index.d.ts 6.9 KB

  1. import * as _rspack_core_dist_config_zod from '@rspack/core/dist/config/zod';
  2. import * as webpack from 'webpack';
  3. import { Compiler, WebpackPluginInstance } from 'webpack';
  4. export { Compiler as WebpackCompiler, WebpackPluginInstance } from 'webpack';
  5. import * as vite from 'vite';
  6. import { Plugin as Plugin$1 } from 'vite';
  7. export { Plugin as VitePlugin } from 'vite';
  8. import * as rollup from 'rollup';
  9. import { SourceMapInput, EmittedAsset, AstNode, Plugin, PluginContextMeta } from 'rollup';
  10. export { Plugin as RollupPlugin } from 'rollup';
  11. import * as esbuild from 'esbuild';
  12. import { Plugin as Plugin$2, Loader, BuildOptions, PluginBuild } from 'esbuild';
  13. export { Plugin as EsbuildPlugin } from 'esbuild';
  14. import { Compiler as Compiler$1, RspackPluginInstance } from '@rspack/core';
  15. export { Compiler as RspackCompiler, RspackPluginInstance } from '@rspack/core';
  16. import VirtualModulesPlugin from 'webpack-virtual-modules';
  17. type Thenable<T> = T | Promise<T>;
  18. interface SourceMapCompact {
  19. file?: string;
  20. mappings: string;
  21. names: string[];
  22. sourceRoot?: string;
  23. sources: string[];
  24. sourcesContent?: (string | null)[];
  25. version: number;
  26. }
  27. type TransformResult = string | {
  28. code: string;
  29. map?: SourceMapInput | SourceMapCompact | null;
  30. } | null | undefined;
  31. interface ExternalIdResult {
  32. id: string;
  33. external?: boolean;
  34. }
  35. interface UnpluginBuildContext {
  36. addWatchFile: (id: string) => void;
  37. emitFile: (emittedFile: EmittedAsset) => void;
  38. getWatchFiles: () => string[];
  39. parse: (input: string, options?: any) => AstNode;
  40. }
  41. interface UnpluginOptions {
  42. name: string;
  43. enforce?: 'post' | 'pre' | undefined;
  44. buildStart?: (this: UnpluginBuildContext) => Promise<void> | void;
  45. buildEnd?: (this: UnpluginBuildContext) => Promise<void> | void;
  46. transform?: (this: UnpluginBuildContext & UnpluginContext, code: string, id: string) => Thenable<TransformResult>;
  47. load?: (this: UnpluginBuildContext & UnpluginContext, id: string) => Thenable<TransformResult>;
  48. resolveId?: (this: UnpluginBuildContext & UnpluginContext, id: string, importer: string | undefined, options: {
  49. isEntry: boolean;
  50. }) => Thenable<string | ExternalIdResult | null | undefined>;
  51. watchChange?: (this: UnpluginBuildContext, id: string, change: {
  52. event: 'create' | 'update' | 'delete';
  53. }) => void;
  54. writeBundle?: (this: void) => Promise<void> | void;
  55. /**
  56. * Custom predicate function to filter modules to be loaded.
  57. * When omitted, all modules will be included (might have potential perf impact on Webpack).
  58. */
  59. loadInclude?: (id: string) => boolean | null | undefined;
  60. /**
  61. * Custom predicate function to filter modules to be transformed.
  62. * When omitted, all modules will be included (might have potential perf impact on Webpack).
  63. */
  64. transformInclude?: (id: string) => boolean | null | undefined;
  65. rollup?: Partial<Plugin>;
  66. webpack?: (compiler: Compiler) => void;
  67. rspack?: (compiler: Compiler$1) => void;
  68. vite?: Partial<Plugin$1>;
  69. esbuild?: {
  70. onResolveFilter?: RegExp;
  71. onLoadFilter?: RegExp;
  72. setup?: Plugin$2['setup'];
  73. loader?: Loader | ((code: string, id: string) => Loader);
  74. config?: (options: BuildOptions) => void;
  75. };
  76. }
  77. interface ResolvedUnpluginOptions extends UnpluginOptions {
  78. __vfs?: VirtualModulesPlugin;
  79. __vfsModules?: Set<string>;
  80. __virtualModulePrefix: string;
  81. }
  82. type UnpluginFactory<UserOptions, Nested extends boolean = boolean> = (options: UserOptions, meta: UnpluginContextMeta) => Nested extends true ? Array<UnpluginOptions> : UnpluginOptions;
  83. type UnpluginFactoryOutput<UserOptions, Return> = undefined extends UserOptions ? (options?: UserOptions) => Return : (options: UserOptions) => Return;
  84. interface UnpluginInstance<UserOptions, Nested extends boolean = boolean> {
  85. rollup: UnpluginFactoryOutput<UserOptions, Nested extends true ? Array<Plugin> : Plugin>;
  86. vite: UnpluginFactoryOutput<UserOptions, Nested extends true ? Array<Plugin$1> : Plugin$1>;
  87. webpack: UnpluginFactoryOutput<UserOptions, WebpackPluginInstance>;
  88. rspack: UnpluginFactoryOutput<UserOptions, RspackPluginInstance>;
  89. esbuild: UnpluginFactoryOutput<UserOptions, Plugin$2>;
  90. raw: UnpluginFactory<UserOptions, Nested>;
  91. }
  92. type UnpluginContextMeta = Partial<PluginContextMeta> & ({
  93. framework: 'rollup' | 'vite';
  94. } | {
  95. framework: 'webpack';
  96. webpack: {
  97. compiler: Compiler;
  98. };
  99. } | {
  100. framework: 'esbuild';
  101. build?: PluginBuild;
  102. /** Set the host plugin name of esbuild when returning multiple plugins */
  103. esbuildHostName?: string;
  104. } | {
  105. framework: 'rspack';
  106. rspack: {
  107. compiler: Compiler$1;
  108. };
  109. });
  110. interface UnpluginMessage {
  111. name?: string;
  112. id?: string;
  113. message: string;
  114. stack?: string;
  115. code?: string;
  116. plugin?: string;
  117. pluginCode?: unknown;
  118. loc?: {
  119. column: number;
  120. file?: string;
  121. line: number;
  122. };
  123. meta?: any;
  124. }
  125. interface UnpluginContext {
  126. error: (message: string | UnpluginMessage) => void;
  127. warn: (message: string | UnpluginMessage) => void;
  128. }
  129. declare module 'webpack' {
  130. interface Compiler {
  131. $unpluginContext: Record<string, ResolvedUnpluginOptions>;
  132. }
  133. }
  134. declare module '@rspack/core' {
  135. interface Compiler {
  136. $unpluginContext: Record<string, ResolvedUnpluginOptions>;
  137. }
  138. }
  139. declare function createUnplugin<UserOptions, Nested extends boolean = boolean>(factory: UnpluginFactory<UserOptions, Nested>): UnpluginInstance<UserOptions, Nested>;
  140. declare function createEsbuildPlugin<UserOptions, Nested extends boolean = boolean>(factory: UnpluginFactory<UserOptions, Nested>): UnpluginFactoryOutput<UserOptions, esbuild.Plugin>;
  141. declare function createRollupPlugin<UserOptions, Nested extends boolean = boolean>(factory: UnpluginFactory<UserOptions, Nested>): UnpluginFactoryOutput<UserOptions, Nested extends true ? rollup.Plugin<any>[] : rollup.Plugin<any>>;
  142. declare function createVitePlugin<UserOptions, Nested extends boolean = boolean>(factory: UnpluginFactory<UserOptions, Nested>): UnpluginFactoryOutput<UserOptions, Nested extends true ? vite.Plugin<any>[] : vite.Plugin<any>>;
  143. declare function createWebpackPlugin<UserOptions, Nested extends boolean = boolean>(factory: UnpluginFactory<UserOptions, Nested>): UnpluginFactoryOutput<UserOptions, webpack.WebpackPluginInstance>;
  144. declare function createRspackPlugin<UserOptions, Nested extends boolean = boolean>(factory: UnpluginFactory<UserOptions, Nested>): UnpluginFactoryOutput<UserOptions, _rspack_core_dist_config_zod.RspackPluginInstance>;
  145. export { type ExternalIdResult, type ResolvedUnpluginOptions, type SourceMapCompact, type Thenable, type TransformResult, type UnpluginBuildContext, type UnpluginContext, type UnpluginContextMeta, type UnpluginFactory, type UnpluginFactoryOutput, type UnpluginInstance, type UnpluginMessage, type UnpluginOptions, createEsbuildPlugin, createRollupPlugin, createRspackPlugin, createUnplugin, createVitePlugin, createWebpackPlugin };