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- /// <reference types="node"/>
- declare namespace isInteractive {
- interface Options {
- /**
- The stream to check.
- @default process.stdout
- */
- readonly stream?: NodeJS.WritableStream;
- }
- }
- /**
- Check if stdout or stderr is [interactive](https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/43389/7678).
- It checks that the stream is [TTY](https://jameshfisher.com/2017/12/09/what-is-a-tty/), not a dumb terminal, and not running in a CI.
- This can be useful to decide whether to present interactive UI or animations in the terminal.
- @example
- ```
- import isInteractive = require('is-interactive');
- isInteractive();
- //=> true
- ```
- */
- declare function isInteractive(options?: isInteractive.Options): boolean;
- export = isInteractive;