123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258 |
- import { AlignedPlacement } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { Alignment } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { autoPlacement } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { AutoPlacementOptions } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { autoUpdate } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { AutoUpdateOptions } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { Axis } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { Boundary } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { ClientRectObject } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { computePosition } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { ComputePositionConfig } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { ComputePositionReturn } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { Coords } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import type { Derivable } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { detectOverflow } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { DetectOverflowOptions } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { Dimensions } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { ElementContext } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { ElementRects } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { Elements } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { flip } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { FlipOptions } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { FloatingElement } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { getOverflowAncestors } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { hide } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { HideOptions } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { inline } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { InlineOptions } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { Length } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { limitShift } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { Middleware } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { MiddlewareArguments } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { MiddlewareData } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { MiddlewareReturn } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { MiddlewareState } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { NodeScroll } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { offset } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { OffsetOptions } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { Padding } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { Placement } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { Platform } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { platform } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import type * as React_2 from 'react';
- import { Rect } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { ReferenceElement } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { RootBoundary } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { shift } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { ShiftOptions } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { Side } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { SideObject } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { size } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { SizeOptions } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { Strategy } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- import { VirtualElement } from '@floating-ui/dom';
- export { AlignedPlacement }
- export { Alignment }
- /**
- * Provides data to position an inner element of the floating element so that it
- * appears centered to the reference element.
- * This wraps the core `arrow` middleware to allow React refs as the element.
- * @see https://floating-ui.com/docs/arrow
- */
- export declare const arrow: (options: ArrowOptions | Derivable<ArrowOptions>) => Middleware;
- export declare interface ArrowOptions {
- /**
- * The arrow element to be positioned.
- * @default undefined
- */
- element: React_2.MutableRefObject<Element | null> | Element | null;
- /**
- * The padding between the arrow element and the floating element edges.
- * Useful when the floating element has rounded corners.
- * @default 0
- */
- padding?: Padding;
- }
- export { autoPlacement }
- export { AutoPlacementOptions }
- export { autoUpdate }
- export { AutoUpdateOptions }
- export { Axis }
- export { Boundary }
- export { ClientRectObject }
- export { computePosition }
- export { ComputePositionConfig }
- export { ComputePositionReturn }
- export { Coords }
- export { detectOverflow }
- export { DetectOverflowOptions }
- export { Dimensions }
- export { ElementContext }
- export { ElementRects }
- export { Elements }
- export { flip }
- export { FlipOptions }
- export { FloatingElement }
- export { getOverflowAncestors }
- export { hide }
- export { HideOptions }
- export { inline }
- export { InlineOptions }
- export { Length }
- export { limitShift }
- export { Middleware }
- export { MiddlewareArguments }
- export { MiddlewareData }
- export { MiddlewareReturn }
- export { MiddlewareState }
- export { NodeScroll }
- export { offset }
- export { OffsetOptions }
- export { Padding }
- export { Placement }
- export { Platform }
- export { platform }
- declare type Prettify<T> = {
- [K in keyof T]: T[K];
- } & {};
- export { Rect }
- export { ReferenceElement }
- export declare type ReferenceType = Element | VirtualElement;
- export { RootBoundary }
- export { shift }
- export { ShiftOptions }
- export { Side }
- export { SideObject }
- export { size }
- export { SizeOptions }
- export { Strategy }
- /**
- * Provides data to position a floating element.
- * @see https://floating-ui.com/docs/useFloating
- */
- export declare function useFloating<RT extends ReferenceType = ReferenceType>(options?: UseFloatingOptions): UseFloatingReturn<RT>;
- export declare type UseFloatingData = Prettify<ComputePositionReturn & {
- isPositioned: boolean;
- }>;
- export declare type UseFloatingOptions<RT extends ReferenceType = ReferenceType> = Prettify<Partial<ComputePositionConfig> & {
- /**
- * A callback invoked when both the reference and floating elements are
- * mounted, and cleaned up when either is unmounted. This is useful for
- * setting up event listeners (e.g. pass `autoUpdate`).
- */
- whileElementsMounted?: (reference: RT, floating: HTMLElement, update: () => void) => () => void;
- elements?: {
- reference?: RT | null;
- floating?: HTMLElement | null;
- };
- /**
- * The `open` state of the floating element to synchronize with the
- * `isPositioned` value.
- */
- open?: boolean;
- /**
- * Whether to use `transform` for positioning instead of `top` and `left`
- * (layout) in the `floatingStyles` object.
- */
- transform?: boolean;
- }>;
- export declare type UseFloatingReturn<RT extends ReferenceType = ReferenceType> = Prettify<UseFloatingData & {
- /**
- * Update the position of the floating element, re-rendering the component
- * if required.
- */
- update: () => void;
- /**
- * Pre-configured positioning styles to apply to the floating element.
- */
- floatingStyles: React_2.CSSProperties;
- /**
- * Object containing the reference and floating refs and reactive setters.
- */
- refs: {
- /**
- * A React ref to the reference element.
- */
- reference: React_2.MutableRefObject<RT | null>;
- /**
- * A React ref to the floating element.
- */
- floating: React_2.MutableRefObject<HTMLElement | null>;
- /**
- * A callback to set the reference element (reactive).
- */
- setReference: (node: RT | null) => void;
- /**
- * A callback to set the floating element (reactive).
- */
- setFloating: (node: HTMLElement | null) => void;
- };
- elements: {
- reference: RT | null;
- floating: HTMLElement | null;
- };
- }>;
- export { VirtualElement }
- export { }