123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121 |
- function _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(o, allowArrayLike) { var it = typeof Symbol !== "undefined" && o[Symbol.iterator] || o["@@iterator"]; if (it) return (it = it.call(o)).next.bind(it); if (Array.isArray(o) || (it = _unsupportedIterableToArray(o)) || allowArrayLike && o && typeof o.length === "number") { if (it) o = it; var i = 0; return function () { if (i >= o.length) return { done: true }; return { done: false, value: o[i++] }; }; } throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); }
- function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return Array.from(o); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); }
- function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; }
- // These mappings map a character (key) to a specific digit that should
- // replace it for normalization purposes. Non-European digits that
- // may be used in phone numbers are mapped to a European equivalent.
- //
- // E.g. in Iraq they don't write `+442323234` but rather `+٤٤٢٣٢٣٢٣٤`.
- //
- export var DIGITS = {
- '0': '0',
- '1': '1',
- '2': '2',
- '3': '3',
- '4': '4',
- '5': '5',
- '6': '6',
- '7': '7',
- '8': '8',
- '9': '9',
- "\uFF10": '0',
- // Fullwidth digit 0
- "\uFF11": '1',
- // Fullwidth digit 1
- "\uFF12": '2',
- // Fullwidth digit 2
- "\uFF13": '3',
- // Fullwidth digit 3
- "\uFF14": '4',
- // Fullwidth digit 4
- "\uFF15": '5',
- // Fullwidth digit 5
- "\uFF16": '6',
- // Fullwidth digit 6
- "\uFF17": '7',
- // Fullwidth digit 7
- "\uFF18": '8',
- // Fullwidth digit 8
- "\uFF19": '9',
- // Fullwidth digit 9
- "\u0660": '0',
- // Arabic-indic digit 0
- "\u0661": '1',
- // Arabic-indic digit 1
- "\u0662": '2',
- // Arabic-indic digit 2
- "\u0663": '3',
- // Arabic-indic digit 3
- "\u0664": '4',
- // Arabic-indic digit 4
- "\u0665": '5',
- // Arabic-indic digit 5
- "\u0666": '6',
- // Arabic-indic digit 6
- "\u0667": '7',
- // Arabic-indic digit 7
- "\u0668": '8',
- // Arabic-indic digit 8
- "\u0669": '9',
- // Arabic-indic digit 9
- "\u06F0": '0',
- // Eastern-Arabic digit 0
- "\u06F1": '1',
- // Eastern-Arabic digit 1
- "\u06F2": '2',
- // Eastern-Arabic digit 2
- "\u06F3": '3',
- // Eastern-Arabic digit 3
- "\u06F4": '4',
- // Eastern-Arabic digit 4
- "\u06F5": '5',
- // Eastern-Arabic digit 5
- "\u06F6": '6',
- // Eastern-Arabic digit 6
- "\u06F7": '7',
- // Eastern-Arabic digit 7
- "\u06F8": '8',
- // Eastern-Arabic digit 8
- "\u06F9": '9' // Eastern-Arabic digit 9
- };
- export function parseDigit(character) {
- return DIGITS[character];
- }
- /**
- * Parses phone number digits from a string.
- * Drops all punctuation leaving only digits.
- * Also converts wide-ascii and arabic-indic numerals to conventional numerals.
- * E.g. in Iraq they don't write `+442323234` but rather `+٤٤٢٣٢٣٢٣٤`.
- * @param {string} string
- * @return {string}
- * @example
- * ```js
- * parseDigits('8 (800) 555')
- * // Outputs '8800555'.
- * ```
- */
- export default function parseDigits(string) {
- var result = ''; // Using `.split('')` here instead of normal `for ... of`
- // because the importing application doesn't neccessarily include an ES6 polyfill.
- // The `.split('')` approach discards "exotic" UTF-8 characters
- // (the ones consisting of four bytes) but digits
- // (including non-European ones) don't fall into that range
- // so such "exotic" characters would be discarded anyway.
- for (var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelperLoose(string.split('')), _step; !(_step = _iterator()).done;) {
- var character = _step.value;
- var digit = parseDigit(character);
- if (digit) {
- result += digit;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- //# sourceMappingURL=parseDigits.js.map