123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522 |
- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
- value: true
- });
- exports.CRBrowserContext = exports.CRBrowser = void 0;
- var _path = _interopRequireDefault(require("path"));
- var _browser = require("../browser");
- var _browserContext = require("../browserContext");
- var _utils = require("../../utils");
- var network = _interopRequireWildcard(require("../network"));
- var _page = require("../page");
- var _frames = require("../frames");
- var _crConnection = require("./crConnection");
- var _crPage = require("./crPage");
- var _crProtocolHelper = require("./crProtocolHelper");
- var _crServiceWorker = require("./crServiceWorker");
- var _artifact = require("../artifact");
- function _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop) { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cacheBabelInterop = new WeakMap(); var cacheNodeInterop = new WeakMap(); return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function (nodeInterop) { return nodeInterop ? cacheNodeInterop : cacheBabelInterop; })(nodeInterop); }
- function _interopRequireWildcard(obj, nodeInterop) { if (!nodeInterop && obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { default: obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (key !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj.default = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; }
- function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
- /**
- * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
- * Modifications copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
- *
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
- class CRBrowser extends _browser.Browser {
- static async connect(parent, transport, options, devtools) {
- // Make a copy in case we need to update `headful` property below.
- options = {
- ...options
- };
- const connection = new _crConnection.CRConnection(transport, options.protocolLogger, options.browserLogsCollector);
- const browser = new CRBrowser(parent, connection, options);
- browser._devtools = devtools;
- if (browser.isClank()) browser._isCollocatedWithServer = false;
- const session = connection.rootSession;
- if (options.__testHookOnConnectToBrowser) await options.__testHookOnConnectToBrowser();
- const version = await session.send('Browser.getVersion');
- browser._version = version.product.substring(version.product.indexOf('/') + 1);
- browser._userAgent = version.userAgent;
- // We don't trust the option as it may lie in case of connectOverCDP where remote browser
- // may have been launched with different options.
- browser.options.headful = !version.userAgent.includes('Headless');
- if (!options.persistent) {
- await session.send('Target.setAutoAttach', {
- autoAttach: true,
- waitForDebuggerOnStart: true,
- flatten: true
- });
- return browser;
- }
- browser._defaultContext = new CRBrowserContext(browser, undefined, options.persistent);
- await Promise.all([session.send('Target.setAutoAttach', {
- autoAttach: true,
- waitForDebuggerOnStart: true,
- flatten: true
- }).then(async () => {
- // Target.setAutoAttach has a bug where it does not wait for new Targets being attached.
- // However making a dummy call afterwards fixes this.
- // This can be removed after https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/2885888 lands in stable.
- await session.send('Target.getTargetInfo');
- }), browser._defaultContext._initialize()]);
- await browser._waitForAllPagesToBeInitialized();
- return browser;
- }
- constructor(parent, connection, options) {
- super(parent, options);
- this._connection = void 0;
- this._session = void 0;
- this._clientRootSessionPromise = null;
- this._contexts = new Map();
- this._crPages = new Map();
- this._backgroundPages = new Map();
- this._serviceWorkers = new Map();
- this._devtools = void 0;
- this._version = '';
- this._tracingRecording = false;
- this._tracingClient = void 0;
- this._userAgent = '';
- this._connection = connection;
- this._session = this._connection.rootSession;
- this._connection.on(_crConnection.ConnectionEvents.Disconnected, () => this._didDisconnect());
- this._session.on('Target.attachedToTarget', this._onAttachedToTarget.bind(this));
- this._session.on('Target.detachedFromTarget', this._onDetachedFromTarget.bind(this));
- this._session.on('Browser.downloadWillBegin', this._onDownloadWillBegin.bind(this));
- this._session.on('Browser.downloadProgress', this._onDownloadProgress.bind(this));
- }
- async doCreateNewContext(options) {
- let proxyBypassList = undefined;
- if (options.proxy) {
- if (process.env.PLAYWRIGHT_DISABLE_FORCED_CHROMIUM_PROXIED_LOOPBACK) proxyBypassList = options.proxy.bypass;else proxyBypassList = '<-loopback>' + (options.proxy.bypass ? `,${options.proxy.bypass}` : '');
- }
- const {
- browserContextId
- } = await this._session.send('Target.createBrowserContext', {
- disposeOnDetach: true,
- proxyServer: options.proxy ? options.proxy.server : undefined,
- proxyBypassList
- });
- const context = new CRBrowserContext(this, browserContextId, options);
- await context._initialize();
- this._contexts.set(browserContextId, context);
- return context;
- }
- contexts() {
- return Array.from(this._contexts.values());
- }
- version() {
- return this._version;
- }
- userAgent() {
- return this._userAgent;
- }
- _platform() {
- if (this._userAgent.includes('Windows')) return 'win';
- if (this._userAgent.includes('Macintosh')) return 'mac';
- return 'linux';
- }
- isClank() {
- return this.options.name === 'clank';
- }
- async _waitForAllPagesToBeInitialized() {
- await Promise.all([...this._crPages.values()].map(page => page.pageOrError()));
- }
- _onAttachedToTarget({
- targetInfo,
- sessionId,
- waitingForDebugger
- }) {
- if (targetInfo.type === 'browser') return;
- const session = this._session.createChildSession(sessionId);
- (0, _utils.assert)(targetInfo.browserContextId, 'targetInfo: ' + JSON.stringify(targetInfo, null, 2));
- let context = this._contexts.get(targetInfo.browserContextId) || null;
- if (!context) {
- // TODO: auto attach only to pages from our contexts.
- // assert(this._defaultContext);
- context = this._defaultContext;
- }
- if (targetInfo.type === 'other' && targetInfo.url.startsWith('devtools://devtools') && this._devtools) {
- this._devtools.install(session);
- return;
- }
- const treatOtherAsPage = targetInfo.type === 'other' && process.env.PW_CHROMIUM_ATTACH_TO_OTHER;
- if (!context || targetInfo.type === 'other' && !treatOtherAsPage) {
- session.detach().catch(() => {});
- return;
- }
- (0, _utils.assert)(!this._crPages.has(targetInfo.targetId), 'Duplicate target ' + targetInfo.targetId);
- (0, _utils.assert)(!this._backgroundPages.has(targetInfo.targetId), 'Duplicate target ' + targetInfo.targetId);
- (0, _utils.assert)(!this._serviceWorkers.has(targetInfo.targetId), 'Duplicate target ' + targetInfo.targetId);
- if (targetInfo.type === 'background_page') {
- const backgroundPage = new _crPage.CRPage(session, targetInfo.targetId, context, null, {
- hasUIWindow: false,
- isBackgroundPage: true
- });
- this._backgroundPages.set(targetInfo.targetId, backgroundPage);
- return;
- }
- if (targetInfo.type === 'page' || treatOtherAsPage) {
- const opener = targetInfo.openerId ? this._crPages.get(targetInfo.openerId) || null : null;
- const crPage = new _crPage.CRPage(session, targetInfo.targetId, context, opener, {
- hasUIWindow: targetInfo.type === 'page',
- isBackgroundPage: false
- });
- this._crPages.set(targetInfo.targetId, crPage);
- return;
- }
- if (targetInfo.type === 'service_worker') {
- const serviceWorker = new _crServiceWorker.CRServiceWorker(context, session, targetInfo.url);
- this._serviceWorkers.set(targetInfo.targetId, serviceWorker);
- context.emit(CRBrowserContext.CREvents.ServiceWorker, serviceWorker);
- return;
- }
- // Detach from any targets we are not interested in, to avoid side-effects.
- //
- // One example of a side effect: upon shared worker restart, we receive
- // Inspector.targetReloadedAfterCrash and backend waits for Runtime.runIfWaitingForDebugger
- // from any attached client. If we do not resume, shared worker will stall.
- session.detach().catch(() => {});
- }
- _onDetachedFromTarget(payload) {
- const targetId = payload.targetId;
- const crPage = this._crPages.get(targetId);
- if (crPage) {
- this._crPages.delete(targetId);
- crPage.didClose();
- return;
- }
- const backgroundPage = this._backgroundPages.get(targetId);
- if (backgroundPage) {
- this._backgroundPages.delete(targetId);
- backgroundPage.didClose();
- return;
- }
- const serviceWorker = this._serviceWorkers.get(targetId);
- if (serviceWorker) {
- this._serviceWorkers.delete(targetId);
- serviceWorker.didClose();
- return;
- }
- }
- _didDisconnect() {
- for (const crPage of this._crPages.values()) crPage.didClose();
- this._crPages.clear();
- for (const backgroundPage of this._backgroundPages.values()) backgroundPage.didClose();
- this._backgroundPages.clear();
- for (const serviceWorker of this._serviceWorkers.values()) serviceWorker.didClose();
- this._serviceWorkers.clear();
- this._didClose();
- }
- _findOwningPage(frameId) {
- for (const crPage of this._crPages.values()) {
- const frame = crPage._page._frameManager.frame(frameId);
- if (frame) return crPage;
- }
- return null;
- }
- _onDownloadWillBegin(payload) {
- const page = this._findOwningPage(payload.frameId);
- if (!page) {
- // There might be no page when download originates from something unusual, like
- // a DevTools window or maybe an extension page.
- // See https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/22551.
- return;
- }
- page.willBeginDownload();
- let originPage = page._initializedPage;
- // If it's a new window download, report it on the opener page.
- if (!originPage && page._opener) originPage = page._opener._initializedPage;
- if (!originPage) return;
- this._downloadCreated(originPage, payload.guid, payload.url, payload.suggestedFilename);
- }
- _onDownloadProgress(payload) {
- if (payload.state === 'completed') this._downloadFinished(payload.guid, '');
- if (payload.state === 'canceled') this._downloadFinished(payload.guid, this._closeReason || 'canceled');
- }
- async _closePage(crPage) {
- await this._session.send('Target.closeTarget', {
- targetId: crPage._targetId
- });
- }
- async newBrowserCDPSession() {
- return await this._connection.createBrowserSession();
- }
- async startTracing(page, options = {}) {
- (0, _utils.assert)(!this._tracingRecording, 'Cannot start recording trace while already recording trace.');
- this._tracingClient = page ? page._delegate._mainFrameSession._client : this._session;
- const defaultCategories = ['-*', 'devtools.timeline', 'v8.execute', 'disabled-by-default-devtools.timeline', 'disabled-by-default-devtools.timeline.frame', 'toplevel', 'blink.console', 'blink.user_timing', 'latencyInfo', 'disabled-by-default-devtools.timeline.stack', 'disabled-by-default-v8.cpu_profiler', 'disabled-by-default-v8.cpu_profiler.hires'];
- const {
- screenshots = false,
- categories = defaultCategories
- } = options;
- if (screenshots) categories.push('disabled-by-default-devtools.screenshot');
- this._tracingRecording = true;
- await this._tracingClient.send('Tracing.start', {
- transferMode: 'ReturnAsStream',
- categories: categories.join(',')
- });
- }
- async stopTracing() {
- (0, _utils.assert)(this._tracingClient, 'Tracing was not started.');
- const [event] = await Promise.all([new Promise(f => this._tracingClient.once('Tracing.tracingComplete', f)), this._tracingClient.send('Tracing.end')]);
- const tracingPath = _path.default.join(this.options.artifactsDir, (0, _utils.createGuid)() + '.crtrace');
- await (0, _crProtocolHelper.saveProtocolStream)(this._tracingClient, event.stream, tracingPath);
- this._tracingRecording = false;
- const artifact = new _artifact.Artifact(this, tracingPath);
- artifact.reportFinished();
- return artifact;
- }
- isConnected() {
- return !this._connection._closed;
- }
- async _clientRootSession() {
- if (!this._clientRootSessionPromise) this._clientRootSessionPromise = this._connection.createBrowserSession();
- return this._clientRootSessionPromise;
- }
- }
- exports.CRBrowser = CRBrowser;
- class CRBrowserContext extends _browserContext.BrowserContext {
- constructor(browser, browserContextId, options) {
- super(browser, options, browserContextId);
- this._authenticateProxyViaCredentials();
- }
- async _initialize() {
- (0, _utils.assert)(!Array.from(this._browser._crPages.values()).some(page => page._browserContext === this));
- const promises = [super._initialize()];
- if (this._browser.options.name !== 'electron' && this._browser.options.name !== 'clank' && this._options.acceptDownloads !== 'internal-browser-default') {
- promises.push(this._browser._session.send('Browser.setDownloadBehavior', {
- behavior: this._options.acceptDownloads === 'accept' ? 'allowAndName' : 'deny',
- browserContextId: this._browserContextId,
- downloadPath: this._browser.options.downloadsPath,
- eventsEnabled: true
- }));
- }
- await Promise.all(promises);
- }
- _crPages() {
- return [...this._browser._crPages.values()].filter(crPage => crPage._browserContext === this);
- }
- pages() {
- return this._crPages().map(crPage => crPage._initializedPage).filter(Boolean);
- }
- async newPageDelegate() {
- (0, _browserContext.assertBrowserContextIsNotOwned)(this);
- const oldKeys = this._browser.isClank() ? new Set(this._browser._crPages.keys()) : undefined;
- let {
- targetId
- } = await this._browser._session.send('Target.createTarget', {
- url: 'about:blank',
- browserContextId: this._browserContextId
- });
- if (oldKeys) {
- // Chrome for Android returns tab ids (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) instead of content target ids here, work around it via the
- // heuristic assuming that there is only one page created at a time.
- const newKeys = new Set(this._browser._crPages.keys());
- // Remove old keys.
- for (const key of oldKeys) newKeys.delete(key);
- // Remove potential concurrent popups.
- for (const key of newKeys) {
- const page = this._browser._crPages.get(key);
- if (page._opener) newKeys.delete(key);
- }
- (0, _utils.assert)(newKeys.size === 1);
- [targetId] = [...newKeys];
- }
- return this._browser._crPages.get(targetId);
- }
- async doGetCookies(urls) {
- const {
- cookies
- } = await this._browser._session.send('Storage.getCookies', {
- browserContextId: this._browserContextId
- });
- return network.filterCookies(cookies.map(c => {
- const copy = {
- sameSite: 'Lax',
- ...c
- };
- delete copy.size;
- delete copy.priority;
- delete copy.session;
- delete copy.sameParty;
- delete copy.sourceScheme;
- delete copy.sourcePort;
- return copy;
- }), urls);
- }
- async addCookies(cookies) {
- await this._browser._session.send('Storage.setCookies', {
- cookies: network.rewriteCookies(cookies),
- browserContextId: this._browserContextId
- });
- }
- async clearCookies() {
- await this._browser._session.send('Storage.clearCookies', {
- browserContextId: this._browserContextId
- });
- }
- async doGrantPermissions(origin, permissions) {
- const webPermissionToProtocol = new Map([['geolocation', 'geolocation'], ['midi', 'midi'], ['notifications', 'notifications'], ['camera', 'videoCapture'], ['microphone', 'audioCapture'], ['background-sync', 'backgroundSync'], ['ambient-light-sensor', 'sensors'], ['accelerometer', 'sensors'], ['gyroscope', 'sensors'], ['magnetometer', 'sensors'], ['accessibility-events', 'accessibilityEvents'], ['clipboard-read', 'clipboardReadWrite'], ['clipboard-write', 'clipboardSanitizedWrite'], ['payment-handler', 'paymentHandler'],
- // chrome-specific permissions we have.
- ['midi-sysex', 'midiSysex']]);
- const filtered = permissions.map(permission => {
- const protocolPermission = webPermissionToProtocol.get(permission);
- if (!protocolPermission) throw new Error('Unknown permission: ' + permission);
- return protocolPermission;
- });
- await this._browser._session.send('Browser.grantPermissions', {
- origin: origin === '*' ? undefined : origin,
- browserContextId: this._browserContextId,
- permissions: filtered
- });
- }
- async doClearPermissions() {
- await this._browser._session.send('Browser.resetPermissions', {
- browserContextId: this._browserContextId
- });
- }
- async setGeolocation(geolocation) {
- (0, _browserContext.verifyGeolocation)(geolocation);
- this._options.geolocation = geolocation;
- for (const page of this.pages()) await page._delegate.updateGeolocation();
- }
- async setExtraHTTPHeaders(headers) {
- this._options.extraHTTPHeaders = headers;
- for (const page of this.pages()) await page._delegate.updateExtraHTTPHeaders();
- for (const sw of this.serviceWorkers()) await sw.updateExtraHTTPHeaders(false);
- }
- async setUserAgent(userAgent) {
- this._options.userAgent = userAgent;
- for (const page of this.pages()) await page._delegate.updateUserAgent();
- // TODO: service workers don't have Emulation domain?
- }
- async setOffline(offline) {
- this._options.offline = offline;
- for (const page of this.pages()) await page._delegate.updateOffline();
- for (const sw of this.serviceWorkers()) await sw.updateOffline(false);
- }
- async doSetHTTPCredentials(httpCredentials) {
- this._options.httpCredentials = httpCredentials;
- for (const page of this.pages()) await page._delegate.updateHttpCredentials();
- for (const sw of this.serviceWorkers()) await sw.updateHttpCredentials(false);
- }
- async doAddInitScript(source) {
- for (const page of this.pages()) await page._delegate.addInitScript(source);
- }
- async doRemoveInitScripts() {
- for (const page of this.pages()) await page._delegate.removeInitScripts();
- }
- async doExposeBinding(binding) {
- for (const page of this.pages()) await page._delegate.exposeBinding(binding);
- }
- async doRemoveExposedBindings() {
- for (const page of this.pages()) await page._delegate.removeExposedBindings();
- }
- async doUpdateRequestInterception() {
- for (const page of this.pages()) await page._delegate.updateRequestInterception();
- for (const sw of this.serviceWorkers()) await sw.updateRequestInterception();
- }
- async doClose(reason) {
- // Headful chrome cannot dispose browser context with opened 'beforeunload'
- // dialogs, so we should close all that are currently opened.
- // We also won't get new ones since `Target.disposeBrowserContext` does not trigger
- // beforeunload.
- const openedBeforeUnloadDialogs = [];
- for (const crPage of this._crPages()) {
- const dialogs = [...crPage._page._frameManager._openedDialogs].filter(dialog => dialog.type() === 'beforeunload');
- openedBeforeUnloadDialogs.push(...dialogs);
- }
- await Promise.all(openedBeforeUnloadDialogs.map(dialog => dialog.dismiss()));
- if (!this._browserContextId) {
- await this.stopVideoRecording();
- // Closing persistent context should close the browser.
- await this._browser.close({
- reason
- });
- return;
- }
- await this._browser._session.send('Target.disposeBrowserContext', {
- browserContextId: this._browserContextId
- });
- this._browser._contexts.delete(this._browserContextId);
- for (const [targetId, serviceWorker] of this._browser._serviceWorkers) {
- if (serviceWorker._browserContext !== this) continue;
- // When closing a browser context, service workers are shutdown
- // asynchronously and we get detached from them later.
- // To avoid the wrong order of notifications, we manually fire
- // "close" event here and forget about the service worker.
- serviceWorker.didClose();
- this._browser._serviceWorkers.delete(targetId);
- }
- }
- async stopVideoRecording() {
- await Promise.all(this._crPages().map(crPage => crPage._mainFrameSession._stopVideoRecording()));
- }
- onClosePersistent() {
- // When persistent context is closed, we do not necessary get Target.detachedFromTarget
- // for all the background pages.
- for (const [targetId, backgroundPage] of this._browser._backgroundPages.entries()) {
- if (backgroundPage._browserContext === this && backgroundPage._initializedPage) {
- backgroundPage.didClose();
- this._browser._backgroundPages.delete(targetId);
- }
- }
- }
- async clearCache() {
- for (const page of this._crPages()) await page._mainFrameSession._networkManager.clearCache();
- }
- async cancelDownload(guid) {
- // The upstream CDP method is implemented in a way that no explicit error would be given
- // regarding the requested `guid`, even if the download is in a state not suitable for
- // cancellation (finished, cancelled, etc.) or the guid is invalid at all.
- await this._browser._session.send('Browser.cancelDownload', {
- guid: guid,
- browserContextId: this._browserContextId
- });
- }
- backgroundPages() {
- const result = [];
- for (const backgroundPage of this._browser._backgroundPages.values()) {
- if (backgroundPage._browserContext === this && backgroundPage._initializedPage) result.push(backgroundPage._initializedPage);
- }
- return result;
- }
- serviceWorkers() {
- return Array.from(this._browser._serviceWorkers.values()).filter(serviceWorker => serviceWorker._browserContext === this);
- }
- async newCDPSession(page) {
- let targetId = null;
- if (page instanceof _page.Page) {
- targetId = page._delegate._targetId;
- } else if (page instanceof _frames.Frame) {
- const session = page._page._delegate._sessions.get(page._id);
- if (!session) throw new Error(`This frame does not have a separate CDP session, it is a part of the parent frame's session`);
- targetId = session._targetId;
- } else {
- throw new Error('page: expected Page or Frame');
- }
- const rootSession = await this._browser._clientRootSession();
- return rootSession.attachToTarget(targetId);
- }
- }
- exports.CRBrowserContext = CRBrowserContext;
- CRBrowserContext.CREvents = {
- BackgroundPage: 'backgroundpage',
- ServiceWorker: 'serviceworker'
- };