123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298 |
- import stylelint from 'stylelint';
- const inline = {
- start: { ltr: 'left', rtl: 'right' },
- end: { ltr: 'right', rtl: 'left' }
- };
- const physical4Prop = [
- [ [ 'top', 'left', 'bottom', 'right' ], 'inset' ],
- [ [ 'margin-top', 'margin-left', 'margin-bottom', 'margin-right' ], 'margin' ],
- [ [ 'padding-top', 'padding-left', 'padding-bottom', 'padding-right' ], 'padding' ]
- ];
- const physical2Prop = () => [
- [ [ 'top', 'bottom' ], 'inset-block' ],
- [ [ 'left', 'right' ], 'inset-inline' ],
- [ [ 'margin-top', 'margin-bottom' ], 'margin-block' ],
- [ [ 'margin-left', 'margin-right' ], 'margin-inline' ],
- [ [ 'padding-top', 'padding-bottom' ], 'padding-block' ],
- [ [ 'padding-left', 'padding-right' ], 'padding-inline' ],
- ];
- const physicalProp = dir => [
- [ [ 'top' ], 'inset-block-start' ],
- [ [ 'bottom' ], 'inset-block-end' ],
- [ [ inline.start[dir] ], 'inset-inline-start' ],
- [ [ inline.end[dir] ], 'inset-inline-end' ],
- [ [ 'margin-top' ], 'margin-block-start' ],
- [ [ 'margin-bottom' ], 'margin-block-end' ],
- [ [ `margin-${inline.start[dir]}` ], 'margin-inline-start' ],
- [ [ `margin-${inline.end[dir]}` ], 'margin-inline-end' ],
- [ [ 'padding-top' ], 'padding-block-start' ],
- [ [ 'padding-bottom' ], 'padding-block-end' ],
- [ [ `padding-${inline.start[dir]}` ], 'padding-inline-start' ],
- [ [ `padding-${inline.end[dir]}` ], 'padding-inline-end' ],
- // width, height
- [ [ 'width' ], 'inline-size' ],
- [ [ 'min-width' ], 'min-inline-size' ],
- [ [ 'max-width' ], 'max-inline-size' ],
- [ [ 'height' ], 'block-size' ],
- [ [ 'min-height' ], 'min-block-size' ],
- [ [ 'max-height' ], 'max-block-size' ],
- // border
- [ [ 'border-top' ], 'border-block-start' ],
- [ [ 'border-bottom' ], 'border-block-end' ],
- [ [ `border-${inline.start[dir]}` ], 'border-inline-start' ],
- [ [ `border-${inline.end[dir]}` ], 'border-inline-end' ],
- [ [ 'border-top-color' ], 'border-block-start-color' ],
- [ [ 'border-top-style' ], 'border-block-start-style' ],
- [ [ 'border-top-width' ], 'border-block-start-width' ],
- [ [ 'border-bottom-color' ], 'border-block-end-color' ],
- [ [ 'border-bottom-style' ], 'border-block-end-style' ],
- [ [ 'border-bottom-width' ], 'border-block-end-width' ],
- [ [ `border-${inline.start[dir]}-color` ], 'border-inline-start-color' ],
- [ [ `border-${inline.start[dir]}-style` ], 'border-inline-start-style' ],
- [ [ `border-${inline.start[dir]}-width` ], 'border-inline-start-width' ],
- [ [ `border-${inline.end[dir]}-color` ], 'border-inline-end-color' ],
- [ [ `border-${inline.end[dir]}-style` ], 'border-inline-end-style' ],
- [ [ `border-${inline.end[dir]}-width` ], 'border-inline-end-width' ],
- [ [ `border-top-${inline.start[dir]}-radius` ], 'border-start-start-radius' ],
- [ [ `border-bottom-${inline.start[dir]}-radius` ], 'border-end-start-radius' ],
- [ [ `border-top-${inline.end[dir]}-radius` ], 'border-start-end-radius' ],
- [ [ `border-bottom-${inline.end[dir]}-radius` ], 'border-end-end-radius' ],
- ];
- const physicalValue = dir => [
- [ /^clear$/i, {
- [inline.start[dir]]: 'inline-start',
- [inline.end[dir]]: 'inline-end'
- }],
- [ /^float$/i, {
- [inline.start[dir]]: 'inline-start',
- [inline.end[dir]]: 'inline-end'
- }],
- [ /^text-align$/i, {
- [inline.start[dir]]: 'start',
- [inline.end[dir]]: 'end'
- }]
- ];
- const validateRuleWithProps = (root, props, fn) => {
- // conditionally walk nodes with children
- if (root.nodes && root.nodes.length) {
- const args = [];
- const hasProps = props.every(prop => {
- const declIndex = root.nodes.findIndex(child => child.type === 'decl' && child.prop === prop);
- const decl = root.nodes[declIndex];
- if (decl) {
- args.push(decl, declIndex);
- }
- return decl;
- });
- if (hasProps) {
- fn(...args);
- }
- }
- };
- var ruleName = 'csstools/use-logical';
- var messages = stylelint.utils.ruleMessages(ruleName, {
- unexpectedProp(physicalProperty, logicalProperty) {
- return `Unexpected "${physicalProperty}" property. Use "${logicalProperty}".`;
- },
- unexpectedValue(property, physicalValue, logicalValue) {
- return `Unexpected "${physicalValue}" value in "${property}" property. Use "${logicalValue}".`;
- }
- });
- // walk all container nodes
- function walk(node, fn) {
- if (node.nodes && node.nodes.length) {
- const nodes = node.nodes.slice();
- const length = nodes.length;
- let index = -1;
- while (++index < length) {
- const child = nodes[index];
- if (!isDirRule(child)) {
- fn(child);
- walk(child, fn);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- const dirSelectorRegExp = /:dir\(ltr|rtl\)/i;
- const isDirRule = node => node.type === 'rule' && dirSelectorRegExp.test(node.selector);
- const reportedDecls = new WeakMap();
- function ruleFunc(method, opts, context) {
- const propExceptions = [].concat(Object(opts).except || []);
- const isAutofix = isContextAutofixing(context);
- const dir = /^rtl$/i.test(Object(opts).direction) ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
- return (root, result) => {
- // validate the method
- const isMethodValid = stylelint.utils.validateOptions(result, ruleName, {
- actual: method,
- possible() {
- return isMethodIndifferent(method) ||
- isMethodAlways(method)
- }
- });
- const reportUnexpectedProperty = (decl, logicalProperty) => stylelint.utils.report({
- message: messages.unexpectedProp(decl.prop, logicalProperty),
- node: decl,
- result,
- ruleName
- });
- const reportUnexpectedValue = (node, value) => stylelint.utils.report({
- message: messages.unexpectedValue(node.prop, node.value, value),
- node,
- result,
- ruleName
- });
- if (isMethodValid && isMethodAlways(method)) {
- walk(root, node => {
- // validate or autofix 4 physical properties as logical shorthands
- physical4Prop.forEach(([ props, prop ]) => {
- validateRuleWithProps(node, props, (blockStartDecl, blockStartIndex, inlineStartDecl, inlineStartIndex, blockEndDecl, blockEndIndex, inlineEndDecl, inlineEndIndex) => { // eslint-disable-line
- const firstInlineDecl = blockStartDecl;
- if (isAutofix) {
- const values = [ blockStartDecl.value, inlineStartDecl.value, blockEndDecl.value, inlineEndDecl.value ];
- if (values[1] === values[3]) {
- values.pop();
- if (values[2] === values[1]) {
- values.pop();
- if (values[1] === values[0]) {
- values.pop();
- }
- }
- }
- firstInlineDecl.cloneBefore({
- prop,
- value: values.length <= 2 ? values.join(' ') : `logical ${values.join(' ')}`
- });
- blockStartDecl.remove();
- inlineStartDecl.remove();
- blockEndDecl.remove();
- inlineEndDecl.remove();
- } else if (!isDeclReported(blockStartDecl) && !isDeclReported(inlineStartDecl) && !isDeclReported(blockEndDecl) && !isDeclReported(inlineEndDecl)) {
- reportUnexpectedProperty(firstInlineDecl, prop);
- reportedDecls.set(blockStartDecl);
- reportedDecls.set(inlineStartDecl);
- reportedDecls.set(blockEndDecl);
- reportedDecls.set(inlineEndDecl);
- }
- });
- });
- // validate or autofix 2 physical properties as logical shorthands
- physical2Prop().forEach(([ props, prop ]) => {
- validateRuleWithProps(node, props, (blockStartDecl, blockStartIndex, inlineStartDecl, inlineStartIndex) => { // eslint-disable-line
- const firstInlineDecl = blockStartIndex < inlineStartIndex
- ? blockStartDecl
- : inlineStartDecl;
- if (isAutofix) {
- firstInlineDecl.cloneBefore({
- prop,
- value: blockStartDecl.value === inlineStartDecl.value
- ? blockStartDecl.value
- : [ blockStartDecl.value, inlineStartDecl.value ].join(' ')
- });
- blockStartDecl.remove();
- inlineStartDecl.remove();
- } else if (!isDeclReported(blockStartDecl) && !isDeclReported(inlineStartDecl)) {
- reportUnexpectedProperty(firstInlineDecl, prop);
- reportedDecls.set(blockStartDecl);
- reportedDecls.set(inlineStartDecl);
- }
- });
- });
- // validate or autofix physical properties as logical
- physicalProp(dir).forEach(([ props, prop ]) => {
- validateRuleWithProps(node, props, physicalDecl => {
- if (!isDeclAnException(physicalDecl, propExceptions)) {
- if (isAutofix) {
- physicalDecl.prop = prop;
- } else if (!isDeclReported(physicalDecl)) {
- reportUnexpectedProperty(physicalDecl, prop);
- reportedDecls.set(physicalDecl);
- }
- }
- });
- });
- // validate or autofix physical values as logical
- physicalValue(dir).forEach(([ regexp, props ]) => {
- if (isNodeMatchingDecl(node, regexp) && !isDeclAnException(node, propExceptions)) {
- const valuekey = node.value.toLowerCase();
- if (valuekey in props) {
- const value = props[valuekey];
- if (isAutofix) {
- node.value = value;
- } else {
- reportUnexpectedValue(node, value);
- reportedDecls.set(node);
- }
- }
- }
- });
- });
- }
- };
- }ruleFunc.ruleName = ruleName;
- var index = stylelint.createPlugin(ruleName, ruleFunc);
- const isMethodIndifferent = method => method === 'ignore' || method === false || method === null;
- const isMethodAlways = method => method === 'always' || method === true;
- const isContextAutofixing = context => Boolean(Object(context).fix);
- const isNodeMatchingDecl = (decl, regexp) => decl.type === 'decl' && regexp.test(decl.prop);
- const isDeclAnException = (decl, propExceptions) => propExceptions.some(match => match instanceof RegExp
- ? match.test(decl.prop)
- : String(match || '').toLowerCase() === String(decl.prop || '').toLowerCase());
- const isDeclReported = decl => reportedDecls.has(decl);
- export { index as default };
- //# sourceMappingURL=index.mjs.map