123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190 |
- import { useRef, useEffect, useCallback, useState, useMemo } from 'react';
- // This could've been more streamlined with internal state instead of abusing
- // refs to such extent, but then composing hooks and components could not opt out of unnecessary renders.
- function useResolvedElement(subscriber, refOrElement) {
- var lastReportRef = useRef(null);
- var refOrElementRef = useRef(null);
- refOrElementRef.current = refOrElement;
- var cbElementRef = useRef(null); // Calling re-evaluation after each render without using a dep array,
- // as the ref object's current value could've changed since the last render.
- useEffect(function () {
- evaluateSubscription();
- });
- var evaluateSubscription = useCallback(function () {
- var cbElement = cbElementRef.current;
- var refOrElement = refOrElementRef.current; // Ugly ternary. But smaller than an if-else block.
- var element = cbElement ? cbElement : refOrElement ? refOrElement instanceof Element ? refOrElement : refOrElement.current : null;
- if (lastReportRef.current && lastReportRef.current.element === element && lastReportRef.current.subscriber === subscriber) {
- return;
- }
- if (lastReportRef.current && lastReportRef.current.cleanup) {
- lastReportRef.current.cleanup();
- }
- lastReportRef.current = {
- element: element,
- subscriber: subscriber,
- // Only calling the subscriber, if there's an actual element to report.
- // Setting cleanup to undefined unless a subscriber returns one, as an existing cleanup function would've been just called.
- cleanup: element ? subscriber(element) : undefined
- };
- }, [subscriber]); // making sure we call the cleanup function on unmount
- useEffect(function () {
- return function () {
- if (lastReportRef.current && lastReportRef.current.cleanup) {
- lastReportRef.current.cleanup();
- lastReportRef.current = null;
- }
- };
- }, []);
- return useCallback(function (element) {
- cbElementRef.current = element;
- evaluateSubscription();
- }, [evaluateSubscription]);
- }
- // We're only using the first element of the size sequences, until future versions of the spec solidify on how
- // exactly it'll be used for fragments in multi-column scenarios:
- // From the spec:
- // > The box size properties are exposed as FrozenArray in order to support elements that have multiple fragments,
- // > which occur in multi-column scenarios. However the current definitions of content rect and border box do not
- // > mention how those boxes are affected by multi-column layout. In this spec, there will only be a single
- // > ResizeObserverSize returned in the FrozenArray, which will correspond to the dimensions of the first column.
- // > A future version of this spec will extend the returned FrozenArray to contain the per-fragment size information.
- // (https://drafts.csswg.org/resize-observer/#resize-observer-entry-interface)
- //
- // Also, testing these new box options revealed that in both Chrome and FF everything is returned in the callback,
- // regardless of the "box" option.
- // The spec states the following on this:
- // > This does not have any impact on which box dimensions are returned to the defined callback when the event
- // > is fired, it solely defines which box the author wishes to observe layout changes on.
- // (https://drafts.csswg.org/resize-observer/#resize-observer-interface)
- // I'm not exactly clear on what this means, especially when you consider a later section stating the following:
- // > This section is non-normative. An author may desire to observe more than one CSS box.
- // > In this case, author will need to use multiple ResizeObservers.
- // (https://drafts.csswg.org/resize-observer/#resize-observer-interface)
- // Which is clearly not how current browser implementations behave, and seems to contradict the previous quote.
- // For this reason I decided to only return the requested size,
- // even though it seems we have access to results for all box types.
- // This also means that we get to keep the current api, being able to return a simple { width, height } pair,
- // regardless of box option.
- function extractSize(entry, boxProp, sizeType) {
- if (!entry[boxProp]) {
- if (boxProp === "contentBoxSize") {
- // The dimensions in `contentBoxSize` and `contentRect` are equivalent according to the spec.
- // See the 6th step in the description for the RO algorithm:
- // https://drafts.csswg.org/resize-observer/#create-and-populate-resizeobserverentry-h
- // > Set this.contentRect to logical this.contentBoxSize given target and observedBox of "content-box".
- // In real browser implementations of course these objects differ, but the width/height values should be equivalent.
- return entry.contentRect[sizeType === "inlineSize" ? "width" : "height"];
- }
- return undefined;
- } // A couple bytes smaller than calling Array.isArray() and just as effective here.
- return entry[boxProp][0] ? entry[boxProp][0][sizeType] : // TS complains about this, because the RO entry type follows the spec and does not reflect Firefox's current
- // behaviour of returning objects instead of arrays for `borderBoxSize` and `contentBoxSize`.
- // @ts-ignore
- entry[boxProp][sizeType];
- }
- function useResizeObserver(opts) {
- if (opts === void 0) {
- opts = {};
- }
- // Saving the callback as a ref. With this, I don't need to put onResize in the
- // effect dep array, and just passing in an anonymous function without memoising
- // will not reinstantiate the hook's ResizeObserver.
- var onResize = opts.onResize;
- var onResizeRef = useRef(undefined);
- onResizeRef.current = onResize;
- var round = opts.round || Math.round; // Using a single instance throughout the hook's lifetime
- var resizeObserverRef = useRef();
- var _useState = useState({
- width: undefined,
- height: undefined
- }),
- size = _useState[0],
- setSize = _useState[1]; // In certain edge cases the RO might want to report a size change just after
- // the component unmounted.
- var didUnmount = useRef(false);
- useEffect(function () {
- didUnmount.current = false;
- return function () {
- didUnmount.current = true;
- };
- }, []); // Using a ref to track the previous width / height to avoid unnecessary renders.
- var previous = useRef({
- width: undefined,
- height: undefined
- }); // This block is kinda like a useEffect, only it's called whenever a new
- // element could be resolved based on the ref option. It also has a cleanup
- // function.
- var refCallback = useResolvedElement(useCallback(function (element) {
- // We only use a single Resize Observer instance, and we're instantiating it on demand, only once there's something to observe.
- // This instance is also recreated when the `box` option changes, so that a new observation is fired if there was a previously observed element with a different box option.
- if (!resizeObserverRef.current || resizeObserverRef.current.box !== opts.box || resizeObserverRef.current.round !== round) {
- resizeObserverRef.current = {
- box: opts.box,
- round: round,
- instance: new ResizeObserver(function (entries) {
- var entry = entries[0];
- var boxProp = opts.box === "border-box" ? "borderBoxSize" : opts.box === "device-pixel-content-box" ? "devicePixelContentBoxSize" : "contentBoxSize";
- var reportedWidth = extractSize(entry, boxProp, "inlineSize");
- var reportedHeight = extractSize(entry, boxProp, "blockSize");
- var newWidth = reportedWidth ? round(reportedWidth) : undefined;
- var newHeight = reportedHeight ? round(reportedHeight) : undefined;
- if (previous.current.width !== newWidth || previous.current.height !== newHeight) {
- var newSize = {
- width: newWidth,
- height: newHeight
- };
- previous.current.width = newWidth;
- previous.current.height = newHeight;
- if (onResizeRef.current) {
- onResizeRef.current(newSize);
- } else {
- if (!didUnmount.current) {
- setSize(newSize);
- }
- }
- }
- })
- };
- }
- resizeObserverRef.current.instance.observe(element, {
- box: opts.box
- });
- return function () {
- if (resizeObserverRef.current) {
- resizeObserverRef.current.instance.unobserve(element);
- }
- };
- }, [opts.box, round]), opts.ref);
- return useMemo(function () {
- return {
- ref: refCallback,
- width: size.width,
- height: size.height
- };
- }, [refCallback, size.width, size.height]);
- }
- export { useResizeObserver as default };