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- import { C as Channel, a as Config, b as ChannelTransport } from './main-c55d8855.js';
- export { c as ChannelEvent, d as ChannelHandler, L as Listener } from './main-c55d8855.js';
- export { PostMessageTransport, default as createPostMessageChannel } from './postmessage/index.js';
- export { WebsocketTransport, default as createWebSocketChannel } from './websocket/index.js';
- type Options = Config & {
- extraTransports?: ChannelTransport[];
- };
- /**
- * Creates a new browser channel instance.
- * @param {Options} options - The options object.
- * @param {Page} options.page - The puppeteer page instance.
- * @param {ChannelTransport[]} [options.extraTransports=[]] - An optional array of extra channel transports.
- * @returns {Channel} - The new channel instance.
- */
- declare function createBrowserChannel({ page, extraTransports }: Options): Channel;
- export { Channel, ChannelTransport, createBrowserChannel, Channel as default };