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Collection of useful functions


npm i @gilbarbara/helpers
import { unique } from '@gilbarbara/helpers';

const password = unique(24, { includeSymbols: true });
console.log(password); // g9HBfQeeOgrP.V1?JhETxn9P



createArray(size: number, start: number = 1): number[]
Create a sequential array of numbers.

getRandomItem<T>(input: T[]): T
Get a random item from an array.

quickSort<T extends string | number>(input: T[]): T[]
Sort an array of numbers using a quick sort algorithm.

shuffle<T = unknown>(input: T[]): T[]
Shuffle an array using the Fisher-Yates algorithm.

sortByLocaleCompare(key?: string, options?: Intl.CollatorOptions & { descending?: boolean }): SortFunction
Returns a sort function with localeCompare comparison.

Type Definition
interface SortFunction<T = string> {
  (left: PlainObject, right: PlainObject): number;
  (left: T, right: T): number;

// with an array of strings
const strings = ['Mãe', 'limão', 'cachê', 'tião', 'amô', 'côncavo'];
// [ 'amô', 'cachê', 'côncavo', 'limão', 'Mãe', 'tião' ]

// with an array of objects
const objects = [{ key: 'réservé' }, { key: 'Premier' }, { key: 'Cliché' }, { key: 'communiqué' }, { key: 'café' }, { key: 'Adieu' }];
objects.sort(sortByLocaleCompare('key', { descending: true }));
  { key: 'réservé' },
  { key: 'Premier' },
  { key: 'communiqué' },
  { key: 'Cliché' },
  { key: 'café' },
  { key: 'Adieu' }

sortByPrimitive<T extends number | boolean>(key?: string, descending?: boolean = false): SortFunction
Returns a sort function with primitive values comparison.

Type Definition
interface SortFunction<T = string> {
  (left: PlainObject, right: PlainObject): number;
  (left: T, right: T): number;

const objects = [{ cycle: 3, status: true }, { cycle: 1, status: false }, { cycle: 3, status: true }, { cycle: 4, status: false }];
objects.sort(sortByPrimitive('status', true));
  { cycle: 3, status: true },
  { cycle: 3, status: true },
  { cycle: 1, status: false },
  { cycle: 4, status: false }

sortComparator(left: string | number, right: string | number): number
Basic sort comparator.

splitIntoChunks<T>(array: T[], chunkSize: number = 25): T[][]
Split an array into chunks.


A constant with possible async statuses.

cors(data: any, statusCodeOrOptions: number | CorsOptions = 200): CorsResponse
Returns a CORS response.

Type Definition
type HttpMethods = 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PATCH' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE';

interface CorsOptions {
  /** @default true */
  allowCredentials?: boolean;
  /** @default [] */
  allowedHeaders?: string[];
  /** @default ['GET'] */
  methods?: HttpMethods[];
  /** @default * */
  origin?: string;
  responseHeaders?: Record<string, string>;
  /** @default 200 */
  statusCode?: number;

interface CorsResponse {
  body: string;
  headers: Record<string, string>;
  statusCode: number;

poll(condition: () => boolean, options?: PollOptions): Promise<void>
Awaits for the condition to be true based on the options.

Type Definition
interface PollOptions {
  delay?: number; // 1 (seconds)
  maxRetries?: number; // 5 (seconds)

request(url: string, options?: RequestOptions): Promise<D>
Perform an async request.

Type Definition
type HttpMethods = 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PATCH' | 'PUT' | 'DELETE';

interface RequestOptions {
  body?: any;
  headers?: PlainObject;
  method?: HttpMethods;

You will need a polyfill if your Node version does not support fetch.

sleep(seconds?: number = 1): Promise<void>
Block async execution for X seconds.


isIsoDate(input?: string): boolean
Check if the input is an ISO date.

isoDate(input?: string | number): string
Returns an ISO date.

isValidDate(input: string | number | Date): boolean
Check if the input is a valid date.

now(): number
Returns a unix timestamp (seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC).

timeSince(input: Date | string | number, options?: TimeSinceOptions): string
Returns how much time has passed since the input date.
You can change the locale with the options.

If the plural form just adds an s to the end, you don't need to pass it. It will add it automatically.

Type Definition
interface TimeSinceOptions {
  day?: string; // day
  days?: string;
  hour?: string; // hour
  hours?: string;
  minute?: string; // minute
  minutes?: string;
  month?: string; // month
  months?: string;
  prefix?: string;
  second?: string; // second
  seconds?: string;
  skipWeeks?: boolean; // true
  suffix?: string; // ago
  week?: string; // week
  weeks?: string;
  year?: string; // year
  years?: string;

timeSince(twoDaysAgo) // 2 days ago
timeSince(twoWeeksAgo, { skipWeeks: true }) // 14 days ago
timeSince(twoDaysAgo, { day: 'Tag', days: 'Tage', prefix: 'Vor', suffix:'' }) // Vor 2 Tage
timeSince(twoWeeeksAgo, { suffix: 'atrás', week: 'semana' }) // 2 semanas atrás

timestamp(input?: Date | string): number
Get the timestamp for a date.


isDarkMode(): boolean
Detect if the device is in dark mode.

isTouchDevice(): boolean
Detect if the device supports touch events.

prefersReducedMotion(): boolean
Detect if the user prefers reduced motion.


formatBoolean(input: boolean): 'Yes' | 'No'
Format the boolean into Yes / No.

formatCPF(input: string): string
Format the string into a CPF.

formatDateLocale(input: string, options?: FormatDateLocaleOptions): string
Format the ISO date string using locale.

Type Definition
interface FormatDateLocaleOptions {
  locale?: string; // > 'en-GB'
  showTime?: boolean; // > false

formatMoney(input: number, options?: FormatMoneyOptions): string
Format the number into a money string.

Type Definition
interface FormatMoneyOptions {
  decimalChar?: ',' | '.'; // > '.'
  showCents?: boolean; // > false
  symbol?: string; // > '$'
  thousandsChar?: ',' | '.'; // > ','

formatPhoneBR(input: string): string
Format the string into a brazilian phone.

formatPhoneUS(input: string): string
Format the string into a US phone.

formatPostalCodeBR(value: string): string
Format the string into a brazilian zip code.


demethodize(fn: Function): Function
Decouple the method from the prototype.

measureExecutionTime<T = any>(callback: Function): Promise<T>
Measure function execution time.

noop(): void
An empty function that does nothing.

once<T extends (...arguments_: Array<any>) => any>(fn: T): T
Creates a function that will only be called once.
Repeat calls return the value of the first invocation.

pipe<T>(...functions: Array<(argument: T) => T>)
Combine multiple functions into one.
The output of each function is passed as the input to the next.


conditional<TReturn>(cases: Array<Case<TReturn>>, defaultCase?: () => TReturn): TReturn | undefined
A replacement for switch statements with dynamic expressions cases.

Type Definition
type Case<T = void> = [boolean, () => T];

let type: string = '';

    [type === 'a', () => console.log('a')],
    [[type].includes('b'), () => console.log('b')],
    [type === 'c', () => console.log('c')],
  () => console.log('default'),

copyToClipboard(input: string): Promise<boolean>
Copy the string to the clipboard.

const toLocaleString = demethodize(Number.prototype.toLocaleString);
const numbers = [2209.6, 124.56, 1048576];; // ['2,209.6', '124.56', '1,048,576']

getDataType(input: unknown, toLowerCase = false): string
Get the data type of variable.

getDataType([1, 2, 3]); // Array
getDataType(/\d+/); // RegExp
getDataType(() => {}, true) // function

invariant(condition: any, message: string): asserts condition
Check if the value is truthy. Otherwise, it will throw.

isJSON(input: string): boolean
Check if a string is a valid JSON.

isRequired(input?: string = 'parameter', type: Constructable = TypeError): void
Throws an error of the Constructable type.

function exec(input: string = isRequired('input')) {}
exec() // Throws an TypeError with '"input" is required'

function evaluate(input: string = isRequired('input', SyntaxError)) {}
exec() // Throws an SyntaxError with '"input" is required'

logger(type: string, title: string, data: any, options?: LoggerOptions): void
Log grouped messages to the console.

Type Definition
interface LoggerOptions {
  collapsed?: boolean; // true
  hideTimestamp?: boolean; // false
  skip?: boolean; // false
  typeColor?: string; // 'gray'

nullify<T>(value: T): T | null
Returns the value or null.

popupCenter(url: string, title: string, width: number, height: number): Window | null
Open a centered popup window and returns it.

px(value: string | number | undefined): string | undefined
Convert a number or numeric value to px.
Otherwise, return the value.

unique(length?: number = 8, options?: UniqueOptions): string
Returns a random string.

Type Definition
interface UniqueOptions {
  includeLowercase?: boolean; // true
  includeNumbers?: boolean; // true
  includeSymbols?: boolean; // false
  includeUppercase?: boolean; // true

uuid(): string
Returns a UUID v4 string.


ceil(input: number, digits?: number = 2): number
Ceil decimal numbers.

clamp(value: number, min?: number = 0, max?: number = 100): number
Limit the number between ranges.

floor(input: number, digits?: number = 2): number
Floor decimal numbers.

pad(input: number, digits?: number = 2): string
Pad a number with zeros.

randomInt(min?: number = 0, max?: number = 10): number
Returns a random integer.

round(input: number, digits?: number = 2): number
Round decimal numbers.


cleanUpObject(input: PlainObject): PlainObject
Remove properties with undefined values from an object.

getNestedProperty(input: PlainObject | any[], path: string): any
Get a nested property inside an object or array.

getNestedProperty({ children: { letters: ['a', 'b', 'c'] } }, 'children.letters');
// returns ['a', 'b', 'c']
getNestedProperty({ children: { letters: ['a', 'b', 'c'] } }, 'children.letters.1');
// returns 'b'
getNestedProperty([{ a: 5 }, { a: 7 }, { a: 10 }], '0.a');
// returns 5

You may also use a wildcard (+) to get multiple array values:

getNestedProperty([{ a: 5 }, { a: 7 }, { a: 10 }], '+.a');
// returns [5, 7, 10]
getNestedProperty({ children: [{ a: 5 }, { a: 7 }, { a: 10 }] }, 'children.+.a');
// returns [5, 7, 10]

invertKeys(input: PlainObject): PlainObject
Invert object key and value.

keyMirror(input: PlainObject): PlainObject
Set the key as the value.

mergeProps(defaultProps: TDefaultProps, props: TProps): TProps
Merges the defaultProps with literal values with the incoming props, removing undefined values from it that would override the defaultProps.
The result is a type-safe object with the defaultProps as required properties.

objectEntries<T extends PlainObject<any>>(input: T): Array<{ [K in keyof T]-?: [K, T[K]] }[keyof T]>
Type-safe Object.entries().

objectKeys<T extends PlainObject<any>(input: T): Array<keyof T>
Type-safe Object.keys().

objectToArray(input: PlainObject, includeOnly?: string): Array<PlainObject>
Convert an object to an array of objects.

omit<T extends PlainObject, K extends keyof T>(input: T, ...filter: K[]): PlainObject
Remove properties from an object.

pick<T extends PlainObject, K extends keyof T>(input: T, ...filter: K[]): PlainObject
Select properties from an object.

queryStringFormat(input: PlainObject, options?: QueryStringFormatOptions): string
Stringify a shallow object into a query string.

Type Definition
interface QueryStringFormatOptions {
  addPrefix?: boolean;
  encodeValuesOnly?: boolean;
  encoder?: (uri: string) => string;

queryStringParse(input: string): PlainObject
Parse a query string.

sortObjectKeys(input: PlainObject): PlainObject
Sort object keys.


mean(input: number[], precision?: number): number
Returns the average of two or more numbers.

median(input: number[]): number
Returns the median of two or more numbers.

mode(input: number[]): number
Returns the mode of two or more numbers.


capitalize(input: string): string
Capitalize the first letter.

cleanupHTML(input: string): string
Clean up HTML content.

cleanupNumericString(input: string): string
Clean up a numeric string.

cleanupURI(input: string): string
Clean up URI characters.

getInitials(input: string): string
Get initials from the name.

pluralize(singular: string, plural: string | undefined, quantity: number): string
Returns the singular or plural based on the quantity.

If the plural form just adds an s to the end, you don't need to pass it. It will add it automatically.

removeAccents(input: string): string
Remove accents.

removeEmojis(input: string): string
Remove emojis.

removeEmptyTags(input: string): string
Remove empty HTML Tags (including whitespace).

removeNonPrintableCharacters(input: string): string
Remove non-printable ASCII characters.

removeTags(input: string): string
Remove HTML tags.

removeWhitespace(input: string): string
Remove whitespace.

slugify(input: string): string
Format the string into a slug.


isValidCPF(value: string): boolean
Check if the CPF is valid.

isValidEmail(value: string): boolean
Check if the email is valid.

validatePassword(password: string, options?: ValidatePasswordOptions): boolean
Validate password length and required characters.

interface ValidatePasswordOptions {
  maxLength?: string;
  maxLengthMessage?: string;
  minLength?: string;
  minLengthMessage?: string;
  regex?: RegExp;
  requiredCharactersMessage?: string;
