'use strict'; const createStylelint = require('./createStylelint'); const path = require('path'); /** * Resolves the effective configuation for a given file. Resolves to `undefined` * if no config is found. * @param {string} filePath - The path to the file to get the config for. * @param {Pick< * import('stylelint').LinterOptions, * | 'cwd' * | 'config' * | 'configBasedir' * | 'configFile' * >} options - The options to use when creating the Stylelint instance. * @returns {Promise} */ module.exports = async function resolveConfig( filePath, { cwd = process.cwd(), config, configBasedir, configFile } = {}, ) { if (!filePath) { return undefined; } const stylelint = createStylelint({ config, configFile, configBasedir, cwd, }); const absoluteFilePath = !path.isAbsolute(filePath) ? path.join(cwd, filePath) : path.normalize(filePath); const configSearchPath = stylelint._options.configFile || absoluteFilePath; const resolved = await stylelint.getConfigForFile(configSearchPath, absoluteFilePath); if (!resolved) { return undefined; } return resolved.config; };