123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165 |
- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
- value: true
- });
- exports.webpackInvalidSpans = exports.spans = void 0;
- var _webpack = require("next/dist/compiled/webpack/webpack");
- const pluginName = "ProfilingPlugin";
- const spans = new WeakMap();
- exports.spans = spans;
- const moduleSpansByCompilation = new WeakMap();
- const webpackInvalidSpans = new WeakMap();
- exports.webpackInvalidSpans = webpackInvalidSpans;
- class ProfilingPlugin {
- constructor({ runWebpackSpan }){
- this.runWebpackSpan = runWebpackSpan;
- }
- apply(compiler) {
- this.traceTopLevelHooks(compiler);
- this.traceCompilationHooks(compiler);
- this.compiler = compiler;
- }
- traceHookPair(spanName, startHook, stopHook, { parentSpan , attrs , onStart , onStop } = {}) {
- let span;
- startHook.tap({
- name: pluginName,
- stage: -Infinity
- }, (...params)=>{
- const name = typeof spanName === "function" ? spanName() : spanName;
- const attributes = attrs ? attrs(...params) : attrs;
- span = parentSpan ? parentSpan().traceChild(name, attributes) : this.runWebpackSpan.traceChild(name, attributes);
- if (onStart) onStart(span, ...params);
- });
- stopHook.tap({
- name: pluginName,
- stage: Infinity
- }, ()=>{
- // `stopHook` may be triggered when `startHook` has not in cases
- // where `stopHook` is used as the terminating event for more
- // than one pair of hooks.
- if (!span) {
- return;
- }
- if (onStop) onStop();
- span.stop();
- });
- }
- traceTopLevelHooks(compiler) {
- this.traceHookPair("webpack-compilation", compiler.hooks.compilation, compiler.hooks.afterCompile, {
- parentSpan: ()=>webpackInvalidSpans.get(compiler) || this.runWebpackSpan,
- attrs: ()=>({
- name: compiler.name
- }),
- onStart: (span, compilation)=>{
- spans.set(compilation, span);
- spans.set(compiler, span);
- moduleSpansByCompilation.set(compilation, new WeakMap());
- }
- });
- if (compiler.options.mode === "development") {
- this.traceHookPair(()=>`webpack-invalidated-${compiler.name}`, compiler.hooks.invalid, compiler.hooks.done, {
- onStart: (span)=>webpackInvalidSpans.set(compiler, span),
- onStop: ()=>webpackInvalidSpans.delete(compiler),
- attrs: (fileName)=>({
- trigger: fileName || "manual"
- })
- });
- }
- }
- traceCompilationHooks(compiler) {
- this.traceHookPair("emit", compiler.hooks.emit, compiler.hooks.afterEmit, {
- parentSpan: ()=>webpackInvalidSpans.get(compiler) || this.runWebpackSpan
- });
- this.traceHookPair("make", compiler.hooks.make, compiler.hooks.finishMake, {
- parentSpan: ()=>webpackInvalidSpans.get(compiler) || this.runWebpackSpan
- });
- compiler.hooks.compilation.tap(pluginName, (compilation)=>{
- compilation.hooks.buildModule.tap(pluginName, (module)=>{
- var ref;
- const compilationSpan = spans.get(compilation);
- if (!compilationSpan) {
- return;
- }
- const moduleType = (()=>{
- if (!module.userRequest) {
- return "";
- }
- return module.userRequest.split(".").pop();
- })();
- const issuerModule = compilation == null ? void 0 : (ref = compilation.moduleGraph) == null ? void 0 : ref.getIssuer(module);
- let span;
- const moduleSpans = moduleSpansByCompilation.get(compilation);
- const spanName = `build-module${moduleType ? `-${moduleType}` : ""}`;
- const issuerSpan = issuerModule && (moduleSpans == null ? void 0 : moduleSpans.get(issuerModule));
- if (issuerSpan) {
- span = issuerSpan.traceChild(spanName);
- } else {
- span = compilationSpan.traceChild(spanName);
- }
- span.setAttribute("name", module.userRequest);
- moduleSpans.set(module, span);
- });
- const moduleHooks = _webpack.NormalModule.getCompilationHooks(compilation);
- // @ts-ignore TODO: remove ignore when using webpack 5 types
- moduleHooks.readResource.for(undefined).intercept({
- register (tapInfo) {
- const fn = tapInfo.fn;
- tapInfo.fn = (loaderContext, callback)=>{
- const moduleSpan = loaderContext.currentTraceSpan.traceChild(`read-resource`);
- fn(loaderContext, (err, result)=>{
- moduleSpan.stop();
- callback(err, result);
- });
- };
- return tapInfo;
- }
- });
- moduleHooks.loader.tap(pluginName, (loaderContext, module)=>{
- var ref;
- const moduleSpan = (ref = moduleSpansByCompilation.get(compilation)) == null ? void 0 : ref.get(module);
- loaderContext.currentTraceSpan = moduleSpan;
- });
- compilation.hooks.succeedModule.tap(pluginName, (module)=>{
- var ref, ref1;
- (ref1 = (ref = moduleSpansByCompilation == null ? void 0 : moduleSpansByCompilation.get(compilation)) == null ? void 0 : ref.get(module)) == null ? void 0 : ref1.stop();
- });
- this.traceHookPair("webpack-compilation-seal", compilation.hooks.seal, compilation.hooks.afterSeal, {
- parentSpan: ()=>spans.get(compilation)
- });
- compilation.hooks.addEntry.tap(pluginName, (entry)=>{
- const compilationSpan = spans.get(compilation);
- if (!compilationSpan) {
- return;
- }
- const addEntrySpan = compilationSpan.traceChild("add-entry");
- addEntrySpan.setAttribute("request", entry.request);
- spans.set(entry, addEntrySpan);
- });
- compilation.hooks.succeedEntry.tap(pluginName, (entry)=>{
- var ref;
- (ref = spans.get(entry)) == null ? void 0 : ref.stop();
- });
- this.traceHookPair("webpack-compilation-chunk-graph", compilation.hooks.beforeChunks, compilation.hooks.afterChunks, {
- parentSpan: ()=>spans.get(compilation) || spans.get(compiler)
- });
- this.traceHookPair("webpack-compilation-optimize", compilation.hooks.optimize, compilation.hooks.reviveModules, {
- parentSpan: ()=>spans.get(compilation) || spans.get(compiler)
- });
- this.traceHookPair("webpack-compilation-optimize-modules", compilation.hooks.optimizeModules, compilation.hooks.afterOptimizeModules, {
- parentSpan: ()=>spans.get(compilation) || spans.get(compiler)
- });
- this.traceHookPair("webpack-compilation-optimize-chunks", compilation.hooks.optimizeChunks, compilation.hooks.afterOptimizeChunks, {
- parentSpan: ()=>spans.get(compilation) || spans.get(compiler)
- });
- this.traceHookPair("webpack-compilation-optimize-tree", compilation.hooks.optimizeTree, compilation.hooks.afterOptimizeTree, {
- parentSpan: ()=>spans.get(compilation) || spans.get(compiler)
- });
- this.traceHookPair("webpack-compilation-hash", compilation.hooks.beforeHash, compilation.hooks.afterHash, {
- parentSpan: ()=>spans.get(compilation) || spans.get(compiler)
- });
- });
- }
- }
- exports.ProfilingPlugin = ProfilingPlugin;
- //# sourceMappingURL=profiling-plugin.js.map