123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318 |
- import { V as ViteNodeRunner } from './chunk-vite-node-client.da0a17ff.mjs';
- import { normalizePath } from 'vite';
- import { g as getWorkerState, G as mergeSlashes, s as slash, l as getType, H as getAllMockableProperties } from './chunk-mock-date.2917be60.mjs';
- import { existsSync, readdirSync } from 'fs';
- import { n as normalizeRequestId, p as pathFromRoot, i as isNodeBuiltin, b as toFilePath } from './chunk-vite-node-utils.473cd0b2.mjs';
- import { d as dirname, j as join, b as basename, h as extname, a as resolve, c as distDir } from './chunk-constants.71e8a211.mjs';
- class RefTracker {
- constructor() {
- this.idMap = new Map();
- this.mockedValueMap = new Map();
- }
- getId(value) {
- return this.idMap.get(value);
- }
- getMockedValue(id) {
- return this.mockedValueMap.get(id);
- }
- track(originalValue, mockedValue) {
- const newId = this.idMap.size;
- this.idMap.set(originalValue, newId);
- this.mockedValueMap.set(newId, mockedValue);
- return newId;
- }
- }
- function isSpecialProp(prop, parentType) {
- return parentType.includes("Function") && typeof prop === "string" && ["arguments", "callee", "caller", "length", "name"].includes(prop);
- }
- const _VitestMocker = class {
- constructor(options, moduleCache, request) {
- this.options = options;
- this.moduleCache = moduleCache;
- this.request = request;
- }
- get root() {
- return this.options.root;
- }
- get base() {
- return this.options.base;
- }
- get mockMap() {
- return this.options.mockMap;
- }
- getSuiteFilepath() {
- return getWorkerState().filepath || "global";
- }
- getMocks() {
- const suite = this.getSuiteFilepath();
- const suiteMocks = this.mockMap.get(suite);
- const globalMocks = this.mockMap.get("global");
- return {
- ...globalMocks,
- ...suiteMocks
- };
- }
- async resolvePath(id, importer) {
- const path = await this.options.resolveId(id, importer);
- const external = path == null || path.id.includes("/node_modules/") ? id : null;
- return {
- path: normalizeRequestId((path == null ? void 0 : path.id) || id),
- external
- };
- }
- async resolveMocks() {
- await Promise.all(_VitestMocker.pendingIds.map(async (mock) => {
- const { path, external } = await this.resolvePath(mock.id, mock.importer);
- if (mock.type === "unmock")
- this.unmockPath(path);
- if (mock.type === "mock")
- this.mockPath(path, external, mock.factory);
- }));
- _VitestMocker.pendingIds = [];
- }
- async callFunctionMock(dep, mock) {
- var _a;
- const cached = (_a = this.moduleCache.get(dep)) == null ? void 0 : _a.exports;
- if (cached)
- return cached;
- let exports;
- try {
- exports = await mock();
- } catch (err) {
- const vitestError = new Error(
- "[vitest] There was an error, when mocking a module. If you are using vi.mock, make sure you are not using top level variables inside, since this call is hoisted. Read more: https://vitest.dev/api/#vi-mock"
- );
- vitestError.cause = err;
- throw vitestError;
- }
- if (exports === null || typeof exports !== "object")
- throw new Error('[vitest] vi.mock(path: string, factory?: () => unknown) is not returning an object. Did you mean to return an object with a "default" key?');
- this.moduleCache.set(dep, { exports });
- const filepath = dep.slice("mock:".length);
- const exportHandler = {
- get(target, prop) {
- const val = target[prop];
- if (prop === "then") {
- if (target instanceof Promise)
- return target.then.bind(target);
- } else if (!(prop in target)) {
- throw new Error(`[vitest] No "${prop}" export is defined on the "${filepath}"`);
- }
- return val;
- }
- };
- return new Proxy(exports, exportHandler);
- }
- getMockPath(dep) {
- return `mock:${dep}`;
- }
- getDependencyMock(id) {
- return this.getMocks()[id];
- }
- normalizePath(path) {
- return pathFromRoot(this.root, normalizeRequestId(path, this.base));
- }
- getFsPath(path, external) {
- if (external)
- return mergeSlashes(`/@fs/${path}`);
- return normalizeRequestId(path, this.base);
- }
- resolveMockPath(mockPath, external) {
- const path = normalizeRequestId(external || mockPath);
- if (external || isNodeBuiltin(mockPath) || !existsSync(mockPath)) {
- const mockDirname = dirname(path);
- const mockFolder = join(this.root, "__mocks__", mockDirname);
- if (!existsSync(mockFolder))
- return null;
- const files = readdirSync(mockFolder);
- const baseOriginal = basename(path);
- for (const file of files) {
- const baseFile = basename(file, extname(file));
- if (baseFile === baseOriginal)
- return resolve(mockFolder, file);
- }
- return null;
- }
- const dir = dirname(path);
- const baseId = basename(path);
- const fullPath = resolve(dir, "__mocks__", baseId);
- return existsSync(fullPath) ? fullPath : null;
- }
- mockObject(object) {
- if (!_VitestMocker.spyModule) {
- throw new Error(
- "Error: Spy module is not defined. This is likely an internal bug in Vitest. Please report it to https://github.com/vitest-dev/vitest/issues"
- );
- }
- const spyModule = _VitestMocker.spyModule;
- const finalizers = new Array();
- const refs = new RefTracker();
- const define = (container, key, value) => {
- try {
- container[key] = value;
- return true;
- } catch {
- return false;
- }
- };
- const mockPropertiesOf = (container, newContainer) => {
- const containerType = getType(container);
- const isModule = containerType === "Module" || !!container.__esModule;
- for (const { key: property, descriptor } of getAllMockableProperties(container)) {
- if (!isModule && descriptor.get) {
- try {
- Object.defineProperty(newContainer, property, descriptor);
- } catch (error) {
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (isSpecialProp(property, containerType))
- continue;
- const value = container[property];
- const refId = refs.getId(value);
- if (refId !== void 0) {
- finalizers.push(() => define(newContainer, property, refs.getMockedValue(refId)));
- continue;
- }
- const type = getType(value);
- if (Array.isArray(value)) {
- define(newContainer, property, []);
- continue;
- }
- const isFunction = type.includes("Function") && typeof value === "function";
- if ((!isFunction || value.__isMockFunction) && type !== "Object" && type !== "Module") {
- define(newContainer, property, value);
- continue;
- }
- if (!define(newContainer, property, isFunction ? value : {}))
- continue;
- if (isFunction) {
- spyModule.spyOn(newContainer, property).mockImplementation(() => void 0);
- Object.defineProperty(newContainer[property], "length", { value: 0 });
- }
- refs.track(value, newContainer[property]);
- mockPropertiesOf(value, newContainer[property]);
- }
- };
- const mockedObject = {};
- mockPropertiesOf(object, mockedObject);
- for (const finalizer of finalizers)
- finalizer();
- return mockedObject;
- }
- unmockPath(path) {
- const suitefile = this.getSuiteFilepath();
- const id = this.normalizePath(path);
- const mock = this.mockMap.get(suitefile);
- if (mock == null ? void 0 : mock[id])
- delete mock[id];
- const mockId = this.getMockPath(id);
- if (this.moduleCache.get(mockId))
- this.moduleCache.delete(mockId);
- }
- mockPath(path, external, factory) {
- const suitefile = this.getSuiteFilepath();
- const id = this.normalizePath(path);
- const mocks = this.mockMap.get(suitefile) || {};
- mocks[id] = factory || this.resolveMockPath(path, external);
- this.mockMap.set(suitefile, mocks);
- }
- async importActual(id, importer) {
- const { path, external } = await this.resolvePath(id, importer);
- const fsPath = this.getFsPath(path, external);
- const result = await this.request(fsPath);
- return result;
- }
- async importMock(id, importer) {
- const { path, external } = await this.resolvePath(id, importer);
- const fsPath = this.getFsPath(path, external);
- const normalizedId = this.normalizePath(fsPath);
- let mock = this.getDependencyMock(normalizedId);
- if (mock === void 0)
- mock = this.resolveMockPath(fsPath, external);
- if (mock === null) {
- await this.ensureSpy();
- const mod = await this.request(fsPath);
- return this.mockObject(mod);
- }
- if (typeof mock === "function")
- return this.callFunctionMock(fsPath, mock);
- return this.requestWithMock(mock);
- }
- async ensureSpy() {
- if (_VitestMocker.spyModule)
- return;
- _VitestMocker.spyModule = await this.request(`/@fs/${slash(resolve(distDir, "spy.mjs"))}`);
- }
- async requestWithMock(dep) {
- var _a;
- await Promise.all([
- this.ensureSpy(),
- this.resolveMocks()
- ]);
- const id = this.normalizePath(dep);
- const mock = this.getDependencyMock(id);
- const callstack = this.request.callstack;
- const mockPath = this.getMockPath(id);
- if (mock === null) {
- const cache = this.moduleCache.get(mockPath);
- if (cache == null ? void 0 : cache.exports)
- return cache.exports;
- const cacheKey = toFilePath(dep, this.root);
- const mod = ((_a = this.moduleCache.get(cacheKey)) == null ? void 0 : _a.exports) || await this.request(dep);
- const exports = this.mockObject(mod);
- this.moduleCache.set(mockPath, { exports });
- return exports;
- }
- if (typeof mock === "function" && !callstack.includes(mockPath)) {
- callstack.push(mockPath);
- const result = await this.callFunctionMock(mockPath, mock);
- const indexMock = callstack.indexOf(mockPath);
- callstack.splice(indexMock, 1);
- return result;
- }
- if (typeof mock === "string" && !callstack.includes(mock))
- dep = mock;
- return this.request(dep);
- }
- queueMock(id, importer, factory) {
- _VitestMocker.pendingIds.push({ type: "mock", id, importer, factory });
- }
- queueUnmock(id, importer) {
- _VitestMocker.pendingIds.push({ type: "unmock", id, importer });
- }
- };
- let VitestMocker = _VitestMocker;
- VitestMocker.pendingIds = [];
- async function executeInViteNode(options) {
- const runner = new VitestRunner(options);
- await runner.executeId("/@vite/env");
- const result = [];
- for (const file of options.files)
- result.push(await runner.executeFile(file));
- return result;
- }
- class VitestRunner extends ViteNodeRunner {
- constructor(options) {
- super(options);
- this.options = options;
- }
- prepareContext(context) {
- const request = context.__vite_ssr_import__;
- const resolveId = context.__vitest_resolve_id__;
- const mocker = new VitestMocker(this.options, this.moduleCache, request);
- const workerState = getWorkerState();
- if (workerState.filepath && normalizePath(workerState.filepath) === normalizePath(context.__filename)) {
- Object.defineProperty(context.__vite_ssr_import_meta__, "vitest", { get: () => globalThis.__vitest_index__ });
- }
- return Object.assign(context, {
- __vite_ssr_import__: async (dep) => mocker.requestWithMock(await resolveId(dep)),
- __vite_ssr_dynamic_import__: async (dep) => mocker.requestWithMock(await resolveId(dep)),
- __vitest_mocker__: mocker
- });
- }
- }
- export { VitestRunner as V, executeInViteNode as e };