123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214 |
- var G = (p, h, n) => {
- if (!h.has(p))
- throw TypeError("Cannot " + n);
- };
- var r = (p, h, n) => (G(p, h, "read from private field"), n ? n.call(p) : h.get(p)), c = (p, h, n) => {
- if (h.has(p))
- throw TypeError("Cannot add the same private member more than once");
- h instanceof WeakSet ? h.add(p) : h.set(p, n);
- }, o = (p, h, n, t) => (G(p, h, "write to private field"), t ? t.call(p, n) : h.set(p, n), n);
- import { stackOverFlow as L, parserMatchError as W, createNodeInParserFail as X, serializerMatchError as Y } from "@milkdown/exception";
- import { Mark as D } from "@milkdown/prose/model";
- class Q {
- }
- class U {
- constructor() {
- this.elements = [], this.size = () => this.elements.length, this.top = () => this.elements.at(-1), this.push = (h) => {
- var n;
- (n = this.top()) == null || n.push(h);
- }, this.open = (h) => {
- this.elements.push(h);
- }, this.close = () => {
- const h = this.elements.pop();
- if (!h)
- throw L();
- return h;
- };
- }
- }
- class B extends Q {
- constructor(h, n, t) {
- super(), this.type = h, this.content = n, this.attrs = t;
- }
- push(h, ...n) {
- this.content.push(h, ...n);
- }
- pop() {
- return this.content.pop();
- }
- static create(h, n, t) {
- return new B(h, n, t);
- }
- }
- var d, N, O, T, F, k, M;
- const S = class S extends U {
- /// @internal
- constructor(n) {
- super();
- c(this, d, void 0);
- c(this, N, void 0);
- c(this, O, void 0);
- c(this, T, void 0);
- c(this, F, void 0);
- c(this, k, void 0);
- c(this, M, void 0);
- o(this, d, D.none), o(this, N, (t) => t.isText), o(this, O, (t, s) => {
- if (r(this, N).call(this, t) && r(this, N).call(this, s) && D.sameSet(t.marks, s.marks))
- return this.schema.text(t.text + s.text, t.marks);
- }), o(this, T, (t) => {
- const s = Object.values({ ...this.schema.nodes, ...this.schema.marks }).find((e) => e.spec.parseMarkdown.match(t));
- if (!s)
- throw W(t);
- return s;
- }), o(this, F, (t) => {
- const s = r(this, T).call(this, t);
- s.spec.parseMarkdown.runner(this, t, s);
- }), this.injectRoot = (t, s, e) => (this.openNode(s, e), this.next(t.children), this), this.openNode = (t, s) => (this.open(B.create(t, [], s)), this), o(this, k, () => {
- o(this, d, D.none);
- const t = this.close();
- return r(this, M).call(this, t.type, t.attrs, t.content);
- }), this.closeNode = () => (r(this, k).call(this), this), o(this, M, (t, s, e) => {
- const i = t.createAndFill(s, e, r(this, d));
- if (!i)
- throw X(t, s, e);
- return this.push(i), i;
- }), this.addNode = (t, s, e) => (r(this, M).call(this, t, s, e), this), this.openMark = (t, s) => {
- const e = t.create(s);
- return o(this, d, e.addToSet(r(this, d))), this;
- }, this.closeMark = (t) => (o(this, d, t.removeFromSet(r(this, d))), this), this.addText = (t) => {
- const s = this.top();
- if (!s)
- throw L();
- const e = s.pop(), i = this.schema.text(t, r(this, d));
- if (!e)
- return s.push(i), this;
- const a = r(this, O).call(this, e, i);
- return a ? (s.push(a), this) : (s.push(e, i), this);
- }, this.build = () => {
- let t;
- do
- t = r(this, k).call(this);
- while (this.size());
- return t;
- }, this.next = (t = []) => ([t].flat().forEach((s) => r(this, F).call(this, s)), this), this.toDoc = () => this.build(), this.run = (t, s) => {
- const e = t.runSync(t.parse(s), s);
- return this.next(e), this;
- }, this.schema = n;
- }
- };
- d = new WeakMap(), N = new WeakMap(), O = new WeakMap(), T = new WeakMap(), F = new WeakMap(), k = new WeakMap(), M = new WeakMap(), S.create = (n, t) => {
- const s = new S(n);
- return (e) => (s.run(t, e), s.toDoc());
- };
- let H = S;
- const q = class q extends Q {
- constructor(h, n, t, s = {}) {
- super(), this.type = h, this.children = n, this.value = t, this.props = s, this.push = (e, ...i) => {
- this.children || (this.children = []), this.children.push(e, ...i);
- }, this.pop = () => {
- var e;
- return (e = this.children) == null ? void 0 : e.pop();
- };
- }
- };
- q.create = (h, n, t, s = {}) => new q(h, n, t, s);
- let J = q;
- const Z = (p) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(p, "size");
- var l, v, A, E, w, j, x, R, m, g, C, P;
- const z = class z extends U {
- /// @internal
- constructor(n) {
- super();
- c(this, l, void 0);
- c(this, v, void 0);
- c(this, A, void 0);
- c(this, E, void 0);
- c(this, w, void 0);
- c(this, j, void 0);
- c(this, x, void 0);
- c(this, R, void 0);
- c(this, m, void 0);
- c(this, g, void 0);
- c(this, C, void 0);
- c(this, P, void 0);
- o(this, l, D.none), o(this, v, (t) => {
- const s = Object.values({ ...this.schema.nodes, ...this.schema.marks }).find((e) => e.spec.toMarkdown.match(t));
- if (!s)
- throw Y(t.type);
- return s;
- }), o(this, A, (t) => r(this, v).call(this, t).spec.toMarkdown.runner(this, t)), o(this, E, (t, s) => r(this, v).call(this, t).spec.toMarkdown.runner(this, t, s)), o(this, w, (t) => {
- const { marks: s } = t, e = (u) => u.type.spec.priority ?? 50;
- [...s].sort((u, f) => e(u) - e(f)).every((u) => !r(this, E).call(this, u, t)) && r(this, A).call(this, t), s.forEach((u) => r(this, P).call(this, u));
- }), o(this, j, (t, s) => {
- var f;
- if (t.type === s || ((f = t.children) == null ? void 0 : f.length) !== 1)
- return t;
- const e = (y) => {
- var I;
- if (y.type === s)
- return y;
- if (((I = y.children) == null ? void 0 : I.length) !== 1)
- return null;
- const [b] = y.children;
- return b ? e(b) : null;
- }, i = e(t);
- if (!i)
- return t;
- const a = i.children ? [...i.children] : void 0, u = { ...t, children: a };
- return u.children = a, i.children = [u], i;
- }), o(this, x, (t) => {
- const { children: s } = t;
- return s && (t.children = s.reduce((e, i, a) => {
- if (a === 0)
- return [i];
- const u = e.at(-1);
- if (u && u.isMark && i.isMark) {
- i = r(this, j).call(this, i, u.type);
- const { children: f, ...y } = i, { children: b, ...I } = u;
- if (i.type === u.type && f && b && JSON.stringify(y) === JSON.stringify(I)) {
- const V = {
- ...I,
- children: [...b, ...f]
- };
- return e.slice(0, -1).concat(r(this, x).call(this, V));
- }
- }
- return e.concat(i);
- }, [])), t;
- }), o(this, R, (t) => {
- const s = {
- ...t.props,
- type: t.type
- };
- return t.children && (s.children = t.children), t.value && (s.value = t.value), s;
- }), this.openNode = (t, s, e) => (this.open(J.create(t, void 0, s, e)), this), o(this, m, () => {
- const t = this.close();
- return r(this, g).call(this, t.type, t.children, t.value, t.props);
- }), this.closeNode = () => (r(this, m).call(this), this), o(this, g, (t, s, e, i) => {
- const a = J.create(t, s, e, i), u = r(this, x).call(this, r(this, R).call(this, a));
- return this.push(u), u;
- }), this.addNode = (t, s, e, i) => (r(this, g).call(this, t, s, e, i), this), o(this, C, (t, s, e, i) => t.isInSet(r(this, l)) ? this : (o(this, l, t.addToSet(r(this, l))), this.openNode(s, e, { ...i, isMark: !0 }))), o(this, P, (t) => {
- t.isInSet(r(this, l)) && (o(this, l, t.type.removeFromSet(r(this, l))), r(this, m).call(this));
- }), this.withMark = (t, s, e, i) => (r(this, C).call(this, t, s, e, i), this), this.closeMark = (t) => (r(this, P).call(this, t), this), this.build = () => {
- let t = null;
- do
- t = r(this, m).call(this);
- while (this.size());
- return t;
- }, this.next = (t) => Z(t) ? (t.forEach((s) => {
- r(this, w).call(this, s);
- }), this) : (r(this, w).call(this, t), this), this.toString = (t) => t.stringify(this.build()), this.run = (t) => (this.next(t), this), this.schema = n;
- }
- };
- l = new WeakMap(), v = new WeakMap(), A = new WeakMap(), E = new WeakMap(), w = new WeakMap(), j = new WeakMap(), x = new WeakMap(), R = new WeakMap(), m = new WeakMap(), g = new WeakMap(), C = new WeakMap(), P = new WeakMap(), z.create = (n, t) => {
- const s = new z(n);
- return (e) => (s.run(e), s.toString(t));
- };
- let K = z;
- export {
- H as ParserState,
- K as SerializerState,
- U as Stack,
- Q as StackElement
- };
- //# sourceMappingURL=index.es.js.map