123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344 |
- "use strict";
- Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
- value: true
- });
- exports.default = void 0;
- exports.isPluginRequired = isPluginRequired;
- exports.transformIncludesAndExcludes = void 0;
- var _semver = require("semver");
- var _debug = require("./debug.js");
- var _filterItems = require("./filter-items.js");
- var _moduleTransformations = require("./module-transformations.js");
- var _normalizeOptions = require("./normalize-options.js");
- var _shippedProposals = require("./shipped-proposals.js");
- var _pluginsCompatData = require("./plugins-compat-data.js");
- var _babelPluginPolyfillCorejs = require("babel-plugin-polyfill-corejs3");
- var _babel7Plugins = require("./polyfills/babel-7-plugins.cjs");
- var _helperCompilationTargets = require("@babel/helper-compilation-targets");
- var _availablePlugins = require("./available-plugins.js");
- var _helperPluginUtils = require("@babel/helper-plugin-utils");
- const pluginCoreJS3 = _babelPluginPolyfillCorejs.default || _babelPluginPolyfillCorejs;
- function isPluginRequired(targets, support) {
- return (0, _helperCompilationTargets.isRequired)("fake-name", targets, {
- compatData: {
- "fake-name": support
- }
- });
- }
- function filterStageFromList(list, stageList) {
- return Object.keys(list).reduce((result, item) => {
- if (!stageList.has(item)) {
- result[item] = list[item];
- }
- return result;
- }, {});
- }
- const pluginLists = {
- withProposals: {
- withoutBugfixes: _pluginsCompatData.plugins,
- withBugfixes: Object.assign({}, _pluginsCompatData.plugins, _pluginsCompatData.pluginsBugfixes)
- },
- withoutProposals: {
- withoutBugfixes: filterStageFromList(_pluginsCompatData.plugins, _shippedProposals.proposalPlugins),
- withBugfixes: filterStageFromList(Object.assign({}, _pluginsCompatData.plugins, _pluginsCompatData.pluginsBugfixes), _shippedProposals.proposalPlugins)
- }
- };
- function getPluginList(proposals, bugfixes) {
- if (proposals) {
- if (bugfixes) return pluginLists.withProposals.withBugfixes;else return pluginLists.withProposals.withoutBugfixes;
- } else {
- if (bugfixes) return pluginLists.withoutProposals.withBugfixes;else return pluginLists.withoutProposals.withoutBugfixes;
- }
- }
- const getPlugin = pluginName => {
- const plugin = _availablePlugins.default[pluginName]();
- if (!plugin) {
- throw new Error(`Could not find plugin "${pluginName}". Ensure there is an entry in ./available-plugins.js for it.`);
- }
- return plugin;
- };
- const transformIncludesAndExcludes = opts => {
- return opts.reduce((result, opt) => {
- const target = opt.match(/^(es|es6|es7|esnext|web)\./) ? "builtIns" : "plugins";
- result[target].add(opt);
- return result;
- }, {
- all: opts,
- plugins: new Set(),
- builtIns: new Set()
- });
- };
- exports.transformIncludesAndExcludes = transformIncludesAndExcludes;
- function getSpecialModulesPluginNames(modules, shouldTransformDynamicImport) {
- const modulesPluginNames = [];
- if (modules) {
- modulesPluginNames.push(_moduleTransformations.default[modules]);
- }
- if (shouldTransformDynamicImport) {
- if (modules && modules !== "umd") {
- modulesPluginNames.push("transform-dynamic-import");
- } else {
- console.warn("Dynamic import can only be transformed when transforming ES" + " modules to AMD, CommonJS or SystemJS.");
- }
- }
- {
- if (!shouldTransformDynamicImport) {
- modulesPluginNames.push("syntax-dynamic-import");
- }
- modulesPluginNames.push("syntax-top-level-await");
- modulesPluginNames.push("syntax-import-meta");
- }
- return modulesPluginNames;
- }
- const getCoreJSOptions = ({
- useBuiltIns,
- corejs,
- polyfillTargets,
- include,
- exclude,
- proposals,
- shippedProposals,
- debug
- }) => ({
- method: `${useBuiltIns}-global`,
- version: corejs ? corejs.toString() : undefined,
- targets: polyfillTargets,
- include,
- exclude,
- proposals,
- shippedProposals,
- debug,
- "#__secret_key__@babel/preset-env__compatibility": {
- noRuntimeName: true
- }
- });
- {
- var getPolyfillPlugins = ({
- useBuiltIns,
- corejs,
- polyfillTargets,
- include,
- exclude,
- proposals,
- shippedProposals,
- regenerator,
- debug
- }) => {
- const polyfillPlugins = [];
- if (useBuiltIns === "usage" || useBuiltIns === "entry") {
- const pluginOptions = getCoreJSOptions({
- useBuiltIns,
- corejs,
- polyfillTargets,
- include,
- exclude,
- proposals,
- shippedProposals,
- debug
- });
- if (corejs) {
- {
- if (useBuiltIns === "usage") {
- if (corejs.major === 2) {
- polyfillPlugins.push([_babel7Plugins.pluginCoreJS2, pluginOptions], [_babel7Plugins.legacyBabelPolyfillPlugin, {
- usage: true
- }]);
- } else {
- polyfillPlugins.push([pluginCoreJS3, pluginOptions], [_babel7Plugins.legacyBabelPolyfillPlugin, {
- usage: true,
- deprecated: true
- }]);
- }
- if (regenerator) {
- polyfillPlugins.push([_babel7Plugins.pluginRegenerator, {
- method: "usage-global",
- debug
- }]);
- }
- } else {
- if (corejs.major === 2) {
- polyfillPlugins.push([_babel7Plugins.legacyBabelPolyfillPlugin, {
- regenerator
- }], [_babel7Plugins.pluginCoreJS2, pluginOptions]);
- } else {
- polyfillPlugins.push([pluginCoreJS3, pluginOptions], [_babel7Plugins.legacyBabelPolyfillPlugin, {
- deprecated: true
- }]);
- if (!regenerator) {
- polyfillPlugins.push([_babel7Plugins.removeRegeneratorEntryPlugin, pluginOptions]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return polyfillPlugins;
- };
- {
- exports.getPolyfillPlugins = getPolyfillPlugins;
- }
- }
- function getLocalTargets(optionsTargets, ignoreBrowserslistConfig, configPath, browserslistEnv) {
- if (optionsTargets != null && optionsTargets.esmodules && optionsTargets.browsers) {
- console.warn(`
- @babel/preset-env: esmodules and browsers targets have been specified together.
- \`browsers\` target, \`${optionsTargets.browsers.toString()}\` will be ignored.
- `);
- }
- return (0, _helperCompilationTargets.default)(optionsTargets, {
- ignoreBrowserslistConfig,
- configPath,
- browserslistEnv
- });
- }
- function supportsStaticESM(caller) {
- return !!(caller != null && caller.supportsStaticESM);
- }
- function supportsDynamicImport(caller) {
- return !!(caller != null && caller.supportsDynamicImport);
- }
- function supportsExportNamespaceFrom(caller) {
- return !!(caller != null && caller.supportsExportNamespaceFrom);
- }
- var _default = exports.default = (0, _helperPluginUtils.declarePreset)((api, opts) => {
- api.assertVersion(7);
- const babelTargets = api.targets();
- ;
- const {
- bugfixes,
- configPath,
- debug,
- exclude: optionsExclude,
- forceAllTransforms,
- ignoreBrowserslistConfig,
- include: optionsInclude,
- modules: optionsModules,
- shippedProposals,
- targets: optionsTargets,
- useBuiltIns,
- corejs: {
- version: corejs,
- proposals
- },
- browserslistEnv
- } = (0, _normalizeOptions.default)(opts);
- {
- var {
- loose,
- spec = false
- } = opts;
- }
- let targets = babelTargets;
- if (_semver.lt(api.version, "7.13.0") || opts.targets || opts.configPath || opts.browserslistEnv || opts.ignoreBrowserslistConfig) {
- {
- var hasUglifyTarget = false;
- if (optionsTargets != null && optionsTargets.uglify) {
- hasUglifyTarget = true;
- delete optionsTargets.uglify;
- console.warn(`
- The uglify target has been deprecated. Set the top level
- option \`forceAllTransforms: true\` instead.
- `);
- }
- }
- targets = getLocalTargets(optionsTargets, ignoreBrowserslistConfig, configPath, browserslistEnv);
- }
- const transformTargets = forceAllTransforms || hasUglifyTarget ? {} : targets;
- const include = transformIncludesAndExcludes(optionsInclude);
- const exclude = transformIncludesAndExcludes(optionsExclude);
- const compatData = getPluginList(shippedProposals, bugfixes);
- const modules = optionsModules === "auto" ? api.caller(supportsStaticESM) ? false : "commonjs" : optionsModules;
- const shouldTransformDynamicImport = optionsModules === "auto" ? !api.caller(supportsDynamicImport) : !!modules;
- if (!exclude.plugins.has("transform-export-namespace-from") && (optionsModules === "auto" ? !api.caller(supportsExportNamespaceFrom) : !!modules)) {
- include.plugins.add("transform-export-namespace-from");
- }
- const pluginNames = (0, _helperCompilationTargets.filterItems)(compatData, include.plugins, exclude.plugins, transformTargets, getSpecialModulesPluginNames(modules, shouldTransformDynamicImport), !loose ? undefined : ["transform-typeof-symbol"], _shippedProposals.pluginSyntaxMap);
- if (shippedProposals) {
- (0, _filterItems.addProposalSyntaxPlugins)(pluginNames, _shippedProposals.proposalSyntaxPlugins);
- }
- (0, _filterItems.removeUnsupportedItems)(pluginNames, api.version);
- (0, _filterItems.removeUnnecessaryItems)(pluginNames, _pluginsCompatData.overlappingPlugins);
- const polyfillPlugins = getPolyfillPlugins({
- useBuiltIns,
- corejs,
- polyfillTargets: targets,
- include: include.builtIns,
- exclude: exclude.builtIns,
- proposals,
- shippedProposals,
- regenerator: pluginNames.has("transform-regenerator"),
- debug
- });
- const pluginUseBuiltIns = useBuiltIns !== false;
- const plugins = Array.from(pluginNames).map(pluginName => {
- if (pluginName === "transform-class-properties" || pluginName === "transform-private-methods" || pluginName === "transform-private-property-in-object") {
- return [getPlugin(pluginName), {
- loose: loose ? "#__internal__@babel/preset-env__prefer-true-but-false-is-ok-if-it-prevents-an-error" : "#__internal__@babel/preset-env__prefer-false-but-true-is-ok-if-it-prevents-an-error"
- }];
- }
- if (pluginName === "syntax-import-attributes") {
- return [getPlugin(pluginName), {
- deprecatedAssertSyntax: true
- }];
- }
- return [getPlugin(pluginName), {
- spec,
- loose,
- useBuiltIns: pluginUseBuiltIns
- }];
- }).concat(polyfillPlugins);
- if (debug) {
- console.log("@babel/preset-env: `DEBUG` option");
- console.log("\nUsing targets:");
- console.log(JSON.stringify((0, _helperCompilationTargets.prettifyTargets)(targets), null, 2));
- console.log(`\nUsing modules transform: ${optionsModules.toString()}`);
- console.log("\nUsing plugins:");
- pluginNames.forEach(pluginName => {
- (0, _debug.logPlugin)(pluginName, targets, compatData);
- });
- if (!useBuiltIns) {
- console.log("\nUsing polyfills: No polyfills were added, since the `useBuiltIns` option was not set.");
- }
- }
- return {
- plugins
- };
- });
- {
- exports.getModulesPluginNames = ({
- modules,
- transformations,
- shouldTransformESM,
- shouldTransformDynamicImport,
- shouldTransformExportNamespaceFrom
- }) => {
- const modulesPluginNames = [];
- if (modules !== false && transformations[modules]) {
- if (shouldTransformESM) {
- modulesPluginNames.push(transformations[modules]);
- }
- if (shouldTransformDynamicImport) {
- if (shouldTransformESM && modules !== "umd") {
- modulesPluginNames.push("transform-dynamic-import");
- } else {
- console.warn("Dynamic import can only be transformed when transforming ES" + " modules to AMD, CommonJS or SystemJS.");
- }
- }
- }
- if (shouldTransformExportNamespaceFrom) {
- modulesPluginNames.push("transform-export-namespace-from");
- }
- if (!shouldTransformDynamicImport) {
- modulesPluginNames.push("syntax-dynamic-import");
- }
- if (!shouldTransformExportNamespaceFrom) {
- modulesPluginNames.push("syntax-export-namespace-from");
- }
- modulesPluginNames.push("syntax-top-level-await");
- modulesPluginNames.push("syntax-import-meta");
- return modulesPluginNames;
- };
- }
- //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map