feature_request.yml 1.0 KB

  1. name: Feature request
  2. description: Suggest a feature to improve Quran.com
  3. title: "[feature]: "
  4. labels: [feature]
  5. body:
  6. - type: markdown
  7. attributes:
  8. value: |
  9. Thank you for taking the time to suggest a new feature for quran.com
  10. - type: checkboxes
  11. attributes:
  12. label: Is there an existing issue for this feature?
  13. description: Please search to see if an issue already exists for the feature and 👍 it instead of opening new one.
  14. options:
  15. - label: There is no exsiting issue for this feature
  16. required: true
  17. - type: textarea
  18. attributes:
  19. label: Summary
  20. description: A clear and concise description of this missing feature. How this feature will improve quran.com?
  21. validations:
  22. required: true
  23. - type: textarea
  24. attributes:
  25. label: Your purposed solution for this feature
  26. description: Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request. Feel free to purpose the solution, user experience or link to sites with similar feature.
  27. validations:
  28. required: true