123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389 |
- /**
- * markdown-to-jsx is a fork of
- * [simple-markdown v0.2.2](https://github.com/Khan/simple-markdown)
- * from Khan Academy. Thank you Khan devs for making such an awesome
- * and extensible parsing infra... without it, half of the
- * optimizations here wouldn't be feasible. 🙏🏼
- */
- import * as React from 'react';
- /**
- * Analogous to `node.type`. Please note that the values here may change at any time,
- * so do not hard code against the value directly.
- */
- export declare const enum RuleType {
- blockQuote = "0",
- breakLine = "1",
- breakThematic = "2",
- codeBlock = "3",
- codeFenced = "4",
- codeInline = "5",
- footnote = "6",
- footnoteReference = "7",
- gfmTask = "8",
- heading = "9",
- headingSetext = "10",
- /** only available if not `disableHTMLParsing` */
- htmlBlock = "11",
- htmlComment = "12",
- /** only available if not `disableHTMLParsing` */
- htmlSelfClosing = "13",
- image = "14",
- link = "15",
- /** emits a `link` 'node', does not render directly */
- linkAngleBraceStyleDetector = "16",
- /** emits a `link` 'node', does not render directly */
- linkBareUrlDetector = "17",
- /** emits a `link` 'node', does not render directly */
- linkMailtoDetector = "18",
- newlineCoalescer = "19",
- orderedList = "20",
- paragraph = "21",
- ref = "22",
- refImage = "23",
- refLink = "24",
- table = "25",
- tableSeparator = "26",
- text = "27",
- textBolded = "28",
- textEmphasized = "29",
- textEscaped = "30",
- textMarked = "31",
- textStrikethroughed = "32",
- unorderedList = "33"
- }
- declare const enum Priority {
- /**
- * anything that must scan the tree before everything else
- */
- MAX = 0,
- /**
- * scans for block-level constructs
- */
- HIGH = 1,
- /**
- * inline w/ more priority than other inline
- */
- MED = 2,
- /**
- * inline elements
- */
- LOW = 3,
- /**
- * bare text and stuff that is considered leftovers
- */
- MIN = 4
- }
- export declare function compiler(markdown: string, options?: MarkdownToJSX.Options): JSX.Element;
- /**
- * A simple HOC for easy React use. Feed the markdown content as a direct child
- * and the rest is taken care of automatically.
- */
- declare const Markdown: React.FC<{
- [key: string]: any;
- children: string;
- options?: MarkdownToJSX.Options;
- }>;
- export declare namespace MarkdownToJSX {
- /**
- * RequireAtLeastOne<{ ... }> <- only requires at least one key
- */
- type RequireAtLeastOne<T, Keys extends keyof T = keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, Keys>> & {
- [K in Keys]-?: Required<Pick<T, K>> & Partial<Pick<T, Exclude<Keys, K>>>;
- }[Keys];
- export type CreateElement = typeof React.createElement;
- export type HTMLTags = keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements;
- export type State = {
- /** true if the current content is inside anchor link grammar */
- inAnchor?: boolean;
- /** true if parsing in an inline context (subset of rules around formatting and links) */
- inline?: boolean;
- /** true if in a table */
- inTable?: boolean;
- /** use this for the `key` prop */
- key?: React.Key;
- /** true if in a list */
- list?: boolean;
- /** true if parsing in inline context w/o links */
- simple?: boolean;
- };
- export interface BlockQuoteNode {
- children: MarkdownToJSX.ParserResult[];
- type: RuleType.blockQuote;
- }
- export interface BreakLineNode {
- type: RuleType.breakLine;
- }
- export interface BreakThematicNode {
- type: RuleType.breakThematic;
- }
- export interface CodeBlockNode {
- type: RuleType.codeBlock;
- attrs?: JSX.IntrinsicAttributes;
- lang?: string;
- text: string;
- }
- export interface CodeFencedNode {
- type: RuleType.codeFenced;
- }
- export interface CodeInlineNode {
- type: RuleType.codeInline;
- text: string;
- }
- export interface FootnoteNode {
- type: RuleType.footnote;
- }
- export interface FootnoteReferenceNode {
- type: RuleType.footnoteReference;
- target: string;
- text: string;
- }
- export interface GFMTaskNode {
- type: RuleType.gfmTask;
- completed: boolean;
- }
- export interface HeadingNode {
- type: RuleType.heading;
- children: MarkdownToJSX.ParserResult[];
- id: string;
- level: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6;
- }
- export interface HeadingSetextNode {
- type: RuleType.headingSetext;
- }
- export interface HTMLCommentNode {
- type: RuleType.htmlComment;
- }
- export interface ImageNode {
- type: RuleType.image;
- alt?: string;
- target: string;
- title?: string;
- }
- export interface LinkNode {
- type: RuleType.link;
- children: MarkdownToJSX.ParserResult[];
- target: string;
- title?: string;
- }
- export interface LinkAngleBraceNode {
- type: RuleType.linkAngleBraceStyleDetector;
- }
- export interface LinkBareURLNode {
- type: RuleType.linkBareUrlDetector;
- }
- export interface LinkMailtoNode {
- type: RuleType.linkMailtoDetector;
- }
- export interface OrderedListNode {
- type: RuleType.orderedList;
- items: MarkdownToJSX.ParserResult[][];
- ordered: true;
- start?: number;
- }
- export interface UnorderedListNode {
- type: RuleType.unorderedList;
- items: MarkdownToJSX.ParserResult[][];
- ordered: false;
- }
- export interface NewlineNode {
- type: RuleType.newlineCoalescer;
- }
- export interface ParagraphNode {
- type: RuleType.paragraph;
- children: MarkdownToJSX.ParserResult[];
- }
- export interface ReferenceNode {
- type: RuleType.ref;
- }
- export interface ReferenceImageNode {
- type: RuleType.refImage;
- alt?: string;
- ref: string;
- }
- export interface ReferenceLinkNode {
- type: RuleType.refLink;
- children: MarkdownToJSX.ParserResult[];
- fallbackChildren: MarkdownToJSX.ParserResult[];
- ref: string;
- }
- export interface TableNode {
- type: RuleType.table;
- /**
- * alignment for each table column
- */
- align: ('left' | 'right' | 'center')[];
- cells: MarkdownToJSX.ParserResult[][][];
- header: MarkdownToJSX.ParserResult[][];
- }
- export interface TableSeparatorNode {
- type: RuleType.tableSeparator;
- }
- export interface TextNode {
- type: RuleType.text;
- text: string;
- }
- export interface BoldTextNode {
- type: RuleType.textBolded;
- children: MarkdownToJSX.ParserResult[];
- }
- export interface ItalicTextNode {
- type: RuleType.textEmphasized;
- children: MarkdownToJSX.ParserResult[];
- }
- export interface EscapedTextNode {
- type: RuleType.textEscaped;
- }
- export interface MarkedTextNode {
- type: RuleType.textMarked;
- children: MarkdownToJSX.ParserResult[];
- }
- export interface StrikethroughTextNode {
- type: RuleType.textStrikethroughed;
- children: MarkdownToJSX.ParserResult[];
- }
- export interface HTMLNode {
- type: RuleType.htmlBlock;
- attrs: JSX.IntrinsicAttributes;
- children?: ReturnType<MarkdownToJSX.NestedParser> | undefined;
- noInnerParse: Boolean;
- tag: MarkdownToJSX.HTMLTags;
- text?: string | undefined;
- }
- export interface HTMLSelfClosingNode {
- type: RuleType.htmlSelfClosing;
- attrs: JSX.IntrinsicAttributes;
- tag: string;
- }
- export type ParserResult = BlockQuoteNode | BreakLineNode | BreakThematicNode | CodeBlockNode | CodeFencedNode | CodeInlineNode | FootnoteNode | FootnoteReferenceNode | GFMTaskNode | HeadingNode | HeadingSetextNode | HTMLCommentNode | ImageNode | LinkNode | LinkAngleBraceNode | LinkBareURLNode | LinkMailtoNode | OrderedListNode | UnorderedListNode | NewlineNode | ParagraphNode | ReferenceNode | ReferenceImageNode | ReferenceLinkNode | TableNode | TableSeparatorNode | TextNode | BoldTextNode | ItalicTextNode | EscapedTextNode | MarkedTextNode | StrikethroughTextNode | HTMLNode | HTMLSelfClosingNode;
- export type NestedParser = (input: string, state?: MarkdownToJSX.State) => MarkdownToJSX.ParserResult[];
- export type Parser<ParserOutput> = (capture: RegExpMatchArray, nestedParse: NestedParser, state?: MarkdownToJSX.State) => ParserOutput;
- export type RuleOutput = (ast: MarkdownToJSX.ParserResult | MarkdownToJSX.ParserResult[], state: MarkdownToJSX.State) => JSX.Element;
- export type Rule<ParserOutput = MarkdownToJSX.ParserResult> = {
- match: (source: string, state: MarkdownToJSX.State, prevCapturedString?: string) => RegExpMatchArray;
- order: Priority;
- parse: MarkdownToJSX.Parser<Omit<ParserOutput, 'type'>>;
- render?: (node: ParserOutput,
- /**
- * Continue rendering AST nodes if applicable.
- */
- render: RuleOutput, state?: MarkdownToJSX.State) => React.ReactChild;
- };
- export type Rules = {
- [K in ParserResult['type']]: Rule<Extract<ParserResult, {
- type: K;
- }>>;
- };
- export type Override = RequireAtLeastOne<{
- component: React.ElementType;
- props: Object;
- }> | React.ElementType;
- export type Overrides = {
- [tag in HTMLTags]?: Override;
- } & {
- [customComponent: string]: Override;
- };
- export type Options = Partial<{
- /**
- * Ultimate control over the output of all rendered JSX.
- */
- createElement: (tag: Parameters<CreateElement>[0], props: JSX.IntrinsicAttributes, ...children: React.ReactChild[]) => React.ReactChild;
- /**
- * Disable the compiler's best-effort transcription of provided raw HTML
- * into JSX-equivalent. This is the functionality that prevents the need to
- * use `dangerouslySetInnerHTML` in React.
- */
- disableParsingRawHTML: boolean;
- /**
- * Forces the compiler to have space between hash sign and the header text which
- * is explicitly stated in the most of the markdown specs.
- * https://github.github.com/gfm/#atx-heading
- * `The opening sequence of # characters must be followed by a space or by the end of line.`
- */
- enforceAtxHeadings: boolean;
- /**
- * Forces the compiler to always output content with a block-level wrapper
- * (`<p>` or any block-level syntax your markdown already contains.)
- */
- forceBlock: boolean;
- /**
- * Forces the compiler to always output content with an inline wrapper (`<span>`)
- */
- forceInline: boolean;
- /**
- * Forces the compiler to wrap results, even if there is only a single
- * child or no children.
- */
- forceWrapper: boolean;
- /**
- * Supply additional HTML entity: unicode replacement mappings.
- *
- * Pass only the inner part of the entity as the key,
- * e.g. `≤` -> `{ "le": "\u2264" }`
- *
- * By default
- * the following entities are replaced with their unicode equivalents:
- *
- * ```
- * &
- * '
- * >
- * <
- *
- * "
- * ```
- */
- namedCodesToUnicode: {
- [key: string]: string;
- };
- /**
- * Selectively control the output of particular HTML tags as they would be
- * emitted by the compiler.
- */
- overrides: Overrides;
- /**
- * Allows for full control over rendering of particular rules.
- * For example, to implement a LaTeX renderer such as `react-katex`:
- *
- * ```
- * renderRule(next, node, renderChildren, state) {
- * if (node.type === RuleType.codeBlock && node.lang === 'latex') {
- * return (
- * <TeX as="div" key={state.key}>
- * {String.raw`${node.text}`}
- * </TeX>
- * )
- * }
- *
- * return next();
- * }
- * ```
- *
- * Thar be dragons obviously, but you can do a lot with this
- * (have fun!) To see how things work internally, check the `render`
- * method in source for a particular rule.
- */
- renderRule: (
- /** Resume normal processing, call this function as a fallback if you are not returning custom JSX. */
- next: () => React.ReactChild,
- /** the current AST node, use `RuleType` against `node.type` for identification */
- node: ParserResult,
- /** use as `renderChildren(node.children)` for block nodes */
- renderChildren: RuleOutput,
- /** contains `key` which should be supplied to the topmost JSX element */
- state: State) => React.ReactChild;
- /**
- * Override normalization of non-URI-safe characters for use in generating
- * HTML IDs for anchor linking purposes.
- */
- slugify: (source: string) => string;
- /**
- * Declare the type of the wrapper to be used when there are multiple
- * children to render. Set to `null` to get an array of children back
- * without any wrapper, or use `React.Fragment` to get a React element
- * that won't show up in the DOM.
- */
- wrapper: React.ElementType | null;
- }>;
- export {};
- }
- export default Markdown;