1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435 |
- import { limit, trimAfterFirstMatch, startsWith, endsWith } from './util.js';
- describe('findNumbers/util', function () {
- it('should generate regexp limit', function () {
- var thrower = function thrower() {
- return limit(1, 0);
- };
- thrower.should["throw"]();
- thrower = function thrower() {
- return limit(-1, 1);
- };
- thrower.should["throw"]();
- thrower = function thrower() {
- return limit(0, 0);
- };
- thrower.should["throw"]();
- });
- it('should trimAfterFirstMatch', function () {
- trimAfterFirstMatch(/\d/, 'abc123').should.equal('abc');
- trimAfterFirstMatch(/\d/, 'abc').should.equal('abc');
- });
- it('should determine if a string starts with a substring', function () {
- startsWith('𐍈123', '𐍈').should.equal(true);
- startsWith('1𐍈', '𐍈').should.equal(false);
- });
- it('should determine if a string ends with a substring', function () {
- endsWith('123𐍈', '𐍈').should.equal(true);
- endsWith('𐍈1', '𐍈').should.equal(false);
- });
- });
- //# sourceMappingURL=util.test.js.map