'use strict'; const isStandardSyntaxComment = require('./utils/isStandardSyntaxComment'); const { assert, assertNumber, assertString } = require('./utils/validateTypes'); const COMMAND_PREFIX = 'stylelint-'; const disableCommand = `${COMMAND_PREFIX}disable`; const enableCommand = `${COMMAND_PREFIX}enable`; const disableLineCommand = `${COMMAND_PREFIX}disable-line`; const disableNextLineCommand = `${COMMAND_PREFIX}disable-next-line`; const ALL_RULES = 'all'; /** @typedef {import('postcss').Comment} PostcssComment */ /** @typedef {import('postcss').Root} PostcssRoot */ /** @typedef {import('postcss').Document} PostcssDocument */ /** @typedef {import('stylelint').PostcssResult} PostcssResult */ /** @typedef {import('stylelint').DisabledRangeObject} DisabledRangeObject */ /** @typedef {import('stylelint').DisabledRange} DisabledRange */ /** * @param {PostcssComment} comment * @param {number} start * @param {boolean} strictStart * @param {string|undefined} description * @param {number} [end] * @param {boolean} [strictEnd] * @returns {DisabledRange} */ function createDisableRange(comment, start, strictStart, description, end, strictEnd) { return { comment, start, end: end || undefined, strictStart, strictEnd: typeof strictEnd === 'boolean' ? strictEnd : undefined, description, }; } /** * Run it like a PostCSS plugin * @param {PostcssRoot | PostcssDocument} root * @param {PostcssResult} result * @returns {PostcssResult} */ module.exports = function assignDisabledRanges(root, result) { result.stylelint = result.stylelint || { disabledRanges: {}, ruleSeverities: {}, customMessages: {}, ruleMetadata: {}, }; /** * Most of the functions below work via side effects mutating this object * @type {DisabledRangeObject & { all: DisabledRange[] }} */ const disabledRanges = { [ALL_RULES]: [], }; result.stylelint.disabledRanges = disabledRanges; // Work around postcss/postcss-scss#109 by merging adjacent `//` comments // into a single node before passing to `checkComment`. /** @type {PostcssComment?} */ let inlineEnd; root.walkComments((comment) => { if (inlineEnd) { // Ignore comments already processed by grouping with a previous one. if (inlineEnd === comment) inlineEnd = null; return; } const nextComment = comment.next(); // If any of these conditions are not met, do not merge comments. if ( !( !isStandardSyntaxComment(comment) && isStylelintCommand(comment) && nextComment && nextComment.type === 'comment' && (comment.text.includes('--') || nextComment.text.startsWith('--')) ) ) { checkComment(comment); return; } let lastLine = (comment.source && comment.source.end && comment.source.end.line) || 0; const fullComment = comment.clone(); let current = nextComment; while (!isStandardSyntaxComment(current) && !isStylelintCommand(current)) { const currentLine = (current.source && current.source.end && current.source.end.line) || 0; if (lastLine + 1 !== currentLine) break; fullComment.text += `\n${current.text}`; if (fullComment.source && current.source) { fullComment.source.end = current.source.end; } inlineEnd = current; const next = current.next(); if (!next || next.type !== 'comment') break; current = next; lastLine = currentLine; } checkComment(fullComment); }); return result; /** * @param {PostcssComment} comment */ function isStylelintCommand(comment) { return comment.text.startsWith(disableCommand) || comment.text.startsWith(enableCommand); } /** * @param {PostcssComment} comment */ function processDisableLineCommand(comment) { if (comment.source && comment.source.start) { const line = comment.source.start.line; const description = getDescription(comment.text); for (const ruleName of getCommandRules(disableLineCommand, comment.text)) { disableLine(comment, line, ruleName, description); } } } /** * @param {PostcssComment} comment */ function processDisableNextLineCommand(comment) { if (comment.source && comment.source.end) { const line = comment.source.end.line; const description = getDescription(comment.text); for (const ruleName of getCommandRules(disableNextLineCommand, comment.text)) { disableLine(comment, line + 1, ruleName, description); } } } /** * @param {PostcssComment} comment * @param {number} line * @param {string} ruleName * @param {string|undefined} description */ function disableLine(comment, line, ruleName, description) { if (ruleIsDisabled(ALL_RULES)) { throw comment.error('All rules have already been disabled', { plugin: 'stylelint', }); } if (ruleName === ALL_RULES) { for (const disabledRuleName of Object.keys(disabledRanges)) { if (ruleIsDisabled(disabledRuleName)) continue; const strict = disabledRuleName === ALL_RULES; startDisabledRange(comment, line, disabledRuleName, strict, description); endDisabledRange(line, disabledRuleName, strict); } } else { if (ruleIsDisabled(ruleName)) { throw comment.error(`"${ruleName}" has already been disabled`, { plugin: 'stylelint', }); } startDisabledRange(comment, line, ruleName, true, description); endDisabledRange(line, ruleName, true); } } /** * @param {PostcssComment} comment */ function processDisableCommand(comment) { const description = getDescription(comment.text); for (const ruleToDisable of getCommandRules(disableCommand, comment.text)) { const isAllRules = ruleToDisable === ALL_RULES; if (ruleIsDisabled(ruleToDisable)) { throw comment.error( isAllRules ? 'All rules have already been disabled' : `"${ruleToDisable}" has already been disabled`, { plugin: 'stylelint', }, ); } if (comment.source && comment.source.start) { const line = comment.source.start.line; if (isAllRules) { for (const ruleName of Object.keys(disabledRanges)) { startDisabledRange(comment, line, ruleName, ruleName === ALL_RULES, description); } } else { startDisabledRange(comment, line, ruleToDisable, true, description); } } } } /** * @param {PostcssComment} comment */ function processEnableCommand(comment) { for (const ruleToEnable of getCommandRules(enableCommand, comment.text)) { // need fallback if endLine will be undefined const endLine = comment.source && comment.source.end && comment.source.end.line; assertNumber(endLine); if (ruleToEnable === ALL_RULES) { if ( Object.values(disabledRanges).every((ranges) => { if (ranges.length === 0) return true; const lastRange = ranges[ranges.length - 1]; return lastRange && typeof lastRange.end === 'number'; }) ) { throw comment.error('No rules have been disabled', { plugin: 'stylelint', }); } for (const [ruleName, ranges] of Object.entries(disabledRanges)) { const lastRange = ranges[ranges.length - 1]; if (!lastRange || !lastRange.end) { endDisabledRange(endLine, ruleName, ruleName === ALL_RULES); } } continue; } if (ruleIsDisabled(ALL_RULES) && disabledRanges[ruleToEnable] === undefined) { // Get a starting point from the where all rules were disabled disabledRanges[ruleToEnable] = disabledRanges[ALL_RULES].map( ({ start, end, description }) => createDisableRange(comment, start, false, description, end, false), ); endDisabledRange(endLine, ruleToEnable, true); continue; } if (ruleIsDisabled(ruleToEnable)) { endDisabledRange(endLine, ruleToEnable, true); continue; } throw comment.error(`"${ruleToEnable}" has not been disabled`, { plugin: 'stylelint', }); } } /** * @param {PostcssComment} comment */ function checkComment(comment) { const text = comment.text; // Ignore comments that are not relevant commands if (text.indexOf(COMMAND_PREFIX) !== 0) { return; } if (text.startsWith(disableLineCommand)) { processDisableLineCommand(comment); } else if (text.startsWith(disableNextLineCommand)) { processDisableNextLineCommand(comment); } else if (text.startsWith(disableCommand)) { processDisableCommand(comment); } else if (text.startsWith(enableCommand)) { processEnableCommand(comment); } } /** * @param {string} command * @param {string} fullText * @returns {string[]} */ function getCommandRules(command, fullText) { // Allow for description (f.e. /* stylelint-disable a, b -- Description */). const splitted = fullText.slice(command.length).split(/\s-{2,}\s/u)[0]; assertString(splitted); const rules = splitted .trim() .split(',') .filter(Boolean) .map((r) => r.trim()); if (rules.length === 0) { return [ALL_RULES]; } return rules; } /** * @param {string} fullText * @returns {string|undefined} */ function getDescription(fullText) { const descriptionStart = fullText.indexOf('--'); if (descriptionStart === -1) return; return fullText.slice(descriptionStart + 2).trim(); } /** * @param {PostcssComment} comment * @param {number} line * @param {string} ruleName * @param {boolean} strict * @param {string|undefined} description */ function startDisabledRange(comment, line, ruleName, strict, description) { const rangeObj = createDisableRange(comment, line, strict, description); ensureRuleRanges(ruleName); const range = disabledRanges[ruleName]; assert(range); range.push(rangeObj); } /** * @param {number} line * @param {string} ruleName * @param {boolean} strict */ function endDisabledRange(line, ruleName, strict) { const ranges = disabledRanges[ruleName]; const lastRangeForRule = ranges ? ranges[ranges.length - 1] : null; if (!lastRangeForRule) { return; } // Add an `end` prop to the last range of that rule lastRangeForRule.end = line; lastRangeForRule.strictEnd = strict; } /** * @param {string} ruleName */ function ensureRuleRanges(ruleName) { if (!disabledRanges[ruleName]) { disabledRanges[ruleName] = disabledRanges[ALL_RULES].map( ({ comment, start, end, description }) => createDisableRange(comment, start, false, description, end, false), ); } } /** * @param {string} ruleName * @returns {boolean} */ function ruleIsDisabled(ruleName) { const ranges = disabledRanges[ruleName]; if (!ranges) return false; const lastRange = ranges[ranges.length - 1]; if (!lastRange) return false; if (!lastRange.end) return true; return false; } };