123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535 |
- // Type definitions for axe-core
- // Project: https://github.com/dequelabs/axe-core
- // Definitions by: Marcy Sutton <https://github.com/marcysutton>
- declare namespace axe {
- type ImpactValue = 'minor' | 'moderate' | 'serious' | 'critical' | null;
- type TagValue = string;
- type ReporterVersion = 'v1' | 'v2' | 'raw' | 'raw-env' | 'no-passes';
- type RunOnlyType = 'rule' | 'rules' | 'tag' | 'tags';
- type resultGroups = 'inapplicable' | 'passes' | 'incomplete' | 'violations';
- type AriaAttrsType =
- | 'boolean'
- | 'nmtoken'
- | 'mntokens'
- | 'idref'
- | 'idrefs'
- | 'string'
- | 'decimal'
- | 'int';
- type AriaRolesType = 'abstract' | 'widget' | 'structure' | 'landmark';
- type DpubRolesType =
- | 'section'
- | 'landmark'
- | 'link'
- | 'listitem'
- | 'img'
- | 'navigation'
- | 'note'
- | 'separator'
- | 'none'
- | 'sectionhead';
- type HtmlContentTypes =
- | 'flow'
- | 'sectioning'
- | 'heading'
- | 'phrasing'
- | 'embedded'
- | 'interactive';
- // Array of length 2 or greater
- type MultiArray<T> = [T, T, ...T[]];
- // Selectors within a frame
- type BaseSelector = string;
- type ShadowDomSelector = MultiArray<BaseSelector>;
- type CrossTreeSelector = BaseSelector | ShadowDomSelector;
- type LabelledShadowDomSelector = { fromShadowDom: ShadowDomSelector };
- // Cross-frame selectors
- type FramesSelector = Array<CrossTreeSelector | LabelledShadowDomSelector>;
- type UnlabelledFrameSelector = CrossTreeSelector[];
- type LabelledFramesSelector = { fromFrames: MultiArray<FramesSelector[0]> };
- /**
- * @deprecated Use UnlabelledFrameSelector instead
- */
- type CrossFrameSelector = UnlabelledFrameSelector;
- // Context options
- type Selector =
- | Node
- | BaseSelector
- | LabelledShadowDomSelector
- | LabelledFramesSelector;
- type SelectorList = Array<Selector | FramesSelector> | NodeList;
- type ContextObject =
- | {
- include: Selector | SelectorList;
- exclude?: Selector | SelectorList;
- }
- | {
- exclude: Selector | SelectorList;
- include?: Selector | SelectorList;
- };
- type ElementContext = Selector | SelectorList | ContextObject;
- type SerialSelector =
- | BaseSelector
- | LabelledShadowDomSelector
- | LabelledFramesSelector;
- type SerialFrameSelector = SerialSelector | FramesSelector;
- type SerialSelectorList = Array<SerialFrameSelector>;
- type SerialContextObject =
- | {
- include: SerialSelector | SerialSelectorList;
- exclude?: SerialSelector | SerialSelectorList;
- }
- | {
- exclude: SerialSelector | SerialSelectorList;
- include?: SerialSelector | SerialSelectorList;
- };
- interface FrameContextObject {
- include: UnlabelledFrameSelector[];
- exclude: UnlabelledFrameSelector[];
- }
- type RunCallback<T = AxeResults> = (error: Error, results: T) => void;
- interface TestEngine {
- name: string;
- version: string;
- }
- interface TestRunner {
- name: string;
- }
- interface TestEnvironment {
- userAgent: string;
- windowWidth: number;
- windowHeight: number;
- orientationAngle?: number;
- orientationType?: string;
- }
- interface RunOnly {
- type: RunOnlyType;
- values: TagValue[] | string[];
- }
- interface RuleObject {
- [key: string]: {
- enabled: boolean;
- };
- }
- interface RunOptions {
- runOnly?: RunOnly | TagValue[] | string[] | string;
- rules?: RuleObject;
- reporter?: ReporterVersion;
- resultTypes?: resultGroups[];
- selectors?: boolean;
- ancestry?: boolean;
- xpath?: boolean;
- absolutePaths?: boolean;
- iframes?: boolean;
- elementRef?: boolean;
- frameWaitTime?: number;
- preload?: boolean;
- performanceTimer?: boolean;
- pingWaitTime?: number;
- }
- interface AxeResults extends EnvironmentData {
- toolOptions: RunOptions;
- passes: Result[];
- violations: Result[];
- incomplete: Result[];
- inapplicable: Result[];
- }
- interface Result {
- description: string;
- help: string;
- helpUrl: string;
- id: string;
- impact?: ImpactValue;
- tags: TagValue[];
- nodes: NodeResult[];
- }
- interface NodeResult {
- html: string;
- impact?: ImpactValue;
- target: string[];
- xpath?: string[];
- ancestry?: string[];
- any: CheckResult[];
- all: CheckResult[];
- none: CheckResult[];
- failureSummary?: string;
- element?: HTMLElement;
- }
- interface CheckResult {
- id: string;
- impact: string;
- message: string;
- data: any;
- relatedNodes?: RelatedNode[];
- }
- interface RelatedNode {
- target: string[];
- html: string;
- }
- interface RuleLocale {
- [key: string]: {
- description: string;
- help: string;
- };
- }
- interface CheckMessages {
- pass: string | { [key: string]: string };
- fail: string | { [key: string]: string };
- incomplete: string | { [key: string]: string };
- }
- interface CheckLocale {
- [key: string]: CheckMessages;
- }
- interface Locale {
- lang?: string;
- rules?: RuleLocale;
- checks?: CheckLocale;
- }
- interface AriaAttrs {
- type: AriaAttrsType;
- values?: string[];
- allowEmpty?: boolean;
- global?: boolean;
- unsupported?: boolean;
- }
- interface AriaRoles {
- type: AriaRolesType | DpubRolesType;
- requiredContext?: string[];
- requiredOwned?: string[];
- requiredAttrs?: string[];
- allowedAttrs?: string[];
- nameFromContent?: boolean;
- unsupported?: boolean;
- }
- interface HtmlElmsVariant {
- contentTypes?: HtmlContentTypes[];
- allowedRoles: boolean | string[];
- noAriaAttrs?: boolean;
- shadowRoot?: boolean;
- implicitAttrs?: { [key: string]: string };
- namingMethods?: string[];
- }
- interface HtmlElms extends HtmlElmsVariant {
- variant?: { [key: string]: HtmlElmsVariant };
- }
- interface Standards {
- ariaAttrs?: { [key: string]: AriaAttrs };
- ariaRoles?: { [key: string]: AriaRoles };
- htmlElms?: { [key: string]: HtmlElms };
- cssColors?: { [key: string]: number[] };
- }
- interface Spec {
- branding?: string | Branding;
- reporter?: ReporterVersion | string | AxeReporter;
- checks?: Check[];
- rules?: Rule[];
- standards?: Standards;
- locale?: Locale;
- disableOtherRules?: boolean;
- axeVersion?: string;
- noHtml?: boolean;
- allowedOrigins?: string[];
- // Deprecated - do not use.
- ver?: string;
- }
- /**
- * @deprecated Use branding: string instead to set the application key in help URLs
- */
- interface Branding {
- brand?: string;
- application?: string;
- }
- interface Check {
- id: string;
- evaluate?: Function | string;
- after?: Function | string;
- options?: any;
- matches?: string;
- enabled?: boolean;
- metadata?: {
- impact?: ImpactValue;
- messages?: CheckMessages;
- };
- }
- interface Rule {
- id: string;
- selector?: string;
- impact?: ImpactValue;
- excludeHidden?: boolean;
- enabled?: boolean;
- pageLevel?: boolean;
- any?: string[];
- all?: string[];
- none?: string[];
- tags?: string[];
- matches?: string;
- reviewOnFail?: boolean;
- metadata?: Omit<RuleMetadata, 'ruleId'>;
- }
- interface AxePlugin {
- id: string;
- run(...args: any[]): any;
- commands: {
- id: string;
- callback(...args: any[]): void;
- }[];
- cleanup?(callback: Function): void;
- }
- interface RuleMetadata {
- ruleId: string;
- description: string;
- help: string;
- helpUrl: string;
- tags: string[];
- actIds?: string[];
- }
- interface SerialDqElement {
- source: string;
- nodeIndexes: number[];
- selector: UnlabelledFrameSelector;
- xpath: string[];
- ancestry: UnlabelledFrameSelector;
- }
- interface PartialRuleResult {
- id: string;
- result: 'inapplicable';
- pageLevel: boolean;
- impact: null;
- nodes: Array<Record<string, unknown>>;
- }
- interface PartialResult {
- frames: SerialDqElement[];
- results: PartialRuleResult[];
- environmentData?: EnvironmentData;
- }
- type PartialResults = Array<PartialResult | null>;
- interface FrameContext {
- frameSelector: CrossTreeSelector;
- frameContext: FrameContextObject;
- }
- interface RawNodeResult<T extends 'passed' | 'failed' | 'incomplete'> {
- any: CheckResult[];
- all: CheckResult[];
- none: CheckResult[];
- impact: ImpactValue | null;
- result: T;
- }
- interface RawResult extends Omit<Result, 'nodes'> {
- inapplicable: [];
- passes: RawNodeResult<'passed'>[];
- incomplete: RawNodeResult<'incomplete'>[];
- violations: RawNodeResult<'failed'>[];
- pageLevel: boolean;
- result: 'failed' | 'passed' | 'incomplete' | 'inapplicable';
- }
- type AxeReporter<T = unknown> = (
- rawResults: RawResult[],
- option: RunOptions,
- callback: (report: T) => void
- ) => void;
- interface VirtualNode {
- actualNode?: Node;
- shadowId?: string;
- children?: VirtualNode[];
- parent?: VirtualNode;
- attr(attr: string): string | null;
- hasAttr(attr: string): boolean;
- props: { [key: string]: unknown };
- }
- interface Utils {
- getFrameContexts: (
- context?: ElementContext,
- options?: RunOptions
- ) => FrameContext[];
- shadowSelect: (selector: CrossTreeSelector) => Element | null;
- shadowSelectAll: (selector: CrossTreeSelector) => Element[];
- getStandards(): Required<Standards>;
- }
- interface EnvironmentData {
- testEngine: TestEngine;
- testRunner: TestRunner;
- testEnvironment: TestEnvironment;
- url: string;
- timestamp: string;
- }
- let version: string;
- let plugins: any;
- let utils: Utils;
- /**
- * Source string to use as an injected script in Selenium
- */
- let source: string;
- /**
- * Object for axe Results
- */
- var AxeResults: AxeResults;
- /**
- * Runs a number of rules against the provided HTML page and returns the resulting issue list
- *
- * @param {ElementContext} context Optional The `Context` specification object @see Context
- * @param {RunOptions} options Optional Options passed into rules or checks, temporarily modifying them.
- * @param {RunCallback} callback Optional The function to invoke when analysis is complete.
- * @returns {Promise<AxeResults>|void} If the callback was not defined, axe will return a Promise.
- */
- function run<T = AxeResults>(context?: ElementContext): Promise<T>;
- function run<T = AxeResults>(options: RunOptions): Promise<T>;
- function run<T = AxeResults>(
- callback: (error: Error, results: T) => void
- ): void;
- function run<T = AxeResults>(
- context: ElementContext,
- callback: RunCallback<T>
- ): void;
- function run<T = AxeResults>(
- options: RunOptions,
- callback: RunCallback<T>
- ): void;
- function run<T = AxeResults>(
- context: ElementContext,
- options: RunOptions
- ): Promise<T>;
- function run<T = AxeResults>(
- context: ElementContext,
- options: RunOptions,
- callback: RunCallback<T>
- ): void;
- /**
- * Method for configuring the data format used by axe. Helpful for adding new
- * rules, which must be registered with the library to execute.
- * @param {Spec} Spec Object with valid `branding`, `reporter`, `checks` and `rules` data
- */
- function configure(spec: Spec): void;
- /**
- * Run axe in the current window only
- * @param {ElementContext} context Optional The `Context` specification object @see Context
- * @param {RunOptions} options Optional Options passed into rules or checks, temporarily modifying them.
- * @returns {Promise<PartialResult>} Partial result, for use in axe.finishRun.
- */
- function runPartial(
- context: ElementContext,
- options: RunOptions
- ): Promise<PartialResult>;
- /**
- * Create a report from axe.runPartial results
- * @param {PartialResult[]} partialResults Results from axe.runPartial, calls in different frames on the page.
- * @param {RunOptions} options Optional Options passed into rules or checks, temporarily modifying them.
- */
- function finishRun(
- partialResults: PartialResults,
- options: RunOptions
- ): Promise<AxeResults>;
- /**
- * Searches and returns rules that contain a tag in the list of tags.
- * @param {Array} tags Optional array of tags
- * @return {Array} Array of rules
- */
- function getRules(tags?: string[]): RuleMetadata[];
- /**
- * Restores the default axe configuration
- */
- function reset(): void;
- /**
- * Function to register a plugin configuration in document and its subframes
- * @param {Object} plugin A plugin configuration object
- */
- function registerPlugin(plugin: AxePlugin): void;
- /**
- * Function to clean up plugin configuration in document and its subframes
- */
- function cleanup(): void;
- /**
- * Set up alternative frame communication
- */
- function frameMessenger(frameMessenger: FrameMessenger): void;
- /**
- * Setup axe-core so axe.common functions can work properly.
- */
- function setup(node?: Element | Document): VirtualNode;
- /**
- * Clean up axe-core tree and caches. `axe.run` will call this function at the end of the run so there's no need to call it yourself afterwards.
- */
- function teardown(): void;
- /**
- * Check if a reporter is registered
- */
- function hasReporter(reporterName: string): boolean;
- /**
- * Get a reporter based the name it is registered with
- */
- function getReporter<T>(reporterName: string): AxeReporter<T>;
- /**
- * Register a new reporter, optionally setting it as the default
- */
- function addReporter<T>(
- reporterName: string,
- reporter: AxeReporter<T>,
- isDefault?: boolean
- ): void;
- // axe.frameMessenger
- type FrameMessenger = {
- open: (topicHandler: TopicHandler) => Close | void;
- post: (
- frameWindow: Window,
- data: TopicData,
- replyHandler: ReplyHandler
- ) => boolean | void;
- };
- type Close = Function;
- type TopicHandler = (data: TopicData, responder: Responder) => void;
- type ReplyHandler = (
- message: any | Error,
- keepalive: boolean,
- responder: Responder
- ) => void;
- type Responder = (
- message: any | Error,
- keepalive?: boolean,
- replyHandler?: ReplyHandler
- ) => void;
- type TopicData = { topic: string } & ReplyData;
- type ReplyData = { channelId: string; message: any; keepalive: boolean };
- }
- export = axe;