123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408 |
- var ve = (e, t, r) => {
- if (!t.has(e))
- throw TypeError("Cannot " + r);
- };
- var s = (e, t, r) => (ve(e, t, "read from private field"), r ? r.call(e) : t.get(e)), d = (e, t, r) => {
- if (t.has(e))
- throw TypeError("Cannot add the same private member more than once");
- t instanceof WeakSet ? t.add(e) : t.set(e, r);
- }, c = (e, t, r, i) => (ve(e, t, "write to private field"), i ? i.call(e, r) : t.set(e, r), r);
- import { createTimer as v, createSlice as o, Container as Se, Clock as We, Ctx as Ye } from "@milkdown/ctx";
- import { Schema as $e, DOMParser as qe, Node as He } from "@milkdown/prose/model";
- import de from "remark-parse";
- import he from "remark-stringify";
- import { unified as le } from "unified";
- import { ctxCallOutOfScope as Pe, docTypeError as Je, callCommandBeforeEditorView as Fe } from "@milkdown/exception";
- import { ParserState as Ge, SerializerState as Qe } from "@milkdown/transformer";
- import { PluginKey as Re, Plugin as be, EditorState as Ue } from "@milkdown/prose/state";
- import { EditorView as Xe } from "@milkdown/prose/view";
- import { customInputRules as Ze } from "@milkdown/prose";
- import { chainCommands as xe, deleteSelection as et, joinBackward as tt, selectNodeBackward as rt, baseKeymap as st } from "@milkdown/prose/commands";
- import { undoInputRule as it } from "@milkdown/prose/inputrules";
- import { keymap as nt } from "@milkdown/prose/keymap";
- function k(e, t) {
- return e.meta = {
- package: "@milkdown/core",
- group: "System",
- ...t
- }, e;
- }
- const De = {
- strong: (e, t, r, i) => {
- const n = e.marker || r.options.strong || "*", a = r.enter("strong"), h = r.createTracker(i);
- let m = h.move(n + n);
- return m += h.move(
- r.containerPhrasing(e, {
- before: m,
- after: n,
- ...h.current()
- })
- ), m += h.move(n + n), a(), m;
- },
- emphasis: (e, t, r, i) => {
- const n = e.marker || r.options.emphasis || "*", a = r.enter("emphasis"), h = r.createTracker(i);
- let m = h.move(n);
- return m += h.move(
- r.containerPhrasing(e, {
- before: m,
- after: n,
- ...h.current()
- })
- ), m += h.move(n), a(), m;
- }
- }, L = v("ConfigReady");
- function ot(e) {
- const t = (r) => (r.record(L), async () => (await e(r), r.done(L), () => {
- r.clearTimer(L);
- }));
- return k(t, {
- displayName: "Config"
- }), t;
- }
- const M = v("InitReady"), G = o([], "initTimer"), ke = o({}, "editor"), ue = o([], "inputRules"), N = o([], "prosePlugins"), pe = o([], "remarkPlugins"), fe = o([], "nodeView"), ye = o([], "markView"), P = o(le().use(de).use(he), "remark"), Q = o({
- handlers: De
- }, "remarkStringifyOptions");
- function at(e) {
- const t = (r) => (r.inject(ke, e).inject(N, []).inject(pe, []).inject(ue, []).inject(fe, []).inject(ye, []).inject(Q, {
- handlers: De
- }).inject(P, le().use(de).use(he)).inject(G, [L]).record(M), async () => {
- await r.waitTimers(G);
- const i = r.get(Q);
- return r.set(P, le().use(de).use(he, i)), r.done(M), () => {
- r.remove(ke).remove(N).remove(pe).remove(ue).remove(fe).remove(ye).remove(Q).remove(P).remove(G).clearTimer(M);
- };
- });
- return k(t, {
- displayName: "Init"
- }), t;
- }
- const R = v("SchemaReady"), U = o([], "schemaTimer"), b = o({}, "schema"), X = o([], "nodes"), Z = o([], "marks");
- function Te(e) {
- var t;
- return {
- ...e,
- parseDOM: (t = e.parseDOM) == null ? void 0 : t.map((r) => ({ priority: e.priority, ...r }))
- };
- }
- const Ee = (e) => (e.inject(b, {}).inject(X, []).inject(Z, []).inject(U, [M]).record(R), async () => {
- await e.waitTimers(U);
- const t = e.get(P), i = e.get(pe).reduce((m, f) => m.use(f.plugin, f.options), t);
- e.set(P, i);
- const n = Object.fromEntries(e.get(X).map(([m, f]) => [m, Te(f)])), a = Object.fromEntries(e.get(Z).map(([m, f]) => [m, Te(f)])), h = new $e({ nodes: n, marks: a });
- return e.set(b, h), e.done(R), () => {
- e.remove(b).remove(X).remove(Z).remove(U).clearTimer(R);
- };
- });
- k(Ee, {
- displayName: "Schema"
- });
- const W = v("ParserReady"), Ie = () => {
- throw Pe();
- }, Y = o(Ie, "parser"), x = o([], "parserTimer"), Ve = (e) => (e.inject(Y, Ie).inject(x, [R]).record(W), async () => {
- await e.waitTimers(x);
- const t = e.get(P), r = e.get(b);
- return e.set(Y, Ge.create(r, t)), e.done(W), () => {
- e.remove(Y).remove(x).clearTimer(W);
- };
- });
- k(Ve, {
- displayName: "Parser"
- });
- const $ = v("SerializerReady"), ee = o([], "serializerTimer"), Me = () => {
- throw Pe();
- }, te = o(Me, "serializer"), Ne = (e) => (e.inject(te, Me).inject(ee, [R]).record($), async () => {
- await e.waitTimers(ee);
- const t = e.get(P), r = e.get(b);
- return e.set(te, Qe.create(r, t)), e.done($), () => {
- e.remove(te).remove(ee).clearTimer($);
- };
- });
- k(Ne, {
- displayName: "Serializer"
- });
- const re = o("", "defaultValue"), V = o({}, "editorState"), se = o((e) => e, "stateOptions"), ie = o([], "editorStateTimer"), q = v("EditorStateReady");
- function ct(e, t, r) {
- if (typeof e == "string")
- return t(e);
- if (e.type === "html")
- return qe.fromSchema(r).parse(e.dom);
- if (e.type === "json")
- return He.fromJSON(r, e.value);
- throw Je(e);
- }
- const mt = new Re("MILKDOWN_STATE_TRACKER");
- function dt(e) {
- const t = xe(
- it,
- et,
- tt,
- rt
- );
- return e.Backspace = t, e;
- }
- const _e = (e) => (e.inject(re, "").inject(V, {}).inject(se, (t) => t).inject(ie, [W, $, J]).record(q), async () => {
- await e.waitTimers(ie);
- const t = e.get(b), r = e.get(Y), i = e.get(ue), n = e.get(se), a = e.get(N), h = e.get(re), m = ct(h, r, t), f = [
- ...a,
- new be({
- key: mt,
- state: {
- init: () => {
- },
- apply: (Be, F, ft, Le) => {
- e.set(V, Le);
- }
- }
- }),
- Ze({ rules: i }),
- nt(dt(st))
- ];
- e.set(N, f);
- const B = n({
- schema: t,
- doc: m,
- plugins: f
- }), l = Ue.create(B);
- return e.set(V, l), e.done(q), () => {
- e.remove(re).remove(V).remove(se).remove(ie).clearTimer(q);
- };
- });
- k(_e, {
- displayName: "EditorState"
- });
- const ne = v("EditorViewReady"), H = o({}, "editorView"), oe = o([], "editorViewTimer"), ae = o({}, "editorViewOptions"), ce = o(null, "root"), we = o(null, "rootDOM"), ge = o({}, "rootAttrs");
- function ht(e, t) {
- const r = document.createElement("div");
- r.className = "milkdown", e.appendChild(r), t.set(we, r);
- const i = t.get(ge);
- return Object.entries(i).forEach(([n, a]) => r.setAttribute(n, a)), r;
- }
- function lt(e) {
- e.classList.add("editor"), e.setAttribute("role", "textbox");
- }
- const ut = new Re("MILKDOWN_VIEW_CLEAR"), ze = (e) => (e.inject(ce, document.body).inject(H, {}).inject(ae, {}).inject(we, null).inject(ge, {}).inject(oe, [q]).record(ne), async () => {
- await e.wait(M);
- const t = e.get(ce) || document.body, r = typeof t == "string" ? document.querySelector(t) : t;
- e.update(N, (f) => [
- new be({
- key: ut,
- view: (B) => {
- const l = r ? ht(r, e) : void 0;
- return (() => {
- if (l && r) {
- const F = B.dom;
- r.replaceChild(l, F), l.appendChild(F);
- }
- })(), {
- destroy: () => {
- l != null && l.parentNode && (l == null || l.parentNode.replaceChild(B.dom, l)), l == null || l.remove();
- }
- };
- }
- }),
- ...f
- ]), await e.waitTimers(oe);
- const i = e.get(V), n = e.get(ae), a = Object.fromEntries(e.get(fe)), h = Object.fromEntries(e.get(ye)), m = new Xe(r, {
- state: i,
- nodeViews: a,
- markViews: h,
- ...n
- });
- return lt(m.dom), e.set(H, m), e.done(ne), () => {
- m == null || m.destroy(), e.remove(ce).remove(H).remove(ae).remove(we).remove(ge).remove(oe).clearTimer(ne);
- };
- });
- k(ze, {
- displayName: "EditorView"
- });
- var T, g;
- class Ke {
- constructor() {
- d(this, T, void 0);
- d(this, g, void 0);
- c(this, T, new Se()), c(this, g, null), this.setCtx = (t) => {
- c(this, g, t);
- };
- }
- get ctx() {
- return s(this, g);
- }
- /// Register a command into the manager.
- create(t, r) {
- const i = t.create(s(this, T).sliceMap);
- return i.set(r), i;
- }
- get(t) {
- return s(this, T).get(t).get();
- }
- remove(t) {
- return s(this, T).remove(t);
- }
- call(t, r) {
- if (s(this, g) == null)
- throw Fe();
- const n = this.get(t)(r), a = s(this, g).get(H);
- return n(a.state, a.dispatch, a);
- }
- }
- T = new WeakMap(), g = new WeakMap();
- function Et(e = "cmdKey") {
- return o(() => () => !1, e);
- }
- const je = o(new Ke(), "commands"), me = o([R], "commandsTimer"), J = v("CommandsReady"), Ae = (e) => {
- const t = new Ke();
- return t.setCtx(e), e.inject(je, t).inject(me, [R]).record(J), async () => (await e.waitTimers(me), e.done(J), () => {
- e.remove(je).remove(me).clearTimer(J);
- });
- };
- k(Ae, {
- displayName: "Commands"
- });
- var pt = /* @__PURE__ */ ((e) => (e.Idle = "Idle", e.OnCreate = "OnCreate", e.Created = "Created", e.OnDestroy = "OnDestroy", e.Destroyed = "Destroyed", e))(pt || {}), j, p, y, D, _, z, u, w, O, K, S, E, A, C, I;
- const Ce = class Ce {
- constructor() {
- d(this, j, void 0);
- d(this, p, void 0);
- d(this, y, void 0);
- d(this, D, void 0);
- d(this, _, void 0);
- d(this, z, void 0);
- d(this, u, void 0);
- d(this, w, void 0);
- d(this, O, void 0);
- d(this, K, void 0);
- d(this, S, void 0);
- d(this, E, void 0);
- d(this, A, void 0);
- d(this, C, void 0);
- d(this, I, void 0);
- c(this, j, !1), c(this, p, "Idle"), c(this, y, []), c(this, D, () => {
- }), c(this, _, new Se()), c(this, z, new We()), c(this, u, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), c(this, w, /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), c(this, O, new Ye(s(this, _), s(this, z))), c(this, K, () => {
- const t = ot(async (i) => {
- await Promise.all(s(this, y).map((n) => n(i)));
- }), r = [
- Ee,
- Ve,
- Ne,
- Ae,
- _e,
- ze,
- at(this),
- t
- ];
- s(this, S).call(this, r, s(this, w));
- }), c(this, S, (t, r) => {
- t.forEach((i) => {
- const n = s(this, O).produce(s(this, j) ? i.meta : void 0), a = i(n);
- r.set(i, { ctx: n, handler: a, cleanup: void 0 });
- });
- }), c(this, E, (t, r = !1) => Promise.all(
- [t].flat().map((i) => {
- const n = s(this, u).get(i), a = n == null ? void 0 : n.cleanup;
- return r ? s(this, u).delete(i) : s(this, u).set(i, { ctx: void 0, handler: void 0, cleanup: void 0 }), typeof a == "function" ? a() : a;
- })
- )), c(this, A, async () => {
- await Promise.all([...s(this, w).entries()].map(([t, { cleanup: r }]) => typeof r == "function" ? r() : r)), s(this, w).clear();
- }), c(this, C, (t) => {
- c(this, p, t), s(this, D).call(this, t);
- }), c(this, I, (t) => [...t.entries()].map(async ([r, i]) => {
- const { ctx: n, handler: a } = i;
- if (!a)
- return;
- const h = await a();
- t.set(r, { ctx: n, handler: a, cleanup: h });
- })), this.enableInspector = (t = !0) => (c(this, j, t), this), this.onStatusChange = (t) => (c(this, D, t), this), this.config = (t) => (s(this, y).push(t), this), this.removeConfig = (t) => (c(this, y, s(this, y).filter((r) => r !== t)), this), this.use = (t) => {
- const r = [t].flat();
- return r.flat().forEach((i) => {
- s(this, u).set(i, {
- ctx: void 0,
- handler: void 0,
- cleanup: void 0
- });
- }), s(this, p) === "Created" && s(this, S).call(this, r, s(this, u)), this;
- }, this.remove = async (t) => s(this, p) === "OnCreate" ? (console.warn("[Milkdown]: You are trying to remove plugins when the editor is creating, this is not recommended, please check your code."), new Promise((r) => {
- setTimeout(() => {
- r(this.remove(t));
- }, 50);
- })) : (await s(this, E).call(this, [t].flat(), !0), this), this.create = async () => s(this, p) === "OnCreate" ? this : (s(this, p) === "Created" && await this.destroy(), s(this, C).call(this, "OnCreate"), s(this, K).call(this), s(this, S).call(this, [...s(this, u).keys()], s(this, u)), await Promise.all(
- [
- s(this, I).call(this, s(this, w)),
- s(this, I).call(this, s(this, u))
- ].flat()
- ), s(this, C).call(this, "Created"), this), this.destroy = async (t = !1) => s(this, p) === "Destroyed" || s(this, p) === "OnDestroy" ? this : s(this, p) === "OnCreate" ? new Promise((r) => {
- setTimeout(() => {
- r(this.destroy(t));
- }, 50);
- }) : (t && c(this, y, []), s(this, C).call(this, "OnDestroy"), await s(this, E).call(this, [...s(this, u).keys()], t), await s(this, A).call(this), s(this, C).call(this, "Destroyed"), this), this.action = (t) => t(s(this, O)), this.inspect = () => s(this, j) ? [...s(this, w).values(), ...s(this, u).values()].map(({ ctx: t }) => {
- var r;
- return (r = t == null ? void 0 : t.inspector) == null ? void 0 : r.read();
- }).filter((t) => !!t) : (console.warn("[Milkdown]: You are trying to collect inspection when inspector is disabled, please enable inspector by `editor.enableInspector()` first."), []);
- }
- /// Create a new editor instance.
- static make() {
- return new Ce();
- }
- /// Get the ctx of the editor.
- get ctx() {
- return s(this, O);
- }
- /// Get the status of the editor.
- get status() {
- return s(this, p);
- }
- };
- j = new WeakMap(), p = new WeakMap(), y = new WeakMap(), D = new WeakMap(), _ = new WeakMap(), z = new WeakMap(), u = new WeakMap(), w = new WeakMap(), O = new WeakMap(), K = new WeakMap(), S = new WeakMap(), E = new WeakMap(), A = new WeakMap(), C = new WeakMap(), I = new WeakMap();
- let Oe = Ce;
- export {
- Ke as CommandManager,
- J as CommandsReady,
- L as ConfigReady,
- Oe as Editor,
- q as EditorStateReady,
- pt as EditorStatus,
- ne as EditorViewReady,
- M as InitReady,
- W as ParserReady,
- R as SchemaReady,
- $ as SerializerReady,
- Ae as commands,
- je as commandsCtx,
- me as commandsTimerCtx,
- ot as config,
- Et as createCmdKey,
- re as defaultValueCtx,
- ke as editorCtx,
- _e as editorState,
- V as editorStateCtx,
- se as editorStateOptionsCtx,
- ie as editorStateTimerCtx,
- ze as editorView,
- H as editorViewCtx,
- ae as editorViewOptionsCtx,
- oe as editorViewTimerCtx,
- ct as getDoc,
- at as init,
- G as initTimerCtx,
- ue as inputRulesCtx,
- ye as markViewCtx,
- Z as marksCtx,
- fe as nodeViewCtx,
- X as nodesCtx,
- Ve as parser,
- Y as parserCtx,
- x as parserTimerCtx,
- N as prosePluginsCtx,
- P as remarkCtx,
- pe as remarkPluginsCtx,
- Q as remarkStringifyOptionsCtx,
- ge as rootAttrsCtx,
- ce as rootCtx,
- we as rootDOMCtx,
- Ee as schema,
- b as schemaCtx,
- U as schemaTimerCtx,
- Ne as serializer,
- te as serializerCtx,
- ee as serializerTimerCtx
- };
- //# sourceMappingURL=index.es.js.map