOf("image-set(", 11) > 0) { return out.replace(imgsrcptn, "$1" + webkit + "$2") + out; } return out; } // flex: f, l, e case 932: { if (out.charCodeAt(4) === DASH) { switch(out.charCodeAt(5)){ // flex-grow, g case 103: { return webkit + "box-" + out.replace("-grow", "") + webkit + out + ms + out.replace("grow", "positive") + out; } // flex-shrink, s case 115: { return webkit + out + ms + out.replace("shrink", "negative") + out; } // flex-basis, b case 98: { return webkit + out + ms + out.replace("basis", "preferred-size") + out; } } } return webkit + out + ms + out + out; } // order: o, r, d case 964: { return webkit + out + ms + "flex" + "-" + out + out; } // justify-items/justify-content, j, u, s case 1023: { // justify-content, c if (out.charCodeAt(8) !== 99) { break; } cache = out.substring(out.indexOf(":", 15)).replace("flex-", "").replace("space-between", "justify"); return webkit + "box-pack" + cache + webkit + out + ms + "flex-pack" + cache + out; } // cursor, c, u, r case 1005: { return cursorptn.test(out) ? out.replace(colonptn, ":" + webkit) + out.replace(colonptn, ":" + moz) + out : out; } // writing-mode, w, r, i case 1000: { cache = out.substring(13).trim(); index = cache.indexOf("-") + 1; switch(cache.charCodeAt(0) + cache.charCodeAt(index)){ // vertical-lr case 226: { cache = out.replace(writingptn, "tb"); break; } // vertical-rl case 232: { cache = out.replace(writingptn, "tb-rl"); break; } // horizontal-tb case 220: { cache = out.replace(writingptn, "lr"); break; } default: { return out; } } return webkit + out + ms + cache + out; } // position: sticky case 1017: { if (out.indexOf("sticky", 9) === -1) { return out; } } // display(flex/inline-flex/inline-box): d, i, s case 975: { index = (out = input).length - 10; cache = (out.charCodeAt(index) === 33 ? out.substring(0, index) : out).substring(input.indexOf(":", 7) + 1).trim(); switch(hash = cache.charCodeAt(0) + (cache.charCodeAt(7) | 0)){ // inline- case 203: { // inline-box if (cache.charCodeAt(8) < 111) { break; } } // inline-box/sticky case 115: { out = out.replace(cache, webkit + cache) + ";" + out; break; } // inline-flex // flex case 207: case 102: { out = out.replace(cache, webkit + (hash > 102 ? "inline-" : "") + "box") + ";" + out.replace(cache, webkit + cache) + ";" + out.replace(cache, ms + cache + "box") + ";" + out; } } return out + ";"; } // align-items, align-center, align-self: a, l, i, - case 938: { if (out.charCodeAt(5) === DASH) { switch(out.charCodeAt(6)){ // align-items, i case 105: { cache = out.replace("-items", ""); return webkit + out + webkit + "box-" + cache + ms + "flex-" + cache + out; } // align-self, s case 115: { return webkit + out + ms + "flex-item-" + out.replace(selfptn, "") + out; } // align-content default: { return webkit + out + ms + "flex-line-pack" + out.replace("align-content", "").replace(selfptn, "") + out; } } } break; } // min/max case 973: case 989: { // min-/max- height/width/block-size/inline-size if (out.charCodeAt(3) !== DASH || out.charCodeAt(4) === 122) { break; } } // height/width: min-content / width: max-content case 931: case 953: { if (dimensionptn.test(input) === true) { // stretch if ((cache = input.substring(input.indexOf(":") + 1)).charCodeAt(0) === 115) return property(input.replace("stretch", "fill-available"), first, second, third).replace(":fill-available", ":stretch"); else return out.replace(cache, webkit + cache) + out.replace(cache, moz + cache.replace("fill-", "")) + out; } break; } // transform, transition: t, r, a case 962: { out = webkit + out + (out.charCodeAt(5) === 102 ? ms + out : "") + out; // transitions if (second + third === 211 && out.charCodeAt(13) === 105 && out.indexOf("transform", 10) > 0) { return out.substring(0, out.indexOf(";", 27) + 1).replace(transformptn, "$1" + webkit + "$2") + out; } break; } } return out; } /** * Use * * @param {(Array|function(...?)|number|void)?} plugin */ function use(plugin) { switch(plugin){ case void 0: case null: { plugged = plugins.length = 0; break; } default: { if (typeof plugin === "function") { plugins[plugged++] = plugin; } else if (typeof plugin === "object") { for(var i = 0, length = plugin.length; i < length; ++i){ use(plugin[i]); } } else { unkwn = !!plugin | 0; } } } return use; } /** * Set * * @param {*} options */ function set(options) { for(var name in options){ var value = options[name]; switch(name){ case "keyframe": keyed = value | 0; break; case "global": escape = value | 0; break; case "cascade": cascade = value | 0; break; case "compress": compress = value | 0; break; case "semicolon": semicolon = value | 0; break; case "preserve": preserve = value | 0; break; case "prefix": should = null; if (!value) { prefix = 0; } else if (typeof value !== "function") { prefix = 1; } else { prefix = 2; should = value; } } } return set; } /** * Stylis * * @param {string} selector * @param {string} input * @return {*} */ function stylis(selector, input) { if (this !== void 0 && this.constructor === stylis) { return factory(selector); } // setup var ns = selector; var code = ns.charCodeAt(0); // trim leading whitespace if (code < 33) { code = (ns = ns.trim()).charCodeAt(0); } // keyframe/animation namespace if (keyed > 0) { key = ns.replace(invalidptn, code === OPENBRACKET ? "" : "-"); } // reset, used to assert if a plugin is moneky-patching the return value code = 1; // cascade/isolate if (cascade === 1) { nscope = ns; } else { nscopealt = ns; } var selectors = [ nscope ]; var result; // execute plugins, pre-process context if (plugged > 0) { result = proxy(PREPS, input, selectors, selectors, line, column, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (result !== void 0 && typeof result === "string") { input = result; } } // build var output = compile(array, selectors, input, 0, 0); // execute plugins, post-process context if (plugged > 0) { result = proxy(POSTS, output, selectors, selectors, line, column, output.length, 0, 0, 0); // bypass minification if (result !== void 0 && typeof (output = result) !== "string") { code = 0; } } // reset key = ""; nscope = ""; nscopealt = ""; pattern = 0; line = 1; column = 1; return compress * code === 0 ? output : minify(output); } stylis["use"] = use; stylis["set"] = set; if (options !== void 0) { set(options); } return stylis; }); })(stylis$1); var Stylis = stylis$1.exports; var stylisRuleSheet$1 = {exports: {}}; (function(module, exports) { (function(factory) { module["exports"] = factory() ; })(function() { return function(insertRule) { var toSheet = function toSheet(block) { if (block) try { insertRule(block + "}"); } catch (e) {} }; var delimiter = "/*|*/"; var needle = delimiter + "}"; return function ruleSheet(context, content, selectors, parents, line, column, length, ns, depth, at) { switch(context){ // property case 1: // @import if (depth === 0 && content.charCodeAt(0) === 64) return insertRule(content + ";"), ""; break; // selector case 2: if (ns === 0) return content + delimiter; break; // at-rule case 3: switch(ns){ // @font-face, @page case 102: case 112: return insertRule(selectors[0] + content), ""; default: return content + (at === 0 ? delimiter : ""); } case -2: content.split(needle).forEach(toSheet); } }; }; }); })(stylisRuleSheet$1); var stylisRuleSheet = stylisRuleSheet$1.exports; var stylis = new Stylis(); function disableNestingPlugin() { for(var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++){ args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } var context = args[0], tmp = args[3], parent = tmp === void 0 ? [] : tmp, line = args[4], column = args[5]; if (context === 2) { // replace null characters and trim // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex parent = (parent[0] || "").replace(/\u0000/g, "").trim(); if (parent.length > 0 && parent.charAt(0) !== "@") { throw new Error("Nesting detected at " + line + ":" + column + ". " + "Unfortunately nesting is not supported by styled-jsx."); } } } var generator; var filename; var offset; function sourceMapsPlugin() { for(var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++){ args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } var context = args[0], line = args[4], column = args[5], length = args[6]; // Pre-processed, init source map if (context === -1 && generator !== undefined) { generator.addMapping({ generated: { line: 1, column: 0 }, source: filename, original: offset }); return; } // Post-processed if (context === -2 && generator !== undefined) { generator = undefined; offset = undefined; filename = undefined; return; } // Selector/property, update source map if ((context === 1 || context === 2) && generator !== undefined) { generator.addMapping({ generated: { line: 1, column: length }, source: filename, original: { line: line + offset.line, column: column + offset.column } }); } } /** * splitRulesPlugin * Used to split a blob of css into an array of rules * that can inserted via sheet.insertRule */ var splitRules = []; var splitRulesPlugin = stylisRuleSheet(function(rule) { splitRules.push(rule); }); stylis.use(disableNestingPlugin); stylis.use(sourceMapsPlugin); stylis.use(splitRulesPlugin); stylis.set({ cascade: false, compress: true }); /** * Public transform function * * @param {String} hash * @param {String} styles * @param {Object} settings * @return {string} */ function transform(hash, styles, settings) { if (settings === void 0) settings = {}; generator = settings.generator; offset = settings.offset; filename = settings.filename; splitRules = []; stylis.set({ prefix: typeof settings.vendorPrefixes === "boolean" ? settings.vendorPrefixes : true }); stylis(hash, styles); if (settings.splitRules) { return splitRules; } return splitRules.join(""); } var GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE = "global"; var STYLE_ATTRIBUTE = "jsx"; var STYLE_COMPONENT = "_JSXStyle"; var STYLE_COMPONENT_DYNAMIC = "dynamic"; var STYLE_COMPONENT_ID = "id"; function _extends$2() { _extends$2 = Object.assign || function(target) { for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++){ var source = arguments[i]; for(var key in source){ if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends$2.apply(this, arguments); } var _typeof = function(obj) { "@swc/helpers - typeof"; return obj && typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && obj.constructor === Symbol ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; var concat = function(a, b) { return lib$1.binaryExpression("+", a, b); }; var and = function(a, b) { return lib$1.logicalExpression("&&", a, b); }; var or = function(a, b) { return lib$1.logicalExpression("||", a, b); }; var joinSpreads = function(spreads) { return spreads.reduce(function(acc, curr) { return or(acc, curr); }); }; var hashString = function(str) { return String(stringHash(str)); }; var addClassName = function(path, jsxId) { var jsxIdWithSpace = concat(jsxId, lib$1.stringLiteral(" ")); var attributes = path.get("attributes"); var spreads = []; var className = null; // Find className and collect spreads for(var i = attributes.length - 1, attr; attr = attributes[i]; i--){ var node = attr.node; if (lib$1.isJSXSpreadAttribute(attr)) { if (lib$1.isObjectExpression(node.argument)) { var properties =; var index = properties.findIndex(function(property) { return === "className"; }); if (~index) { className = attr.get("argument").get("properties." + index); // Remove jsx spread attribute if there is only className property if (properties.length === 1) { attr.remove(); } break; } } if (lib$1.isMemberExpression(node.argument) || lib$1.isIdentifier(node.argument)) { var name =; var spreadObj = lib$1.isMemberExpression(node.argument) ? node.argument : lib$1.identifier(name); var attrNameDotClassName = lib$1.memberExpression(spreadObj, lib$1.identifier("className")); spreads.push(// `${name} && ${name}.className != null && ${name}.className` and(spreadObj, and(lib$1.binaryExpression("!=", attrNameDotClassName, lib$1.nullLiteral()), attrNameDotClassName))); } continue; } if (lib$1.isJSXAttribute(attr) && === "className") { className = attributes[i]; break; } } if (className) { var newClassName = className.node.value.expression || className.node.value; newClassName = lib$1.isStringLiteral(newClassName) || lib$1.isTemplateLiteral(newClassName) ? newClassName : or(newClassName, lib$1.stringLiteral("")); className.remove(); className = lib$1.jSXExpressionContainer(spreads.length === 0 ? concat(jsxIdWithSpace, newClassName) : concat(jsxIdWithSpace, or(joinSpreads(spreads), newClassName))); } else { className = lib$1.jSXExpressionContainer(spreads.length === 0 ? jsxId : concat(jsxIdWithSpace, or(joinSpreads(spreads), lib$1.stringLiteral("")))); } path.node.attributes.push(lib$1.jSXAttribute(lib$1.jSXIdentifier("className"), className)); }; var getScope = function(path) { return (path.findParent(function(path) { return path.isFunctionDeclaration() || path.isArrowFunctionExpression() || path.isClassMethod(); }) || path).scope; }; var isGlobalEl = function(el) { return el && el.attributes.some(function(param) { var name =; return name && === GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE; }); }; var isStyledJsx = function(param) { var el = param.node; return lib$1.isJSXElement(el) && === "style" && el.openingElement.attributes.some(function(attr) { return === STYLE_ATTRIBUTE; }); }; var findStyles = function(path) { if (isStyledJsx(path)) { var node = path.node; return isGlobalEl(node.openingElement) ? [ path ] : []; } return path.get("children").filter(isStyledJsx); }; var validateExternalExpressionsVisitor = { Identifier: function Identifier(path) { if (lib$1.isMemberExpression(path.parentPath)) { return; } var name =; if (!path.scope.hasBinding(name)) { throw path.buildCodeFrameError(path.getSource()); } }, MemberExpression: function MemberExpression(path) { var node = path.node; if (!lib$1.isIdentifier(node.object)) { return; } if (!path.scope.hasBinding( { throw path.buildCodeFrameError(path.getSource()); } }, ThisExpression: function ThisExpression(path) { throw new Error(path.parentPath.getSource()); } }; var validateExternalExpressions = function(path) { try { path.traverse(validateExternalExpressionsVisitor); } catch (error) { throw path.buildCodeFrameError("\n Found an `undefined` or invalid value in your styles: `" + error.message + "`.\n\n If you are trying to use dynamic styles in external files this is unfortunately not possible yet.\n Please put the dynamic parts alongside the component. E.g.\n\n \n "); } }; var getJSXStyleInfo = function(expr, scope) { var node = expr.node; var location = node.loc; // Assume string literal if (lib$1.isStringLiteral(node)) { return { hash: hashString(node.value), css: node.value, expressions: [], dynamic: false, location: location }; } // Simple template literal without expressions if (node.expressions.length === 0) { return { hash: hashString(node.quasis[0].value.raw), css: node.quasis[0].value.raw, expressions: [], dynamic: false, location: location }; } // Special treatment for template literals that contain expressions: // // Expressions are replaced with a placeholder // so that the CSS compiler can parse and // transform the css source string // without having to know about js literal expressions. // Later expressions are restored. // // e.g. // p { color: ${myConstant}; } // becomes // p { color: %%styled-jsx-placeholder-${id}%%; } var quasis = node.quasis, expressions = node.expressions; var hash = hashString(expr.getSource().slice(1, -1)); var dynamic = Boolean(scope); if (dynamic) { try { var val = expr.evaluate(); if (val.confident) { dynamic = false; } else if (val.deopt) { var computedObject = val.deopt.get("object").resolve().evaluate(); dynamic = !computedObject.confident; } } catch (_) {} } var css = quasis.reduce(function(css, quasi, index) { return "" + css + quasi.value.raw + (quasis.length === index + 1 ? "" : "%%styled-jsx-placeholder-" + index + "%%"); }, ""); return { hash: hash, css: css, expressions: expressions, dynamic: dynamic, location: location }; }; var computeClassNames = function(styles, externalJsxId, styleComponentImportName) { if (styles.length === 0) { return { className: externalJsxId }; } var hashes = styles.reduce(function(acc, styles) { if (styles.dynamic === false) { acc.static.push(styles.hash); } else { acc.dynamic.push(styles); } return acc; }, { static: [], dynamic: [] }); var staticClassName = "jsx-" + hashString(hashes.static.join(",")); // Static and optionally external classes. E.g. // '[jsx-externalClasses] jsx-staticClasses' if (hashes.dynamic.length === 0) { return { staticClassName: staticClassName, className: externalJsxId ? concat(lib$1.stringLiteral(staticClassName + " "), externalJsxId) : lib$1.stringLiteral(staticClassName) }; } // _JSXStyle.dynamic([ ['1234', [, bar, fn(props)]], ... ]) var dynamic = lib$1.callExpression(// Callee: _JSXStyle.dynamic lib$1.memberExpression(lib$1.identifier(styleComponentImportName), lib$1.identifier(STYLE_COMPONENT_DYNAMIC)), // Arguments [ lib$1.arrayExpression( { return lib$1.arrayExpression([ lib$1.stringLiteral(hashString(styles.hash + staticClassName)), lib$1.arrayExpression(styles.expressions) ]); })) ]); // Dynamic and optionally external classes. E.g. // '[jsx-externalClasses] ' + _JSXStyle.dynamic([ ['1234', [, bar, fn(props)]], ... ]) if (hashes.static.length === 0) { return { staticClassName: staticClassName, className: externalJsxId ? concat(concat(externalJsxId, lib$1.stringLiteral(" ")), dynamic) : dynamic }; } // Static, dynamic and optionally external classes. E.g. // '[jsx-externalClasses] jsx-staticClasses ' + _JSXStyle.dynamic([ ['5678', [, bar, fn(props)]], ... ]) return { staticClassName: staticClassName, className: externalJsxId ? concat(concat(externalJsxId, lib$1.stringLiteral(" " + staticClassName + " ")), dynamic) : concat(lib$1.stringLiteral("" + staticClassName + " "), dynamic) }; }; var templateLiteralFromPreprocessedCss = function(css, expressions) { var quasis = []; var finalExpressions = []; var parts = css.split(/(?:%%styled-jsx-placeholder-(\d+)%%)/g); if (parts.length === 1) { return lib$1.stringLiteral(css); } parts.forEach(function(part, index) { if (index % 2 > 0) { // This is necessary because, after preprocessing, declarations might have been alterate. // eg. properties are auto prefixed and therefore expressions need to match. finalExpressions.push(expressions[part]); } else { quasis.push(part); } }); return lib$1.templateLiteral(, index) { return lib$1.templateElement({ raw: quasi, cooked: quasi }, quasis.length === index + 1); }), finalExpressions); }; var cssToBabelType = function(css) { if (typeof css === "string") { return lib$1.stringLiteral(css); } if (Array.isArray(css)) { return lib$1.arrayExpression(css); } return lib$1.cloneDeep(css); }; var makeStyledJsxTag = function(id, transformedCss, expressions, styleComponentImportName) { if (expressions === void 0) expressions = []; var css = cssToBabelType(transformedCss); var attributes = [ lib$1.jSXAttribute(lib$1.jSXIdentifier(STYLE_COMPONENT_ID), lib$1.jSXExpressionContainer(typeof id === "string" ? lib$1.stringLiteral(id) : id)) ]; if (expressions.length > 0) { attributes.push(lib$1.jSXAttribute(lib$1.jSXIdentifier(STYLE_COMPONENT_DYNAMIC), lib$1.jSXExpressionContainer(lib$1.arrayExpression(expressions)))); } return lib$1.jSXElement(lib$1.jSXOpeningElement(lib$1.jSXIdentifier(styleComponentImportName), attributes), lib$1.jSXClosingElement(lib$1.jSXIdentifier(styleComponentImportName)), [ lib$1.jSXExpressionContainer(css) ]); }; var makeSourceMapGenerator = function(file) { var filename = file.sourceFileName; var generator = new SourceMapGenerator({ file: filename, sourceRoot: file.sourceRoot }); generator.setSourceContent(filename, file.code); return generator; }; var addSourceMaps = function(code, generator, filename) { var sourceMaps = [ convertSourceMap.fromObject(generator).toComment({ multiline: true }), "/*@ sourceURL=" + filename.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\") + " */" ]; if (Array.isArray(code)) { return code.concat(sourceMaps); } return [ code ].concat(sourceMaps).join("\n"); }; var combinedPluginsCache = { plugins: null, combined: null }; var combinePlugins = function(plugins) { if (!plugins) { return function(css) { return css; }; } var pluginsToString = JSON.stringify(plugins); if (combinedPluginsCache.plugins === pluginsToString) { return combinedPluginsCache.combined; } if (!Array.isArray(plugins) || plugins.some(function(p) { return !Array.isArray(p) && typeof p !== "string"; })) { throw new Error("`plugins` must be an array of plugins names (string) or an array `[plugin-name, {options}]`"); } combinedPluginsCache.plugins = pluginsToString; combinedPluginsCache.combined =, i) { var options = {}; if (Array.isArray(plugin)) { options = plugin[1] || {}; plugin = plugin[0]; if (, "babel")) { throw new Error("\n Error while trying to register the styled-jsx plugin: " + plugin + "\n The option name `babel` is reserved.\n "); } } log("Loading plugin from path: " + plugin); var p = require(plugin); if (p.default) { p = p.default; } var type = typeof p === "undefined" ? "undefined" : _typeof(p); if (type !== "function") { throw new Error("Expected plugin " + plugins[i] + " to be a function but instead got " + type); } return { plugin: p, options: options }; }).reduce(function(previous, param) { var plugin = param.plugin, options = param.options; return function(css, babelOptions) { return plugin(previous ? previous(css, babelOptions) : css, _extends$2({}, options, { babel: babelOptions })); }; }, null); return combinedPluginsCache.combined; }; var getPrefix = function(isDynamic, id) { return isDynamic ? ".__jsx-style-dynamic-selector" : "." + id; }; var processCss = function(stylesInfo, options) { var hash = stylesInfo.hash, css = stylesInfo.css, expressions = stylesInfo.expressions, dynamic = stylesInfo.dynamic, location = stylesInfo.location, file = stylesInfo.file, isGlobal = stylesInfo.isGlobal, plugins = stylesInfo.plugins, vendorPrefixes = stylesInfo.vendorPrefixes, sourceMaps = stylesInfo.sourceMaps; var fileInfo = { code: file.code, sourceRoot: file.opts.sourceRoot, filename: file.opts.filename || file.filename }; fileInfo.sourceFileName = file.opts.sourceFileName || file.sourceFileName || // According to // filenameRelative = path.relative(file.opts.cwd, file.opts.filename) // sourceFileName = path.basename(filenameRelative) // or simply // sourceFileName = path.basename(file.opts.filename) (fileInfo.filename && require$$1__default["default"].basename(fileInfo.filename)); var staticClassName = stylesInfo.staticClassName || "jsx-" + hashString(hash); var splitRules = options.splitRules; var useSourceMaps = Boolean(sourceMaps) && !splitRules; var pluginsOptions = { location: { start: _extends$2({}, location.start), end: _extends$2({}, location.end) }, vendorPrefixes: vendorPrefixes, sourceMaps: useSourceMaps, isGlobal: isGlobal, filename: fileInfo.filename }; var transformedCss; if (useSourceMaps) { var generator = makeSourceMapGenerator(fileInfo); var filename = fileInfo.sourceFileName; transformedCss = addSourceMaps(transform(isGlobal ? "" : getPrefix(dynamic, staticClassName), plugins(css, pluginsOptions), { generator: generator, offset: location.start, filename: filename, splitRules: splitRules, vendorPrefixes: vendorPrefixes }), generator, filename); } else { transformedCss = transform(isGlobal ? "" : getPrefix(dynamic, staticClassName), plugins(css, pluginsOptions), { splitRules: splitRules, vendorPrefixes: vendorPrefixes }); } if (expressions.length > 0) { if (typeof transformedCss === "string") { transformedCss = templateLiteralFromPreprocessedCss(transformedCss, expressions); } else { transformedCss = { return templateLiteralFromPreprocessedCss(transformedCss, expressions); }); } } else if (Array.isArray(transformedCss)) { transformedCss = { return lib$1.stringLiteral(transformedCss); }); } return { hash: dynamic ? hashString(hash + staticClassName) : hashString(hash), css: transformedCss, expressions: dynamic && expressions }; }; var booleanOption = function(opts) { var ret; opts.some(function(opt) { if (typeof opt === "boolean") { ret = opt; return true; } return false; }); return ret; }; var createReactComponentImportDeclaration = function(state) { return lib$1.importDeclaration([ lib$1.importDefaultSpecifier(lib$1.identifier(state.styleComponentImportName)) ], lib$1.stringLiteral(state.styleModule)); }; var setStateOptions = function(state) { var vendorPrefixes = booleanOption([ state.opts.vendorPrefixes, state.file.opts.vendorPrefixes ]); state.opts.vendorPrefixes = typeof vendorPrefixes === "boolean" ? vendorPrefixes : true; var sourceMaps = booleanOption([ state.opts.sourceMaps, state.file.opts.sourceMaps ]); state.opts.sourceMaps = Boolean(sourceMaps); if (!state.plugins) { state.plugins = combinePlugins(state.opts.plugins); } state.styleModule = typeof state.opts.styleModule === "string" ? state.opts.styleModule : "styled-jsx/style"; }; function log(message) { console.log("[styled-jsx] " + message); } function _extends$1() { _extends$1 = Object.assign || function(target) { for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++){ var source = arguments[i]; for(var key in source){ if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends$1.apply(this, arguments); } var isModuleExports = lib$1.buildMatchMemberExpression("module.exports"); function processTaggedTemplateExpression(param) { var type = param.type, path = param.path, file = param.file, splitRules = param.splitRules, plugins = param.plugins, vendorPrefixes = param.vendorPrefixes, sourceMaps = param.sourceMaps, styleComponentImportName = param.styleComponentImportName; var templateLiteral = path.get("quasi"); var scope; // Check whether there are undefined references or // references to this.something (e.g. props or state). // We allow dynamic styles only when resolving styles. if (type !== "resolve") { validateExternalExpressions(templateLiteral); } else if (!path.scope.path.isProgram()) { scope = getScope(path); } var stylesInfo = getJSXStyleInfo(templateLiteral, scope); var ref = computeClassNames([ stylesInfo ], undefined, styleComponentImportName), staticClassName = ref.staticClassName, className = ref.className; var styles = processCss(_extends$1({}, stylesInfo, { staticClassName: staticClassName, file: file, isGlobal: type === "global", plugins: plugins, vendorPrefixes: vendorPrefixes, sourceMaps: sourceMaps }), { splitRules: splitRules }); if (type === "resolve") { var hash = styles.hash, css = styles.css, expressions = styles.expressions; path.replaceWith(// { // styles: <_JSXStyle ... />, // className: 'jsx-123' // } lib$1.objectExpression([ lib$1.objectProperty(lib$1.identifier("styles"), makeStyledJsxTag(hash, css, expressions, styleComponentImportName)), lib$1.objectProperty(lib$1.identifier("className"), className) ])); return; } var id =; var baseExportName = id ? : "default"; var parentPath = baseExportName === "default" ? path.parentPath : path.findParent(function(path) { return path.isVariableDeclaration() || path.isAssignmentExpression() && isModuleExports(path.get("left").node); }); if (baseExportName !== "default" && !parentPath.parentPath.isProgram()) { parentPath = parentPath.parentPath; } var css1 = cssToBabelType(styles.css); var newPath = lib$1.isArrayExpression(css1) ? css1 : lib$1.newExpression(lib$1.identifier("String"), [ css1 ]); // default exports if (baseExportName === "default") { var defaultExportIdentifier = path.scope.generateUidIdentifier("defaultExport"); parentPath.insertBefore(lib$1.variableDeclaration("const", [ lib$1.variableDeclarator(defaultExportIdentifier, newPath) ])); parentPath.insertBefore(addHash(defaultExportIdentifier, styles.hash)); path.replaceWith(defaultExportIdentifier); return; } // local and named exports parentPath.insertAfter(addHash(lib$1.identifier(baseExportName), styles.hash)); path.replaceWith(newPath); } function addHash(exportIdentifier, hash) { var value = typeof hash === "string" ? lib$1.stringLiteral(hash) : hash; return lib$1.expressionStatement(lib$1.assignmentExpression("=", lib$1.memberExpression(exportIdentifier, lib$1.identifier("__hash")), value)); } var visitor = { ImportDeclaration: function ImportDeclaration(path, state) { // import css from 'styled-jsx/css' if (path.node.source.value !== "styled-jsx/css") { return; } // Find all the imported specifiers. // e.g import css, { global, resolve } from 'styled-jsx/css' // -> ['css', 'global', 'resolve'] var specifiersNames = { return; }); specifiersNames.forEach(function(tagName) { // Get all the reference paths i.e. the places that use the tagName above // eg. // css`div { color: red }` //`div { color: red }` // global`div { color: red ` var binding = path.scope.getBinding(tagName); if (!binding || !Array.isArray(binding.referencePaths)) { return; } // Produces an object containing all the TaggedTemplateExpression paths detected. // The object contains { scoped, global, resolve } var taggedTemplateExpressions = { return ref.parentPath; }).reduce(function(result, path) { var taggedTemplateExpression; if (path.isTaggedTemplateExpression()) { // css`` global`` resolve`` taggedTemplateExpression = path; } else if (path.parentPath && path.isMemberExpression() && path.parentPath.isTaggedTemplateExpression()) { // This part is for`` or css.resolve`` // using the default import css taggedTemplateExpression = path.parentPath; } else { return result; } var tag = taggedTemplateExpression.get("tag"); var id = tag.isIdentifier() ? : tag.get("property"); if (result[id]) { result[id].push(taggedTemplateExpression); } else { result.scoped.push(taggedTemplateExpression); } return result; }, { scoped: [], global: [], resolve: [] }); var hasJSXStyle = false; var _opts = state.opts, vendorPrefixes = _opts.vendorPrefixes, sourceMaps = _opts.sourceMaps; Object.keys(taggedTemplateExpressions).forEach(function(type) { return taggedTemplateExpressions[type].forEach(function(path) { hasJSXStyle = true; // Process each css block processTaggedTemplateExpression({ type: type, path: path, file: state.file, splitRules: typeof state.opts.optimizeForSpeed === "boolean" ? state.opts.optimizeForSpeed : process.env.NODE_ENV === "production", plugins: state.plugins, vendorPrefixes: vendorPrefixes, sourceMaps: sourceMaps, styleComponentImportName: state.styleComponentImportName }); }); }); var hasCssResolve = hasJSXStyle && taggedTemplateExpressions.resolve.length > 0; // When using the `resolve` helper we need to add an import // for the _JSXStyle component `styled-jsx/style` if (hasCssResolve) { state.file.hasCssResolve = true; } }); // Finally remove the import path.remove(); } }; function babelMacro(param) { var createMacro = param.createMacro, MacroError = param.MacroError; var styledJsxMacro = function styledJsxMacro(param) { var references = param.references, state = param.state; setStateOptions(state); // Holds a reference to all the lines where strings are tagged using the `css` tag name. // We print a warning at the end of the macro in case there is any reference to css, // because `css` is generally used as default import name for 'styled-jsx/css'. // People who want to migrate from this macro to pure styled-jsx might have name conflicts issues. var cssReferences = []; // references looks like this // { // default: [path, path], // resolve: [path], // } Object.keys(references).forEach(function(refName) { // Enforce `resolve` as named import so people // can only import { resolve } from 'styled-jsx/macro' // or an alias of it eg. { resolve as foo } if (refName !== "default" && refName !== "resolve") { throw new MacroError("Imported an invalid named import: " + refName + ". Please import: resolve"); } // Start processing the references for refName references[refName].forEach(function(path) { // We grab the parent path. Eg. // path -> css // path.parenPath -> css`div { color: red }` var templateExpression = path.parentPath; // templateExpression member expression? // path -> css // path.parentPath -> css.resolve if (templateExpression.isMemberExpression()) { // grab .resolve var tagPropertyName = templateExpression.get("property"); // Member expressions are only valid on default imports // eg. import css from 'styled-jsx/macro' if (refName !== "default") { throw new MacroError("Can't use named import " + + " as a member expression: " + + "." + tagPropertyName + "`div { color: red }` Please use it directly: " + + "`div { color: red }`"); } // Otherwise enforce `css.resolve` if (tagPropertyName !== "resolve") { throw new MacroError("Using an invalid tag: " + tagPropertyName + ". Please use " + templateExpression.get("object") + ".resolve"); } // Grab the TaggedTemplateExpression // i.e. css.resolve`div { color: red }` templateExpression = templateExpression.parentPath; } else { if (refName === "default") { var name =; throw new MacroError("Can't use default import directly eg. " + name + "`div { color: red }`. Please use " + name + ".resolve`div { color: red }` instead."); } if ( === "css") { // If the path node name is `css` we push it to the references above to emit a warning later. cssReferences.push(path.node.loc.start.line); } } if (!state.styleComponentImportName) { var programPath = path.findParent(function(p) { return p.isProgram(); }); state.styleComponentImportName = programPath.scope.generateUidIdentifier(STYLE_COMPONENT).name; var importDeclaration = createReactComponentImportDeclaration(state); programPath.unshiftContainer("body", importDeclaration); } // Finally transform the path :) processTaggedTemplateExpression({ type: "resolve", path: templateExpression, file: state.file, splitRules: typeof state.opts.optimizeForSpeed === "boolean" ? state.opts.optimizeForSpeed : process.env.NODE_ENV === "production", plugins: state.plugins, vendorPrefixes: state.opts.vendorPrefixes, sourceMaps: state.opts.sourceMaps, styleComponentImportName: state.styleComponentImportName }); }); }); if (cssReferences.length > 0) { console.warn("styled-jsx - Warning - We detected that you named your tag as `css` at lines: " + cssReferences.join(", ") + ".\n" + "This tag name is usually used as default import name for `styled-jsx/css`.\n" + "Porting macro code to pure styled-jsx in the future might be a bit problematic."); } }; return createMacro(styledJsxMacro); } function babelTest() { return { inherits: default_1, visitor: { JSXOpeningElement: function JSXOpeningElement(path) { var el = path.node; var name = ( || {}).name; if (name !== "style") { return; } el.attributes = el.attributes.filter(function(a) { var name =; return name !== "jsx" && name !== "global"; }); } } }; } function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for(var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++)arr2[i] = arr[i]; return arr2; } function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) return _arrayLikeToArray(arr); } function _extends() { _extends = Object.assign || function(target) { for(var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++){ var source = arguments[i]; for(var key in source){ if (, key)) { target[key] = source[key]; } } } return target; }; return _extends.apply(this, arguments); } function _iterableToArray(iter) { if (typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && iter[Symbol.iterator] != null || iter["@@iterator"] != null) return Array.from(iter); } function _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } function _toConsumableArray(arr) { return _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || _iterableToArray(arr) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || _nonIterableSpread(); } function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n =, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n =; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(n); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); } function macro() { return babelMacro(require("babel-plugin-macros")); } function test() { return babelTest; } function babel(param) { var t = param.types; var jsxVisitors = { JSXOpeningElement: function JSXOpeningElement(path, state) { var el = path.node; var name = ( || {}).name; if (!state.hasJSXStyle) { return; } if (state.ignoreClosing === null) { // We keep a counter of elements inside so that we // can keep track of when we exit the parent to reset state // note: if we wished to add an option to turn off // selectors to reach parent elements, it would suffice to // set this to `1` and do an early return instead state.ignoreClosing = 0; } var tag = path.get("name"); if (name && name !== "style" && name !== state.styleComponentImportName && (name.charAt(0) !== name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() || Object.values(path.scope.bindings).some(function(binding) { return binding.referencePaths.some(function(r) { return r === tag; }); }))) { if (state.className) { addClassName(path, state.className); } } state.ignoreClosing++; // Next visit will be: JSXElement exit() }, JSXElement: { enter: function enter(path, state) { if (state.hasJSXStyle !== null) { return; } var styles = findStyles(path); if (styles.length === 0) { return; } state.styles = []; state.externalStyles = []; var scope = getScope(path); for(var _i = 0; _i < styles.length; _i++){ var style = styles[_i]; // Compute children excluding whitespace var children = style.get("children").filter(function(c) { return t.isJSXExpressionContainer(c.node) || // Ignore whitespace around the expression container (t.isJSXText(c.node) && c.node.value.trim() !== ""); }); if (children.length !== 1) { throw path.buildCodeFrameError("Expected one child under " + ("JSX Style tag, but got " + children.length + " ") + "(eg: )"); } var child = children[0]; if (!t.isJSXExpressionContainer(child)) { throw path.buildCodeFrameError("Expected a child of " + "type JSXExpressionContainer under JSX Style tag " + ("(eg: ), got " + child.type)); } var expression = child.get("expression"); if (t.isIdentifier(expression)) { var idName =; if (expression.scope.hasBinding(idName)) { var externalStylesIdentifier = t.identifier(idName); var isGlobal = isGlobalEl(style.get("openingElement").node); state.externalStyles.push([ t.memberExpression(externalStylesIdentifier, t.identifier("__hash")), externalStylesIdentifier, isGlobal ]); continue; } throw path.buildCodeFrameError("The Identifier " + ("`" + expression.getSource() + "` is either `undefined` or ") + "it is not an external StyleSheet reference i.e. " + "it doesn't come from an `import` or `require` statement"); } if (!t.isTemplateLiteral(expression) && !t.isStringLiteral(expression)) { throw path.buildCodeFrameError("Expected a template " + "literal or String literal as the child of the " + "JSX Style tag (eg: )," + (" but got " + expression.type)); } state.styles.push(getJSXStyleInfo(expression, scope)); } var externalJsxId; if (state.externalStyles.length > 0) { var expressions = state.externalStyles// Remove globals .filter(function(s) { return !s[2]; }).map(function(s) { return s[0]; }); var expressionsLength = expressions.length; if (expressionsLength === 0) { externalJsxId = null; } else { // Construct a template literal of this form: // `jsx-${styles.__scopedHash} jsx-${otherStyles.__scopedHash}` externalJsxId = t.templateLiteral([ t.templateElement({ raw: "jsx-", cooked: "jsx-" }) ].concat(_toConsumableArray([].concat(new Array(expressionsLength - 1).fill(null)).map(function() { return t.templateElement({ raw: " jsx-", cooked: " jsx-" }); })), [ t.templateElement({ raw: "", cooked: "" }, true) ]), expressions); } } if (state.styles.length > 0 || externalJsxId) { var ref = computeClassNames(state.styles, externalJsxId, state.styleComponentImportName), staticClassName = ref.staticClassName, className = ref.className; state.className = className; state.staticClassName = staticClassName; } state.hasJSXStyle = true; state.file.hasJSXStyle = true; // Next visit will be: JSXOpeningElement }, exit: function exit(path, state) { var isGlobal = isGlobalEl(path.node.openingElement); if (state.hasJSXStyle && !--state.ignoreClosing && !isGlobal) { state.hasJSXStyle = null; state.className = null; state.externalJsxId = null; } if (!state.hasJSXStyle || !isStyledJsx(path)) { return; } if (state.ignoreClosing > 1) { var styleTagSrc; try { styleTagSrc = path.getSource(); } catch (error) {} throw path.buildCodeFrameError("Detected nested style tag" + (styleTagSrc ? ": \n\n" + styleTagSrc + "\n\n" : " ") + "styled-jsx only allows style tags " + "to be direct descendants (children) of the outermost " + "JSX element i.e. the subtree root."); } if (state.externalStyles.length > 0 && path.get("children").filter(function(child) { if (!t.isJSXExpressionContainer(child)) { return false; } var expression = child.get("expression"); return expression && expression.isIdentifier(); }).length === 1) { var ref = state.externalStyles.shift(), id = ref[0], css = ref[1]; path.replaceWith(makeStyledJsxTag(id, css, [], state.styleComponentImportName)); return; } var _opts = state.opts, vendorPrefixes = _opts.vendorPrefixes, sourceMaps = _opts.sourceMaps; var stylesInfo = _extends({}, state.styles.shift(), { file: state.file, staticClassName: state.staticClassName, isGlobal: isGlobal, plugins: state.plugins, vendorPrefixes: vendorPrefixes, sourceMaps: sourceMaps }); var splitRules = typeof state.opts.optimizeForSpeed === "boolean" ? state.opts.optimizeForSpeed : process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"; var ref1 = processCss(stylesInfo, { splitRules: splitRules }), hash = ref1.hash, css1 = ref1.css, expressions = ref1.expressions; path.replaceWith(makeStyledJsxTag(hash, css1, expressions, state.styleComponentImportName)); } } }; // only apply JSXFragment visitor if supported if (t.isJSXFragment) { jsxVisitors.JSXFragment = jsxVisitors.JSXElement; jsxVisitors.JSXOpeningFragment = { enter: function enter(path, state) { if (!state.hasJSXStyle) { return; } if (state.ignoreClosing === null) { // We keep a counter of elements inside so that we // can keep track of when we exit the parent to reset state // note: if we wished to add an option to turn off // selectors to reach parent elements, it would suffice to // set this to `1` and do an early return instead state.ignoreClosing = 0; } state.ignoreClosing++; } }; } var visitors = { inherits: default_1, visitor: { Program: { enter: function enter(path, state) { setStateOptions(state); state.hasJSXStyle = null; state.ignoreClosing = null; state.file.hasJSXStyle = false; state.file.hasCssResolve = false; // create unique identifier for _JSXStyle component state.styleComponentImportName = path.scope.generateUidIdentifier(STYLE_COMPONENT).name; // we need to beat the arrow function transform and // possibly others so we traverse from here or else // dynamic values in classNames could be incorrect path.traverse(jsxVisitors, state); // Transpile external styles path.traverse(visitor, state); }, exit: function exit(path, state) { if (!state.file.hasJSXStyle && !state.file.hasCssResolve) { return; } state.file.hasJSXStyle = true; var importDeclaration = createReactComponentImportDeclaration(state); path.unshiftContainer("body", importDeclaration); } } } }; return visitors; } exports["default"] = babel; exports.macro = macro; exports.test = test;