1 |
- {"version":3,"sources":["webpack://_N_E/src/components/Notifications/NotificationSettings/Tabs/FieldsetContainer/FieldsetContainer.module.scss","webpack://_N_E/src/components/dls/Toggle/Toggle.module.scss","webpack://_N_E/src/components/Notifications/NotificationSettings/Tabs/PreferenceSettingsToggles/PreferenceSettingsToggles.module.scss","webpack://_N_E/src/components/dls/Collapsible/Collapsible.module.scss","webpack://_N_E/src/components/Notifications/NotificationSettings/Tabs/CategoriesSettingsTab/CollapsibleWorkflowSettings/CollapsibleWorkflowSettings.module.scss","webpack://_N_E/src/components/dls/Pill/Pill.module.scss","webpack://_N_E/src/pages/_error.module.scss","webpack://_N_E/src/components/Notifications/NotificationSettings/Tabs/Tabs.module.scss","webpack://_N_E/src/pages/index.module.scss","webpack://_N_E/src/styles/_breakpoints.scss","webpack://_N_E/src/styles/_utility.scss"],"names":[],"mappings":"AAAA,4CACI,8CAAA,CACA,6BAAA,CACA,0CAAA,CCHJ,oBACE,6CAAA,CACA,qCAAA,CACA,0DAAA,CACA,iDAAA,CACA,2BAAA,CACA,wDAAA,CACA,mDAAA,CAEA,0BACE,8DAAA,CAGF,wCACE,sDAAA,CAEF,mCACE,+DAAA,CAGF,8BAEE,qDAAA,CAIJ,qBACE,aAAA,CACA,2BAAA,CACA,4BAAA,CACA,gDAAA,CACA,yCAAA,CACA,8CAAA,CACA,wBAAA,CACA,0CAAA,CACA,qBAAA,CAEA,yCACE,0CAAA,CAEA,mDAEE,qDAAA,CAGJ,oCACE,yBAAA,CAGF,+BAEE,qDAAA,CAIJ,qBACE,+BAAA,CACA,aAAA,CACA,wCAAA,CACA,mCAAA,CAGF,yBAIE,YAAA,CACA,kBAAA,CAJA,gCACE,SAAA,CChEJ,sCACI,YAAA,CACA,kBAAA,CACA,kCAAA,CCHJ,2BACE,YAAA,CACA,kBAAA,CACA,6BAAA,CACA,cAAA,CAGF,+BACE,YAAA,CAGF,oCACE,YAAA,CACA,kBAAA,CACA,wCAAA,CAGF,kCACE,wBAAA,CAGF,oCACE,YAAA,CACA,kBAAA,CACA,wCAAA,CCxBF,8CACI,8CAAA,CACA,0CAAA,CACA,8BAAA,CACA,kCAAA,CAGJ,iDACI,mCAAA,CAGJ,qDACI,iCAAA,CACA,6BAAA,CACA,0CAAA,CCdJ,uBAEE,4CAAA,CACA,WAAA,CACA,mBAAA,CACA,kBAAA,CACA,oBAAA,CACA,qBAAA,CACA,sBAAA,CACA,+BAAA,CACA,uCAAA,CACA,mCAAA,CACA,mCAAA,CACA,wBAAA,CAEA,yCACE,2CAAA,CChBJ,yBACE,YAAA,CACA,qBAAA,CACA,kBAAA,CACA,sBAAA,CACA,YAAA,CACA,qBAAA,CACA,mBAAA,CACA,yCAAA,CACA,uCAAA,CACA,qBAAA,CAGF,6BACE,WAAA,CAGF,qBACE,gCAAA,CACA,sCAAA,CACA,iBAAA,CACA,kBAAA,CAGF,sBACE,YAAA,CACA,sBAAA,CACA,wCAAA,CAGF,yBACE,sCAAA,CC/BF,uBACI,gBAAA,CAGJ,oBACI,YAAA,CACA,6BAAA,CACA,kBAAA,CAGJ,4BACI,uCAAA,CAEA,+BACI,iCAAA,CACA,mCAAA,CAIR,8BACI,YAAA,CACA,sBAAA,CACA,sCAAA,CCjBJ,4BACE,sCAAA,CACA,sBAAA,CACA,oBAAA,CAGF,+BACE,eAAA,CACA,YAAA,CACA,kBAAA,CACA,sBAAA,CAGF,0CACE,kDAAA,CCyBA,yCD1BF,0CAII,gDAAA,CAAA,CAIJ,oCACE,mCAAA,CAGF,uBEwvBE,eAFyB,CFpvBzB,oBAAA,CACA,kBAAA,CACA,wBAAA,CACA,sBAAA,CAEA,wCAAA,CACA,6CAAA,CACA,2CAAA,CCKA,yCDdF,uBE0vBI,SAAA,CAAA,CFtuBF,8CACE,oBAAA,CACA,sBAAA,CCRF,yCDMA,8CAKI,qBAAA,CAAA","file":"static/css/c97ab9583f0e022f.css","sourcesContent":[".channelsContainer {\n border: 1px solid var(--color-borders-hairline);\n padding: var(--spacing-xsmall);\n border-radius: var(--border-radius-rounded);\n}\n",".root {\n width: calc(2 * var(--spacing-medium)) !important;\n height: var(--spacing-large) !important;\n background-color: var(--color-background-default) !important;\n border-radius: var(--border-radius-pill) !important;\n position: relative !important;\n border: 1px solid var(--color-borders-hairline) !important;\n -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) !important;\n\n &:focus {\n box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px var(--color-background-inverse) !important;\n }\n\n &[data-state=\"checked\"] {\n background-color: var(--color-success-medium) !important;\n }\n &[data-disabled] {\n background: var(--color-background-alternative-medium) !important;\n }\n\n [dir=\"rtl\"] & {\n /* rtl: swap transform direction */\n transform: translateX(calc(-1 * var(--spacing-micro)));\n }\n}\n\n.thumb {\n display: block;\n width: var(--spacing-medium);\n height: var(--spacing-medium);\n background-color: var(--color-background-inverse);\n border-radius: var(--border-radius-circle);\n border: 1px solid var(--color-borders-hairline);\n transition: transform 100ms;\n transform: translateX(var(--spacing-micro));\n will-change: transform;\n\n &[data-state=\"checked\"] {\n transform: translateX(var(--spacing-small));\n\n [dir=\"rtl\"] & {\n /* rtl: swap transform direction */\n transform: translateX(calc(-1 * var(--spacing-small)));\n }\n }\n &[data-disabled] {\n opacity: var(--opacity-30);\n }\n\n [dir=\"rtl\"] & {\n /* rtl: swap transform direction */\n transform: translateX(calc(-1 * var(--spacing-micro)));\n }\n}\n\n.label {\n color: var(--color-text-default);\n line-height: 1;\n padding-inline-end: var(--spacing-medium);\n font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold);\n}\n\n.container {\n button {\n all: unset;\n }\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n}\n",".row {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n padding-block: var(--spacing-small);\n}\n",".header {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: space-between;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n.headerLeft {\n display: flex;\n}\n\n.prefixContainer {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n margin-inline-end: var(--spacing-xxsmall);\n}\n\n.prefixRotated {\n transform: rotate(180deg);\n}\n\n.suffixContainer {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n margin-inline-end: var(--spacing-xxsmall);\n}\n",".container {\n border: 1px solid var(--color-borders-hairline);\n border-radius: var(--border-radius-rounded);\n padding: var(--spacing-xxsmall);\n margin-block: var(--spacing-xsmall);\n}\n\n.workflowName {\n font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold);\n}\n\n.workflowChannels {\n font-size: var(--font-size-xsmall);\n color: var(--color-text-faded);\n padding-inline-start: var(--spacing-xsmall);\n}\n",".container {\n border-radius: var(--border-radius-pill);\n background-color: var(--color-success-medium);\n border: none;\n display: inline-flex;\n align-items: center;\n text-decoration: none;\n box-sizing: border-box;\n justify-content: center;\n color: var(--color-text-inverse);\n border-radius: var(--border-radius-pill);\n padding-inline: var(--spacing-small);\n font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold);\n text-transform: uppercase;\n\n &.small {\n font-size: var(--font-size-xsmall-dangerous);\n }\n}\n",".container {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n height: 100vh;\n padding-block-start: 0;\n padding-block-end: 0;\n padding-inline-start: var(--spacing-small);\n padding-inline-end: var(--spacing-small);\n box-sizing: border-box;\n}\n\n.withFullWidth {\n width: 100vw;\n}\n\n.title {\n font-size: var(--font-size-jumbo);\n margin-block-end: var(--spacing-medium);\n text-align: center;\n line-height: normal;\n}\n\n.goBack {\n display: flex;\n justify-content: center;\n margin-block-start: var(--spacing-medium);\n}\n\n.reportBug {\n margin-block-start: var(--spacing-mega);\n}\n",".container {\n min-height: 100vh;\n}\n\n.header {\n display: flex;\n justify-content: space-between;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n.titleContainer {\n padding-block-end: var(--spacing-xsmall);\n\n h1 {\n font-size: var(--font-size-xlarge);\n font-weight: var(--font-weight-bold);\n }\n}\n\n.loadingContainer {\n display: flex;\n justify-content: center;\n margin-block-start: var(--spacing-mega);\n}\n","@use \"src/styles/breakpoints\";\n@use \"src/styles/utility\";\n\n$list-max-width: 80rem;\n\n.pageContainer {\n padding-block-end: var(--spacing-small);\n padding-inline-start: 0;\n padding-inline-end: 0;\n}\n\n.loadingContainer {\n min-height: 70vh;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n}\n\n.flow > .flowItem {\n margin-block-start: calc(1.5 * var(--spacing-medium));\n\n @include breakpoints.tablet {\n margin-block-start: calc(2 * var(--spacing-medium));\n }\n}\n\n.additionalVerticalGap {\n padding-block: var(--spacing-medium);\n}\n\n.flowItem {\n @include utility.pageContainer();\n margin-block-start: 0;\n margin-block-end: 0;\n margin-inline-start: auto;\n margin-inline-end: auto;\n\n --flow-side-spacing: var(--spacing-small);\n padding-inline-start: var(--flow-side-spacing);\n padding-inline-end: var(--flow-side-spacing);\n\n /**\n * On mobile, a few components can't have padding at parent level.\n * For example the QuickLinks, Recently Read, etc. Because they are horizontally scrollable\n * So, we make padding horizontal 0 the parent level, and pass the `--flow-side-spacing` down to children\n * Those components, will implement their own space/padding based on `--flow-side-padding` value\n * See RecentReadingSession.module.scss for an implementation example\n *\n * For now we only want this to be implemented on mobile, so we make `--flow-side-padding: 0` on tablet and above\n **/\n &.fullWidth {\n padding-inline-end: 0;\n padding-inline-start: 0;\n\n @include breakpoints.tablet {\n --flow-side-spacing: 0;\n }\n }\n}\n","// For usage see: https://medium.com/codeartisan/breakpoints-and-media-queries-in-scss-46e8f551e2f2\n$breakpoints-mobileS: 320px;\n$breakpoints-mobileM: 375px;\n$breakpoints-mobileL: 425px;\n$breakpoints-tablet: 768px;\n$breakpoints-desktop: 1024px;\n\n@mixin mobileS {\n @media only screen and (min-width: $breakpoints-mobileS) {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin smallerThanMobileS {\n @media only screen and (max-width: $breakpoints-mobileS) {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin mobileM {\n @media only screen and (min-width: $breakpoints-mobileM) {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin smallerThanMobileM {\n @media only screen and (max-width: $breakpoints-mobileM) {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin mobileL {\n @media only screen and (min-width: $breakpoints-mobileL) {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin smallerThanMobileL {\n @media only screen and (max-width: $breakpoints-mobileL) {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin tablet {\n @media only screen and (min-width: $breakpoints-tablet) {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin smallerThanTablet {\n @media only screen and (max-width: $breakpoints-tablet) {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin desktop {\n @media only screen and (min-width: $breakpoints-desktop) {\n @content;\n }\n}\n\n@mixin smallerThanDesktop {\n @media only screen and (max-width: $breakpoints-desktop) {\n @content;\n }\n}\n","@use \"src/styles/constants\";\n@use \"src/styles/breakpoints\";\n@use \"sass:map\";\n\n@mixin center-horizontally {\n display: inline-block;\n margin-block-start: auto;\n margin-inline-end: auto;\n margin-block-end: auto;\n margin-inline-start: auto;\n}\n\n@mixin center-vertically {\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: column;\n justify-content: center;\n}\n\n@mixin lighten-background-color {\n background-image: linear-gradient(\n to right,\n var(--color-background-lighten),\n var(--color-background-lighten)\n );\n}\n\n// On mobile, font size 1-3 will try to preserve the line, using flex\n// font 4-5 no longer using the flex. And not preserving the line\n\n// If you're updating font size, double check on font size 3.\n// make sure it will not break the layout\n\n$line-heights-map: (\n tajweed: (\n tablet: (),\n ),\n fallback_qpc_uthmani_hafs: (\n tablet: (\n 1: 6vh,\n 2: 6vh,\n 3: 6.1vh,\n 4: 6vh,\n 5: 5.68vh,\n 6: 8.14vh,\n 7: 10.61vh,\n 8: 13.07vh,\n 9: 15.54vh,\n 10: 18vh,\n ),\n ),\n qpc_uthmani_hafs: (\n tablet: (\n 1: 6vh,\n 2: 6vh,\n 3: 6.1vh,\n 4: 6vh,\n 5: 5.68vh,\n 6: 8.14vh,\n 7: 10.61vh,\n 8: 13.07vh,\n 9: 15.54vh,\n 10: 18vh,\n ),\n ),\n text_indopak_15_lines: (\n tablet: (\n 1: 6vh,\n 2: 6vh,\n 3: 6.1vh,\n 4: 6vh,\n 5: 5.68vh,\n 6: 8.34vh,\n 7: 11.01vh,\n 8: 13.67vh,\n 9: 16.34vh,\n 10: 19vh,\n ),\n ),\n text_indopak_16_lines: (\n tablet: (\n 1: 5.7vh,\n 2: 5.7vh,\n 3: 5.7vh,\n 4: 5.6vh,\n 5: 5.6vh,\n 6: 7.36vh,\n 7: 9.12vh,\n 8: 10.88vh,\n 9: 12.64vh,\n 10: 14.4vh,\n ),\n ),\n code_v2: (\n tablet: (\n 1: 6.1vh,\n 2: 6.1vh,\n 3: 6.1vh,\n 4: 6.1vh,\n 5: 6.1vh,\n 6: 9.28vh,\n 7: 12.46vh,\n 8: 15.64vh,\n 9: 18.82vh,\n 10: 22vh,\n ),\n ),\n code_v1: (\n tablet: (\n 1: 6.1vh,\n 2: 6vh,\n 3: 5.8vh,\n 4: 5.4vh,\n 5: 5vh,\n 6: 8vh,\n 7: 11vh,\n 8: 14vh,\n 9: 17vh,\n 10: 20vh,\n ),\n ),\n translation: (\n tablet: (\n 1: 3.2vh,\n 2: 3.5vh,\n 3: 4vh,\n 4: 4.2vh,\n 5: 4.3vh,\n ),\n ),\n tafsir: (\n tablet: (\n 1: 3.2vh,\n 2: 3.5vh,\n 3: 4vh,\n 4: 4.2vh,\n 5: 4.3vh,\n ),\n ),\n);\n\n// TODO: rename to $font-size-scales-map\n$scales-map: (\n fallback_qpc_uthmani_hafs: (\n tablet: (\n 1: 3.19vh,\n 2: 3.2vh,\n 3: 3.39vh,\n 4: 3.6vh,\n 5: 4.4vh,\n 6: 5.55vh,\n 7: 6.7vh,\n 8: 7.85vh,\n 9: 9vh,\n 10: 10.15vh,\n ),\n mobile: (\n 1: 4vw,\n 2: 4.5vw,\n 3: 5vw,\n 4: 8.9vw,\n 5: 11vw,\n 6: 12vw,\n 7: 13vw,\n 8: 14vw,\n 9: 15vw,\n 10: 16vw,\n ),\n ),\n //TODO: rename qpc_uthmani_hafs to text_qpc_hafs\n qpc_uthmani_hafs:\n (\n tablet: (\n 1: 3.2vh,\n 2: 3.5vh,\n 3: 4vh,\n 4: 4vh,\n 5: 4.4vh,\n 6: 5.56vh,\n 7: 6.72vh,\n 8: 7.88vh,\n 9: 9.04vh,\n 10: 10.27vh,\n ),\n mobile: (\n 1: 4vw,\n 2: 4.5vw,\n 3: 4.6vw,\n 4: 8.9vw,\n 5: 11vw,\n 6: 12vw,\n 7: 13vw,\n 8: 14vw,\n 9: 15vw,\n 10: 16vw,\n ),\n ),\n text_indopak_15_lines: (\n tablet: (\n 1: 3.2vh,\n 2: 3.5vh,\n 3: 4vh,\n 4: 4.2vh,\n 5: 4.3vh,\n 6: 5.64vh,\n 7: 6.98vh,\n 8: 8.32vh,\n 9: 9.66vh,\n 10: 11vh,\n ),\n mobile: (\n 1: 4.4vw,\n 2: 4.8vw,\n 3: 5.1vw,\n 4: 6vw,\n 5: 9.3vw,\n 6: 9.8vw,\n 7: 10.2vw,\n 8: 11vw,\n 9: 12vw,\n 10: 13vw,\n ),\n ),\n text_indopak_16_lines: (\n tablet: (\n 1: 3.1vh,\n 2: 3.2vh,\n 3: 3.4vh,\n 4: 3.7vh,\n 5: 3.95vh,\n 6: 5.08vh,\n 7: 6.21vh,\n 8: 7.34vh,\n 9: 8.47vh,\n 10: 9.6vh,\n ),\n mobile: (\n 1: 4.4vw,\n 2: 4.8vw,\n 3: 5.1vw,\n 4: 6vw,\n 5: 9.3vw,\n 6: 9.8vw,\n 7: 10.2vw,\n 8: 11vw,\n 9: 12vw,\n 10: 13vw,\n ),\n ),\n code_v2: (\n tablet: (\n 1: 2.9vh,\n 2: 3vh,\n 3: 3.2vh,\n 4: 3.5vh,\n 5: 3.7vh,\n 6: 5.16vh,\n 7: 6.62vh,\n 8: 8.08vh,\n 9: 9.54vh,\n 10: 11vh,\n ),\n mobile: (\n 1: 4vw,\n 2: 5vw,\n 3: 5.3vw,\n 4: 8.4vw,\n 5: 10vw,\n 6: 11vw,\n 7: 12vw,\n 8: 13vw,\n 9: 14vw,\n 10: 15vw,\n ),\n ),\n code_v1: (\n tablet: (\n 1: 3.5vh,\n 2: 3.8vh,\n 3: 4vh,\n 4: 4.3vh,\n 5: 4.5vh,\n 6: 6.14vh,\n 7: 7.77vh,\n 8: 9.42vh,\n 9: 11.05vh,\n 10: 12.7vh,\n ),\n mobile: (\n 1: 4vw,\n 2: 5vw,\n 3: 5.9vw,\n 4: 10vw,\n 5: 12vw,\n 6: 13vw,\n 7: 14vw,\n 8: 15vw,\n 9: 16vw,\n 10: 17vw,\n ),\n ),\n translation: (\n tablet: (\n 1: 0.85rem,\n 2: 1rem,\n 3: 1.18rem,\n 4: 1.4rem,\n 5: 2rem,\n 6: 2.3rem,\n 7: 2.7rem,\n 8: 3rem,\n 9: 3.5rem,\n 10: 4rem,\n ),\n mobile: (\n 1: 0.85rem,\n 2: 0.95rem,\n 3: 1.05rem,\n 4: 1.2rem,\n 5: 1.5rem,\n 6: 1.8rem,\n 7: 2.1rem,\n 8: 2.4rem,\n 9: 2.75rem,\n 10: 3rem,\n ),\n ),\n tafsir: (\n tablet: (\n 1: 0.85rem,\n 2: 1.1rem,\n 3: 1.2rem,\n 4: 1.4rem,\n 5: 2rem,\n 6: 2.3rem,\n 7: 2.7rem,\n 8: 3rem,\n 9: 3.5rem,\n 10: 4rem,\n ),\n mobile: (\n 1: 0.85rem,\n 2: 0.95rem,\n 3: 1.1rem,\n 4: 1.2rem,\n 5: 1.4rem,\n 6: 1.8rem,\n 7: 2.1rem,\n 8: 2.4rem,\n 9: 2.75rem,\n 10: 3rem,\n ),\n ),\n tajweed: (\n tablet: (),\n mobile: (),\n ),\n);\n\n$skeleton-height-map: (\n tajweed: (\n desktop: (\n 1: 2.52rem,\n 2: 3.47rem,\n 3: 4.08rem,\n 4: 5.03rem,\n 5: 5.15rem,\n 6: 5.65rem,\n 7: 5.8rem,\n 8: 5.9rem,\n 9: 6.05rem,\n 10: 6.15rem,\n ),\n mobile: (\n 1: 1.9rem,\n 2: 3.4rem,\n 3: 4.1rem,\n 4: 5.03rem,\n 5: 7.24rem,\n 6: 1rem,\n 7: 1rem,\n 8: 1rem,\n 9: 1rem,\n 10: 1rem,\n ),\n ),\n qpc_uthmani_hafs: (\n desktop: (\n 1: 4.57vh,\n 2: 4.57vh,\n 3: 4.65vh,\n 4: 4.56vh,\n 5: 4.63vh,\n 6: 6.79vh,\n 7: 9.2vh,\n 8: 11.72vh,\n 9: 14.21vh,\n 10: 16.6vh,\n ),\n mobile: (\n 1: 4.55vw,\n 2: 5.5vw,\n 3: 5.5vw,\n 4: 8.9vw,\n 5: 11vw,\n 6: 1rem,\n 7: 1rem,\n 8: 1rem,\n 9: 1rem,\n 10: 1rem,\n ),\n ),\n text_indopak_15_lines: (\n desktop: (\n 1: 4.56vh,\n 2: 4.56vh,\n 3: 4.66vh,\n 4: 4.65vh,\n 5: 4.56vh,\n 6: 6.96vh,\n 7: 9.66vh,\n 8: 12.38vh,\n 9: 15.03vh,\n 10: 17.65vh,\n ),\n mobile: (\n 1: 6.8vw,\n 2: 7.6vw,\n 3: 8.26vw,\n 4: 6vw,\n 5: 9.3vw,\n 6: 1rem,\n 7: 1rem,\n 8: 1rem,\n 9: 1rem,\n 10: 1rem,\n ),\n ),\n text_indopak_16_lines: (\n desktop: (\n 1: 4.24vh,\n 2: 4.24vh,\n 3: 4.24vh,\n 4: 4.13vh,\n 5: 4.32vh,\n 6: 5.96vh,\n 7: 7.64vh,\n 8: 9.44vh,\n 9: 11.15vh,\n 10: 12.86vh,\n ),\n mobile: (\n 1: 6.8vw,\n 2: 7.6vw,\n 3: 8.26vw,\n 4: 6vw,\n 5: 9.3vw,\n 6: 1rem,\n 7: 1rem,\n 8: 1rem,\n 9: 1rem,\n 10: 1rem,\n ),\n ),\n code_v2: (\n desktop: (\n 1: 4.65vh,\n 2: 4.65vh,\n 3: 4.65vh,\n 4: 4.65vh,\n 5: 4.65vh,\n 6: 7.84vh,\n 7: 11.03vh,\n 8: 14.22vh,\n 9: 17.41vh,\n 10: 20.6vh,\n ),\n mobile: (\n 1: 4.17vw,\n 2: 6.54vw,\n 3: 7.1vw,\n 4: 8.4vw,\n 5: 10vw,\n 6: 1rem,\n 7: 1rem,\n 8: 1rem,\n 9: 1rem,\n 10: 1rem,\n ),\n ),\n code_v1: (\n desktop: (\n 1: 4.62vh,\n 2: 4.55vh,\n 3: 4.5vh,\n 4: 4.45vh,\n 5: 4.65vh,\n 6: 7.16vh,\n 7: 9.94vh,\n 8: 12.63vh,\n 9: 15.55vh,\n 10: 18.6vh,\n ),\n mobile: (\n 1: 5.08vw,\n 2: 7.05vw,\n 3: 8.78vw,\n 4: 10vw,\n 5: 12vw,\n 6: 1rem,\n 7: 1rem,\n 8: 1rem,\n 9: 1rem,\n 10: 1rem,\n ),\n ),\n default: (\n desktop: (\n 1: 4.57vh,\n 2: 4.57vh,\n 3: 4.65vh,\n 4: 4.56vh,\n 5: 4.63vh,\n 6: 6.79vh,\n 7: 9.2vh,\n 8: 11.72vh,\n 9: 14.21vh,\n 10: 16.6vh,\n ),\n mobile: (\n 1: 4vw,\n 2: 5vw,\n 3: 5.4vw,\n 4: 8.9vw,\n 5: 11vw,\n 6: 1rem,\n 7: 1rem,\n 8: 1rem,\n 9: 1rem,\n 10: 1rem,\n ),\n ),\n);\n\n// for now, we're only doing fixed witdth for tablet & desktop.\n// because mobile is relatively more stable compared to desktop\n// TODO: implement fixed on mobile as well\n$line-width-map: (\n tajweed: (\n tablet: (\n 1: calc(12.5 * var(--spacing-mega)),\n 2: calc(16.5 * var(--spacing-mega)),\n 3: calc(18.8 * var(--spacing-mega)),\n 4: calc(22.5 * var(--spacing-mega)),\n 5: calc(23.2 * var(--spacing-mega)),\n 6: calc(25.2 * var(--spacing-mega)),\n 7: calc(25.6 * var(--spacing-mega)),\n 8: calc(26.2 * var(--spacing-mega)),\n 9: calc(27 * var(--spacing-mega)),\n 10: calc(27.3 * var(--spacing-mega)),\n ),\n ),\n fallback_qpc_uthmani_hafs: (\n tablet: (\n 1: 55vh,\n 2: 59vh,\n 3: 63.8vh,\n 4: 65vh,\n 5: 66vh,\n 6: 1rem,\n 7: 1rem,\n 8: 1rem,\n 9: 1rem,\n 10: 1rem,\n ),\n desktop: (\n 1: 56vh,\n 2: 56.2vh,\n 3: 60vh,\n 4: 63vh,\n 5: 81vh,\n 6: 102.6vh,\n 7: 124.3vh,\n 8: 146.2vh,\n 9: 168vh,\n 10: 190vh,\n ),\n ),\n qpc_uthmani_hafs: (\n tablet: (\n 1: 55vh,\n 2: 59vh,\n 3: 63.8vh,\n 4: 65vh,\n 5: 66vh,\n 6: 1rem,\n 7: 1rem,\n 8: 1rem,\n 9: 1rem,\n 10: 1rem,\n ),\n desktop: (\n 1: 60vh,\n 2: 65vh,\n 3: 73.5vh,\n 4: 74vh,\n 5: 81vh,\n 6: 102.8vh,\n 7: 124.6vh,\n 8: 146.4vh,\n 9: 168.2vh,\n 10: 190vh,\n ),\n ),\n text_indopak_15_lines: (\n tablet: (\n 1: 58vh,\n 2: 64vh,\n 3: 76vh,\n 4: 75vh,\n 5: 76vh,\n 6: 98.6vh,\n 7: 121.2vh,\n 8: 143.8vh,\n 9: 166.4vh,\n 10: 189vh,\n ),\n ),\n text_indopak_16_lines: (\n tablet: (\n 1: 55vh,\n 2: 61vh,\n 3: 63vh,\n 4: 65vh,\n 5: 69vh,\n 6: 93.2vh,\n 7: 117.4vh,\n 8: 141.6vh,\n 9: 165.8vh,\n 10: 190vh,\n ),\n ),\n code_v2: (\n tablet: (\n 1: 52vh,\n 2: 54vh,\n 3: 56vh,\n 4: 61vh,\n 5: 64.5vh,\n 6: 90.4vh,\n 7: 116.3vh,\n 8: 142.2vh,\n 9: 168.1vh,\n 10: 194vh,\n ),\n ),\n code_v1: (\n tablet: (\n 1: 54vh,\n 2: 56.5vh,\n 3: 59.5vh,\n 4: 63vh,\n 5: 67vh,\n 6: 91.6vh,\n 7: 116.2vh,\n 8: 140.8vh,\n 9: 165.4vh,\n 10: 190vh,\n ),\n ),\n);\n\n@function map-deep-get($map, $keys...) {\n @each $key in $keys {\n $map: map-get($map, $key);\n }\n @return $map;\n}\n\n@function get-scales($name, $device-type, $map) {\n @return map-deep-get($map, $name, $device-type);\n}\n\n// generate line-width based on font type, font-scale, and screen width;\n@mixin generate-line-width-scales($name) {\n $mobile-scales: get-scales($name, \"mobile\", $line-width-map);\n $tablet-scales: get-scales($name, \"tablet\", $line-width-map);\n $desktop-scales: get-scales($name, \"desktop\", $line-width-map);\n\n @for $i from 1 through constants.$maximum-font-step {\n .#{$name}-line-width-#{$i} {\n @if $mobile-scales != null and map.has-key($tablet-scales, $i) {\n --line-width: #{map.get($mobile-scales, $i)};\n }\n\n @if $tablet-scales != null and map.has-key($tablet-scales, $i) {\n @include breakpoints.tablet {\n --line-width: #{map.get($tablet-scales, $i)};\n }\n }\n\n @if $desktop-scales != null and map.has-key($desktop-scales, $i) {\n @include breakpoints.desktop {\n --line-width: #{map.get($desktop-scales, $i)};\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}\n\n@mixin generate-font-scales($name) {\n $mobile-scales: null;\n $tablet-scales: null;\n $tablet-line-height-scales: null;\n $desktop-skeleton-height-scales: null;\n $mobile-skeleton-height-scales: null;\n\n // reading view skeletons mapping\n @if map.has-key($skeleton-height-map, $name) {\n $desktop-skeleton-height-scales: get-scales(\n $name,\n \"desktop\",\n $skeleton-height-map\n );\n $mobile-skeleton-height-scales: get-scales(\n $name,\n \"mobile\",\n $skeleton-height-map\n );\n } @else {\n $desktop-skeleton-height-scales: get-scales(\n \"default\",\n \"desktop\",\n $skeleton-height-map\n );\n $mobile-skeleton-height-scales: get-scales(\n \"default\",\n \"mobile\",\n $skeleton-height-map\n );\n }\n\n // line heights mapping\n @if map.has-key($line-heights-map, $name) {\n $tablet-line-height-scales: get-scales($name, \"tablet\", $line-heights-map);\n } @else {\n $tablet-line-height-scales: get-scales(\n \"default\",\n \"tablet\",\n $line-heights-map\n );\n }\n\n // font scales mapping\n @if map.has-key($scales-map, $name) {\n $mobile-scales: get-scales($name, \"mobile\", $scales-map);\n $tablet-scales: get-scales($name, \"tablet\", $scales-map);\n } @else {\n $mobile-scales: get-scales(\"default\", \"mobile\", $scales-map);\n $tablet-scales: get-scales(\"default\", \"tablet\", $scales-map);\n }\n\n @for $i from 1 through constants.$maximum-font-step {\n .#{$name}-font-size-#{$i} {\n --skeleton-height: #{map.get($mobile-skeleton-height-scales, $i)};\n --font-size: #{map.get($mobile-scales, $i)};\n --line-height: normal;\n @include breakpoints.tablet {\n --font-size: #{map.get($tablet-scales, $i)};\n --line-height: #{map.get($tablet-line-height-scales, $i)};\n --skeleton-height: #{map.get($desktop-skeleton-height-scales, $i)};\n }\n font-size: var(--font-size);\n }\n }\n}\n\n// Sets a max-width based on the device width. Inspired by the bootstrap container (https://getbootstrap.com/docs/5.0/layout/containers/).\n$large-device-width-ratio: 95